Beiträge von Tschonko

    bei GG ist es so, die brauchen eine Menge Goldoz, bevor sie was machen.
    Könnt ihnen zu wenig sein, weil sie ja nur 49% Anteil haben.
    Ich hoffe, sie nehmen nächstes Jahr auch nicht teil, dann haben noch weniger Anteil.... :D

    Schätze mal, am besten ist es für Kings Minerals.... :D
    Weil ihr Anteil wird dadurch wertvoller, sie halten ja 70% an SNN....

    SNN hat noch ca. so viel cash wie das Programm kostet.
    PP, ik hör dich schon.....

    Teile im übrigen deine Einschätzung zu den 3 Aktien, nur hoff ich, dass BGL früher anspringt.... :D

    Jaaa und die VIT ist mal bei 0,8, wie Samstag angekündigt.
    Nach Embry hat sie Hommelberg noch mal besprochen.


    Drillingvertrag mit der verdroschenen Pinnacle in Mexico.
    Pinnacle kann man im Auge behalten....

    Cabo Drills La Calavera for Pinnacle Mines in Oaxaca, Mexico
    Monday December 10, 9:00 am ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 10, 2007) - Cabo Drilling Corp., (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") Mexico Division, has been awarded a contract by Pinnacle Mines Ltd. to drill a minimum of 4,500 meters on Pinnacle's La Calavera copper-silver-zinc joint venture property located in the State of Oaxaca, Mexico. Pinnacle has an option to acquire up to 70% of La Calavera from Chesapeake Gold Corp. (see Pinnacle news release of May 28, 2007).

    Pinnacle's initial program comprises fourteen vertical holes of 300+ meters to test its target. The Company is utilizing a Maxi Drill - 10 diamond drill operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Drilling began in November.

    About Pinnacle Mines Ltd.

    Pinnacle Mines Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company with assets in Canada and Mexico. In Canada, Pinnacle holds several properties in Northwestern British Columbia in close proximity to numerous past and producing mines including the Silbak-Premier Mine and Barrick Gold's famed Eskay Creek Mine.

    About Cabo Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News)

    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides mining related and specialty drilling services through its Canadian divisions in Surrey, British Columbia; Montreal, Quebec; Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Springdale, Newfoundland; as well as Cabo Drilling de Mexico S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. of Panama, Republic of Panama; and Cabo Drilling Spain S.L. of Sevilla, Spain. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.


    John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President and CEO

    das könnte von Heine sein, Faust wär auch möglich.

    Und diese Gestalten schreiben dann so nichtssagende Sätze.... :D
    "Wenn sich Jupiter – Gott des Himmels – und Pluto – Gott der Unterwelt – begegnen

    Am 11. Dezember 2007 stehen Jupiter und Pluto in Konjunktion Ende Schütze.
    Neben der weltpolitischen Brisanz, die diese Konstellation anzeigt, stehen tief greifende Wandlungs-, Stirb- und Werdeprozesse und Bewusstseinserweiterungen an."

    Auch passend dazu Eichendorff:

    "Und ein neu Geschlecht von Zwergen
    Schwindelnd um die Felsen klettern,
    Frech, wenn's sonnig auf den Bergen,
    Feige krümmend sich in Wettern,"


    er hat ihn gepostet.…ic.php?p=72271&sid=#72271

    Roxmark sitzt strategisch so was von gut, da kann man schon warten.
    Das wissen doch die wenigsten....... :D

    da haust bei mir offene Türen ein.... :D

    Du hast vollkommen Recht, aber es ist für Kodiak relativ unerheblich.
    Die große Entdeckung kam erst heuer.

    Mit dem Rückschlag rechen ich erst im späten Frühjahr.
    Aber in erster linie geht es hier um Meldungen.


    Wirklich beste Unterhaltung und das gratis....... :D

    Spica, geh ja nicht hin, wäre schade, wenn du "anderst" urteilst.

    Asoka, hat dein atavar etwas mit der Aktion "Licht ins Dunkel" zu tun?

    Merriman hat in seinem Buch Forecasts 07 Saturn in der Jungfrau ausgiebig behandelt und hat mit historischem Beleg steigend POG Preise in Aussicht gestellt.

    Grüße und herzlichen Dank ( es sind ja noch mehrere Spitzen von Spica enthalten).
    Auf das Buch freu ich mich.....


    Mexico Mike zu Kodiak:
    Übrigens Edel, Kodiak wird wahrscheinlich auch die roxmark brauchen..... :D

    Kodiak Exploration advances its high magnitude discovery play at Hercules

    With gold prices surging to multi-decade highs, new gold discoveries are attracting a great deal of attention in the market. The timing could not be better for Kodiak Exploration Ltd. [Symbol: TSXV – KXL]. The company acquired its Hercules gold property near Geraldton, Ontario, in June last year. Shortly thereafter, Kodiak achieved significant exploration success, reporting some very good gold values across wide intervals of mineralization from its initial drill program, including 15.6 g/t over 9.7 metres true width. A series of wide and remarkably continuous gold-mineralized quartz veins were identified over a total strike length of 1.2 kilometers.

    Recognizing that they have something special at Hercules, the Kodiak management team then commenced an aggressive program of land acquisition through staking and option agreements, and now controls the dominant land position in the underexplored and highly prospective Beardmore-Geraldton Archean greenstone belt. The company plans to systematically explore its approximately 1400 square kilometer property that covers several significant gold gold-bearing structures.
    The project is certainly located in the right ‘neighborhood’ for a big gold discovery. The area has already yielded several high grade gold deposits, and numerous mines have been operational in the area, with combined historical production of more than 4 million ounces of gold. This includes the nearby Leitch Mine, where mine workings extended to more than 1400m below the surface and remain open. Archean greenstone belts of this type have produced 66% of Canada’s gold production and nearly 70% of gold production worldwide.

    Access to this property is excellent, via a network of all-weather roads that in some places are just steps away from the exposed veins. Kodiak is very happy to be working in the Beardmore-Geraldton area. Both towns are historic mining centres, with a strong pool of skilled labour available, and communities that are supportive of mining development. Kodiak management is excited about the chance to create some much-needed economic development in the area, and will work to build beneficial relationships with the local community, including local First Nation groups.

    Results from ongoing work this summer have certainly justified Kodiak’s optimism. Several massive gold-bearing structures have now been exposed in more than 5 kilometres of surface trenches, including the newly discovered Golden Mile Zone with a geophysically indicated strike of more than 4 kilometers. Continuous gold mineralization has been traced for more than 365 metres along the structure and visible gold is frequent and conspicuous within this interval. Channel samples taken every 20 metres along this zone averaged 20.2 g/t Au over an average width of 3.8 m.

    The Golden Mile structure is unparalleled in geometry and scale in the Geraldton-Beardmore Gold camp and remains open along strike and to depth. High grade gold continues to be intersected in wide-spaced drill holes and every drill hole to date has intersected gold mineralization accompanied by strong hydrothermal alteration. An unusual characteristic of the Golden Mile vein system is the long, undeformed lengths of the vein segments: most Archean vein systems are highly deformed and discontinuous. Hitting significant mineralization in virtually every drill hole shows the strength of the Hercules gold system and suggests that a large gold resource could be present.
    Many new veins continue to be uncovered in this area measuring some 30 square kilometers. Several other parallel or ladder vein systems have already yielded strong gold values across significant widths, including the Marino vein where a drill hole intersected 38.5 g/t Au over 1.6 metres, and most of the property remains unexplored.

    The presence of visible and coarse gold along with the disseminated gold mineralization in the quartz veins, stockworks and breccias makes for exciting headlines in news releases. But it also creates a very challenging environment in which to establish a reliable and accurate estimate for the tonnage and gold resources in this intensely mineralized setting. A large amount of drilling will be needed to establish a resource, and Kodiak has commissioned three additional drill rigs to speed up the work.
    With a recent bought-deal equity offering that raised $55 million, Kodiak locked in the funding necessary to fast-track its exploration, and has commenced a 60,000m diamond drill program at Hercules to test its economic potential, which should ensure news flows for a long time to come.

    Based on the high grades of gold encountered so far, and the encouraging size and number of gold bearing veins that have already been identified, Hercules could become one of the most exciting gold discovery stories in Canada in many years. This upside potential has gained the attention of speculators, as Kodiak shares have appreciated by several hundred percent since the first announcement of high grade gold assays. The excitement has even spread to other companies that have property holdings in the region. Despite the very early stage of the exploration effort so far, it is clear that gold discovery plays continue to be attractive in this buoyant resource sector, and investors will be expecting even greater success as the exploration work continues.
    "Evil will always win because good is dumb." - SPACEBALLS

    wenn wir die Linar nicht hätten, ich kannte sable auch nicht.... :D
    dressed in Silver.....aha, du liebst es spärlich bekleidet.
    Weil ansonsten erträgt man es gewichtsmäßig nicht.
    Sagst du öfter zu Mädeln, sie wären "expensive"? :D
    Für solche Frechheiten muss man schon verheiratet sein......

    Ich les: Navid Kerami " Das Buch der von Neil Young Getöteten"
    Kann ich empfehlen, wenn man es ein bisserl anspruchsvoller liebt.
    Auf den Neil steh ich nach wie vor.......
    und so hab ich zur zeit sämtlich CD´s und LP´s wieder aufgestöbert und bin draufgekommen, dass ich "Pocahontas" von Young gar nicht habe.
    Nur in einer sehr guten Version von Johnny Cash.

    bitte warn mich vor, wenn du wieder so eine Musi einstellst.
    Da muss ich vorher ein Valium einwerfen.... :D

    OTL.V: die haben eine gute Homepage. Auf den 1. Blick schaut das ganz gut aus.
    Glaub nicht, dass es bei NER schon zu spät ist.

    Übrigens, am montag dürfte die VIT.V ein bisserl durchstarten.... :D

    Interessante Details von Mexico Mike.zu Bandera BGL.V, die ich ja verdoppelt hab vor ein paar Tagen.

    I know quite a few people on this forum supported BGL in the PP late last year, so I think this is good news considering that the stock has not traded above the exercise price for those warrants. It is good to see a company support the shareholders that put their money on the line, and I think getting the share price high enough to exercise those warrants is the next priority. Consider that to raise additional money, the stock would be drifting again until the PP closed, and the company would have to pay about 15% of the net in additional brokerage expenses. Far better to have happy shareholders that exercise warrants and inject cash directly into the company treasury. Of course I am biased because I bought into the deal.



    Here is the news:

    BGL-TSXV December 7, 2007


    Bandera Gold Ltd. is making application to the TSX Venture Exchange for their approval to extend the expiry date of warrants to purchase 850,000 common shares at an exercise price of $1.25 per share for a period of one year to January 4, 2009.

    On behalf of the Board

    Kelvin Williams

    President and CEO

    For further information please contact:
    Kelvin Williams, President and CEO (780) 465-4129

    Und als Antwort:
    Here is what Roulston said about Bandera. Several of us were wondering why he didn't like the stock. Here is his answer from his most recent newsletter. This quotation has nothing to do with the warrent extension and Coach is quite right: the warrent action was a good idea. I posted this here just because it is a comment on the company and I did not think it needed a separate listing: it is just one financial letter writer's opinion. Disclosure. I own some Bandera.

    "Bandera Gold (BGL-TSXV; C$0.71) is producing 60 tonnes per day from its
    Cinco Minas gold-silver property in Mexico. Investors have grown
    impatient with the length of time required to achieve that modest
    production rate. There is potential for higher production at Cinco Minas and
    the nearby Gran Cabrera has potential to eventually add to the total. In the
    meantime, there are other companies that offer far greater upside."


    "Die einen aergern sich ueber Cyanide die andern ueber Evo Morales"
    Und du über beide... :D

    Kennst du eigentlich Eldorado? (siehe unten)

    Neben APE sind auch noch ASM und GNG ziemlich unten.
    ASM schaut ziemlich gut aus zu dem Preis.

    CPN.TO hat ja heute einen Sprung gemacht. Einen Zwischenhopser.....
    das wird noch dauern.

    NER.V auch. Die hatte ich hier vor kurzem mal eingeschoben.

    Zur gestrigen Bushaktion, die eine bodenlose Frechheit ist, hab ich ein paar passende Zeilen gefunden:

    Aus "Eldorado" von Neil Young

    Up in the Gold Hotel
    The money hits the table
    The heavies all are there
    That's why the deal's goin' down
    Beautiful women all dressed in
    Diamonds and sable
    Down upon the street
    Beside a garbage heap
    A Mariachi band begins to play.

    Wer es sich anhören will......(Song ist nicht besonders gut, aber eine unheimlich geilgute Gitarre von Neil)


    recht viel cash flow machen sie nicht, aber immerhin.
    Die ist eine der Solidesten von dem ganzen Haufen.

    Bei VMS wird es bald sehr spannend Jän. Feb.

    NER.V ist auch so ein Wert (Moly!), hab ich neulich bei silver companies besprochen.
    Da bin ich aus Gier und Blödheit rein, schnell, schnell..
    Hab noch einen upmove erwartet, wurde ein downmove. :D
    kann nicht immer so klappen wie bei VMS.

    Aber inzwischen ist der Hommelberg rein, ich hab mir´s angeschaut und jetzt bin ich wieder zufrieden.
    Halbwegs, weil inzwischen hätt ich sie um 20% günstiger bekommen.

    Ich halte die auch, obwohl die um 1,5 aufwärts zu verkaufen und gleich noch ein paar Verlustis raushauen, wär um v i e l e s gescheiter gewesen. :D
    So im Nachhinein betrachtet....................


    Milly, eldo,
    also die Rechnung vom Siegel ist hieb- und stichfest.

    Ich (Österreicher) hab Anfang Okt. über den Daumen gerechnet und verkauft. :D
    Und natürlich die Gerichtssache, die ist auch noch am Köcheln...

    Wenn die nicht mit den produktionskosten runterkommen, wird´s nichts.
    Was aber einen Verdoppler nicht ausschließt, da geb ich eldo recht.

    Dazu noch was: Foolies sehen sie auch als Outperformer.…ents-in-penny-stocks.aspx


    Noch mal zu Gabriel;: Interessanter Film.
    Vergessen wurde bisher zu erwähnen, dass die EU insgesamt alle Cyanid Trennung unterbinden will

    Interessanter Film.
    Euronews report on Rosia Montana

    Nun zu Carpathian CPN.TO:

    Neben der unberechtigten "Gabriel-Gleichsetzung"
    spielen Tonnages berechnungen eine Rolle.
    Dazu ein Stockhouse Beitrag:
    Wie weit der stimmt, keine ahnung.

    "You find Tonnage and grade there ! 1 Ton of indicated ore is worth between $17.53 and at best $ 20.00 ( recovery included) . The inferred ore is even less if its really there . Mining is a relative high risk investment and the investor uses therefore 15-20 % return . So you are talking about $14 to %16 /t to mine and process this ore at best . Not very much considering : builting infrastructure , blasting , transporting , crushing , milling the rock ( gold in sulfides ) frothflotation , leaching , and stockpiling 68 mill ( 160 mill + ) of tailings !!! and last not least reclaiming and enviromental protection ! And that all for $16 /t . Drilling in 07 showed more ore but grades not much different ! So i stick to my previous posting which said its not feasible to mine tonnage and present 50 cents justified until better grades . Compare with NOVA GOLD ."

    Carpathian hat sich jedenfalls ein drittes Standbein, nämlich in Brazil.

    Carpathian Gold Adds Second Major Exploration/Development Platform With the Acquisition of the Riacho Dos Machados Gold Project, Brazil
    Friday December 7, 9:20 am ET

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Dec. 7, 2007) - Carpathian Gold Inc. (TSX:CPN - News; "Carpathian" or the "Corporation") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a letter of intent (the "LOI") outlining the terms for a definitive purchase agreement to acquire from Zoneplan Limited and Repalla Inc. (the "Vendors") a 100% interest in the Riacho Dos Machados gold project (the "Proposed Acquisition") which the Vendors hold through Melbourne Ventures Fund LLC. The project covers a 22,000 hectare land package comprising 12 exploration areas and one mining concession which incorporates all mineral and surface rights and existing infrastructure. This acquisition is in accordance with the Corporation's strategy to expand its portfolio with high quality projects.

    The benefits to Carpathian of the Proposed Acquisition are as follows:

    - Addition of a second, strong exploration/development platform: Located in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, this project is situated on a favourable greenstone belt which hosts gold mineralization associated with shear-zones known to extend regionally for tens of kilometres within similar settings.

    - Permitted brownfield project with historic gold production: A high grade gold oxide deposit was previously mined from an open-pit by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce ("CVRD"), producing approximately 180,000 ounces of gold between 1989 and 1997. The historic grade of this oxide zone is 1.89 g Au/t. The surface oxide zone has not been fully exploited and is known to extend immediately to the south of the past mining activities. Similar gold geochemical anomalies are known to extend along a 10 kilometre shear zone to the north and have not been evaluated.

    - Historical gold resource: Although not yet.NI 43-101 compliant, there is a historical resource of 3.77 million tons of gold mineralization at an estimated grade of 4.61 g Au/t (560,000 ounce historical resource) was calculated by CVRD in 2001, based on CVRD's analysis and experience in mining the project. This is a historical resource estimate only and is indicative of the presence of possible significant gold mineralization and is not being treated by the Corporation as a current mineral resource and as such should not be relied upon. It lies immediately below the previously mined oxide zone with metallurgical test work indicating a recovery rate of +90%. The metallurgical work whle considered reliant was not carried out by the Corporation and as such should not be relied upon. This zone was not exploited by CVRD, nor was its full extent defined. It is open at depth as well as along strike. Additional exploration potential from two previously identified nearby targets also remain to be tested.

    - Existing infrastructure: Development of the Riacho dos Machados project will benefit from the extensive existing infrastructure, including: buildings, roads, power, water access and ownership of the surface rights.

    - Geographic diversification of the project portfolio: The project is located in a well known mining friendly area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

    - Increased gold exposure: The combination of this project with Carpathian's existing Rovina License project in Romania provides the Corporation with excellent upside potential from two very large land portfolios, which enhance the profile of the Corporation.

    - Near-term gold production potential: Management believes that it may be possible to commence gold production from Riacho dos Machados in 2009. The proposed acquisition is consistent with the Corporations strategic direction to focus on near term cash flow generation to fund longer term development and exploration. Production is expected from additional surface oxide material from the existing open-pit and along strike as well as a new underground operation either utilizing an existing exploration shaft to a depth of 120 metres, or ramp access assuming the presence of economic mineralization can be established.

    Commenting on the Proposed Acquisition, Mr. Dino Titaro, President and CEO, stated, "This acquisition represents an exciting opportunity for Carpathian to accelerate its goal of becoming a near term gold producer without the burden of a large capital expenditure requirement as is typical with development assets. We believe the upside potential of this land package is excellent and that this acquisition is accretive to existing shareholders and enhances the portfolio by complementing our existing exploration and development projects in Romania. Carpathian remains committed to the Rovina Project and will utilize the expanded in-house expertise that it develops from this acquisition to assist in its development".

    Definitive Terms for the Acquisition

    As consideration for the purchase of the Riacho Dos Machados gold project, the Corporation will issue 75 million of its common shares to the Vendors. The Corporation may also issue an additional 25 million common shares (the "Additional Common Shares") subject to the Corporation establishing a NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate (all categories) within the project area which, in the aggregate amount to greater than 1,000,000 ounces. The Additional Common Shares are issuable in two tranches as follows: 12,500,000 shares being issuable to the Vendors upon the Corporation establishing one or more NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimates (all categories) which in the aggregate, amount to 750,000 ounces of gold and the second tranche of 12,500,000 shares being issued upon the Corporation establishing a further NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate (all categories) of 250,000 ounces of gold representing an aggregate of 1,000,000 ounces. The Additional Common Shares may also be issuable in the event that the Corporation completes any business combination, including a takeover bid, amalgamation or merger, or sells, directly or indirectly, all or a substantial portion of the Riachos Dos Machado gold project. Normal course due diligence will be undertaken prior to the signing of a definitive agreement.

    The definitive agreement will also provide that the Vendors will be entitled to nominate one director to the Corporation's board of directors and will have the right to participate in any future equity financings of the Corporation in order to maintain their percentage interest in the Corporation's issued share capital. The Vendors, as a group, currently own 18% of the Corporation's issued and outstanding common shares and as a result the Proposed Acquisition will be a related party transaction as defined under NI 61-501 and will therefore be subject to approval by the majority of the minority shareholders of the Corporation at a meeting to be called for this purpose in the early part of 2008. Furthermore, completion of the Proposed Acquisition will be subject to regulatory approval, due diligence and the execution of a definitive agreement between the Corporation and the Vendors. Information material on the proposed transaction will be sent to all shareholders in due course. The Board of the Directors of the Corporation has unanimously endorsed this transaction. Furthermore, a Special Committee has also been established to, among other things, ensure the fairness of this transaction to shareholders. To this effect, the Special Committee will obtain a fairness opinion from its own advisors which will report directly to the Committee.

    The Corporation has engaged Canaccord Capital Corporation as its financial advisor for the Proposed Acquisition.

    Resulting Carpathian Capitalization

    Subsequent to the consummation of the Proposed Acquisition, the Corporation's capital structure will be as follows:

    Common shares issued and outstanding 206.9 million
    Options and warrants outstanding 15.7 million
    Fully diluted common shares 222.6 million

    The Corporation has approximately Cdn$17 million currently on hand.

    Carpathian Business Description

    The primary business of the Corporation, prior to the closing of this Proposed Acquisition, has been the exploration and development of precious metals projects, principally its Rovina gold-copper project, which consists of two gold-copper porphyry systems located in central Romania. The Corporation holds a 100% interest in the Rovina License, a 93.5 km2 land package in the historic gold producing "Golden Quadrilateral" mining district, located in the south Apuseni Mountains of central Romania. The Rovina License contains the two porphyry systems, namely, the Colnic Au-Cu porphyry and the Rovina Cu-Au porphyry prospect, which is located approximately 2.5 km to the north of Colnic. Collectively, these two deposits comprise an indicated resource of 68.0 million tonnes grading 0.64 g Au/t and 0.12% Cu, in addition to an inferred resource of 160.3 million tonnes grading 0.33 g Au/t and 0.24% copper (see press release dated May 29, 2007).

    The Corporation also holds a 100% interest in the Oravita License which covers an area of approximately 132 km2 located in south western Romania on which Carlin style gold mineralization has been outlined along with Cu porphyry showings and porphyry-Au skarn showings.

    Mr. Titaro is the qualified person (as defined in National Instrument 43-101) overseeing the design and implementation of the present exploration programs. He is responsible for preparing the information contained in this news release.

    Forward-Looking Statements: This press release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future exploration drilling, exploration activities and events or developments that the Corporation expects, are forward-looking statements. Although the Corporation believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated statements. The Corporation undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if circumstances or management's estimates or opinions should change. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

    The TSX does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


    Dino Titaro
    Carpathian Gold Inc.
    President & CEO
    (416) 368-7744 (CAN)
    (416) 260-2243 (CAN) (FAX)

    Mike O'Brien
    Carpathian Gold Inc.
    Manager Investor Relations
    (416) 368-7744 (CAN)
    (416) 260-2243 (CAN) (FAX)

    Wenn man den 2006 Bericht noch mal liest, hätte man da schon wissen können, dass es schwierigkeiten geben wird.
    Rumänien ist traditionell ein sehr bergbaufreundliches Land.
    Man will halt kein 2. Baia Mare mehr.
    Trotzdem glaub ich, dass es noch etwas wird, aber mit immenser Verzögerung.
    Im übrigen hatte ich nie Gabriel.
    Mich interessiert es nur zwangsläufig wegen CPN.TO. Von denen hab ich mehr.

    Scorpio Gold u. Bactech Merger mit beiden Berichten:
    Scorpio Mining Aktionäre kriegen keine shares an Scorpio Gold, wie bereits hier öfters erwähnt.
    (Laut Auskunft auf der Edelmetallmesse!).

    Scorpio Gold iwird sicher nicht uninteressant.
    Dürften so mit 35-40 ct´s rauskommen, müssten aber mehr wert sein.

    Weiters gibt Scorpio Gold noch ein PP über 4 Mille

    Bactech Bericht:

    Scorpio Mining Bericht:…o_bactech_merge.html?.v=1

    Drillresultate bei Minefinders in Nebenprojekt:


    Naja, nugget,
    möchtest du so entjungfert werden.... :D

    Nicht toll, aber doch ökonomisch auf den ersten Blick.

    Nachbemerkung zu no cash, no hope:

    Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual. (die mit cash!)
    Wer keine Wahl hat, hat sie erst recht. (die Qual natürlich.....)

    Außer er geht auf margin und kauft Bandera (BGL). Wie ich.

    Zwar Risiko, aber ich meine, so billig kann ich den Aktienbestand nicht mehr verdoppeln.

    Werden sehen..... :D

    Die letzten 3 Wochen heuer werden noch spannend, weil ich die margin noch schließen möchte........nur aus prinzip! :D
    Und mit Bandera wird´s wohl nicht möglich sein, also muss was anderes raus.
    Aber ich liebe sie ja alle soooo.... :D


    Hi eldo,
    die haben die schreckliche umweltkatastrophe am 30.1. 2000 noch in Erinnerung.
    Und die war wirklich arg. Sogar in Ungarn war die Theiss auf 100erte von km fischlos.
    Aber das lässt sich technisch schon machen heute.
    Nehme an, es gibt dann strengere Auflagen, sollte es weitergehen bei gabriel.
    Ist halt eine Verzögerung.......

    Deutscher Bericht nicht ganz aktuell (2006):…english/press/2006vdi.htm

    Schöne Doku mit Karten zum Baia Mare Unglück:…/Donau%20aktuell%2002.pdf

    Bei CPN schaut es anders aus. Ohne Cyanid mit Flotation prozess.
    siehe auch hier.

    Clifton: das sind 60000 shares, ein Klacks........gesamtgesehen.

    Na ja, da bin ich zwiespältig. Warum noch mehr?
    Kriegen die dann auch mehr an Moris?

    EXMIN Announces Strategic Alliance Private Placement
    Thursday December 6, 9:25 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Dec 6, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. ("EXMIN") (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to report that Hochschild Mining plc ("Hochschild") ("HOC": LOX), has agreed to purchase by way of a private placement an additional 2,736,318 common shares of EXMIN at a price of $0.40 per share for gross proceeds of Cdn $1,094,527. This placement represents an additional investment beyond Hochschild's entitlement under the Strategic Alliance with EXMIN to maintain its percentage ownership position. The proceeds of the placement are earmarked for rehabilitation and operation costs associated with the Moris Mine, which is jointly owned by Hochschild (70%) and EXMIN (30%) under a joint venture.

    The Offering is subject to receipt of all necessary approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

    About EXMIN

    EXMIN Resources Inc. is currently focused on the exploration and development of precious metal properties of significant merit in the Sierra Madre gold belt of Northwestern Mexico.

    Note: EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) has taken all reasonable care in producing and publishing information contained in this news release. Material in this news release may still contain technical inaccuracies, omissions or typographical errors, for which EXMIN assumes no responsibility. This news release may include certain "forward-looking statements" including but not limited to comments regarding predictions and projections. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included in this news release, including, without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of EXMIN, are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are disclosed in documents filed from time to time with the regulatory authorities.

    Die schlechten Meldungen häufen sich.

    Nach Novagold, Gammon, CMQ und diversen fehlbohrungen diesmal Widerstand gegen Cyanid.

    Gabriel vor Aus in Rumänien. Da wurden 300 Mille investiert.

    ""The project has no chance," said political analyst Emil Hurezeanu."

    Da wird Carparthian wieder mitgezogen. CPN.TO
    Ich find ja nichts, warum die betroffen sein sollten?
    Kein cyanid, etc...
    Kann mir wer zu CPN was sagen diesbezüglich?

    Romania moves to block Canadian gold mine project
    Thu Dec 6, 2007 8:19am EST

    By Radu Marinas

    BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania looks set to ban the use of cyanide in mining in a move that will effectively block a Canadian project to build Europe's biggest open cast gold mine, officials said on Thursday.

    Gabriel Resources (GBU.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) has already invested more than $300 million in the Rosia Montana gold mine in the central province of Transylvania but the project has faced a series of hurdles over health and environmental worries.

    A key environmental review required for the project was suspended by Romania's Environment Ministry in September following a court challenge from non-governmental organizations.

    Gabriel has said the suspension is illegal and designed to appease voters, and has said it will use "all resources at its disposal" to reverse the decision. But it has said it will slash jobs and scale back activities related to the project.

    A bill is now progressing through parliament that would effectively kill off the project by banning all cyanide mining.

    Its sponsor, Senator Peter Eckstein-Kovacs, told Reuters on Thursday the bill had now secured government support and was very likely to be passed.

    "There is a big chance that our proposed plan to ban cyanide in gold and silver mining will pass parliament. We have secured government backing ... and many opposition deputies back it."

    Eckstein-Kovacs, a member of the ruling coalition's junior partners, the ethnic Hungarians, argues the use of cyanide is hazardous and could lead to a repeat a 2000 disaster when a Romanian mine polluted cross-border rivers.

    Romanian authorities and environmental groups say drilling in the Carpathian mountains would also destroy ancient Roman mines and that using cyanide would harm the environment.

    Gabriel has defended the use of cyanide in mining saying that it cannot develop the Rosia Montana mine economically without using the poison.

    Environment Minister Attila Korodi told Reuters on Thursday that he hoped parliament would give a verdict on the proposed change in mining legislation soon.

    "The bill is now under debate in parliamentary commission. If it passes, Gabriel will need to bring a total change to their technical project," Korodi told Reuters.

    Korodi said the review of the environmental impact assessment study could be unblocked if the court cleared the case:

    "If the court rules that a previous certificate obtained by Gabriel is valid, we can go ahead with reviewing the project. Such an assessment can take several months."

    But analysts said Gabriel had almost no chance of reviving its project given the current political situation in Romania, something that was unlikely to change at least until late 2008.

    "The project has no chance," said political analyst Emil Hurezeanu.


    Original von Silbernugget
    Exmin muß eigentlich mal laufen, was sie hält sind noch die ca. 5 mio warrants im März.
    Außerdem brauchen sie evtl. wieder cash, Ende September hatten sie nur 0.5 mio.
    Hoffe die werden nicht durch Hochschild geschluckt.

    Hätte ich noch cash gäbe es noch vieles günstig zu kaufen...

    Na, da sind wir cash, no hope. :D
    Es gibt wirklich einige Schnäppchen......

    Exmin wird laufen und die werden sicher nicht rausgenommen, da sind zu viele JV drinnen.
    Hochschild kann höchstens Moris rausholen, wenn sie wollen.
    Da wird 08 auch etwas Cash reinkommen für EXM.

    Sabina spürt die Novagold Geschichte, vermute ich.
    Aber in Maßen, ärger ist es bei CPN.TO mit Gabriel.

    Ich sehe das alles n o c h relativ gelassen, nehme an, die werden wieder gehen.
    Aber man kann sich schon mal den worst case ausmalen, der in den nächsten jahren eintreten wird, bevor dann wirklich ein Abflug bevorsteht.
    Alle nähern sich den lows von 07.
    Irgendwann beginnt das Spiel von neuem.
    Dann muss man halt Kasse machen.....
    oder, was noch wichtiger ist, Einstandskurs senken.


    Impact Silver Announces New Silver Discoveries at Mamatla
    Tuesday December 4, 5:33 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 4, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News; "IMPACT") is pleased to announce the discovery of several new silver prospects in the Mamatla District. The wholly-owned 200 square-kilometer Mamatla District is located southwest of and immediately adjacent to the Royal Mines of Zacualpan. Mamatla is host to both epithermal veins and volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits. Field work has demonstrated that some of the veins exploited within the Royal Mines of Zacualpan project extend onto the eastern portion of the Mamatla District. Most of the prospects described below are within trucking distance from the operating mill at Zacualpan.

    Field crews began prospecting and sampling at Mamatla immediately after IMPACT won the project in a government auction earlier this year. Much like at Zacualpan, the majority of the targets have historical workings that stopped due to groundwater. These targets will be advanced towards drilling in 2008.


    The ruins of the large historic San Carlos processing plant are located 13 kilometers southwest of IMPACT's operating Zacualpan processing plant. The San Carlos plant appears to have served as a central facility for processing minerals from local mines. At the site, IMPACT crews found seven piles of mineralized rocks varying from 20 - 500 tonnes in size. Samples from these rock piles assayed between 0.06 - 2.12% copper, 0.1 - 17.55% zinc, 0.1 - 11.45% lead, 46 - 836g/t silver and 0.2 - 8.65g/t gold. With the belief that these piles represent mineral collected from various nearby old mines, IMPACT crews began prospecting the surrounding countryside and discovered numerous old mine workings. Samples from some of the first workings discovered are reported below.


    The Pirul Prospect is comprised of old mine shafts and adits located 1 kilometer north of the San Carlos plant. Samples from the workings returned the following values:

    Sample from shaft 2.0 331 0.04 9.23
    Samples from adit located 65m southeast of shaft
    5m from entrance 1.7 304 0.36 4.96
    12m from entrance 1.0 285 5.31 6.88


    The Gorrion Prospect is located 500m west of the Pirul Prospect. Samples from a dump beside a surface cut and a nearby outcrop returned the following values:

    Mine dump - 311
    Surface sample of vein 2.1 163


    The Angel Prospect is located 3 kilometers northwest of the San Carlos plant. Highlights from a series of old shafts and small surface open cuts traced over 100m returned the following values:

    Random samples from - 481
    2000T old mine dump
    Average of 3 samples 0.9 331
    beside Shaft No. 1
    Sample from Shaft No. 2 0.9 492
    (30mNW of Shaft No. 1)


    The San Nicolas del Cobre Prospects are found over a distance of 1 kilometer in the far northwest of the Mamatla District. Samples taken from old mine workings in the area returned the following values:

    Average of 5 samples 0.4 2.03 257 0.2
    in Cobriza Shaft
    Including 0.6 5.82 401 0.2
    Amigo Shaft 1.0 1.67 123 0.5
    Enjambre Shaft 0.5 1.85 98 4.1
    Enjambre mine dump - 2.60 287 2.0

    IMPACT continues to conduct surface and underground mapping and sampling in the Mamatla District. Based on encouraging results from this initial field work, a drill program is being planned for this area in 2008. Meanwhile, surface and underground drilling continue unabated at Royal Mines of Zacualpan.

    George Gorzynski, P.Eng., a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and Vice President, Exploration of IMPACT Silver Corp., is responsible for the technical content of this news release. Chip and channel samples were collected from cleaned rock faces over a continuous representative interval using a chisel and hammer. A total of 5% assay standards and blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada, where a 30-gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10-gram split was analyzed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.

    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver-focused mining and exploration company with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, Mexico; a district scale exploration program at Mamatla, Mexico; an advanced project with a producing mill at Zacatecas, Mexico; and other projects in the Dominican Republic. Energold Drilling Corp. (EGD:TSX.V) owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.

    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President & CEO