Nein, das stimmt nicht. Seit Handelsbeginn in NY fällt der POG wie ein Stein. Er war zuvor im asiatischen und europäischen Handel angestiegen. Wieder einmal ein deutliches Machtsignal an alle Goldtrader weltweit, wo (noch) die Preise gemacht werden. Ausserdem gibt das Öl ebenso nach.
Die Sache mit dem Fed-Gouvernor aus Philadelphia war natürlich abgesprochen, das war nur als eine Vorlage gedacht für den Finanzminister Paulson, der gleich darauf ins gleiche Horn stiess. Dann nahm die Talfahrt des POG nochmals neuen Schwung auf:
Dollar Advances as Paulson Stresses Support for U.S. Currency
By Ye Xie and Bo Nielsen
July 22 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar rose the most against the euro in almost a week as Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson voiced support for the currency and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia president said interest rates should be raised.
The greenback extended its gain after breaking $1.59, where orders to sell the euro were clustered, and increased further as crude oil prices fell, traders said.
The U.S. dollar strengthened today as Paulson said in a speech in New York that he's ``confident'' that lawmakers will pass the bill to ``boost confidence'' in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the largest sources of U.S. mortgage financing. He reiterated that a strong dollar is ``really very important.''
The dollar touched the record low earlier this month on concern Fannie and Freddie, which own or guarantee almost half of the $12 trillion in U.S. home loans outstanding, may fail to survive the housing slump.
Plosser on Rates
Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser said in a speech today in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, that the U.S. central bank should raise interest rates ``sooner rather than later.'' He argued against reductions in two Fed decisions this year.
Last Updated: July 22, 2008 10:30 EDT…qDa4y_1yXE&refer=currency