Beiträge von Tschonko

    Timberline Announces Shareholder Meeting Date to Consider the SMD Acquisition and Other Items
    Wednesday August 6, 2:49 pm ET

    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Aug. 6, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Timberline Resources Corporation (AMEX:TLR - News) today invited its shareholders to its 2008 Annual Meeting of Stockholders at the Hampton Inn & Suites, 1500 West Riverstone Drive, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, on August 22, 2008 at 2:00pm (Pacific Daylight Time).
    Shareholders of record as of July 1, 2008 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting. Among the items to be considered and voted upon at the Meeting is the proposed acquisition of Small Mine Development, LLC (SMD), including the issuance of Timberline stock as partial consideration for the purchase.
    Timberline Resources Corporation has taken the complementary businesses of mining services and mineral exploration and combined them into a unique, forward-thinking investment vehicle that provides investors exposure to both the ``picks and shovels'' and ``blue sky'' aspects of the mining industry.
    Timberline has contract drilling subsidiaries in the western United States and Mexico and an exploration division focused on high-potential, district-scale gold projects. With its anticipated acquisition of a premier American underground mine contractor, SMD, Timberline will strengthen its position as an emerging, vertically-integrated resource company. Timberline is listed on the American Stock Exchange and trades under the symbol ``TLR''.
    Statements contained herein that are not based upon current or historical fact are forward-looking in nature. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Company's expectations about its future operating results, performance and opportunities that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. When used herein, the words ``anticipate,'' ``believe,'' ``estimate,'' ``plan,'' ``intend'' and ``expect'' and similar expressions, as they relate to Timberline Resources Corporation, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the Company and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause the Company's actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, such factors, including risk factors, discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended September 30, 2007. Except as required by the Federal Securities law, the Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly any revisions to any forward-looking statements.
    Additional Information About This Transaction
    In connection with the proposed acquisition, Timberline has filed a proxy statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE ADVISED TO READ THE FINAL PROXY STATEMENT, BECAUSE IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE ACQUISITION AND THE PARTIES THERETO. Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of the proxy statement and other documents filed by Timberline at the Securities and Exchange Commission's Web site at The proxy statement and such other documents may also be obtained for free from Timberline by directing such request to Timberline Resources Corporation, 101 E. Lakeside Ave., Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814, Attention: Chief Financial Officer.
    Participants in the Solicitation
    Timberline and its directors, executive officers and other members of its management and employees may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from its stockholders in connection with the proposed acquisition. Information concerning the interests of Timberline's participants in the solicitation, which may be different than those of Timberline stockholders generally, is set forth in Timberline's proxy statements and Annual Reports on Form 10-KSB, both previously filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in the proxy statement relating to the acquisition.

    Contact: Timberline Resources Corporation
    John Swallow, Chairman
    [Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:][Blockierte Grafik:]208.664.4859[Blockierte Grafik:]

    die Douglas hat gestern wieder dort geschlossen, wo sie vor Moriarty Artikel war.
    Heute schon minimale Änderungen im Management.

    Ob M. vorgestern gekauft hat???

    Scorpio Mining hat nun einen anderen Partner für Scorpio Gold gefunden, der letzte war ja ein Witz, ein schlechter.....
    Für uns Aktionäre gibt´s nada.....

    Scorpio Gold Corporation signs letter of intent with Cincoro Capital Corp. for qualifying transaction
    Wednesday August 6, 8:00 am ET
    VANCOUVER, Aug. 6 /CNW/ - Scorpio Mining Corporation ("Scorpio Mining"),(TSX:SPM - News) is pleased to announce that Scorpio Gold Corporation ("Scorpio Gold") a 93.5% owned private subsidiary of Scorpio Mining, which holds certain gold assets in Nova Scotia and Quebec, has signed a Letter of Intent ("LOI") with Cincoro Gold Corp. ("Cincoro", TSX.V: FIV.P), a capital pool company listed on the TSXV Venture Exchange, whereby Cincoro has agreed to purchase (the "Acquisition") all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Scorpio Gold or otherwise complete a business combination with Cincoro. The Acquisition, if completed, will constitute Cincoro's "qualifying transaction" under the policies of the Exchange. The transaction with Cincoro will see Scorpio Mining become the controlling shareholder in Cincoro.[Blockierte Grafik:]

    Pursuant to the LOI, Cincoro has agreed prior to the completion of the Transaction, subject to shareholder and regulatory acceptance, to consolidate its shares on a 3 to 1 basis (three pre-consolidated shares for each one post-consolidated share). Subject to the execution of a definitive agreement and regulatory acceptance to the Acquisition, Cincoro will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Scorpio Gold in exchange for the issuance of common shares of Cincoro on the basis of one post-consolidated common share of Cincoro for each one Scorpio Gold common share outstanding. Upon completion of the Acquisition, Scorpio Gold will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cincoro. The signing of a definitive agreement will be preceded by a 25 day due diligence period. The Transaction is expected to close during October 2008, and is subject to customary conditions, including definitive documentation, receipt of all requisite regulatory approvals, including the approval of the Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange and approval by the shareholders of Scorpio Gold.
    The resulting company, to be called Scorpio Gold Corporation, will have a public trading platform and greater access to financial markets to advance Scorpio Gold's portfolio of advanced stage development properties in Nova Scotia and Quebec, and will be able to call on Scorpio Mining's expertise in Mexico for acquiring, developing, or operating complementary projects in Mexico.
    Commenting on the proposed Transaction, Peter J. Hawley, Chairman and CEO of Scorpio Mining Corporation and CEO of Scorpio Gold Corporation said, "With the strength and experience of the resulting company board of directors, the strong advanced gold asset base and the exciting gold projects in the pipe line presently being evaluated we feel that the resulting company will be well positioned to advance rapidly into a new dynamic gold company with a Board with vision. We all are very excited about the potential for the resulting company."
    The proposed management of the resulting company is as follows:

    Peter J. Hawley, CEO
    Gilbert Comtois, Chief Financial Officer
    Janet Horbulyk, Corporate Secretary.

    The proposed Board of Directors of the resulting company is as follows:

    Peter J. Hawley
    Andrew Lee Smith
    David Smalley
    Brian Lock
    Luc Pelchat

    Scorpio Asstets hier: unten!…pio_cincoro_loi.html?.v=1

    Heute Gegenreaktion, vor allem die größeren legen zu.......Eldo hat schon recht gehabt!

    Und wieder USA.V und MAI.TO!!!!

    Hab heute OMV wieder gekauft.
    Die MOL Übernahme ist vom Tisch (Sehr gut), Kasse voll, gute Zahlen, Dividendenerhöhzng geplant

    OMV gibt Übernahme ungarischer MOL auf - Beteiligung bleibt [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Mittwoch, 6. August 2008 14:48
    Der Öl- und Energieriese OMV will nach der gescheiterten Übernahme des ungarischen Konkurrenten MOL seinen 20-Prozent-Anteil an dem Öl- und Gaskonzern nicht verkaufen. In einer OMV-Erklärung vom Mittwoch in Wien hieß es, das Unternehmen habe sich entschieden, eine am 31. Januar 2008 bei der Europäischen Kommission eingereichte Fusionskontrollanmeldung zurückzunehmen. Diese hätte nach Einschätzung des Unternehmens offenbar keine Chance gehabt. Um die MOL-Übernahme war in den vergangenen Monaten eine erbitterte Auseinandersetzung geführt worden. Die OMV-Aktie notierte an der Wiener Börse am Nachmittag 4,80 Prozent im Plus bei 44,35 Euro.
    Die MOL-Beteiligung soll nach dem Scheitern der Übernahme dazu genutzt werden, "in der kommenden Konsolidierung der Branche in Mittel- und Osteuropa mit am Tisch zu sitzen", teilte OMV mit. So werde die OMV verschiedene Optionen in Betracht ziehen, um den Wert ihres 20,2-Prozent-Anteils an MOL zu maximieren und von einem möglichen Wertzuwachs zu profitieren, erklärte der Energiekonzern. Das MOL-Investment sei "noch immer eine gute Anlage". Ein Zusammenschluss hätte der neuen Gruppe nach OMV-Angaben mittelfristig 400 Millionen Euro Synergien jährlich gebracht.
    Für MOL bedeutet der OMV-Entschluss eine "Anerkennung dessen, dass der jeder rationellen Grundlage entbehrende Plan der OMV" "sehr ernste wettbewerbsrechtliche Sorgen" aufwerfe. Er entbehre "jeder wirtschaftlichen und strategischen Vernunft". MOL kümmere sich mit großer Vorsicht um die Interessen ihrer Teilhaber und prüfe auch "die Möglichkeiten zum Schicksal des in den Händen von OMV befindlichen 20-prozentigen Aktienpakets".
    Die EU-Kommission verteidigte die strenge Prüfung des Deals. Die Kommission habe sicherstellen müssen, dass durch die vorgeschlagene Übernahme keine Nachteile für Verbraucher und Industrie entstanden wären. An welchen Auflagen der Deal konkret gescheitert sei, wollte ein Sprecher der Kommission in Brüssel nicht ausführen. Durch die Übernahme der MOL wären aber die einzigen beiden integrierten Öl- und Gaskonzerne in Österreich, Ungarn und der Slowakei zusammengeführt und damit auch die einzigen drei Raffinerien dieser Ländern, sagte der Sprecher. Laut früheren Informationen soll die Kommission den Verkauf einer Raffinerie verlangt haben./APA/DP/hosfb/edh ISIN AT0000743059 HU0000068952

    Hoher Ölpreis: OMV-Gewinn im Halbjahr um 63 Prozent gestiegen [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Mittwoch, 6. August 2008 10:08
    Dank des hohen Ölpreises hat der österreichische Öl- und Gas-Konzern OMV im ersten Halbjahr ordentlich zugelegt. Das Ergebnis (EBIT) sei um 63 Prozent auf 1,75 Milliarden Euro gestiegen, teilte das Unternehmen am Mittwoch in Wien mit. Der Überschuss nach Minderheiten habe sich um 52 Prozent auf 1,13 Milliarden Euro erhöht. Der Umsatz des größten Öl- und Gaskonzerns Mittelosteuropas stieg um 41 Prozent auf 12,92 Milliarden Euro. Das Ergebnis lag über den Erwartungen der Analysten.
    Einen großen Anteil an der unerwartet hohen Gewinnsteigerung hatte die vor drei Jahren erworbene rumänische Petrom mit einem Ergebnis (EBIT) von 512 Millionen Euro, hieß es. OMV-Generaldirektor Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer sagte zu dem Ergebnis, man erwarte auch für das ganze Jahr 2008 "ein robustes Ergebnis". Das Ergebnis je Aktie sei um 52 Prozent auf 3,78 Euro gestiegen./fu/DP/sk

    AXC0068 2008-08-06/10:08

    Hallo Edel,
    glaubst, geht PBG noch auf ca.35 C$ oder anders gefragt, wo schätzt du den Drehpunkt ein?
    So in ungefähr, hat ja bei 40 schon so ausgeschaut...


    Bei CNQ ist die Lage ähnlich: da würd ich so auf 70 tippen, max. 65 US$

    Energold Announces a 41% Expansion of Drill Fleet in the Second Quarter
    Tuesday August 5, 5:38 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 5, 2008 - Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News; "Energold") is pleased to announce a 41% expansion of its drill fleet during the second quarter. Operations are being expanded into Colombia and Guyana in the Americas and, in conjunction with Clarity Mineral Services Ltd., into Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, bringing the total number of countries where Energold is currently active to 15.

    Quarterly Drill Rig Comparison

    ...........June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30,
    ..............2008 ..2008 ......2007 ..............2007
    Drill Rigs .....69 ....49......... 41 ................35

    Energold commenced the second quarter with 49 drill rigs. Through the quarter, 20 additional drill rigs were added bringing the total number of rigs operating or being mobilized at the end of the second quarter to 69. However, the effect of these additions on revenues and meters drilled will not become apparent until the second half of the year. Six of these newly added rigs came through acquisition, the remainder through organic growth. Much of the growth took place in established markets where strong demand came from existing clientele. With ongoing demand continuing to increase, Energold ordered a further seven drills subsequent to the end of the second quarter. They are anticipated to be delivered over the next three to four months. Approximately 50% of the new rigs added have the capability of the new Series III rigs.
    Energold's rapid expansion of its drilling capacity is designed to respond to continued significant demand in its industry segment. Exploration expenditures in frontier drilling continue to rise as more exotic locales are being explored for increasingly rare resources. Energold's clientele remain well financed to carry out their budgeted exploration programs through the latter half of 2008.
    Energold Drilling Corp. is an environmentally and socially sensitive diamond drilling company that services the mining industry. Energold holds 6.6 million shares of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    On behalf of the Directors of Energold Drilling Corp.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    Hallo gutso,
    "Hugh" heißt das, nicht hi!.. :D

    gut dargestellt.
    Zu Moriarty: der ist ja dick drinnen in Douglas.
    Die hat sich gestern wieder einigermaßen erholt.
    Heute gibt´s auf Deutsch schon wieder ne Meldung: wirklich lustig. Die deutschen Connections sind auch eine Betrachtung wert.

    Nebenbei: bei IPT.V heut in D an, München und Frankfurt, 4166 Stück einmal M einmal F. Wie dieses?

    Er wird ja selten bös, aber wenn er verarscht wird, dann legt er los. Moriarty hat das erst ein paar Mal gemacht, aber immer Recht gehabt.
    Außerdem versteht er das Metier, kennt die Minen, auch von innen.
    Von Talleyrand hat man behauptet, dass er verlogen gewesen sei, aber sobald er das Rednerpult betrat, war er die Wahrhaftigkeit und schonungslos zu allem und jedem.
    A bisserl was davon hat auch Moriarty.
    Außerdem schreibt er gut. :D

    So Tage wie heut sind nicht ernstzunehmen, man muss sich nur die Umsätze anschauen.

    Ja jetzt sind viele vergrämt und singen:

    Solche Verwerfungen brauchen auch viel Zeit, bis sich das wieder normalisiert.
    Jetzt kommen die Monate des Tradens........, shit!
    (siehe letzte Woche - wennst 10-30% g´macht hast, weg damit. Neues Spiel!)


    PS: Scorpio
    Scorpio Begins Shipments Of Concentrates From Its 100% Owned Nuestra Senora Project, Sinaloa State, Mexico.

    Hall Eldo,
    das Filmchen ist guuut, pudan bis zum speibm......

    Glaub, dass es im letzten Oktoberdrittel schon soweit ist (POG so um 1200), aber ab dann, wenig Ahnung.....

    Minco passt sich Sterling an, hab mich ja immer gefragt, ob MMM zu billig oder MSV zu teuer ist...
    Scheint ne Antwort zu sein.

    Die Impact saust auch nach unten.......

    RedChip Independent Issues First Quarter 2008 Research Update On Minco Silver Corp.
    Monday August 4, 11:46 am ET
    Und auf Minesite:

    July 28, 2008
    Minco Silver Moves Fast To Steal The Sunshine Silver Mine From Under The Nose Of Coeur D’Alene

    By Charles Wyatt

    Ever since Sterling Mining announced on 23rd June that it had arranged a US$2.4 million bridge loan it was clear that the company was in real trouble. The terms were usurious - front end costs of around US$400,000, loan repayable in 120 days and interest at 24 per cent. The idea was that it would give Ken Berscht, who’s been interim chief executive since Ray de Motte resigned in slightly odd circumstances, time to seek long-term finance. The trouble is that once you get into the hands of such lenders you rarely come out with all fingers and toes intact.
    To be fair Ken had warned, shortly after he took up this new post, that “cash flow had been hit by a combination of unforeseen and unavoidable delays in production due to extreme weather conditions, additional safety inspections, reinforcing ground support work, water pump failure, cancellation of expected financing from equipment suppliers that resulted in cash being used for purchases, and other usual start-up issues”. Quite a long list, and he went on to confirm that cash flow forecasts were being updated with a particular focus on the advancement of revenues, and cost containment and reduction. All non-production related departments were instructed to review costs in an effort to cut them.
    It was bad luck that the company was hit by such a flurry of blows because production hadn’t long re-started at the Sunshine silver mine in Idaho. It was just before Christmas that things got going again. But one man’s bad luck is another’s good luck and the lucky man is Ken Cai who runs Minco Silver. He could see that Sterling was just about to topple and that if it was allowed to do so production would grind to a halt as lawyers fought over the remains. He stepped in quickly with an all share offer and has won a significant prize.
    The Sunshine Mine has produced more than 365 million ounces of silver between 1884 and its closure in early 2001. It was discovered and initially mined on a small scale, until passing into corporate hands in the early 1990s. Sunshine Mining then took over and produced silver from at least seven vein systems, two of which have each produced 100 million ounces to date. The mine closed in 2001 because of low silver prices and the lack of investment in consistent exploration and development activities to develop ore reserves. Sterling acquired the mine and a lot of exploration acreage in the surrounding area in 2003, and has been struggling to bring it back into production ever since.
    At the beginning of June Ken Berscht confirmed that ore production had resumed from the Sunshine vein below 3100 level, and that the company had processed 5,500 tonnes of ore in April and May 2008 resulting in production of 77,000 ounces of silver converted to concentrate. Head grades had also increased as higher grade material was being mined from the lower levels and ore production had also started from stopes above and below the 2700 level. Ken Cai has plenty of work to do, but he knows his way around the business. Minco Silver is developing the Fuwan silver project which is just 45 kilometres south west of Guangzhou City in southern China and has resources amounting to 157 million ounces of silver in the indicated and inferred categories. The mineralization at Fuwan extends over 10 kilometres, but so far only two square kilometres of the silver belt have been explored.
    Ken is an engaging man who not only knows his mining, but as a Chinese national living in Canada, has excellent contacts in China’s mining communities through whom he can obtain data on further acquisitions. He is also an excellent communicator. Not for him the mechanical voice on the company telephone line directing callers to innumerable voicemail boxes which are becoming all too common in Vancouver. Phone Ken and a human being answers and immediately gives Ken’s cell phone number. And that gets answered straightaway. This is much more important than a lot of directors of Canadian juniors seem to understand. Mining is a global business nowadays and poor impressions can be created if contact by telephone is not quick and easy.
    The original aim of Minco Silver was to assemble a portfolio of advanced silver projects in China, but Ken was happy to change tack when the Sunshine mine appeared on the horizon. He chuckles at the thought that he managed to snatch the premier silver mine in the US from under the nose of Coeur D’Alene. The deal made a lot of sense, as he points out, because now his company has cash flow to support development at Fuwan, where a bankable feasibility study will start at the end of this year, with production slated for 2010. He describes Fuwan as a miner’s dream, as it has infrastructure already in place which will save “zillions” of dollars in development costs. A four lane highway passes the property, and labour is available from nearby towns. Water and telecommunications are readily accessible, and a high-voltage power line crosses the property. The adjacent Xijiang River also provides access to the South China Sea and waste rock can be shipped away to construction companies willing to pay around US$2.50 per tonne.
    As to the Sunshine mine, he simply points to the advantages of acquiring a fully licenced underground mine with a recently re-furbished on-site mill with a capacity of 1,000 tonnes per day. Silver recovery of 96 per cent is being achieved from a conventional flotation process which produces a silver-copper concentrate as well as a lead concentrate. There are no problems on the environmental side, nor discharge issues over the existing tailings pond. Moreover he sees plenty of potential to add to resources as the veins are open down dip and some of them have not even been explored. Due diligence is still ongoing, but he plans to improve internal cost control and reduce operating cost through better efficiency, much as Ken Berscht had planned. Ken Cai also intends to improve the concentrate offtake agreement and accelerate exploration and development work.
    By 2010 production should have increased to over five million ounces at a cash cost of US$8 per ounce. Fuwan should also be in production by then, so Ken is looking at seven million ounces in two years time, and 10 million in 2011. Ken Cai is clearly an ambitious man and one not afraid of revealing the targets he has set himself. The enlarged Minco Silver should be well worth a close look and it should be remembered that Sterling also brings with it some exploration assets in the prolific Zacatecas silver district of Mexico. Quite a deal, and it is Minco shareholders that end up with board control and a 61 per cent shareholding in the new company.

    Die Mexico Gebiete von Sterling. Was machen sie damit?

    Wohl nichts!


    Musst schon das ganze kopieren.......

    " Möglich, dass es jetzt endlich da raus geht..... :D
    In 14 Tagen wissen wir mehr
    (gute Nick Cave Coverversion!!)"

    Das bezog sich auf das Lied.....
    soll heißen, dass die "Nummer zum Wanan" (Weinen!) bald beendet wird...
    In 12 Tagen wissen wir mehr.... :D

    Ich hoffe, ich hab den Rest Verständlichkeit beseitigt..... :D

    Kanada hält sich prächtig heut....... :]


    Wär ja wirklich interessanter, Szabo, moriarty od. Northgate zu besprechen :?:

    Bob Moriarty über Douglas Lake (DLKM):

    Absolut lesenswert, wie gearbeitet wird von manchen CEO´S, er führt es unter BRE-X 2

    Tom Szabo zu einigen Minen: 1.8.

    Let's talk silver explorers and miners for a bit to close out this typically uneventful summer week. After trading as low as 28 cents last week, U.S. Silver finally caught a break as it announced late last week what could be the start of a major expansion plan on the East side of their Silver Valley property where the idled Caladay shaft burrows 5,000+ feet into the earth. Then this week, more hints of a turnaround were revealed with newsthat silver production has reached its highest level since Coeur d'Alene Mines sold the property to U.S. Silver in mid-2006. This one-two punch propelled the shares to 40 cents yesterday for a rise of more than 40% in just over a week.

    I didn't personally take advantage of this latest dip to lower my cost basis because I was busy buying another PM stock on fire sale, Exeter Resources. After weeks of bravely holding out, Exeter finally succumbed to the junior malaise in July as it dropped 50% on the back of scarcity in news flow. The slide was finally stopped when the company reported 3.55 meters of 471.9 grams/tonne (13.68 oz./ton) gold at Cerro Moro in Argentina. Silver grades have not been reported yet as they likely exceeded the 10,000 grams/tonne (300 oz./ton) limit for conventional fire assay. This drill hole is 400 meters on strike from the bonanza grades reported in mid-2007 and firmly places Cerro Moro as one of the more exciting gold-silver discoveries in the past few years. Nowhere near Aurelian's Fruta del Norte, of course, but 99% of explorers would kill to get these assays. It's hard to be absolutely convinced of anything in the current environment, but I feel very strongly that Exeter has the right goods to double, triple, quadruple and more from current levels even if au/ag go nowhere. It is one of a select few stocks I plan to hold through thick and thin (caveat: very bad developments can always change the best plans). I wouldn't be ashamed to recommend it to widows and orphans. Of course I own a boatload.

    Another one that falls into the category of "PM stocks for widows and orphans" is the recently unbeloved Impact Silver. Impact is about the only junior (or major for that matter) miner that has operated at a profit since they have gone into production. The stock is a victim of lemming behavior that apparently resulted from a famous newsletter indiscriminately dropping Impact from its recommended portfolio. Their loss is your gain. For pennies on the dollar, you can have a profitable 1+ million ounce (soon) silver producer with management so keen they can probably make money mining silver even if its price dropped to a penny per ounce. The company is cashed up but still smart enough to sell non-core assets in this market (see here). That is the kind of position most other juniors would kill to be in (are you seeing a theme developing?)

    I'll close with a roundup of what many would consider a mundane grouping of silver producers but one I think will be hard to beat. On a risk-reward basis I'll wager these gems against any other 5 you might wish to put up: Pan American, First Majestic, Hecla, Silvercorp, Endeavour Silver. I admit it, my mouth waters thinking about the kind of surefire profits this "ultimate silver stock portfolio" should generate. For the casual silver investor who is not interested in the 500% up, 90% down roller coaster ride that most silver stocks can take you on, plunking down a few grand on each of the above is the way to go. Do this and you will save yourself untold aggravation; spend the extra time with family and friends. Save the subscription fee of high-priced "newsletter research"; spend the extra money on a few more shares.

    Next week, I hope to run the second official contest for free subscriptions to the non-existent subscription service that I will probably never launch, so keep your eyes peeled. On the other hand, I may be too busy working on an important project (I do need to pay the bills you know) to post here at all, so please forgive me in advance should I leave you for a few days without something useful (or useless), amusing (or unintentionally funny), and thought-provoking (or mind-numbingly stupid). Your potential response to the supposed contest will go a long way to tell me just how much punishment you are willing to take and could thus weigh so heavily on my conscience that I will have no option but to finally stop talking about it and do something already.

    Die von Edel angesprochene AQI.TO stieg auch 20% in den letzten tagen.

    Die auf beobachtung: ALS.TO, da geht es auch aufwärts. Altius, eine hochinteressante story mit Schwierigkeiten bei der refinery.....

    Mysteriös: gegen Börsenschluss Ausverkauf bei

    "HeclaM fell $.73 or 8.0 percent, to $8.45.
    PanASlv fell $1.12 or 3.6 percent, to $29.83.
    SilvStd g fell $.15 or .5 percent, to $28.14.
    SilvWhtn g fell $.42 or 3.2 percent, to $12.54."

    Sie waren nicht die einzigen.

    Möglich, dass es jetzt endlich da raus geht..... :D
    In 14 Tagen wissen wir mehr
    (gute Nick Cave Coverversion!!)


    Kings Minerals (KMN.AX) mit Bericht (Quarterly Report for Period Ended 30 June 2008), enthalten news zu San Anton (SNN.TO)…/QR%20App5B%2030Jun08.pdf

    Haben nur noch 4,6 Mille Cash....

    Mount Isa lass ich mal aus....reichhaltig aber geringe grades

    San Anton:
    􀂙 Updated Mineral Resource estimate of 627 Mt containing 654 kt Cu, 4.5 Moz Au, and
    202 Moz Ag, an overall increase of 44% in tonnes and 25% in contained metal
    􀂙 Appointment of full-time on-site Project Manager
    􀂙 Multi-element geochemical soil survey completed over a 12.5km2 area of the Esperanza Inlier
    􀂙 Exploration drilling results received during the Quarter have included:
    DS-005 intersected 7.62m @ 168g/t Ag and 1.51g/t Au
    DS-011 intersected 10.66m @ 194g/t Ag and 0.73g/t Au
    CP-017 intersected 3.65m @ 359g/t Ag and 1.57g/t Au
    CP-022 intersected 4.60m @ 239g/t Ag and 1.91g/t Au
    CP-025 intersected 6.00m @ 243g/t Ag and 1.70g/t Au

    Cerro del Gallo Deposit
    During the Quarter the Company announced an updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the
    Cerro del Gallo Copper-Gold-Silver deposit, based on 350 drill holes for a total of 94,403
    metres completed since December 2004, including the expansion drilling results announced
    during the Quarter.
    The Cerro del Gallo deposit was modelled as three broader geological domains based on the
    primary rock types and alteration, which was further sub-divided based on the predominant
    metal occurrence. The domains were defined from the drilling and surface mapping as shown in
    Figure 3.
    The updated mineral resource estimate represents a significant increase in both tonnage (44%)
    and contained metal (25%). The updated mineral resource estimate now contains 654 kt of
    copper, 4.5 Moz of gold, and 202 Moz of silver. The significant amount of new drilling from
    both infill and step-out drill holes has allowed for the significant increase in the size and
    confidence of the mineral resource with an increase in the higher confidence Measured and
    Indicated Mineral Resources of 43% in tonnes and 28% in contained metal. The Inferred
    Mineral Resources have increased by 48% in tonnes and 14% in contained metal.
    The majority of the Inferred Mineral Resources occur in the outer copper domain, and remain
    open to the north-west, south-east, and at depth. The mineral resource has only been reported
    for material above the 1,800 mRL, which is considered to be the maximum depth with
    reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction with the prevailing metal prices.
    The classification of the mineral resource estimate, reported with a 0.2g/t Au cut-off grade in
    the gold domain and 0.07% Cu cut-off grade in the copper and intrusive domains, is shown in
    Table 2. The classification of the mineral resource by geological domain is shown in Table 3.
    The updated mineral resource reflects an increased level of geological understanding and
    confidence, and will provide a strong basis for the ongoing studies and represents another step
    forward in the evaluation of the Cerro del Gallo copper-gold-silver deposit.
    The Company’s main focus is the ongoing work taking place to progress the studies as a key
    step in the advancement of the Cerro del Gallo deposit through the feasibility and development
    stages. Multiple process flow sheets are being evaluated and based on the economic evaluation
    the most beneficial flow sheet will be carried forward into future studies. These flow sheets are
    based on producing a saleable copper concentrate and the potential production of gold-silver
    doré on-site.
    To facilitate the advancement of the studies the Company appointed Mr Bill Fleshman to the
    full-time on-site position of Project Manager for the San Anton project. Bill is a geologist with
    33 years of continuous experience in the mining industry, managing exploration and
    development projects in the United States, Australia, Myanmar, Mexico and Norway. He has
    previously been involved with five exploration projects that were brought successfully into
    production. Bill will be overseeing both the ongoing studies on the Cerro del Gallo deposit and
    the regional exploration.

    Tables S.8, 9


    richtig, AQI fehlt und auch IMA wurde entfernt. Hab die Entfernungen wegen Platzmangel gelöscht (10000 Zeichen)

    WPX und CCE haben kein Silber. Da geht´s um eher kurzfristige Trades wie erwähnt.
    USA.V: mir ging´s hier auch um kurzfristig 30% und das wär hier möglich gewesen.
    Das erzielte Geld dient dann wieder zum nachlegen bei bestimmten Aktien.....
    Also reine Dokumentierung von Kauf und Verkauf!

    Kann mir heuer einige kurzfristige Gewinnmitnahmen leisten, weil Verluste von heuer schon großteils realisiert.... :D
    Depot bei gut 40% im Minus heuer. Bin jetzt da, wo ich Anfang 06 war.

    Wenn Sterling die Mexico Properties Ende 07, Anfang 08 in eine eigene Company ausgeliedert hätte, wär auch einiges hereingekommen zur Überbrücken.

    Wie weit Minco da interessiert ist?


    WPX geht gut, CCE und XRC weniger, aber auch gut

    Sehr gut auch heut CDE und USA.V und auch OK.V!
    CDE meldet in einer Woche.
    USA.V wär schon ein 30% gewesen, also ein netter Wochentrade...
    Geschwatzt hab ich zwar viel in den letzten Wochen über USA, aber nicht gekauft....grr! :rolleyes:

    GG hat Golden Eagle (GEA) übernommen, die sehr gut gelaufen ist im letzten Jahr.
    Das war der 2. Streich und .......

    es schauen viele schon sehr gut aus.......

    Hab ich gelesen, was du anführst...
    Die Franco Nevada kenn ich zuwenig.
    Ab Mitte August ist spätestens Kaufzeit. Vielleicht haben wir das Tief schon gesehen.
    Evtl. noch ein Washout, der aber kurz darauf wieder planiert ist.

    Aber einer deiner alten Lieblinge: recht gut.....
    vor allem die Kupfer Exploration.
    Leider steht da nicht, was wirklich bleibt. Aber schon bei den 49% recht anständig....

    Minera Andes announces second quarter gold/silver sales at the San Jose mine reaches $63.7 million
    Wednesday July 30, 12:56 pm ET
    SPOKANE, WA, July 30 /CNW/ - Minera Andes Inc. (TSX: MAI and US OTC: MNEAF) is pleased to announce details of the San José mine performance to June 30, 2008. The San José project is operated by Minera Santa Cruz S.A. ("MSC") and is owned 49% by Minera Andes and 51% by Hochschild Mining plc ("Hochschild") (HOCM.L: Reuters and HOC LN: Bloomberg - London Stock Exchange). Hochschild is the operator of the project. Gross proceeds from metal sales during the second quarter of 2008 were $63.7 million. Over the past 12 months, the San José project has produced gross sales of approximately $74.6 million in gold and silver, mostly from the last three quarters.
    The San José mine commenced its operation a year ago and is now at full production. Production in Q2 2008 totaled 1,093,000 ounces of silver and 12,410 ounces of gold, of which 49% is attributable to Minera Andes. Currently, plans are underway to expand the mine and double the current production rate by year-end 2008.
    Allen Ambrose, president of Minera Andes said, "The San José project now has cash flow that is being used to pay for the expansion of the mine this year and for the connection to the regional power grid. Remaining funds will be used to begin repayment of the joint venture project debt. With our current cash position of approximately $8.4 million and the mine with cash flow we are well positioned to grow the company."
    Second quarter 2008 sales of gold and silver are high because most of the metals produced in the first quarter of 2008 were sold in Q2 2008 at the prevailing market prices. Based on a gold price of $900 per ounce and a silver price of $18 per ounce, the total metal production for Q2 2008 at the San José mine had a gross metal value of $31 million or $10.3 million a month. Prices for sales of metal in Q2 2008 on an average weighted basis were $901 per ounce of gold and $16.47 per ounce of silver.
    The San José mine now comprises 16 km of underground workings accessed by ramps on the Huevos Verdes, Frea and Kospi veins. During 2008 to date, 2,520 meters of workings were completed on the Huevos Verdes, Frea, and Kospi veins. The mine is currently staffed with 669 employees and over 200 contractors.
    The San José gold/silver mine saw an increase in production in Q2 2008 over Q1 2008, as reported by MSC to the owners. The San José mine is currently operating at rate of approximately 750 tonnes per day. Several contracts are in place to sell doré and concentrate production.
    Product(x) Q2 Q1
    2008 2008
    Ore production (tonnes) 60,603 59,897
    Average head grade silver (g/t) 681 624
    Average head grade gold (g/t) 7.56 7.10
    Silver produced (ounces) 1,093,000 968,000
    Gold produced (ounces) 12,410 12,140
    Net silver sold (ounces)(x) 2,284,400 323,000
    Net gold sold (ounces)(x) 28,980 5,050
    (x)The company has a 49% interest in the San José production.

    Allen V. Ambrose, Minera Andes' President, who is a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101, is responsible the information used in this news release and has supervised the preparation of the information and reviewed all information used in this news release.Minera Andes is a gold, silver and copper exploration company working in Argentina. The Company holds about 304,000 acres of mineral exploration land in Argentina including the 49% owned San José silver/gold mine that commenced production last year. Minera Andes is also exploring the Los Azules copper project in San Juan province, where an exploration program is underway to define a resource and scoping study. Other exploration properties, primarily silver and gold, are being evaluated in southern Argentina. The Corporation presently has 189,456,935 shares issued and outstanding.

    die Fortuna ist wirklich ein Schnäppchen.
    0,67 Mille Verlust und Produktion recht anständig. Risiko Peru??
    Ist ein heißer Übernahmekandidat, siehe auch Artikel von heut nachmittag.

    Haben wir nicht mal über ALS.TO gesprochen hier?
    Wenn bei der refinery nur eine halbseidene Lösung kommt, müsst sie eigentlich schnell verdoppeln.....

    ICI.TO sagte mir nichts.

    Ich hab meine Fehleinschätzung zu Beginn des Jahres nie korrigiert und dadurch nie Cash aufgebaut.
    Nu, und das ist wohl idiotisch. Aber streit ma net.... :D

    Die XRC hast eh heut aufgestockt, hab ich grad gelesen. Passt doch!


    Hab Seite 1 erneuert.

    Orko raus, die restlichen Freiläufer, Genco flog schon früher.
    Einen teil energold raus, da hab ich jetzt nur noch Freiläufer und die behalt ich weiter.

    Orko ist einfach Gewinnmitnahme, sind ja noch gut 100%.

    Jetzt artets immer mehr zu einem Fetzendepot aus und ich fühl mich so wie Ende 05:
    nämlich als kompletter Vollidiot.

    Trades sind angesagt.
    Weiß wer, was in den nächsten Wochen um 30% steigt.
    Aber nur nicht eine Anntwort: Orko! :D

    Ich hab mal auf CCE.V gesetzt.
    CDU.TO oder WPX.V???
    Oder XRC?


    das wird sich nicht abstellen lassen....
    Hast schon mal eine Kuh gehört, die nicht gemolken wurde?
    Soviel zu "silly german money", den Begriff hab ich schon öfter gehört in nachvollziehbaren Ereignissen.

    WEas bedeutet eigentlich:
    " Der Beitrag »Die EM_juniors stehen für Freiheit,Ordnung und gute Laune /ÖFFENTLICHE BEKANNTMACHUNG DER REVOLUTION der Freiheit!!!!« von »Mogambo« (Heute, 16:54) wurde vom Benutzer »Edel Man« gelöscht (Heute, 17:26)."

    Was löscht denn da der Edel ????
    Noch dazu Mogambo?
