Americas Silver Corp./ USA, USAPF (TSX, OTC)

  • 07.10.2004
    Scorpio Mining Einstiegsgelegenheit daily

    Die Experten von " daily" sehen das derzeitige Kursniveau der Scorpio Mining-Aktie (ISIN CA80917V1058/ WKN 121237) als günstige Einstiegsgelegenheit in den Titel.

    Das Unternehmen habe eine bereits bestehende Silbermine im Südwesten Mexikos übernommen und plane in den nächsten zwölf Monaten, eine jährliche Silberproduktion von über 6 Millionen Feinunzen Silber abzubauen. Als positiv könne der rasche Fortschritt beim Aufbau der notwendigen Infrastruktur und die Zielstrebigkeit des Managements angeführt werden. Dagegen hätten einige Unklarheiten in den vorhandenen Ressourcendaten und Verkäufe von institutionellen Investoren zu einem massiven Abgabedruck bei der Aktie geführt.

    Die Experten von " daily" sehen den aktuellen Kurs von knapp 1,00 Kanadische Dollar als perfekte Einstiegmöglichkeit in die Scorpio Mining-Aktie für Silberspekulanten an und glauben fest an eine rasche Trendumkehr in den kommenden Wochen.

    Firmentitel wurde geändert. 22.05.2015

    Firmentitel geändert 7.03.2016

    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

  • Das Ding ist ja gefallen wie ein Stein
    Die letzten Bohrergebnisse waren aber nicht schlecht.
    Könnte einen Einsatz wert sein.
    Ich bin nur ein Werkzeug des Schicksals.
    Ist dieses erfüllt werde ich zerspringen wie Glas.

    8) 8) 8)

    Wer nicht an sich arbeitet ist wie ein elendes Stück Holz im Ozean
    Samael Aun Weor

  • Die sind mächtig abgebraust die letzten Tage.
    + 40% und ich immer hinten nach. Meine limits haben nicht gezogen.
    Da stellt sich dann die frage: soll man noch rein oder soll man es lassen.

    53.6 mil shares fully diluted Aug 9th, 2004
    @ $1.08/share Cdn x .80 US/Cdn = $.86 US
    $46 mil MC
    Scorpio's recent March 2004, $16 million financing was at $2.25 Cdn/share!
    -- The Nuestra Senora Project: (the Candelaria deposit): Total Measured & Indicated: 131,058 tonnes @ 520.94 g/t Ag = 2.1 mil oz. of high grade silver, 16 oz./ton. Inferred: 49,468 tonnes @ 658.98 g/t Ag (21 oz./ton) = 1 mil oz. silver
    --the Cochrane Hill Gold Deposit: The total Indicated Resource ~ 112,460 contained ounces of gold.
    Total: 4 mil oz. silver equiv.

  • Auszug aus dem Silverreport:

    Scorpio Mining received a Tier 1 listing on the Toronto
    Stock Exchange. Tier 1 is for senior companies with the
    most significant resources. We wish to emphasize that
    this property is a former mine, a significant mine, a mine
    with mineable ounces! Although the stock price has
    performed miserably the assets, the mineable ore has
    not gone away. The annual general meeting took place
    on September 14, 2004. After the AGM top company
    officials went to London to begin some European
    presentations. News was released that the company
    CEO Jim Hesketh in no longer the CEO and a
    replacement is being sought. The stock was performing
    poorly and some of the early financing took place in
    London and some of these investment funds decided to
    liquidate their stock positions. The stock price pressure
    is coming from some not the entire original funding
    capital from those that wish to sell at this time.
    The company attended the Denver gold show from
    September 27 through the 29th and a site tour is being
    conducted from September 30 to October 1st, this will
    include almost twenty people and most are will known
    people from sound financial institutions. I was invited to
    tour the property but could not do to my commitment to
    be in Toronto for the gold show at the exact same time. I
    do have a close associate that will be on this tour and he
    will report his thoughts to us. The company will also be
    doing an analyst and broker presentation in Toronto from
    October 12-15th.
    I had the opportunity to speak with some in the company
    but not all unfortunately. My last conversation with
    management was that the company will try and move up
    the production schedule if possible, the Denver Gold
    show and the mining tour in October should help the
    professional mining community regain confidence in the
    projects and the share price should improve.
    Personally, it has been difficult but I did study the
    presentation at the AGM and based upon Jim Hesketh’s
    very, very, conservative estimates the company has the
    ability to produce at a profit, has substantial exploration
    upside a strong financial position, no debt and a defined
    growth strategy. It will take time for the share price to
    recover. Since it takes normally five years to put a mine
    into production the fact to restart this mine has been
    pushed back to the end of the year was disappointing but
    still will become a production company. As the silver
    price and fundamentals are understood by more
    investors they will be looking for undervalued silver
    opportunities-- I can think of none better than Scorpio at
    this point in time.

  • Scorpio Mining I spoke with Peter Hawley and Jim
    Hesketh new President and CEO this month. Mr.
    Hesketh assured me that Scorpio Mining's goal is to
    become a low-cost silver producer in 2005. The
    Company will achieve this goal by bringing the Nuestra
    Senora project into production next year. Scorpio
    further plans to acquire and develop additional advanced
    or operating-stage, low-cost silver projects. This will
    further leverage shareholder value and this will show up
    in the share price at some point.
    The last reported channel samples from the minus 15-
    meter level are very high grade. The extracted material is
    being stock piled on surface for the eventual mill run.
    Mining as we all know is an incredibly difficult business
    and particularly when metals prices are low. Because
    any business should be run on the basis of profit, the
    most assurance that a company can strive for is a highgrade
    situation. Goldcorp for example fits this model.
    Bottom line "Grade is King" in the mining business,
    meaning the richer the ore, the greater the potential profit
    margin and the greater the ability of the company to
    remain profitable if metals prices are weak. The leverage
    may not be as great on the way up, but this is not always
    the case either.
    The most important fact is that the company can now
    develop the Nuestra Senora project horizontally. This is
    much less costly than going vertically. Naturally the ore
    exists vertically as well and the company is working to
    model this deposit. Once the model is complete and all
    the required assays are performed a new 43-101 report
    will be issued. The company is exploring approximately
    50 meters per week. At the present time we might
    conservatively state the mine has a five-year life. This
    however is very likely a large understatement and it is
    because of the nature of this type of deposit.
    High-grade deposits notoriously show a few years of
    mine life using the reporting requirements by both the
    SEC and the 43-101 standard in Canada. This is
    misleading to many precious metals investors because
    not understanding geology; a common sense approach
    must be utilized in assessing an underground mine. A
    cursory look might prevent investment in this type of
    project, because of lack of understanding. One of the
    best examples that I can think of is the "Dome Mine"
    owned by Placer Dome. Upon initial indications the mine
    had perhaps two to three years of mine life, this was fifty
    years ago however and it is still in production.
    The question to ask is why? The answer is that in a rich
    vein situation it is most economic for the mining company
    to simply follow the vein structure and mine the material
    as efficiently as possible. It is really a waste of
    shareholders money to drill out and "prove" what can be
    mined out profitably. Many that do a quick glance
    comparing mining companies will miss this very pertinent
    understanding of the real world. In an attempt to compare
    valuations some will compare resources of one company
    to another and divide by outstanding shares in an attempt
    to determine which company represents the best
    shareholder value. Certainly, I do not have a problem with
    this as a first glance technique, but it should not be the
    sole basis for mining company evaluations. In fact to do
    so will leave many investors bewildered. To further the
    point, we have Hecla Mining in our Model Portfolio; HL
    has only shown a few years worth of reserves but has
    been mined for over two decades.
    My biggest problem with the company is the fact that the
    company is an unknown. The company recently retained
    the Sherbourne Group to provide investor and media
    relation services. This company specializes in the mining
    sector. The company desperately needs to raise its
    profile in the investment community. To the best of my
    knowledge the only mining report to make note of this
    company is the Silver Investor. It is nice to be first;
    however without any follow through the stock can remain
    undervalued. Hiring this IR firm should help the situation.
    Institutions primarily hold this company and they have a
    great deal of power due to their large percentage
    ownership. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for the
    middle of September and it most likely will be a lively
    meeting because the share price has remained sluggish
    on low volume. We continue to like the assets the
    company holds, but think the facts need to be transmitted
    to the market.


    Anticipated Project Timeline and Work Schedule

    To Year End 2004

    Complete bulk metallurgical testwork
    Complete 10,000 meter underground drilling program
    Issue an updated NI 43-101 resource report
    Continue underground development and stockpiling operations
    Initiate final feasibility study and mill design work
    Continue to solicit proposals from smelters for concentrate processing
    Complete permitting
    Q1 2005

    Complete feasibility study and make positive development decision
    Transport mill components from Arizona to Mexico for construction
    Initiate surface preparation for plant and tailings pond construction
    Continue underground development and drilling
    Negotiate concentrate marketing agreements with smelters
    2Q - 3Q 2005

    Complete Plant Construction
    Continue underground development and drilling operations
    Issue a updated NI 43-101 Reserve/Resource statement
    Finalize concentrate sales terms with respect to current metal prices
    4Q 2005

    Mill tune up and production

  • Die Firma ist übrigens zur Zeit mit gut 47 Mio. Can$ bewertet. Ein absoluter Witz. Allein die Barreserven betragen 16 Mio. Can $. Und die Firma ist kurz davor, ein Produzent zu werden.


  • Scorpio Mining announced the appointment of Mr. James G. Henderson as a Director of the Company. Mr. Henderson has specialized in the emerging company market for more than twenty years and is the founder and present Managing Director of Australian-based Transocean Securities Pty Limited. Funded in 1990, Transocean has been one of the most active investment banking groups in the Australian emerging company market, with current financings in the order of $90 million.

    It was also announced that Northface Capital Corporation would provide investor and media relations services. Northface will assist Scorpio's management team, to raise its profile in the investment community. This company was fired by the old CEO Jim Hesketh and in my view a large error.

    As the Company moves forward with the underground development, diamond drilling, metallurgical work and studies on our 100%-owned Nuestra Senora silver project, the public has to be kept informed as to the changing dynamics of the rapid advancement of the project. Northface fits into our intent on expanding and leveraging our established network and position within the investment community."

  • seriös wäre es von der Company die Länge des hohen Silbergehalts

    im Erz zu nennen. Da dies nicht geschieht kann man davon ausgehen,

    daß es sich um eine "bomb shell" handelt. Z. B. bei Seifen lagern

    sich an einzelnen Punkten solche Anreicherungen ab.



  • gogh,

    was mich interessieren würde:

    Im obigen Link ist ja nicht nur dies eine Ergebnis enthalten, sondern die Bohrergebnisse von verschiedenen Löchern. Auch wenn sie nicht annähernd an die 3000 g AG herankommen (wenn man es genauer liest, ist dies ja auch nur eine sehr begrenzte m-Anzahl ), so interpretiere ich die ganzen Ergebnisse, dass sie auf jeden Fall auf eine (größere ?) Ader mit mehreren 100 g Ag / to gestoßen sind.

    Ende 2004 soll die Feasibility-Studie veröffentlicht werden, spätestens dann wissen wir mehr.



  • Ich habe mir mal die bisherigen Ergebnisse angeschaut:

    • Sie haben - ausgehend von bestimmten Punkten - fächerartig gebohrt und so die Ergebnisse erhalten.
    • Von den insgesamt 49 Bohrlöchern liegen inzwischen 32 Ergebnisse vor, d.h. hier könnte noch Potenzial vorhanden sein.
    • Untersuchungen von 2003 (?) ergaben 2,1 Mio. Unzen hochgradiges Silber (total measured indicated) und 1 Mio. Unzen Silber (inferred). Inkl. anderer Gebiete kamen sie auf 4 Mio. Unzen.

    Inwieweit hier die neuen in den letzten Monaten veröffentlichten Ergebnisse schon enthalten sind, ist offen. Wenn nicht, dürften die Silberressourcen/-reserven weiter ansteigen. Hier bedarf es einer exakteren Aussage.

    Andere Silberminen mit einer ähnlichen Marktkapitalisierung (z.B. Canadian Zinc) haben einen ähnlichen Barbestand, jedoch zigfach höhere Silberreserven/-ressourcen, die mittlerweile erhöht wurden.



  • SCORPIO ENGAGES UNION SECURITIES AS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE (TSX) LISTING SPONSOR Vancouver BC, December 15 - Scorpio Mining (TSXV:SPM) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Union Securities Ltd. (“Union”), whereas Union has agreed to act as the sponsor for Scorpio in the application for a TSX listing. Union will provide the necessary services and guidance as well as a Sponsor Report pursuant to TSX Company Manual. The terms of the engagement include a fee of $25,000 plus reimbursement of any reasonable expenses incurred and warrants to acquire 50,000 shares of Scorpio, exercisable for a 2-year period at the market price at time of listing. Peter J. Hawley, President & CEO reports, “Engaging Union is the first step in Scorpio’s anticipated graduation to the senior board. A TSX listing would place Scorpio amongst its industry peers of growth-oriented companies with strong track records and strong management. A listing on Canada’s premier stock exchange would also increase Scorpio’s profile with both retail and institutional investors at a key time in the advancement of the Company’s 100%-owned Nuestra Senora silver project.” Scorpio also announces the resignation of Mr. Lee Graber from the Board of Directors, and is grateful for his valuable contributions to the Company during his tenure. Scorpio Mining Corporation is a Tier-1 listed resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange. Details of the Company and its flagship Nuestra Senora silver project are available on the Company’s website at ON BEHALF OF SCORPIO MINING CORPORATION Peter J. Hawley President & CEO

  • News Releases - Wednesday, January 26, 2005


    Vancouver BC, January 26 - Scorpio Mining (TSXV:SPM) is pleased to announce assay results for surface drill hole NSS-3 (Table 1) from the Company's ongoing resource definition program on the Nuestra Senora deposit. Drill hole NSS-3 was collared at -60º from the same surface set-up as NSS-1. Multiple intersections of silver-copper-lead-zinc mineralization in this initial three-hole fence resemble the numerous horizons that were historically mined by ASARCO. In addition, these holes have returned wide intersections of lower-grade material that present a new bulk-tonnage target not previously exploited. Drill hole data from the surface drilling presented in Table 1 represent down hole core lengths and actual (uncut) grades. True widths cannot be reliably estimated at this time.

    TABLE 1. Surface Drill Station - Diamond Drill Results

    Hole #
    From (m)
    To (m)
    Width (m)
    Ag (g/t)
    Au (g/t)
    Cu %
    Pb %
    Zn %

    N. Senora




    N. Senora



    *Previously reported

    Peter J. Hawley, President and CEO reports: "We are very encouraged by the initial results in the Nuestra Senora deposit, which indicates a potential for one or more readily accessible large-tonnage zones not previously exploited by ASARCO. Should further delineation drilling prove lateral continuity of the broad down-hole intersections in NSS-2 and 3, it opens the possibility of cost-effective long-hole stope mining and could accelerate attaining our target goal of having a minimum two years of operating resources for the ongoing feasibility study. In addition, blending of the high-grade Candelaria and Nuestra Senora material along with lower-grade mineralization could also potentially allow for feeding a constant head-grade into a mill facility, thus improving the metal recovery and increasing the life of the project. Scorpio is continuing to address the other priorities necessary to meet its goal of reaching a near-term production decision at Nuestra Senora. These include completing the final phase of metallurgical testing, negotiating concentrate marketing agreements with smelters and completing a feasibility study. Based on these results, a positive production decision will trigger surface preparation and mill and tailings pond construction. We look forward to updating investors on our progress in these areas in the coming months."

    Scorpio holds 100% ownership of the Nuestra Senora mineral rights with no underlying royalties or interest payments. The Company is well financed with over $11 million in capital and no debt. Over $13.9 million has been spent on the property that includes: acquisition costs, construction of a 28-km access road, over 9,000 metres of surface and underground drilling, surface infrastructure to support underground development and purchase of major and ancillary mining equipment and major mill components. In addition, underground development work on the Candelaria deposit now totals over 700 meters of ramp advancement and 520 meters of drifting in mineralization on several levels. Mineralized material has been stockpiled on surface and sampled for bulk metallurgical testing. There are presently three diamond drills on site, two underground drills dedicated to the delineation program at the Candelaria and one surface drill dedicated to exploration and definition drilling of mineralization peripheral to the historically mined areas in the Nuestra Senora and Santo Domingo deposits.

    Scorpio is presenting a core display at the Vancouver Mineral Exploration Roundup on Wednesday January 26th at the Westin Bayshore Resort. Admittance to the Roundup Core Shack requires delegate registration; please visit for details.

    Vice President, Exploration & Development, Mr. D. Roger Scammell, PGeo, is the Company's Qualified Person for the Nuestra Senora project. Mr. Scammell is responsible for the current exploration and development program and the preparation of all technical information provided in this release. All technical information for the Nuestra Senora property is obtained and reported under a formal quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program. Samples are shipped to the ALS Chemex preparation laboratory in Hermosillo, Mexico for drying, crushing and pulverizing. ALS Chemex, Hermosillo then sends the pulps by air-freight to ALS Chemex, Vancouver for assaying. Systematic assaying of standards and blanks are performed for precision and accuracy; check assays are regularly conducted by SGS Lakefield Research. Details of the QA/QC program are available on the Company's website at


  • newtechxl,
    zu einem Ausstieg ist es nie zu spät. Da hab ich schon einige gehabt und habe sie noch, wo ich in so einer Situation besser ausgestiegen wäre (z.B. UNICO.OB).
    Bei Scorpio hingegen bin ich nahe dran einzusteigen.
    Aber zuerst muss es sich etwas beruhigen, das kann aber schon übermorgen sein.

    Vor allem schauen die Ergebnisse nicht soo schlecht aus (26.1.05).

    Grüße Tschonko

  • Ja Scorpio ist eben wie ein Scorpio, man glaubt man hat ihn und schon stich er wieder zu und faellt runter wie ihr share price !
    Ich versuche ihn zu schnappen seit einem jahr und sitze -38 % im Keller.
    Auf alle Faelle eine Spekulation wert,bestimmt nun guenstig im Kauf.
    Aber wie gesagt ein risiko bleibt es. :(

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