Aus einem Bericht über das Denver Gold Forum auf
"Meridian Gold will bis 2008 in den Reigen der Eine-Million-Unzen-Produzenten aufsteigen. Die Präsentation konnte jedoch nicht ganz überzeugen."
26. Dezember 2024, 10:16
Aus einem Bericht über das Denver Gold Forum auf
"Meridian Gold will bis 2008 in den Reigen der Eine-Million-Unzen-Produzenten aufsteigen. Die Präsentation konnte jedoch nicht ganz überzeugen."
Goldfund in Nicaragua durch Radius Gold Inc. erweckt Interesse bei Meridian Gold
07.10.2004 fh - Redaktion
Ende September 2004 gaben das kanadische Explorationsunternehmen, Radius Gold Inc. aus Vancouver (TSX Venture: RDU), und Meridian Gold Inc. (TSX: MNG) ein für beide Unternehmen vorteilhaftes Abkommen bekannt.
Die Vereinbarung gibt Meridian, einem mittelgroßen Goldproduzenten aus Reno, Nevada, das Exklusivrecht zum Erwerb eines 60%-Anteils an dem El Pavon Goldfund in Nicaragua. Für Radius bedeutet das Abkommen die Finanzierung eines umfangreichen Explorationsprogramms und die Anfertigung einer "Feasibility Studie" (Durchführbarkeitsstudie) auf dem Projekt innerhalb der nächsten vier Jahre.
Laut Pressebericht vom 23. September 2004 wird Meridian in den ersten zwei Jahren US$3,5 Millionen in das Projekt mit dem Ziel investieren, einen Vorrat von mindestens 1 Million Unzen Gold durch Bohrungen nachzuweisen. Dieser Betrag schließt ein Bohrprogramm von mindestens 15.000 Metern an Kernbohrungen mit ein. Im dritten und vierten Jahr werden die Ausgaben bei jeweils US$1 Million liegen.
Nach Abschluß einer positiven "Feasibility Studie" kann dann Meridian seinen 60%-Anteil an El Pavon erwerben, indem das Unternehmen einen zuvor festgelegten Preis für seinen Anteil an den gesamten Goldvorräten in dieser Lagerstätte bezahlen wird, einschließlich für das Nebenprodukt Silber, falls der durchschnittliche gewinnbare Silbergehalt 100 Gramm je Tonne übersteigt. Der Kaufpreis für Meridians Anteil wurde wie folgt strukturiert:
US$40 je Unze bei einem durchschnittlichen Goldpreis von unter US$400 je Unze
US$50 je Unze bei einem durchschnittlichen Goldpreis zwischen US$400 und US$500 je Unze
US$60 je Unze bei einem durchschnittlichen Goldpreis von US$500 oder darüber
US$0,50 je Unze Silber falls der durchschnittliche gewinnbare Gehalt 100 g/t Silber übersteigt
Nach Erwerb seines 60%-Anteils an der Lagerstätte, werden Meridian und Radius ein Joint-Venture eingehen. Die weitere Erschließung von El Pavon wird dann durch die Joint-Venture-Partner entsprechend ihrer Anteile finanziert werden.
Edward Colt, Vizepräsident von Meridian Gold, erklärte im Northern Miner, Ausgabe Nr.32, dass diese Entdeckung ein neuer Bergbaubezirk mit mehreren Gangsystemen und lokal sehr reichhaltigen Erzen werden könnte, der das Potenzial für eine Lagerstätte mit mehreren Millionen Unzen Gold besitze.
Simon Ridgeway, der Präsident von Radius, äußerte sich zu diesem Abkommen: „Meridians Erfahrung bei der Exploration und dem Abbau von epithermalen Goldgangsystemen in Lateinamerika ist eine Garantie, dass das gesamte Potenzial von El Pavon überprüft wird. Dieses Abkommen wird es den Geologen von Radius erlauben, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was sie am besten können, weitere unentdeckte Goldsysteme in Nicaragua zu finden. Wir glauben, dass es dort noch viel mehr Gold zu finden gibt."
Radius entdeckte das epithermale Gangsystem, El Pavon, im Jahr 2003. El Pavon besitzt alle Merkmale eines klassischen sulfidarmen, epithermalen Quarz-Adular-Gangsystems, das in einer Serie von felsischen bis intermediären Laven, Ignimbriten und Tuffen beherbergt ist. Die Geologen des Unternehmens haben mindestens acht vererzte, mehrere Meter mächtige Gänge oder vererzte Strukturen auf dem 283.247 Hektar großen Explorationsgebiet identifiziert.
Vor kurzem gab Radius die Ergebnisse eines anfänglichen Bohrprogramms bekannt. Die ersten sieben Bohrungen entlang einer Streichlänge von 6 km wiesen zum Teil beeindruckende Goldgehalte auf und bestätigten die hohen Goldgehalte, die in Schürfgräben gefunden wurden. Die Bohrergebnisse schlossen sehr reichhaltige Abschnitte mit 57,3 g/t Gold über 2,5m, 11,3 g/t über 5,8m und 12,5 g/t über 7,6m mit ein. Die Proben aus den Schürfgräben enthielten im allgemeinen 1 - 12 g/t Gold einschließlich einer Probe mit 58 g/t über eine Länge von 6m. Meridians "Due Diligence" (Prüfung mit gebührender Sorgfalt) konnte diese sehr guten Ergebnisse bestätigen. Die ersten von Meridian durchgeführten Tests zur Goldgewinnung lieferten laut Meridian gute Resultate.
Nach Abschluß des Joint-Venture kann sich Radius dann wieder vollständig seinem Kerngeschäft, der Suche nach neuen Goldlagerstätten, zuwenden. Das Unternehmen ist mit der Entdeckung eines neuen epithermalen Gangsystems, "Nueva Guinea", im Südosten Nicaraguas bereits erfolgreich gewesen. Radius identifizierte zwei Vererzungszonen, Jerusalem und Jengibre. Proben aus Schürfgräben enthielten einen Goldgehalt von 7,0 g/t über 9m einschließlich eines Abschnitts von 4m mit 14,3 g/t Gold. Mit der Entdeckung dieses neuen epithermalen Gangsystems wurde Radius in etwas über einem Jahr bereits zum dritten Mal fündig. zurück
Meridian Gold halten
Der Aktionär
Die Experten des Anlegermagazins "Der Aktionär" bewerten die Meridian Gold-Aktie (ISIN CA5899751013/ WKN 902257) mit "halten".
Am 24. September habe das Unternehmen die Vertragsunterzeichnung für den Kauf der Mine La Pepa im Norden Chiles publiziert. Schon in den 80er und 90er Jahren sei die Mine in Betrieb gewesen, wobei insgesamt 150.000 Unzen Gold gefördert worden seien. Meridian gehe davon aus, dass hier noch weitere Vorkommen erschlossen werden könnten. Der Kaufpreis habe 15 Mio. US-Dollar betragen.
Die Empfehlung der Experten von "Der Aktionär" für die Meridian Gold-Aktie lautet "halten" mit einem Kursziel von 18 Euro, wobei ein Stopp bei 9,90 Euro gesetzt werden soll.
Drilling Planned to Expand Mosquito Hill Zone-2.21 g/t gold over 35 metres
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 27, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Paragon Minerals Corporation ("Paragon") (CA:PGR:) and partner Meridian Gold Inc. ("Meridian") (CA:MNG) (MDG:Meridian Gold Inc) are pleased to announce that a Phase 2 drilling program (5 holes; 1,600 metre) on the Huxter Lane gold project is scheduled to begin in early March, 2007. The project is located 60 kilometres south of Grand Falls-Windsor in central Newfoundland.
The Huxter Lane Project is being explored under the terms of an option agreement between Paragon and Meridian, whereby Meridian can earn a 55% interest by spending $1.0 million over three years. The partner-funded, Phase 2 drill program is aimed at further testing and expanding the Mosquito Hill Zone and testing of geophysical and geochemical targets within the Mosquito Hill area. The target is a bulk tonnage intrusive-related gold deposit.
Mosquito Hill Zone
In October 2006, Meridian completed a Phase 1 drill program (18-hole 2,239 metres) that outlined the mineralized porphyry at Mosquito Hill over a strike length of 450 metres and to a vertical depth of 186 metres (see Rubicon Minerals Corporation news release dated November 2, 2006). Fourteen of the eighteen drill holes targeted and intersected the shallow to moderate-dipping mineralized porphyry sill over widths of 20 to 66 metres (estimate 35-40 metres true thickness). The porphyry contains up to 15% arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization throughout and is open along strike and at depth. Highlights from the Phase 1 program include 2.21 g/t gold over 35.0 metres (HX06-16) and 1.07 g/t gold over 28.60 metres (HX06-01).
The Huxter Lane project work is being carried out and supervised by Qualified Person Steve House, B.Sc., P.Geo.
Paragon Minerals Corporation is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. The company is focused on gold and base-metal exploration in Eastern Canada, specifically within the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Paragon was listed on the TSX Venture Exchange on December 15, 2006 following completion of the Plan of Arrangement by Rubicon Minerals Corporation.
Michael Vande Guchte, President & CEO
In the precious metals patch, HSBC Securities upped its rating on shares of Meridian Gold (MDG) and Harmony Gold (HMY), both to overweight from neutral.
Meridian Gold elects to include property in Huxter Lane JV Option
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Mar 26, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Paragon Minerals Corporation (CA:PGR: news, chart, profile) is pleased to announce that Paragon has entered into an option agreement with prospectors, Roland and Eddie Quinlan to acquire a 100% interest in the Huxter Lane SW Property. The optioned property, which consists of two mineral licenses (37 claims, 925 hectares) is located immediately south and adjacent to the 100% owned Huxter Lane Property in central Newfoundland.
The Huxter Lane Property is currently under option to Meridian Gold Inc. Meridian can earn a 55% interest in the property by spending $1.0 million over three years. A Phase 2 drill program, funded by Meridian is currently underway on the Huxter Lane project (see News Release dated February 27, 2007). The target is a bulk tonnage intrusive-related gold deposit.
Results from a high resolution magnetic and electromagnetic survey completed on the Huxter Lane property in May 2006, suggests that the intrusive body which hosts the Mosquito Hill Gold Zone on the Huxter Lane property extends onto the newly optioned property. Drilling at the Mosquito Hill Zone in October, 2006 outlined a mineralized gold-bearing porphyritic intrusion over a strike length of 450 metres and is open in all directions. Assays include 2.2 g/t gold over 35 metres.
To acquire a 100% interest in the property, subject to regulatory approval, Paragon must make cash and share payments to the property vendors over three years, totaling $80,000 ($7,500 on signing and approval) and 75,000 Paragon shares (7,500 shares on signing and approval). The vendors would retain a 2.5% net smelter return ("NSR") royalty subject to Paragon's right to purchase 1.5% for $1.5 million. Paragon retains a right of first refusal on the remaining NSR royalty. Annual advanced royalty payments of $10,000 to the vendors would begin in 2011.
Paragon is also pleased to report that the property has been accepted by Meridian for inclusion into the Huxter Lane JV Agreement, which consists of the Huxter Lane gold project. Under the terms of the land offer to Meridian, Meridian must make all cash payments plus provide cash compensation for any share payments made by Paragon to acquire and maintain the option on the Huxter Lane SW property.
Paragon Minerals Corporation is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. The company is focused on gold and base-metal exploration in Eastern Canada, specifically within the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Michael J. Vande Guchte, President & CEO
The Huxter Lane project work is being carried out and supervised by Qualified Person Steve House, P.Geo.
RENO, Nev., Apr 05, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Meridian Gold Inc. ("Meridian Gold" or the "Company") (CA:MNG: news, chart, profile) (MDG: Meridian Gold Inc) is pleased to announce highlights from the first quarter 2007.
Highlights include:
- Consolidated gold production of 70,900 ounces of gold, which
exceeded the Company's internal budgets, and 1.6 million
ounces of silver.
- Commencement of mining at the Company's Rossi project with
Barrick Exploration.
- Discovery of approximately 90,000 tonnes of additional
mineralized material in the Millenium Zone, or approximately
three months of production at current rates. This discovery
continues to demonstrate the exploration upside shown at
Minera Florida.
- Acquisition of 22 high quality land tenements along the
prospective mineralized trend near the existing Minera
Florida operations.
- Initiation of the expansion program at Minera Florida,
- The approval of the new flotation circuit, which will
increase metal recoveries.
- The approval of the purchase of a second ball mill for
the grinding circuit.
- Further developments at the Company's flagship El Penon mine
in Chile, including:
- At Providencia, the tunnel from Dorada was completed
and the vein was cross-cut.
- At Fortuna, the permits were obtained for mining up to
5,000 tonnes per month of ore.
- Key management changes, including the appointment of
Stabro Kasaneva as the new General Manager.
- The initiation of an operational excellence program
focused on the Six Sigma principles.
Consolidated gold production for the first quarter totaled 70,900 ounces of gold and 1.6 million ounces of silver, which represents a 10% increase in gold production over the Company's internal budgets. The increase was achieved at the Company's El Penon mine, where the team produced 55,600 ounces of gold, a 15% increase over the Company's internal budget and a 10% increase over the fourth quarter 2006 results.
Production commenced during March at the Company's 40% owned Rossi mine, a Joint Venture with Barrick Exploration. To date the mine has produced 1,295 tonnes at an average grade of 13 grams of gold per tonne. The official Mine dedication will be held April 18, 2007, with production ramp-up during the second half of the year. Meridian's share of planned production is estimated at 35,000 ounces of gold per annum.
At Minera Florida, the Company commenced the initial phase of the expansion program to increase the mill capacity from 35,000 tonnes per month to approximately 65,000 tonnes per month, which is expected to increase gold production to more than 100,000 ounces annually. The Company has also approved the purchase and installation of a new flotation circuit designed to increase metal recoveries. When fully operational the new flotation circuit is expected to increase gold recoveries by 2%, and both silver and zinc recoveries by 3% by the end of 2007. During the first quarter the Company also approved the purchase of an additional ball mill for the grinding circuit, consistent with the goal of reaching approximately 65,000 tonnes per month through the processing plant by the end of 2008. At Minera Florida, the Company completed 22 land agreements, further adding to the Company's land position in highly prospective and previously un-explored areas.
Edgar Smith, Meridian's Vice President of Operations, commented, "I am pleased to announce that we have re-hired Stabro Kasaneva as the General Manager of the El Penon Mine. Stabro will be responsible for leading his team in ramping up the mine to 2,800 tonnes per day and implementing the new operational excellence initiatives, which are based on the Six Sigma principles to help achieve these goals. At Minera Florida the discovery of an additional 90,000 tonnes of mineralized material demonstrates the significant potential this operation holds for Meridian's future production. This discovery will provide the operation with greater flexibility and demonstrates the potential exploration upside for the project."
During the first quarter at El Penon, the development towards the Providencia vein achieved a major milestone as the tunnel from the southern end of Quebrada Colorado was completed and the vein was cross-cut. Grades from the cross cut indicate 16 grams per tonne gold and 1,233 grams per tonne silver at 1.35 meters width. The Company is also pleased to report that the mining permits for up to 5,000 tonnes per month were obtained for the Fortuna vein and production has begun. At Fortuna 1,260 tonnes have been mined and stockpiled containing 27 grams per tonne gold and 1,300 grams per tonne silver.
"I am extremely pleased with results achieved during the first quarter, particularly since we anticipate that as El Penon ramps up production to 2,800 tonnes per day, the results for the second half of 2007 should be better than the first half," commented Ed Dowling, Meridian's President and CEO. "These first quarter highlights underpin Meridian's commitment to our four point growth initiative: operational excellence at our operating assets, continued organic growth through exploration, value creating growth from accretive acquisition of quality projects, and the constant improvement of our human and intellectual capital. In closing, I look forward to sharing with our investment community through future releases all of the events happening at Meridian Gold as we work towards creating the Premier Value Gold Mining Company."
Meridian Gold Inc. is a different kind of gold company. The focus is on profitability, and the quality of the ounces produced, not the quantity of ounces produced. The quality of these ounces is measured by the value delivered to all stakeholders during the process; including all shareholders, employees and the communities and environment in which Meridian lives and operates.
Last Update: 5:00 PM ET May 9, 2007
RENO, Nev., May 09, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Meridian Gold Inc. ("Meridian Gold" or the "Company") (CA:MNG: news, chart, profile) (MDG: Meridian Gold Inc) today announced that it has entered into a fully underwritten US$300,000,000 Revolving Credit facility (the "Facility") with UniCredit Group ("HVB"). The key components of this Facility include:
-- The Facility Term is for 5 years and will be used for general corporate purposes and requires no hedging.
-- The Facility carries an interest rate of LIBOR plus an interest margin ranging from 120 basis points up to a maximum of 170 basis points.
-- A Commitment Fee on the unused portion of the Facility ranges from 37.5 to 50 basis points.
-- The Facility has been fully underwritten by HVB and is not subject to syndication. Natixis Banques Populaires has provided a commitment for US$100,000,000 of the Facility and will join as a Mandated Lead Arranger upon their satisfactory review of documentation.
-- Meridian Gold may draw down on this Facility at its discretion.
Pete Dougherty, Meridian Gold's Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, commented, "We plan to grow annual production to 1 million ounces of gold within the next several years and to support that plan, we elected to enter into this Facility at a time when both our outlook and our cash position is strong. It is prudent for us to seek financing outside of Chile, where the majority of our cash balances are domiciled and subject to remittance taxes upon distribution. We anticipate that this Facility will provide the necessary liquidity to execute our future growth plans." The Company was advised by Auramet of Fort Lee, New Jersey in conjunction with this transaction.
A unique mid-tier gold producer, with world-class mining operations in Chile and Nevada and a pipeline of promising exploration projects throughout the Americas, Meridian's success to date has been based on grassroots gold discoveries and a low-cost strategy, resulting in a better approach to adding value and balancing growth. Meridian strives to be "The Premier Value Gold Mining Company," while building a better future for all of its stakeholders.
Safe Harbor Statement under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities legislation. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company, or other future events, including forecast production, earnings and cash flows, to be materially different from any future results, performances or achievements or other events expressly or implicitly predicted by such forward-looking statements.
For further information, please visit our website at
SOURCE: Meridian Gold Inc.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, May 22, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Paragon Minerals Corporation (CA:PGR) is pleased to announce that it has completed a Phase II drill program (7 holes, 1,805 metres) on it's partner-funded Huxter Lane Project, located 60 kilometres south of Grand Falls-Windsor in central Newfoundland. The Huxter Lane Project is a bulk mineable gold target that is being explored under the terms of an option agreement between Paragon and Meridian Gold Inc. (CA:MNG) (MDG: Meridian Gold Inc) , whereby Meridian can earn a 55% interest by spending $1.0 million over three years.
The Phase II drill program followed up on the success of the October 2006, Phase I drill program which outlined a significant mineralized gold-bearing porphyritic intrusion, the Mosquito Hill Zone, over a strike length of 450 metres. Drill intercepts from the previous drilling include 2.21 g/t gold over 35 metres and 1.07 g/t gold over 28.6 metres (see Paragon website for details).
DALLAS, Jun 18, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- A new research update has been issued on Sierra Gold Corp. (SGCP : sierra gold corp new com) by Beacon Equity Research Analyst, Lisa Springer, CFA.
The full report is available at
Anyone interested in receiving alerts regarding Sierra Gold Corp. research should email with "SGCP" in the subject line.
In the report, the analyst writes, "Sierra Gold is an emerging player in the gold and diamond mining industry. Sierra Gold owns the mining rights of Northern Star Resources Limited, which has mining properties covering 40 square kilometers in one of Sierra Leone's richest alluvial gold mining fields. Extensive assaying conducted by the Company suggests the presence approximately 936,000 ounces of high grade gold. At gold prices of $659 per ounce, this suggests the value of gold reserves exceeds $616 million."
Other companies in the gold production market include AngloGold Ashanti Ltd (AU : anglogold ashanti ltd sponsored adr) , IAMGOLD Corp (IAG : iamgold corp com) , Meridian Gold Inc (MDG : Meridian Gold Inc) , and Rangold Resources (NASD: GOLD).
Keine Ahnung wo der Yamana tread versteckt ist, Yamana und Northern Orion brauchen noch die Zustimmung von Meridian dann kann der grosse Merger in die Tat umgesetzt werden. Nach diesen Merger ist neben der GG die Yamana gleichwertig der groesste Brocken im Depot mit ca. 2.5% Anteil.
Wed Jun 27, 2007
Yamana Announces Agreement With Northern Orion and Proposal to Meridian Gold to Create Pre-Eminent Mid-Tier Gold Producer
The contemplated terms for the three-way transaction are as follows:
Meridian shareholders would receive 2.235 of a Yamana share plus C$3.15 in cash which, based on Yamana's closing share price of C$13.02 on June 27, 2007, equates to total consideration of C$32.25 per share. The cash and share consideration represents a spot premium of approximately 23% over Meridian's closing share price on June 27, 2007, and a premium of approximately 24.4% based on the 20-day average closing price.
Northern Orion shareholders would receive 0.543 of a Yamana share which, based on Yamana's closing share price on June 27, 2007, equates to a value of C$7.07 per share. Holders of Northern Orion warrants and other convertible securities will be entitled to receive, or will receive a security in exchange that will entitle them to receive, on exercise 0.543 of a Yamana share in lieu of a Northern Orion share and otherwise on the same terms as the original security. The share consideration represents a spot premium of approximately 21.3% over Northern Orion's closing share price on June 27, 2007, and a premium of approximately 28.3% based on the 20-day average closing price.
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Meridian Gold Inc. (MDG: Meridian Gold Inc) (CA:MNG: meridian gold inc com) rallied in Thursday morning trade, jumping 17% to $28.55, after Yamana Gold Inc. (AUY: yamana gold inc com) (UK:YAU: yamana gold inc com npv) offered to acquire the company. Reno, Nev.-based Meridian said it will review any formal offer after it is made. Toronto-based Yamana said it has entered into a combination agreement with Northern Orion Resources Inc. (NTO: northern orion res inc com) and a proposal has been made to Meridian regarding a merger of the three companies. Under the proposed combination, Meridian shareholders would receive 2.235 of a Yamana share plus C$3.15 in cash, for a total consideration of C$32.25 per share. Northern Orion shareholders would receive 0.543 of a Yamana share, for a total value of C$7.07 per share. Yamana has agreed to acquire all of Northern Orion's shares, subject to the requirement that Yamana acquire at least 66.6% of Meridian's shares. Yamana added that if it can't reach an agreement with Meridian, Yamana and Northern Orion plan to launch an offer acquire 100% of the company's stock. End of Story
LONDON, Jun 28, 2007 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) -- Edited Press Release
Yamana Gold INC. and Northern Orion Resources Inc. Thursday announced that they have entered into a business combination agreement and a concurrent proposal has been made to Meridian Gold Inc. with respect to the combination of the three companies.
The contemplated terms for the three-way transaction are as follows:
Meridian shareholders would receive 2.235 of a Yamana share plus C$3.15 in cash which, based on Yamana's closing share price of C$13.02 on June 27, 2007, equates to total consideration of C$32.25 per share.
The cash and share consideration represents a spot premium of approximately 23% over Meridian's closing share price on June 27, 2007, and a premium of approximately 24.4% based on the 20-day average closing price.
Northern Orion shareholders would receive 0.543 of a Yamana share which, based on Yamana's closing share price on June 27, 2007, equates to a value of C$7.07 per share. Holders of Northern Orion warrants and other convertible securities will be entitled to receive, or will receive a security in exchange that will entitle them to receive, on exercise 0.543 of a Yamana share in lieu of a Northern Orion share and otherwise on the same terms as the original security.
The share consideration represents a spot premium of approximately 21.3% over Northern Orion's closing share price on June 27, 2007, and a premium of approximately 28.3% based on the 20-day average closing price.
Jun 28, 2007 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) -- DOW JONES NEWSWIRES
Meridian Gold Inc. (MDG) said its board will review the announcement by Yamana Gold Inc. (AUY) that it plans to make an offer to acquire Meridian.
The Reno, Nev., mining company said no formal offer has been made by Yamana, and Meridian won't comment further on the situation until it completes its review.
Yamana on Wednesday said it has entered an agreement to combine with Northern Orion Resources Inc. (NTO), in a deal that is contingent upon Yamana's purchase of two-thirds of Meridian's shares.
Elsewhere, the urge to merge seems to have hit the mining patch again, as Yamana Gold (AUY) says it has agreed to combine with Northern Orion (NTO). At the same time, those two want to add Meridian Gold (MDG) to the merger.
Under the proposed deal terms, Northern Orion shareholders would receive 0.543 shares of Yamana per share, while owners of Meridian stock would get 2.235 Yamana shares plus about $2.94 in cash per share. Failure of Yamana to acquire at least two-thirds of Meridian would cancel the plans to acquire Northern Orion.
RENO, Nev., Jun 28, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Meridian Gold Inc. ("Meridian Gold" or the "Company") (CA:MNG: news, chart, profile) (MDG: Meridian Gold Inc) notes the announcement by Yamana Gold Inc. ("Yamana") that it intends to make an offer to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of Meridian Gold. No formal offer has yet been commenced. In the same announcement, Yamana also indicated that it has entered into a business combination agreement with Northern Orion Resources Inc. which is conditional upon the acquisition of 66 2/3% of the shares of Meridian Gold by Yamana.
The Board of Directors of Meridian Gold will consider this announcement as well as any formal offer actually made. Until the Company completes its review, it will not comment further or speculate as to any future course of action it might take.
Goldman, Sachs & Co. and BMO Capital Markets are acting as financial advisors to the Company. Canadian legal counsel to the Company is Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP.
About Meridian Gold
A unique mid-tier gold producer, with world-class mining operations in Chile and Nevada and a pipeline of promising exploration projects throughout the Americas, Meridian's success to date has been based on grassroots gold discoveries and a low-cost strategy, resulting in a better approach to adding value and balancing growth. Meridian strives to be "The Premier Value Gold Mining Company," while building a better future for all of its stakeholders.
Meridian: Yamana offer no basis to enter talks - MarketWatch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Meridian Gold Inc. (MDG: Meridian Gold Inc) (CA:MNG: meridian gold inc com) said late Tuesday that Yamana Gold Inc.'s (AUY: yamana gold inc com) unsolicited acquisition proposal does not provide a basis to enter into merger talks. Last week, Yamana said it had entered into a business combination agreement with Northern Orion Resources Inc. (NTO: northern orion res inc com) that was conditional upon the acquisition of 66.6% of the shares of Meridian Gold by Yamana. Reno-based Meridian noted that no formal offer has been made by Yamana, and that it will review any offer that is made.