Beiträge von Tschonko

    Silverstone mit Qu 2: das passt, sie kommen ca hin, wo sie hinwollen.
    Aber sie werden schon bald einen neuen vertrag machen (müssen)

    Silverstone Provides Q2-2008 Silver Sales
    Monday July 21, 12:21 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 21, 2008 -- Silverstone Resources Corp. (CDNX:SST.V - News) ("Silverstone") reports sales of 462,000 ounces of silver in the second quarter of 2008. Silverstone has forecast fiscal 2008 silver sales of 2,155,000 ounces. Silverstone purchased Q2 - 2008 production at an average cost of US$3.97 per ounce. The cost of silver is fixed at less than US$4.00 per ounce through 2010.

    Fiscal Year
    Q2 - 2008 (A) Q1 - 2008 (A) 2008 (F)
    Ag (oz) Ag (oz) Ag (oz)

    Cozamin 343,000 306,000 1,300,000
    Neves-Corvo Copper 119,000 97,000 540,000
    Neves-Corvo Zinc 0 0 90,000
    Aljustrel Zinc 0 0 225,000

    Total 462,000 403,000 2,155,000

    Note: Results for the three months ended June 30, 2008 will be
    reported in August 2008.

    Silver Sales Forecast(1)
    2009 (F) 2010 (F)
    Ag (oz) Ag (oz)
    Cozamin 1,500,000 1,500,000
    Neves-Corvo Copper 540,000 540,000
    Neves-Corvo Zinc 260,000 260,000
    Aljustrel Zinc 875,000 1,200,000
    Total 3,175,000 3,500,000

    (1) Silver sales forecasts are based on 2007 actual
    metallurgical recoveries of silver to concentrates at the
    various operations combined with forecast grades and production
    and existing smelter contracts for the different concentrates.
    Mr. Hugh Willson, P.Geo., Vice-President, Exploration of Silverstone, who is a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical aspects of this news release.
    Silverstone is a Canadian based public silver mining company with 100% of its revenue from silver production. More information is available online at:

    Nochmals zu dem Rakhimov Artikel:
    daraus 2 Companies: Silver recycling (TSR.V)
    So großartig find ich die Möglichkeiten nicht wie Rakhimov:
    "That’s a very interesting story. The idea itself is brilliant. I think it has a very bright future provided it works out on the ground. Silver Recycling is unique in the mix of silver investments. You have bullion; you have ETFs; you have futures; you have stocks; you have warrants in some cases; and mutual funds. Then you have companies like Silver Recycling, which may give you exposure to the silver price. Its margins are not tied to the silver price, except in the volume they can process. A mining company produces silver at $5 per ounce, whereas a recycling company has to buy this stuff all the time, so theoretically that reflects the spot price or maybe a futures’ price. There’s a sliding scale where they will have to pay higher prices depending on what silver sells for. There isn't unlimited upside in terms of margins, but I think the company has unlimited potential for expansion because the number of private recyclers in the U.S. alone is over 100. Silver Recycling Company is just getting started. They will consolidate three private operations and bring them under one umbrella. Many of these operations are family-owned businesses with limited opportunities for expansion. By bringing them together as a public company there are more options for financial expansion, growth, and diversification of assets. Silver Recycling just closed a deal on one of the operations that had $85 million in sales in 2007. This is going to be a cash-flow type business; their numbers will be profitable all the way down to $6 silver. The price they pay for scrap is based on the silver price, so there is a built-in margin."

    Sie verarbeiten "nur" die Fotoabfälle und wenn sie die vielen kleinen Firmen zusammenfassen, wollen die auch was.....
    Aber wenn sie noch sonstigen Silberabfall verarbeiten würden......
    Interessant auf jeden Fall.

    und auch zu beachten ist Kootenay Gold (KTN.V): reine Silbercompany

    Die haben auch ein JV mit Klondike Silver (erinnere mich gern an diese für mich Gratis Abspaltung von Klondike Gold)

    Beide auch in Frankfurt gelistet. Beide hier und drüben mit wenig Handel.

    Aber zur Zeit hat eh jeder die Schnauze voll von solchen Companies.
    Rakhimov ist ein sehr guter Investor und er hat ein gutes Näschen.

    Ein Beispiel zum Nachlesen aus dem Jahr 2004. Silver Wheaton wurde da soeben gegründet und er hatte z.B. eine Mag Silver unter 50ct auf seiner Rechnung.


    ....und noch ein Artikel:

    The Juniors, Part One
    John Rubino

    There are three kinds of precious metals investors, and only two of them are happy. Those who own mostly bullion (or its ETF or digital currency equivalents) have by definition profited dollar-for-dollar as gold and silver have soared recently. Those who own shares of the leading miners have had a nice run too, though not in every case as nice as with bullion. The third group, though, is feeling a little cheated. They (okay, we) loaded up on junior miners in the very reasonable expectation that the ongoing precious metals bull market would turn the little guys into winning lottery tickets.

    It hasn't quite worked out that way. Most juniors have barely participated in the past year's run, and many are actually down. A typical junior's chart looks like this one, which belongs to Fortuna Silver (FVI.V):

    So now, with gold again threatening $1,000 and silver looking at a supply squeeze* that could send it to the moon, the juniors are a question mark. Are they a busted business model that won't work until energy prices fall and venture capital becomes plentiful? Or are they a rubber band stretched so tight that it has no choice but to snap back violently?

    We'll know for sure in a couple of years, but based on a general reading of history (and assuming precious metals keep going up), I'll go out on a limb and say the rubber band scenario is all but a done deal. Bull markets pass through predictable phases, with cautious money flowing initially into the big names and then (after the big names have made geniuses of their early investors) flowing more enthusiastically into small-caps on the periphery. In precious metals the first stage has gone according to plan, and the valuation gap between senior and junior has become a chasm. Today, an ounce of gold in the ground is worth maybe ten times as much if it's owned by a Goldcorp than if it's owned by some no-name Toronto Exchange exploration company. But it's all just gold (or silver), and sooner or later the discrepancy will be arbitraged away via a generalized increase in the value of the juniors' reserves, with the occasional parabolic spike.

    So the question becomes which juniors. There are hundreds of them out there and most claim to have promising properties in various stages of development. Even in good times most will turn out to be either mistaken or lying, which makes buying them at random a really bad idea. So I asked a couple of people with histories of separating reality from hype for their current favorites:

    Louis James is seinor metals analyst with Casey Research, publisher of several highly-regarded precious metals newsletters and generally one of the best sources of junior miner research. He likes the following: Silvercorp (SVM.TO). "Great company with a huge profit margin and fantastic blue sky, hammered hard now for no reason. Buying now could force the shorts to eat their shorts, driving the share price even higher. Company has tracked silver for years, and we expect it to do so again for years to come."
    AuEx (XAU.V). "Great project generator, following the JV model with exemplary success. Has substantial stake in several projects with potential for large gold resources (over 1M oz), with work being paid for with Other People's Money. Top management."
    Andina Minerals (ADM.V). "Not cheap, but has a genuine monster gold deposit in hand, and it's getting bigger. Excellent infrastructure advantages, new resource calculation due out soon."

    Claude Cormier, publisher of the OrMetal Report, has almost made me rich once already. Back in 1998 I wrote a column on gold stocks for that featured his favorite juniors. One of them was Glamis Gold, which looked promising at $1.50. I bought 10,000 shares and when it doubled I sold, feeling pretty smart. Then I watched from the sidelines as it kept on rising, eventually being bought out for around $40. In other words I could have had a seven-year all-expenses-paid vacation by just holding onto that one stock. So Claude has massive cred here at DollarCollapse. His current take:


    It is not an easy task to give you my favorite gold stocks in this market because there are so many to choose from. The junior market is truly at bargain levels.
    At the top of my list is Canplats Resources (CPQ.V), an explorer with a new discovery in Mexico not far from Goldcorp's Penasquito mine. I am guessing that they may have found as much as 3 millions ounces of gold plus good quantities of silver, zinc and lead. The deposits are open in most directions and are growing steadily.
    My second choice, which could really be in first place as well, is Chesapeake Gold (CKG.V), which has a huge open pit deposit in Mexico containing 20 million ounces of gold, 380 millions ounces of silver plus some zinc. They want to maximize the use of conveyers instead of feeding a truck fleet with expensive oil. This could have a major positive implication for costs.
    In third position is Detour Gold (DGC.TO) which is developing the Detour Lake deposit in Ontario. It just released an update showing 11 millions ounces of gold. The exploration program is proceeding and more gold will be found. We came in late on this one, so it is no longer a huge bargain. But it should eventually be taken over by a senior company.

    * Now, about the silver shortage: Yesterday I called the Northwest Territorial Mintto order some silver coins and spoke to a frazzled but energized saleswoman who claimed to also run the gift shop. Among other things she said that customers are ordering huge quantities of silver bars and coins, and walk-ins (people showing up in person to buy bullion) are gobbling up all the Mint's on-hand inventory. As a result, a decent-sized phone order now takes up to 60 business days to ship. This is one of those rare cases where the investing public has the power to purposefully affect a commodity market; if we all order physical silver the supply shortage will become impossible to hide. Just one New York Times story and it's game over for the shorts.

    stelle noch einmal den link mit zu dem Spitzeninterview mit Sean Rhakimov ein.…ad?source=yahoo

    Keiner gelesen, keine Kommentare? ......sogenannte Pflichtlektüre :D :D

    Moriarty zu

    Head for the bunkers
    Bob Moriarty
    July 16, 2008

    Well, the US government in its infinite wisdom has put the fate of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in the hands of Congress. So 435 brave souls headed for a hotly-contested election this fall get to vote on the right "price" for Freddie and Fannie's shares. Why am I not reassured?
    It didn't take one day for the pundits to respond, saying inflation is no longer an issue. Or at least THE issue. "We need to save these companies even if we destroy the economy." And we will. Destroy the economy. When no one is allowed to fail, failure becomes the standard.
    For some reason silver companies have been trashed over the past year. Since last year most silver companies have been cut in half, or worse. I visited two wonderful silver companies a little while back. I've been gone and too busy to write about them but now is a good time, both are cheap.
    About 7 weeks back, I visited Mexico and got to see two great mining companies. I have written about them before. This was my third visit to Endeavour Silver. (EDR:TSX) It was my second visit to Great Panther Resources. (GPR:TSX).
    Great Panther just announced quarterly production of 436,000 ounces of silver equivalent ounces. Based on today's price of $1.14, they have a market cap of about $92.5 million. Call their yearly production 1.75 million ounces of silver equivalent. That makes them worth about $52.85 per production ounce.
    Endeavour Silver announced their quarterly production of 515,634 silver ounces about a week ago. They are a pure silver producer. Based on today's price of $3.32 per share, they have a market cap of just about $162 million. I'll call their yearly production 2.06 million ounces of silver. That makes them worth about $78.65 per production ounce.
    I want the reader to understand I don't want to make any comparison between the companies because there are other vital factors in determining market cap. Both companies are very well cashed up. Great Panther has about $4.5 million in cash, Endeavour Silver has about $14 million. That's very important today; hundreds of small juniors are on the ropes because they were counting on financing that suddenly dried up.
    Both companies are far more developed than a year ago but the share prices have been hammered. It's crazy because both have accomplished everything they said they would. Both have increased 43-101 resources to the point it's obvious they have plans to increase capacity and both are producing silver at a profit.
    I encourage readers to go to their websites and do your own due diligence. I want to point the companies out because they are so cheap relative to the market. Silver is going a lot higher and both companies intend to be mid-tier producers. I love the management of both companies.
    When the crash hits, and it's coming between now and October, production stories will be the only game in town. I love these companies and I'm proud that we have been associated with them as long as we have.
    Great Panther and Endeavour Silver are advertisers. We are biased.

    @ 5vor12,
    hast du da einen Link?

    Hallo gutso,
    warum sollte sich Silver Wheaton eine Mine aufhalsen.
    Übernehmen tun die nie, sie machen Beteiligungen mit billigem Silbererwerb.
    Hat Sterling genug Zink, Blei etc. um dann zu überleben?

    Die machen erst bei einigen Millionen oz Silber Gewinn, jetzt ist ein riesiges Minusgeschäft.


    Fortsetzung also TEIL 3:

    TGR: When you say “later on this year,” is that this summer, this fall, or is there a target?
    SR:I would expect them to have something by the fall. The payment is due to Silver Standard by February 2009, so in the next six to eight months there will be substantial developments for the company. Questions remain as to how they will choose to make that payment or what the size of the resource will be. But the good news is they have a real asset there, and I don’t know how it’s going to be reflected in the share price, but I would expect it is going to be favorable.
    TGR: So, Silverstone is a bit of a different breed of a company?
    SR: Yet it is similar. Last August it had a big falling off, then it ran up back up to that $3 level. The credit crunch explains the drop off in August.
    TGR: More like a credit meltdown.
    SR:I would be willing to overlook that. Silverstone models itself after Silver Wheaton. They have royalties that are more like semi-royalties that they would acquire from producing mines at a fixed cost in the future. They are also working on their own silver projects in Mexico. What I find attractive is that the costs on a large portion of Silverstone's future silver production is fixed—at a time when operating costs in the mining sector are skyrocketing. I also like the management; they have excellent people, and have been very successful so far. So I expect good things from them.
    TGR: Will this be event-specific?
    SR: They will have some mines that will be coming into production down the line, but in the short-term these companies react very well to silver price appreciation—and I expect the silver price to double.
    TGR: What kind of events could trigger something like that? Are you referring to ongoing credit worries?
    SR: I believe we're going to see across-the-board revaluation of hard assets. $6 copper will become the norm. $130 to $150 oil will be the new reality. This commodities bull market is here to stay and people will accept that. One big development I see coming is a sweeping wave of nationalizations across the world. I think this is going to happen to resource companies across the board, not just silver.
    TGR: That would put pressure on the entire sector.
    SR:Yes, and it would certainly put pressure on Mexico where a lot of these companies are. Mexico and Peru are the two largest silver producers in the world. Mexico is part of NAFTA, at least for the time being. We don’t know how it’s going to shake out in the next couple of years. But Mexico has closer ties to the U.S. and Canada than some of the other jurisdictions.
    For now, Mexico is considered to be the best mining jurisdiction in the world, which is good for silver and silver companies. But these things can change on a dime. I expect that some of these nationalizations will start to occur after 2010, and perhaps after $50 silver, $2000 gold. I wouldn't expect Mexico to hike royalties and taxes to unbearable levels as Mongolia and Zambia have done.
    This nationalization process will have governments everywhere saying: “This resource is ours and we’re going to hang on to it.”
    TGR: That's interesting. So it’s putting up trade barriers; it’s putting up nationalistic barriers.
    SR: It won't be just trade barriers; it’s more like bargaining chips. Some countries are already curbing exports of food and some of their minerals—oil, for instance. Eventually all nations will retaliate by withholding their assets.
    TGR: There's one last stock I'd like you to discuss. Do you have any thoughts on Silver Recycling Company, Inc. [TSR.V] that you'd like to share with our readers?
    SR: That’s a very interesting story. The idea itself is brilliant. I think it has a very bright future provided it works out on the ground. Silver Recycling is unique in the mix of silver investments. You have bullion; you have ETFs; you have futures; you have stocks; you have warrants in some cases; and mutual funds. Then you have companies like Silver Recycling, which may give you exposure to the silver price. Its margins are not tied to the silver price, except in the volume they can process. A mining company produces silver at $5 per ounce, whereas a recycling company has to buy this stuff all the time, so theoretically that reflects the spot price or maybe a futures’ price. There’s a sliding scale where they will have to pay higher prices depending on what silver sells for. There isn't unlimited upside in terms of margins, but I think the company has unlimited potential for expansion because the number of private recyclers in the U.S. alone is over 100. Silver Recycling Company is just getting started. They will consolidate three private operations and bring them under one umbrella. Many of these operations are family-owned businesses with limited opportunities for expansion. By bringing them together as a public company there are more options for financial expansion, growth, and diversification of assets. Silver Recycling just closed a deal on one of the operations that had $85 million in sales in 2007. This is going to be a cash-flow type business; their numbers will be profitable all the way down to $6 silver. The price they pay for scrap is based on the silver price, so there is a built-in margin.
    TGR: How many ounces will they process in a year?
    SR: With the current acquisition, I don’t have the latest numbers. But I think it's in the area of five million ounces but don't quote me on that.
    TGR: How does that compare? Give me a 5 million-ounce producer.
    SR: Well, actually in the public sector, I don’t know that there is one. It falls into that middle area where you have the companies under that threshold, and then you have the companies above that threshold like Hecla Mining Company (HL) and Coeur d’Alene Mines Corp. (CDE). Of course they’re in a bit of different league.
    TGR: How many ounces do they produce a year?
    SR: I believe Hecla produces approximately 6 to 7 million ounces, but they also have a gold aspect and they recently made a big acquisition in Alaska and another in the Silver Valley. So, those numbers will change.
    TGR: And those are the silver equivalents?
    SR: No, the 6 million ounces for Hecla or the 6-million ounce range is for silver itself. Again, they do produce some lead and zinc, and I do not know for a fact if that would be an equivalent, but the bulk of it is silver.
    TGR: Who is next down on the food chain?
    SR: The next one down on the food chain would be First Majestic Silver Corp.
    TGR: How many ounces are they producing?
    SR: Well, they did about 3.5 million last year, and this year I think the plan is to do about 5.5 million, so this company would be in the range. It’s a mining company with operations in Mexico, we're not comparing apples for apples here, but that company has a market of well over $200 million.
    TGR: Different business models—one’s got an asset and one’s got a business.
    SR: Right, they’re different type operations, but the ultimate product is silver. That’s why we’re interested in a company like Silver Recycling. It’s a start-up with some ambitious goals. It has a very timely and viable idea. It provides another option for diversification of silver investments.

    Fortsetzung also TEIL 2:

    TGR: You are in contact with a lot of silver companies; that’s your main focus, right? Are there some that merit investment consideration?
    SR: The recent performance of the markets would suggest that I don’t.
    TGR:Really? I would think there would be opportunities with some of the pullbacks.
    SR: Oh, I agree with you. Generally speaking, some of these stocks are trading at levels that present an excellent opportunity to gain exposure to the silver sector. I prefer the juniors because they’re more accessible—you can go and meet the president. The juniors are closer to the market, and more in tune with their investors. The bigger companies cater to the bigger investors. So, the silver sector has taken quite a beating along with related stocks in the commodities area, with the exception of potash and oil companies. Even the oil companies are not doing that well relative to the oil price itself.
    So, in the silver sector, I visited all four of First Majestic Silver's (FRMSF.PK) mines maybe two and a half-three months ago. I was very impressed with the company. I think they have a very good future, and at their current price, it will be a good investment for the year ahead. If you had a silver index, I think their performance would beat the silver index.
    Among the juniors I like the producers. Fortuna Silver Mines, Inc. [FVI] is a good company in that regard. It’s been sold off by the market for whatever reason. I think they’re going to do well.
    TGR:They’re a producer?
    SR:Yes they are. There's also a company called Minera Andes [TSX.V:MAI] that is one of my favorites. The company has been around for quite some time in Argentina. They have very good management. Rod McEwen is a large investor in the company. I like the management; I like their style; I like their execution.
    They have a very large and sophisticated partner for their project that is in production, which is Hochschild Mining [HOC: LSE], a big mining company in Latin America, listed on the London Exchange actually. So, they’re a 49%-owner in a producing mine in San Jose, Argentina.

    They’ve expanded the project, which (the expansion) should start operating later this year. And they paid their part of the cost of the expansion, but have not yet reaped the benefit. The expansion should double their production, making them a significant producer.
    Most of these junior producers are in Mexico. One that isn't, that I like a lot is Silvercorp Metals Inc. [SVM]. I’ve been watching it since it was SKN Resources. By the way, for full disclosure, I own First Majestic; I own Silvercorp; I own Minera Andes. I would actually have to think twice before I would recommend a company that I don't invest in myself. So, Silvercorp's operations are in China. This company has done spectacularly well. I think it will continue to perform very well. It will probably become a takeover candidate in the next couple of years as the price of silver goes up.
    There are two up-and-comers I like. Kootenay Gold [KTN] is one of them. Although their name suggests they’re a gold company, their main project is silver. This company has been around for about two years and has some good drill results. We don’t know the extent of their discovery yet, but I would certainly qualify it as an "A Discovery" at this point.
    Another company I like is Geologix [GIX], which also has projects in Mexico. Now, Geologix is actually somewhat different. I met with the management; and was very impressed with the caliber of people they have. The project so far has indications of being equally stellar. They did a deal with Silver Standard Resources (SSRI) and acquired the land around it. The project had some very good drill results, and it looks like it’s a big deposit. We don’t know how big it is and are now awaiting an initial resource calculation. The market has been less than enthusiastic because Geologix had a potentially large payment coming due for the project they acquired from Silver Standard. The good news is that the size of the payment is directly tied to the amount of the resource they find. So, the larger the resource, the larger the payment, but it also means the larger the value in the company. They had enough cash to get through early 2009, and they had quite a healthy burn rate drilling and extending the deposit in Mexico. So, that’s another company that I like.
    There’s a bunch of companies that I like but I hesitate to say flat out “Oh, buy this company.” I have discovered that it's better to inquire about the objectives and the investment style of the potential investor. These companies often have ups and downs, which can be quite dramatic and not everybody’s cut out for that degree of volatility. Many are very long-term propositions. Mining is a very risky business. For those who do not spend a lot of time researching these companies or understanding the sector, the most prudent and safe choice would be silver bullion—a must-have. I also think that the larger silver companies will perform very well. Pan American Silver Corp.(PAAS) will do extremely well. Silver Wheaton Corp. (SLW) will also do very well. They’re fantastic investments at current prices. A little company called Silverstone Resources [SSP] will also do very well.
    TGR:You follow these companies for a long time don't you?
    SR: I have a long history with some of them and have been tracking them long before they became what they are today. For instance, I picked up Silver Wheaton when it was called Chap Mercantile. At that time it traded at $.65 per share, and today it trades at $14 and is a $2.5 billion company. I think investing is more about the investor rather than the investments. Most people can’t get out of their own way in terms of these investments. They need patience. These things take years. I remember Western Silver [WTC.TO] when it was Western Copper and trading below a dollar. It sold for $20 plus.
    TGR: I’m looking at a couple of charts. Silverstone Resources has been in this $3 base-building area and trading from $2.50 to $3.50 for quite awhile. Geologix was similar. This stock ran up in May of 2007, pulled back down, retested in December 2007, pulled back down, and now appears to be headed for that $3 level, which it has tested three times. From a technical standpoint, both of these stocks have very attractive chart patterns.
    Can you comment on both of them in terms of what the markets may be waiting for? Is there a 43-101 or are there more drill results? What’s cooking behind the scenes in these companies?
    SR: Let's start with Geologix since I have gotten an update on them recently. Their first resource calculation should be coming out later this year. The payment is structured so that they have to pay per ounce of silver on the part of the property that they acquired from Silver Standard. The same is true for gold. What is often overlooked is that they do not pay anything for base metals that they discover on the property they acquired from Silver Standard, and base metals constitute about 50% of the value.

    @ auratico,
    dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen, außer dass fast nichts zur momentanen Situation kommt.
    Das ist eine zusätzliche frechheit. Produziert baroness noch? Was wird zur Zeit aus der sunshine herausgeholt etc.?

    Lucky hat dankenswerterweise einen Thread zu shortselling und naked shortselling eröffnet.
    Da gibt´s auch noch Unklarheiten, scheint mir. :D
    Short sqeeze darf man auch nicht vergessen. das ist ja alles "normal"
    Stinken tut´s, wenn auf einmal mehr Aktien da sind als ausgegeben
    Leerverkäufe ohne Deckung, das "Verbrechen des Jahrhunderts"

    Ein Spitzeninterview mit Sean Rhakimov.
    Arbeitet der nicht mehr bei Impact Silver. Er erwähnt sie nicht???…silver-ahead?source=yahoo

    Sean Rakhimov: 3-Digit Silver Ahead

    by: The Report posted on: July 09, 2008 | about stocks: CDE / DBP / DBS / FRMSF.PK / HL / PAAS / SLV / SLW / SSRI
    In this exclusive interview with The Gold Report, Sean Rakhimov explains why he thinks silver will rise like a rocket in the next couple of years. He also gives some advice on how best to participate in the coming silver boom. Sean is the founder and editor of, a website dedicated to silver investing.

    @eldo, lucky,
    im Prinzip ist es egal, ob physisch auslieferbar. Hat mit Shorten nichts zu tun.

    Physisch ausliefern ergibt bei Anleihen Sinn, vor allem Zero bonds..... ;)

    @dau, value,
    ja ich hab auch gestern FR ein bisserl aufgestockt. :D

    Ein anderes Beispiel ist die Mentalität, in diesem speziellem Fall wie der sprichwörtliche Elefant im porzelanladen), wie Companies als Selbstbedienungsladen benutzt werden.
    Eine unglaubliche Frechheit....
    Diese Meldung zu dem Timing. Sonst erfährt man nichts....

    Sterling Mining Announces Stock Option Grants
    Thursday July 17, 10:33 am ET
    WALLACE, IDAHO--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 17, 2008 -- Sterling Mining Company (Toronto:SMQ.TO - News)(OTC BB:SRLM.OB - News)(Frankfurt:SMX.F - News) issued an aggregate of 1,289,995 options under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan.
    Sterling Mining Company's board of directors, on June 30th, in accordance with the Company's stock option plan, approved the granting of 1,289,995 stock options to eleven officers, directors and employees of Sterling at an exercise price of $1.45 per share through dates ranging from July 2008 to April 2015.
    All of the options and stock were issued pursuant to existing employment agreements and to the provisions of Sterling's 2006 Equity Incentive Plan and in reliance upon the exemption from registration contained in Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933.
    The board of directors also ratified a long standing policy adopted in 2005, whereby each director of Sterling shall be paid $150,000 upon a non board approved change of control of the Company.
    About Sterling Mining Company
    Sterling Mining controls the Sunshine Mine, which began initial production in December 2007, and related exploration lands in the prolific Silver Valley of northern Idaho. The Company also holds several silver properties in Mexico, including the Barones Tailings Project in the Zacatecas Silver District. Shares of Sterling Mining Company trade on the TSX under the symbol "SMQ", on the OTCBB under the symbol "SRLM", and also on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "SMX".

    So, jetzt geh signaturmäßig wieder in den Kotzmodus...... :D


    Eigentlich nur gute Nachrichten und das Ding fällt wie ein Stein.

    Sie verdienen etwas, haben aber null was im43-er Status. Zur Zeit.
    Brauchen sie auch nicht unbedingt.

    IMPACT Announces Sale of San Sabino Concession in Zacatecas
    Thursday July 3, 2:25 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 3, 2008) - IMPACT Silver Corp. ("IMPACT") (TSX VENTURE:IPT - News) announces that it has sold its 35% interest in the San Sabino concession in Zacatecas to Apex Silver Mines Limited ("Apex") for US$325,000 plus a retained 1% Net Smelter Return Royalty purchasable by Apex for US$1 million. San Sabino was not considered to be a core holding for IMPACT. IMPACT will retain a future benefit in the concession through its retained NSR royalty interest.[Blockierte Grafik:]

    The San Sabino concession is located in the northwest part of the Zacatecas District. IMPACT optioned the concession to Yale Resources (see IMPACT news release dated October 18, 2006) and earlier this year Yale completed its earn in of 65%. IMPACT holds 16 other concessions in the Zacatecas Silver District and has an option to purchase a producing 200 tonne per day processing plant in the middle of the district.
    IMPACT Silver Corp. is a silver focused mining and exploration company operating in Mexico with a producing silver operation at the 125 square kilometer Royal Mines of Zacualpan, the 200 square kilometer advanced Mamatla Silver District and a portfolio of projects with a producing mill at Zacatecas. Energold Drilling Corp. (TSX VENTURE:EGD - News) who is the contractor for the ongoing drill program, owns 6.6 million shares of IMPACT.
    On behalf of the Directors of IMPACT Silver Corp.
    Frederick W. Davidson, President, CEO

    Aus Minesite: July 16, 2008

    Impact Silver Steadily Builds Up Its Production Profile In Mexico

    By Charles Wyatt

    Good to know that an increasing number of Canadian juniors are coming to realise that London is the market for those at, or near, production. Obviously the mood is depressed over here, as nobody escapes a global bear market. But it’s nowhere near as depressed as it is in Canada, where the neighbours just to the south are the ones who precipitated the current credit squeeze in the first place. Anyway, out of the blue Impact Silver made contact, and the upshot from Minesite’s perspective is that Impact has an interesting story to tell of two projects in Mexico, one of which is a producer. The producer is in the Zacualpan project near Mexico City; the other is advanced exploration in the Zacatecas district. Both lie on the prolific Mexican epithermal vein system which runs roughly northwest-southeast down the centre of the country. Both are near other successful silver mines.
    Silver mining on the prolific vein systems in the Zacualpan district dates back to Spanish times. There are still many untested targets, but it’s worth noting that 32 million ounces of gold equivalent have been produced between 1975 and 2007. As the old prospector said, “if you want to find a new deposit go and look close to an old mine”. Impact Silver took this maxim even further when it acquired the Royal Mines of Zacualpan in January 2006. The total project included two operating silver mines, a 500 tonne per day operating plant lease, and associated mineral concessions covering 124.5 square kilometres. At the time the Guadalupe mine, in the centre of the district, and the high grade Compadres mine, in the south-eastern part, were producing a combined 200 tonnes of ore a day which was being transported back to the central processing plant. And this whole package only cost Impact Silver 300,000 shares and US$1.8 million.
    Impact planned to continue production while updating the plant and this it has done successfully, to judge by the March quarterly figures which show that although the daily tonnage from the two mines increased by only six per cent to 266 tonnes, actual silver production rose by 54 per cent to 131,859 ounces. Lead and zinc production also rose, to 162 tonnes and 275 tonnes respectively. These are useful credits and the figures should rise significantly following the purchase of a second hand mill in January. This semi-portable mill has a capacity of 200 tonnes per day and is being dismantled and transported to Zacualpan. The current mill has a capacity of 500 tonnes per day, so this will take the milling side of things up to 700 tonnes per day, and the emphasis now has to be on increasing output from the mines.
    Just as well, then, that Impact Silver discovered the Chivo Shoot in the south of the region. This is a high grade zone into which eight holes have been drilled, with intersections as high as 378 grammes per tonne silver over 4.5 metres from a depth of 84.1 metres. This included 1.3 metres at 1,305 grammes per tonne. Recent surface drilling has defined the mineral inventory and potential of the Chivo Shoot. It remains open in all directions, so there is plenty more to come, with a number of targets awaiting drilling. Underground access is via a 92 metre long crosscut adit, and mining has now been ramped up to 150 tonnes per day. As chief executive Fred Davison points out, “our plan is to have several plants treating ore from mines in different parts of Zacualpan simultaneously. Our technical team has already demonstrated that they can bring new discoveries through drilling, engineering and into production in under 24 months.”
    More recently the Los Reyes zone has been discovered next to the Chivo mine and Fred is also excited about the potential of the Mamatla district, which lies next door to Zacualpan to the southwest. The northeast quadrant of Mamatla hosts epithermal gold and silver veins, while the southeast quadrant has volcanic massive sulphide systems as well as the same sort of veins. Impact is exploring veins which were hardly touched in the past when Valerie Gold and TVX spent US$10 million having a good look round in the 1990s. Fred tends not to waste time, so a number of targets have already been identified and two prospects are of particular interest – Aurora 1 and Capire – as an auction bid document recently released by the Mexican Geological Survey gave some very encouraging resource estimates, though they were not to NI 43-101 specifications.

    Impact Silver has control over Zacualpan and Mamatla. In Zacatecas district its influence is growing apace. This is one of the foremost silver districts in the world, boasting historic production of around 11.2 billion ounces of silver. The company already has an option to take its stake in a 200 tonnes per day mill in Veta Grande up from 25 per cent to 100 per cent. This mill is currently toll treating production from other mines, but every effort is being made to obtain early production from Impact’s mineral concessions, four of which Yale Resources is earning an 80 per cent interest in. Impact recently announced that it had sold its 35 per cent interest in the San Sabino concession to Apex Silver for US$325,000 and retained a one per cent net smelter royalty which Apex can buy for a further US$1 million.
    In these times of financial stress Impact soldiers on with positive cash flow and over C$8 million in the kitty. This is why it can afford to buy plant when it becomes available, and also carry out aggressive exploration programmes. This year it plans to ramp up production at Zacualpan to 500 tonnes per day, keep cash costs of production down to US$6.50 per ounce of silver; and produce an initial resource estimate at Mamatla. Fred Davison is running a sound, flexible, operation which should be an example to other juniors as to how to manage limited financial resources to maximum effect. Well worth keeping an eye on future progress.

    Timberline Mobilizes for Drilling At Butte Highlands
    Thursday July 17, 9:00 am ET
    COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, July 17, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Timberline Resources Corporation (AMEX:TLR - News) announced today that a drill rig has been mobilized to its Butte Highlands Gold Project in southwestern Montana to begin a planned 17-hole, 8500-meter core drill program this week. The Butte Highlands project lies on patented ground with no underlying royalties and is 100-percent owned by Timberline.
    The drill program will initiate Timberline's Preliminary Scoping Study at Butte Highlands to assess opportunities for near-term underground production, as outlined in its press release dated May 19, 2008. Drilling will focus on the validation and expansion of historic mineralization estimates with a combination of in-fill and step-out holes. Resulting data will support the planning and permitting of an exploration decline while sampled core will be used for metallurgical testing. The drill program will be performed by Timberline's subsidiary, Kettle Drilling, Inc.
    Timberline V-P of Exploration Paul Dircksen stated, ``We are pleased to resume work at Butte Highlands which, we believe, has the potential for near-term development and production, the expansion of known mineralized zones, and the discovery of new zones. With our 'in-house' capability to explore, permit, drill, develop, and mine, we believe that Butte Highlands provides an ideal showcase for our vertically-integrated business model.''
    Butte Highlands was extensively drilled by Placer Dome, Battle Mountain, ASARCO, and Orvana Minerals in the 1980s and 1990s, and contains historic mineralization outlined by Orvana (not compliant with NI 43-101 or SEC Guide 7) exceeding 500,000 ounces of gold at a grade of nearly 0.3 ounces per ton (oz/t). Past drilling highlights include gold intercepts of 50 feet of 0.65 oz/t, 31 feet of 1.06 oz/t, and 11.5 feet of 1.99 oz/t.
    Timberline Resources Corporation has taken the complementary businesses of mining services and mineral exploration and combined them into a unique, forward-thinking investment vehicle that provides investors exposure to both the ``picks and shovels'' and ``blue sky'' aspects of the mining industry.
    Timberline has contract drilling subsidiaries in the western United States and Mexico and an exploration division focused on high-potential, district-scale gold projects. With its anticipated acquisition of a premier American underground mine contractor, Small Mine Development, Timberline will strengthen its position as an emerging, vertically-integrated resource company. Timberline is listed on the American Stock Exchange and trades under the symbol ``TLR''.

    Die FR Meldung noch mal in Deutsch:

    Und da tut sich nichts!
    Die Ausdehnung ist sooo groß und die Gehalte sind ausgezeichnet. Kapier ich nicht!
    Jedenfalls für die shareholder ist es super, wenn auch nicht sofort erkenntlich.... :D
    Wird scho werd`n!

    EXM mit Morris update: Muss ich mal ausrechnen, wenn Zeit....

    EXMIN Provides Moris Mine Production Update
    Thursday July 17, 9:28 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 17, 2008 -- EXMIN Resources Inc. (EXMIN) (CDNX:EXM.V - News) is pleased to report second quarter production figures for the Moris Mine. The mine is jointly owned by EXMIN (30%) and Hochschild Mining Group, Plc. (LSX: HOC) (Hochschild) (70%). Hochschild is the operator of the mine and reports the following production and sales numbers for the project. In the second quarter of 2008, the Moris Mine produced approximately 7,550 ounces of gold and 18,000 ounces of silver. In the same period, sales from first quarter production were approximately 5,600 ounces of gold at approximately US$900 per ounce and approximately 13,000 ounces of silver at US$17 per ounce.Karl Boltz, Co-Founder, President, CEO and Director for EXMIN, stated, "The Moris Mine is on track to meet production goals for gold and silver for 2008. Although the mine has continued to experience problems with some of the old crushing equipment that has reduced tonnage provided to the leach pads, better than expected gold grades and recoveries have offset these problems, and production of dore continues to increase."

    Table 1. Moris Mine(i) Quarterly Production Totals
    Q2 2008 Q1 2008
    Ore production (tonnes) 205,393 181,671
    Average head grade silver (g/t) 5.56 4.69
    Average head grade gold (g/t) 1.80 1.43
    Silver produced (koz) 18 14
    Gold produced (koz) 7.55 6.53
    Silver sold (koz) 22 13
    Gold sold (koz) 8.90 5.60
    (i) EXMIN Resources Inc. owns a 30% interest in the Moris mine.

    Second quarter total production and administrative costs were roughly US$17.50 per tonne of ore provided to the leach pads; under US$500 per gold ounce produced.
    The Moris Mine, located approximately 15 km due west of Ocampo and 35 km south of Mulatos, is a 3,000 ton per day heap leach operation that employs approximately 200 people on a continuing basis, many of whom are from the local community. The Moris Mine was acquired in December, 2006, and is a joint venture between EXMIN (30%) and Hochschild (70%) (see EXMIN News Release of July 18, 2006). Hochschild is the operator of the mine. Please see EXMIN's NI 43-101 report on the Moris Mine project as posted on SEDAR.
    Quality Assurance
    Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., Certified Professional Geologist, Co-founding Executive Vice President of Exploration and Director for EXMIN, is the authorized professional geologist for EXMIN Resources Inc. and the direct manager of all technical programs and information on the part of EXMIN.
    About Hochschild
    Minera Hochschild Mexico (MHM) is a subsidiary of Hochschild Mining plc (HOC.L for Reuters / HOC LN for Bloomberg), a publicly held company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Hochschild is a leading precious metals company with a primary focus on the exploration, mining, processing and sale of silver and gold. Hochschild currently operates five underground epithermal vein mines, four located in southern Peru and one in southern Argentina and one open pit mine in northern Mexico. Hochschild also has one early stage development project in Mexico and over 15 long-term prospects throughout Latin America. Hochschild has over forty years experience in the mining of precious metal epithermal vein deposits. For further information please visit


    horch auf value. SNN.TO wurde mit noch weniger Umsatz 18% gehoben.
    Sagt aber, das nicht mehr geschmissen wird.

    100% und wenn es FR.TO ist ist kamikazelike... :D

    Aber ne schöne Meldung von FR.TO.
    Werden die LKW´s nehmen um die 60 km zu La Parilla zurückzulegen oder dort etwas aufbauen?
    Weißt du, welche Gesteinsarten La Parilla hat?
    Hier haben wir "massive sulphide" und es geht in die Tiefe....... :D
    Ciao 5$!!!

    First Majestic Silver Corp.: Major Intersection at San Juan Silver Mine; Drill Hole Intersects 74.20 Metres (243 ft) of 359 g/t Ag, 7.07% Pb & 7.60% Zn
    Thursday July 17, 8:30 am ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 17, 2008 -- First Majestic Silver Corp. (Toronto:FR.TO - News)(Other OTC:FRMSF.PK - News)(Frankfurt:FMV.F - News)(WKN: A0LHKJ) ("First Majestic" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional drill results from the ongoing drilling program at the San Juan Silver Mine located in Zacatecas, Mexico.The San Juan Silver Mine located within the Company's Chalchihuites Group of Properties is strategically located 60 km to the southeast of the Company's flagship La Parrilla Silver Mine and consists of 337 hectares of contiguous mining claims which cover the Perseverancia Silver Mine and the San Juan Silver Mine.
    Further to the Company's news releases dated December 3, 2007 and March 5, 2008 covering 8 holes, additional assay results have now been received. Highlights of Hole SSJ-04 which intersected 74.20 metres (243 ft) at an average grade of 359 g/t Ag, 7.07% Pb and 7.60% Zn in massive sulphides which is summarized below showing the most significant intervals.....................................

    Da wird´s auch interessant!

    Aurcana Finalizes Acquisition of Shafter Silver Mine
    Thursday July 17, 8:00 am ET

    Accelerates Commitment to become A Primary Silver Producer
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 17, 2008) - Aurcana Corporation ("Aurcana" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:AUN - News) is pleased to report that it has closed the acquisition of 100% of the Shafter silver mine from Silver Standard Resources Inc. as announced on April 3, 2008. The Shafter silver mine is located in Presidio County, southwest Texas and is fully accessible via paved highway from El Paso, Texas. Shafter has a measured and indicated resource of 21,000,000 ounces of silver and an inferred resource of 20,200,000 ounces of silver.
    "This is an extremely attractive and timely opportunity for Aurcana and with the acquisition of a pure silver mine will transform Aurcana into a primary silver producer," states Ken Booth, President. Shafter will also form the basis for Aurcana to accelerate its commitment to becoming a mid-tier mining company.
    A N.I. 43-101 report on the Shafter silver mine will be available on Sedar.
    About Aurcana Corporation:
    Aurcana Corporation's strategy is Growth Through Acquisition. The 100% owned Shafter silver mine represents the third acquisition in two years.
    The Shafter silver mine, with all necessary infrastructure in place, is planned for a fast track to production with average annual silver forecasted at 2.6 million ounces per year. The 80% owned La Negra mine in Queretaro State, Mexico, operates at 1,000 tonnes per day with silver production forecast to reach one million ounces per year. The 100% owned Rosario project in Sinaloa State, Mexico, where an underground drill program is underway to expand resources at the Plomosas mine.
    Ron Nichols, P.Eng. a Director and Vice President of Exploration for Aurcana, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, supervised the preparation of the technical information in this release.
    The reader should be cautioned the Company has not completed feasibility studies confirming the projected production capacity for La Negra, Shafter or Rosario and there is no certainty the Company's plans will be economically viable.
    Ken Booth, President

    gab´s mal auf der tsx Seite. Da gibt´s noch folgendes:
    Zweimal im Monat:…-ShortReportJun30-08.html

    Aber nimm mal dieses:

    EXM: beide Meldungen positiv. Nue, wo kriegen die Geld her, wenn hochschild die verdursten lässt mit Morris.
    Auch ein form von erpressung.... :D

    Graig Gibson (Geologe, ein guter) wird Director

    EXMIN Restarts Metallurgical Testing on High-Grade Gold Bearing Rock From the Reyna De Oro Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico
    Wednesday July 16

    Da im Sterling thread von w.o. gegrüßt, mach ich retoura....

    Compadre Mr. Hops,
    ich grüße zurück.
    Vor ein paar Wochen warst schon recht sauer, jetzt bist eh schon wieder entspannt.... :D
    Hier die sunshine mining, der die Sunshine Mine eigentlich noch immer gehört, bzw. das lease....
    Da tut sich auch nicht viel.
    was heißt, sollte SRLM übernommen werden, dass die lease mitgehen kann.

    Mr. Hobbs hat´s gut, der macht immer ferien....
    2. Vorteil: in der Haut von James Stewart, der nicht altert

    Und MrHobbs, geht die Sterling hops?


    Wär ja nicht schlecht, wenn die 2,50 halten

    Timberline Provides Update On SMD Acquisition and Other Corporate Activity
    Wednesday July 16, 9:00 am ET
    COEUR DÃ�Â'ALENE, Idaho, July 16, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Timberline Resources Corporation (AMEX:TLR - News) today provided an update on its planned acquisition of underground mine contractor Small Mine Development, LLC (``SMD'') as well as other recent corporate activity.[Blockierte Grafik:]

    In accordance with Idaho Law and the American Stock Exchange Company Guide, Timberline must seek shareholder approval for its acquisition of SMD, as outlined in its Preliminary Proxy. The Preliminary Proxy remains under review by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Timberline and SMD remain committed to obtaining shareholder approval and to finalizing the combination as soon as possible.
    In regard to the proxy review process, Timberline CEO Randal Hardy commented, ``This customary review of our Preliminary Proxy by the SEC has taken longer than we anticipated, but we expect to have a Definitive Proxy filed and our Annual Shareholder Meeting scheduled in the near future.''
    As previously announced, Timberline has agreed to pay a total purchase price of $80 million for SMD, consisting of $45 million in cash at closing, $15 million in Timberline common stock (valued at $3.21 per share), and $20 million paid in $5 million increments over four years. Timberline also previously announced that it expected to finance the initial cash payment and working capital requirements for SMD with a combination of equity and convertible debt securities. In recognition of the current market environment, the Company provides the following update:
    * The seller of SMD, founder and owner (and Timberline Director)
    Ron Guill, has expressed flexibility on up to $10 million of the
    upfront cash payment, agreeing to defer it into the future, if

    * The Company is considering traditional, secured bank financing as
    a funding option in addition to those previously announced. SMD
    currently has a significant working capital line of credit with
    Wells Fargo Bank.

    * The Company may reduce the overall amount of its anticipated
    financing in order to limit share dilution.

    * The Company has completed the required post-closing audit of
    SMD's 2006 and 2007 financial statements ahead of schedule.

    * The Company continues to work with its financial advisor,
    Jefferies & Company, Inc., to finalize its proxy filing and to
    complete the documentation necessary for the acquisition.

    Mr. Hardy added, ``We are aware of the current market environment and as we move toward completing our acquisition of SMD, we remain flexible with regard to the financing, exploring all of our options while we seek to minimize resulting share dilution.''
    Timberline Resources Corporation has taken the complementary businesses of mining services and mineral exploration and combined them into a unique, forward-thinking investment vehicle that provides investors exposure to both the ``picks and shovels'' and ``blue sky'' aspects of the mining industry.
    Timberline has contract drilling subsidiaries in the western United States and Mexico and an exploration division focused on high-potential, district-scale gold projects. With its anticipated acquisition of a premier American underground mine contractor, Small Mine Development, Timberline will strengthen its position as an emerging, vertically-integrated resource company. Timberline is listed on the American Stock Exchange and trades under the symbol ``TLR''.
    This news release does not constitute an offer of any securities of Timberline for sale. Any securities to be issued in the acquisition transaction and sold in the private sale of Timberline's securities will not be registered under the Securities Act and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

    Cabo to Drill 5,000 Meters for Richmont in Colorado
    Thursday July 10, 1:37 pm ET
    NORTH VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 10, 2008) - Cabo Drilling Corp.'s (TSX VENTURE:CBE - News; "Cabo" or the "Company") Pacific division, Cabo Drilling (Pacific) Corp., has been awarded a contract by Richmont Mines USA, a subsidiary of Richmont Mines Inc., of Rouyn Noranda, Quebec, to complete a minimum of 5,000 meters of NQ2 underground drilling at the Golden Wonder Project located near Lake City, Colorado.
    The Golden Wonder Project is a past producing high-grade, epithermal deposit, with veins averaging two to three feet in width, located in the historically precious metal rich Colorado Mineral Belt. The goal of Richmont Mines' underground drill program is to explore and define high-grade gold bearing vein structures at the Golden Wonder. Drilling is expected to commence in early July 2008.
    Richmont Mines entered into an option agreement with LKA International Inc., on November 12, 2007, whereby Richmont acquired the right to earn a 50% joint-venture interest in LKA's Golden Wonder Project by investing US$3 million in the project prior to September 1, 2008, and additional investment of US$15 million over a 56 month period.
    About Richmont Mines Inc.
    Richmont Mines produces gold from its operations in Northeast Canada and has extensive experience in gold exploration, development and mining. Its strengths are in its ability to develop advanced exploration projects and to operate underground narrow vein gold mines. The Company was founded in 1981, and since 1991, has produced more than one million ounces of gold from its operations.
    About Cabo Drilling Corp.
    Cabo Drilling Corp. is a drilling services company headquartered in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Company provides mining related and specialty drilling services through its Canadian divisions in Surrey, British Columbia; Montreal, Quebec; Kirkland Lake, Ontario; and Springdale, Newfoundland; as well as Cabo Drilling de Mexico S.A. de C.V. of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; Cabo Drilling (Panama) Corp. of Panama, Republic of Panama; and Cabo Drilling Spain S.L. of Sevilla, Spain. The Company's common shares trade on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol: DHL and on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: CBE.
    John A. Versfelt, Chairman, President and CEO

    GPR bewegt sich nicht nach den Zahlen. Erstaunlich!

    FR.TO Quartalszahlen NR 2.

    1,2 fast 1,3 mille oz. Na, da dürften sich die 5 mille oz Jahresproduktion doch noch ausgehen... :D
    Die 45 Mille $ Cash werden in Exploration und Minenausbau gesteckt.
    Ebenso in die neue Mill.
    Alles paletti!
    Eigentlich hätte es heute die 5 $ schon zerbröseln müssen.
    Aber nein, sie fällt.... :D :D :D

    Also, wen die smileys wundern, mich erheitert das wirklich.
    Es ist g´sünder sich an Idioten zu erheitern, als sich über sie zu ärgern... :P


    PS.: Der sterling thread bei w.o. ist auch höchst unterhaltsam

    Manfred und neuerdings MrHobbs, der einfach sauer ist, aber recht gediegen schreibt.
    Könnt ein Bruder vom Milly sein..... :D

    Ganz ordentlich.
    Vor den Zahlen noch herunter gezogen......
    Wird interessant, was da an Geld hängenbleibt?

    Great Panther Produces Another Record of 436,072 Ag Eq Oz in Q2
    Monday July 14, 6:08 pm ET
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 14, 2008 -- Great Panther Resources Limited (Toronto:GPR.TO - News) (the "Company") is pleased to announce another quarter of record production at its 100% owned Mexican mines, with several individual production records being broken.Operational highlights include:
    - Highest ever metal production of 436,072 silver equivalent ounces (Ag Eq Oz), including a record 275,515 Oz Ag Eq from Guanajuato.
    - New records for total silver and gold production of 287,135 ounces and 1,666 ounces, respectively.
    - Individual production records of 201,815 oz silver and 1,474 oz gold from Guanajuato.
    - Record lead production of 225 tonnes from Topia.
    (Silver equivalents for 2008 were established using prices of US$800/oz Au, US$16/oz Ag, US$1.15/lb Pb and US$1.00/lb Zn.)
    To view a chart illustrating quarterly production, please click on the following link:

    The Guanajuato Mine produced a record 201,815 ounces of silver and 1,474 ounces of gold, from processing 38,951 tonnes of ore with average grades of 1.50g/t gold and 192g/t silver. The ore grades improved again by 3% over the record previous quarter and resulted in the new metal production records. Silver and gold production increased by 53% and 63%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2007.
    The metal output in terms of equivalent ounces of silver, at 275,515 Ag Eq Oz, the processing plant metal recoveries, at 78.3% for gold and 84.0% for silver, and the concentrate quality of 9.95 kg/t silver, were all the highest for any quarter to date. Plant performance continued to improve as a result of the change in the reagents coupled with finer mill feed. Further performance improvements are expected as cyclones are installed to replace the screw classifiers provide finer flotation feed.
    Cut and fill mining of previously unexploited higher grade parts of the orebody is now established on 2 levels at the Guanajuatito North Zone and the 430 level of the Cata Clavo and production stoping of the upper levels of the Promontorio mine is underway. Development was advanced at a number of locations. Decline ramps are being deepened to provide access to the deeper extensions of the North Zone of Guanajuatito and the deep Cata Clavo and exploratory development at Promontorio is in progress. Two new 3.5 yd3 scooptrams will further enhance underground development and production performance during the second half of 2008.
    Underground development is being supported by three small underground diamond drills. Deep exploration drilling in the Cata Clavo area has continued to extend mineralization to a depth of 600 metres, roughly 170 metres below current workings. Drill results announced in the second quarter were highlighted by an intersection of 15.94 metres grading 1,305g/t silver and 4.60g/t gold in the Veta Madre zone. Four of 23 samples within this interval assayed greater than 7,000g/t silver and 28g/t gold with the highest grade sample being 0.25 metres grading 11,815g/t silver and 46.20g/t gold. A second intersection in the same hole returned 254g/t silver and 0.72g/t gold over 5.20 metres, also in the Veta Madre.
    Significantly, a new base metal rich zone was discovered by deep drilling at a vertical depth of 600 metres in the Cata Clavo area of the Guanajuato Mine. This new zone, in the footwall of the Veta Madre, returned 71g/t silver, 0.93% copper, 0.29% lead, and 0.35% zinc over 3.10 metres, including a higher grade portion assaying 162g/t silver, 2.07% copper, 0.42% lead, and 0.39% zinc over 0.44 metres. Further exploration of this and the area between it and the prolific Rayas Clavo will continue through 2008.
    In the second quarter, the Topia operations produced 85,320 ounces of silver, 192 ounces of gold, 225 tonnes (496,125 lbs) of lead, and 218 tonnes (480,690 lbs) of zinc, or 160,557 Ag Eq Oz. Lead production set a new record; at 4% above the previous record set last quarter and 47% above the same quarter of a year ago. The Topia plant processed 8,649 tonnes of ore at grades of 360g/t Ag, 0.85g/t Au, 2.82% Pb and 2.93% Zn, with all grades being slightly higher than in the previous quarter. Overall recoveries were 85.3% for Ag, 81.6% for Au, 92.2% for Pb and 86.0% for Zn.
    The Topia operations are continuing to demonstrate improvements as a direct result of the investment to rehabilitate the many small mines, to explore, with surface and underground diamond drilling, and to develop the veins for production mining. On the Argentina vein, the production sub-level above Level 2 has exposed excellent vein widths and ore grades, while the decline ramp is being deepened further to the 3rd and 4th levels. The Victoria adit level, a main adit which intersects many veins including the Argentina vein below the 6th level is being dewatered and rehabilitated to provide access to the lower levels of the Argentina vein.
    Deep exploration drilling from surface has confirmed the extension of high grade silver, gold, lead and zinc mineralization to approximately 100 meters below existing workings along a 600 metre strike length of the Argentina vein and in parallel hanging-wall (HW) and foot-wall (FW) veins. The veins remain open at depth and to the east of this drilled area.
    Surface drilling on this zone was highlighted by hole ST07-068, which intersected 2,550g/t silver, 0.789g/t gold, 4.06% lead, and 7.08% zinc over 0.62 metres; and hole ST07-066, which intersected 826g/t silver, 0.1g/t gold, 2.84% lead, and 8.24% zinc over 0.85 metres in the main Argentina Vein and 671g/t silver, 0.22g/t gold, 1.79% lead, and 6.16% zinc over 0.40 meters in a foot-wall zone.
    The Don Benito vein is being developed for production at four locations and is expected to provide a source of higher grade ore, (refer to the plan and longitudinal entitled "Underground Exploration on the Don Benito Vein" on the Company website).
    With the ongoing improvements in the mines and plants, management anticipates that quarterly production will continue to climb throughout the remainder of 2008 such that the Company is on target to meet or exceed the annual goal of 1.75 million Ag Eq Oz.
    Robert F. Brown, P.Eng. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is the Qualified Person for both the Guanajuato Mine and the Topia Mine, under the meaning of NI 43-101. Aspects of both mines relating to mining and metallurgy are overseen by Charles Brown, Chief Operating Officer for Great Panther and its Mexican subsidiary, Minera Mexicana El Rosario, S.A. de C.V.
    Robert A. Archer, President & CEO

    danke, da ist der Hund begraben.... :D

    Wär ein Spitzenbusiness so eine Raffinerie, die streitigkeiten sind ja blöd im Verhältnis.....
    Muss es mir noch einmal genauer durchlesen.
    Auf jeden fall sollte man da auf die News schauen.
    im Moment uninteressant, obwohl bei 6$ sind die nicht mehr überbezahlt durch den rest.
    Die verdienen ja und haben viel Cash, muss noch die MC nachschauen, gestern hätt ich sie schon gehabt... :D

    dfas Uranzeugs ist nur ein kleiner Teil...

    Hallo Lucky,
    hab auch meine probleme mit dem Puplava, ich versteh überhaupt besser bei einem Video. Ist mir auch ein Rätsel, wieso...
    Dass das ein problem ist, ist wohl klar.

    Aber Eldos "XCL.TO SWG.TO IMR.V BUF.V EEL.V MRZ.V OTL.V GMX.TO oder die LV.V" haben wohl andere Probleme, da hab ich nur die XCL, dafür andere in dieser Kategorie. Da rührt sich nur was, wenn was passiert......

    Bin gespannt auf deine Notizen.
    Dass mit den klagen ist auch klar, andererseits, wenn es so ist, wie es ist, kann man den Namen schon sagen.
    Mit Beweisen lässt sich gut verklagt werden... :D


    nicht alles, was gefallen ist, wurde geshortet. :D
    Vermute sogar, keine einzige deiner Aufzählung.

    Namenaktien gibt´s halt nicht mehr in einer Zeit, wo ein long term investor ein paar wochen hält..... :D

    Ich hätt gern ein Beispiel, mit Namen usw. gehört in dem Interviev, so ganz konkret.

    Hab von diesen Sachen schon gehört, da gibt´s ja die chamber of mines initiative von j. sinclair...
    Sind schon einige beigetreten.

    Bin heute über eine Aktie gestolpert mit tiefem fall.
    Aber hochinteressant.
    Kennt die wer? ALS.TO

    Dieses refinery Projekt kostet inzwischen schon so 5,5 mille, aber wär ein Hammer, weil USA und Kanada sind die refinerymäßig unterbelichtet.
    Auch die anderen projekte und die royalties sind interessant.

    Sterling: lassen sich Optionen geben zu 1,45 und schon zieht die nach????
    was da alles läuft?
