Beiträge von Tschonko

    Was für eine angenehme Woche, nicht viel mitbekommen vom weiteren verfall...
    Ein paar viertelstündige Stichproben und raus aus dem internetcafe. Alles andere wär masochismo gewesen...
    Es wird ja langsam ziemlich abstrus:
    ein paar Beispiele:

    Heron hat folgenden Artikel bereits eingestellt, den sollte man lesen.

    Und es gibt kaum Reaktionen im Kurs, was ja bemerkenswert ist.

    Oder VMS.V: hervorragende meldung, Kurs fällt.

    Oder NER.V: MC circa 9 Mille
    bei Cash von ca 8 Mille. Außer die haben schon wieder einiges ausgegeben.
    Eines des aufregendsten Molygebiete.
    Wo ist der Haken? Vielleicht die Lage an einem fluss, weil sie haben ein Fishing Camp gekauft, dass sie das ganze jahr drillen können.

    Oder IPT.V: die fällt weiter vor sich hin mit geringen Umsätzen. Da mach mir aber keine größeren Sorgen, weil die Bewertung ein Witz ist.
    Das muss sich ausgleichen.

    In den nächsten Tagen werd ich mal was über Bewertung reinstellen.
    Wo es gravierend hapert, ist die gross margin, wobei man da die Explorationskosten rausnehmen sollte, aber die anderen gestiegenen Kosten drücken da gewaltig.
    Wär ein Ansatz.

    Bei TLR bin ich auch zu bald rein, ist am 52 Wo Low, also an der Kippe.

    dafür hat GG 52 Wo high.
    Eine mögliche Strategie. In solche dicke solide Companies rein, um den ersten Schwung nach oben mitzunehmen und dann den Gewinn in die 2. reihe zu setzen.
    Explorer kann man bis auf weiteres vergessen.
    Weil zur zeit nicht einmal super Meldungen honoriert werden.
    Orko wird jetzt auch stärker gerupft. Wenigstens hab ich da einen teil verkauft.

    Überraschend: eine zuletzt gekaufte Aktie steigt? KMN.AX. Fragt sich nur, ob das so bleibt? :D

    nehme an, die werden noch ein Zeiterl brauchen, bis die steigen.
    Es fehlen schlicht die Käufer.
    Geld geht physisch und in ETF´s.
    erst bei Gold 1000 und Silber 20 wird´s langsam wieder interessant. Dann könnte aber prozentual ein schöner anstieg kommen, weil die Umsätze ja gering waren.
    Andererseits könnt auch noch so ein richtiger washout kommen. Dann flenn ich wohl mit.... :D


    Ich hab das hier kopiert und seinem Neffen übermittelt.

    Danke für die Postings, es hätte ihn sicher gefreut.

    Lupo: Nicht nur in Minen ein alter Fuchs, auch in Scheinchen und diversen exotischen Aktien.
    Ein großer Spieler vor dem Herrn...

    Ich bin dann wieder so um den 13. hier, so Gott will......


    Ich bin definitiv nicht gemacht für Nachrufe!

    Trotzdem hab ich die traurige Aufgabe Folgendes mitzuteilen.

    Mein Freund Emo, hier bekannt unter "Emoba" ist heute bei einem Verkehrsunfall verstorben.

    Ja, mehr ist vorerst nicht zu sagen, ich bin tieftraurig......

    Er ist auch einigen von hier von den Edelmetallmessen bekannt.

    Emo ich vermisse dich und ich danke dir für alles, was ich mit dir erleben durfte......


    Heute endgültig der Durchbruch bei VMS.V
    Besser als das erste Loch. Sensationell!
    Nachbar SAZ.V kann man auch anschauen.

    Hoffe, dass es bei NER.V auch noch klingelt heuer.

    Trade resumption um ca 18 Uhr MES.

    VMS Reports 10.36% Copper Over 33.46 Metres in Deepest Intercept to Date at Reed Lake, Manitoba
    Thursday July 3, 10:00 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 3, 2008 -- VMS Ventures Inc. (CDNX:VMS.V - News) (the "Company") is pleased to report on its ongoing exploration program at the Reed Lake Discovery Zone near Snow Lake, Manitoba.
    Reed Lake Drill Hole Highlights:
    - RD-08-38 Intersects 35.81 metres (117.49ft) of 2.22% Copper
    Including 12.10 metres (39.70ft) of 2.92% Copper
    - RD-08-39 Intersects 13.88 metres (45.54ft) of 3.56% Copper
    Including 4.10 metres (13.45ft) of 7.67% Copper
    - RD-08-41 Intersects 33.46 metres (109.78ft) of 10.36% Copper
    Including 18.08 metres (56.04ft) of 13.03% Copper
    Including 5.00 metres (16.40ft) of 16.30% Copper
    Dr. George Gale, VP Exploration, comments, "The results from drill hole RD-08-41 indicate that there are very high-grade copper sections to this deposit. It is also noteworthy that this is the deepest intersection of mineralization to date at approximately 350 m from surface. The high-grade copper zones may represent a copper-rich footwall zone that is stratigraphically below the solid sulphide lens. This intersection is one of several high-grade copper zones intersected to date that require more detailed drilling to determine true thickness."
    Short copper-zinc mineralized intervals are present in RD-08-25, RD-08-40 and RD-08-42, which represent areas of shearing that displaced most of the mineralized section. Similar displaced sections exist in other drill holes, such as RD-08-15.
    Drill holes RD-08-42 (see Table 1 below) to 47 and RD-08-49 intersected both altered footwall and hanging wall rocks but no significant intervals of sulphide. These holes and a detailed logging of previous drill holes have increased our understanding and modeling of the deposit. Hole RD-08-42 entered a near vertical shear above the targeted depth and deviated away from the target.
    Holes RD-08-48 and RD-08-50 were positioned to test copper rich intersections of mineralization to the southwest in hole RD-08-38. Hole RD-08-50 intersected 15 metres of Near Solid Sulphide (NSS), which extends the NSS lens to the SW. Drill hole RD-08-48 intersected extensive, weakly altered footwall rocks but did not reach the target depth.
    Drilling continues at the Discovery Zone and at the Tower Zone and results will be released as received.


    HOLE ID (m) (m) (m) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
    RD-08-38 229.65 266.44 35.81 2.22 0.06 Pending Pending
    including 244.55 256.61 12.10 2.92 0.08 Pending Pending
    RD-08-39 189.58 203.46 13.88 3.56 0.49 Pending Pending
    including 196.32 200.42 4.10 7.67 1.84 Pending Pending
    RD-08-41 332.14 365.60 33.46 10.36 0.11 Pending Pending
    including 346.92 365.00 18.08 13.80 0.15 Pending Pending
    including 355.00 360.00 5.00 16.30 0.14 Pending Pending
    RD-08-25 124.55 127.38 2.83 0.85 5.14 Pending Pending
    RD-08-40 286.11 286.81 0.70 1.78 1.48 Pending Pending
    RD-08-42 473.61 474.06 0.45 0.82 0.04 Pending Pending

    (i) True Thickness Unknown
    All technical information in this release was reviewed by Dr. George Gale, P.Eng the Qualified Person for VMS Ventures Inc. Samples are prepared and analyzed at Activation Laboratories, Ancaster, Ontario using acid digest assay analytical methods.
    VMS Ventures Inc. is focused primarily on acquiring, exploring and developing copper-zinc properties in the Flin Flon Snow Lake VMS Belt. The Company also holds the largest land package considered prospective for nickel-copper mineralization at Lynn Lake, which is to date Canada's third largest nickel producing camp. The Company's project portfolio consists of the Snow Lake VMS project, the Lynn Lake Gabbros nickel-copper project, the Nickel Belt project, the South Bay nickel-copper-cobalt PGE property, and the Eden Lake Carbonatite Complex a specialty metals property. All VMS Ventures Inc. properties are located in the mining friendly province of Manitoba, Canada.
    John Roozendaal, B.Sc., President, Director

    The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

    Contact: Contacts:
    VMS Ventures Inc.
    Keith Patey
    Director of Communications
    (604) 986-2020 or Toll Free: 1-866-816-0118
    (604) 986-2021 (FAX)

    Gutso wird da verkannt,
    der hat es relativ sicher in Idaho.
    Dem tut nur Sterling weh.
    Der Rest (sehr kleine companies) sind oz. im Boden ohne größere bewegungen.
    Nehme an, das kratzt ihn nicht.
    Er wird sich seine frühkartoffeln schon schmecken lassen.
    Idaho sind die ganz späten zur winterlagerung oder so.... :D

    Kluge Frau hat der EdelMann
    "Ein mal sagen genügt."


    PS: die KMN.AX hat sich ganz gut entwickelt die letzten tage.
    Morgen wieder Tiefflug?

    Weiters: Cobalt: neben FCO.TO auch geovic (Kamerun) interessant.
    CCE.V (Commerce - seltene Erden) nun schon am tiefpunkt. Der schau ich nun auch schon länger zu und was dabei ganz gut ist:
    ich hab mich beherrschen können....

    das ist ja nach wie vor gültig, nur kam/kommt die neue Drillinggesellschaft um 80 Mille dazu.
    Wie siehst du das mit der Finanzierung und den shares.
    Tu mir da schwer, das zu bewerten...


    Bisherige Share Structure
    ..........................................Average Price ....................Cash on Exercise
    Common Shares ..27.28 M
    Preferred Shares .4.70 M
    Total Options ......3.22 M $...........2.82 $...................................9.07 M
    Total Warrants
    .....2.43 M $..........2.38 $...................................5.78 M
    [Blockierte Grafik:
    Fully-Diluted Shares 37.62 M ................................................. $14.84 M

    ich glaub das geht sich schon aus mit dem Wiedereinstieg..... :D
    Außerdem lob ich den EdelMann nicht mehr..... :D

    Die minenaktien sind nach wie vor Scheiße.....

    Am Beispiel von ECU:
    die sammeln weiter Verwertbares für das neue 43er..
    Die müssen einfach die Produktion anfahren....
    Sie sind nun eigentlich vergleichbar mit OK.V werden aber nicht so wahrgenommen.
    Da war OK in der Vermarktung Spitze.

    Ist ja eine gute Meldung, wenn man weiß, wie die heilige Johanna gebaut ist.... :D

    ECU Silver Deep Drilling Encounters Mineralization at Depth at Santa Juana
    Wednesday July 2, 12:14 pm ET


    - Deep drilling at Santa Juana encounters two types of mineralization at depth.

    - Both types of mineralization were intersected within the marble/skarn contact zone.

    - Second type of mineralization intersected massive sulphides.
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 2, 2008) - ECU Silver Mining (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU Silver" or "the Company") is pleased to announce preliminary results from deep hole drilling within the Santa Juana vein system on the main Velardena Property. Drilling encountered two types of mineralization within the marble/skarn alteration zone. The first set of mineralization consisted of pyrite-rich calcite veins (the "Calcite Veins") and started 700 metres (2,300 feet) below level 18. The second set of mineralization consisted of massive sulphide veins (the "M-S Veins") as much as a further 150 metres (500 feet) below the Calcite Veins. Confirmation of assay results for the M-S Veins is pending.
    Last week, the Company reported assay results with high gold grades and widths from the A4 vein which was cut at level 19 (50 metres (165 feet) below level 18 within the Santa Juana vein system (see press release dated June 26, 2008 . Further to these results, the Company has received new assay results from a deep drill hole, SJ-18-21, extending 900 metres (2,950 feet) below level 18. The drill hole, which is stationed on level 18, was designed to test the depth extension of the Santa Juana vein system.
    Drill hole SJ-18-21 encountered the Calcite Veins over a core length of 72 metres (240 feet) at a depth of approximately 700 metres (2,300 feet) below level 18. The drill hole continued for another 200 metres (660 feet) and encountered the M-S Veins. Prior to crossing the entire mineralized zone, the drill reached its maximum drilling depth capacity of 900 metres (2,960 feet) and drilling stopped within the marble/skarn alteration zone.
    These series of veins were intersected within the marble/skarn unit which is typically associated with a zone of alteration occurring at the contact between the intrusive body and the limestone host rock. The Calcite Veins were defined by a 72 metre (240 foot) section of pyrite-rich calcite veins occurring between 708 and 780 metres (2,320 to 2,560 feet) depth. The M-S Veins consist of two massive sulphide veins. The first M-S Vein was intercepted at a depth of 828 to 840 metres (2,720 to 2,760 feet), about 48 metres (160 feet) deeper than the Calcite Veins. The second M-S Vein was intercepted at a depth of 855 to 857 metres (2,800 to 2,810 feet). Assays from these intercepts are being confirmed and will be released as soon as confirmed.
    The assay results from the Calcite Veins contain significant concentrations (over 72 metres of length) of precious and base metals, including 8.4 g/t Au and 126 g/t Ag over a width of 1.5 metres (5 feet) (see Table 1 below). The high number of mineralized veins encountered are consistent with the geological model as they are within the marble/skarn alteration zone that envelopes the intrusive event, which in turn sourced the vein mineralization of the Santa Juana veins system. We believe the Calcite Veins are within an alteration zone that surrounds a potential deep seated massive sulphide replacement (Mantos-type) body. This is further supported by the presence of the M-S Veins 48 metres (160 feet) below the Calcite Veins. Confirmation of assay results for M-S Veins is pending.

    Table 1: Calcite-Pyrite Veins SJ-18-21
    Sample From To Length Au Ag Pb Zn Cu
    # (m) (m) (m) g/t g/t % % %
    50976 708.15 709.45 1.30 1.60 18 0.03 0.02 0.03
    50977 709.75 711.25 1.50 1.50 17 0.04 0.02 0.02
    50982 730.90 732.36 1.46 0.95 113 0.24 0.01 0.12
    50983 732.36 732.91 0.55 2.40 48 0.06 0.01 0.68
    50984 734.95 735.85 0.90 2.20 191 0.45 0.02 0.99
    50994 774.07 774.30 0.23 0.55 47 0.15 0.10 0.11
    50995 774.30 774.97 0.67 0.20 10 0.04 0.07 0.03
    50996 774.97 775.95 0.98 2.85 68 0.69 2.30 0.21
    50997 775.95 776.56 0.61 0.60 23 0.10 0.11 0.05
    50998 776.56 776.96 0.40 3.90 42 0.17 0.06 0.12
    50999 778.67 780.17 1.50 8.40 126 0.23 0.07 0.48

    Cautionary Statements and Additional Information:
    Readers are cautioned that until a prefeasibility study is completed, there are no assurances these latest mineralized zones will be economically viable.
    True widths are approximately 35% of core length for Calcite Veins. Samples were assayed at the ERSA laboratory in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico which is currently in the process of being certified. Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.
    ECU Silver Mining Inc. is focused on the exploration, development and mining of gold, silver and base metals at its Velardena District Properties in Durango, Mexico. The area is comprised of three properties, the Main Velardena Property, the Chicago Property and the San Diego Property. The properties are located near to each other and include five historical mines - Santa Juana, Terneras, San Mateo, San Juanes, and the San Diego mine. ECU's goal is to establish a significant polymetallic mineral resource in the heart of Mexico. ECU's mission is to become a pre-eminent silver and gold producer through the development of existing, and additional potential resources at Velardena.

    Ein bisserl moralische Unterstützung.... :D

    Auf will einer Einblick in sein Portfolio verkaufen.

    Bietet auch einen kostenfreien Newsletter an.
    Ein Probeexemplar hier:

    Interessant, dass es keine der Companies mehr gibt. Alle gefressen? Beziehungsweise, ich kenn halt keine.... :D
    Hab schon einmal so eine geschichtliche Geschichte eingestellt, wo man verfolgen konnte, welche Entwicklung die nahm.
    Gehört heute übrigens Barrick...

    Do you remember the last bull market in precious metals? Once the public was lining up to buy gold and silver it was already time to sell. This is coming again and you do not want to be in line buying when you should be there selling with huge gains to show for it.
    Imagine sitting back and watching people panicking to bid your stocks up in order to buy them while your portfolio increases exponentially. Having bought when no one was looking early on in the bull market you will have the advantage and have huge gains already even before the panic and mania stage begins.
    In the last bull gold and silver bull market some staggering gains were made by tiny companies who, in some cases, really weren’t all that good but the public doesn’t care when they want something, and they all do at the same time, they buy, buy, buy no matter what the cost. The dream of easy money gets them every time.
    Imagine buying now and selling then, you will see returns like companies such as Lion Mines; it went from $0.07 in 1975 to $380 in 1980. Bankeno was $1.25 in 1975 to peak at $430 in 1980. Wharf Resources went from $0.40 in 1975 to $560 in 1980.
    These are true stories and this bull market is much strong than the one in the late seventies and early eighties.
    · Lion Mines- 1975 $0.07 / $380 in 1980
    · Wharf Resources- 1975 $0.40 / $560 in 1980
    · Bankeno- 1975 $1.25 / $430 in 1980
    · Steep Rock- 1975 $0.93 / $440 in 1980
    · Mineral Resources- 1975 $0.60 / $415 in 1980
    · Azure Resources- 1975 $0.05 / $109 in 1980
    I am not asking you to invest all of your money or savings like I have, I have true conviction and the gumption to follow it, I am simply saying you MUST invest a portion of your portfolio as a speculation, but a very good one in my opinion, a sure bet if you can stay the course, which is the biggest problem for most people. A small investment of say $ 1,000 would have returned gains that have been unmatched...until now. · Lion mines, 14,285 shares turned into $5,428,300
    · Wharf Resources, 2,500 shares turned into $1,400,000
    · Bankeno, 800 shares turned into $344,000
    · Steep Rock, 1,075 shares turned into $473,000
    · Mineral resources, 1,666 shares turned into $691,390
    · Azure Resources, 20,000 shares turned into $2,180,000 These examples all happened over a short five year timeframe. They are hard to believe even for me but they will happen again most likely dwarfing the returns from the 80’s. This is truly your opportunity to retire young...and RICH! Truthfully what is a thousand dollar worth to you in the long run? Well if you subscribe to follow my portfolio it could be well above the answer you just gave to yourself. This is only the beginning. There will be bumps along the way so let me help you through and we will prosper together. Please read my FREE weekly newsletter and subscribe to follow my portfolio.

    Lucky, heron,
    klar die haben noch immer GGC.V im System, die Schauer.....
    Klar, abgerechnet wird am Schluss.
    Hab ja schon erwähnt mal, die so Sachen wie Gammon und die anderen Großen wie HL SSRI SLW etc. haben sind solide.
    Vorne diejenigen mit einer Aktie von 200 od. mehr Prozent.

    Würd nicht unbedingt nur die nehmen, die stark gefallen sind....
    Dazu kommt noch, ob noch was am Meldungen zu erwarten ist.
    Können uns mal eine Liste zusammensuchen bei Lust und Laune.

    Bei MFN wird es auch knapper als erwartet. Hätt ich mir nicht gedacht.

    Minefinders: Racing Against the Clock to Production

    by: Davy Bui posted on: July 01, 2008 | about stocks: MFN Racing is a fairly apt description but more on that below. First, an update on Minefinders' (MFN) Q1 2008 (all figures US$ unless noted):

    • The company burned $7M during the course of operations in Q1 2008, more than doubling last year’s cash burn. Because MFN is not yet in production, looking at the total cash burn number is important. Here we see the company drew $6M from its credit facility during Q1 and burned through $15.5M total, including operations and capex. The company’s cash balance, as of Q1 2008, stands at $5.5M with $44M remaining in its credit facility.
    • On the balance sheet, the company’s liquidity position is starting to run a little close to the flesh. See above for cash balance. Total debt jumped 12.3% due to the credit draw. What’s interesting to note is that the company has $13.2M in receivables, the vast majority of which are VAT refunds due from the Mexican government for construction of the Dolores mine. About $10M cash was paid to the company subsequent to the release of the Q1 results so there’s a little breathing room.
    • Obviously, a company with no production and burning cash is going to show a loss. Other than a 2% increase in shares outstanding, the income statement didn’t have much of note.

    Other items of note from subsequent updates:

    • An illegal blockade led to operations being briefly suspended and the first-pour date being pushed back from June to mid-July. The blockade was resolved in early June.
    • Management released 2008 production estimates for 40k oz au and 1M oz ag at cash cost of $403 per gold equivalent oz. At average prices of $850/$16 for gold/silver, income from production would be around $26M for 2008.
    • Remaining Dolores expenditures are projected at $32M over the rest of 2008 (as of 03/31/2008 . At that time, MFN had $5.5M cash, $12.3M net working capital & $44M remaining on their credit facility.
      • As of 05/08/2008, the company had $10.9M in cash and $37M remaining in its credit facility.

    <img alt="" src="" align="right" />Minefinder’s situation is fairly clear from examining the results. The company is in a footrace to bring Dolores into commercial production before they run out of liquidity and have to resort to dilutive measures such as issuing equity or convertible debt. If you take the company’s word at face value, the race is getting a little close for comfort but nothing to suggest code alert red as of yet. I usually discount management projections to the downside (CEO Mark Bailey and his team have proven this to be prudent) so I fully expect this race to tighten as we move into the 2nd half of 2008.
    As the blockade demonstrated, there are also (always) inherent risks in operating mines, even in safe jurisdictions. From my position, it is impossible to fully anticipate which sites will run into community issues, cave-ins, etc. and so I accept that risk when investing in mining companies (known unknowns, if you will).
    Despite this, I fully expect management to win this race and bring Dolores online with current liquidity at hand.
    Performance Measurements:

    • Hit 2008 Guidance:
      • first pour in mid-July 2008
      • 40k oz au + 1M oz ag @ GOE cost $403/oz
      • Generate $22M - $28M in production income
    • 2009/2010 Production guidance:
      • Gold: 129k oz both years
      • Silver: 3M oz / 4M oz for 09/10
      • cash cost @ $297 (I expect this number to move higher)
    • Bring Dolores online without dilutive measures. Taking on more debt is preferable but barely acceptable (and no guarantee it will be available). I would like to see management live up to their word that they can bring this thing online with current resources on hand. Understanding that a first mine is a huge undertaking with many learning curves, this expectation, for me, is a line in the sand — can management deliver or not?
    • Complete feasibility study in 2008 on the prospect of a flotation mill at Dolores. According to the company, such a mill would boost recoveries on gold from 72.25% to 90-95% and on silver from 50.8% to 85-90%.
    • Cash flow positive by YE 2008 or in 2009 at the latest.
    • Define the possible resource at Dolores outside the current open-pit mine plan.
    • Continue exploration at other sites (Planchas de Plata, etc).

    Disclosure: Long

    Du sprichst in Rätseln.

    Wie ist das "why not" gemeint?

    Hallo Dau,
    das war lakonisch gemeint.
    Why not heißt auch: es könnte durchaus sein.....

    zum Golddrivers contest:
    Hat da etwa unser "Milly" auch mitgemacht? (er hat real reinen Tisch gemacht!)

    Heron, silvernugget und ich sind ganz hinten, so zwischen 500-600.
    Wir sind die Looser.....
    Aber Eric Hommelberg oder Redfern (CEO Mexivada) sind da auch zu finden, also sozusagen in guter Gesellschaft.

    Eines ist uns auf jeden Fall vorzuwerfen. Zumindest mir, da es im realdepot so ähnlich ausschaut.
    „If you are wrong, don’t be wrong for long."

    Bei mir sind es vor allem die one whole wonders, die extrem schlecht stehen.
    Sehr solide eine FR.TO oder eine FCO.TO (hab ich im Moment nicht mehr)

    Es ist eine ziemliche Wurstelei zur Zeit......

    Depots 500-600


    PS: SRLM unter 1, dafür stieg USA.V ziemlich. Könnte sein, dass da ein paar wechseln??

    Timberline Resources Joins Russell Microcap Index
    Monday June 30, 10:16 am ET
    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, June 30, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Timberline Resources Corporation (AMEX:TLR - News) joined the Russell Microcap Index when Russell Investments reconstituted its family of U.S. indexes on June 27, 2008, according to a preliminary list of additions posted Friday, June 20, 2008 on
    Membership in the Russell Microcap Index, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the appropriate growth and value style indexes. Russell determines membership for its equity indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings and style attributes.
    Randal Hardy, CEO of Timberline commented: ``I am very pleased that Russell has selected Timberline Resources to be included in the Russell Microcap Index. This is a further validation that our company's business model is becoming more widely recognized as a vehicle that provides a mainstream investment into the resources sector. Timberline's addition to such an influential and actively traded index will certainly have many benefits for our shareholders, including additional liquidity in the marketplace and a higher profile based on increased exposure to institutional investors.''
    Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors for index funds and as benchmarks for both passive and active investment strategies. An industry-leading $4.4 trillion in assets currently are benchmarked to them.
    Annual reconstitution of Russell indexes captures the 4,000 largest U.S. stocks as of the end of May, ranking them by total market capitalization to create the Russell 3000 Index and Russell Microcap. These investment tools originated from Russell's multi-manager investment business in the early 1980s when the company saw the need for a more objective, market-driven set of benchmarks in order to evaluate outside investment managers. Total returns data for the Russell Microcap and other Russell Indexes is available at…aily_total_returns_us.asp.
    About Russell:
    Russell Investments aims to improve financial security for people by providing strategic advice, world-class implementation, state-of-the-art performance benchmarks, and a range of institutional-quality investment products. With more than $213 billion in assets under management, Russell serves individual, institutional and advisor clients in more than 40 countries. Russell provides access to some of the world's best money managers. It helps investors put this access to work in corporate defined benefit and defined contribution plans, and in the life savings of individual investors.
    Founded in 1936, Russell is a subsidiary of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Headquartered in Tacoma, Wash., U.S., Russell has principal offices in Amsterdam, Auckland, Johannesburg, London, Melbourne, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Toronto.
    About Timberline Resources Corporation:
    Timberline Resources Corporation has taken the complementary businesses of mining services and mineral exploration and combined them into a unique, forward-thinking investment vehicle that provides investors exposure to both the ``picks and shovels'' and ``blue sky'' aspects of the mining industry.
    Timberline has contract drilling subsidiaries in the western United States and Mexico and an exploration division focused on high-potential, district-scale gold projects. With its anticipated acquisition of a premier American underground mine contractor, Small Mine Development, Timberline will strengthen its position as an emerging, vertically-integrated resource company. Timberline is listed on the American Stock Exchange and trades under the symbol ``TLR''.

    das sagte auch der merriman (Astrologe), der hat aber schon einen rückzieher gemacht.
    Im übrigen: ganz nüchtern: why not?


    die kenn ich zuwenig. Haben nur mehr 7 Mille MC und ne Menge guter Projekte.
    Nur die müsst man im Einzelnen anschauen.
    Die werden ja am meisten gebeutelet. Siehe CMA.V, od. EXM.V, UNO.V etc.etc.....

    Sterling: eine kurze Lesermeinung hab ich gelassen: Tut zwar nichts zur Sache, aber weiblich...

    Form 8-K for STERLING MINING CO 25-Jun-2008
    Regulation FD Disclosure

    Item 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure On June 25, 2008, J. Kenney Berscht, President of Sterling Mining Company, had a private phone conversation with a stockholder of Sterling Mining. In the course of the conversation the following information was provided:
    l Sterling Mining is involved in discussions with six firms or companies regarding financing options for Sterling Mining. Mr. Berscht believes two of the firms are substantial.
    l Mr. Berscht stated that he is 100% sure the Sunshine Mine that Sterling Mining is bringing into production is not going under or will close.
    l Mr. Berscht stated his belief that Sterling Mining will be breaking even by September 2008.
    l Mr. Berscht stated that one of the keys to profitability for the Sunshine Mine and Sterling Mining is pumping water out of the mine and reaching the 3700 ft level. He further stated that at that level there are rich silver veins.
    l The recent debt financing in the principal amount of $2,400,000 was obtained to avoid shut down the mine and lying off 150 workers. Mr. Berscht further stated that the loan would be paid off as soon as the new financing arrangement was established.
    l When asked whether Sterling Mining would do a private placement of 10 million shares at $1.00, Mr. Berscht stated that Sterling Mining would not do so.
    The foregoing information was subsequently posted by the stockholder in a message on the Yahoo Finance Message Board.
    For purposes of clarification, public investors should note the following:
    l Sterling Mining has no agreement, arrangement or understanding regarding debt or equity financing. Sterling Mining is in need of additional capital to fund current operations, meet short term working capital needs, and complete its plan for bringing the Sunshine Mine into production. Failure to obtain such financing could result in an inability to fund current operations and curtailment or closure of the Sunshine Mine, and of which would have a material adverse effect on the results of operations of Sterling Mining.
    l Assuming Sterling Mining can obtain required immediate financing on acceptable terms, rehabilitation of the Sunshine Mine proceeds as planned, ore is recovered from the mine in sufficient quantities with high enough silver content, Sterling Mining can maintain acceptable arrangements for processing the ore produced, metal prices remain above certain levels, and a number of other factors related to Sterling Mining's operations described in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the

    year ended December 31, 2007, as amended, remain favorable, then it is possible that Sterling Mining could reach a point in the latter part of 2008 where monthly revenues are sufficient to cover monthly expenditures. There is no assurance this will occur, much less than it will occur in September of this year.

    Zusätzlich sagte er da noch Folgendes:
    He also mentioned that on the Canadian exchange there is a short postion of 600,000 shares. On the OTC he doesn't know because the short position is unreported. Honestly, I am down a big boat load of money. There is no way I am going to give in to the Shorts and there crooked game. I have to believe that the worst outcome would be being acquired by a larger Company.

    So, und nun kommt MILLY....... :D
    Jetzt wird er sie schon für 20 cts sehen.....

    produzieren die schon? Glaub 09? Oder?

    würd die Brokerverkäufe nicht bewerten. Da wird halt über Goldman verkauft. Kann auch einer od. einige wenige sein.
    Wer sagt, dass das Goldman selber ist?
    So weit ich mich erinnere, war die short list bei FR nie klein..... :D
    Sie ist halt schon so groß, dass fast alle Instrumente anwendbar sind....

    GOG hat sich gegen ende hin erholt, höhere Umsätze.
    EXM dürfte den Boden gefunden haben oder ganz knapp davor
    Gestern wurde SRLM weiter verhauen.....
    Die 1 wird nicht halten.

    Halte das Ganze nur für eine Zwischenerholung. Das ganze dauert schon noch einige Monate, glaub ich.

    Die haben das auf jeden Fall viel besser hingekriegt wie Sterling. Und auch viel schneller, wenn auch der Vergleich hinkt...
    U.S. Silver Corporation Files New NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Galena Mine
    Friday June 27, 6:57 pm ET
    TORONTO, ONTARIO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 27, 2008 -- U.S. Silver Corporation (CDNX:USA.V - News) ("U.S. Silver" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce the filing of its updated 43-101 technical report on SEDAR entitled "Galena Mine, Shoshone County, Idaho, Technical Report, June 26, 2008" (the "Technical Report") on SEDAR. The Technical Report follows U.S. Silver's May 12, 2008, press release announcing new estimates for reserves and resources at the Galena Mine as at December 31, 2007. The Technical Report was authored by Daniel H. Hussey, Certified Professional Geologist and Chief Geologist of U.S. Silver-Idaho, Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of United States Silver, Inc., U.S. Silver's wholly-owned subsidiary) and can viewed under U.S. Silver's profile online at Include
    - Proven and probable reserves at its Galena Mine complex near Wallace, Idaho increased to 17,449,400 ounces of silver contained in 981,100 tons of ore at an average grade of 17.79 ounces of silver per ton (oz/t). This represents a 15 percent increase in ounces of silver and a 22 percent increase in tons from the previous technical report on the Galena Mine dated June 4, 2007.
    - The proven and probable reserve, silver ounces increased in one year by 60 percent over the December 31, 2006 estimate of 444,003 tons at a grade of 24.5 ounces per ton containing 10,878,797.

    Tons Grade Contained % Cu Contained
    Copper-Silver Ore (oz/t) Ounces Cu Tons
    Proven & Probable Reserves 702,200 21.19 14,878,100 0.68% 4,790
    Measured & Indicated Resources 715,900 14.73 10,545,100 0.49% 3,500
    Inferred Resource 640,300 18.38 11,765,900 0.57% 3,650

    Tons Grade Contained % Pb Contained
    Lead-Silver Ore (oz/t) Ounces Pb Tons
    Proven & Probable Reserves 278,900 9.22 2,571,300 9.85% 27,460
    Measured & Indicated Resources 215,600 9.30 2,005,700 9.43% 20,330
    Inferred Resource 873,800 7.18 6,275,100 7.72% 67,460

    The silver-lead portion of the reserve estimate now represents 28 percent of the total reserve tons. Silver ounces contained in silver-lead ore increased by 87 percent, with a 79 percent increase in contained tons of lead. The total reserve tons of silver-lead material increased by 126 percent. Ounces of silver contained in the silver-copper reserve increased by 8 percent over the April 2007 reserve.
    The increase in reserves is a result of an exploration and development program undertaken by U.S. Silver since acquiring ownership and operation of the Galena mine in June 2006. During 2007, management placed an increased emphasis on development and diamond drilling of the known silver-lead zones that exist at the Galena mine. Recent exploration demonstrated that the silver-lead zone may be potentially larger than originally indicated. While exploration and development of silver-copper ore continues on a par with silver-lead development, the Company expects the silver-lead resource to grow at an increased rate in the near term. The silver-lead ore is being processed at the Coeur mill while silver-copper ore continues to be processed at the Galena mill.
    Reserve and resource grades are based on mine chip and diamond drilling samples. All samples are obtained and assays are reported under a formal quality assurance program.
    Mark Hartmann, President and Chief Operating Officer of U.S. Silver, stated, "we are pleased with the effort our work force made during 2007 in exploring and developing new areas for production, that allowed the Company to report an increase in ore reserves, particularly for silver-lead ore. We have made significant improvements since taking over the Galena Mine complex and are excited about the many opportunities ahead of us."
    Information of a technical nature in this press release respecting the properties has been prepared and reviewed by Mr. Daniel H. Hussey, Chief Geologist of U. S. Silver, who supervised the drilling and sampling programs, and resource estimation. Mr. Hussey is a "qualified person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators.
    U.S. Silver, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, owns and operates the Galena, Coeur, Caladay and Dayrock silver-lead-copper mines in Shoshone County, Idaho, with the Galena mine being the second most prolific silver mine in US history. Total silver production from U.S. Silver's mining complex has exceeded 210 million ounces of silver production since 1953. U.S. Silver controls a land package now totaling approximately 18,000 acres in the heart of the Coeur d'Alene Mining District. U.S. Silver is focused on the production and exploration from existing operations as well as exploring and developing its extensive Silver Valley holdings in the Coeur D'Alene Mining District.

    der 2.:

    June 25, 2008
    Oro Silver Expands Quickly In Mexico, Helped By Strong Local Relationships

    By Charles Wyatt
    When Oro Silver was spun-off from Oro Gold at the beginning of 2007, a plan was already in place to fast track towards production. At its inception, Oro Silver did carry a few inherited silver assets, but after a brief period in which the company was allowed to catch its breath, a serious acquisition programme started in earnest. At about this time Darren Bahrey and Greg Cox, the existing directors, brought in Hervé Thiboutot to make up the team and they were off to the races.
    All three had had big company experience, and Darren had founded Oro Gold. Prior to that he worked for Placer Dome on exploration and acquisitions in Mexico and Central America, and it was there that he met Greg Cox and Hervé Thiboutot. Greg became general manager of global mine-site exploration at Placer and was responsible for the expansion of reserves at Placer Dome mines all over the world. Hervé Thiboutot also had a career with Placer before moving to Goldcorp, where he was project manager-geology for the Eleonore mine in northern Quebec. He also brought experience in Mexico and the ability to speak both French and Spanish. That was - and is - vital for negotiations. He’s now chief executive.
    Hervé talks quickly and thinks quicker. The acquisition of the El Compas mine followed swiftly after his arrival, but he explains that in fact it was the Vetagrande mine, with its mill, that was the main target. Nevetheless El Compas was a vital step on the way as it was owned jointly by a local mining company, Contracuna, and a Mexican individual, and they also owned Vetagrande. At the time of the first deal they were put on a retainer to look for other possible acquisitions in the Zacatecas district. This district was among the first exploited by the Spaniards back in the days of the conquistadors and it’s now known to host one of the world’s largest silver belts, boasting past production of 1.5 billion ounces of silver. El Compas itself is only four kilometres south of Zacatecas city so there are no problems over road access, infrastructure and labour.
    El Compas is a fairly modest project at the moment, with current indications showing that the resource may increase to around 500,000 ounces of gold equivalent. It’s a low sulphidation epithermal system with typical “bonanza” gold and silver grades, but the average grade is 350 to 500 grammes per tonne silver equivalent in veins averaging four metres in thickness. It was mined up until recently at a rate of over 50 tonnes per day, and drilling by Oro has outlined two near-surface ore shoots, confirming the potential for two to eight metre wide veins at better than 6 grammes per tonne gold equivalent. Either silver or gold equivalents could be used, but gold tends to be more appropriate when making comparisons with other mines. A resource estimate should be available by the third quarter of this year, and engineering and metallurgical studies will be completed before the end of December.
    The acquisition of El Compas gave Oro the right of first refusal over the Vetagrande project and in December 2007 a deal was agreed. In the meantime the company had raised some money and picked up a number of other concessions in the Zacatecas district. But Vetagrande was always in Oro’s sights. It lies just seven kilometres to the north of Zacatecas City and the base metal component of the ore may be more significant than was recognised in the past. Hervé points to the growth of Capstone’s Cozamin copper-silver mine just on the other side of Zacatecas city as evidence of the potential in this district. Vetagrande also has considerable potential at depth, where no drilling has yet taken place. It is about double the size of El Compas in terms of resources, and historic reserve grades are as high as 205 grammes per tonne silver, 0.37 grammes per tonne gold, 3.2% zinc, 1.9% lead, and 0.15% copper.
    The big prize at Vetagrande, however, is the mill which used to operate at 150 tonnes per day but has been upgraded to a capacity of between 300 and 350 tonnes per day since Oro acquired it. Other work being carried out this year includes underground surveying and sampling. Vetagrande was partially mined down to 250 metres, but there is potential to double that depth, so an underground drilling programme is scheduled for the end of this year. By the end of 2009 Oro will have 100 per cent ownership and should have finished its engineering studies and resource estimate and embarked on an economic scoping study. 2010 will therefore be the year of the feasibility study and production should commence in 2011. El Compas, meanwhile, should be a shade ahead, with the feasibility study starting in mid 2009 and production in 2010.
    The shrewdness and experience of the Oro management is demonstrated by the relationship it has built with Contracuna and the local Mexican operator. This has enabled it not only to buy near term production, but also to consolidate a large land position in a world class silver district which has nevertheless been underexplored. The most recent channel results from El Compas and Vetagrande give a clear insight into the potential. During this month Oro Silver has reported surface channel samples of 12.3 metres at Vetagrande grading 694 grammes per tonne silver and hit 5.3 grammes per tonne gold and 276 grammes per tonne silver over 4.7 metres at El Compas. One can imagine Hervé Thiboutot smiling down the transatlantic telephone line, but he plans to be here in person in the autumn. If the drill results continue in that vein his smile should be even broader by then.

    So, wieder am anderen Rechner, der macht nicht doppelten Zeilenabstand...
    Weiß das keiner, woran es liegt oder zu faul... :D

    GOG.V wie erwartet im Rückwärtsgang......
    Wenn da eine Bestätigung kommt, dann wird´s nachhaltig.

    Gammon und Hecla marschieren schön.

    Eine SMR.V steigt bei Umsatz 15000 17%. Im Prinzip kann man das vergessen.
    Aaaber: wenn da mal was los ist, dann geht´s schnell, weil wenn wer rein will, niemand mehr verkauft.

    SEG.TO auch mit einem kleinen Hüpfer. Beim hamilton rührte sich nichts 14 tage. bei hommel ist das anders. Den kennen sie.....

    June 26, 2008 .............2 Minesite Artikel

    Arian Silver Has Plenty Of Copper And Gold, As Well As Silver, Down In Mexico

    By Rob Davies

    You would think a company called Arian Silver exploring in Mexico would be all about silver. But you would be wrong, although not completely. Two of the company’s three projects, San Jose and Calicanto, are focussed on silver, but the third, at Tepal, is a copper-gold play, with a resource of 2.58 ounces in gold equivalent.
    Arian's chairman Tony Williams patiently explained to Minews after some confusion, that Tepal is a classic copper-gold porphyry that’s now being re-examined following a 7,200 metre 42 drill-hole programme. Of those, 30 holes hit mineralisation and Tony and his team are now waiting for the assay results to come back so that the current NI 43-101 resource of 78.8 million tonnes at 0.47 grammes per tonne gold and 0.24% copper can be updated.
    He’s not at all concerned that those grades are on the low side, because he’s estimating the overall potential of the deposit at several hundred million tonnes. Backing up that assertion is the discovery of a new mineralised zone to the east that has yet to be added to the resource calculation. So that figure of 78 million tonnes only applies to the north and south zones, identified by Hecla and Teck when they explored the site back in the 1970s. Some may be concerned that the original drill programme was planned for 4,000 metres and a new resource was scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2008. However, Tony puts the delay down to hold-ups in the assay labs. The only question he has in his mind is whether the eventual mine will be a 10,000 tonne a day operation or something twice as big.
    It might seem that all the focus is on Tepal in Michoacan state, and not on the two silver properties in Zacatecas, the region traditionally associated with silver mining. But Tony says that’s not the case, and that the company is making active progress at San Jose and Calicanto. Further drill results are due from the phase one programme on the vein extensions at San Jose in the next few weeks. These new data will be used to update the existing inferred resource of 27.7 million ounces of silver contained in 8.4 million tonnes at a grade of 102.8 grammes per tonne silver. The three year option on this property covers over 6,500 hectares and over 12 kilometres of strike has yet to be explored.
    Ideally, Tony would like to see an open-cut mine there with its own plant, rather than a re-start of the previous underground operation that then had a 50 kilometre haul to the processing plant. At Calicanto, meanwhile, two declines are being driven to give better underground access to the vein deposits and an NI 43-101 resource is due in the near future. The slow progress at these three projects, plus the general malaise of the market has pushed the shares down to 11p, which gives Arian Silver a paltry market capitalisation of just £11.2 million. Even heavy marketing out of Canada hasn’t managed to stem the downward slide, although Tony and his team might take note from the boys at Endeavour Silver who have brought in countless retail investors from across the border in the USA, a country where, according to Endeavour at least, they really love a silver story. In case Tony intends to devote more attention to Mexico now that his interests in Kazakhstan have been married with those of Sergey Kurzin and Lero Gold. So the newsflow should increase markedly.


    da ist schon Qualität da. Zu SEG.TO: das war am 13.6. Da tat sich gar nichts. Die Pre feas ist schon da zwischenzeitlich..

    Sicher ist die auf Seite 1. Sogar fett, weil die hab ich schon länger......

    Sie haben realtiv wenig shares am Markt, sind halt zur Zeit nur mit der 150 to Mill unterwegs. Bericht von Hamilton sagt schon einiges aus, auch worauf es ankommt.

    Sieh an, bei Genco vertragen sich wieder alle. Ergebnis der Proxy war wahrscheinlich knapp. Solche Hammeln!

    Soll man die jetzt wieder kaufen?

    Kings Minerals gestern + 23%.


    warum ein $? Hängt mit allen drei Gebieten zusammen. Bei dem gestrigen Fund weiß man ja nicht, wieviele to es werden.

    Der Gehalt ist wirklich ein Hammer. Aber sonst weiß ich kaum was über dieses Gebiet.

    Mir gefällt ja das Mexico Projekt am besten. Aber das Rubicon Projekt (wo ja Mc Even Großaktionär ist) ist auch gut.

    Was mir nicht gefällt hier, ist, dass die news schon vor gut 14 Tagen durchdrang.

    Schaut euch den Kursverlauf an!



    (Was ist da los? Bei dem Rechner wird der Zeilenabstand automatisch doppelt. Wie kann ich das ändern?

    Jetzt fängst du auch noch an wegen falscher thread
    GOG ist schon auch Silber.
    Für dich und für Edelmann (Orko wurde hier schon viiieel früher behandelt und Lichtjahre vor Rita....)
    Also wird es auch fürderhin hier behandelt.
    Und was im OK Thread passiert, soll geschehen was auch immer....

    Lucky, glaubst ich würd´s reinstellen, wenn ich so was wüsst?
    Aber ich würd reinstellen, dass ich nachgekauft hab.
    Hab ich aber nicht.
    Das wär breakeven +.

    GOG ist definitiv schätzungsweise knapp einen $ wert, aber nicht wegen der Nugget Anbohrung...........
    Glaub auch, dass die wieder runter geht. (Geringer Handel..)
    Da haben sich nur ein paar eindecken müssen..


    Hallo Nugget,
    wenn Hochschild kauft, nur Morris ohne Exploration.
    wenn EXM kauft, dann 70% von Morris.
    Aber Hochschild ist ja hoch in EXM investiert.
    Weiß es nicht....

    die Gehalte sind ja überragend, aber nur Minivein.
    Immerhin zwischenzeitlich schon 100% im Plus.
    Endlich wieder Grillerei....

    Bei GOG.V sind ja die beiden anderen gebiete auch sehr aussichtsreich. Red Lake (JV Rubicon Min.) und JV mit ECU San Diego.


    Trading halt für GOG.V

    Golden Tag Intersects 376.4 Ounces Gold Per Ton in Lingo Vein, Aquilon Main Project, James Bay, Quebec
    Thursday June 26, 11:41 am ET
    MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - June 26, 2008) - Golden Tag Resources Ltd (TSX VENTURE:GOG - News) is pleased to announce encouraging results in recent diamond drilling on the Lingo Gold Occurrence on the Aquilon Main Gold Property in James Bay, Quebec. The outcropping, high grade gold-bearing vein was tested with tight grid pattern (approx. 10 x 10 metre centres) of 47 shallow, vertical holes over a strike length of 100 metres and down its shallow dip (30ºNNE) for 90 metres. Assays returned grades of up to:
    - 3,230.89 grams gold per tonne (g/T Au) over 0.80 metres (m) (94.23 ounces gold per ton over 2.62 feet), including,
    - 12,906.5 g/T Au over 0.20 m. (376.44 ounces gold per ton over 0.65 feet).
    The very high gold intersection contained 7 to 10% visible gold similar to visible gold samples returned in surface trenching and drilling conducted by Sirios Inc. and SOQUEM INC. in 2002. Drilling confirms the very high grade mineralization plunges down-dip, shallowly to the north-northeast. At least 12 other gold occurrences are known on the property within the Wolf Lake Shear zone, a 300 metre wide, east-trending shear zone which has been mapped for 5 kilometres across the property. None of these occurrences have been tested in this manner with closely-spaced grid drilling.
    Golden Tag Resources acquired a two stage option on the Aquilon Main property in 2003; initially to earn a 40% interest in the project with a second option to earn into an overall 60% interest. Golden Tag has now met work commitments and is in a position to vest in the first option. The Company is now reviewing these results in conjunction with all prior exploration results from the property to identify a clear approach for future exploration and vesting in the property.
    Over twenty gold-bearing intersections with composite assay values of more than 2.0 g/t Au have been returned from the program, Table 1. High grade intersections from Table 1 include:

    Hole No Intersection Hole No Intersection
    AQ-08-01 11.54g/T Au over 2.05m AQ-08-14 12.55g/T Au over 4.38m
    AQ-08-06 3,230.89g/T Au over 0.80m AQ-08-24 90.60g/T Au over 0.25m
    including 12,906.50g/T Au over 0.20m AQ-08-25 22.91g/T Au over 3.68m
    AQ-08-10 64.10g/T Au over 0.47m AQ-08-27 78.23g/T Au over 0.92m
    AQ-08-12 70.10g/T Au over 0.32m Including 325.0g/T Au over 0.21m
    AQ-08-13 16.27g/T Au over 0.30m AQ-08-39 24.50g/T Au over 0.30m

    True widths are between 87% to 94% of reported core lengths. A map showing
    the closely spaced drill holes will be available shortly at the Golden Tag

    The 2008 diamond drill program consisted of 47 NQ holes (Fig. 1) totalling 1,074 meters. Drilling tested the Lingo gold occurrence at relatively shallow depths (4.3 to 60 m) on a close grid pattern of vertical holes to trace the mineralized quartz vein from surface trenches to a vertical depth of 30 m. The high grade gold-bearing zone has a strike length of 10 to 20 metres and plunges NE to NNE. Mineralization is considered open at depth. Mineralization is characterized by the presence of visible gold in narrow (less than 1.0m) quartz ± carbonate veins hosted in sericitized and silicified felsic volcanic rocks. The veins have very low sulphide content.
    Mapping and prior exploration of the property has identified at least 8 high grade gold occurrences along the East-West trend of the Wolf Lake Shear zone, including the recent discovery of the Red Toad Showing on its' eastern margin by Golden Tag (see Press Release: July 24, 2004). Quartz veining at Lingo is persistent along strike and beyond the limits of the current program of drilling.
    The very high grade assay interval of 3,230.89 g/T Au over 0.80 m in hole AQ-08-06 includes a reported value of 12,906.5 g/T Au over 0.20 m (376.44 ounces gold per ton over 0.65 feet). The later value is considered a MINIMUM value for this interval of core. The interval contains 7 to 10% visible gold as pinpoints, specks and blebs measuring up to 4 mm by 9 mm within a coarse-grained quartz vein (true width 12 cm). The sample was assayed by screened analysis. Assays of both fine (414 grams in weight) and coarse fractions (17 grams in weight) returned the upper limit assay of this method, 10,000 ppm Au. Reassaying of the fine fraction only by concentrate gold method returned 12 906.5 g/T Au. The original coarse fraction is destroyed in the screen analysis and could not be reassayed. Because of the nature of the sample, the coarse fraction can be assumed to have contained more than this reported grade.
    Assay Method and Quality Control
    A total of 706 half drill core samples were collected, split in half, and one half sent to a commercial laboratory for analysis and other half retained for future reference. A strict QA/QC program was followed which included mineralized standards and blanks for each batch of samples. Analytical services were provided by ALS-Chemex, Val d'Or, Quebec.
    Significant assay results were also duplicated at the laboratory. Samples were prepared using standard preparation procedures used by ALS-Chemex. Samples were assayed by fire assay with atomic absorption spectrometry finish on a 50 grams nominal sample weight, giving a lower limit of detection of 0.005 ppm and an upper limit of detection of 10 ppm (10 g/T Au). Samples yielding greater than10 ppm were re-assayed using fire assay and gravimetric finish, giving a lower limit of detection of 0.05 ppm and an upper limit of detection of 1000 ppm. Samples showing visible gold, or where initial fire assays with result exceeding 5 ppm, were analysed with metallic screen assays and fire assay. The entire sample was pulverized and screen to 100-micron. The metallic sieve assay gives a lower limit of detection of 0.05 ppm and an upper limit of detection of 10,000 ppm. The very high grade gold sample was assayed by concentrate gold method of analysis.
    The diamond drilling program was conducted under the supervision of Mr David Rigg, P.Geo. and CEO of the Company and Mr Roger Moar, Consulting Geologist, P.Geol.; Qualified Persons under National Instrument 43-101 guidelines. Both have reviewed and verified the technical content of this press release.
    Golden Tag Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company actively exploring for high grade gold and silver deposits at the San Diego silver-lead-zinc project in Durango State, Mexico; the Aquilon gold project in James Bay, Quebec; and the McCuaig gold project in Red Lake, Ontario.