Beiträge von Tambok

    aus STOCKWATCH Online vom 12.09.05

    Thistle Mining loses $6.7-million in Q2

    2005-09-12 09:35 ET - News Release

    Mr. Andy Graetz reports


    Thistle Mining Inc. has filed on SEDAR today its second quarter report for

    the period ended June 30, 2005. A copy of the report can be obtained

    from the company's website.

    The company reported a loss of $6.7-million (one cent per share) for the

    second quarter and net loss of $14.7-million (three cents per share) for

    the first six months of 2005. Earnings were negatively impacted by

    continued losses incurred by the President Steyn operation in South

    Africa. The rand gold price has remained relatively stable over the past

    18 months with the strength of the U.S. dollar gold price being offset by

    the strength of the rand. In common with other South African producers

    rand costs have increased following real increases in the cost of labour

    and materials.

    President Steyn's realized gold price was $427 per ounce in the second

    quarter compared with a spot price of $427 per ounce. Gold sales

    totalled 42,376 ounces during the second quarter of 2005 and 85,285

    ounces for the first six months of the year. The cash cost per ounce sold

    was $554 per ounce in the second quarter of 2005 and $563 per ounce

    for the six months. Total costs per ounce sold in the second quarter were

    $577 per ounce of gold and for the first six months of 2005, $583 per

    ounce of gold. Initiatives have been implemented that have helped offset

    continued cost pressures from labour and input commodity costs. These

    include the placing of numbers 7 and 9 shafts on care and

    maintenance. Furthermore production from high-cost, low-margin

    working places is being phased out. Management is also engaging with

    trade unions and the company's work force in respect of a Section 189

    notice under the Labour Relations Act that could lead to a major

    restructuring of the work force at President Steyn with a view to restoring

    its profitability.

    Corporate overheads will be reduced with the decision by the company

    to shut down the Toronto office. Executive management will be based in

    South Africa in order to play a hands-on role in restoring President

    Steyn's profitability.

    Good progress continues to be made in advancing the company's

    Masbate project in the Philippines and the conclusion of the feasibility

    study. Exploration, drilling and feasibility study costs capitalized in the

    second quarter were approximately $1.0-million and for the first six

    months of 2005 amounted to approximately $1.1-million. Exploration,

    drilling and feasibility costs for the second half of 2005 are budgeted to

    be approximately $1.47-million. The estimated cost for the remainder of

    2005 is projected to be approximately $3.5-million and includes a

    provision to secure used processing plant and the remaining costs for

    the feasibility study, the drilling program and land acquisition estimated

    to be approximately $1.6-million.

    On June 30, 2005, the company had 461,520,685 common shares

    issued and outstanding. In addition, the 31,880,000 directors and

    employees stock options outstanding as at Dec. 31, 2004, were

    cancelled effective Feb. 16, 2005. The share purchase warrants

    outstanding as at Dec. 31, 2004, totalling 87,452,913 were also

    cancelled effective Feb. 16, 2005.

    As part of the restructuring under the Companies' Creditors Agreement

    Act (CCAA), which was completed on the close of business on June 30,

    2005, the issued and outstanding shares at March 15, 2005, were

    consolidated on the basis of one new consolidated share for 200

    existing shares. This resulted in 2,307,603 consolidated common

    shares. In addition, the majority of the convertible loans together with

    another long-term loan were converted into 11,538,015 new shares. A

    portion of the demand loans were also converted under the restructuring

    process into 32,306,442 new shares. As a result of the foregoing, there

    were a total of 46,152,060 common shares outstanding upon

    completion of the restructuring, which continues to be the number of

    outstanding common shares today.

    As at Dec. 31, 2004, the company's consolidated debt was $82.3-million.

    During the six-month period ended June 30, 2005, this debt increased by

    approximately $22.8-million to $105.1-million, primarily due to debtor-in-

    possession financing during the CCAA process.

    Upon the implementation of the restructuring plan this debt was

    restructured with approximately $60.0-million being converted into new

    consolidated common shares of Thistle, leaving a net debt of

    approximately $45.1-million.

    The company is anticipated to require additional financing through the

    remainder of 2005 in order to continue to finance its South African

    operations including the restructuring thereof, complete the feasibility

    study of its Philippines operations, service its debt obligations and

    finance its corporate expenses. Financing options are being reviewed for

    the Philippines operation and this together with the restructuring of

    President Steyn and management proposals to accelerate the

    exploitation of the No. 2 shaft pillar at President Steyn are planned to

    help the company to meet its objective of being self-sufficient from a

    funding perspective for operations from early 2006 onward.

    Casten Holdings Limited and MC Resources Limited have advanced a

    total of $3-million for the period July 1, 2005, to Aug. 31, 2005, to finance

    the company's South African and Philippines operations.

    Due to the restructuring of the company under the CCAA, the company

    was required to perform as at July 1, 2005, a comprehensive revaluation

    of its balance sheet referred to as "fresh start accounting," which

    included the following significant adjustments: the company adjusted the

    historical carrying value of its assets and liabilities to fair value reflecting

    the allocation of the company's reorganization equity value of $6.6-

    million. In addition, under fresh start accounting the company translated

    its reclamation provision using June 30, 2005, rates and fair valued other

    We seek Safe Harbor.


    bei DRD = € 3,00 egal wann und gleichzeitig HARMONY kleiner € 20

    wird der Tag gekommen sein, wann du Recht hast.

    Da ich grade mal wieder beim fabulieren bin: WAR geht auf

    größer 6,00 € bevor DRD auf 2,00 € steigt (anders ausgedrückt

    WAR wird sich eher verdoppeln als DRD).

    den 10.09.05


    die Kebble´s als Personen sind mir gleichgültig.
    dies vorausgeschickt.

    Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten:

    Die Verträge sind "schlecht", aber die Anteile sind noch da wo sie sein sollen.

    die Kebble´s haben die Anteile veruntreut.

    Im ersten fall ist nicht passiert.

    Im zweiten Fall ist ein Schaden eingetreten.
    der Schaden wird aber überkompensiert, weil die Kebble´s
    aus dem Verkehr gezogen werden. das ist "Gold" wert.

    Man sollte nur die Kebbkle-GM vollständig und gleichmäßig
    im Depot haben. Weil es zu Verschiebungen kommen wird.

    Etwas spekulativer: viel WAR, weniger JCI und RANGE

    Bachelex, vormals Schw.Schl., postet in seinem Thread bei

    W+O, daß es so fein aufwärts gehe mit dem DRD-Kurs.

    Er wartet ab, weil da noch Großes kommen werde.

    Nerven hat er ja. Das muß man ihm lassen.

    Mit meinem Depotanteil von ca. 5% braucht das weniger Mut.

    Kommt es zum kollektiven BSE-Ausbruch kann er sogar Recht bekommen..
    Man soll die Wahnsinns-Power nicht unterschätzen.

    Aber man muß bei der Bergpredigt in der ersten Reihe gesessen haben.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Dali hat sein Bild erklärt.

    Es ist eine Szene vom Güterbahnhof in Perpignan.

    Dali brachte seine neu gemalten Bilder mit der Sackkarre zum Bahnhof

    (links von der Mitte)..

    Die wurden dann im Waggon verladen (ganz oben).

    Dali hoffte jedesmal, daß der Galerist was verkaufen konnte.

    Diese Emotion ist die Grundstimmung.

    Goldbugs benutzen verschiedene Bahnhöfe.

    Die sehen aber alle so ähnlich aus.

    Als Zyniker könnte man sagen: Da ist zuwenig

    Affenzirkus in RSA, sonst wäre der Rand nicht so stark.

    aber keine Sorge. Der Affe bekommt noch Zucker!

    Nun ist Affenzirkus immer relativ. Die USA hat

    zur Zeit erstklassige Rotarsch-Paviane.

    "XCL haengt jedoch noch unten"

    Habe mich mal auf der homepage von X-CAL umgetan.

    Die Sagen zu ihren Drill-Ergebnissen per Ene August,

    daß die Grades für eine kommerzielle Verwertung "meist"

    zu gering sind.

    Ein Hoffnungswert, für den der es mag.

    Eine Organisation und Managemant gibt es.

    Wohl deshalb nicht V sondern TO

    je préfère la vie quotidienne



    erinnere mich dunkel, daß wir uns mal in der Wolle

    hatten, ob des "Verkaufens von Schulden".

    Die Reserven von Nord-West sind wirksam verkauft (Aktiva).

    Die Pumpverpflichtung nur solange wie Simmer und Jack

    diese zahlt (dem Gläubiger ist es schließlich egal

    wer auf sein Bankkonto überweist).

    Und in welchem Reservat ist das Hippo?

    (Übrigens hat das Putativ-Schweinchen Schlau aus Hamburg jüngst nochmal bei W+O seinem Optimismus Ausdruck verliehen.)