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    Artikel zu GOG und ECU auf.…iarty/moriarty102407.html
    da kann man auch Bilderle anschauen.... :D

    Was mich noch freut, ist, dass ich hier schon vor ein paar Wochen gesagt habe: Wenn GOG denn mal geht, dann kräftig...
    Jetzt gogt sie mal ein bisserl.... :D
    $ Stock, was sonst?

    Mexican Silver:
    I'm all a-GOG

    Bob Moriarty
    Oct 24, 2007

    I'm just back from another two weeks on the road visiting up-and-coming juniors. This trip took me to Mexico for a few days and then to the mouth of the Amazon in Brazil.

    My first visit was to the San Diego project of Golden Tag Resources [GOG.V] located near the city of Torreon in Mexico. Golden Tag has entered into a joint venture with ECU silver to explore the property. Terms call for GOG to spend $1.5 million to earn a 50% interest in San Diego. It's a no lose deal for both companies. ECU gets someone else to spend the money yet keeps a 50% interest. Golden Tag gets a piece of a nice potential property for peanuts.

    Golden Tag has just started a third phase drill program of 6000 meters in order to define a greater resource. I try to spend some time on the website of all the companies I intend to visit to get a better feel for their intentions and capabilities. Quite frankly, the website didn't knock me over. They have a nice potential gold project in Red Lake; on strike with the Campbell and Goldcorp mine and they have this half interest in a nice potential silver project in Mexico.

    I will say Mexico is about my most favorite place in the world for mining projects. There is silver and gold all over the country. 80 years of under-exploration is giving way to some incredible opportunities. In late August, Golden Tag released results from the first two phases of drilling. The results were excellent and showed strong silver, lead and zinc numbers.

    I go to a lot of projects; I probably spend half my time visiting different companies. [Editor's note: Half the time? Hmmm - he's away from home 3/4 of the time, I wonder... He obviously pays Ted a bunch of 'hush dosh'] I see a lot of drill core and read a lot of press releases touting drill results. And they get really boring. It's very difficult for professionals to understand drill results as stated in the typical press release and even more difficult for ordinary investors. Those companies who want to confuse, do so easily.

    But I've been on the ground at San Diego and seen the core that went with the results. They claim a 2.2 million ounce silver resource but that is based on a very limited number of drill holes. ECU and GOG are in the process of working on a new 43-101 resource based on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 very successful drill programs. The expanded resource should be out by the end of November. Based on the holes I saw, it's hard to come up with a number but depending on the cutoff grade, it could easily be a barnburner. At these prices, the stock seems pretty cheap to me.

    Project geologist Kateri Marchand has worked nothing short of a miracle. Along with two assistants, she has run the entire exploration program, drilled 5,300 meters of diamond core and defined a lot of new ounces. The budget was about $1.1 million and with the new 6,000-meter drill program, GOG expects to have earned their 50% interest shortly.

    I am real sure that when the 43-101 is released, anyone interested in silver is going to wake up in a hurry. Kateri has managed more work for less money in a shorter period than any project I have seen in years. I was really impressed with her accomplishments. There is a lot of silver at San Diego.

    The project is only 9 KM from ECU's silver mine and mill at Velardena. It's in ECU's best interest to have multiple sources of feed for their two mills with 400 TPD capacity. I suspect GOG and ECU will put San Diego into production a lot sooner than anyone expects.

    When you are comparing mines and projects, the single most important element is always the people. I've seen great projects screwed up; I see it all the time. But good management will always come up trumps. That's what makes them good management. GOG identified a great project and locked up half of it. They aren't going to be the biggest silver producer in Mexico but I think San Diego has excellent potential for bulk tonnage and I know they have spent their money wisely.

    Lead and zinc prices have been hitting new records and the rock at San Diego has good percentages for both on top of the silver. The area has been mined for over 400 years and the surrounding communities have potential for the hundreds of skilled miners necessary to get into production. If you want to be mining silver, lead and zinc, the Velardena/Torreon area is about the best area in the world to be mining.

    ECU Silver has a market cap of about $480 million based on an Indicated and Inferred silver resource of about 98 million ounces. They have five mines in the area and two mills but the market is giving them almost $5 an ounce for silver in the ground. At that price, GOG would be fairly valued today but I expect a much higher resource, their drill results really were spectacular. In any case, ECU and GOG will be releasing a joint resource. In the case of ECU, the resource will be for all their properties and in the case of GOG, only the San Diego project but it would be easy for any investor to calculate a fair value based on how the market values the increase in ECU ounces.

    Golden Tag has about $2.5 million in the bank. They will spend an additional $300,000 at San Diego which gives them their 50% earn in. And at Red Lake, they have a budget of $700,000 for drilling by their partner. They anticipate an additional $500,000 in matching funds to complete the Phase 3 drilling in Mexico. And in addition, they expect to bring in about $4 million with the exercise of warrants and options. The company has 35.1 million shares outstanding and 45.9 million shares fully diluted.

    I'm as biased as I can be. Management and Kateri really impressed me with how much has been accomplished at San Diego in about a year. The 43-101 will show the potential and it will be out very soon. With a $12 million market cap, GOG is really cheap. Golden Tag is an advertiser and I do own shares. Do your own due diligence, por favor.

    Golden Tag Resources
    GOG-V $.395 Canadian (Oct 23, 2007)
    31.3 million shares outstanding
    Golden Tag website

    Bob Moriarty

    Von Peter Grandich gibt es noch den hinweis auf eine neue GIX Studie.
    Ein absoluter Grandich Tip! hat er sehr hoch gewichtet.

    zu KMN gab´s heute folgende meldung.…2e2202/ASX-KMN-381320.pdf

    Kalman Cross Sections Show Considerable Upside
    On 19 October 2007, partial drillhole results were released for the Company’s exciting Kalman Prospect.
    Subsequently, cross sections have been prepared for Sections 5400 and 5635 illustrated on the attached figures.
    From the figures it should be noted that:
    • On Section 5400 a relatively uniform width of MoS2 mineralisation remains open at depth, within a Cu ±
    Au zone:
    - On this Section, assays are pending for visually mineralised core either side of the reported zone;
    - Here, Cu and Au are both elevated in grade eg the last interval assayed in drillhole K-51 produced
    20m @ 0.75% Cu and 1.48g/t Au;
    - Assays are pending above and below the reported zone.
    • On Section 5635 a broad zone of continuous mineralisation with a true width of over 100 metres extends
    at depth with assays pending for the lower parts of drillholes K-23A and K-46:
    - As well as the MoS2 rich core, evidence of a Cu-Au elevated contribution is illustrated by the 30m
    @ 0.34% Cu and 0.44g/t Au and a 1m interval of 10g/t Au.
    Yours sincerely,
    Dudley Leitch

    Niedrige grades, aber so viel ich bisher weiß, nicht so schwer zum Rausholen! :Di

    Wenn es bei SNN losgeht, dann ziemlich schnell.
    SNN.TO 12:38PM ET 1.27 Up 0.11 Up 9.48% 7,800
    Die sind ausgedünnt.
    Die überleg ich mir wiederum.

    BGL, IPT und EXM (aber das wär ein bisserl crazy, weil da hab ich schon so viele.) überleg ich mir auch.
    Es sind zur zeit sooo viele Chancen.

    UC: Markt sieht den Abgang posiitiv.
    Hamelin wird sicher wieder was in Mexico machen und das wird sicher wieder etwas Interessantes.
    War ja nicht der Einzige, der heuer gegangen (worden?) ist.....

    Absoluter Topmann zu IPT!

    Gute Meldung: Tara

    Auch gut: Cream CMA.V: 1,3km Silvervein Mexico


    UC doch noch mit Ergebnissen: die sind zwar nur mittelprächtig, aber mit den bereits gebohrten nicht so schlecht.
    Unterzeichnet hat der Vize von UC Novak, der ja CEO von Spider ist.
    Ist dem Hamelin was zugestoßen? großes Grinsen
    Normal unterzeichnet er immer......????

    Ist mir gestern schon komisch vorgekommen....
    Würd das noch unter erfreuliche nachrichten von gestern einordnen,
    so rein subjektiv gesehen.

    irgendwo steht´s, was die einzelnen minen so abwerfen.
    Da war ja die First Silver Mine der große rausreißer voriges Jahr.
    Sie geben immer equi. an.

    Silberproduktion der ersten 3 Quartale 2007:

    792.196 oz eqivalent

    gesamt ca. 2,6

    Ich geb zu dem guten gefühl noch ein sehr dazu..... :D

    KMN hab ich auch ein paar gefischt.


    Hab mich mal wieder ein bisserl umgeschaut auf

    Arbeitsmangel besteht nicht, eher könnten die noch mal so viel zun.
    Das Geld der Explorer versammelt sich, sie müssen es nur halten können.
    Das sollte doch mal gelingen.

    Günstig sind sie noch immer und wie!

    Below is a summary of the Company's share structure. This information is also included in Cabo's financial reports.

    Stock Symbol: CBE

    Listed: TSX Venture Exchange: (TSX-V)

    Issued and Outstanding: 38,730,596

    Options (exercisable at):
    Price Shares
    $0.75 598,000
    $0.80 1,455,000
    $0.50 - $1.00 375,000

    Total Options: 2,428,000

    Warrants (exercisable at):

    Price Shares
    $0.50 7,248,867

    Fully Diluted: 48,407,463


    aber sicher doch,
    mit einem ambulanten Zahnarztequipment und dann bohrt Dr. Tschonko.... :D

    Die Tornado werd ich mir mal anschauen.

    Heute gab es eine Menge erfreulicher Nachrichten, zumindest für mich.
    Endlich hab ich auch was gefischt. Orders hätt ich ja genug laufen.....

    Mal wieder FR.V und zwar unter 4. mehr eine Trading Position.
    Der fette Rest steht ja unverändert.

    Exmin meldet den ersten Barren.
    Hochschild betreibt, sie haben 30% und das ergibt im nächsten Jahr einiges Bares.

    das Gebiet erweist sich als fetter als angenommen.

    Mexican Silver Mine:

    haben ne historische mine auf einem der bereits vorhandenen Gebiete entdeckt.

    UC doch noch mit Ergebnissen: die sind zwar nur mittelprächtig, aber mit den bereits gebohrten nicht so schlecht.
    Unterzeichnet hat der Vize von UC Novak, der ja CEO von Spider ist.
    Ist dem Hamelin was zugestoßen? :D
    Normal unterzeichnet er immer......????

    Da heißt es nun warten, Nächster Bohrbeginn Anfang 08 (8.1.)
    Mich nervt UC nur noch....


    Hallo eldo,
    "cause you go high..." Oder doch I?
    Groovt saugut! :D

    Schönen urlaub.
    Die Scorpios sind eh auch in München. Da werd ich nicht schlau draus.
    Die Revett produzieren ja wieder. Seit wann? Seit 15.8.
    Das nenn ich Timing, an so einem Tag mit einer guten Meldung zu kommen. :D

    Na, wir kriegen schon noch unsere Abstürze, seit dem15.8. gibt´s da andere Parameter.
    Muss ja nicht sein, wenn du auf Urlaub bist. :D


    Also im 3. Qu. wären wir genau dort, wo der jahresschnitt verlaufen sollte.
    Aber wenn ich vor einem jahr vergleiche, steht FR einfach sehr gut da.

    Man sollte jetzt von 1 Mille oz eqi. pro Qu. ausgehen.
    Und das dürfte gesteigert werden.
    Es ist verdammt viel geschehen in einem Jahr. wenn man da mit anderen minen vergleicht, kommen einem die fast vor wie Däumchendreher.

    Mister 20%: Zieht man von dem, was keith ankündigt 20% ab, hat man den fairen Wert. :D
    Eingehalten wurde bisher alles..........

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: Another Record Quarter of Silver Production
    Tuesday October 23, 9:25 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 23, 2007 -- FIRST MAJESTIC SILVER CORP. (CDNX:FR.V - News) (Other OTC:FRMSF.PK - News) (Frankfurt:FMV.F - News) (WKN: A0LHKJ) (First Majestic or the "Company") is pleased to announce that production in the third quarter ending September 30th, 2007 increased again to a record 942,656 equivalent ounces of silver representing an 11% increase over the prior quarter and an increase of 113% over the same quarter the previous year.

    The equivalent silver production for the quarter consisted of 812,536 ounces of silver, an increase of 5% over the previous quarter and a very significant increase in lead production amounting to 949,988 pounds which compares to 534,324 pounds of lead produced in the previous quarter showing an increase of 78%. The large increase in lead production was primarily due to the start-up of the flotation circuit at the La Parrilla Silver Mine. Production of gold was 436 ounces in the quarter compared to 591 ounces in the prior quarter as a result of ore being mined during the quarter containing lower gold content.

    The ore processed at the Company's three operating silver mines; the La Parrilla Silver Mine, the San Martin Silver Mine and the La Encantada Silver Mine, increased to 165,549 tonnes in the quarter representing a 5% increase over the second quarter and 113% over the third quarter of 2006.

    During the quarter; the flotation circuit at the La Parrilla was commissioned; a new 1500 KW power plant was installed at La Encantada; and three new pieces of underground equipment arrived from Sandvik. An additional four pieces of equipment will arrive prior to year end. These improvements and the ongoing efforts to improve recoveries, head grade and tonnage all will contribute to increased efficiencies and increasing silver production going forward.

    An aggressive development program continues at all three mines. This activity is ongoing for the purpose of opening up additional stopes, grade control, resource development and exploration. A total of 5,219 metres of underground development was completed in the quarter. Several new areas of the mines were accessed and are being prepared for mining in order to continue the growth of silver production in the coming quarters.

    Reserve and Resource development remains to be a high priority of the Company. Presently ten drill rigs are operating; six rigs at La Parrilla and the Chalchihuites areas, three rigs at San Martin and one rig at La Encantada. Two additional rigs are being added to the program at the San Martin and two additional rigs are expected to arrive shortly at the La Encantada. In line with the Company's aggressive resource development strategy, 9,983 metres of diamond drilling was completed during the quarter, covering 35 holes. The Company remains on track to release updated NI 43-101 compliant resource estimates before year end. In addition to the drilling program, an IP and AR Geophysics program covering approximately 50 line kms was completed during the quarter on areas surrounding the La Parrilla mine.

    Presently, drilling activity at the San Martin is taking place both from underground and new defined surface areas at the North-South structural system and at the Rosarios-Condesa (Cinco Senores) vein system which is parallel to the Zuloaga vein, where intersections of high grade silver ore are confirming new areas of interest originally identified by surface geological mapping executed in the first part of the year. This drill and development program is focused on defining additional oxide resources in the upper parts of the mine and in new development areas. The Company is presently assessing the feasibility of adding a flotation circuit at the San Martin which will allow the mill to take advantage of the large sulphide ore resource present at the San Martin.

    At La Encantada, a pressure type drill program consisting of 51 holes was completed in the tailing ponds to define the feasibility of reprocessing this material. This resource will be defined in the upcoming NI 43-101 report. The metallurgical tests completed by SGS de Mexico, SA de CV., lab in Durango confirmed the economic feasibility of recovering the silver contained in these tailings ponds. An internal study is currently underway to evaluate the economics of adding a cyanidation circuit to the mill and what level of expansion would be most optimal. The permitting process has commenced and a final decision on expansion size will be made prior to year end.

    At the Company's recently acquired San Juan and Perseverancia Silver Mines located in Chalchihuites about 60 kilometres away from the La Parrilla, mine development and exploration is continuing. At the Perseverancia mine the upgrade and rehabilitation of the old mine continued during the quarter in order to start production on its high grade chimney areas. Ore production started at the Perseverancia in the latter half of the third quarter at a rate of 50 tonnes per week which is being direct-shipped to the smelter. In the future this ore will be shipped to the La Parrilla mill for mixing and processing.

    At the San Juan, mine ramp construction is continuing, with more than 600 metres completed to date. The development and exploration project has been expanded based on the excellent results at this mine. 50 tonnes of oxide ore is being removed from the mine daily and being shipped to the La Parrilla mill.

    Also, at the La Parrilla, construction of the new tailings dam, which commenced in the second week of May 2007, is currently under budget and on target to complete in November. A portion of the new tailings dam, which will extend the life of this operation by ten years, is already being used.

    First Majestic is a producing silver company focused in Mexico and is aggressively pursuing its business plan to become a senior silver producer through the development of its existing assets and the pursuit through acquisition of additional assets that contribute to achieving its corporate growth objectives.


    Keith Neumeyer, President & CEO

    Glaubst, mir ging was ins Netz!
    Da zu spät dran, da zu kleiner Köder......
    Petri Dank, kann ich da nur sagen.......sacra, sacra! :D

    Verdoppelt, aber noch immer klein!

    Great Panther Doubles Production in Third Quarter 2007
    Monday October 22, 1:17 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 22, 2007) - GREAT PANTHER RESOURCES LIMITED (TSX:GPR - News; the "Company") reports record production from its 100% owned Guanajuato Silver-Gold Mine and Topia Silver-Lead-Zinc Mine in Mexico. Operational highlights include:

    - Total quarterly production of 361,107 silver equivalent ounces (Ag Eq oz) compared to 179,782 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2006, an increase of 101%.

    - Total production for the three quarters of 2007 of 989,900 Ag Eq oz exceeded total production of 408,820 Ag Eq oz for the same period last year by 142%.

    - Total quarterly throughput of 69,541 tonnes compared to 43,055 tonnes in the third quarter 2006, an increase of 62%.

    - 20% quarter-by-quarter increase in output at Guanajuato from 176,828 Ag Eq oz in the second quarter 2007 to 212,617 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2007.

    - 11% quarter-by-quarter increase in output at Topia from 133,522 Ag Eq oz in the second quarter 2007 to 148,490 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2007.

    - Management team strengthened with appointment of Charles Brown as Chief Operating Officer.

    - Great Panther's 100% owned (but independently operated) "state-of-the-art" assay laboratory was opened at the Guanajuato Mine.

    To view the graph accompanying this release please click on the following link:

    (Silver equivalents for 2007 were established using prices of US$600/oz Au, US$12/oz Ag, US$0.60/lb Pb and US$1.50/lb Zn)

    The Guanajuato Mine produced 155,272 oz of silver and 1,147 oz of gold from 60,031 tonnes in the third quarter, an increase of 18% and 27% for silver and gold, respectively over the previous quarter. The average gold grade increased slightly from 0.80 g/t to 0.84 g/t while the silver grade decreased slightly from 115.5 g/t to 109.9 g/t resulting in a slight decrease in the silver equivalent grade from 155.6 g/t to 151.9 g/t. The erratic nature of gold and silver distribution continues to be a challenge at Guanajuato and the Company is implementing a number of measures to improve the grade control. Recoveries averaged 70.5% for gold and 73.1% for silver in Q3 compared to 72.4% and 73.3%, respectively in Q2. A metallurgical test program is also underway to find ways of improving the recoveries.

    At the Topia Mine, production of silver increased by 13% to 65,884 oz, gold by 2% to 128 oz, lead by 20% to 404,460 lbs and zinc by 8% to 448,528 lbs. However, overall head grades declined by 8.8% to 261 g/t Ag, 0.6 g/t Au, 2.11% Pb and 2.63% Zn (588 g/t Ag Eq) due to an increase in dilution caused by narrower vein widths. Recoveries at Topia in the third quarter averaged 82.41% for Ag, 71.44% for Au, 91.38% for Pb and 81.38% for Zn, compared to 86.81% for Ag, 83.59% for Au, 89.46% for Pb and 86.54% for Zn in the second quarter. A total of 9,509 tonnes was processed from the Company's mines in Topia in Q3 while 2,469 tonnes were custom milled for a local miner.

    The year to date production of 989,900 Ag Eq oz from both of Great Panther's mines includes 590,191 oz of silver, 3,250 oz of gold, 1,190,971 lbs of lead and 1,421,901 lbs of zinc. As mine development increases and diamond drilling success establishes new resources at the mines, the Company expects this steady growth in production to continue well into 2008. In addition, management is actively looking at ways to more significantly increase the output from both operations.

    Robert F. Brown, P.Eng. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is the Qualified Person for both the Guanajuato Mine and the Topia Mine, under the meaning of NI 43-101. Aspects of both mines relating to mining and metallurgy are overseen by Charles Brown, Chief Operating Officer and Ing. Francisco Ramos Sanchez, Vice President of Operations for Great Panther and its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Mexicana El Rosario, S.A. de C.V.


    Robert A. Archer, President & CEO

    Glaubst, mir ging was ins Netz!
    Da zu spät dran, da zu kleiner Köder......
    Petri Dank, kann ich da nur sagen.......sacra, sacra! :D

    Verdoppelt, aber noch immer klein!

    Great Panther Doubles Production in Third Quarter 2007
    Monday October 22, 1:17 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 22, 2007) - GREAT PANTHER RESOURCES LIMITED (TSX:GPR - News; the "Company") reports record production from its 100% owned Guanajuato Silver-Gold Mine and Topia Silver-Lead-Zinc Mine in Mexico. Operational highlights include:

    - Total quarterly production of 361,107 silver equivalent ounces (Ag Eq oz) compared to 179,782 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2006, an increase of 101%.

    - Total production for the three quarters of 2007 of 989,900 Ag Eq oz exceeded total production of 408,820 Ag Eq oz for the same period last year by 142%.

    - Total quarterly throughput of 69,541 tonnes compared to 43,055 tonnes in the third quarter 2006, an increase of 62%.

    - 20% quarter-by-quarter increase in output at Guanajuato from 176,828 Ag Eq oz in the second quarter 2007 to 212,617 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2007.

    - 11% quarter-by-quarter increase in output at Topia from 133,522 Ag Eq oz in the second quarter 2007 to 148,490 Ag Eq oz in the third quarter 2007.

    - Management team strengthened with appointment of Charles Brown as Chief Operating Officer.

    - Great Panther's 100% owned (but independently operated) "state-of-the-art" assay laboratory was opened at the Guanajuato Mine.

    To view the graph accompanying this release please click on the following link:

    (Silver equivalents for 2007 were established using prices of US$600/oz Au, US$12/oz Ag, US$0.60/lb Pb and US$1.50/lb Zn)

    The Guanajuato Mine produced 155,272 oz of silver and 1,147 oz of gold from 60,031 tonnes in the third quarter, an increase of 18% and 27% for silver and gold, respectively over the previous quarter. The average gold grade increased slightly from 0.80 g/t to 0.84 g/t while the silver grade decreased slightly from 115.5 g/t to 109.9 g/t resulting in a slight decrease in the silver equivalent grade from 155.6 g/t to 151.9 g/t. The erratic nature of gold and silver distribution continues to be a challenge at Guanajuato and the Company is implementing a number of measures to improve the grade control. Recoveries averaged 70.5% for gold and 73.1% for silver in Q3 compared to 72.4% and 73.3%, respectively in Q2. A metallurgical test program is also underway to find ways of improving the recoveries.

    At the Topia Mine, production of silver increased by 13% to 65,884 oz, gold by 2% to 128 oz, lead by 20% to 404,460 lbs and zinc by 8% to 448,528 lbs. However, overall head grades declined by 8.8% to 261 g/t Ag, 0.6 g/t Au, 2.11% Pb and 2.63% Zn (588 g/t Ag Eq) due to an increase in dilution caused by narrower vein widths. Recoveries at Topia in the third quarter averaged 82.41% for Ag, 71.44% for Au, 91.38% for Pb and 81.38% for Zn, compared to 86.81% for Ag, 83.59% for Au, 89.46% for Pb and 86.54% for Zn in the second quarter. A total of 9,509 tonnes was processed from the Company's mines in Topia in Q3 while 2,469 tonnes were custom milled for a local miner.

    The year to date production of 989,900 Ag Eq oz from both of Great Panther's mines includes 590,191 oz of silver, 3,250 oz of gold, 1,190,971 lbs of lead and 1,421,901 lbs of zinc. As mine development increases and diamond drilling success establishes new resources at the mines, the Company expects this steady growth in production to continue well into 2008. In addition, management is actively looking at ways to more significantly increase the output from both operations.

    Robert F. Brown, P.Eng. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is the Qualified Person for both the Guanajuato Mine and the Topia Mine, under the meaning of NI 43-101. Aspects of both mines relating to mining and metallurgy are overseen by Charles Brown, Chief Operating Officer and Ing. Francisco Ramos Sanchez, Vice President of Operations for Great Panther and its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Mexicana El Rosario, S.A. de C.V.


    Robert A. Archer, President & CEO

    und schon geht´s runter bei den Kleinen, Hummelflug nix dagegen.... :D
    Trade resumption bei KXL!

    KXL hat gemeldet:

    Wegen der Tabellen:

    Kodiak Drills 2.0m of 54.1 gpt (1.57 opt) Gold/Confirms High Grade Mineralization 1.34km Along Strike/System Remains Open
    Monday October 22, 11:27 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 22, 2007 -- Kodiak Exploration Limited (CDNX:KXL.V - News) is pleased to announce that additional drill results from the 2007 exploration program at its Hercules project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp have confirmed high grade gold mineralization at depth and over 1,300 meters along strike on the Golden Mile quartz vein structure. Early drill results confirm the geometry and scale of this new gold system and demonstrate it can host mineable grades and widths of gold mineralization. All of these factors underline the tremendous untapped potential of the Hercules property and this under explored Greenstone Belt.

    Highlights from this shallow wide-spaced drilling include drill hole HR07-29, which graded 54.1 gpt (1.57 opt) gold over a mineable width of 2.0m, including 134.4 gpt (3.9 opt) gold over 0.8m, and drill hole HR07-31, which graded 12.64 gpt gold over 1.4m. Those holes were drilled 1,340 meters (1.34km) apart on the same quartz vein structure confirming the continuity of gold mineralization, with these very positive results. The Golden Mile vein has been exposed on surface both between and beyond those two drill holes to a total length exceeding two kilometers and remains open on strike and at depth. Twenty-eight of the core samples from the most recent drill holes have been rushed for metallic assay due to gold values exceeding 5 gpt. Assays are also pending for 7 additional drill holes from the Golden Mile. Highlights from continuing channel sampling along the Golden Mile include 63.45 gpt gold over 1.0m in channel cut AMX-16 and 27.83 gpt gold over 1.6m in channel cut AMX-09.

    The gold bearing structure at the Golden Mile has now been shown to have a surface scale and geometry unprecedented in the Geraldton-Beardmore Gold camp's history, confirming its potential to host a very significant new gold resource. The results of the current drilling program and channel sampling have confirmed high grade gold mineralization over a strike length which is the equivalent of more than 12 football fields, and this system remains open at depth and along strike. The high gold grades and structural geology of the Hercules system is similar to the Red Lake and Kirkland Lake gold camps, both of which have hosted multi-million ounce high-grade gold deposits. Kodiak's early drill results evidence the tremendous untapped potential of this under-explored Greenstone Belt, and the Hercules project in particular.

    Every drill hole completed to date at the 100% controlled Hercules project has intersected gold mineralization. Drilling continues to intersect impressive structure and alteration, confirming the extent and continuity of this system along strike and at depth. Kodiak has commissioned additional drill rigs and will continue its 2007 drilling program with a view to quickly building tonnage at economic grades within this mineralized system. Kodiak's ongoing drill program will test the Golden Mile and parallel structures both at depth and along strike. In particular, the drilling will focus on testing the Golden Mile at depth to further determine the geometry and depth extent of this impressive new gold system.

    Kodiak is also pleased to report that additional exploration over the past three weeks has resulted in the discovery of several quartz vein structures between the Golden Mile and Yellow Brick Road zones, further confirming the tremendous untapped potential of this system. These structures run parallel to the Golden Mile and are also open on strike. To date, in a very short period of time, over five kilometers of newly discovered gold-bearing structures have been exposed by Kodiak's field team. These and the many other gold bearing structures on properties recently acquired by Kodiak remain to be tested.

    Kodiak now controls in excess of 1,000 square kilometers covering principal geologic structures in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt. Gold bearing quartz veins which have been exposed on surface through removal of overburden on other properties acquired by Kodiak include extensions of the structures that host the Leitch Mine, which produced over 1,000,000 ounces of gold from meter wide quartz veins mined to a depth of 1.4 km with average grades of 31.5 gpt (0.92 opt) gold, the Little Long Lac gold mine which produced over 600,000 ounces at a grade of 11.7 gpt (0.34 opt) gold and the Magnet gold mine which produced over 152,000 ounces at an average grade of 14.4 gpt (0.42 opt). These mines were operated to depths of up to 4,600 feet and remain open at depth and on strike. The Kodiak extensions of these systems remain to be drill tested. Kodiak has now staked or optioned over 150km of strike length covering the three major structures which host the majority of gold mineralization in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp, and now controls a dominant land position in this under-explored Greenstone Belt. An airborne survey is planned to begin shortly to identify and prioritize additional exploration targets in this huge land package for ongoing exploration.

    Mr. Brian Maher, VP Exploration of Kodiak comments: "Kodiak is pleased to now control this very extensive and contiguous land package, which contains the majority of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt. Being able to systematically explore these major gold bearing structures, which are along strike from high grade, past producing gold mines, gives Kodiak an enviable, strategic and very rare opportunity. This project is very clearly a potential company maker. The proximity of this land package to road access, rail service, power, and a potential workforce distinguishes this land package and the Hercules project from other projects in Canada which are often located in high cost, remote areas. Kodiak looks forward to future drill results with much anticipation, while continuing a systematic process of exploration in this under explored Gold Belt."

    Grandich stellt Timmins Gold vor!

    TSX.V: TMM
    Current Price: $ .72 Cdn
    Share Structure: as of October 15, 2007
    Issued and Outstanding: 53,916,547
    Fully Diluted: 65,927,254

    The current measured and indicated resource is 716,790 ounces of gold (27.65 million tonnes grading 0.81 grams of gold per tonne), and the inferred
    resource is 63,500 ounces of gold (2.51 million tonnes grading 0.79
    grams of gold per tonne) based on 116,000 meters of core and
    reverse circulation drilling (including 8,778 meters conducted by the company) to year’s-end 2006. This independent, NI 43-101 mineral
    resource estimate assumes a gold price of US$500 per ounce and 64%
    (heap-leach) recoveries, and is based on a 0.23 gram cutoff grade.
    A revised resource estimate incorporating the new drilling data
    and a gold price of $650 per ounce is currently being produced.

    Noch ne Momentaufnahme: Kodiak area plays:
    heute sind andere dran, u.a. die altbekannte spruce.....

    ATV.V 10:22AM ET 0.355 Up 0.065 Up 22.41% 5,131,155

    SGX.V 10:22AM ET 0.75 Up 0.18 Up 31.58% 9,429,007

    RMK.V 10:22AM ET 0.33 Up 0.02 Up 6.45% 3,224,542

    SHL.V 10:19AM ET 0.40 Up 0.155 Up 63.27% 327,680

    LME.V 10:22AM ET 0.38 Up 0.145 Up 61.70% 4,837,800

    So eine Art disclaimer: :D
    Vielleicht nur folgendes: ich bin da nirgends drin und man sollte sich die Dinger genau anschauen.
    LME hat soeben ein PP gemacht zu 0,115.
    ASlso die kommen , diese shares.
    und wenn da nichts bestätigt wird durch Ergebnisse, geht das in den Sinkflug. Und wie1
    Roxmark schaut gut aus, die hat sich der Edel nicht ohne grund ausgegustert! :D

    aber sicher doch.... :D

    Cabo to Drill a Minimum 6,000 Meters for Cadillac Ventures and Noront Resources at Burnt Hill
    Monday October 22, 9:00 am ET

    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 22, 2007) - Cabo Drilling Corp.'s (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") Atlantic Division has been awarded a contract to drill a minimum 6,000 meters for Cadillac Ventures Inc. at their historic Burnt Hill tungsten - molybdenum project near Fredericton, New Brunswick. The Burnt Hill Project is a joint venture between Cadillac Ventures Inc. and Noront Resources Inc. (See Cadillac news release dated April 4 and Sept. 20, 2007).

    The Company is operating two drills on site with the objective of twinning historic holes in order to bring the Burnt Hill historical data to a NI 43-101 compliant level to enable a current resource calculation. Cadillac will also be drilling a number of new holes recommended by P&E Engineering of Brampton, Ontario in an effort to increase the present resource and explore some of their newly staked property. An airborne geophysical survey has been booked and will be conducted over the entire land package by the beginning of November.

    About Cadillac Ventures Inc.

    Cadillac is publicly traded on the CNQ under the symbol CDEX. Currently, in addition to the joint venture on the Burnt Hill Project, Cadillac also holds the New Alger Project which encompasses the historic New Alger Mine, located in the highly prospective Cadillac Break Mining Camp, Quebec. The New Alger Mine has been sporadically productive but has not been fully explored or exploited. The property is situated contiguous to the O'Brien Mine and approximately 300 m to the SE of the LaRonde Mine.

    About Cabo Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News)

    die Roxmark ist interessant, weil Geraldton ja als nächstes Camp gehandelt wird.
    Das mit premier war mir bekannt.…ark_jointventur.html?.v=1

    Weiß aber nicht, ob die bald Ergebnisse liefern hönnen.
    zur Zeit schwimmen sie mit, aber ganz vorne.

    Nehme an, dass KXL doch eher heute schon rausrückt mit der news.
    Da bist du noch perfekt eingestiegen.
    Der Erstkauf bezog sich ja damals auf Caribou....
    Haben ja viele Gebiete.........


    UNO: gestern war kein so günstiger Tag für diese Meldung...
    Die ist nämlich wirklich gut.....…ll=794&pA=EF5CE975&type=2

    von hole 133-138 viel zinc/blei
    139-140 viel Kupfer.

    Aber fast überall ist der Silbergehalt hoch.
    Aber man beachte die INDIUM Werte!

    Wenn es mal soweit sein wird, dass die alle in Produktion gehen, dann wird der Silberpreis in den Keller rasseln.
    Aber soweit ist es noch lange nicht.

    Das Zeitfenster für primary silver producers wird enger, aber sie werden fliegen.....
    hoffe ich zumindest :D


    UNO mit ausgezeichneten Ergebnissen.
    Es fehlt halt ein bisserl die Ausdehnung!
    Dafür Zinc/Blei.

    Chester schaut gut aus. Mexico haben wir noch als Draufgabe.

    Und: Schon wieder VMS:
    besser wegen der Tabellen oder auf die Homepage

    First Narrows Reports Latest Results From the Chester Definition Drilling Program
    Friday October 19, 11:20 am ET

    Latest Results Include 10.05% Combined Lead-Zinc Over 15.6 Meters (51 ft.) in Hole 137 and 5.28% Copper Over 7 Meters (23 ft.) in Hole 138

    VANCOUVER, BC--(MARKET WIRE)--Oct 19, 2007 -- First Narrows Resources Corp. (CDNX:UNO.V - News) (Other OTC:FNRWF.PK - News) ("First Narrows" or the "Company") is pleased to provide the latest analytical results from the National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") qualifying mineral resource definition drilling program in progress on its Chester Copper-Polymetallic Feeder Deposit.


    The resource drilling program has to date concentrated on close spaced drill holes in the upper nearer surface extent of the Feeder Deposit for the purpose of developing a measured and indicated resource estimate. The drilling pattern recently expanded to a 12.5 meter hole interval on a step-out 25 m line interval, stepping out to the west down dip along the Feeder Deposit for the purpose of developing an inferred and indicated resource.

    Drilling is tracing the copper Feeder Deposit down-dip to the west and up-dip to the east, and the Deposit remains open in both directions. To the east (up-dip), at least one of several stacked high grade copper stringer zones vents into a gently inclined, zinc-lead-silver, volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) zone. At the interface of the copper stringer-VMS facies, a substantial increase in the copper grade and a blending of the copper and zinc-lead-silver mineralization occurs. Copper feeder type mineralization extends further to the east in zones underlying and overlying the zinc-lead-silver mineralization. The up-dip vertical holes have the potential to delineate both copper feeder and zinc-lead-silver VMS sulfide zones.

    The latest analytical results for 8 holes follow. Holes C-07-133 - 138 intersected zinc-lead-silver mineralization, and holes C-07-139 - 140 intersected copper-polymetallic mineralization.------------------------------------------

    KXL, gratuliere. Da hast am montag wohl an die 100%.

    Ja, ja, die 40. Wenn schon geht das nicht linear.
    Da erkannte man die mit viel Fantasie...... :D

    Spider: wär bei 0,1 wieder sehr gut gegangen.

    Aber schau dir mal das an!

    Zuerst dir große mit red lake und west timmings
    Ganz unten dann die Nachbarn von KXL…reports/2007/julmap_e.asp


    Momentaufnahme von ein paar der Nachbarn von KXL:

    ATV.V 12:08PM ET 0.285 Up 0.045 Up 18.75% 10,634,087

    SGX.V 12:08PM ET 0.54 Up 0.10 Up 22.73% 17,772,074

    RMK.V 12:07PM ET 0.255 Up 0.075 Up 41.67% 5,578,372