Beiträge von Tambok


    die ASX Usancen sind sonderbar.

    Patrone und Goldonly haben ebenfalls

    über solche Praktiken berichtet.

    Wann immer möglich kaufe und verkaude ich

    die Wallabies an D-Börsen.

    Dann sind Gottes Wege immer noch unerfindlich.

    Habe schon marode Guinea-GM an der ASX gekauft

    zu einem Phantasy-Preis. Die machten dann abenteuerliche

    merger und schließlich hat mich Harmony per Zwangs-Squeeze-Out

    in bar entschädigt.

    Also das ist alles erst Kirmes-Anfang.



    RADIUS hat sogar eine homepage;

    aber für meine Begriffe ohne verwertbare Information.

    Will niemandem den Spaß verderben. Und vielleicht gibt

    ea da Dechiffrierungen die mir fremd sind.

    Will das auch garnicht lernen.

    Hab so genug Spaß mit GM.



    Das mit der Nixe ist nur ein Ablenkungsmanöver.

    Eldo holt in der nächsten Flußbiegung haselnußgroße

    Nuggets aus dem Sand.

    Übrigens wenn´s aktuell ums Zocken in Australien geht.

    Da ist TNG (Tennant Creek Gold) gerade angesagt.

    Bin da von Ulfur drauf gestoßen worden, der sich

    über das dreiste Pushen in einem W+O Thread beklagte.

    Das Gepushe ist wirklich unter aller Sau.

    Da ich mir aber aber immer nach meiner eigenen Facon

    die blutige Nase hole habe ich "recherchiert".

    TNG ist solide.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Panorama auf Albumin

    Sind aber keine Canadian sondern Texas Girls

    Vergesse immer mal wieder, daß es um GM geht.

    Nur als Pardon. Solche Panoramen waren bis vor

    5 Jahren Ladenhüter, sperrig weil 1-3 m lang und völlig

    von gestern. Aber die Dinger sind extrem selten,

    vor allem wenn es sich -wie hier- nicht um Veduten handelt.

    Sowas honoriert der Kunstmarkt

    Es gibt die Reserven bei WAR 25 Mio Unzen.

    WAR hat das Problem mit dem Randkurs wie die

    anderen RSA Minen, ein kleineres mit Hedgin.

    Das größte Malus ist aber Kebble.

    Ohne den dürfte sich der Kurs

    verdoppeln, das wären etwa 6 €.


    Portrait of Hippo-God-Son

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Brett Kebble pinned down

    : Sun, 21 Aug 2005

    [] -- THE terse cautionary announcement issued late on Friday evening by JCI indicates matters have come to head over the future of JCI CEO Brett Kebble who could step down this week.

    Speculation has been growing in the market over the past ten days that Investec Bank is prepared to bail out the financially embattled company but only if Kebble gives up the reins of control. It’s believed he will remain a director of the company and will still have influence but he will no longer be able to call the shots.

    Friday’s statement said that; “an agreement in principle had been reached with a financial institution to refinance the company, subject to several suspensive conditions.”

    It quoted Kebble as saying “fuller details relating to the agreement would be made known in the course of next week” and also as confirming that; “there would also be a board restructuring.”

    Kebble could not be reached. A spokesperson says that he is not available for comment. She adds there will be further JCI meetings this week to deal with the remaining issues before a further statement will be made. She could not be specific on when those meetings will be held.

    It is believed that Investec is working closely with Cape Town investment group Allan Gray which holds equity stakes of around 25% in all three of the Kebble group companies – JCI, Western Areas and Randgold & Exploration (Randgold). Key development is that former Afrikander Lease chairman Peter Skeat has held off on putting JCI into liquidation over an amount owed to him of between R70m and R80m.

    Skeat has been in a position to do this since the end of July when JCI lost its final legal appeal. Skeat says he’s holding off because an institution – which he declines to name – is about to bail out JCI and will settle his claim in full as part of this.

    Putting JCI under would result in further delays for Skeat before he received payment and he may not get the full amount owing. The knock-on effect of liquidating JCI could prejudice the company’s one real asset which is the 50% stake in the South Deep gold mine held through Western Areas.

    It is understood the Investec “bail out” consists of a R500m refinancing of JCI as well as providing support for the Western Areas rights issue which JCI is supposed to be underwriting.

    In its current condition JCI is clearly in no position to underwrite that offer which is intended to raise R730m. The money is needed to fund Western Areas' commitment to the next phase of expansion at South Deep which is a 50/50 JV with gold heavyweight Placer Dome.

    Investec’s financial exposure is to Western Areas where it is believed to have sunk around R1bn into financing the company’s hedge book which is deeply underwater. Given the close linkage between Western Areas and JCI it’s possible Kebble may also have to step down as CEO of Western Areas as well.

    Likely date for a major announcement is Wednesday when Western Areas is scheduled to release its June quarterly results after a board meeting on Tuesday. Western Areas is also expected to release details of the proposed rights issue in conjunction with the quarterly results. For that to happen the JCI board will have to reach its decisions on Monday and Tuesday ahead of the Western Areas meetings.

    Kebble’s continued role as CEO of Randgold could also be called into question. The problem here relates to the R1,3bn worth of shares in London-listed Randgold Resources which Kebble says Randgold still beneficially owns. Randgold Resources CEO Mark Bristow flatly rejects that contention. Allan Gray chief financial officer Stephen Mildenhall has said previously that Allan Gray would be unhappy if it turned out Kebble had sold those shares.

    Randgold should have called a shareholders’ meeting before disposing of such an important asset. Mildenhall declined to say what action Allan Gray might take if it turned out the shares had been sold.

    "und wer ein Harem hat, der hat Schwirigkeiten die richtige zufinden."

    Zu dem Zweck hatte man im alten Orient Eunuchen.

    Im Vatikan mußten die zusätzlich singen.

    In der schönen Übersicht würde es mir schon genügen,

    die Vancouver Boys auszublenden und alles was mit

    Silber zu tuen hat.

    Das wäre die halbe Monogamie.

    Stattdessen ein paar Wollobies und Samoa-Schwestern.

    Aber dann gäb´s Harem auf Pictarin

    und damit sind die Bounty-Meuterer nicht glücklich geworden.

    Immerhin ist der Geist vom Thai-Guru heute auferstanden.

    Mit frischen Himbeeren und Vanille-pudding kann man den eventuell

    versöhnlich stimmen.

    Sammelsurium aus dem Tambok