Beiträge von Tschonko

    Hallo Dau,
    silverstone ist ein reiner Silverplay ähnlich Silver Wheaton, nur die Hälfte billiger.
    Silberpreis fiel ja nicht, darum blieb sie hoch.
    Hab relativ wenig davon, dafür Spitzenpreis zu 1,67€.

    FR auf 10??? Wär froh, wenn sie die 5,6 anstandslos schaffen.
    Aber in der Aktie wird es immer volatil bleiben.
    Hätt gern ein paar genommen zu 2,3€.
    Bin aber mit meinen 2 Tradingpositionen zu 2,85€ auch zufrieden.
    Die Grundposition bleibt weiter tabu.

    ECU sollte heut oder morgen rausrücken, haben sie versprochen.
    Oder kriegen wir eine neue Ausrede.
    Hast du dir die Tabelle "zugemutet"?
    (Siehe vor ein paar Tagen!)


    Die Ursache des Crash´s liegt hier:…ond-Insurers-Collapsing-3

    AMBAC wurde das triple A genommen. Also nur noch AA.
    Das ist ein Versicherer für Immobilienkredite.
    Citibank schrieb nur 15 Mille ab, jetzt könnten sie so um die 40 Mille abschreiben, geplant waren 50.
    Das kommt dann Anfang April.

    Das ist alles nicht so wild zur Zeit, richtig wild wird´s erst später...... :D
    Ich seh also doch noch meine rally, hähä.......
    Nur die 14 Tage abwärts hatte ich nicht eingeplant.

    Von der selben Seite:
    Ein Bericht von der Vancouver Resource Investment Conference :…lish-on-Gold-and-Silver-3

    Undervalued mexican silver miners kaufen, heißt´s da.
    Wer kann ein paar nennen?
    OK kriegt heut auch kräftig eins auf die Mütze, übrigens....

    Was mir auch auffällt: genau vor einem Jahr hatten die Ölaktien Tiefstkurse.
    Da peilte man 40$ an..... :D
    Ich glaub, heuer lauft´s ähnlich....


    Nugget, hab erst jetzt dein Posting gesehen
    EXM: wo soll die noch hingehen?
    Was haben wir für eine MC?
    Eines d e r Rätsel!
    Bei NPG und FCO lief´s damals ähnlich, nur da hatte ich Geld zum Kaufen, was mir jetzt fehlt.
    Soo, und jetzt verprügle ich mich.... :D

    du bist gut. Wenn es 3 tage komplett mies war.........
    Das war komplett absurd, was da ablief u n d wohl weiter abläuft.
    Stimme dir zu, die Flaschen braucht man nicht mehr aufstocken, die muss man so nach und nach entsorgen.

    Das Depot ist bei mir eine Baustelle: hab zu viel Werte, die ich aufstocken müsste, weil es so dann nicht mehr rentabel wird.
    Wenn eine um 50% gefallen ist, muss sie um 100% steigen. Dann bin ich aber erst pari.
    Das wird schwierig. Andererseits hat man immer wieder Sachen zum Abschreiben.
    Muss mir aber ersdt ein Spielkapital durch Verkäufe holen.
    Jaaa, und was sind die Qualitätswerte??

    Nochmal der Hinweis: die ist echt super!
    "Ab Seite 8:
    Interessant ist die Tabelle: Vergleich Anstieg sei 12/07, 15.8.07 und low Juni 06 und low 5/05
    Kann man auch momentane Stärke sehen wie bei scorpio z.B."

    Heute konnte man super Schnäppchen machen in D: bei KXL uind FR.TO zum Beispiel. (2,25 Tiestkurs, geschlossen 2,95) :D
    Leider kein Cah.

    Zur Zinssenkung: aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben.
    Aber bringt ein bisserl Luft.

    Hab ich bei stockhouse gefunden: Interessante Theorie.
    Erwähnte Seite:

    This is excerpt from J B Willie, newsletter Golden Jackass,,,this guy is by far the most accurate newsletter I read,,,excellent,,,and he writes about the majors shorting the juniors so they can get them cheap.
    "Mexico Mike suggests that Barrick Gold might be a ringleader, directing gold mining sector collusion. Their Board of Directors include Papa George Bush, hardly a fellow with mining experience or the best motives for gold. Barrick CEO Gregory Wilkins plays to the gold crowd, with “Global mining supply is going to decrease at a much faster rate than people generally believe.” MMike reasons that Barrick might have a mission to short the junior mining stocks on a broad basis, as an adjunct mission to their own illicit hedge book program intended to suppress the gold price. Naked shorting of stocks is more common than realized in Canadian mining firms. Barrick lied in a grand manner in summer 2007, never covered their hedge book, only covered ongoing mines, with half their peak hedge book position still exposed. Yet Barrick masquerades as a favorite large cap gold mining stock in the sector. As majors corner the investment flow of funds on the stock equity side, they can easily use their own higher priced stocks in buyouts of juniors, all in time. This would deprive junior stock investors of their due reward for finding ripe ore deposits. The climax suspicion comes from the NovaGold story, as they successfully defended themselves from a hostile Barrick takeover, only to find themselves on the losing end of an altered engineering estimate for costs at the Galore Creek copper-gold project with Teck Cominco. Suddenly the NovaGold stock price is cut in half. Punishment? Who knows? Watch upcoming acquisition takeover stories. Mexico Mike calls this the biggest market rigging scam of the century."


    Konnte heut den halben Tag nicht rein. Servas Server!

    3 Months Ending 31 December 2007


    Conrad Silver Project, NSW

    An initial resource estimate has been completed for the area drilled near the King Conrad Shaft.

    The resource amounts to approximately 10.4 million ounces of silver equivalent.

    This is a substantial part of what will be required to justify reopening the Conrad Mine.

    Preliminary metallurgical results are encouraging.

    The Greisen Lode contains significant native silver.

    Regional exploration on the Conrad tenements has identified attractive additional targets.

    Good grades of silver, lead and zinc are indicated, while some new prospects contain significant molybdenum, bismuth and/or tin.

    Drilling to expand the mineral resource at Conrad will resume in early February.

    Mt Isa Region Copper Projects, Qld.

    · A drilling program commenced at Volga was terminated prematurely due to unsatisfactory performance by the drilling contractor.

    · Only four holes were completed before suspension of the program.

    · Three of those holes intersected interesting copper and/or gold values.

    Other Projects

    · Evaluation of new gravity concentration technology promises to enhance scope for production at Elsmore and elsewhere.

    · Oberon Project converted to a financial interest in a new IPO.


    Exploration expenditure during the Quarter was approximately $715,000.
    Placement raises $5.7 million.

    Andrew J. Cooke
    Company Secretary
    Malachite Resources NL
    Tel: + 61 2 9411 6033
    Fax: + 61 2 9411 6066
    Mob: 0412 090 826

    Hallo Nugget,
    ja wird nicht anders gehen als mit Umschichten.
    Ich hab definitiv eine Baustelle, schau mir das aber noch so ca 10 Tage an.

    Wird ein schwieriges Jahr, das hab ich schon gesehen.
    Weiß überhaupt noch nicht, wie ich das angeh/handle with care.....

    Dern Aktienmarkt wird´s heuer gröber erwischen (wann??) und da gehen wir mit......
    Übernahmen sollte es auch geben, da bin ich auch sicher dabei. Müsst ein Zufall sein, wenn nicht......

    Hamilton Silver 08…ilton/hamilton011808.html

    einige Kandidaten findest du auch hier ab Seite 7.

    Ab Seite 8:
    Interessant ist die Tabelle: Vergleich Anstieg sei 12/07, 15.8.07 und low Juni 06.
    Kann man auch momentane Stärke sehen wie bei scorpio z.B.…be-2-01-14-Kursexzsse.pdf


    na sicher wirkt Bier nur temporär.
    Aber das ist doch schon was....
    23.1. od. 28.1. spätestens dreht es.

    Mein depot ist jetzt gut 10% im Minus in 2008.
    Zu lange gewartet heißt weiter warten.
    Das ist nervend.

    Gestern hat es die EXM weiter gechnittert. Brr.
    Und nullo Cash..., das ist bitter.
    Und die Hänger werden mehr.
    Aber es gibt auch ein paar rausreißer.
    Könnten aber mehr sein.....

    Aurcana: netter Bericht

    wo ist der pro aurum shop in Wien?
    FR.TO sehen wir heuer sicher noch bei ca 7....... :D

    hört sich gut an.
    Mit Gratisaktien ORO Silber wär es noch besser.....


    Auuweehzwick, Borat,
    ich versteh gar nix.

    Dass ich gold nicht essen kann, wie wahr.
    Nach einem Phili mit Kauspuren bin ich auf Lutschen übergegangen.
    So als Training nach den Dritten....

    Ihr kriegt ja eine Saukälte in Kazachstan, hab ich gehört.
    Also zieh dich warm an! :D
    Das gilt für uns bei den Minen auch.....


    Yale Starts Phase II Trenching Program at Carol Property
    Thursday January 17, 1:48 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 17, 2008 -- Yale Resources Ltd. (CDNX:YLL.V - News) (Frankfurt:YAB.F - News) is pleased to announce that it has started the phase II exploration program at the Carol Property, located in southern Sonora State, Mexico. This program will include detailed mapping of the key mineralized zones as well as a planned 500 metres of trenching. The goal of this program is to determine if the various mineralized zones previously sampled may form a bulk tonnage oxidized copper-zinc +/- gold-silver deposit.

    The phase II exploration program will follow up on the results of the 2007 phase 1 program (summarized below and originally released in news release dated Nov. 27, 2007.) To date the Company has shown that the Carol property hosts two skarn zones: Balde South and Balde North. The Balde South measures approximately 1,100 metres long and 400 metres wide, while the Balde North, located 800 metres away, measures approximately 300 metres by 800 metres.

    Within the Balde South skarn mapping and sampling has identified two key zones with visible copper oxide mineralization. The first is approximately 30 by 30 metres and contains several small exploratory workings. Sampling in this area returned a weighted average of 1.73 % Cu, 3.13 % Zn, 11.99 g/t Ag, and 0.21 g/t Au over an average width of 5.33 metres.

    The second area, located 500 metres to the south -- still within the Balde South skarn, measures approximately 300 metres by 200 metres. Six samples collected with average widths of 2.9 metres returned a weighted average of 1.54 % Cu, 0.55 % Zn, 10.39 g/t Ag, and 0.35 g/t Au. The upside potential for the Balde South skarn is demonstrated by sample 33, located some 300 to the east, which graded of 1.73 % Cu, 13.65 % Zn, 0.77 g/t Au, and 7.47 g/t Ag over 4.0 metres.

    Irregularly spaced chip channel sampling within the centre of the Balde North skarn, over an area approximately 50 metres by 25 metres, returned a weighted average of 0.84 % Cu, 2.38 % Zn, 0.10 g/t Au and 4.57 g/t Ag with an average sample widths of 2.3 metres.

    Within the Balde North skarn is the Escondida shear zone from which a sample averaged 2.13 % Cu, 0.74 % Zn, 2.26 g/t Au, and 51.6 g/t Ag over 6.0 metres.

    The Carol property is approximately 4 km north of Frontera Copper Corp.'s (Toronto:FCC.TO - News) Piedras Verdes heap leach copper mine. The deposit is reported to have in excess of 200 million tonnes averaging .36% Cu with recent news announcing that increased ore reserves will add approximately two additional years to the mine life. Due to the proximity to Piedras Verdes, the Carol property has excellent infrastructure.

    Ian Foreman, P.Geo, is the Qualified Person, according to National Instrument 43-101, for the Carol Property and is responsible for the technical data mentioned in this news release.

    On behalf of the Board,

    "Ian Foreman"
    Ian Foreman, P.Geo.

    Hallo emoba,
    na da sitzt du eh angenehm..... :D

    Zur Zeit ist es eine Arschpartie......
    Mir schnittert es auch schon mehrere ordentlich zusammen.
    Erwarte trotzdem noch immer eine rally, kann mir das auch nicht erklären wieso.
    Aber wenn sie nich die nächsten 10 Tage einsetzt, begrab ich den Glauben.

    Na, ich hock da nicht vorm PC, ich geh Essen gib mir beste Roma Musik.
    Gestern war´s die "Fanfare Ciocarla". Und dann ins Bett, he,he... :D

    seh das weniger bedrohlich bei EXN. aber bei dem markt...... :D
    Da wird die EXN auch geschnittert.

    Und Dau, reg dich nicht zu viel auf.
    Bums a paar kühle Blonde, das beruhigt ungemein.
    Kontraindikation: starker Harndrang.
    Gibt man diesem nach, himmlische Entspannung..... :D

    Es wird scho wieder werd´n....
    sagt zumiondest T., Master of Desaster

    Scorpio mit respektablen Drilling Ergebnissen in der Santa Teresa.…io_santa_teresa.html?.v=1

    Scorpio's Underground Drilling of Santa Teresa Deposit Reports 32.8 metres grading 324 g/t Ag, 5.32% Zn, 0.30% Cu, 1.45% Pb and 10.1 metres grading 0.085 g/t Au and 269 g/t Ag, 7.04% Zn, 0.46% Cu, 7.26% Pb and 0.086 g/t Au
    Wednesday January 16, 12:57 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, Jan. 16 /CNW/ - Scorpio Mining Corporation (TSX:SPM - News) is pleased to report the first underground drill results targeting the Santa Teresa body from the 9th level of the Nuestra Senora ramp on its 100% owned Nuestra Senora project, Sinaloa State, Mexico.

    The Santa Teresa deposit mineralization is exposed at river level approximately 150 metres northeast of the Santo Domingo and 250 metres east of the Nuestra Senora deposit, both of which also outcrop at river level. The Candelaria deposit outcrops on the canyon wall 150 metres above the river level between the Santa Teresa and the Nuestra Senora.

    Peter J. Hawley, Chairman, CEO reports, "The previously reported surface drilling of the Santa Teresa deposit (see May 30, 2007 and June 27, 2007 news releases) was from one drill set up with holes drilled at various azimuths and dips to outline the preliminary extent of the mineralization and guide underground drilling. Surface hole NSS-07-81 intercepted 16.5 metres grading 116 g/t Au, 5.30% Zn, 0.28% Cu, 3.44% Pb and 0.207 g/t Au followed by 14.7 metres of 132 g/t Au, 3.61% Zn, 0.36% Cu, 3.02% Pb and 0.199 g/t Au.

    "Today's reported results are located approximately 180 metres vertically below surface and drilled horizontally from the 9th level. The intercepted mineralization lies only 17 metres from the haulage ramp and can be easily accessed for extraction. The exploration team is very excited by the results received and is focusing on follow-up drilling at the various levels based on three dimensional modelling of the mineralized zone."

    "The Company continues to focus on defining the known mineralized bodies to be incorporated into an integrated mine extraction plan while also successfully exploring at depth and peripheral to these bodies. Based on these early results, the Santa Teresa may have a size and grade similar to that of the Hoag Zone which is presently being extracted."...........................

    Mit der NER.V bin ich wieder am Einstand. Auch schööön....

    UC.V vermeldet, dass sie was vorhaben.


    hab auf seite 1 diese beiden angehängt.

    Timmins Gold Corp (TMM.V) ( (14.1.08)


    Vor allem west timmins könnte groß werden (Ontario und sierra madre)-

    Ist da wer von euch drin?


    FR.TO ist mal schön über die 5 gesurft.

    EDR mit rekord Produktion.…avour_q4_update.html?.v=1

    Orko (OK.V): Martha weiter schwanger.

    Tumi (TM.V) bohren unermüdlich weiter. (Mexico und Schweden (gefällt mir besser))

    Hallo heron,
    so jetzt haben wir endlich AMC.TO beim Contest. :D
    Lästig muss man sein.
    Du hast die Bandera, ich Newmac als Hänger.
    Stört mich nicht, weil da bin ich wenigstens real im Plus und wird nach einem jahr im Plus schließen, wenn ich mich nicht irre. :D.
    BGL ist bei mir ziemlich fett.........................., was mich stört.
    Gibt eine leicht Verwerfung im Depot, was man ja am Contest sehr schön sehen kann. Da kann man sich nicht so leicht selber verscheißern.......

    2 Überlegungen: mit Kurzzocks wie UC oder VMS, die zur zeit am Sprung sind, Gewinne einstreifen und mit 1 bis 2 positionen BGL glattstellen.
    Müsst dafür was anderes verkaufen.
    Oder ziemlich unten mit einer größeren Position noch reingehen, aber da hätt ich im Moment zu viele BGL.
    Radikal: alles weg und Verlust schreiben.
    Das hätt man sofort nach der meldung od. 1 Tag später schon machen sollen.

    BGL ist eine diffizile Geschichte, versteh die Motivation vom Barnett garnet(t). :D

    du solltest das "Grundsatzposting", das du neulich bei SLW eingestellt hast, auch hier einstellen.
    Da hast bedeutend mehr Leser.
    Fand ich ganz hervorragend.
    Ich bin da noch immer recht optimistisch in erwartung einer gröberen rally.
    Man muss sich auch eine MC von Google od. GE anschauen als Vergleich.

    ich hab mir die fantasiepreise bei Silber abgewöhnt.
    Wenn es bei einer Company bei 20 (die erwart ich heuer schon vorrübergehend)) nicht funktioniert, dann auch bei 25 nicht.
    Also was soll´s! :D


    hast du die BGL auch so oder nur im Contest.
    Da komm ich auch nicht rein ...., das heisst nur teilweise. 2 Seiten macht´s auf, den rest nicht.
    Wahrscheinlich ist das AMC.V noch iommer nichjt geändert.
    Jetzt krieg ich nicht mal mehr Antworten auf mails.
    Schwach, schwach, schwach.

    Die bandera hat sich doch noch nicht beruhigt, den rostigen nagel hab ich mir eintreten müssen.....ts, ts
    Wird einige zeit dauern, bis der rauseitert.... :D

    Impact upgrade: Gefällt mir sehr gut.


    Theres danger on the edge of town
    Ride the kings highway, baby
    Weird scenes inside the gold mine
    Ride the highway west, baby

    Extrem weird zur Zeit.
    Ich glaub, die minen werden extrem geshortet .....
    Einzige Chance, da noch geld zu machen, wenn POG und POS ausgebuchst sind...
    Sauhammeln! :D

    Wer sich die weird scenes akustisch und visuell geben will,
    dem seinen die folgenden links ans Herz gelegt:

    Is Everybody In?
    Weird scenes in the goldmine.
    A disturbing collection of clips to the music of the Doors, Jim Morrison's poetry and William S. Burroughs' voice.

    Mr. Mojo himself:


    PS: AMS.V und APE.V mit treibenden news........

    TEIL 2


    IMPACT won the 200-square-kilometer Mamatla District in a government auction in February 2007 and a dedicated field crew began work immediately. The district is located immediately adjacent to and southwest of Zacualpan. Mamatla is host to epithermal silver and base metal veins as well as volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") base and precious metal mineralization.

    Mamatla VMS Prospects

    Capire VMS Project

    The most advanced exploration targets at Mamatla are the Capire and Aurora 1 VMS Deposits which were discovered less than one kilometer apart and drilled by prior operators in the 1990's. In the auction bid document publicly released by the Mexican Geological Survey, the Capire deposit is described with an indicated resource of 1,154,500 tonnes grading 0.22g/t gold, 73g/t silver, 0.45% lead and 1.13% zinc in a near surface zone with potential for open pit mining and open for expansion. Several past drill highlights such as the following indicate that there are also higher grade portions to this deposit:

    Width Gold Silver Lead Zinc Copper
    (m) g/t g/t % % % Source
    4.0 2.66 430 2.88 7.18 0.35 See Valerie Gold Press
    Release dated April 3, 1997
    6.0 3.65 2218 2.38 5.67 0.66 See Valerie Gold Press
    Release dated May 22, 1996

    In the auction bid document publicly released by the Mexican Geological Survey, the Aurora 1 Deposit is described with an indicated resource of 194,000 tonnes grading 1.28g/t gold, 180g/t silver, 2.13% lead and 4.45% zinc. Some past drill highlights include:

    Width Gold Silver Lead Zinc Copper
    (m) g/t g/t % % % Source
    7.5 0.54 230 3.67 6.71 0.44 See Valerie Gold Press
    Release dated April 3, 1997
    1.0 0.65 693 4.16 6.85 1.28
    1.0 1.34 353 5.18 10.6 0.67

    IMPACT has not independently verified the resource estimates in this news release and the estimates are not compliant with NI 43-101 requirements, therefore they should not be relied upon. IMPACT has also not yet verified the results of the previous exploration assays quoted from news releases of Valerie Gold Resources (now Valgold Resources), a TSX Venture Exchange company. These news releases were issued in the 1990's and therefore readers are cautioned that the results as presented may not comply with current NI43-101 standards of disclosure. However IMPACT believes the historical resource estimates and drill results provide an indication of the potential of the Capire VMS Project and are relevant to IMPACT's plans for further exploration work.

    In December 2007 IMPACT drilled an initial four holes into the Capire Deposit. Assays have not yet been received but these holes did intersect the mineralized horizons as indicated by previous drilling. A further 3,000m of drilling is planned for the Capire and Aurora 1 Deposits in 2008 to outline mineral resources.

    Mamatla Epithermal Vein Prospects

    Since acquisition of the Mamatla project in February 2007, a dedicated exploration crew has discovered over 70 previously unidentified epithermal vein prospects and old mines. Initial results from this work include the following. Assays from other prospects are pending.

    Huatecosco Prospect

    IMPACT crews found two old mine workings at the historic Huatecosco Prospect located about 10 kilometers southwest of the Zacualpan mill. The lower working is a mine adit that has collapsed but a selected grab sample of vein material from the mine dump returned an assay of 409g/t silver, 5.41g/t gold, 0.9% zinc and 0.5% lead. Crews were able to enter the upper inclined shaft which leads to a small underground working on the vein in oxidized material. Sampling of the exposed vein returned 1.88g/t gold and 40g/t silver across 8.7m. Elsewhere in this working, assays were highly variable ranging up to 189g/t gold across 1.5m. IMPACT geologists conclude that this is a wide vein that has variable, locally very high gold grades in the near surface oxidized zone and more consistent silver and gold grades at depth. Plans are to open the lower adit and sample the vein at this lower level in preparation for future drilling.

    San Joaquin Prospect

    The San Joaquin Prospect is located 2.5 kilometers west of Huatecosco. A grab sample of vein material from the mine dump assayed 295g/t silver and 1.5% zinc. Plans are to map and sample this area and establish access to the old mine workings.

    San Carlos Area Prospects

    The ruins of the large historic San Carlos processing plant are located 13 kilometers southwest of IMPACT's operating Zacualpan processing plant. The San Carlos plant appears to have served as a central facility for processing minerals from local mines. At the site, IMPACT crews found seven piles of mineralized rocks varying from 20 - 500 tonnes in size. Samples from these rock piles assayed between 0.06 - 2.12% copper, 0.1 - 17.55% zinc, 0.1 - 11.45% lead, 46 - 836g/t silver and 0.2 - 8.65g/t gold. With the belief that these piles represent mineral collected from various nearby old mines, IMPACT crews began prospecting the surrounding countryside and discovered numerous old mine workings. Samples from some of the first workings discovered are reported below.

    Pirul Prospect

    The Pirul Prospect is comprised of old mine shafts and adits located 1 kilometer north of the San Carlos plant. Samples from the workings returned the following highlights:

    LOCATION WIDTH (m) (g/t) (%) (%)
    Sample from shaft 2.0 331 0.04 9.23
    Samples from adit located 65m southeast of shaft
    12m from entrance 1.0 285 5.31 6.88

    Gorrion Prospect

    The Gorrion Prospect is located 500m west of the Pirul Prospect. Samples from a dump beside a surface cut and a nearby outcrop returned the following values:

    Surface sample of vein 2.1 163

    Angel Prospect

    The Angel Prospect is located 3 kilometers northwest of the San Carlos plant. Highlights from a series of old shafts and small surface open cuts traced over 100m returned the following values:

    Average of 3 samples
    beside Shaft No. 1 0.9 331
    Sample from Shaft No. 2
    (30mNW of Shaft No. 1) 0.9 492

    San Nicolas del Cobre Prospects

    The San Nicolas del Cobre Prospects are found over a distance of 1 kilometer in the far northwest of the Mamatla District. Samples taken from old mine workings in the area returned the following values:

    LOCATION TW (m) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
    Amigo Shaft 1.0 1.67 123 0.5
    Enjambre Shaft 0.5 1.85 98 4.1

    Dedicated IMPACT crews continue to carry out Intermediate Term Exploration and reconnaissance work in the Mamatla District. Detailed field work in 2008 will begin in the Huatecosco area.


    IMPACT has a Comprehensive Agreement to purchase the Veta Grande Silver Project located historic Zacatecas Silver District of Mexico over a term of four years. The project is located 500 kilometers northwest of Mexico City and includes an operating 200 tonne-per-day processing plant and certain surface rights. During 2007 exploration focused on some of the 17 mineral concessions located within this district.

    100% IMPACT Concessions

    In 2007 IMPACT crews carried out a program of mapping and surface sampling on the Nueva Granada and Asturiana concessions which cover veins branching off the Veta Grande Vein system, the major silver producer in the district. Old plans indicate the veins on these concessions were mined over a length of 700m and to a depth of 150-200m on the IMPACT concessions.

    Field work in late 2007 focused on the San Jose and Armado Veins. The San Jose Vein crosses the concessions over a distance of 800m. Old mine workings and dumps mark the surface along its entire width. A total of six channel samples were collected from surface exposures of the vein and averaged 239g/t silver over 0.74m TW ranging to a high of 444g/t silver over 1.10m TW.

    The Armado Vein trends 100m west of and runs parallel to the San Jose Vein. It has been traced over a distance of 500m and is marked by old mine workings and dumps along its entire length. Channel samples collected from surface exposures of the vein located 130m apart assayed 237g/t silver over 1.92 TW and 1,320g/t silver over 0.30m TW. Two samples were collected at an old mine dump on the vein located 400m to the north. A sulphide-bearing sample assayed 358g/t silver and a sulphide-poor sample assayed 247g/t silver.

    Most of the other IMPACT concessions have medium to high grade rock dumps beside old mine workings that have not seen any modern exploration or drilling. These include the Cristian Mine where samples from surface dumps returned 310g/t silver, 24.2% lead and 8.0% zinc from a high grade stockpile. At the San Pascual a representative sample of the dump around the shaft assayed 875g/t silver. A representative sample from the dump beside the nearby Pirul shaft assayed 525g/t silver.

    Based upon the encouraging results from this initial field work, the known extensive old workings on the concessions and the close proximity to the processing plant, a first phase drill program is being planned in 2008.

    Zacatecas Joint Venture (Yale Resources)

    IMPACT optioned four of its Zacatecas concessions (San Sabino, Zacatecas, Salvador and San Jose) to Yale Resources. Under the agreement Yale may earn an interest in the concessions by making certain cash payments and completing certain work commitments. In mid-2007, a drill program was carried out on three concessions. In total four holes (501m) were drilled at San Jose and 12 holes (1,314m) were drilled at Salvador/Zacatecas. The best intersection assayed 1,340g/t silver over 0.80m at San Jose.


    The exploration budget for 2008 has been more than doubled in order to put some of the 700+ known prospects at the Zacualpan and Mamatla districts on a faster track to potential production. The exploration program will be funded through existing cash balances. Additional technical personnel were hired to carry out work ranging from green fields to advanced stage exploration. 2008 will begin with three dedicated field crews each led by a senior geologist working on the San Antonio, Mamatla and CPN Projects respectively. A prospecting team will continue reconnaissance work in the districts and a soil crew will begin the year sampling a large grid in the Cuchara-San Antonio Project areas Three geologists will also oversee both surface and underground drilling operations at Zacualpan and Capire (Mamatla). An initial phase of 12,000m of surface exploration drilling and 5,000m of underground drilling is planned. The purchase of a second wholly owned underground drill has also been budgeted. The GIS database compilation will also continue into 2008 with an emphasis put on district-wide interpretation.

    George Gorzynski, P.Eng., Vice President Exploration and a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical content of this news release. Drill core was NTW size (5.71cm diameter) and BTW size (4.20 cm diameter). Half core samples were collected with a rock saw and tagged for identification. Chip and channel samples were collected from cleaned rock faces over a continuous representative interval using a chisel and hammer. All samples were securely stored at the IMPACT base camp until shipment. A total of 5% assay standards and blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara (Mexico) where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada where a 30 gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10 gram split was analysed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry. Higher copper, zinc and lead values were done by wet assay methods.

    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, an advanced project with a producing mill at Zacatecas and the 200-square-kilometer advanced Mamatla District. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) who was the contractor for the drill programs, owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.

    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    Dieses Update ist vielleicht lang!
    IPT ist der reine Wahnsinn. :D

    Muss das erst in aller Ruhe lesen.

    TEIL 1
    IMPACT Silver Exploration Summary
    Thursday January 10, 7:18 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 10, 2008) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to provide a summary of its exploration activities in 2007 and plans for 2008. Most of IMPACT's exploration work was carried out at the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver District ("Zacualpan") and the adjacent Mamatla District in 2007. A smaller program took place in the Zacatecas Silver District.


    Zacualpan is located in central Mexico and consists of a 125-square-kilometer land package with wholly owned operating mines and a processing plant rated at 500 tonnes-per-day ("tpd") and currently operating at 300 tpd.

    Since 2004, IMPACT has been reporting results from a large number of old mine prospects at Zacualpan. To put the results of this extensive field work, historical information and assays in context and prioritize exploration targets, IMPACT hired a senior geological database expert in early 2007 to compile a computer GIS (Geographic Information System) database encompassing all past mining and exploration data in the Zacualpan and neighbouring Mamatla Districts. To date, over 750 old mine workings have been entered into the database, of these IMPACT exploration crews have sampled in detail 87. Of these, ten priority targets were drill tested resulting in the discovery of two new mines (Chivo and San Ramon). Five of the other ten targets returned economically significant results that will lead to further drilling. At this point, only about 10% of the Zacualpan property has seen detailed exploration.

    In 2008, an expanded drill budget including 12,000m of Phase 1 surface drilling and 5000m of underground drilling will continue to test targets. The field workforce has also been expanded to better tackle the more than 700 old mine workings that remain to be explored. Reconnaissance crews and prospectors continue to sample an expanded soil grid which will encompass an additional 12,000 samples in 2008 and more prospective old mine workings are being added to the existing data bank on a regular basis.

    Due to the vast size of the Zacualpan district, exploration activity is carried out as a series of projects, each with its own dedicated team. A summary of exploration work completed in 2007 is discussed below with target areas described as near term, intermediate term and long term production potential (see map at for locations).

    Near Term Exploration Targets (Less than one year horizon to potential production)

    Near Term Exploration targets are mainly located in the vicinity of active mine workings. Many of these targets are tested by the mine staff through underground sampling and IMPACT's wholly owned, continuously operating underground drill. The resulting samples are processed in a modern fully equipped laboratory that is located at the mine site. IMPACT does not routinely report assays from this underground sampling and drilling as the work is considered part of the daily management of mining operations.

    In 2007 underground Near Term Exploration focused on the Guadalupe, Gallega and Chivo Mines. The underground drill is presently testing extensions of known veins on Level 195m of the Guadalupe mine outlining new areas for production. Other parts of the mines are re-evaluated by underground channel sampling. For example the San Lorenzo Vein on Level 195 at Guadalupe returned nine underground samples averaging 444g/t silver, 1.3% lead and 2.6% zinc across 0.54m true width ("TW") along a strike length of 90m with the best sample assaying 1,040g/t silver, 0.8% lead and 2.3% zinc across 1.1m TW and is now included in production plans for 2008. Similarly, underground exploration combined with surface drilling at the nearby Gallega Mine in 2007 discovered several new veins that are now in production.

    Chivo Project

    The Chivo Mine is the newest addition to IMPACT's production profile. In early 2007 drill results from 18 holes in the Chivo Silver Shoot lead to a production decision. Highlights of this work included the following: 937g/t silver, 0.35g/t gold, 1.88% zinc and 0.75% lead across 2.7m TW (DH Z-06-10) and 378g/t silver, 0.30g/t gold, 4.25% zinc and 1.76% lead across 4.7m TW (DH Z07-03).

    In November 2007 the first underground workings reached the Chivo Silver Shoot. This shoot has since been exposed underground for a distance of 120m on the south end in preparation for commercial production. Underground sampling of this southern portion of the shoot has now been completed to NI43-101 standards and an additional five drill holes from surface have been completed to the north. Assays from this work are pending.

    Exploration of several nearby targets continues on the premise that any of them could be readily and quickly integrated into the Chivo Mine. One of them, the San Patricio Vein, located 600m west of the Chivo Mine, is a branch off the main Lipton Vein which is host to the producing Guadalupe Mine further to the north. Four drill holes at San Patricio in 2007 returned highlights of 242g/t silver across 4.6m TW and 935g/t silver and 2.14% zinc across 0.6m TW. Further drilling is planned at San Patricio to expand on these results and on other targets in the Chivo Project area in 2008.

    Intermediate Term Exploration Targets (1 to 3 year horizon to potential production)

    Significant effort is being given to Intermediate Term Exploration Targets. The latest success in this category is the silver-rich Chivo Mine which progressed from discovery sampling in September 2005 to first drill hole assays in October 2006 and to first production in November 2007. A variety of Intermediate Term Exploration Targets were explored in the district in 2007.

    San Antonio Project

    The San Antonio zone is located four kilometers southeast of the Zacualpan mill and 1350m northeast of the Chivo Mine. On surface it is marked by a large glory hole, two old adits and a foundation for an old processing plant. Highlights from the 11 hole drill program in 2007 include the following:

    TOP OF
    HOLE No. (m) TW (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
    SECTION 2000N
    Z07-15 53.5 2.9 7.81 3.76 50 0.91
    Including: 0.9 15.95 8.10 97 1.63
    Z06-22 47.4 1.1 4.09 4.46 118 5.12
    SECTION 2050N
    Z07-21 82.8 4.5 11.55 1.94 33 0.51
    Including: 1.8 16.53 1.63 25 0.55

    Further drilling is planned for the San Antonio Zone and other nearby veins in 2008 and soil sampling, prospecting and mapping are planned for the general San Antonio Project area.

    Cuchara Project

    The Cuchara Mine is located three kilometers east of the Zacualpan mill. The main shoot has been mined intermittently for hundreds of years and was last in production in 2004. Recent drilling tested the southern extension of the Cuchara Vein system beyond historic mining areas returning the following highlights:

    HOLE No. INTERCEPT (m) TW (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
    Z07-29 107.5 2.2 641 0.02 1.67 0.53
    Including: 0.6 1,340 0.02 2.27 0.80
    Z07-30 18.8 1.5 229 0.07 1.17 0.35

    In early 2007, a new discovery was also made at the nearby Oscar Vein:

    HOLE No. INTERCEPT (m) TW (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
    Z07-26 95.0 0.3 2,820 7.83 7.83 3.48

    Mapping and prospecting has identified a cluster of at least ten other veins with old workings in the Cuchara area. Data compilation and surface work are continuing in preparation for further drilling of these and other nearby veins.

    Pino Prospect

    The Pino Prospect lies on the Lipton Vein system. It is located 700m south of the Guadalupe Mine which has historically produced 10 million ounces of silver predominantly from the Lipton Vein. The Pino Prospect area is marked by a large soil anomaly and sparse old small mine workings. Highlights from drilling returned:

    HOLE No. INTERCEPT (m) TW (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
    Z06-19 125.5 4.9 8 0.06 1.84 0.59
    Including: 3.3 11 0.05 2.29 0.67
    Z06-21 63.6 2.7 84 0.09 2.67 0.64
    and: 1.7 109 0.11 3.58 0.84

    This initial test indicated this to be a zinc-rich prospect. The best holes (19 and 21) were both drilled near the valley bottom and indicate that metal values were increasing with depth in the vein structure. In late 2007 one additional hole was drilled to test this system to greater depth. Assays are pending. Additional drill sites have been prepared to further test this zone to depth in 2008.

    Longer Term Exploration Targets (3 to 5 year horizon to potential production)

    IMPACT field crews have been exploring various mineralized areas at Zacualpan with longer term production possibilities. The most significant of these is the CPN Gold-Copper Zone.

    CPN Gold-Copper Project

    The Carlos Pacheco-Nochebuena ("CPN") Project covers a sizeable target area within the larger Zacualpan District. It is located five kilometers southwest of the Zacualpan mill in the central portion of IMPACT's land holdings covering a 10-square-kilometer area of large-scale, well mineralized with Copper-Gold and Silver-Zinc-Lead veins. In early 2007 the first results of sampling in some old mine workings returned highlights of:

    LOCATION TW (m) (g/t) (%) (g/t)
    End of adit 2.7 14.6 0.46 58
    Including: 1.2 32.4 0.80 106
    8m from end of adit 2.4 5.9 0.70 80
    Including: 0.9 10.9 1.27 134

    The Cobre Prospect is an old adit located on the Pacheco Vein System 3.5 kilometers south of the Pacheco Prospect. Samples were collected in five places over the 25m exposed length of the vein in the adit and returned the following values:

    LOCATION TW (m) (g/t) (%) (g/t)
    Average of 5 samples along 25m
    exposed length of vein 1.0 1.2 2.34 181
    including 1.2 0.2 7.81 88

    Through much of 2007, a dedicated exploration team has been mapping and sampling the CPN Project area in preparation for a major drill program in 2008. Results from the 2007 exploration work will be released when all assays are received and interpreted.

    These significant copper and gold zones are found at lower elevations in the Zacualpan district and may be indicative of a copper and gold district underlying the silver district. IMPACT geologists consider this idea to hold big blue sky exploration potential and incorporate the possibility into their exploration planning.

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