Beiträge von Tschonko

    schau dir mal Formation Capital an. FCO.TO
    Ich bin da jetzt 3,5 jahre dabei und hab da so ziemlich alle permits "mitgemacht".
    Also das dauert elendiglich lang.
    Und jetzt ist es noch nicht 100% sicher, ob es die 1. cobaltmine der USA wird.
    Obwohl sie Cobalt wirklich brauchen, weil sie es teuer importieren.

    Vor allem kann jeder Konkurrent bei den Wasserrechten eine verzögerung einbauen.
    Der braucht nur einen Häuptling der First nations schmieren, es liegt ja teilweise in einem Naturschutzgebiet. ( ganz kleiner Teil)

    Einstieg von SLW ist grundsätzlich sehr positiv.
    Einige sehen halt die Silberfantasie (weil sie nur noch die Basemetals zu Marktpreisen verkaufen können) gekappt!
    Dazu hab ich keine Meinung....


    IPT kratzt am 52 Wochen Hoch.
    Geht´s da durch, dann geht´s anständig durch.... :D

    Meiner Meinung geht Impact Energold´s Weg. Kursmäßig! :D

    Die Meldung vom 4.10 hatte ich nicht gepostet.

    IMPACT Silver Announces Zacatecas Sampling Results
    Thursday October 4, 1:32 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 4, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce results from an initial sampling program undertaken on the wholly-owned Nueva Granada and Asturiana concessions in the Zacatecas Silver District.

    The concessions cover both the San Jose Vein and the Armado Vein, which are branches of the Veta Grande vein system. Historically, the Zacatecas Silver District has produced over one billion ounces of silver, of which the Veta Grande vein system was the largest contributor. Historical mine plans indicate that these two veins on IMPACT's concessions were mined along a length of 800m and to a depth of 150-200m.


    The San Jose Vein crosses the concessions over a distance of 800m. Old mine workings and dumps mark the surface along its entire width. A total of six channel samples were collected from surface exposures of the vein and averaged 239g/t silver over 0.74m true width ("TW"), ranging to a high of 444g/t silver over 1.10m TW. Five old mine dumps were also sampled along the vein. Two samples were collected at each dump site. The average of the five sulphide-bearing samples was 407g/t silver, ranging to a high of 1,070g/t silver. The average of five sulphide-poor samples was 141g/t silver, ranging to a high of 390g/t silver.


    The Armado Vein trends 100m west of and runs parallel to the San Jose Vein. It has been traced over a distance of 500m and is marked by old mine workings and dumps along its entire length. Channel samples collected from surface exposures of the vein located 130m apart assayed 237g/t silver over 1.92TW and 1,320g/t silver over 0.30mTW. Two samples were collected at an old mine dump on the vein located 400m to the north. A sulphide-bearing sample assayed 358g/t silver and a sulphide-poor sample assayed 247g/t silver.

    Several splay veins branch off the main Armado Vein. A channel sample from a splay vein in the southern portion of the concessions assayed 188g/t silver over 1.04m TW. At this location, a sulphide-bearing sample from the old mine dump assayed 556g/t silver and a sulphide-poor sample assayed 54g/t silver.

    IMPACT has an option to purchase a 200-tonne-per-day processing plant that is located in the center of the Zacatecas Silver District and six kilometers south of the concessions. Presently, the plant is being operated on a custom milling basis for local miners.

    Based upon the encouraging results from this initial field work and the concessions' close proximity to the processing plant, a first phase drill program is being planned.

    Edward Lyons, P.Geo., a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical content of this news release. Chip and channel samples were collected from cleaned rock faces over a continuous representative interval using a chisel and hammer. A total of 5% assay standards and blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada, where a 30-gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10-gram split was analysed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.

    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, Mexico, an advanced project with a producing mill at Zacatecas, Mexico, and other projects in the Dominican Republic. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.

    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President & CEO

    siehe linar´s poster.
    Auf der messe war der gute damien (UC) fast nie am Stand.
    Ich hab ihn mal kurz im Orko Stand getroffen, da war mir aber anderes wichtiger.
    Wenn nicht Mc Faulds wär, hätt ich schon komplett verkauft, so nur ein Drittel.
    Trading halt haben´s auch, seh ich soeben.
    st halt so, wenn sie keinen Bericht liefern.
    Ist aber nicht tragisch, das war voriges Jahr dasselbe.
    Nur ich mag´s nicht sooo..

    Paramount: da braut sich einiges zusammen, die werden immer größer

    UNO hat ja eine schlechte Meldung gehabt, seitdem arg im Minus. (Falls Creek
    Ist ja nue ein Nebengebiet, aber so läuft´s zur Zeit.

    Heut ist seit langem wieder sehr guter Umsatz in D.
    Es ist ja so schön zum Zuschauen! :D
    ich hab ja schon früher gekauft.


    Hab den Bericht unter
    eingestellt. Und jetzt auch hier. Teil 2 gibt´s dann nur dort.

    Edelmetallmesse 2007 - ein subjektiver Bericht

    Pünktlich zu Beginn der Messe stieg der Goldpreis auf 800.
    Diese Euphorie konnte man 2 Tage spüren.
    So viele Besucher wie am Samstag hatte ich noch nie seit 05 gesehen.
    Hervorragende Vortragende, sehr viele Companies.
    Für die Veranstalter ein voller Erfolg.
    Ich glaub, auch für die Münzhändler großes Grinsen

    Ich hab nur den Vortrag von Zimmel über Börsenastrologie , den von Reinelt über praktische Anwendung von Kolloidsilber (beide sehr gut, wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich ja versteh, wovon Zimmel redet) und einen Teil vom Bocker Vortrag, also nicht ein Bocker, sondern Prof. Bocker.
    Warum der Mann nicht Kabarett macht, versteh ich nicht.
    Er hat es drauf: hoher Unterhaltungswert mit gehobenem Populismus.
    Meine das durchaus positiv, denn gehobener Populismus ist selten.

    Ich hab auch noch nie mit so wenig mit Companyvertretern gesprochen wie dieses Jahr.

    Was ich gemacht habe, kann man nun berechtigterweise fragen?
    Mich besoffen?
    Nein, auch nicht, habe kaum was getrunken und ich war 2 Tage voll beschäftigt.
    Ich hab mich mit Leuten unterhalten und zwar bestens.

    Emoba, der mit mir anreiste und mit dem ich schon während der Autofahrt ununterbrochen redete, Lucky Friday und ich wohnten im selben Hotel.

    Schablonski lernte ich kennen, nicht von der Minenfraktion, und Organisationstalent David R. nötigte ich, sich kurz zu uns zu setzen. Er war etwas nervös, weil es am Beginn der Veranstaltung war, und ich kenn das, da sitzt man auf Nadeln, ob alles funktioniert.

    Patrone Lupo hab ich am 2. Tag bei einem Stand gesehen und wir sind dann etwas trinken gegangen.
    Obwohl er 100er Goldbug und ich 825 Silber, er in Australien ich fast nur Kanada, gab es schöne Überschneidungen der Einigkeit. Er war übrigens „trächtig“ angezogen und mit einem Messer bewaffnet. Kleines Jagdmesser mit Horngriff.
    Die Minen verdienen nichts, die Silberminen schon gar nichts, es wird noch mal scheppern wie im August usw.
    Wie Churchill sagte: Who is forewarned, is forearmed.

    Er kann in ca. 3 Minuten eine Company wunderbar einschätzen so auf den 1. Blick.
    Wenn sie dann noch in Betracht kommt, dann muss man eh noch immer die Bilanz lesen, wenn man es kann.
    Ich bewege mich auch in diese Richtung, weil mir alles andere zu fad wird.
    Geätzt haben wir auch ein bisserl. Den O-Ton kann ich leider nicht wiedergeben wegen Gefahr einer Sperrung³ (heißt Hoch 3).
    Er hat auch schon Weinlieferungen bekommen!
    Es gibt halt doch noch anständige Leute auf dieser Welt!
    Schaut mal in der schmuddelecke vorbei:
    Siagst lupo, jetzt hob i das g´schickt!
    Hoffentlich lesen´s nur großes Grinsen

    Mit Lucky fuhren wir dann am Abend ins Marriot zur Silver Summit Cocktail hour.
    Da waren sehr viele von den Minengesellschaften und David Bond lief uns auch über den Weg, begleitet von Herrn Stangel, der ein Freund von Bond ist und schon seit 40 Jahren in der Sunshine investiert ist und die auch wirklich gut kennt. er kennt überhaupt viele Leute.
    Das, sagen wir mal so, zeugt von Beharrlichkeit und Treue.
    Bond wurde über das Trial von Atlas mining befragt, das ergab aber nichts.
    Ferner sprachen wir noch üner die Refinery, die Sterling von Formation capital erworben hat.
    Die können nur Sachen von der Sunshine und der Crescent Mine verarbeiten, nicht aber von der Bunker Hill. Das versteh ich zwar nicht ganz, hab es aber so verstanden.

    Bond sagte übrigens: Sterling skyrocking...
    No na, net, hab wirklich nichts anderes erwartet von Bond..... großes Grinsen

    Herr Stangel betreibt auch eine webseite, die sehr umfangreich ist, aber viele interessante Informationen enthält. Er sucht eine Software, die das Antiquierte etwas entfernen soll.
    Ich find das aber sogar symphatisch, sie ist nur etwas unübersichtlich.

    Die Seite von Herrn Stangel:
    Auf jeden Fall runterscollen

    Da gibt´s einen schönen Film über Sterling.

    Viele Bilder aus dem Valley mit Bond, De Motte etc.

    Dabei hätte Herr Stangel es so einfach. Er kennt Susanne, eine deutschstämmige Kanadierin, die brands für Websites vieler Companies entwirft. Was sie über die Mentalität der Amerikaner gesagt hat, hat mir gefallen. Sie spricht sehr gut deutsch und Heimito von Doderer hätte seine absolute Freude an ihr gehabt. Die Susi hat´s drauf.
    Sie hat aübrigens auch gestaltet.
    Der Betreiber dieser Seite, Sean Rakhimov, war auch auf der Messe, aber davon mehr im 2. Teil.

    Er hat mich mit einem Wiener, hey, tschonko, come on, i bring you to the other Austrians, bekannt gemacht. Er betreibt einen Weblog und wir haben so erzählt, was wir so machen. Er war zuletzt 6 Monate in Vancouver. Wenn man da Aktien aus Australien u. Europa zusätzlich hat, kommt man kaum zum Schlafen.
    Weblog: Schaut ihn euch an!

    Die herrschende Euphorie hat mich zu folgendem Spruch inspiriert.
    „Schon manch rauschendes Fest endete mit einem festen Rausch.“ - (Rausch = euphorische Betrunkenheit mit gröberen Nachwehen)
    Zitat Tschonko.

    Ich hoffe, er kommt erst im Dezember.

    Im 2. Teil geht´s um Minen und ein paar ausführliche Gespräche.

    An Mirjam (doppelte Löwin!): solltest du das zufällig lesen, das, was ich dir astrologisch über Hunde gesagt hab, war ein Blödsinn.
    Richtigstellung über


    Edelmetallmesse 2007 - ein subjektiver Bericht - Teil 1

    Pünktlich zu Beginn der Messe stieg der Goldpreis auf 800.
    Diese Euphorie konnte man 2 Tage spüren.
    So viele Besucher wie am Samstag hatte ich noch nie seit 05 gesehen.
    Hervorragende Vortragende, sehr viele Companies.
    Für die Veranstalter ein voller Erfolg.
    Ich glaub, auch für die Münzhändler :D.

    Ich hab nur den Vortrag von Zimmel über Börsenastrologie , den von Reinelt über praktische Anwendung von Kolloidsilber (beide sehr gut, wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich ja versteh, wovon Zimmel redet) und einen Teil vom Bocker Vortrag, also nicht ein Bocker, sondern Prof. Bocker.
    Warum der Mann nicht Kabarett macht, versteh ich nicht.
    Er hat es drauf: hoher Unterhaltungswert mit gehobenem Populismus.
    Meine das durchaus positiv, denn gehobener Populismus ist selten.

    Ich hab auch noch nie mit so wenig mit Companyvertretern gesprochen wie dieses Jahr.

    Was ich gemacht habe, kann man nun berechtigterweise fragen?
    Mich besoffen?
    Nein, auch nicht, habe kaum was getrunken und ich war 2 Tage voll beschäftigt.
    Ich hab mich mit Leuten unterhalten und zwar bestens.

    Emoba, der mit mir anreiste und mit dem ich schon während der Autofahrt ununterbrochen redete, Lucky Friday und ich wohnten im selben Hotel.

    Schablonski lernte ich kennen, nicht von der Minenfraktion, und Organisationstalent David R. nötigte ich, sich kurz zu uns zu setzen. Er war etwas nervös, weil es am Beginn der Veranstaltung war, und ich kenn das, da sitzt man auf Nadeln, ob alles funktioniert.

    Patrone Lupo hab ich am 2. Tag bei einem Stand gesehen und wir sind dann etwas trinken gegangen.
    Obwohl er 100er Goldbug und ich 825 Silber, er in Australien ich fast nur Kanada, gab es schöne Überschneidungen der Einigkeit. Er war übrigens „trächtig“ angezogen und mit einem Messer bewaffnet. Kleines Jagdmesser mit Horngriff.
    Die Minen verdienen nichts, die Silberminen schon gar nichts, es wird noch mal scheppern wie im August usw.
    Wie Churchill sagte: Who is forewarned, is forearmed.

    Er kann in ca. 3 Minuten eine Company wunderbar einschätzen so auf den 1. Blick.
    Wenn sie dann noch in Betracht kommt, dann muss man eh noch immer die Bilanz lesen, wenn man es kann.
    Ich bewege mich auch in diese Richtung, weil mir alles andere zu fad wird.
    Geätzt haben wir auch ein bisserl. Den O-Ton kann ich leider nicht wiedergeben wegen Gefahr einer Sperrung³ (heißt Hoch 3).
    Er hat auch schon Weinlieferungen bekommen!
    Es gibt halt doch noch anständige Leute auf dieser Welt.
    Schaut mal in der schmuddelecke vorbei:
    Siagst lupo, jetzt hob i das g´schickt!
    Hoffentlich lesen´s nur :D

    Mit Lucky fuhren wir dann am Abend ins Marriot zur Silver Summit Cocktail hour.
    Da waren sehr viele von den Minengesellschaften und David Bond lief uns auch über den Weg, begleitet von Herrn Stangel, der ein Freund von Bond ist und schon seit 40 Jahren in der Sunshine investiert ist und die auch wirklich gut kennt. er kennt überhaupt viele Leute.
    Das, sagen wir mal so, zeugt von Beharrlichkeit und Treue.
    Bond wurde über das Trial von Atlas mining befragt, das ergab aber nichts.
    Ferner sprachen wir noch üner die Refinery, die Sterling von Formation capital erworben hat.
    Die können nur Sachen von der Sunshine und der Crescent Mine verarbeiten, nicht aber von der Bunker Hill. Das versteh ich zwar nicht ganz, hab es aber so verstanden.

    Bond sagte übrigens: Sterling skyrocking...
    No na, net, hab wirklich nichts anderes erwartet von Bond..... :D

    Herr Stangel betreibt auch eine webseite, die sehr umfangreich ist, aber viele interessante Informationen enthält. Er sucht eine Software, die das Antiquierte etwas entfernen soll.
    Ich find das aber sogar symphatisch, sie ist nur etwas unübersichtlich.

    Die Seite von Herrn Stangel:
    Auf jeden Fall runterscollen

    Da gibt´s einen schönen Film über Sterling.

    Viele Bilder aus dem Valley mit Bond, De Motte etc.…490bf162a589c88e2#post347

    Dabei hätte Herr Stangel es so einfach. Er kennt Susanne, eine deutschstämmige Kanadierin, die brands für Websites vieler Companies entwirft. Was sie über die Mentalität der Amerikaner gesagt hat, hat mir gefallen. Sie spricht sehr gut deutsch und Heimito von Doderer hätte seine absolute Freude an ihr gehabt. Die Susi hat´s drauf.
    Sie hat aübrigens auch gestaltet.
    Der Betreiber dieser Seite, Sean Rakhimov, war auch auf der Messe, aber davon mehr im 2. Teil.

    Er hat mich mit einem Wiener, hey, tschonko, come on, i bring you to the other Austrians, bekannt gemacht. Er betreibt einen Weblog und wir haben so erzählt, was wir so machen. Er war zuletzt 6 Monate in Vancouver. Wenn man da Aktien aus Australien u. Europa zusätzlich hat, kommt man kaum zum Schlafen.
    Weblog: Schaut ihn euch an!

    Die herrschende Euphorie hat mich zu folgendem Spruch inspiriert.
    „Schon manch rauschendes Fest endete mit einem festen Rausch.“ - (Rausch = euphorische Betrunkenheit mit gröberen Nachwehen)
    Zitat Tschonko.

    Ich hoffe, er kommt erst im Dezember.

    Im 2. Teil geht´s um Minen und ein paar ausführliche Gespräche.


    PS: für die, die den hausbrauch noch nicht kennen:
    auf Seite 1 befindet sich die Liste der Companies

    da hab ich schon Verständnis für den Markt irgendwie.
    Fixkosten ändern sich.

    Fortuna ist mit 18% Silber fast keine Silbercompany mehr. Das JV mit Continuum ist ganz gut.

    FR: im 43-101 haben die immerhin 130 Mille, und da kommt noch einiges hinzu.
    Produktion 3,8 Mille oz .

    IPT: Minenleben extrem lang, hier nicht angegeben. Verdienen schon.

    EXN: für die trommel ich schon über ein Jahr, da dürfte ressourcenmäßig auch noch einiges kommen.

    ECU: wird immer mehr zur Goldcompany, teuer, wächst hinein. Ende Nov. weiß man mehr.

    SEG: vielversprechend.

    Also die 5 hab ich. Hier geordnet nach Gewichtung.

    Fortuna ist mit 18% Silber fast keine Silbercompany mehr. Das JV mit Continuum ist ganz gut.

    EDR: die kommen wieder. Wollt ich unlängst kaufen. Knapp verpasst

    GPR: haben wir neulich besprochen.

    Genco: relativ günstig.

    Jede hat so ihre haken und Ösen. Man kann sich auch ein kleines Paket schnüren von ein paar der Genannten.

    Vielleicht schaff ich heut noch Messebericht 1. Teil.
    Morgen geht gar nichts.
    Ausgebucht! :D


    mir geht´s wie Tom Szabo: I´m out of time.

    Bericht von der Edelmetallmesse folgt daher später.
    Sehr viele Gespräche geführt, kaum Vorträge und wirklich gute leute kennengelernt und viele wieder getroffen.

    Zuerst mal Tom Szabo:
    A quick closing comment on a few silver stocks. If you own Silver Quest, congratulations, you are up 30% today. The stock has a rock solid bottom at 20 cents and seems to have made a strong move higher. I last mentioned the company on September 21, and I remain convinced that it is between a rock and a hard place from which it can successfully extricate itself in the coming weeks and months. That might have started in the last couple of days. Remember, the further the stock moves above 20 cents, the less undervalued it becomes, and it is a bit short on cash and will have to do a financing soon. That said, I could see this stock double in the months ahead with little risk of going much lower, especially not below 20 cents. Plus, there may be trading opportunities along the way.

    There are a number of other stocks that present interesting opportunities as well, but once again I am running out of time and format. Thus, I'm going to use a shotgun (random) approach in talking about a few. First, Gammon Gold still looks positive to me in the months ahead as a turnaround situation. Pair it with Genco in an emerging producer portfolio and it's close to a can't miss. Second, Silvercorp has nearly doubled from the level I first placed it on my potential 10-bagger list last fall, thanks in part to a 3-for-1 stock split: it now just needs to go up another 500%! I think it's been trading too hot for buying by the armful right now, but it might be worth considered if it cools down a little. Oremex, the only other inductee so far in the select but speculative 10-bagger list, continues to flounder in severely undervalued territory, although the company just recently released an interesting press release: instead of letting 5 million warrants expire at $0.95 in November, the company has extended the expiration by 3 months. This is interesting only because the stock currently trades at $0.50 and would have to more than double in a hurry for the warrant extension to make sense. One has to wonder if this isn't a stealth signal by management to show its confidence in turning the ship around, although it would certainly be nice to see a more traditional way of expressing it (namely, insider buying of the stock on the open market).

    I've got more opinions but I'm out of time, so I'll have to stop here. Have a great weekend!

    Tom Hanson, der FR, EDR, GPR und IPT verglichen hat, hat neue Vergleiche angestellt.
    Mir ist beim ersten Hineinschauen aufgefallen, dass da einige Zahlen nicht am neuesten stand sind.
    Zum Beispiel bei Impact: der stand war mein 2. Zuhause auf der messe. :D
    Aber das macht nichts, die Vergleichsmethode ist super.…luestrategy_revisited.htm

    Geb vorerst nur den link rein, weil es hat viele tabellen.


    Da haben sie sich noch einen guten Mann geangelt.
    Management war hier schon 1A.

    IMPACT Silver Corp.: Appointment of Additional Director and Granting of Stock Option
    Tuesday October 23, 6:26 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 23, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce that Peter Tredger has been appointed as an additional director of the Company.

    Mr. Tredger is currently a Vice President of Thompson Creek Metals Company Inc. and has been a senior officer of Blue Pearl Mining/Thompson Creek since 2004. He is a professional engineer with 35 years of mining industry experience, including senior management positions with Glencairn Gold Corp. from 2002 to 2004, and Wheaton River Minerals Ltd. from 1992 to 2001. Previously, Mr. Tredger was an independent mining consultant, and for 11 years was employed by Amax Inc. in a variety of technical and management positions, prior to which he was an exploration geologist.

    Mr. Tredger has been granted a director's incentive stock option under IMPACT's Stock Option Plan exercisable for 75,000 shares of IMPACT. The option is exercisable on or before October 22, 2012 at a price of $1.67 per share.

    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a Tier 1 silver-focused mining and exploration company with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, Mexico; an advanced project at Zacatecas, Mexico; and other projects in the Dominican Republic. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.

    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.,

    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

    VMS Ventures Inc.: Drilling at Reed Lake Discovery Zone to Commence Monday
    Thursday November 1, 2:32 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 1, 2007 -- VMS Ventures Inc. (CDNX:VMS.V - News) (the "Company") has been informed by the contractor that drilling is expected to commence at its Reed Lake project near Snow Lake, Manitoba, on or before Monday, November 5, 2007.

    The Company is permitted to drill up to 14 holes and expects to drill up to 4,000 meters. Initial drilling will be focused on and around RD 07 02, which intersected 43.05 meters of 4.38% copper reported previously (October 4, 2007). A pattern of holes on 25 meter spacings will be positioned at the discovery zone.

    President John Roozendaal states, "The geological information we acquire from this drill program will be used to determine the strike, dip and plunge of the mineralized body. This, then, will assist us in designing our next drill program around the deposit to follow the extent of mineralization to depth and along strike."

    Freeze-up in Manitoba allows much greater access to many more drill targets covered by bogs and water. The Company is planning an aggressive winter exploration program at Reed Lake and is presently seeking permits for up to 40 drill holes consisting of up to 15,000 meters of drilling beginning, weather permitting, in January 2008.

    A large VTEM airborne geophysical survey is planned to commence on all of VMS Ventures' southern Snow Lake properties before the end of the year. Over 9,000 line km of flight lines will cover 13 separate property areas held by the Company, and will include a second fly over the Discovery Zone at an angle perpendicular to the first fly completed in early 2007.

    VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex, Specialty Metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.


    Rick Mark, CEO & Chairman

    Impact ist auch auf der Edelmetallmesse vertreten.

    Vorstellung dazu und kurze Zusammenfassung:

    Es gab auch gute Meldungen in letzter Zeit:

    Neue Entdeckungen in den Royal Mines:

    IMPACT Silver Announces Zacatecas Sampling Results
    Thursday October 4, 1:32 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 4, 2007) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) is pleased to announce results from an initial sampling program undertaken on the wholly-owned Nueva Granada and Asturiana concessions in the Zacatecas Silver District.

    The concessions cover both the San Jose Vein and the Armado Vein, which are branches of the Veta Grande vein system. Historically, the Zacatecas Silver District has produced over one billion ounces of silver, of which the Veta Grande vein system was the largest contributor. Historical mine plans indicate that these two veins on IMPACT's concessions were mined along a length of 800m and to a depth of 150-200m.


    The San Jose Vein crosses the concessions over a distance of 800m. Old mine workings and dumps mark the surface along its entire width. A total of six channel samples were collected from surface exposures of the vein and averaged 239g/t silver over 0.74m true width ("TW"), ranging to a high of 444g/t silver over 1.10m TW. Five old mine dumps were also sampled along the vein. Two samples were collected at each dump site. The average of the five sulphide-bearing samples was 407g/t silver, ranging to a high of 1,070g/t silver. The average of five sulphide-poor samples was 141g/t silver, ranging to a high of 390g/t silver.


    The Armado Vein trends 100m west of and runs parallel to the San Jose Vein. It has been traced over a distance of 500m and is marked by old mine workings and dumps along its entire length. Channel samples collected from surface exposures of the vein located 130m apart assayed 237g/t silver over 1.92TW and 1,320g/t silver over 0.30mTW. Two samples were collected at an old mine dump on the vein located 400m to the north. A sulphide-bearing sample assayed 358g/t silver and a sulphide-poor sample assayed 247g/t silver.

    Several splay veins branch off the main Armado Vein. A channel sample from a splay vein in the southern portion of the concessions assayed 188g/t silver over 1.04m TW. At this location, a sulphide-bearing sample from the old mine dump assayed 556g/t silver and a sulphide-poor sample assayed 54g/t silver.

    IMPACT has an option to purchase a 200-tonne-per-day processing plant that is located in the center of the Zacatecas Silver District and six kilometers south of the concessions. Presently, the plant is being operated on a custom milling basis for local miners.

    Based upon the encouraging results from this initial field work and the concessions' close proximity to the processing plant, a first phase drill program is being planned.

    Edward Lyons, P.Geo., a Qualified Person under the meaning of Canadian National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for the technical content of this news release. Chip and channel samples were collected from cleaned rock faces over a continuous representative interval using a chisel and hammer. A total of 5% assay standards and blanks were inserted into every sample shipment as a quality control measure. All samples were shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Guadalajara, Mexico, where they were fine crushed (70% passing a 2mm screen), pulverized (85% passing a 75 micron screen) and pulp split separated for assay by a riffle splitter. These pulps were shipped to the ALS Chemex laboratory in North Vancouver, Canada, where a 30-gram split of each was assayed for gold and silver by standard fire assay and a 10-gram split was analysed for an additional 30 elements by ICP spectrometry.

    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company with a producing silver operation at Zacualpan, Mexico, an advanced project with a producing mill at Zacatecas, Mexico, and other projects in the Dominican Republic. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.

    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.

    Frederick W. Davidson, President & CEO

    Und Doug Casey (vom 01.10.07 zu IPT.

    IPT (Best Buy)

    BUY— In spite of our usual reluctance to back explorers that try to become producers, our on-site inspection of this new junior Mexican silver producer convinced us that the IPT team is successfully making the transition. In addition, the company has multiple highly prospective targets on genuinely district-scale mineral concessions. Our thinking was that steady growth in production would provide a stable platform, over which discoveries could add a lot of upside.

    Market volatility has shaken our “stable platform,” but the company has been doing exactly what we hoped it would, so we’ve taken the weakness as an opportunity to average down. Specifically, in terms of steady growth, IPT has brought more stopes into production and refurbished much of its Royal Mines of Zacualpan mill, ramping production up to 300 tonnes per day (tpd), more than double the rate of January 2006, when IPT took the mine over from its previous operators.

    In terms of discovery, IPT has advanced its high-grade Chivo discovery (up to two kilos per tonne silver across some sections of the vein) to the point where the company has permitted and begun mine construction on the ore shoot. But there’s more to come. Just a week ago, IPT announced that thus far in the course of their current 10,000-meter drill program, they have discovered two new ore zones, one called San Patricio (with a best of four drill intercepts grading 242 g/t silver and 0.37 g/t gold over 4.6 meters) and one called the Cuchara Mine Extension (with a best of three drill intercepts grading 641 g/t silver, 0.02 g/t gold, 1.67% zinc and 0.53% lead over 2.2 meters, including 1,340 g/t silver, 0.02 g/t gold, 2.27% zinc and 0.8% lead over 0.6 meters). It’s early days yet on these discoveries, but they do give credence to the company’s contention that there are more economic ore shoots to be found along their many kilometers of regional vein structures.

    More results, including drill testing of more new targets, are pending.

    Absent the August correction, IPT’s discoveries would have sent the company’s shares much higher. Thanks to the correction, however, we have a chance to buy into this much-improved story at a lower price. That’s no reason not to try to get in at an even better price, however, and there are 4.1 million in-the-money warrants expiring this week, so don’t wait to place your stink bids; right now might be the best time to get the best price you’ll see on IPT shares before they take off. For stink bids this week, we’d suggest something in the C$1.40 range. If precious metals correct before there’s any more good news from IPT, another stink bid in the C$1.20 range could bring you some joy.

    Hallo Edel,
    der newtechxel hat ja viele Super Thread gemacht. Das sieht man erst im Laufe der Zeit, wie viele gute Aktien er ausgegraben hat.

    Nur hat es ihn irgendwann nimmer gefreut od. zu viel Arbeit, was weiß ich.

    Von diesem Beispiel gewarnt, hab ich die silver companies gemacht, weil es einfacher ist, nur hier zu werkeln bzw. hat es auch eine andere Intention.
    Daraus hab ich eh auch schon einige Threads gemacht.
    Energold, IPT, MAR.AX

    Zusätzlich hab ich noch CBE, ALMI und VMS.....zu betreuen.
    Wenn ich einen Thread mach, hab ich die Aktie auch. :D

    Hab gestern IPT gekauft. Und wieder verteuert ( =teuerer als Anfangsposition).
    Tu ich ganz selten, meistens läuft es umgekehrt. :D

    ja wenn da mal ein Gedränge herrscht, dann haben wir gewonnen. :D
    Da fang ich dann mit verkaufen an.
    Wobei ich überhaupt nicht weiß, was ich dann mit dem Erlös mach.


    liberty, bobelle,
    danke, schöne Infos.
    Sind gute Infos zu Great Panther zusammengekommen.
    So stell ich mir das vor!
    Da kann dann ja jemand einen thread draus machen!
    Dieser thread sollte ja eigentlich dazu dienen, viele aktuelle Infos und Entwicklungwen zu dokumentieren.
    Das leistet er auch IMO.

    Bobelle, die Kommentare sind von Casey?

    Mir war zum B. nicht bekannt, dass die Produktionskosten gefallen sind.
    Bin GPR aber nur peripher informiert.

    Das mit der Elektrizität ist leicht zu erklären. Die alten Minen haben noch alte Leitungen.
    So eine 250 bis 400 to mill halten die leicht aus.
    Wird aber dann noch was dazugeschaltet, dann bricht´s zusammen.

    Vielleicht haben die eine 2. mill mal probiert so unter dem Motto: Das geht schon! :D

    The Company officially commenced production at Guanajuato in June 2006 at a throughput of 400 tonnes per day (tpd). Commissioning of the plant had commenced in late March 2006 using low grade mineralization from older stockpiles. The other two 400 tonne ball mills and the flotation circuits in the mill have since been refurbished, allowing the mill to operate at its peak capacity of 1200 tpd. When operating at peak output, the mine will employ about 300 people working 3 shifts per day, 7 days per week.

    So hat Keith von FR.V auf La Parilla die gesamte Elektrizität erneuern lassen um die zukünftigen großen mills ohne Probleme laufen zu lassen.
    Kostet aber vorerst Geld!
    Kommt aber dann doppelt u. dreifach wieder rein.
    FR macht viele Dinge in diese Richtung.


    Noch mal:
    Kommt wer von euch zur Messe nach München?
    Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich mir das mit dem Hut aufsetzen wieder antue.... großes Grinsen

    Wahrscheinlich werd ich ein "Man in black" sein. Hoffentlich bindet mir niemand einen weißen Kragen um, weil dann passierts schon mal, dass mich so kurzsichtige Deppen mit " Kardinal" anreden.

    die haben produktionsprobleme gehabt. in Qu 2.
    Enstehungskosten sollten auch noch besser werden.

    Muss ja nicht gleich CEO sein! Aber so als PR Berater kriegst auch einiges..
    Red mal mit denen! :D

    Hab´s nicht wirklich angenommen, dass du die flasche alleine......
    Ein Freund von mir, lässt sich den tequila von einer Brennerei direkt in die Wohnung liefern im 5 Liter Holzfässchen. Soll sehr gut sein.


    Aber es scheint ja wieder besser zu werden:

    Great Panther Doubles Production in Third Quarter 2007
    Monday October 22, 1:17 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 22, 2007) - GREAT PANTHER RESOURCES LIMITED (TSX:GPR - News; the "Company") reports record production from its 100% owned Guanajuato Silver-Gold Mine and Topia Silver-Lead-Zinc Mine in Mexico. Operational highlights include:

    - Total quarterly production of 361,107 silver equivalent ounces (Ag Eq oz) compared to 179,782 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2006, an increase of 101%.

    - Total production for the three quarters of 2007 of 989,900 Ag Eq oz exceeded total production of 408,820 Ag Eq oz for the same period last year by 142%.

    - Total quarterly throughput of 69,541 tonnes compared to 43,055 tonnes in the third quarter 2006, an increase of 62%.

    - 20% quarter-by-quarter increase in output at Guanajuato from 176,828 Ag Eq oz in the second quarter 2007 to 212,617 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2007.

    - 11% quarter-by-quarter increase in output at Topia from 133,522 Ag Eq oz in the second quarter 2007 to 148,490 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2007.

    - Management team strengthened with appointment of Charles Brown as Chief Operating Officer.

    - Great Panther's 100% owned (but independently operated) "state-of-the-art" assay laboratory was opened at the Guanajuato Mine.

    To view the graph accompanying this release please click on the following link:

    (Silver equivalents for 2007 were established using prices of US$600/oz Au, US$12/oz Ag, US$0.60/lb Pb and US$1.50/lb Zn)

    The Guanajuato Mine produced 155,272 oz of silver and 1,147 oz of gold from 60,031 tonnes in the third quarter, an increase of 18% and 27% for silver and gold, respectively over the previous quarter. The average gold grade increased slightly from 0.80 g/t to 0.84 g/t while the silver grade decreased slightly from 115.5 g/t to 109.9 g/t resulting in a slight decrease in the silver equivalent grade from 155.6 g/t to 151.9 g/t. The erratic nature of gold and silver distribution continues to be a challenge at Guanajuato and the Company is implementing a number of measures to improve the grade control. Recoveries averaged 70.5% for gold and 73.1% for silver in Q3 compared to 72.4% and 73.3%, respectively in Q2. A metallurgical test program is also underway to find ways of improving the recoveries.

    At the Topia Mine, production of silver increased by 13% to 65,884 oz, gold by 2% to 128 oz, lead by 20% to 404,460 lbs and zinc by 8% to 448,528 lbs. However, overall head grades declined by 8.8% to 261 g/t Ag, 0.6 g/t Au, 2.11% Pb and 2.63% Zn (588 g/t Ag Eq) due to an increase in dilution caused by narrower vein widths. Recoveries at Topia in the third quarter averaged 82.41% for Ag, 71.44% for Au, 91.38% for Pb and 81.38% for Zn, compared to 86.81% for Ag, 83.59% for Au, 89.46% for Pb and 86.54% for Zn in the second quarter. A total of 9,509 tonnes was processed from the Company's mines in Topia in Q3 while 2,469 tonnes were custom milled for a local miner.

    The year to date production of 989,900 Ag Eq oz from both of Great Panther's mines includes 590,191 oz of silver, 3,250 oz of gold, 1,190,971 lbs of lead and 1,421,901 lbs of zinc. As mine development increases and diamond drilling success establishes new resources at the mines, the Company expects this steady growth in production to continue well into 2008. In addition, management is actively looking at ways to more significantly increase the output from both operations.

    Robert F. Brown, P.Eng. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is the Qualified Person for both the Guanajuato Mine and the Topia Mine, under the meaning of NI 43-101. Aspects of both mines relating to mining and metallurgy are overseen by Charles Brown, Chief Operating Officer and Ing. Francisco Ramos Sanchez, Vice President of Operations for Great Panther and its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Mexicana El Rosario, S.A. de C.V.


    Robert A. Archer, President & CEO

    [Blockierte Grafik:…_All_projects_locator.gif]

    doch die gibt´s, aber nicht bei jeder Bank.
    Wenn was neu herauskommt, sind die relativ geizig, wenn man nicht Kunde ist.

    Aber bei manchen Banken gibt es ältere über den Umlauf und die kann man dann gegen Scheine eintauschen.


    doch, doch kann man als Einkaufszettel benutzen, ich zumindest.
    ein paar zusätzliche Infos braucht man schon.
    Nehmen wir die Producers: da stechen IPT und Great panther heraus.
    Aber der Panther hat noch troubles.

    Das von Doug zU IPT Gesagte würd ich unterschreiben! :D

    Weiters: EDR 181, FR 260 MC.
    EDR wollte auch 4 Mille produzieren kommt nicht mal auf 2. Fr wird so um die 3,8 erreichen. Aber EDR wird von den oz her zulegen.

    Noch ein Beispiel: Silverstone und Silver Wheaton.
    Da braucht man ein paar zusätzliche Infos, dann ist auch alles klar.

    Von der Doug Liste hab ich auch ein paar. GCU sagt mir gar nichts.

    Kommt wer von euch zur Messe nach München?
    Ich weiß noch nicht, ob ich mir das mit dem Hut aufsetzen wieder antue.... :D

    Wahrscheinlich werd ich ein "Man in black" sein. Hoffentlich bindet mir niemand einen weißen Kragen um, weil dann passierts schon mal, dass mich so kurzsichtige Deppen mit " Kardinal" anreden. :D


    Der Umsatz ist ok. Die schulden sind noch immer hoch.
    Aber insgesamt ist der Umschwung gelungen.

    Cabo Announces Record Quarterly and Annual Results
    Tuesday October 30, 11:48 pm ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 30, 2007) - Cabo Drilling Corp. ("Cabo" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News) today reported results for its fourth quarter and the fiscal year 2007 ended June 30.


    (CDN $000s, except earnings per share)

    3 months 3 months
    ending ending
    June 30-07 June 30-06 FY 2007 FY2006
    Revenue 11,679 7,564 38,445 28,791
    Net Earnings (Loss)
    Before Interest,
    Tax, Amortization,
    Stock-based Compensation
    and Other Items (EBITDA) 1,485 7 4,012 530
    Net Earnings (Loss) Before Taxes 414 894 1,680 (2,874)
    Net Earnings (Loss) After Taxes 255 (782) 1,019 (2,762)
    Earnings (Loss) per Share ($)
    Basic Before Interest, Tax,
    Amortization, Stock-based
    Compensation and Other Items
    (EBITDA) 0.04 0.00 0.11 0.02
    Earnings (Loss) per Share ($) Basic 0.01 (0.03) 0.03 (0.09)
    Cash from operations(i) 981 156 2,758 407
    Gross Margin % 26.5% 20.0% 24.6% 20.0%
    Working Capital 3,272 3,326 3,272 3,326
    (i)before changes in non-cash working capital items

    The Company reports:

    - Revenue of $11.68 million for the 4th quarter of 2007, an increase of $4.12 million compared to 4th quarter revenue of $7.56 million in fiscal 2006.

    - Net 4th quarter 2007 earnings before interest, tax, amortization, stock-based compensation and other items of $1.49 million and net earnings of $254,905 after interest, tax, amortization, stock-based compensation and other items resulting in earnings of $0.04 per share and $0.01 per share, respectively. This compares with the 4th quarter 2006 earnings before interest, tax, amortization, and stock-based compensation of $7,316 and a net loss of $782,211 after interest, tax, amortization, and stock-based compensation resulting in earnings of $0.00 per share and a loss of $0.03 per share respectively, a positive net income swing of $1.04 million from 2006 to 2007.

    - Net before tax earnings for fiscal 2007 of $1.68 million compared to a net before tax loss for fiscal 2006 of $2.87 million, an increase of $4.55 million.

    - Net after tax earnings for the fiscal year 2007 of $1.02 million compared to net after tax loss for the fiscal 2006 of $2.76 million an improvement of $3.79 million year over year.

    - Gross margin percentage for the 4th quarter fiscal 2007 was 26.5%, compared with a gross margin of 20.0% in the 4th quarter of fiscal 2006 and 24.6% in fiscal 2007 compared to 20.0% in fiscal 2006.

    - Cash from operations, before changes in non-cash working capital items, was $981,189 for the 4th quarter 2007 and $2.76 million for fiscal 2007, compared to 4th quarter 2006 cash from operations of $155,625 and $407,240 for the fiscal year 2006.

    - A current asset balance of $15.27 million and working capital of $3.27 million.

    - Total assets of $26.97 million and total liabilities of $13.66 million.

    "Cabo recorded its highest ever quarterly revenues in the 4th quarter of fiscal 2007 of $11.68 million," Mr. Versfelt stated. "That's an 11.3% increase from the previous high recorded in the first quarter of fiscal 2007 and an increase of 54% compared to the 4th quarter fiscal 2006. The increase is primarily due to strong results from our Canadian operations, combined with the addition of revenues from the Company's international operations. On an annual basis the Company recorded a 34% growth in revenues to $38.45 million compared to $28.79 million recorded in fiscal 2006. For fiscal 2007, $1.76 million of the Company's revenue was generated by international operations."

    "2007 is Cabo's first significant profitable year. The Company recorded net income, after taxes, of $1.02 million and an earnings per share of $0.03," Mr. Versfelt said. "We also improved our net earnings before taxes by 158% from a loss of $2.87 million in fiscal 2006 to $1.68 million in earnings in fiscal 2007. Increased revenues from better drill utilization and improved pricing along with improvement of cost controls in Canadian operations are the primary reasons for these increases."

    "Gross margin performance of 26.5% for the 4th quarter fiscal 2007 (20.0% 4th quarter fiscal 2006) and 24.6% for the fiscal year 2007 (20.0% for 2006) was good, but there is room for improvement," Mr. Versfelt said. "We expect that all of our divisions will strive to increase their gross margins, whereby on a consolidated basis we can continue to improve our gross margin performance. We remain focused on reduced turnover of our drilling personnel, greater cost controls, better pricing from our suppliers and improved revenue margins on our contracts."

    "Over the fiscal year the Company's asset base has seen a significant increase," stated Mr. Versfelt. "After selling the mineral resource properties to IMMC and redistributing, or placing in trust, the 10,000,000 IMMC units, the Company's asset base has increased by approximately $8.2 million from $18.7 million at June 30, 2006 (net assets less the resource properties) to $26.9 million at June 30, 2007. In comparison total liabilities only increased by $4.2 million during the same period."

    "We successfully expanded our operations into Spain and Central America, with the addition of Cabo Drilling Spain, SL and Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. in 2007," stated Mr. Versfelt. "We added three new drills to our fleet in these regions and we also added two new drills to provide services in our growing Mexico market."

    "The Company's business continues to remain strong, as its fundamental drivers show no significant signs of change," stated Mr. Versfelt. "The demand for drilling services continues to increase as gold, silver, copper, nickel, zinc and uranium prices remain at historically high levels and above economic thresholds for exploration."

    Fourth quarter ended June 30, 2007

    Revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 were $11.68 million compared to $7.56 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2006. This represents an increase of $4.12 million or 54% from fiscal 2006. Net earnings for the quarter were $254,905 compared to a net loss of ($782,211) incurred in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2006. This increase in profit is primarily due to increased revenues and reduced costs in fourth quarter year over year, plus we see the positive results of 2006's write down decisions and sale of mineral properties.

    Fourth quarter gross margin of 26.5% is higher than the prior year's fourth quarter gross margin of 20.0%, primarily due to improved pricing and higher margins in all divisions.

    General and administration expenses increased to $1.66 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007 compared to $1.45 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2006. This increase can be attributed to increased travel, a slight increase in salaries because of additional personnel, additional insurance for international operations, plus the significant increase in revenues resulted in the need for increased personnel leading to increased administration expenses.

    Amortization during the quarter increased significantly to $650,233 from $389,528 an increase of $260,705. This increase can be attributed to the capital additions during the fiscal year 2007.

    Interest expense increased to $94,714 during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007 compared to $59,544 incurred in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2006. This increase can be attributed to the higher operating line during fiscal 2007 which was used to finance the increased inventories.

    Year ended June 30, 2007

    The results of operations reflect the consolidated performance of Cabo and its drilling subsidiaries.

    Revenue for the year ending June 30, 2007 was $38.45 million compared to $28.79 million in 2006. This represents a 34.5% increase in revenues year over year. This increase can be attributed primarily to significant growth in our British Columbia and Newfoundland operations, plus revenues earned internationally have added $1.76 million during the 2007 fiscal year, compared to $785,455 earned in Mexico in fiscal 2006. The majority of the international revenue was earned during the 4th quarter. Management expects the international operations to contribute a growing percentage of the Company's total revenue stream.

    Direct costs for the year ended June 30, 2007 were $28.98 million compared to $23.02 million. The increase is a direct result of higher activity, which resulted in higher revenue in fiscal 2007. Gross margins for the year ended June 30, 2007 were 24.6% compared to 20.0% during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006. Gross margin strengthened throughout the year with a gross margin of 26.5% earned during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007 compared to 23.6% earned in the first quarter of fiscal 2007. Price increases in drilling supplies, labor and diesel did occur in the year, but these increases are reflected in increased contract rates for fiscal 2007.

    General and administrative expenses increased to $5.52 million in fiscal 2007 compared to $5.29 million last year. At 14.8% as a percentage of revenue in fiscal 2007, general and administration costs have decreased from the 18.3% recorded in fiscal 2006. However, the Company did experience higher than normal travel, insurance and consulting costs, primarily as a result of establishing our new operations in Spain and Panama. Additionally, there was a slight increase in salaries and wages because of the addition of some administration personnel. While the Company has maintained salaries at the cost of living index for the past couple of years, it is expected that in the next fiscal year the salaries will increase at a higher percentage.

    Net income, after taxes, increased to $1.02 million for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007 as compared to a net loss of ($2.76 million) recorded in fiscal 2006. The results from fiscal 2006 were significantly affected by the write-down of the resource properties of $1.65 million. Increased revenues and the improvement of cost control in operations are the primary reasons for the increase in net income in fiscal 2007.

    The Company recorded EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, amortization, stock-based compensation and other items) of $4.01 million in fiscal 2007, a substantial increase from $530,335 in fiscal 2006.

    Short term investments and marketable securities decreased $108,569, from $313,029 at June 30, 2006, to $204,460 at June 30, 2007. The decrease can be attributed to the redemption of a GIC for $55,761 and the disposition of some marketable securities. At June 30, 2007, the balance of $204,460 consists of shares in Canadian public corporations.

    Accounts receivable increased by $3.32 million to $8.83 million at June 30, 2007 from $5.51 million at June 30, 2006. The increase primarily resulted from higher revenues in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2007.

    Inventory levels increased by $1.83 million to $5.37 million at June 30, 2007 from $3.54 million at June 30, 2006 as a result of the expansion into Spain, Panama, and Mexico and the growing activity in Canada.

    Property, plant & equipment increased to $10.82 million at June 30, 2007 from $7.84 million at June 30, 2006 an increase of $2.98 million during the year as a result of additions to the drill and moveable equipment fleet. The Company invested $4.10 million in new property, plant and equipment in 2007.

    Consolidated total assets increased in fiscal 2007 to $26.97 million at June 30, 2007 from $22.22 million at June 30, 2006. The increase is primarily due to the additions to our capital asset base and higher accounts receivable at June 30, 2007. The increase in accounts receivable has grown in conjunction with the increased revenues. The asset base has also been affected by the disposition of the resource properties and the investment in International Millennium Mining Corp. ("IMMC").

    Consolidated total liabilities increased by $4.23 million to $13.66 million at June 30, 2007, from $9.43 million at June 30, 2006, primarily as a result of the increased term and operating line borrowings required to fund the increased inventory and capital assets levels, plus unearned revenue also increased significantly with the addition of the projects in Spain, Panama, and Mexico, which were not in place at the end of fiscal 2006.

    The Company's current cash (marketable securities and cash equivalents) position at June 30, 2007, is $626,797 compared to $1.43 million at June 30, 2006. The decrease in cash is primarily due to the acquisition of capital assets and inventory in preparation for the summer drilling season, expansion into Spain and Panama and an increased investment in Mexico.

    On December 29, 2006 Cabo closed the sale of its resource properties to IMMC. Pursuant to the transaction, the Company transferred all of the resource properties to IMMC in exchange for 10,000,000 units of IMMC. Each unit consisted of one IMMC common share and one-third (1/3) of a warrant. Each full warrant entitled the holder to purchase one share in the capital stock of IMMC for thirty-five cents ($0.35) within a period of two years.

    The Company has redistributed 10,051,336 Units to its shareholders on a ratio of one IMMC unit for each four (4) shares of the Company as of the Record date, January 11, 2007. This distribution included 7,493,710 shares and 2,497,844 warrants of IMMC to the Company's non-US shareholders during the year ending June 30, 2007 and the balance to a trust account for the U.S. shareholders, which trust account at June 30, 2007 includes 2,557,626 undistributed shares and 852,601 undistributed warrants.

    There is no further obligation on the Company's behalf to make property maintenance fees.

    The Company has worked towards its strategic objective of becoming a drilling service provider of sufficient size to benefit from economies of scale and to provide the foundation from which to pursue new opportunities. Cabo is well positioned to capture an increase in revenues as the demand for mineral exploration, development and mining continues to grow. The Company's strategy is to focus on growth by expanding its existing long-term customer base revenues, attracting new customers, and by achieving operating and administrative efficiencies.

    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides mining related and specialty drilling services through its Canadian divisions in Surrey, British Columbia; Montreal, Quebec; Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Springdale, Newfoundland; as well as Cabo Drilling de Mexico S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. of Panama, Republic of Panama; and Cabo Drilling Spain S.L. of Sevilla, Spain. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol:CBE.


    John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President and CEO

    Further information about the Company can be found on the Cabo website ( and SEDAR (