Beiträge von Tschonko

    3 Months Ending 30 September 2007

    Conrad Silver Project, NSW
    · Phase 1 of resource estimation drilling completed.
    · A total of 6,322 metres drilled this year, in 30 new holes.
    · Numerous high grade intersections were obtained, many with well
    mineralised envelopes.
    · Metallurgical studies of drill core samples have commenced.
    · An initial estimate of mineral resources in the King Conrad area is
    due for release in early November.
    Tooloom Gold Project, NSW
    · Newmont withdrew from the Tooloom Joint Venture at the end of
    · Minimal field work undertaken in the Quarter.
    · Petrological study of Phoenix drill core initiated.
    · Reinterpretation of earlier results and petrology indicate a major,
    largely untested breccia target at Phoenix.
    Mt Isa Region Copper Projects, Qld.
    · Electromagnetic surveys at Mt Lidster and Volga Elderberry
    completed and results interpreted.
    · Multiple targets identified.
    · Both properties ready for drilling in December Quarter.
    Other Projects
    · A new exploration licence application has been lodged over the
    Delungra area, 40km northwest of Conrad.
    · Exploration expenditure during the Quarter was approximately
    · Share Purchase Plan raises $1.2 million.

    Forward Plans
    During the December Quarter the main field activity will be the drilling program currently under way at Volga and Mt Lidster. It is hoped to have the first assay results from that drilling by the end of November, subject to laboratory work loads. Mineralisation in sub-parallel structures at Conrad will continue to be evaluated and targets will be selected for drilling in early 2008 where appropriate. Early stage field work will also be undertaken on the Company’s other properties in the region, including Abington, Delungra (if granted in the period) and some additional work on the Newstead greisen at Elsmore.

    In November the Managing Director will meet investors in London and then participate in a “Silver Summit” seminar in Paris, followed by presentations on the Company in Brussels, Zurich and Singapore. There is significant interest in Malachite in these places and investor support is growing.

    Malachite’s Annual General Meeting will be held on 22 November 2007 at Saville Park Suites, 10 Brown Street, Chatswood NSW 2067.

    Wird ja keiner hinfahren??? :D :D

    Der lange Rest hier:…b70027/ASX-MAR-478398.pdf

    danke, den link hab ich repariert.



    Ich bin der Meinung das viele Aktien die Performance verschlechtern denn läuft die eine läuft die andere nicht

    der Meinung bin ich auch.
    Andererseits, wenn von den 5 zwei absacken, dann ist die Performance auch schlecht.
    Da gleicht ein größeres depot eher wieder aus.

    IIch hab auch nur 5-6 sehr große,aber auch so gut 10-15 kleine, wo wenig drin ist.
    Wenn da aber eine so abpfeift wie VMS, wird´s auch wieder interessant.
    Der Rest ist ao mittel. Da ist es dann so dass 2-4 Aktien ein Thema verkörpern.
    z.B ECU, GOG und Yale.

    da gab es letzte Woche ein IPO: schon 100% gestiegen.
    Seit freitag auch in frankfurt.
    Tirex resources: TXX.V
    Die werkeln in Albanien......historische Gegend.
    Dort lagert sicher einiges.
    Über die company weiß ich so gut wie nichts.

    Und schon wieder VMS! :D

    da dürfte diese Meldung für den gewaltigen Anstieg in den letzten tagen verantwortlich sein.


    ECU: Hommelberg geht von 50%, maximal 100% Resourcenerhöhung aus.
    Sollte trotzdem reichen an das ATH heranzukommen, meint er.

    Silvercorp: minus 64%
    Nichts Passiert. Nur Split 3:1.

    Samex: die laufen weiter. Überraschung!

    Richtig abzwirnen tut Tara und ich weiß nicht wieso........

    Scorpio: Merger

    Warum schmiert CPN.TO so ab heute. Mist!
    Ist da mit Gabriel wieder was los?

    GOG.V: die hat nun auch schon fast 100% in letzter Zeit.
    Die gehen ja irgendwie mit ECU mit.

    EXM: bewegt sich auch. Hab nichts mehr dazugekauft.

    die Liste ist gut.
    Aber wenn niemand darauf eingeht, ist es mir auch Recht.
    Kann man sich in ein paar Monaten auch noch darauf beziehen... :D


    Heute werden 12 Mille warrants zu 0,25 frei.

    Also wird der Kurs fallen, was aber egal ist.
    PP zu 1,5 ist die wichtige Latte langfristig.

    aber man kann evtl. günstig noch einsteigen, vorausgesetzt, die nächsten löcher enttäuschen nicht.


    dein Depot ist Spitze, vor allem da es nur aus 5 werten besteht.
    Ich hab ja 40+. Bezieh mich auf Energold Thread!

    Wen hast du im letzten Beitrag gemeint als Anzusprechenden...?

    Noch mal der Verweis auf die 50 Werte Liste.
    die ist extrem brauchbar.
    Da könnte man einzelne Werte gut vergleichen!
    Interessant auch, wer nicht drauf ist.... :D


    noch was zu ECU. Also mit 300 wär ich soooo zufrieden, dass ich an die Decke hüpfen würde. Nicht bei diesem 43er........., das wird´s nicht spielen.

    Eric Hommelberg hat sie ins Top 20 Portfolio gelegt am 17.10.

    "On October 17 we send out a report on SAMEX Mining in which we considered it as a 'BUY' at $0.70. The stock has appreciated by more than 40% since then breaching its 18 months down-trend to the upside. Technical oriented investors could use this break out in order to buy or add to their existing positions"

    ich mach fast überall smilies.
    Ist wahrscheinlich mein asiatischer Wesenszug.

    Du kennst und weißt, wofür die Seite steht.
    Du kennst die Abteilung: SILVER ETF AND RELATED TRADING VEHICLES | Archives
    Du kennst die Artikel von Fekete.

    Möchte noch mal betonen und voraussetzen, dass Szabo immer und noch immer dafür eintritt, physische Silber privat zu besitzen.

    Dann hab ich nur eine Frage:
    Warum glaubst du, macht das der Tom Szabo?

    Grüße und schönes Wochenende

    @at und alle,
    die folgende Liste ist recht brauchbar.

    Wenn man sich MC anschaut und was geboten wird, Reserven zum Beispiel od. Produktion, dann kommt man schon recht weit.

    Zusätzlich: wie weit vom Hochstand entfernt, mit oder ohne Probleme (GAM z.B)

    Fifty silver mining stocks sorted

    Silver stocks are underperforming their gold and platinum peers, but given the array of stocks on hand, pockets of value and promise are hardly rare.
    Author: Barry Sergeant
    Posted: Tuesday , 23 Oct 2007


    In the past five years, silver has increased from $4.34 to a fraction under $15 an ounce, inspiring a veritable rush in listing silver stocks, and even a silver ETF (exchange traded fund) (AMEX: SVL, $135.39 a unit - each unit representing 10 ounces of silver). Today, the capitalisation of silver stocks is around $32bn, or some $38bn if seven gold stocks with serious silver output are thrown into the pot.

    This provides a total of 50 stocks, a challenge for any generalist or even specialist investor. Leaving aside the sheer choice, the most pressing investor challenge is undoubtedly the ongoing underperformance of the sector. Silver itself peaked back in June 2006, and currently trades around $13.60 an ounce. The 50 stocks mentioned are trading around an average of 29% off 12-month peaks, compared to 22% off for gold stocks, and 27% off for platinum stocks.

    It would be a mischief to even suggest that silver is driven by fundamentals similar to gold or platinum, but silver can probably be seen as possibly more specialist among precious metals, barring only rarities such as rhodium.

    Leaving aside the fundamentals for a moment, there appears little question that the official launch of the silver ETF in May 2006 cast a pall over the silver stocks sector. Up to that point, silver stocks were indeed trading at premiums to both North American gold and base metal stocks. Before the end of 2006, the ETF had attracted more than 120m ounces of silver, about 50% more than analysts had anticipated.

    It seemed that investors preferred to at least partially step aside from the operational and other risks associated with the actual mining of silver, and to be invested directly in a metal proxy. As such, silver stocks had to show up something sexy to attract investor specific attention, be it strong operating results, unexpected exploration success, or such like.

    Thus Orko Silver (OK.V, C$1.45 a share), definitely one of the favoured silver stocks, was earlier this month upgraded to a "buy" by Research Capital. The stock had announced an updated statement of resources at La Preciosa of 10.36m tons at an average grade of 200 grams a ton of silver and 0.324 grams of gold, resulting in 73.1m ounces of silver equivalent. Analysts anticipate that Orko is likely to continue expanding the silver resource at La Preciosa.

    Silvercorp Metals (SVM.T, C$21.83) is also doing very well, but investors should note that some 40% of its revenues are attributable to its lead production. Lead stocks are as rare as hen's teeth, and for some investors, Silvercorp is about the "purest" lead play around. Prices in the opaque lead market have increased by around 115% this year, outperforming all other major metals. Gold is up 22%, and silver by a modest 5%.

    Another top performing silver stock may be found in Hochschild Mining (HOC.L, £4.41), a much fancied London stock that only listed a year ago, but has been profitably digging around its world class Latin American assets for more than 50 years. Given its track record, and its ongoing delivery, investors appear to trust that the stock will continue to outperform.

    Penoles (MEX: PNLSF, 220 Pesos), by far the most heavily capitalised silver stock, is certainly among the top rated stocks in its sector, as are Silver Wheaton (SLW, $14.44) and Silver Standard (SSRI, $37.28). Silver Wheaton recently announced a 50% increase in reserves at the Penasquito project in Mexico to 864m ounces of silver. Silver Wheaton previously agreed with Penasquito owner Goldcorp (GG, $31.47) to purchase 25% of life-of-mine silver production from Penasquito for $485m in cash plus $3.90 an ounce of silver produced.

    For its part, Silver Standard has announced excellent drill results from the San Luis joint venture (where Silver Standard can increase to 70%). The results include 4.2m at 8.1 g/t gold and 503 g/t silver; 5.7m at 6.2 g/t gold and 271g/t silver, and 4.7m at 17.9 g/t gold and 657 g/t silver.

    As for the fundamentals, analysts at RBC Capital Markets (who somehow keep an eye on all listed silver stocks) maintain a positive outlook for the silver price for the next two to three years, based on three key fundamentals.

    First, the continued baseline outlook for a weaker US dollar, which would underpin higher precious metals prices in general. Second, fundamentals for silver are seen as remaining positive, with demand increases for industrial and investment segments forecast to more than offset continuing decline in photographic demand.

    Third, concerns over increased primary silver supply is seen as remaining a few years out, as remain analysts' expectations for increased by-product silver supply resulting from high price levels seen in gold, copper, lead and zinc. Analysts at RBCCM recently repeated silver price forecasts at $12.75/oz for 2007, $13.00/oz in 2008, and $13.50/oz for 2009.

    Analysts at RBCCM name Pan American Silver (PAAS, $29.48) as a preferred silver stock, given its above-average growth prospects bearing fruit over the next several quarters, with new silver mines starting up this year and next, plus a proven management and operating team seen as "an attribute that is increasing in scarcity".

    Pan American Silver has also announced that it will proceed with an expansion at the San Vicente silver-zinc mine located near Potosi, Bolivia. Post expansion, the mine is expected to produce 2.8m ounces of silver a year at an average cost of less than $2.00 an ounce, net of zinc by-product credits, for the first five years of operation. The expansion is expected to take 18-20 months at a capital cost of $40.5m.

    Selected silver stocks
    Die Liste ist unleserlich. Daher der Link…age33?oid=38748&sn=Detail

    ich wär mit 300 zufrieden, dann wären sie auch nicht mehr teuer. Ca 1,5 pro oz.

    Thanks für den Mike Bericht. Da hab ich das letzte mal nachgekauft, wie ich mich erinnere. :D

    Heute Meldung: verblüffend hohe Goldgehalte, aber wenig Ausdehnung.
    Die neue 43 er kommt noch dieses Jahr.
    Juanita wird erwachsen........... :D

    ECU Silver Announces New Assay Results on CC Vein at Santa Juana
    Friday October 26, 1:48 pm ET


    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 26, 2007) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU Silver" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has received new assay results from the Santa Juana area in the Velardena Property.

    As part of the work related in completing our new mineral resource estimation, new drifts were driven whereupon the most important zones within the new drifts were drilled and/or sampled to fit within the new norms. One such zone, centered on a main vein in Santa Juana, the CC vein, on level 18 west of the Tres Aguilas fault. This zone was sampled for over 200 metres and assayed for precious and base metals. The results are listed in the Table 1 below.

    These very high gold and silver assays, coupled with significant base metal values, represent the main CC vein which is enclosed in a wider mineralized zone that includes numerous smaller veins and veinlets. This mineralized zone forms the northern edge of one of the mineralized vein packages that are being defined within the Santa Juana Mineralized Corridor in the Velardena Property. ECU continues the assessment and interpretation of several mineralized vein packages within the Mineralized Corridor.

    Also, as part of ECU's medium and long term exploration program, a new ramp is being driven which will accomplish two main objectives. First it will give us access to the vein system which extends below the current mine development at the Velardena Property. Second, it will provide a platform from which all the main veins at the Velardena Property can be drilled at depth and at much lower levels than currently reached. The planned length of the ramp is 2,500 metres of which the first 74 metres have been driven after the portal was completed.

    43-101 Technical Report Update

    We continue to advance our progress on the delivery of a new 43-101 mineral resource estimate which is scheduled for release this fall.

    Last week, at our operations office in Torreon Mexico, a representative from our consultants, Micon International Limited ("Micon"), reviewed our work to date. We are pleased to report that our approach and methodology in determining our new mineral resource estimate were considered to be well within Micon's guidelines.

    We are nearing completion of a 3-dimensional computer generated geologic model and the corresponding interpretation. The resulting new geologic 3-D model is anticipated to generate a comprehensive mineral resource estimate that will include results from the Mineralized Corridor at Santa Juana and from additional series of high grade veins located within the Velardena Property. In addition, results from the nearby Chicago and San Diego properties will also be included.

    The new mineral resource estimate will be predominantly a precious metal resource comprised mainly of silver and gold values. This new resource estimate will be augmented with additional base metal values of zinc, lead and copper.

    The Company is very excited about the upcoming resource estimate as we believe it will rank highly among all other world class silver assets.

    Table 1.

    Drift Samples Level 18 - CC Vein
    Sample Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Cu %
    45750 0.40 9.00 264 0.01 0.06 0.22
    45751 0.40 11.30 113 0.02 0.04 0.06
    45752 0.70 19.90 320 1.23 2.60 0.52
    45753 0.40 7.20 174 0.51 1.91 0.34
    45754 0.50 28.10 606 0.56 3.28 0.93
    45755 0.50 70.70 353 0.28 2.30 0.57
    45756 1.20 29.90 364 4.02 8.19 2.41
    45757 0.40 33.70 294 1.03 10.80 5.42
    45758 0.60 21.50 653 1.45 10.33 2.03
    45759 1.20 1.60 143 0.67 10.81 1.53
    45760 0.50 60.00 318 0.63 6.91 0.25
    45762 0.50 53.00 381 1.63 1.63 0.27
    45763 0.30 31.70 864 3.95 2.45 0.51
    45764 0.50 126.40 541 7.46 8.77 2.33
    45765 0.50 6.10 637 11.15 2.46 1.08
    45766 0.40 13.40 936 8.96 4.21 3.23
    45767 0.50 9.80 788 2.54 1.94 0.83
    45768 0.60 19.00 524 3.58 1.71 1.28
    45769 1.00 18.90 338 0.72 0.67 1.13
    45770 1.10 4.70 238 0.78 1.51 0.40
    45771 0.70 26.70 424 0.93 4.66 0.47
    45772 0.40 16.70 556 0.28 1.52 0.29
    45773 0.30 12.10 138 0.44 1.83 0.62
    45774 0.50 38.50 1155 0.54 1.39 2.45
    45775 0.30 55.40 286 1.27 0.63 0.93
    45776 0.30 35.10 669 0.68 0.69 0.32
    45777 0.10 37.90 79 0.34 2.39 0.57
    45778 0.10 3.40 83 0.12 1.35 0.31
    45779 0.20 50.30 231 1.14 1.25 1.78
    45780 0.15 16.40 120 0.42 1.18 0.61
    45782 0.20 16.60 218 2.51 2.30 1.40
    45783 0.20 33.40 1109 1.66 0.60 0.36
    45784 0.25 44.40 340 0.48 0.49 0.79
    45785 0.10 30.70 1989 1.35 1.07 4.76
    45786 1.20 45.00 302 0.43 0.56 1.03
    45787 0.15 22.70 700 0.35 0.96 0.13
    45788 0.20 26.40 1580 4.48 5.10 1.83
    45789 0.15 14.00 574 0.79 3.26 0.85
    45790 0.20 25.30 1640 7.68 1.42 4.28
    45791 0.20 25.10 413 5.17 9.32 1.20
    45792 0.25 47.10 371 0.92 1.07 1.15
    45793 0.50 18.20 398 6.13 9.39 2.55
    45794 0.30 15.20 1082 6.50 5.93 1.69
    45795 0.30 50.90 759 9.43 4.11 0.70
    45796 0.20 33.60 1622 11.20 1.21 1.18
    45797 0.40 32.30 2585 1.48 9.25 1.31
    45798 0.30 25.40 2713 32.01 3.32 1.90
    45799 0.20 9.10 1689 1.83 4.69 0.34
    46600 0.20 12.80 251 0.40 1.24 0.74
    46601 1.00 9.00 174 1.84 0.05 0.28
    Average 0.44 27.08 544 2.70 3.73 1.21

    Readers are cautioned that until a complete pre-feasibility study is completed, there are no assurances that the mineralized zone discussed above will be economically viable.

    All widths are true widths. Samples were assayed at the ERSA laboratory in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico which is currently in the process of being certified. Samples were also assayed at the SGS laboratory in Durango, Durango State, which is a certified laboratory. Property specific quality control samples were inserted at regular intervals in the sample sequence and the Company routinely does check assays at other certified laboratories.

    Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

    Ende November.

    Neues ATH, gleich richtig durchgeschnitten die 4,19 auf 4,4.

    1 Woche noch, dann hab ich die ein Jahr.
    Ist die größte Position im Depot geworden,dann kommen FR.V und der 2. Driller
    CBE.V. Dann mit ein bisserl Abstand EXN und OK.

    War schon richtig, 2007 auf die Driller zu setzen.
    2008 soll noch mehr Geld in Drillings fließen
    Eine große drillingfirma wie MDI konnte sich von ca 20 auf 60 steigern.

    CBE ist da eher mäßig unterwegs, aber die kommt noch. :D


    Glaub ich eh, dass ihr nichts findet.
    Man braucht halt die vollständige Nr.
    CH0029792717 und elba (Raiffeisen) haben ihn, nicht.

    Zum Thema, der Butler:


    October 23, 2007


    (This essay was written by silver analyst Theodore Butler, an independent consultant. Investment Rarities does not necessarily endorse these views, which may or may not prove to be correct.)

    On September 24, a Federal Judge in New York heard final oral arguments in the class-action settlement between Morgan Stanley and 22,000 of their clients involving costs associated with the storage of precious metals. The parties have agreed to settlement terms. Morgan Stanley will pay several million dollars and promises to revise their precious metals storage processes. However, there is no admission of any wrongdoing. Unfortunately, the class-action participants will receive very little and it will be, basically, business as usual as far as Morgan Stanley’s precious metals storage practices are concerned. All that’s left is for a final approval by the judge.

    The issue specifically concerns whether Morgan Stanley and many other large financial organizations who claim to hold and store silver for their customers, actually possess the silver. This case came into existence as a direct result of a number of articles I wrote several years ago. I admit to a high level of satisfaction that the case confirmed a major contention of mine, in spite of doubts by many when I first wrote about it. (When I wrote the original articles, I did not use the name Morgan Stanley, and had no idea a legal case would be brought that involved them).

    I have long maintained and written that there are two types of silver when it comes to professional storage, real silver and paper silver; cold hard metal versus imaginary or make-believe silver. I claimed that investors could be making a mistake in assuming that the metal held for them actually existed. I warned that free storage was a certain tip-off that no real metal existed, but even the payment of storage charges did not prove that real metal existed.

    I offered a simple solution for any investor with stored silver to determine if the real metal existed or not. Most stored silver is in 1000-ounce bars, and they are always identified with serial numbers and a specific weight. If an investor was concerned, all he or she had to do was request the serial numbers and specific weights of the bars they owned.

    A reader, who held silver in 1000 oz bars, requested Morgan Stanley provide him with the serial numbers and weights of his bars, on which he had paid storage and insurance fees for many years. He was given the run-around and not the serial numbers and weights. I am aware of this through e-mail exchanges with him. I told him that the only plausible reason they wouldn’t give him the information was because the bars did not exist. He contacted a lawyer and that ultimately resulted in the class-action settlement, after years of legal wrangling.

    This, obviously, is a concern for those who buy quantities of silver that they can’t reasonably store at home, or in a safe-deposit box, and must use a storage program. A $100,000 worth of gold weighs 10 pounds and platinum weighs around 5 lbs. These are weights easily handled personally by most people. With silver, $100,000 worth weighs around 500 pounds, a weight not easily handled.

    Safe storage is more of an issue unique to silver than any other precious metal. While Morgan Stanley issued statements that it was storing all types of precious metals, the largest single amount was silver. It was a client’s inquiry about his 1000 oz bars that precipitated the class-action suit. Logic would dictate that this is also the case with hundreds of other worldwide financial institutions that claim to store precious metals for their clients.

    I found it appalling that Morgan Stanley would claim to store silver that didn’t exist and even have the chutzpah to charge for the storage. That would appear to be a clear case of fraud. I am even more appalled that the judge in the case, or any government regulator, would look the other way. The important lesson here is not that Morgan Stanley got caught with its hand in the cookie jar, but what silver investors can learn from this episode.

    If you have an investment in 1000 oz silver bars which are stored for you and you don’t have serial numbers and specific weights, you don’t own real silver. If you have a pool account you don’t own real silver. It you have any account where you don’t have the clear ability to demand delivery at anytime with no additional fabrication charges, you don’t own real silver. Period. If the dealer you bought the silver from stores it for you, and it is not an independent storage facility that is holding it in your name, you are taking great risks.

    If you have paid full value for your stored silver, including storage and insurance fees, and don’t have the serial numbers and weights on your 1000-ounce bars, you must rectify that circumstance immediately. By not actually buying and storing the real metal to back the customers’ purchase, financial firms can greatly enhance their bottom line profits through the free use of the customers’ funds. Morgan Stanley’s actions were not in any way unique in this practice. In fact, in the court documents summarizing the proposed settlement, one of Morgan Stanley’s defenses was that they were not doing anything unusual by charging storage on metal that didn’t exist, as this is a widespread industry practice.

    On a purely financial basis, the institution is given cash by the client and does not have to return it until the client sells his silver, which may not be for years or decades. For the entire time the client does not sell, the firm has full use of his money on a zero cost of funds basis. Those firms who charged, and still charge, storage and insurance fees for the non-existent silver rake in even more from the client. Honest dealings aside, this is a very cash-flow positive business for these institutions. Even if silver doubles or triples in price, there is no margin call to the selling institution, as clients don’t issue margin calls. As long as clients don’t sell on a net basis, the issuing institution still doesn’t experience negative cash flow. In our short-term world, that is all that matters. If you or I arranged to do what hundreds of world financial institutions have done, we would quickly be put in jail, as it is fraud, pure and simple.

    Due to its bulk, silver is often stored in large quantities and dollar amounts. Because the unbacked silver storage accounts have been in existence for decades, the amount of non-existent silver is very large. I would conservatively estimate that at least a billion ounces of this silver is on the books (although I feel the true amount is much larger).

    I prefer to deal in documented facts and figures, and not to guess what the total amount might be, but there are no reporting requirements or clearinghouse data available. Were it not for the class-action settlement involving Morgan Stanley, I’m sure many would deny this situation existed at all. Fortunately, because of this case, no one can deny the practice of unbacked silver certificates exists.

    Had the actual silver been purchased, as it should have been, when the clients deposited funds to pay for the metal, that would have been reflected in the price. In addition to deceiving the client, they short-circuited the normal supply and demand function of the free market. This was an unfair restraint of trade and the free market. To those who would say this is no big deal, ask yourself this – would you knowingly do business with a stock or bond broker who never actually bought what you instructed them to buy, but just treated your investment as a bookie and bet you were wrong? Would securities and banking regulators look the other way?

    This is a short position, pure and simple. The firms and banks that have sold silver to clients without immediately going out and buying the real silver that the clients paid for are short the metal. That means the issuers are liable and responsible for any price rise in silver over the price to the client. For small and medium sized firms, this is a huge risk.

    This is a short position separate and distinct from the short positions on the COMEX or from forward selling/leasing. This puts the combined short position for silver in the billions of ounces. To suggest this unbacked short position is somehow hedged (just as some contend, the forward selling/leasing position is somehow hedged) is nonsense. The documented commercial long position on the COMEX is so small that it couldn’t cover even one medium-sized issuer of unbacked silver certificates.

    It is important to remember that this incredibly large, additional short position unique to silver has the same price effects that all large short positions have in any item. First, comes the artificial price-depressing impact it has when it is created, then comes the artificial price-enhancing effect when it is eventually closed out. What that means to investors is this – the price-depressing phase of short sales of unbacked silver storage programs is behind us. This is one more reason why silver is still so cheap. That’s good news because what could be better than buying a high-quality asset at a big discount to its real value?

    Furthermore, the price-enhancing impact is still to come. The banks and firms that issued these unbacked silver certificates haven’t panicked and rushed to buy back silver to limit their liability and exposure. So far, their individual losses are manageable, and I’m sure they still believe silver will go down in price in the future and the problem will go away. While it’s true that these large institutions have a higher tolerance for financial pain than most, it’s also true when they do panic, they panic big. I believe they will panic at $30 or $50 or higher.

    I am sure that eventually we will read about the great losses some institutions have suffered from very high silver prices because they sold silver to clients that they never actually purchased. People will scratch their heads and ask how those firms could do something so foolish, just like many today question how big firms could offer mortgages to borrowers of poor quality. The few who are aware of these facts in advance are afforded the opportunity to take advantage of the coming silver price explosion. This storage fiasco is another one of many factors we have pointed out about silver that has proven to be correct. We are just as certain that the price of silver must multiply many times over. Don’t let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass you by.

    (Editors note: This is another case where Ted Butler hit the ball out of the park. He’s the only person to ever write about phony storage. As a result, he was dismissed as a crank by numerous stockbrokers employed by the big firms. People have doubted most of his primary arguments about silver, but he has been right. When he talks about manipulation and short selling, there is every reason to believe it’s true. If his price predictions prove to be accurate, silver will be a fortune builder.)

    gutso, pauli,
    lustig find ich auch, wie man Tom Szabo so gründlich fehlinterpretieren kann.
    Macht´s das absichtlich? :D
    Grundaussage von Szabo war immer. Wurscht, welcher ETF, immer noch besser als Papiersilber.....

    Pauli: danke für das Vorstellen des ZKB ETF.


    sind beide gut. aber unterschiedliche Geschichten.
    Warum hast du OK verkauft. Die laufen doch..........
    Gut, sie sind nicht mehr billig, aber es läuft.....

    Anfangsposi sollten immer Produzenten sein, meine ich.
    Habe es aber selbst nicht so gehalten... :D
    Und Haue bezogen und wie! :D
    Aber auch schöne runs....

    KMN mit sehr guter Meldung. Da hatte ich gutes timinmg für Einstieg vorgestern.

    Kalman Exceptional Rhenium Assay Results
    The company is pleased to announce the rhenium assay results from re-assays received to date from drillholes shown on the attached drillhole location map.…744dd4/ASX-KMN-381962.pdf

    Mexico Mike hat sich zu scorpio und ECU geäußert.
    Bei Scorpio hab ich mehrfach geäußert, dass ich mich nicht auskenn.
    Mike hat da für mich ein Aktion "Licht ins Dunkel" (das gibt´s bei uns alljährlich via TV... :D) gestartet. Erfolgreich!

    Und zu ECU: einfach nur schön mit den bananaheads.
    sehr wichtige Info. Ich war auch der Meinung, die hätten die Produktion fast gänzlich runtergefahren.

    Well I got in touch with IR for Scorpio today, and did not like what I heard. I have been a loyal long term supporter of this company for a couple of years, but my confidence in the group is going down the drain. It now appears that management was relying on the early exercise of warrants in order to pay for the construction costs at the mill.

    They issued disclosure that they had all the money they needed a few months ago based on that assumption. That is strike one, IMO, because they should have stated that they were counting on warrants for the funding, which is a far more risky proposition that stating the money was in hand.

    Fine. So they needed more money, and lots of juniors run into similar problems. Then why go for such a large chunk of cash now? Why not complete a small offerring to carry the ball until the warrants get cashed in next spring and pay off the remainder then? What potential debt solutions were considered? Why not a line of credit to tap into? Surely they could have combined a number of possibilities to raise the short term money with less dilution. Strike two...

    What has me the most incensed is that the short position has been building all summer. It is clear that the shorts will be let off the hook with this big offerring, at huge profits. The syndicate of brokerage houses will be raking in huge profits and broker warrants. The share structure will grow allowing for more cheap insider warrants to be issued. And the only guy that doesnt make any money on this deal is the little guy that has stuck with the company for the last year while the share price was shorted into the dust.

    I am disgusted. I have not sold a share. I respect the management group. But they have let us down.

    Ignorance can be fixed but stupid is forever.

    Hi Guys!

    I am not suggesting management was behaving nefariously in the way that financing was handled. I think Peter Hawley is an honorable man and I respect his accomplishments overall. But I do think they dropped the ball on this one, and it was the common shareholder that got screwed in the process. I think they could have selected better options to resolve the financing requirement, and they should have reported the situation more accurately in the first place. If I thought they were playing games, I would have also sold. But either way, this is not a good deal for the people that supported the company the last few years and I am very disappointed. I know of quite a few juniors that have been able to accomplish more with less. And the fact that the placement is so quickly subscribed should tell management they gave away the store and more should have been done to secure the money on less dilutive terms.



    Und ECU:
    I received a number of phone calls last week from disgruntled shareholders of ECU, regarding the following quote from their last NR:

    "Steve Altmann, President, further added that "The Company's decision to stop small scale production and focus on resource delineation and expansion has been very beneficial in our identifying new discoveries and proving the continuity of several veins within our three properties: Velardena, Chicago and San Diego." - ENDQUOTE

    This appeared to be different from what the company had reported at the AGM just in the summer. I spoke with Stephen Altmann today to ask what was going on, and I think it is worth updated here.

    The company has NOT ceased operations at the mill. They have not closed down the operation and have not laid off any of the staff. What is going on is that they no longer attempting to generate positive cash flow from small scale operations. Instead, they are using the existing mill facility as a test-operation, that will enable them to run smaller batches of various ores through the circuits. They can then experiment with different treatment processes, and generate data from the results that can be used in planning for a larger operation.

    Just by changing the concentration of reagents in the circuits, or varying the crushing intensity and duration to change the average particle size in the circuits, or changing the length of time that material is subjected to processing, can have a great difference in the final costs and net recovery. So they get this work done now as part of the planning and it will enable them to prepare a longer term mine plan and build a suitable mill and recovery plant for a large operation.

    This does not represent a step backwards. It is simply that they have committed to grow to a much more significant mining operation, and are taking the right steps to arrive at that objective.

    I think some of the bananaheads on other forums have been bashing the company (as usual) on flawed information. I hope people will reconsider what the longer term impact of this decision represents and be less influenced by those who actively work to spread false information.



    Hallo heron,
    der alte Mann hat schon Recht. Er muss die letzte 43-101 nehmen vom 30.6.06.
    Und da sind nun mal so viel ausgewiesen.

    An independent audit by Toronto-based Broad Oak Associates, completed for the National Instrument (NI) 43-101 technical compliance report and reported June 30, 2006, puts indicated resources at 1.45 million tonnes containing 17.4 million ounces of silver-equivalent and inferred resources at 6.3 million tonnes or 81 million ounces of silver-equivalent. The numbers represent a year-over-year, 42% increase in indicated resources and 608% increase in inferred resources. The June 30th report does not include five subsequent, major discoveries made in the second and third quarter of 2006 nor does it include lead and zinc assays. ECU commissioned an updated NI 43-101 in the fourth quarter of 2006. The Company anticipates frequent future updates as exploration drilling accelerates.

    Natürlich haben sie jetzt mehr.
    Ich erwarte ja sehnsüchtig den neuen!

    Oder hab ich da was verpasst?

    Ne, nichts verpasst. Aber was haben sie bisher gemeldet? Kannst du die geschätzte zahl mal reinstellen?

    Auf der Presi auf Seite 10 dasselbe:


    Eher schwache Löcher.......
    man sollte sich die Karte noch mal anschauen.

    VMS Discovery Extended, Drill Equipment Arrives on Reed Lake Property, Snow Lake, Manitoba
    Thursday October 25, 11:06 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 25, 2007) - VMS Ventures Inc. (TSX VENTURE:VMS - News; the "Company") is pleased to announce the remaining assay results from drill hole RD 07-02 and RD 07-03 on it's new discovery at the Reed Lake project, near Snow Lake, Manitoba.

    The 2.67 m thick zone of near solid sulphide in RD 07-03 reported on September 17, 2007, consists mostly of pyrite and sphalerite and contains 4.98% ZN and 1.95% Cu.

    This 'pyrite-sphalerite cap' intersected in RD 07-03 is similar to, and a continuation of, the 5.5 meter zone of pyrite and sphalerite intersected in hole RD 07-02, which contains 5.65 % Zn and 0.49% Cu. The interval of mineralization in RD 07-03 reported here, appears to represent a faulted slice of the pyrite-sphalerite cap portion of the deposit announced previously in RD 07-02. In hole RD 07-03 the occurrence of Quartz veins below the solid sulphide zone and the presence of a shear above the solid sulphide zone suggests that the mineralization is displaced by faults.

    RD 07-03 was drilled to a total depth of 265 metres and intersected the pyrite-sphalerite mineralization approximately 50 m east of a similar intersection in drillhole RD07-02 and intersected the mineralization at a point approximately 10 m higher in elevation.

    Vice-President of Exploration, Dr. George Gale, states "It is very encouraging to find that the 'pyrite-sphalerite' zone intersected in RD 07-03 has metal grades similar to parts of the pyrite-sphalerite cap found in RD07-02. In addition, the zinc grades in this drill hole combined with the intersections in RD07-02 provide certainty that we have discovered a volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit that has all of the features of deposits found in this area."

    The additional mineralization intersected in RD 07-02 reported here, occurs down hole from the pyrite-sphalerite cap, in a zone of structurally disturbed material consisting of veins of sulphide and quartz. All of the rocks that stratigraphically underlie the sulphide deposit are intensely altered felsic volcanic rocks.

    Drill Hole From To Interval(i) Cu Zn Au Ag
    (metres) (metres) (metres) % % g/t g/t

    RD07-03 176.83 179.5 2.67 1.95 4.98 0.0 11.09

    RD07-02 251.6 255.12 3.52 0.95 0.09 0.33 13.35


    (i) True width will not be determinable until further drill holes are
    completed. (For the purposes of converting the interval lengths to
    imperial measurements note that one-metre is equal to 3.28 feet).

    VMS Ventures is permitting an additional 13 holes for follow-up drilling. The Company has contracted Rodren Drilling of St. Paul, Manitoba to execute the program. The drill rig is now being mobilized to the site and this second drill program will commence later this week or early next week. Drill permitting for a larger winter program for targets inaccessible prior to freeze-up will follow

    This mineral discovery is within an 800 metre long southwest-trending VTEM anomaly. The VTEM anomaly is on the Company's Mineral Exploration License (MEL) #268A and the Company's optioned HudBay Minerals property.

    All technical information in this release has been reviewed by Dr. George Gale, P.Eng, the Qualified Person, Vice President of Exploration and director of VMS Ventures Inc. All samples have been prepared and analyzed at Actlabs in Ancaster Ontario using fire assay analytical methods.

    VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex, Specialty Metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.


    John Roozendaal B.Sc., President & Director