Beiträge von Tschonko

    die Firma, die die Feasy gemacht hat, hat sich auch ziemlich verschätzt. :D

    Wenn die net rechnen können......
    Die müssen ja da alles hinstellen.....

    "The feasibility study for Galore Creek, conducted by Hatch Group, an international mining and engineering consulting firm, “clearly underestimated” the amount of time and labour needed to build a tailings dam and various water management structures NovaGold chief executive officer Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse said during the conference call."

    Aber zur zeit wird auch so was von überreagiert...
    A bisserl überzogen alles....
    Wird sich schon wieder beruhigen.


    Das Novagold Begräbnis wurde hier besprochen:…?postid=220713#post220713

    Guter artikel dazu:…AM.20071126.wtecknova1126

    Das ist mir auch verständlich.

    Was ich nicht verstehe, ist, dass Goldquest auf diese Meldung hin um 33% fällt.
    Ich hab ja beide nicht, aber diese Dinge sind ziemlich wichtig, dass man sie annähernd versteht, weil verschont bleibt man davon nicht..... :D
    Dass ich Novagold nicht mehr habe, verdanke ich barrick. :D
    Da floh ich....
    Andererseits hat Barrick da früher schon mal Zweifel an den zahlen der Feasy gehegt.
    Aber ich glaub, das war bei Donlin

    Mir geht´s ja ähnlich mit CPN.TO und UNO.V, aber das kann ich eher nachvollziehen....

    GoldQuest Announces Further Drill Results From Las Animas
    Monday November 26, 9:30 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 26, 2007 -- GoldQuest Mining Corp. ("GoldQuest" or the"Company") (CDNX:GQC.V - News)(Frankfurt:M1W.F - News) is pleased to announce the latest batch of drill results from exploration drilling on its 100% owned Las Animas project in the Dominican Republic. Results from an additional six drill holes (LA-21 to LA-26) totalling 1,137 metres are reported.

    The highlights of the latest drilling from holes LA-21 to LA-26 are as follows:

    - Massive sulfide drill intercept in hole LA-26 of 67.77 meters grading 3.38% Cu, 3.98% Zn, 1.49 g/t Au and 26.52 g/t Ag; the true width of this drill intercept is estimated to be 20 to 25 meters;

    - Hole LA-26 has extended mineralization vertically from surface to a depth 355 meters and is interpreted as open and thickening at depth. The previous deepest intercept was 275 meters in hole LA-10;

    - Massive sulfide drill intercept in hole LA-21 with 5.79 meters grading 3.66% Cu, 5.24% Zn, 14.77 g/t Au and 120.81 g/t Ag.

    Alistair Waddell C.E.O. commented "these results continue to expand the Las Animas massive sulfide body and we are encouraged by the continuity of mineralization at depth and the possible thickening of the zone to greater than 20 meters. We are developing a better understanding of the geometry of this body and the gold values in hole LA-21 shows the variation in grade we can expect. Going forward we will to continue to further define the geometry and thickness of the mineralization at depth and along strike by drilling."

    Hole LA-26 was drilled as a deep perpendicular "scissor hole" below hole LA-10 to test the continuity of the massive sulfides at depth. The hole was collared 74 m south of LA-13 and was drilled in a northerly direction at an inclination of -77 degrees.

    The hole cut rhyolite with increasing alteration to sericite schist down-hole, followed by massive sulfides, then siltstone hangingwall. The upper part of the hole to 265.10 meters is in massive rhyolite with sericite alteration, followed by pyritic sericite schist. There are localized banded, semi-massive to massive sulfide zones of pyrite replacing the matrix of hyaloclastite breccias. Bedding is typically at 40degrees to the core axis. The massive sulfide intersection extends from 330.70 to 398.47 meters and comprises pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and barite. This returned 67.77 meters grading 3.38% Cu, 3.98% Zn, 1.49 g/t Au and 26.52 g/t Ag. The massive sulfide in the first (stratigraphically lowest) part is massive textured interpreted as replacement, followed by a thicker zone that is poorly bedded and brecciated which is interpreted as bedded sea-floor exhalative with slumping, which may be related to the basin deepening. The upper part is bedded with exhalative and volcanic sediments. The massive sulfides are followed by (overlain by) white siliceous and sericite altered siltstone for 5.65 m to the end of the hole at 404.12 m.

    This is the second longest drill intersection of massive sulfide drilled to date at Las Animas. The hole cut the massive sulfide at an angle of approximately 20 degrees, indicating that the body dips 85 degrees to the south and is overturned with an estimated true thickness of about 20-25 meters. This is significantly thicker than that intercepted in hole LA-13 and indicates downward thickening.

    Hole LA-21 was drilled 27 m south of LA-19 and LA-20 on the next fence west of LA-26. The hole has an azimuth of 360 degrees, inclination of -70 degrees and a length of 161.72 meters. It intercepted sericite schist with pyrite to 131.78 meters followed by 5.79 m of massive sulfide. This consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and barite (with core angle of bedding of 25 - 50 degrees) and is followed by hangingwall siltstone to the end of the hole.

    The massive sulfide returned 5.79 meters grading 3.66% Cu, 5.24% Zn, 14.77 g/t Au and 120.81 g/t Ag and includes one sample with 55.9 g/t Au. Mineralization extends into the hanging wall and footwall and is part of a wider interval of 24.00 m at 3.66 g/t Au, 30.09 g/t Ag, 1.47% Cu and 1.44% Zn. The intersection is correlated with the lower massive sulfide interval intercepted in hole LA-20 to give the body a dip of 55 degrees south with overturned stratigraphy.

    LA-22 was drilled 11 m north of hole LA-07 with azimuth to the south at an inclination of -65 degrees to test the continuity of the mineralized horizon below that intercepted in LA-07. The hole was collared in hanging wall siltstones to 53.20m. There is 2.74 m of sulfide-rich sericite schist at 47.26 m to 50.00 m, with 25% pyrite coated by chalcocite. It is oxidized from 48.70 m. This is followed by 3.20 m of siltstones (50.00 - 53.20 m) and a 0.40 m quartz vein. Sericite schist starts at 53.60 m and continues to the end of the hole at 100.62 m. The hole returned 64.22 meters grading 0.31 g/t Au from 36.42 to 100.62 meters. The mineralized horizon is represented by sulfide-rich sericite schist. This section shows a downwards facies transition from barite with sulfides (now gossan) on surface in LA-07, to sulfidic sericite schist in LA-22.

    Hole LA-23 was drilled 53 meters SSW of LA-18 and 18 meters west of LA-21. It was drilled at an inclination of -75 degrees to the NNE for a length of 213.43 meters. The hole cut rhyolite and sericite schist with alteration intensity decreasing down-hole. The contact with the hangingwall siltstone was reached at 208.75 m, indicating a steepening of the contact from 40 degrees to about 80 degrees south. The stratigraphy is overturned and no mineralization was present at the contact although there are sulfide rich zones within the sericite schist. The hole returned two intervals of mineralization within sericite schist including 18 meters grading 0.29% Zn (from 42.00 to 60.00 m) and 20 meters grading 0.24% Zn (from 190.0 to 210.00m).

    LA-24 was a vertical hole drilled to the south of LA-17 to 91.47 meters depth. The hole cut rhyolite with a decrease in intensity of alteration downhole from sericite schist in the upper part to illite altered rhyolite and transition to chlorite alteration. The sericite and illite alteration have up to 5% disseminated coarse pyrite. The contact with black carbonaceous siltstone is at 83.70 m with trace pyrite and 2% goethite. No massive sulfides were intercepted in this hole but the contact zone returned 10.42 meters grading 0.44% Zn from 81.05 meters to the end of the hole. The zinc values and the alteration in the LA-24 hanging wall sediments correlate with those drilled in hole LA-12 which returned 60.45 meters grading 0.48% Zn suggesting there may be another zone of massive sulfide mineralization nearby.

    LA-25 was drilled on the western gossan zone, 19 meters north of hole LA-15 and inclined at -55 degrees to the south below LA-15, below the gold-bearing gossan outcrop, and across LA-14 to test the mineralization at greater depth. The hole was entirely in rhyolite to the final depth of 167.68 m. There is a 0.93 m interval of massive sulfide between 102.14 -103.07 m with a massive texture and medium grain size. The hole did not return any significant values.

    Going forward the Company's objective is to continue to further define the geometry and thickness of the mineralization at depth and along strike by drilling. The company has recently secured a contract for a more powerful drill rig from Energold Drilling Corp. capable of drilling much deeper holes than at present. The new drill is expected to arrive in the Dominican Republic in December ready to commence drilling in the New Year.

    The Company has also embarked on a programme of geological mapping and detailed follow up of various gossans and anomalous zones sampled during the first phase mapping of the district including outcrop, float and stream sediment anomalies. In terms of project scale exploration the work programmes can be divided into two parts, the first being in the area of the massive sulfide body directly along strike where the company is extending the current soil survey both to the northwest and southeast beyond the current limits of the existing soil grid. The second part is a more regional programme following up gossan, float and stream sediment anomalies generated during the regional sampling programme. This will consist of more detailed geological mapping, localised soil grids and infill stream sediment samples covering the 26.1 Km2 of contiguous claims which cover a large block of prospective felsic volcanic rocks which host the Las Animas massive sulfide mineralization.

    Results from further drilling will be released as soon as they are received from the laboratory. Further information including updated maps and cross sections will be posted on the GoldQuest website shortly.

    Hole Length From (m) To (m) Gold Silver Copper Zinc Oxide or
    (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) Sulfide
    LA-21 18.88 7.12 26.00 NSV NSV NSV 0.26 Sulfide
    and 24.00 130.00 154.00 3.66 30.09 1.47 1.44 Sulfide
    including 5.79 131.38 137.17 14.77 120.81 3.66 5.24 Sulfide
    LA-22 64.20 36.42 100.62 0.31 NSV NSV NSV Sulfide
    including 16.00 72.00 88.00 0.27 NSV NSV 0.27 Sulfide

    LA-23 18.00 42.00 60.00 NSV NSV NSV 0.29 Sulfide
    and 20.00 190.00 210.00 NSV NSV NSV 0.24 Sulfide
    LA-24 10.42 81.05 91.47 NSV NSV NSV 0.44 Sulfide
    LA-26 67.77 330.70 398.47 1.49 26.52 3.38 3.98 Sulfide

    Table 1: Length-weighted average grades of drill holes. Note that the lengths are drill intersection widths and that there is still insufficient data to calculate the exact true widths of the massive sulfide body. In the case of core duplicates and repeat analyses, the average value has been used. NSV equals No significant values.

    About GoldQuest

    GoldQuest is an exploration company focused on the Dominican Republic. Through regional grass-roots generative exploration and new geological models the Company has built a portfolio of new gold and copper discoveries.

    Dr Stewart D. Redwood, FIMMM, Consulting Geologist to the Company is the qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the content of this news release. Preparation and geochemical analyses of samples were carried out by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. Standards, blanks and duplicates are routinely inserted into all sample batches for quality assurance and quality control.

    GoldQuest is traded on the TSX-V under the symbol GQC.V and in Frankfurt with symbol M1W.

    On behalf of the Board of Directors

    Alistair Waddell

    Guter Artikel!

    Teck Cominco, NovaGold step back from Galore Creek plan


    Globe and Mail Update

    November 26, 2007 at 1:56 PM EST

    Investors buried NovaGold Resources Inc.'s share price Monday morning after it and partner Teck Cominco Ltd. shocked the market by suspending construction of a massive gold and copper mine in Northern British Columbia, saying that much higher than expected capital costs would make the project uneconomic based on long-term metals price forecasts.

    The two companies said Monday that an evaluation of the Galore Creek project by an independent engineering firm, along with their own review, concluded that the capital cost of the project “could approach as much as $5-billion,” while adding 18 to 12 months to the construction schedule.

    This is fully $3-billion higher than estimates in the initial feasibility study just over a year ago, an increase that clearly shook some analysts who took part in a conference call held by the mining companies.

    However, Teck has committed to spending an additional $72-million over the next five years to see if there is another way Galore Creek can be developed in a way that makes economic sense.
    Teck Cominco Ltd.

    The Globe and Mail

    Both companies rejected the idea of selling their stakes in the project.

    NovaGold's shares plunged by more nearly 42 per cent — or $8.38 — to $11.58 on the Toronto Stock Exchange as investors digested the bad news, while those of much larger and more diversified Teck Cominco slid by $2.20 or 4.8 per cent to $43.50.

    “It's very serious – it was a significant portion of [NovaGold's] overall perceived value,” analyst Haytham Hodaly of Salman Partners in Vancouver said in a telephone interview.

    “It's one of two key projects that the company has,” concurred analyst David Stein at Cormark Securites Inc. in Toronto. The other is the Donlin Creek project in Alaska, which NovaGold is developing in a 50:50 joint venture with Barrick Gold Corp. of Vancouver, the world's largest gold miner.

    Both Mr. Stein and Mr. Hodaly said they were in the midst of revising the “buy” recommendations they had on NovaGold shares and their 12-month target prices of $23.50 and $23, respectively.

    The decision to suspend construction on the Galore Creek project may be another signal that commodity prices have peaked and that more projects may be delayed or cancelled by the global mining industry — although it is not clear whether Teck and NovaGold would have decided to move ahead as they did with a more accurate capital cost estimate.

    However, the two analysts said the quantum leap in capital costs appears to have had much more to do with the decision to back away than the decline in metals prices.

    “The increase in cap-ex is really the key thing,” Mr. Stein said.

    He also said it might be possible for the companies to salvage Galore Creek by cutting back the scope. “A few years ago, this was a much smaller project that focused on a few higher-grade zones,” he said. “They could perhaps go back to that kind of a project and see whether it works given the infrastructure requirements.”

    Under the plan that the two companies have now suspended, the B.C. mine was to have come on stream in 2012 and, within five years, ramp up to producing about 340,000 ounces of gold a year, along with 430 million pounds of copper and 4 million ounces of silver.

    The feasibility study for Galore Creek, conducted by Hatch Group, an international mining and engineering consulting firm, “clearly underestimated” the amount of time and labour needed to build a tailings dam and various water management structures NovaGold chief executive officer Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse said during the conference call.

    Asked if NovaGold and Teck may have some sort of financial recourse to the feasibility study's authors, Mr. Van Nieuwenhuyse also said the mining companies “Will certainly be talking to Hatch” and other consulting firms involved.

    Hatch officials could not immediately be reached for comment.

    “It is indeed a very disappointing moment,” Teck CEO Don Lindsay said during the call. “I know there are many stakeholders who would have preferred that we push [ahead] in the hopes that commodity prices would stay high. But in the end, we feel compelled to take the prudent decision and cut back spending to a minimum while we determine a new more economic way forward.”

    Challenged by an analyst, Mr. Lindsay defended the “due diligence” his company performed before recommending the project to its board of directors.

    “But clearly, if we had it do over again we would have spent a lot more time on the civil [engineering] work and that aspect of it, because we relied fairly heavily on the Hatch feasibility study — as people do in the industry,” he said.

    Teck and NovaGold also will conduct a comprehensive review to evaluate alternative development strategies for the 50-50-owned project, while also conducting an “orderly suspension” of construction activities minimize the impacts of this decision on the local community.

    They said the development also has been affected by the “rapidly escalating capital costs affecting major construction projects world-wide.”

    About 400 contractors and other employees are currently working at the Galore Creek project.

    “We reached this decision after considerable review and we share the disappointment of our employees, the Tahltan Nation, all stakeholders and local communities,” Mr. Van Nieuwenhuyse said, adding that the company will now be “advancing” the other projects in its portfolio, particularly the Donlin Creek project in Alaska.

    “Very few copper-gold deposits of this quality have been discovered over the last few years even though the industry has invested billions of dollars in exploration world-wide,” said Mr. Lindsay. “Galore Creek is a substantial resource and we will continue to work to determine how and when it can best be developed.”

    By the time the development is effectively mothballed, the two companies will each have spent a little more than $400-million on it.

    This will include the additional $72-million Teck has committed, as well as another $100-million, split 33 per cent for Nova Gold and 67 per cent for Teck, to be spent largely on “care and maintenance” at Galore Creek.

    Mr. Lindsay said that although Teck will take a writedown on its investment in the project in the fourth quarter, it will not write it off entirely. “We will not write it down to zero because we think it still has significant value,” he said.

    The companies said that the stronger Canadian dollar has had very little impact on projected capital costs, but that it has affected forecast operating profit margins and make Galore Creek “uneconomic at current consensus long-term metal prices.”

    Mr. Lindsay declined to the specific prices on which the companies have decided to pull back, but did not appear to quibble with figures suggested during the call by several analysts of about $1.50 (U.S.) a pound for copper and $600 an ounce for gold. These compare with current prices of more than $3 a pound for copper and $820-plus an ounce for gold.

    sie haben schon auch noch Tomlin, aber das liegt noch weiter nördlich. :D

    Copper fox (CUU) wurde gleich mitgenommen auf die Reise.
    Nachbarschaft zu Galore.
    Unrentabel zu den jetzigen Preisen, so schaut´s aus.

    Aber es werden ja immer mehr unrentabel, bzw. sie verdienen kaum mehr was, weil die Entstehungs- und sonstigen Kosten anstiegen.

    Eine Petaquilla verdient noch ganz ordentlich, nur so als Beispiel.


    Gammon mit monatlichen updates:…mongold_updates.html?.v=1

    Aurcana mit Zahlen: sehr interesant, was da so vor sich geht:

    Exmin kauft ein:

    EXMIN Acquires Drill Target Near the Penasquito Mine, Zacatecas, Mexico
    Monday November 26, 9:26 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 26, 2007 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to announce that it has acquired a group of 5 mineral concessions covering approximately 67.4 hectares in the Melchor Ocampo district of Zacatecas, Mexico. One 12 hectare concession was staked after being cancelled and declared free by the Mexican government, and 4 concessions were optioned from private individuals. Three of the concessions are contiguous and cover part of a known exploration target at Las Coloradas that was previously identified by Echo Bay Exploration (Echo Bay) in the 1990's, while the remaining two concessions cover a portion of the potential down dip extension of the target. The Melchor Ocampo district occurs in a similar geologic environment as the world-class Penasquito deposit of Goldcorp Inc. (Goldcorp), located approximately 20 kilometres to the south, where Goldcorp has reported proven and probable reserves of 917 million metric tons with grades of 0.44 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold, 29.3 g/t silver, 0.33 % lead, and 0.72 % zinc.


    Karl Boltz, President and CEO of EXMIN, stated, "Previous exploration by Echo Bay in the 1990's demonstrated the presence of a large zoned polymetallic mineralized system at Las Coloradas. Dr. Craig Gibson, our Executive Vice President of Exploration, ran the exploration drill campaign for Echo Bay. This acquisition gives us an immediate, defined drill target in a very prolific mining region with numerous past and currently operating mines, including the new Penasquito mine which is under construction."

    The Target

    Mineralization in the Concepcion del Oro region is characterized by carbonate replacement deposits related to intermediate intrusions, and includes several mines and historical producers at Concepcion del Oro, Terminal de Providencia, Salaverna, Santa Rosa, Noche Buena, Melchor Ocampo, and Penasquito. Several companies have explored in the Melchor Ocampo district over the last 15 years, but most left during the low metals prices at the end of the 1990's.

    Echo Bay explored in the district for replacement gold deposits, but also encountered a silver-lead-zinc mineralized system at Las Coloradas. The three contiguous concessions controlled by EXMIN cover about 32 hectares (80 acres) over the area identified by Echo Bay, as well as about 35 hectares (86 acres) over the possible down dip extension. All of the concessions are adjacent to and partly surrounded by several concessions controlled by Minera Penasquito, a subsidiary of Goldcorp.

    The mineralization consists of replacements of moderately dipping sedimentary rocks in the north limb of the Zuloaga anticline (information can be viewed at EXMIN has obtained part of the Echo Bay data package including reverse circulation drill hole data. Eight drill holes were completed within or close to the boundaries of the acquired concessions (to view attached Figures please click on:, and the mineralized intercepts suggest that a large deposit potentially may be present (see table of drill results below). One of the holes intersected 69 metres with 51 g/t silver, 1.2 % lead and 1.1 % zinc and was drilled on ground controlled by EXMIN. This drill hole was stopped due to drilling problems and ended in mineralization.

    Echo Bay intercepts(1) at the Las Coloradas target
    Interval (m) Inter-
    ------------- cept Au Ag Pb Zn
    Hole(2) From To (m) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%)
    Z96-11 13.5 37.5 24.0 0.493 38.6 0.5 0.6
    Z96-12 52.5 73.5 21.0 0.108 53.2 0.5 0.6
    Z96-13 76.5 111.0 34.5 0.089 31.8 0.5 0.4
    Z96-14 136.5 148.5 12.0 0.150 77.6 0.6 0.6
    159.0 165.0 6.0 0.190 19.3 0.4 0.2
    Z96-15 31.5 54.0 22.5 - 16.2 0.2 0.2
    54.0 66.0 12.0 0.0970 33.5 0.3 0.2
    66.0 102.0 36.0 - 10.6 0.2 0.1
    Z96-16 85.5 99.0 13.5 - 13.8 0.1 0.2
    99.0 124.5 25.5 0.040 58.4 0.7 0.9
    Z96-34 40.5 57.0 16.5 0.583 109.4 1.5 0.9
    Z96-35 171.0 240.0 69.0 0.084 51.4 1.2 1.1
    includes 202.5 225.0 22.5 0.034 61.4 1.5 1.6
    (1)-Drilling by Echo Bay was conducted under the supervision of
    Dr. Craig Gibson. Samples were subjected to normal quality
    control/quality assurance procedures, including insertion
    of standard samples into the sample stream and second lab
    check analyses, and are believed to be reliable.
    (2)-Drill holes or intercepts in holes 13, 14, 16 and 35 are
    believed to be on EXMIN ground, and intercepts within the
    remaining holes are believed to be within 50 metres of the
    concession boundaries.

    The Deal

    EXMIN has agreed to make staged payments over a five year period of the option agreement for a 100% interest with no NSR, under the following terms:

    1. Payment of US $20,000 on signing (paid);

    2. Payments totaling US 140,000 during the first three years of the agreement;

    3. Payments totaling US $140,000 in year 4 of the agreement;

    4. Subsequent payments totaling US $700,000 in the 5th year.

    EXMIN will assume the normal requirements to keep the concessions in good standing with the Mexican Mining Secretariat, and can terminate the contract unilaterally at any time, with no further obligations to the titleholder. There is no work commitment other than that required by the Mexican mining law.

    Quality Assurance

    Sample geochemical data, including partial laboratory digital data, were obtained by EXMIN and are believed to be reliable. Assays were completed mainly by Bondar Clegg, since acquired by ALS Chemex, and by Cone Geochemical of Denver. Two standard samples prepared from bulk samples of mineralized material from the project were inserted into the sample stream, and duplicate samples were analyzed in blind tests or at a second lab. Gold analyses by Bondar were performed by fire assay with an AA finish and other elements were analyzed as part of a multi-element ICP package with an aqua regia digestion. Silver values from some samples were re-analyzed by Cone Geochemical using a four acid "total" digestion and AA methods.

    Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., Certified Professional Geologist, and Executive Vice President of Exploration is the authorized professional geologist for the Company and the direct manager of all technical programs and information.

    wieso sind dir nur die, die fallen, ein Rätsel?
    Die, die steigen, sind es auch. :D

    Mexico Mike zu den Impact Zahlen:
    sehr schön beobachtet, dass sie mit drei Währungen arbeiten.
    Wie gesagt, ich kann mit den Zahlen leben.

    Kennt wer noch eine silver company, die verdient.
    ich kenn nur capstone (ca 15 mille?, aber das verdienen sie mit den anderen Metallen). Aber die haben ihr Silber schon an Silverstone verscherbelt.
    Verdient Genco noch was?

    It was no coincidence IMO that IPT came out with that report late on a friday. I think the earnings were are total disappointment. The operating numbers were okay, but the market values a company on net earnings. To just dismiss the shitty numbers on the basis of a high Cando does not cut it, because the silver and base metals prices were also higher due to the same weak US dollar. I mentioned to Fred about a year ago that it was time to lock in some form of currency hedging. Nothing speculative, just an investment to insure against unprecidented Cando strength and ensure that the earnings do not go down the drain when converting operating results back into Canadian dollars. Perhaps the company will take the suggestion more seriously now.

    IPT is still positioned to be a home run play in the future, especially if silver really breaks out, but lets not forget about delivering strong results quarter-over-quarter. At least now I know why the stock sold off with a 20% haircut during the last month. And probably EGD is also in the same boat.


    "Evil will always win because good is dumb." - SPACEBALLS

    Der Spruch ist wirklich gut...... :D

    Hallo gutso,
    außerordentlich wichtiges Thema.

    Da hab ich auch schon einiges recherchiert früher.
    Muss mal schauen, ob sich da was findet.

    Es gibt die Großstadtversorger (Barcelona, USA...wie sie heißen???)

    BWT und CWT hab ich beide schon gehabt ...
    Best Water und Christ Water (bauen auch sehr gute Entsalzungsanlagen..)

    Schlag mich nicht: Worldwater (Pumpen auf solarbasis)

    Noch eine gibt´s: die spüren Wasser auf, holen es rauf und installieren dabei auch alles ...................nona, machen ja alle :D
    Hab ich vergessen. Grundlos?

    Auf Abwassertechnik und Reinigung sollte man auch nicht vergessen.
    Machen auch viele Energiekonzerne wie RWE.

    Aber auch: SW Umwelttechnik. Die hab ich.....

    Off Topic: Wieso ging CDE aus dem valley...
    eine plausible Antwort, die nicht "weil´s deppat san.." enthält,
    bitte, bitte als PN

    Grüße Tschonko

    Quartalsergebnisse: jetzt verdienen die auch nichts mehr. :D
    Schaut trotzdem gut aus.

    IMPACT Announces Operating Earnings of $358,000
    Friday November 23, 2:17 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 23, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News; "IMPACT" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its results for the quarter ended September 30, 2007. The Company's consolidated financial statements include the results of Royal Mines of Zacualpan Project ("Zacualpan") that was purchased on January 16, 2006 and resumed production on January 18, 2006.

    Results for the quarter reflected slightly lower revenues, $1,603,907 compared to $1,676,896 in the prior quarter, due to third quarter weakness in silver and zinc prices. The Company was able to further reduce operating costs per tonne to $38.34 with the result that mine operating earnings were $358,117 or only $14,749 lower than the second quarter.

    After recording foreign exchange adjustments of $394,086 and a stock-based compensation expense of $140,986, the Company incurred a small loss for the year to date of $68,344 compared to a profit of $242,404 for 2006. The loss for the quarter was $287,322 ($0.01 per share) after stock-based compensation expense of $140,986 and foreign exchange losses totalling $175,608.

    In the third quarter of 2007, IMPACT increased the throughput at the Zacualpan mill averaging 296 tonnes per day ("tpd") for the quarter as part of the program to bring production up to the current mill's capacity of approximately 500 tpd. Programmed underground development for the last nine months resulted in higher production of lead and zinc, while silver grades generally have declined. Commencing in late fall, development production from El Chivo and in early 2008 the San Ramon mines are expected to improve silver throughput.

    Quarterly Comparison (t equals tonnes)

    ...............................................Three Months Ended ......Three Months Ended
    ..............................................September 30 2007.......September 30 2006
    Total tonnes (t) Produced ........27,273 ........................18,705
    Tonnes Produced per Day ......... 296 .......................... 203
    Silver Production (ounces) ........ 85,610............... 117,381
    Lead (t) .........................................155.01 ................103.36
    Zinc (t) ............................................229.69 ............... 194.21
    Cdn. $ direct costs per tonne .. 38.34 ...................53.96

    Guadalupe Mine

    During the first nine months of 2007, mining of lower grade mineral at the Guadalupe Mine continued principally on the Lipton, Lipton del Bajo Paulina, Intermediate and Liptonia Veins, as well as exploiting the Liptonia Vein on the 140m Level. An intensive program of remapping and exploration is continuing at the Guadalupe Mine. Material from the Guadalupe Mine is brought to surface on a skip and transported approximately 100m to the plant and it remains the lowest cost producer for the mines supplying the mill.

    La Gallega (Salvadora) Mine

    Success in exploration drilling in 2006 led to the commencement of mining in late 2006 from the Gallega adit. Mining began on the high grade Salvadora stopes and in the first quarter also commenced on the Lipton Vein and the recently discovered San David Vein. Material is transported by truck from Gallega approximately 500m to the mill and is forming an increasingly important source of mill feed.

    El Chivo Mine

    During the quarter, construction of the new El Chivo Mine began. El Chivo will be the third producing mine at the Royal Mines of Zacualpan Silver Project and the second put into production by the IMPACT team. El Chivo Mine is located in the central part of the district. Underground access reached the main El Chivo Silver Shoot in late October. On the vein the Company is developing multiple headings on the mineralization, creating development muck that will be processed in the mill. Production from stoping will commence in early 2008 and should boost the Company's overall silver production.

    Over the next six months, the Company anticipates that fluctuating mill grades will continue due to dilution from development muck, as it emphasizes an underground development program in order to increase production. Moreover, because the value of Lead and Zinc have risen dramatically since this time last year, increased emphasis has been put on improving recoveries of the production areas including previously mined stopes by redefining cut-off grades. The mine has also completed negotiations for a new smelter contract and its ongoing union contracts.

    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a Tier 1 silver-focused mining and exploration company with two producing silver mines at Zacualpan, Mexico; exploration rights to two Mexican mining districts, an advanced-stage silver project at Zacatecas, Mexico; and, other projects in the Dominican Republic. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.

    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President & CEO

    weißt eh, ich schreib ja fast nie bei spica.
    Merriman les ich.
    Zu viel astro verwirrt dich dann vielleicht auch noch....... :D
    Über Mars im Krebs hat der spica seitenweise geschrieben.....

    Dann schau mal hier unter Punkt 2.2 Wörgler Geldexperiment

    Tom Szabo vom 21.11.:

    My Monday visit to the San Francisco Hard Assets Conference was rather uneventful. There were much fewer silver companies present than in the past but even so I only had time to stop and chat at a few booths. My most insightful discussion was with Doug Dobbs of Mines Management, who filled in a few missing details in my mind about his company's future prospects. I'll leave the details for the new service, but in essence I am becoming much more confident that Mines Management could be a solid candidate for price appreciation as it moves toward feasibility study and permitting of its world-class Montanore deposit. This is going to occur over roughly the next 24 months assuming no major delays or environmental roadblocks, and it isn't very difficult to build a case that the stock should be trading around the $10 level or even higher toward the end of that period. This is not a target per se but simply a back of the napkin valuation estimate. Moreover, the best part is that my $10 per share calculation assumes a silver price of $10/oz. and copper of $1.50/lb (I am not a copper bull and believe base metals in general will trend toward marginal cost of production in the next few years but on the other hand I do think silver will be trading higher than $10 in 2009). With the share price around $4 today, I view Mines Management as an excellent buy for medium-term holding periods of between 1-3 years.

    Five other silver companies I'd have little hesitation buying at this point, or especially on a pullback: First Majestic, Impact, Genco, Excellon and Gammon Gold. First off, First Majestic around $4 or less is a steal. Impact is a stealth situation that will eventually get positive recognition for its approach to resource development and mining. Genco and Excellon have solid exploration and resource potential. Gammon Gold continues to be a volatile turnaround situation that is once again near the bottom of its range: I can't find a cheaper producer with 550 million ounces of silver and 22 million ounces of gold in resources. In terms of in-situ metal values (a calculation I usually avoid but sometimes there is no better way), buying Gammon Gold gets you gold in the ground for $25/oz. and silver for $0.50/oz. This would be excellent even for a pre-feasibility project considering a large portion of the resource is high grade, yet Gammon Gold has already been in production for almost a year with most of the mine development expenses already incurred. I'd like to simply say "duhhhhh" to those selling the stock near $7.00 today.

    (I own shares in all 6 of the companies mentioned above).

    A brief update on the service. I am still struggling to reply to all the initial e-mails but will announce a second free subscription drive once I've done that in the next few days. In the meantime, we have moved back the official launch date to January 1, although I will have some initial content to share with Founding Members during the month of December. I greatly appreciate your patience, and Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. readers!

    ahaa, der will sich auf den Sack hauen, schafft´s aber nicht, weil zu dicker Bauch........

    Antwort, was du im Astrothred gefragt hast:
    Der Lokführer ist einfach eine historische Person, schon lange tot.
    kennst das "Wörgler experiment" nicht?

    Keine Ahnung, wenn es wendet. Ich bin voll drinnen, hab da falsch gehandelt (weil nicht gehandelt), obwohl richtig eingeschätzt (siehe Messebericht 1).
    Dachte mir, als die erste Novemberwoche hielt, es kommt erst Ende November.
    Schas mit Quasteln.....

    na du kannst wenigstens nachkaufen.......
    RMK hab ich mir etwas angeschaut in den letzten Tagen. Gute Projekte, sie haben die Mill dort und werden ein kleines Projekt hoffentlci bald in produktion bringen.
    Die haben eine MC von 25 mille angegeben, aber da komm ich rechnerisch mit 130 Mille shares nicht hin????

    Seh zur Zeit keine Käufer und das bereitet mir Sorgen, weil der Gesamtmarkt auch einbricht. Und verkaufen tun ja auch nicht so viele.....
    Da braucht es Ereignisse.

    Aber ich kann mir vorsteleln, wenn mal alle drei sachen zusammenkommen. Das ergibt einen richtigen Tsunami.


    Annual General Meeting - 22 November 2007
    Chairman’s Address

    Ladies & Gentlemen
    Next Monday marks the fifth anniversary of Malachite’s listing on the Australian Stock Exchange. Over the last five years, and indeed over the ten years since we began business, we have seen many changes in the resources industry, ranging from some very lean times, with rock bottom commodity prices, to the present buoyant conditions, which are unlike any that have gone before. From the outset, but particularly since our ASX listing, we have sought to become a mid-tier player in the Australian resources industry, with a focus on gold,
    silver and base metals in eastern Australia.

    Initially, our horizon was limited to discovery of high quality mineral deposits in our area of interest, aiming to enjoy the uplift in company value that, by tradition, should come with such discoveries. To a greater or lesser extent, we have reached that horizon and now must consider where we should go from here. While we have pursued our goals we have seen the environment in which we operate change in several important ways. In the last few years especially Australia has seen a resources boom, probably the strongest since the days of the great gold rushes of the 19th century. Hundreds of new exploration companies have been listed on the ASX, all aspiring
    to the company-making discovery that is every exploration geologist’s raison d’etre. Amongst this plethora of competitors Malachite has established itself as a pace setter and, unlike most of our peer group, we have indeed made a company-making discovery. We are now ready to move on to the next phase of growth by becoming a true mining company, with production, profits, and even perhaps some dividends! In the changing business environment in which we operate, this, we believe, is what the market now expects of us.
    It is also the reason that we are about to raise new capital, primarily to fund the assessment of mining economics at the Conrad Silver Project but also to take our other projects to major decision points.
    Conrad should be the making of this company and can be expected drive our future market value. In one sense, Conrad is not a new discovery, as it has been an operating mine twice before. But for the last fifty years it has sat idle, unexplored and unwanted. Among the ingredients to Malachite’s success at Conrad is our recognition, more than five years ago, that the old mine has substantial unexplored potential. At that time too, we predicted that
    silver, then worth just $4.80 an ounce, was primed for a major revaluation and revival of interest. Today silver is worth three times as much and according to many pundits is set to go very much higher in the next few years. If and when that happens Malachite will be one of the very few companies listed on the ASX that offers significant, direct exposure to silver and we can expect our shares to be keenly sought after for that reason at least.

    Interest in Malachite will come not just because we have that exposure to silver but also because our silver asset is of such high quality. The Conrad deposit is of high grade, the first and most powerful criterion for a successful mine. The ore is certainly rich in silver but it also contains important levels of copper, lead, zinc and tin, four base metals that are fundamental building blocks of modern technology and our standard of living. It also contains the rare
    metal, indium, which is worth more than silver and is essential for plasma and LCD television and computer screens. At upwards of $750 a kilogram there is a strong incentive for us to find a way to recover and be paid for the indium at Conrad.
    The Conrad mineralisation we have drilled to date is very coarse grained, which makes for good metallurgical characteristics. Indeed, the early indications are that it is amenable to upgrading by simple gravity concentration before processing in a conventional sulphide flotation plant.
    Analysis of mining methods and economics is as yet at a very early stage but preliminary modelling indicates that the high grade lodes should be able to be extracted by long-hole open stoping, with a minimum mining width of 1.5m allowing use of modern, mechanised equipment. The lodes are relatively soft and easily workable but are contained within hard, fresh granite that should make for excellent ground conditions when it comes to underground
    mining. What that all means is that mining costs at Conrad should be very competitive.
    Conrad also offers a second type of silver mineralisation in a body we call the Greisen Zone. This is lower in grade but very much larger in size than the high grade narrow Conrad and King Conrad Lodes. It would appear to be amenable to bulk mining methods and much of the silver in the Greisen Zone may be present as native silver. If so, we may be able to recover it with gravity concentration and produce a saleable product early in the mine’s life,
    while the rest of the plant is still being built.

    I think it is clear that Conrad is a very high quality asset and it is entirely appropriate for it to be our flagship project. It is not alone, however, as we have three other key assets that will be part of the company’s future. In the first case there is Tooloom Gold. Not much work has been undertaken at Tooloom since Newmont withdrew from the joint venture in mid 2007 but that does not mean that its importance to Malachite is diminished. On the contrary,
    petrological research carried out in house over the last few months and the significantly enhanced database generated with Newmont funding are pointing to numerous prospects that demand evaluation and drill testing. Field work at Tooloom should resume in the new year with renewed vigour and an increased understanding of the controls on gold mineralisation.
    Over the past 12 months or so Malachite has become involved in exploration for copper in the Mount Isa region of northwest Queensland. Mount Isa is a world class copper province, with several major ore bodies and innumerable smaller deposits. Our work at Volga and Mt Lidster is at a fairly early stage but we are encouraged by the grades and styles of mineralisation we are seeing and expect this area to become a major focus for our exploration efforts in 2008 and beyond.
    The fourth key asset for Malachite is the Elsmore Project, also in the Inverell area about 25km from Conrad. At Newstead and elsewhere on the Elsmore tenement we have significant potential for discovery of a tin deposit that might be amenable to rapid development and production. This could lead to a modest but valuable cash flow to fund our growth until Conrad becomes our mainstay. We are currently testing some new gravity concentration technology that may reduce the already low capital cost of any likely tin mine
    at Newstead. With the Australian spot tin price at around $23,000 per tonne there is a strong incentive for us to turn one of our tin prospects into a mine as soon as possible.
    Ladies and gentlemen, Malachite now has an excellent mix of pre-development projects that are headed towards mining and very promising exploration plays that could deliver new mines in the years ahead. But none of that will happen without the other key ingredient to a successful mining company – people. It is great to be participating in an unprecedented
    mining boom but one side effect of that is the intensity of demand for skilled people.
    Like all mining companies in Australia at present we have suffered delays to our programs simply because we could not get the people to operate them. That includes both geologists and drillers, both of whom are in short supply at present. We have recognised the potential of projects like Volga and Elsmore for some time but for most of the past year we have been unable to procure the people necessary to work on them at the rate we would like to see.
    We were sorry to lose one of our best geologists to the stockbroking industry during the year, leaving us very short-handed for the past six months or so. I am happy to report today, however, that we were delighted to add senior geologist Mike Donnelly to our staff in September, where he joined senior geologist Mark Derriman and geologists Oliver Bayley and Bianca Pietrass-Wong. We have also just successfully recruited a new junior geologist, to start as a new graduate in January, and we have lined up a new senior contract geologist to commence work in the new year. This will give Malachite a highly competent geological crew of seven people, led very ably by Exploration Manager, Russell Meares. With such a talented team I think we can look forward to some timely and exciting results in the months
    Importantly, the geological team is strongly backed up by our Field Operations Supervisor, Gareth King, and by our capable field assists, such as Shane McAuley. In turn the field crew is very well supported by geo-computing consultant, Chris Bannerman, our accountant, Wendy Emerson, PA and Office Manager, Maryanne Alderson, company secretary, Andrew Cooke and of course, your Board of Directors, who provide all of us with wisdom, insight,
    experience and first rate corporate governance. I thank each of these colleagues for their strong support, encouragement and commitment to Malachite and its future success.
    Finally, ladies and gentlemen, let me also express my sincere thanks to our loyal shareholders, without whose enthusiasm and support for what we are doing there would be no Malachite Resources.
    Thank you.
    22 November 2007

    ja weiß schon, dass wir schon länger drin sind.
    Unter "saubere Arbeit" hab ich DEINE gemeint nicht den Mars.

    besonders spannend werden die Zeiträume 16-18° und 25-27° KRE.

    Gefunden haben sie noch nichts wirrklich Großes außer einen Rieseneisenerzkörper. Aber da ist 400 Meter Sand drüber.
    Also sauteuer, da ran zu kommen.
    Gewonnen haben sie ein Gerichtsverfahren und dort könnten sie evtl. wirklich fündig werden. Immer neue projekte.....


    Und hat dir der lokführer gefallen? :D


    nee, noch nicht gehört.

    Bei VMS gibt es ein Update:
    war auch nötig, PP war bei 1,5, jetzt steht sie bei 0,88. Wenn da draus nichts wird, haben sie institutionelle anleger auf jahre gesehen.
    Dann geht´s wieder über privat zu tiefsten Preisen.

    Also schauen wir mal, was im Jänner passiert.

    VMS Snow Lake, Manitoba Exploration Update
    Thursday November 22, 6:30 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 22, 2007) - VMS Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE:VMS - News; the "Company") is pleased to update shareholders on its exploration activities in the Snow Lake area of Manitoba.

    Drilling is underway on the Reed Lake Discovery Zone and the second hole of the program has now been completed. Eight drill hole locations have been selected around the discovery hole, RD07-02, and the results of these holes will be used to determine the probable orientation of the mineralized body.

    In addition, preparations are being made for down-hole geophysical surveys of these new drill holes around the discovery hole. Down-hole geophysical surveys employ a probe which travels down the bore hole taking readings from the top to the bottom of the hole. This survey method enables detection of conductive sulphide bodies within approximately 100m of the borehole. This information can help geologists determine the location of additional lenses of sulphide mineralization, as these deposits commonly consist of several individual lenses.

    Permits are pending for the construction of grid lines to be cut on the southern portion of the Reed Lake property in the area covering the Discovery Zone, and several nearby VTEM anomalies, to allow for Surface Deep EM geophysical surveys. These are designed to detect hidden bodies of mineralization to depths much greater than the current drilling is targeting.

    More than 40 drill holes are currently being planned for the upcoming winter program at the Discovery Zone. The Company is also preparing permit applications for 2008 drilling at other VMS and Nickel exploration properties, in addition to the Reed Lake property.

    The drilling is progressing as planned and samples will be shipped for assaying once drill core has been logged and processed. All technical information in this release has been reviewed by Dr. George Gale, P.Eng, the Qualified Person, Vice President of Exploration and director of VMS Ventures Inc.

    VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex, Specialty Metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.


    John Roozendaal B.Sc., President & Director

    Hallo spica,
    saubere Arbeit war das mit Mars im Krebs.......

    Hier die Daten eines Lokführers:
    Michael Unterguggenberger - 15.8.1884 - 23:00 wahre Ortszeit
    Hopfgarten 12:09:09 O
    .....................47:27:00 N

    1932 wurde er Bürgermeister von Wörgl und er drückte es durch, dass das Schwundgeld in Wörgl eingeführt wurde. Natürlich nach den Ideen Silvio gesell´s.

    Wenn es dich interessiert, passt´s, wenn nicht, vergiss es.

    Kannst du dich noch erinnern? in teil 1 wurde mal ein minenhoroskop durchgekaut. Da war deine Aussage, die werden 08 fündig.
    Hast du das noch?


    Hallo Nugget,
    hier ist der Link zur Teilnahme am Contest.

    Contest Rules:

    1. Only one signup per single user allowed. Users abusing this rule by signing up more than once are not entitled to any of the winning prices.

    2. User must enter 10 different junior stocks over time.
    This simply means the user can add stocks to his portfolio till December 01, 2008. Once the portfolio is filled with 10 stocks the user can't be adding any new stocks anymore.

    3. The potential gains for each individual stock are calculated as from the date of entry.

    4. No duplicate stocks are allowed, so you can't enter eg Aurelian Resources twice.

    5. Till January 01, 2008 users can edit their portfolio. This means that users are able to exchange certain stocks from their portfolios for other stocks.

    6. After January 01, 2008 users can only add new stocks to their portfolio in case they haven't reached the required 10 stocks yet.

    Hallo Eldo,
    da hat es dich ja nicht alleine erwischt.

    CEO Martin Lambert has been with the Bennett Jones Law firm since 1979 and served as Chief Executive Officer of that firm from May 1996 to January 2000. His practice has focused on mergers and acquisitions and corporate finance in connection therewith. He is widely recognized as one of Canada's leading merger and acquisitions lawyers. Mr. Lambert's personal family holding company is a shareholder of Matco Capital Ltd., CMQ's largest shareholder. Mr. Lambert is a director of a number of public and private companies in Canada and the USA.

    Und das Management hat ja ein9ge größen drinnen wie Stuart Angus, der First Quantum aufgebaut hat.

    Siehe hier:

    Aber die konsequente Nachricht (hier gestern gepostet), fand ich außerordentlich. So was von konsequent.

    CMQ ist ja Nachbar von Klondex. Victoria, Coral, X-Cal sind nicht wiet weg....

    Das kam schon sehr überraschend........


    Bei der Edelmetallmesse wurde mir geagt, das PP sollte zu 1,5 sein.

    Nuuu, jetzt geben sie es billiger, nämlich zu einem C$.
    Warrant zu 1,25.
    Jetzt weiß ich auch, zu welchem Preis ich da kaufen werde.
    Nicht viel mehr als einen $. :D

    Silvermex Resources Ltd.: News Release
    Monday November 19, 11:55 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 19, 2007) - Silvermex Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SMR - News; the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has completed its short form offering of 2,000,000 units (the "Offering Units") at a price of $1.00 per unit for gross proceeds of $2,000,000. Each unit consists of one common share and one half of one non-transferable share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share for a period of 12 months at a price of $1.25 per share. The Company's agent for the short form offering was Canaccord Capital Corporation ("Canaccord") of Vancouver, British Columbia.

    In consideration for its services, Canaccord was paid the following:

    1. 160,000 units at a price of $1.00 per share (having the same terms as the Offering Units), representing the 8% Agent's commission taken in Agent's Units;

    2. 160,000 non-transferable warrants exercisable at a price of $1.00 for a period of 12 months from closing, representing the 8% Agent's Warrants;

    3. 37,500 units representing the corporate finance fee (having the same terms as the Offering Units).

    The Company also agreed to pay all expenses reasonably incurred by Canaccord in connection with the offering, including the fees and expenses of Canaccord's solicitors.

    The securities issued to purchasers who have subscribed for 40,000 units or more (425,000 units) and the Agent's corporate finance fee are subject to restrictive legends expiring on March 16, 2008.

    The proceeds of the offering will be used to pay the expenses of the offering, including Canaccord's commission, exploration of the Company's properties, property payments, and general working capital.

    This News Release contains forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements which relate to future events. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as "may", "should", "expects", "plans, "anticipates", believes", "estimates", "predicts", "potential", or "continue or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our or our industry's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.

    While these forward-looking statements, and any assumptions upon which they are based, are made in good faith and reflect out current judgment regarding the direction of our business, actual results will almost always vary, sometimes materially, from any estimates, predictions, projections, assumptions or other future performance suggests herein. Except as required by applicable law the Company does not intend to update any forward-looking statements to conform these statements to actual results.

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    Bruce Bragagnolo
    Silvermex Resources Ltd.
    CEO & Secretary
    (604) 638-8980

    Darcy Krohman, P.Geo., C.A.
    Silvermex Resources Ltd.
    Executive Vice-President & CFO
    (604) 638-8971

    Jason Leikam
    Silvermex Resources Ltd. - Investor Relations
    Corporate Development
    (604) 638-8979