Beiträge von Tschonko

    Minco produzieren so 5 Mille oz und das relativ günstig.
    Aber mit den gewinnen haben sie auch so ihre Probleme, oder irre ich mich??
    Du hast überhaupt ein Spitzendepot. Gratuliere!

    schönes Depot beim Contest!
    Deine favoriten hab ich auch durchwegs.... :D

    ein paar werden schon durchkommen.
    BGL hätt ich nie so tief erwartet, hoffentlich machen sie das Gap nicht zu!
    Wär nimma lustig..... :D

    Sauberer Bericht von Gammon:
    man sollte in dem Bericht auch die links aufmachen.
    Der Patient ist auf dem Weg zur genesung.... :D


    Gammon Gold Releases Ocampo Key Operational Indicators for October and November 2007
    Monday December 17, 9:05 am ET
    Gammon Gold reports improvements on several Ocampo Key Operational Indicators in October and November as well as a greater than 30% reduction in Ocampo's Total Cash Costs per ounce from Q3 and positive operating cash flow in November.

    HALIFAX, Dec. 17 /PRNewswire/ - Gammon Gold Inc. ("Gammon Gold") (TSX:GAM and AMEX:GRS): Gammon Gold is pleased to advise that the turnaround at its Ocampo mine seen during October is continuing and the company feels comfortable in advising that results should remain in line with the Q4 guidance of an increase of 10% to 15% in gold equivalent ounce (Au (eq)) production at Ocampo. Importantly, Ocampo had positive operating cash flow in November of $11.4 million and combined October and November operating cash flow of $3.27 million.

    Production at Ocampo continues to increase with October and November production of 12,751 ounces of gold and 494,988 ounces of silver for a gold equivalent production of 21,794 ounces. A total of 12,253 ounces of gold and 475,151 ounces of silver were sold during the two months or 20,943 gold equivalent ounces. During October and November, the company realized an average gold price of $792.56/oz and an average silver price of $14.49/oz. Total cash costs in October and November decreased by $276 (34%) from Q3 to an average of $546 per ounce Au (eq) in October and November, prior to recording of any potential quarter end adjustments occurring in the normal course of events. Capital costs over the two months were in line with internal expansion capital projections at $13.2 million. Operating cash flow for November was $11.4 million driven by positive earnings and strong management of working capital.

    Average Monthly Gold & Silver (Au eq) Production vs Total Cash Costs per


    Ounces per 200 hours (Man Mth) Worked


    The Company (inclusive of Gammon Gold's El Cubo mine) remains on target to produce from 51,500 to 54,000 gold equivalent ounces during Q4 at a total cash cost from $580/oz to $600/oz gold equivalent. Total capital expenditures at Ocampo and El Cubo is anticipated to range from $9.0 to $11.0 million in December for a total capital forecast for 2007 of approximately $80 million. As of December 1, the Company has drawn $25.2 million of its $60 million revolving facility. As the Company is presently operating cash flow positive, the revolving facility is expected to be only used to fund a portion of 2008 capital expenditures.

    Mr. Glenn Hynes, CFO of Gammon Gold stated, "We are pleased with the results of our strategy to accelerate IVA (Mexico Value Added Tax) recoveries which have decreased by over $13 million in Q4 from a high of approximately $20 million. It is expected that another $2.4 million will be received in late December. Additionally, I am encouraged by the operational improvements gaining traction at Ocampo as this has positively impacted cash flows, particularly in November. The Company will aggressively manage expenditures in the months ahead in order to optimize liquidity during this turnaround period."

    Rene Marion, CEO of Gammon Gold stated, "I am encouraged to see how the operating team has focused on quality production in the past few months, starting a hard fought turn-around at Ocampo. The 25% reduction in underground dilution, continued strengthening of key operational indicators such as daily mill tonnage, recovery, equipment availability and strong open pit production all contributed to the improved performance in November." Mr. Marion went on to say "The open pit continues to perform well. In October and November 10-15% of the ore mined in the pit went as mill feed, representing 35% of the contained metal from the pit. It is anticipated that with the planned mill expansion, the percentage of ounces from the Open Pit will increase. These results continue to demonstrate that the Ocampo operation is starting to gain traction in the turnaround."

    Mr. Marion went on to say, "As we look to Q1, 2008, I would like to highlight the following guidance targeted for El Cubo and Ocampo:"

    Q1 2008 Forecasted Highlights Ocampo & El Cubo
    Production (oz Au (eq)) From 56,000 to 62,000
    Total Cash Costs In line with Q4 2007
    Expansion and Sustaining Capital $16-20 Million

    "Based on these projections, the Company is satisfied that it has access to sufficient liquidity to fully execute its growth strategy through this turnaround period. I am confident that with the new management team on board, the exceptional ore bodies we have and the support of our Board of Directors, we will meet or exceed these indicators."

    Hallo Lucky,
    danke, 85% ist sehr ordentlich.
    70 ist in dem bereich von First Majestics. Ist auf dauer definitiv zu wenig.

    Kapitalkosten: die haben Novagold das Kreuz gebrochen, die machen Gammon schwer zu schaffen.

    Könnte auch der Grund sein, warum sich CDE aus dem valley verabschiedet hat. Weiß es nicht.

    Gute explorer, die was finden, werden nach wie vor gehen wie nur was.

    Und halt die wenigen companies, wo die im letzten Beitrag angeführten Bewertungsgrundlagen annähernd passen.


    Hallo lucky,
    jetzt kenn ich mich aus.
    Pulver trocken zu halten war wohl mein größtes Versäumnis in 07.
    Ich geb´s gleich wieder aus....

    Nochnals zu Morgan: der hat schon bessere picks als Moriarty..

    Seine picks sind in dem Bericht auf Seite 6.

    Was mich besonders freut, ist, dass ich bei Energold ein bisserl früher dran war als er.
    Ich hab ja diese Woche mal ein bisserl abgeschöpft.
    Außerdem hat Cabo mehr Potential zur Zeit, glaub ich.
    Beide wird es in 2 Jahren wohl nicht mehr geben.
    Energold ist nach wie vor ein Sahnestückchen.

    Seine Beurte ilungen sind schon sehr gut.
    Vor allem produktion rate halte ich für immer wichiger.
    Ebenso die recovery rate, d.h. wieviel Erze auch tatsächlich gelöst werden. Da kann viel Geld in der Halde landen.....
    Die erwähnt er nicht.

    Bei Samex hat´s ihn auch erwischt. Schätze mal, der Bericht wurde Ende Okt. verfasst und kam mit Datum 13.12. auf Deutsch.

    Zu EXN bin ich viel optimistischer, die verdienen schon annähernd 10 Mille.
    Sehr wichtig ist auch noch die Unterscheidung untergrund od. Tagbau, und wieviel die aus dem Untergrund rausbringen. So erklärt, dass es auch ich versteh..... :D
    (mehr noch auf Seite 4)

    Silver eagle: da ist er nun der 2., die die schlecht bewertet.
    Stört mich nicht im Geringsten. Das schau ich mir gerne an.....

    "Viele haben nach Excellon gefragt, es wurde jedoch absichtlich ausgelassen, auf Grund seines hohen Zinkanteils in der Mine mit nur 9 Millionen Unzen Silberressource. Dies würde die Einschätzung der Marktkapitalisierung (MCAP) bei über $ 20 festsetzen. Das soll nicht heißen, dass wir Excellon gegenüber negativ eingestellt sind, wie Sie auch weiterhin feststellen werden, während wir die Pros und Kontras der Verwendung solch einer Methodik diskutieren.

    Diese Methodik wird auch von anderen Analysten angewandt und bevor wir unsere Diskussion beginnen, muss ich erklären, dass ich als junger Investor in der Minenindustrie war, und die Entdeckung einer solchen Analyse genau das war, nach dem ich suchte, da es so schien, dass der Kauf des meisten Silbers oder Goldes pro Dollar auf jeden Fall Wertinvestition darstellte. Dies gab mir ein Gespür für Erwartungen, die der Markt ignorierte.

    Treue Leser mögen sich erinnern, dass John Doody unter anderem diese Art von Herangehensweise nutzt. Und offen gesagt, ist es ein nützliches Werkzeug, aber lassen Sie sich nicht ablenken und denken Sie, dass dieser der beste Weg ist, irgendein Minenprojekt zu untersuchen. Zum Beispiel würde Agnico-Eagle bei diesem Modell sehr schlecht abschneiden, obwohl AEM eine der führenden Aktien in diesem Sektor ist und war, und unserer Ansicht nach auch eine Führungskraft bis an die Spitze bleiben wird. Der Hauptpunkt ist, dass alle Projekte unabhängig von einander zu betrachten sind und Vergleiche nur sehr vorsichtig gezogen werden.

    Um zu unserer Analyse zurückzukommen, diese Tabelle enthält sowohl Silberexplorer sowie Silberproduzenten und deshalb können sie nicht wirklich miteinander verglichen werden. Beachten Sie, dass die Produzenten bei einer viel höheren Marktkapitalisierung pro Feinunze handeln als die Explorer. Dafür gibt es mehrere Gründe. Eine Mine hat große Kapitalaufwendungen für Straßen, Gebäude, Maschinenpark, Immobilien, Energie- sowie Abwassersysteme. Zusätzlich waren die Explorationskosten in den meisten Fällen höher, da die Projekte realisiert und die Minen zur Produktion gebracht werden mussten.

    Daher, vom Ende angefangen, sehen wir, dass Minera Andes, Endeavour Silver und die US Silver Corporation allesamt bei relativ hohen Bewertungen für Explorer handeln. Dies ist normal und Sie könnten denken, dass dies produzierende Minen sind, die mit einer Prämie gegenüber Unternehmen handeln, die vielleicht niemals in Produktion gehen werden. Sie können die Tabelle also nutzen, um Produzenten zu vergleichen.

    Genco ist in der Tabelle nach wie vor der neue Produzent mit der geringsten Bewertung und ist einer von denen, die wir auf unserer formalen Spekulationsliste haben. Wir haben nun wohlwollend alle Firmen erwähnt, mit Ausnahme von Silver Eagle.

    Dies führt uns zu einem anderen wichtigen Faktor: Sehen wir uns eine Tagebaumine an oder eine Untergrund-Mine? Eine Tagebaumine kann leichter zur Produktion geführt werden und ist auch weitaus weniger kapitalintensiv als eine unterirdische Mine. Deshalb kann eine Firma wie Western Silver recht "magere" Durchschnittsgehalte aufweisen und trotzdem wirtschaftlich sein. Für eine Untergrundmine sind viel höhere Gehalte notwendig, um das Projekt rentabel zu machen. Somit ist eine Frage, die jeder Anleger stellen sollte: Welche Art von Lagerstätte liegt in welcher Situation vor?

    Meiner Ansicht nach ist Silver Eagle eher eine Untergrund-Situation, deren Gehalte jedoch eher denen eines Tagebauprojekts entsprechen, also wäre es zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt keines, was hoch oben auf meiner Liste zu finden wäre. Wenn Sie anderer Meinung sind, in Ordnung. Excellon entspricht hingegen den Gehalten zufolge eher einem Untergrundprojekt. Außerdem wird eine Untergrundmine bei dieser Art von Analyse in den meisten Fällen nicht gerade fair bewertet, denn sobald eine Mine in Produktion geht, ist es Verschwendung der Gesellschaftergelder, wenn man weiterbohrt anstatt das Kapital zum Abbau und der Produktion von Gewinnen zu verwenden. Also könnte man weitaus mehr Ressourcen vorfinden als berichtet. Dies ist typisch für Ader-Minen wie die Lucky Friday Mine von Hecla. Wenn man von den veröffentlichten Statistiken allein ausgeht, könnte man meinen, dass diese Mine nur noch ein Minenleben von 1 oder 2 Jahren hat, da die Ressourcen ausgehen. Dies wäre höchst inkorrekt, da die Mine seit Jahrzehnten produziert.

    Ein anderer Faktor, der nur sehr selten diskutiert wird, ist die Produktionsrate. Genauer gesagt, wie viele Unzen werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden aus dem Schacht einer Untergrundmine gefördert? Dies ist wichtig, da einige Firmen mit riesigen Ressourcen prahlen und dabei erlaubt der Schacht nur die Förderung einer geringen Menge Erzes. Eine große Ressource zu haben ist wichtig und wenn man eine gewaltige Menge an Silber unter Tage hat, aber nur eine extrem kleine Menge davon an die Oberfläche bringen kann, wird Ihre Erfolgsrechnung diesen Fakt widerspiegeln und ihr Aktienpreis könnte durchsacken. Zurück bleiben verwirrte Anleger, wenn sie die Dynamik des Bergbaus nicht verstehen.

    Natürlich könnte ein Minenbetreiber einen anderen Schacht absenken oder andere Möglichkeiten finden, größere Erzmengen zu fördern, aber dies benötigt große Kapitalmengen und bedingt in manchen Fällen, dass das eigentliche Projekt gestoppt wird. Dies könnte den Markt verärgern und der Aktienpreis könnte darunter leiden, obwohl clevere Investoren eine solche Möglichkeit erkennen würden. Dies wäre aber nur möglich, nachdem man die Zahlen genauer betrachtet, um zu sehen, dass die zusätzliche Ausgabe zu einer bedeutenden internen Verzinsung führt. Mit anderen Worten, die Firmeninhaber (Anteilseigner) würden profitieren.

    Ein anderes Gebiet der Industrie, über das viele berichten, sind "Äquivalent" Unzen. Dies ist für einen neuen Investor sehr verwirrend, da die Aussage lauten wird: "100 Millionen Silberäquivalent". Dies könnte eine Mine sein, in der es 80% Basismetalle gibt, sie jedoch zur entsprechenden Menge Silber umgerechnet und berichtet werden. Tatsächlich konvertiert in unserer Tabelle unsere neueste Empfehlung (Silver Crest) ihr Gold in Silber und wir haben das für Sie hervorgehoben. Dies soll heißen, dass SilverCrest nur 27 Millionen Unzen Silber hat. Der Rest (43%) ihrer 48.700.000 Unzen sind das Silberäquivalent von 350.000 Unzen Gold.

    Die meisten unserer Leser wissen, dass der Markt Silberfirmen mit hohen Prämien bewertet. Die meisten Goldproduzenten handeln bei einem KGV von 30 oder sogar 35, wobei ein Silberproduzent sich vielleicht über eine Rate von 50 freuen kann. Die Werbefachleute und Führungskräfte wissen das, also ändern viele in der Branche den Firmennamen von Gold zu Silber. In unserer Liste hat dies Orko vor kurzem getan und die Firma sieht im Vergleich zu den anderen Explorationsunternehmen vergleichsweise unterbewertet aus.

    Silvermex ist eine wahre Hebel-Möglichkeit und steht auf der Liste weit oben. Die Firma hat vor kurzem eine Optionsübereinkunft mit Silver Standard (NASDAQ: SSRI) für die ehemals produzierende San Marcial Silver Mine in Mexiko angekündigt. Dies steigert ihre Silberressource auf fast 25 Millionen Unzen oder fast 1 Unze Silber pro Aktie. Mit nur 29 Millionen ausstehenden Aktien offeriert das Unternehmen den besten Hebel in der Liste. Silvermex hat mit 29 Millionen $ die niedrigste Marktkapitalisierung auf der Liste, die ihr eine MCAP Einschätzung von nur 1,16 $ pro Unze Silber bringt, was 30% in der Vergleichsgruppe bedeutet.

    Bei der manchmal volatilen Natur von Junior-Ressourcen-Aktien sollten Investoren, die geringes Risiko und hohe Chancen in diesem Sektor suchen, fortgeschrittene Explorationsunternehmen wie Silvermex in Betracht ziehen, die vorhandene Ressourcen bieten und mit niedrigen MCAP Bewertungen notieren. Die vorhandene Ressource bietet die Sicherheit eines unterlegten Vermögenswertes, während die Aktienstruktur einen maximalen Hebel auf den Preis von Silber und eine mögliche Ausweitung der bestehenden Ressourcen bietet. Es sollte erwähnt werden, dass das Management und Insider von Silvermex, inklusive Silver Standard, über 45% der ausstehenden Aktien besitzen, was, unserer Meinung nach, die Hebelmöglichkeit vergrößert, da der Anteil an öffentlichen gehaltenen Aktien so effektiv verringert wird. Fast jede in der Tabelle aufgeführte Firma (100 Millionen Unzen Silber und darunter) wurde in vorangegangenen Berichten besprochen, mit Ausnahme von Silver Eagle. "


    Hallo liberty,
    Arian, Acadian und Great Panther (wenn sie alles gebacken kriegen, hatten ja troubles).

    hallo lucky,
    ich erkenn sie nicht und was schwerer wiegt, ich kenn mich nicht aus, was du meinst.

    Morgan hat hier eine Tabelle: Einiges zu silvermex, silver eagle, excellon etc. auf Seite 3….php?storyid=6046&seite=1

    Was hat GPR eigentlich für eine recovery rate.

    Wann kommt die SRLM Produktionsmeldung?

    Tax selling ist ziemlich durch, aber neue Probleme kommen täglich.


    Also dass ich hier noch mal Karten reinstell, ist Perfekt.
    Make your own DD! :D

    Die gute Coral, da erinner ich mich gern zurück. Die hab ich damals mit ca. 4 verkauft. Zu 1,5 rein ein paar Monat früher.

    Die nächste gute Meldung, Cortez Trend Nevada.:

    Coral Gold Increases Resource Estimate by 110% to 2.3 Million Ounces Gold
    Thursday December 13, 1:32 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 13, 2007) - Coral Gold Resources Ltd. ("Coral") (TSX VENTURE:CLH - News; OTCBB:CLHRF - News; BERLIN:GV8 - News; FRANKFURT:GV8 - News) has received the updated resource estimate prepared by Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. for the Robertson property located in Crescent Valley Nevada.

    The estimate incorporates results from drilling programmes done by Coral since the last published resource estimate (April 25, 2006 - see Coral website -

    The updated resource estimate report, under preparation by Beacon Hill, will be available within 45 days of the date of this news release and will be posted on SEDAR

    The inferred resource, for all zones contained within the Robertson Project, is estimated to be 91.3 million tons grading 0.025 ozAu/ton for contained gold of 2.3 million ounces (82.8 million tonnes grading 0.87gAu/tonne) The following table summarizes the resource estimate at a 0.015 ozAu/ton (0.467 gAu/tonne) cut-off grade:

    Estimated Inferred Resources by Zone

    Zone Quantity Grade Quantity Grade Contained
    Tons ozAu/ton Tonnes gAu/ton ounces gold

    Distal 10,355,041 0.0335 9,376,398 1.148 346,893
    39A 25,010,247 0.0287 22,690,382 0.984 717,794
    Triplet Gulch 5,904,713 0.0269 5,357,012 0.922 158,837
    Outside 2,187,500 0.0208 1,984,595 0.713 45,500
    Gold Pan Oxide 7,049,181 0.0262 6,395,323 0.898 184,689
    Altenburg Hill Oxide 4,558,402 0.0208 4,135,580 0.713 94,815
    Porphyry Oxide 19,121,927 0.0213 17,348,243 0.730 407,297
    Gold Pan Sulphide 12,053,279 0.0208 10,935,258 0.713 250,708
    Altenburg Hill
    Sulphide 584,016 0.0176 529,845 0.603 10,279
    Porphyry Sulphide 4,480,533 0.0223 4,064,934 0.765 99,916

    TOTAL 91,284.800 0.025 82,817,600 0.870 2,316,728

    - Gold ounces were calculated on the basis of US$600/oz Au and 70% Au recovery.

    - The 0.015 ozAu/ton cut-off grade utilized to report the resource was derived from a mining cost of US$1.02/ton, process cost of US$5.00/ton and waste cost of US$1.14/ton.

    - The mineral resources in the table above were estimated using the CIM Standards on Mineral Resources and Reserves.

    - The database comprised a total of 1,160 drill holes, 533,453 feet (162,638 metres) of drilling and 101,757 gold assays.

    - The inferred resource covers 6 distinct and separate areas; Distal, 39A, Gold Pan, Porphyry, Altenburg Hill, Southern Area and then all remaining blocks outside these areas that warrant inclusion as an inferred resource. In addition, Gold Pan, Porphyry and Altenburg Hill were separated into oxide and sulphide zones for analysis and modeling.

    - An interpreted mineralized envelope was modeled into a solid in MineSight 3DTM, with six area mineralized zones and then separated into oxide and sulphide zones.

    - Block dimensions of 25 feet (7.6 m) North, 25 feet (7.6 m) East and 20 feet (6 m) vertically.

    - Grade interpolation - 20 foot (6 m) composites.

    - Composites greater than 0.075 ozAu/ton (2.33 gAu/tonne) limited in influence to 100 feet (30.5 m).

    - Tonnage estimates are based on 200 bulk historic density measurements carried out by previous operators. These were assigned to each block by zone. The resources are categorized as inferred since the amount and distribution of bulk tonnage factor data is sparse.

    Mr. Garth D. Kirkham, P.Geo., and Mr. Peter Stokes, P.Eng., of Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. and Mr. Robert McCusker, Consultant Geologist and Project Manager are Qualified Persons in accordance with NI 43-101. Messrs Kirkham, Stokes and McCusker are independent of Coral as defined by NI 43-101.

    Preparation plans for a major drilling program will be announced after the updated resources estimate report is available.

    The Company was incorporated in 1981 and is exploring claims on Nevada's Battle Mountain-Cortez gold trend alongside the Cortez/Pipeline gold mine. Aggressive exploration, aimed at expanding this resource, continues.


    David Wolfin, President

    das ist ja unglaublich, war das Vorzeigeprojekt.
    Reichlich verwirrend.
    Wenn ich das richtig sehe, wollen sie einem möglichen trial aus dem weg gehen, weil die Erstellung der Resourcen unklar ist??
    (IMA kennen inzwischen ja alle... :D)

    Die Tara wurde auch abgewatscht.

    Contest. das überrascht mich auch mit ECU.
    Hab mal reingeschaut und gesehen, das silbernugget ein schönes Depot hat.
    Ich war bisher zu faul, hab mir 6 Werte notiert.
    Aber auf Sicht von einem Jahr hochriskante Werte.
    Man sollte dabei ja keinen gröberen Ausfall haben.
    ECU war da übrigens nicht dabei.

    SNN.TO: die geschichte wird jetzt so richtig spannend. Auf Sicht von einem Jahr schaut es sehr gut aus.
    Ich könnt nun auch die KMN verkaufen und dafür mehr SNN holen, weil mit KMN bin ich schon moderat im Plus. Hätt ich SNN gekauft, hätt ich den Rückflug voll mitgemacht. Das war garn nicht schlecht mit KMN....

    Hab übrigens heut ein paar EXN.V nachgekauft und meine erste, kleinere Position EGD verkauft (vorgestern) nach 13 Monaten.
    Einkauf: 0,97, Verkauf 4,05.
    Damit hab ich meine Margin zugemacht und der Rest EGD ist im Freiflug. :D

    Das größte Ärgernis ist zur Zeit die CPN.TO, da sitz ich schwer in den Miesen. :D


    Sehr ausführlicher und guter Bericht zu Pediment PEZ.V…ld-exploration-stock/1027

    Immer wieder erfreulich: EXN.V

    Excellon Announces High-Grade Assays and Further Expands Rodilla Manto Massive Sulphide Mineralization
    Thursday December 13, 8:30 am ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 13, 2007) - Excellon Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:EXN - News) announces assays for five holes in the Rodilla Manto (first announced November 13, 2007; see table below) that include massive sulphide (LP411, 413, 419), sulphide breccia (LP417) and dispersed sulphide (LP421) intercepts. The massive sulphide intercepts range from 3.2 to 12.5 metres (m) in thickness and carry from 246 to 931 g/t (7.2 and 27.2 oz/T) silver; 7.2 to 8.2% lead; and 4.7 to 15.1% zinc. Sulphide breccia and dispersed sulphide intercepts are lower grade, reflecting varying carbonate wallrock content. These values are comparable to those previously reported from the Rodilla Manto (see press releases of November 13, 2007 and October 16, 2007) including the discovery hole (LP326), which cut 2.0 m (estimated true thickness) of massive sulphides grading 1,143 g/t (36.8 oz/T) silver with 8.3% lead and 10.7% zinc.

    In addition, four new significant massive sulphide and sulphide breccia intercepts, ranging from 0.91 to 5.02 m thick (estimated true thickness) have been made in ongoing drilling of the Rodilla Manto (see table below). The massive sulphide intercepts in these four vertical holes consist largely of massive sphalerite with subordinate galena and 10 to 20% barite gangue. Assays for these holes, and several holes reported on November 13, 2007, are pending.

    As now known, the Rodilla Manto is an irregularly-shaped, sub-horizontal massive sulphide lens approximately 70 m east-west by 90 m north-south in plan that remains open in several directions. The thickest portions of the Rodilla Manto mineralization lie around holes LP408 and LP413, which intersected 14.2 m and 12.5 m of high-grade massive sulphides respectively (see table below) and the manto is open beyond these holes. Rodilla is also open to the northeast where hole LP427A intersected 5.02 m of massive and brecciated sulphides, and to the west where hole LP432 cut 2.31 m of massive sulphides. Follow-up drilling is focused on enlarging the body in these directions.

    Assay results are also reported for two previously announced sulphide breccia intercepts drilled off the southeastern edge of the Guadalupe Manto (LP387 and LP388).

    "We are pleased to see the Rodilla Manto continue to the north and west and expect it to keep growing," said Richard W. Brissenden, Excellon's CEO and president. "We are also encouraged by advances in developing our targeting tools for exploring the overburden-covered areas extending outward from the Guadalupe and Rodilla Mantos. Our site geologists and our consulting geophysicist have begun integrating mapping and drilling information into a detailed interpretation of our airborne electromagnetic survey and initial indications are that structures and structural trends associated with the massive sulphide mantos can be detected geophysically. We expect to begin testing targets emerging from this effort early in the new year."

    To view Table: Assay Results, Sulphide Intersections and Assays Pending, please visit the following link:

    To view Map 1: Locations Map, please visit the following link:

    To view Map 2: Mantos and Recent Drill Hole Locations, please visit the following link:

    Qualified Persons

    Dr. Peter Megaw, PhD, CPG, and Mr. John Sullivan, BSc., PGeo., have acted as the Qualified Persons, as defined in National Instrument 43-101, for this disclosure and have supervised the preparation of the technical information on which this press release is based.

    Dr. Megaw has a PhD in geology and more than 25 years of relevant experience focused on exploring silver and gold systems in Mexico. He is a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG 10227) by the American Institute of Professional Geologists and an Arizona Registered Geologist (ARG 21613). Dr. Megaw is not independent of Excellon as he is a shareholder.

    Mr. Sullivan is an economic geologist with over 35 years of experience in the mineral industry. Most recently a senior geologist at a Toronto-based international geological and mining engineering consulting firm, he has evaluated properties and prepared National Instrument 43-101 reports on gold and base metal projects in Canada and internationally. Mr. Sullivan is not independent of Excellon as he is an officer and holds common share purchase options.

    About Excellon

    Excellon, a self-sustaining mineral resource company operating in Durango State, Mexico, is committed to building value through production, expansion and discovery. The Company is producing silver, lead and zinc from high grade manto deposits on its Platosa Property, strategically located in the middle of the Mexican silver belt. In fiscal 2008, Excellon's focus is on increasing its Mineral Resources through an aggressive $11-million exploration program, expanding its operation, and studying the feasibility of building a mill at site. The Platosa Property, not fully explored, has several geological indicators of a large mineralized system, the tracking of which Excellon believes will lead to the discovery of a world class deposit.

    On behalf of


    Richard W. Brissenden, President and Chief Executive Officer

    This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act. Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding future anticipated exploration program timing, content, cost and results, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves at the Company's Platosa property, business and financing plans, business trends and future operating revenues. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

    This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this Press Release, which has been prepared by management.


    Annemarie Brissenden
    Excellon Resources Inc.
    Manager, Corporate Communications
    (416) 364-1130
    (416) 364-6745 (FAX)

    Also die NER.V hält jetzt bei + 34%.

    Das wär jetzt in 6 Tagen ein Verdoppler. Kommt unerwartet.
    Wird wahrscheinlich wieder etwas zurückkommen.
    Die Samples werden auch zurückkommen. :D
    Dann schau ma weiter.

    Für die, die nicht zurücklesen, noch mal die Meldung

    Da scheint der 2. Zock nach VMS aufzugehen. :D


    PS: schlechte Meldungen werden gnadenlos abgestraft.
    siehe Samex und Pershimco.

    Sehr gute Meldung von Arian.
    Sind mir schon auf der messe positiv aufgefallen. :D

    Und wie angekündigt, geht Soho. SOH.V
    Prasident spricht.

    GOG.V: die 40 Mille scheint dem Markt zu wenig. Es geht runter.
    Mir genügt es vollauf. :D
    Der Kurs ist mir in diesem fall wurscht, ebenso bei VIT.V
    Was zählt:
    Schöne Aussichten.
    Aber von denen kann man sich nichts kaufen. :D

    GOG.V trade resumption.
    40 Mille eqi hätten einige gerne. GOG hat sie nun.
    Dazu kommt noch das Red Lake JV mit Rubicon.
    Geringe MC.
    Hab die nun auf den Tag ein Jahr, schau ich mir gern ein weiteres Jahr an. :D

    Die Meldung:

    viele Tabellen, hier ein Auszug:

    Jetzt könnte sich die ECU 43er wieder etwas verzögern, aber das wird sowieso nicht mehr hineinkommen, darf man aber schon dazuzählen.

    Golden Tag & ECU Silver Announce New Resource Estimate and Confirm Major New Deposit on San Diego Joint Venture Project, Durango, Mexico
    Wednesday December 12, 11:13 am ET

    MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - Dec. 12, 2007) - Golden Tag Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:GOG - News; "Golden Tag") and ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU") are pleased to report the results of an independent NI 43-101 compliant resource evaluation on the San Diego Project, Durango State, Mexico. Preliminary drilling completed in 2006-07 from 17 diamond drill holes along with 192 surface and underground samples have to date confirmed:

    - INDICATED RESOURCES OF 370,852 TONNES GRADING 245 Ag g/t, 1.80 % Pb, 1.33 % Zn and, 0.339 Au g/t, and

    - INFERRED RESOURCES OF 4,976,461 TONNES GRADING 167 Ag g/t, 1.25 % Pb, 1.26 % Zn and 0.163 Au g/t,

    The Resource Estimate was completed by Kateri Marchand, P.Geo, Exploration Manager on the San Diego Project, and independently audited and verified by William J. Lewis, P.Geo, MICON International Ltd., qualified persons as defined under NI 43-101 guidelines.

    The resources represent:



    Silver equivalent ounces are calculated from lead and zinc using conversion factors of 26.60 g/t Ag per 1% Pb and 31.21 g/t Ag per 1% Zn (see Table 1). No credit was given for contained gold. Conversion factors took into account processing metal recovery factors as well as smelter returns from sales of concentrates to Industrias Penoles of ECU's production from its operations at Velardena. The recovery factors were of 76 % for silver, 75 % for lead and 44 % for Zn. Commodity prices of US$11.60/oz for silver, US$0.60/lb for lead and US$1.20/lb for zinc were used. These commodity price estimates were derived in consideration of historical averages and consensus estimates from a grouping of research mining analysts.

    These results represent a 225 % increase over the last resource estimate for San Diego completed in October 2006 by Broad Oak and Associates. A previous resource estimate had also been completed in July 2005 by Roscoe Postle and Associates.

    "These results more than meet our initial objectives for the San Diego Project and confirm the potential for a large deposit on this property", stated Mr. David Rigg, P.Geo. CEO Golden Tag Resources. "We remain confident that additional exploration should contribute to a further expansion of the Resources."

    Of the 9 mineralized structures currently identified at San Diego, the La Cruz, Montanez HW and Montanez FW Zones contributed to more than half of the estimated Resources. The remaining resources are associated with the 6 narrow high grade veins of La Rata, El Jal, Cantarranas, Canta-Splay, SD Vein 1 and 2 (see Table 2). In the case of the La Cruz and Montanez Zones, the recent drill program showed that these historically mined high grade veins are related to broader and lower grade zones of mineralization at depth in a skarn-type environment. The estimated Resources extend from surface down to vertical depths of 200 to 400 meters below surface. The oxidized mineralization is mostly encountered near surface and accounts for 50% of the Indicated resources whereas it represents only 7 % of the Inferred resources (see Table 1).

    Follow-up Surface Drill Program

    A follow-up surface drilling program of 7,500 metres is currently in progress to further evaluate the extensions of the high-grade veins system and skarn-hosted, broad zones of mineralization encountered along the limestone/intrusive contact and in the vicinity of major fault zones. The program is focused on the expansion of the current Resources and improvement in the quality of the Resource.

    In particular, drilling will focus upon:

    - Depth extension of broad zones of polymetallic mineralization (Ag, Pb, Zn, Au) as sulphide rich stringer and breccia zones developed in skarn environment and/or in association with deep boundary faults identified along both the western and eastern contacts of the central diorite intrusion;

    - The extension of the principal veins (Cantarranas, El Jal and Rata) as well as of secondary veins (Canta-Splay and SD Veins) both along strike and at depth across the property. These veins remain open in all directions;

    "Proving new resources is the main objective of the current drilling program and we believe there is potential to confirm mineralization on all known veins along strike and at depth stated Kateri Marchand. "The discovery of additional broader zones of skarn mineralization, offering bulk tonnage potential similar to the ones actually identified on the La Cruz and Montanez Zones also represent an important part of the actual program."

    The follow-up drill program was initiated on October 1st and six drill holes totalling 3,000 metres have been completed to date. Due to unusually high volumes at the ALS Chemex laboratory, new assay results from the current drilling are not expected until January and will be reported when received.

    Golden Tag is earning a 50% interest in the San Diego property from ECU by incurring expenditures for a total of $US1.5 million over a 3 year period. As of this date, Golden Tag has incurred expenses totaling $US1.46 million.

    Golden Tag and ECU Silver initiated the first program of diamond drilling ever undertaken on the property in September 2006. A total of 17 wide-spaced holes for 6,590 metres of NQ drilling have been completed to April, 2007 (See press release: April 17, 2007).

    Resource Methodology

    Indicated and Inferred Resources were estimated using a polygonal method on longitudinal sections for each of the nine veins and/or zones. The geological continuity of zones was determined on cross sections based on stratigraphy, mineralization and structure using diamond drill holes and surface and underground sampling information. This interpretation was confirmed and validated in plan view. Individual polygons were drafted on long sections to mid-point distance from diamond drill hole pierce points and sample locations. The area of these block was measured on long sections (oriented vertically but parallel to strike of the vein) using AutoCad. . All drill holes intercepts were calculated at a 1 metre minimum horizontal width for narrow veins and at 2.70 metres minimum horizontal width for the bulk mining areas with a value of zero for internal dilution in both cases.

    The undiluted resource was estimated using a cut-off factor of 160 g/t Ag + Ag Equivalent for the narrow, high grade veins, whereas a cut-off factor of 80 g/t Ag + Ag Equivalent was applied to the bulk tonnage zones defined on the La Cruz and Montanez Zones at depth. Capping of high silver values was set at 1,050 g/t Ag for the La Cruz and La Rata Veins and to 1,395 g/t Ag for the other veins which corresponded to the 95th percentile of all assay results for these veins.

    The content of this news release was reviewed by Kateri. Marchand, the qualified person in charge of the San Diego Project and has also received approval from William .J. Lewis P.Geo of MICON International Ltd.

    "Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances that these resources will be economically viable."

    ECU Silver Mining Inc. . is focused on the exploration, development and mining of gold, silver and base metals at its Velardena District Properties in Durango, Mexico. The area includes five historical mines - Santa Juana, Terneras, San Mateo, San Juanes, and the San Diego mine. ECU is defining the "Mineralized Corridor" at Santa Juana and also further defining several higher grade narrow veins within the area. ECU's mission is to become a pre-eminent silver producer through the development of existing, and additional potential resources at Velardena.

    Golden Tag Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company actively exploring for high grade gold and silver deposits at the San Diego silver project in Durango State, Mexico; the Aquilon Main and Aquilon Extension gold projects in James Bay, Quebec; and the McCuaig gold project in Red Lake, Ontario.

    ich vermute es ist ganz unten rechts. Bei der Stadt Eureka.
    Bin mir nicht sicher. Hab das von der Homepage VIT und mit Greencastle verglichen.

    UXG vergleichsweise niedrig.

    Victoria Resource Corp. hits impressive gold mineralization at Cove-McCoy
    By Jon Nones
    11 Dec 2007 at 06:02 PM

    Victoria Resource Corporation [TSX-V:VIT.V] announced gold assays from recently completed core hole NW-5 at the Cove-McCoy Project located in North-Central Nevada. Results sent shares soaring 67% higher, now trading at C$1.30.

    Highlights showed 61.9 metres of 12.57 g/t (0.367 oz/tonne) gold including 13.9 metres of 37.21 g/t (1.087 oz/tonne) at Cove-McCoy, Nevada. All of the intercepts are contained in an interval of 208.8 metres of 4.60 g/t (0.134 oz/tonne).

    A total of five core holes totaling 4,800 m (15,760 feet) have now been drilled by the Company at Cove-McCoy. The best results released prior to NW-5 were 38.4 metres of 10.96 g/t (0.320 oz/tonne) gold and 14.0 metres grading 8.16 g/t (0.238 oz/tonne) gold.

    Victoria is earning up to a 100% interest in the Cove-McCoy project through annual work commitments. The company endeavours to add value per share through efficient exploration and the completion of accretive acquisitions.

    Diese düften Nachbarn sein.
    Greencastle resources.
    Haben Cash flow von gas.

    und wo wäre da Victorias Cove My Coy auf der alten Karte?

    Wir haben ja auch noch Black Canyon.

    Min. 4 Mille oz au inferred.

    UXG hat heute auch ein Update herausgegeben

    mit vergleichsweise mickrigen gehalten.
    Aber das passt schon, ist gut für Cortez.

    Gestern war der Startschuss, und den Hammer könnte VIT, dh. Kinross gezogen haben.
    Dieser Hammer war es ja, wonach Mc Ewen gesucht hat.

    Also bei VIT sollte man versuchsweise schon vor der nächsten news dabei sein.
    Und die kommt bals. Diesmal Black Canyon.
    Aber der Hammer könnte Cove mc Coy sein.


    Hallo Lucky,
    hab am Samstag erwähnt, dass sie Montag durchstartet.

    Aber dass die jetzt schon eine Meldung bringen.... keine Ahnung.
    Das haben höchstens die gewusst, die in den letzten wochen die Aktie gecovert haben wie Embry, Name entfallen und Hommelberg. :D
    Aber der hat sie schon länger im Top 20.

    Gestern wurde sie noch von ein paar tax loss sellern gegen Schluss auf 0,78 gedrückt.
    Mann, die werden sich heut ärgern. :D

    Es ist ein "big discovery", 4500 m von 15000 sind gedrillt.
    Das grösste in Nevada seit langem.
    Wird dem gesamten Cortez trend, eigentlich ist es Battle mountain) Aufschwung geben.
    Bin da jetzt 10 monat drinnen und hab mich geduldig geärgert.
    Insgesamt drei Käufe.

    Tschonko beim Kräutertee

    Bist du deppat!
    Nicht von schlechten Eltern!
    Weihnachten vorverlegt, muss sofort mit Kräutertee gefeiert werden..... :D

    Für Nevada sehr hohe Gehalte.......
    und scheint mir noch besser als Loch 1 (da ging die post ab, die nächste Bohrung musste abgebrochen werden, weil der Bohrer nicht stramm genug.....)

    siehst, auf mich hört auch keiner. :D
    Doch, einer hat angekündigt, gestern zu kaufen. Auf Margin.
    Hoffe für ihn, er hat´s getan.

    Victoria Reports 61.9 m (203 feet) of 12.57 g/t (0.367 oz/ton) Gold Including 13.9 m (45.5 feet) of 37.21 g/t (1.087 oz/ton) Gold at Cove-McCoy, Nevada
    Tuesday December 11, 12:51 pm ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Dec 11, 2007 -- Victoria Resource Corporation (CDNX:VIT.V - News) ("Victoria" or the "Company") is pleased to announce gold assays from recently completed core hole NW-5 at the Cove-McCoy Project located in North-Central Nevada.


    - A composite interval of 61.9 m (203 ft) of 12.57 g/t (0.367) oz/ton gold that includes 42.2 m (138.5 ft) of 16.36 g/t (0.478 oz/ton).

    - This interval also contains 13.9 m (45.5 ft) of 37.21 g/t (1.087 oz/ton) plus 12.2 m (40 ft) of 12.59 g/t (0.368 oz/ton).

    - All of the above intercepts are contained in an interval of 208.8 m (685 ft) of 4.60 g/t (0.134 oz/ton).

    The drill intercepts are summarized in Table 1:

    Table 1: Hole NW-5 (344, -67), Cove-McCoy Project, NW-Cove Target Area

    From: m (ft) To: m (ft) Length: m (ft) Gold (g/t) Gold (oz/ton)

    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------

    421.5 (1,383) 630.3 (2,068) 208.8 (685) 4.60 0.134

    Which includes the following intercepts:

    -------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------
    -------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------
    450.5 (1,478) 456.6 (1,498) 4.6 (20) 7.25 0.212
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    568.5 (1,865) 630.3 (2,068) 61.9 (203) 12.57 0.367
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    588.1 (1,929.5) 630.3 (2,068) 42.2 (138.5) 16.36 0.478
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    588.1 (1,929.5) 602.0 (1,975) 13.9 (45.5) 37.21 1.087
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    593.8 (1,948) 602.0 (1,975) 8.2 (27) 52.22 1.525
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    618.1 (2,028) 630.3 (2,068) 12.2 (40) 12.59 0.368
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    --------------- ------------- -------------- ---------- -------------
    621.2 (2,038) 630.3 (2,068) 9.1 (30) 16.63 0.486

    True widths have not yet been determined.

    What These Results Mean to Victoria

    A total of five core holes totaling 4,800 m (15,760 feet) have now been drilled by the Company at Cove-McCoy. The best results released prior to NW-5 were (1):

    - NW-1 intersected 38.4 m (126 feet) of 10.96 g/t (0.320 oz/ton) gold

    - NW-4 intersected 14.0 m (46 feet) grading 8.16 g/t (0.238 oz/ton) gold.

    Chad Williams, CEO, President & Director commented that "The wide and continuous intercepts and significant gold grades reported by hole NW-5 show that we may be progressing toward the definition of a sizeable new quality gold system at Cove-McCoy and highlight the potential of this large property that we have really just started exploring. NW-5 also substantiates Victoria's exploration methods that can be applied to the 14 other targets currently identified at Cove-McCoy and the Company's 7 other gold exploration projects in Nevada".

    The gold mineralized area defined by holes NW-1 to NW-5 has been named the "Helen Zone".

    NW-5 hit significant gold mineralization approximately 68.6 m (225 feet) down plunge of the Helen Zone from core hole NW-1. The Helen Zone is located just 660 m (2,000 feet) north-west -- and roughly at the same elevation -- as the bottom of the mined Cove open-pit.

    Cove-McCoy Plans

    NW-5 was the first hole in Victoria's Phase 2 of drilling at Cove-McCoy. A second core drill rig has been added to the site with a minimum of 6 more holes planned to further test the Helen Zone. A third core drill rig may be added in early 2008 to test other targets on the property.

    Although exploration at Cove is at an early stage, underground access to the Helen Zone for closer-spaced delineation drilling may be warranted depending on drilling results over the next few months. Access to the Helen Zone could be achieved relatively quickly and inexpensively through the side wall of the existing Cove-McCoy open pit.

    Victoria is earning up to a 100% interest in the Cove-McCoy project through annual work commitments, such interest being subject to a back-in right in favour of Newmont Mining Corporation for a 51% interest or a US$1.5 million cash payment to Newmont and a maximum royalty of up to 5% upon the delivery of a positive feasibility study completed by Victoria.

    About Victoria

    Victoria is a high-growth, lower-risk company focused on gold. The Company endeavours to add value per share through efficient exploration and the completion of accretive acquisitions. In addition, Victoria's management remains vigilant in its efforts to lower the Company's risk profile through (i) project diversification, (ii) the prudent management of its financial resources, and (ii) its election to operate in lower-risk jurisdictions. Victoria currently has stakes in eight promising gold exploration projects covering an area of more than 100,000 acres in Nevada. The Company's strengths lie in its exceptional property portfolio and its experienced and dedicated exploration team. Near-term catalysts related to exploration results, the constant evaluation of accretive corporate transactions, and other factors, such as a higher gold price environment, should assist the Company in adding value per share.

    Victoria's core is transported from the drill site to the core logging/splitting area by a Company geologist. The core is logged, photographed and sawed in half. One half of the core is shipped to Inspectorate Laboratory in Reno, Nevada. Each sample is analyzed for gold by fire assay with atomic absorption ("AA") analysis finish. Every sample with greater than 3.0 grams per tonne gold is re-assayed by fire assay with gravimetric analysis finish. The Company uses certified control standards, duplicates and coarse field blanks randomly inserted into the sample stream to monitor the laboratory performance. Dr. Raul Madrid, Vice President of Exploration, directs the drilling and logging procedures at the Cove-McCoy Project. The contents of this press release were reviewed by Nancy J. Wolverson, Consulting Geologist and C.P. Geo. In addition to a recent site visit, she reviewed the analytical results and the QA/QC procedures in place at Victoria and the analytical laboratory. Ms. Wolverson is a Certified Professional Geologist (C.P. Geo.) through the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) and is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.


    Chad Williams, P. Eng, CEO, President & Director

    This discussion includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this discussion, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Company expects, are forward looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include metal prices, exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions.

    (1) See the following Victoria press releases for details: "Further Drill Results at Cove-McCoy Project, Nevada" (May 30, 2007), "Drilling Intersects High Grade Gold at Cove McCoy, Nevada" (January 9, 2007), and "Drilling Program Started at Victoria's Newly Acquired Cove-McCoy Property" (October 12, 2006).

    No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein.


    Victoria Resource Corporation
    Chad Williams, P. Eng
    CEO, President & Director
    (775) 856-4477

    Market Regulation Services - Trade Resumption - Victoria Res Corp. - VIT

    13:04 EST Tuesday, December 11, 2007

    VANCOUVER, Dec. 11 /CNW/ - Trading resumes in:

    Issuer Name: Victoria Res Corp.

    TSX-V Ticker Symbol: VIT

    Resumption Time: 13:45 EST

    19:45 MEZ
    EIN VERSUCH, da noch reinzukommen, könnte sich lohnen.
    Ich trink Kräutertee, bin ja schon drin....... :D

    die NER ist doch noch nicht ausgelutscht. :D

    NER und OTL marschieren im Gleichschritt.

    EXM kann nicht genug kriegen..... :D
    Jetzt sollen mal die weiteren JV Partner antanzen.
    Hochschild und Penoles hat man ja schon.

    EXMIN Samples High Grade Gold, Silver, Copper and Lead in New Gold District in the Sierra Madre Precious Metal Province, Northern Mexico
    Tuesday December 11, 11:38 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Dec 11, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has acquired concessions covering much of a new mineral district in the Sierra Madre province of Northern Mexico in an area that has remained largely unrecognized by other explorers. The area, acquired 100% by EXMIN through staking, contains several areas of mineralization with abundant prospects and several past producing small mines. One area, San Patricio, has yielded as much as 9.4 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold, more than 1,500 g/t silver, 9.2 % copper and more than 20 % lead over a sample length of 3.5 metres in a small mine. A previously unexplored area of altered and mineralized rock surrounds the mine and provides a large scale exploration target; first pass sampling in this area has yielded 2.37 g/t gold and 3,928 g/t silver from a small mine dump.

    The project consists of two concessions that were staked by EXMIN and covers about 48,500 hectares in an area with multiple gold occurrences and mineralized prospects but with little current exploration activity.

    Craig Gibson, Executive Vice President of Exploration for EXMIN, stated, "This acquisition is in line with our goals for exploration in Mexico. EXMIN has been able to stake much of an entire district with multiple known mineral occurrences. With the increase in activity in the Sierra Madre Occidental, our early presence in the region and our ability to put boots on the ground has been important in keeping EXMIN a step ahead of the competition."

    The Targets

    The project lies on the trend of mineralization observed at other Sierra Madre projects. The district contains Tertiary volcanic rocks, consisting of rhyolite and andesite flow and breccia, that overlie probable Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, and both units locally exhibit strong alteration. Mineralization is commonly associated with strongly silicified rhyolitic rocks near the base of the unit at or near the contact with underlying sedimentary rocks. Veins are locally important. There are multiple small mines and prospects in the region, and EXMIN crews have been cataloguing the numerous occurrences and completing first pass exploration in order to evaluate them.

    At San Patricio, EXMIN encountered a small mine worked informally by "gambusinos" in the past. Sampling by EXMIN in 2007 has yielded gold, silver and base metal values in a relatively flat-lying tabular breccia or manto formed at the base of rhyolitic volcanic rocks where they overlie limestone (please see table of assay values below). The area was declared open for staking by the Mexican government and was awarded to EXMIN in a lottery with two other interested parties. This mineralized body contains quartz and calcite in abundant veins with no preferred orientation, as well as in breccia cement and is at least 3-5 metres thick based on available exposures.

    A large area of alteration and mineralization surrounds the San Patricio mine area and provides a large exploration target. The area is poorly exposed and is partly covered by soil, and was tested by soil sampling on a 25 metre grid measuring 100 by 150 metres; most samples are anomalous for the same elements as observed in the rock samples, with as much as 0.4 g/t gold, 18.9 g/t silver and strongly anomalous lead values. Isolated rock samples from the region also yield interesting assay values with anomalous metal gold, silver and lead (see table below). This data suggests that a large mineralized system may be present, and more work is planned for this area.

    Assay values from the San Patricio mine
    Sample Width (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (%) Pb (%)
    6122 1.3 0.391 136 - 0.5
    6123 2.0 2.02 1,190 0.7 4.9
    6124 1.0 0.164 75.7 0.1 0.5
    6125 3.0 3.34 1,677 1.1 7.7
    greater than greater than
    6126 3.5 9.37 1,500 9.2 20

    Selected assays from the San Patricio surface area
    Sample Width (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Pb (%) Type
    6538 4.0 0.020 51.5 0.6 rock
    6539 3.0 0.016 14.0 0.2 rock
    6540 4.0 0.124 94.2 1.4 fault
    6541 3.0 0.058 33.7 0.6 rock
    6542 2.5 0.872 97.0 0.6 vein
    6543 3.0 0.357 132 0.8 rock
    6544 dump 0.641 396 1.9 dump
    6550 3.5 0.028 12.6 0.2 rock
    6551 4.0 0.032 15.0 0.1 rock
    6552 4.5 0.137 50.7 0.1 rock
    6553 4.5 0.231 161 0.3 rock
    6554 2.5 0.009 4.5 0.1 rock
    6555 3.0 0.080 24.9 0.2 rock
    6556 3.0 0.093 30.0 0.2 rock
    6557 3.5 0.164 169 0.7 rock
    6558 3.5 0.707 172 0.7 rock
    6566 2.3 0.324 6.5 - vein
    6567 1.0 0.106 10.6 - vein
    6568 1.5 0.286 24.3 0.1 vein
    6569 dump 1.34 320 1.2 dump
    6570 3.0 0.335 3.6 - rock
    6571 dump 0.605 42.8 0.1 dump
    6574 2.5 0.096 38.8 - rock
    6575 3.0 0.192 52.1 - rock
    6576 dump 2.37 3,928 0.2 dump
    6577 0.2 0.834 557 0.1 vein
    6578 2.5 0.308 53.8 0.2 rock

    Quality Assurance

    All samples were taken by EXMIN in 2007, consisted of 1.2 to 2.3 kg of material, and were prepared and analyzed by ALS Chemex in their facilities in Mexico and Vancouver, respectively. Gold analyses were performed by 30 gram fire assay with an AA finish; samples with more than 10g/t gold were analyzed by fire assay and gravimetric methods. Silver and the base metals were analyzed as part of a multi-element ICP package using an aqua regia digestion; samples with more than 100 g/t silver or more than 1% base metals were analyzed by AA. Samples with more than 1,500 g/t silver are re-analyzed by gravimetric methods, with one sample pending. Sample data reported are from preliminary data reported by ALS Chemex.

    Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., Certified Professional Geologist, and Executive Vice President of Exploration, is the authorized professional geologist for EXMIN Resources Inc. and the direct manager of all technical programs and information on the part of EXMIN.

    About EXMIN

    EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) is currently focused on the exploration and development of precious metal properties of exceptional merit in the Sierra Madre gold belt of Northwestern Mexico as well as in other highly mineralized areas of Mexico.

    "Jaaa und die VIT ist mal bei 0,8, wie Samstag angekündigt.
    Nach Embry hat sie Hommelberg noch mal besprochen."

    Nachdem VIT.V gestern im Schlusshandel auf 0,78 zurückgenommen wurde, haben wir heute th.

    Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Victoria Resource Corp. - VIT
    Tuesday December 11, 9:10 am ET

    VANCOUVER, Dec. 11 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):

    Issuer Name: Victoria Resource Corp.
    TSX-V Ticker Symbol: VIT
    Time of Halt: 09:00 EST
    Reason for Halt: Pending News

    Da bin ich aber gespannt....... :D


    PS.: Nuu und wann kommt ECU mit dem th? :D

    nimm´s nicht schwer, man wird nich so wahrgenommen..... :D
    Schöner Ride....

    ECU hat definitiv Fahrt aufgenommen.
    Tippe auf Boxenstopp am Donnerstag oder freitag, wenn sie gemein sind oder es nötig haben.

    BGl fällt unter 52 Wochen low. I´m not amused.... :D

    CDE hat den Merger abgeschlossen.
    Da ensteht was Großes. Wenn sie nur nicht so viele shares draußen hätten.
    Kann mir irgendwer sagen, warum sie sich aus Idaho zurückgezogen haben?
    Sind es nur die Produktionskosten?

    Das Management von Bolnisi probiert nun das selbe Spiel ein 2. Mal.
    Diesmal mit Kings Minerals und der Beteiligung SNN.TO.
    (Siehe posting von heute weiter oben!)

    Coeur d'Alene closing purchase of Mexico silver mine
    Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:32pm EST

    NEW YORK, Dec 10 (Reuters) - Silver miner Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp (CDE.N: Quote, Profile, Research) (CDM.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Monday that it expected to close its $1.1 billion purchase of junior miners Bolnisi Gold NL (BSG.AX: Quote, Profile, Research) and Palmarejo Silver and Gold Corp (PJO.V: Quote, Profile, Research) by the end of the year.

    The deal will give the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho-based company ownership of the Palmarejo silver and gold project in Mexico, which is expected to boost its annual silver production by approximately 50 percent, to 30 million ounces.

    Coeur said that more than 88 percent of shares voted at a stockholder meeting last week favored the proposed deal. Last week, shareholders for both Bolnisi and Palmarejo voted overwhelmingly in favor of the transaction.

    A Coeur spokesman said the company expected to complete the transaction in the fourth quarter.

    The miner launched an offer in May to buy the owners of the Palmarejo project in a friendly deal that it said would create the world's leading primary silver producer.

    Currently under construction in Chihuahua, Mexico, the Palmarejo project is expected to begin production in early 2009 of approximately 10.4 million ounces of silver and 115,000 ounces of gold per year.

    "The addition to Coeur of the Palmarejo silver and gold project ... is expected to increase company-wide silver production to nearly 30 million ounces by 2009, and at very low costs," said Coeur Chief Executive Dennis Wheeler.

    Under the transaction, Coeur offered 0.682 of a share for each share of Australia's Bolnisi, and 2.715 shares for each share of Toronto-listed Palmarejo. (Reporting by Steve James; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn)