"Rule of Law" ist ausgestorben in den USA

  • Ich habe gerade meine erste "Threads" in diesem feinen Forum - wie ich schließlich schrieb einen Kommentar, wenn ich nicht finden konnten eine bestehende "Threads", um es fit.

    Diejenigen, die gelesen haben, andere Kommentare, die ich geschrieben habe werden mit dem Thema: die Vereinigten Staaten ist heute so gut wie die meisten korrupten-backward "Dritte-Welt-Land".

    Das Konzept der "Interessenkonflikt" ist jetzt völlig fremd zu US-Gesellschaft. Doch, wenn man der "Senior" Senatoren in die US-Regierung offen zugibt, dass die Wall-Street-"Eigentümer" der US-Regierung, ist das nicht sogar in die "Mainstream"-US-Medien.

    Das einzige, was mehr als bedauerlich, die "Tod" von "The Rule of Law" ist die Beseitigung der USA (so genannte) "freie Presse".

    I have just started my first “thread” on this fine forum – as I finally wrote a commentary where I could not find an existing “thread” to fit it.
    Those who have read other commentaries which I have written will be familiar with the theme: the United States is now as thoroughly corrupt as the most-backward “Third World Country”.

    The concept of “conflict of interest” is now completely alien to U.S. society. Yet, when one of the most “senior” senators in the U.S. government openly admits that Wall Street “owns” the U.S. government, this is not even REPORTED in “mainstream” U.S. media outlets.

    The only thing more deplorable than the 'death' of “The Rule of Law” is the eradication of the U.S.'s (so-called) “free press”.

  • I have taken a considerable amount of criticism for continually referring to the members of the U.S. government as “bankster servants”, despite the fact that their actions demonstrate this reality in a totally unequivocal manner.

    This time, it's not me who is criticizing the 100% saturation-level of corruption in the U.S. government. This time, that accusation is being made by one of the most-powerful senators in the U.S. government: Richard Durbin.

    You won't read this accusation in any of the “mainstream” U.S. media sources (otherwise known as the “propaganda machine”). They censor any and all news which could seriously threaten the well-being of the U.S. financial crime syndicate. To hear this accusation, you would have to go to “The Huffington Post” or some of the many media sources on the internet who still report news, not propaganda.

    Do not make the mistake of assuming that the U.S. federal government is the focal point of U.S. corruption. This 'sleaze' (and crime) saturates every facet of U.S. society. An example is something which the U.S. propaganda machine can't hide or censor: the rampant fraud in the U.S. pension system.

    A major criminal investigation is underway regarding the systemic corruption of New York's state pension fund, where corrupt administrators took huge “kick-backs” to buy what lobbyists wanted them to buy – as opposed to the best assets available. With the entire U.S. pension system already on the verge of collapse (due to loading up on too many Wall Street fraud-factories), the only way to make this crisis worse was to intentionally buy sub-standard assets. This investigation has already been expanded into Connecticut.

    Obviously, there should be similar investigations underway in every U.S. state, as the U.S. makes it legal for people to “lobby” (i.e. bribe) administrators of pension plans. As with every other segment of U.S. government, there is virtually no “oversight” of the actions of these lobbyists.

    Meanwhile, another recent news item reported on the corrupt and outrageous acts of the Goldman Sachs Stooge who is the new chairman of the New York Federal Reserve...

    Read the rest at:

    U.S. Senator: Banksters “own” Congress


    US-Senator: Banksters "eigenen"-Kongress

    Ich habe eine Menge Kritik für die ständig auf die Mitglieder der US-Regierung als "bankster Bediensteten", trotz der Tatsache, dass ihr Handeln zeigen, diese Realität in eine ganz eindeutige Art und Weise.

    Dieses Mal ist es mir nicht, die Kritik an der 100%-Sättigung Ausmaß der Korruption in der US-Regierung. Dieses Mal, dass die Anklage wird von einem der meist mächtige Senatoren in die US-Regierung: Richard Durbin...

  • It is them who define "The Rule of Law", not a constitution of any kind, not the Congress. They make the laws:

    Martin Armstrong – But They Can’t Do That!

    Martin discusses our legal, political, and prison systems and how they relate to history and to our economy. The rule of law is important to confidence and thus underpins all aspects of the economy.

    Of course he has insights into this world most of us do not and so you must keep in mind his position and circumstances as you read along.



    mfG Goldcore

  • Deluded into believing his “stress test” sham was a success, Tim-the-tax-cheat is immediately plotting a new propaganda initiative, with this one designed to purge the stench from the network of banker “septic tanks” known as the U.S. Federal Reserve.

    This collection of private banks, who hijacked the U.S. monetary system in 1913, is charged with the responsibility of prudently setting monetary policies – to protect the U.S. dollar. Since the creation of this odious cabal of banksters, the U.S. dollar has lost 97% of its purchasing power.

    One would never guess that this organization had failed its mandate so thoroughly by reading the propaganda which passes for “mainstream journalism” in the United States. According to the media parrots, the Fed has rarely made a bad move – and is supposedly the world's best administrator of monetary policy.

    With a legion of propagandists to defend it, what could possibly have prompted Geithner to suddenly announce his intent to “review” the governance of these Federal Reserve banks?

    A New York reporter actually peeked inside the septic tank known as the New York Federal Reserve, and the stench was so over-powering that even some of the propagandists are gagging...

    Read the rest at:

    Geithner's newest propaganda scheme


    Geithner neuestes Propaganda Regelung

    Illusionen zu glauben, sein "Stress-Test" Schein war ein Erfolg, Tim-the-Steuer-Cheat-Ausgabe ist ab sofort eine neue Propaganda-Initiative, mit der diese zur Säuberung der Gestank aus dem Netz der Bankier "septic tanks" als die US-Notenbank Reserve.

    Diese Sammlung von privaten Banken, die der entführte US-Währungs-System im Jahre 1913, ist mit der Verantwortung der Einstellung vorsichtig Geldpolitik - zum Schutz der US-Dollar. Seit der Schaffung dieser widerwärtigen cabal der banksters, dem US-Dollar verloren hat 97% ihrer Kaufkraft...

  • It would probably be a surprise to most people outside of the U.S. (I know it surprised me) to learn that there is another massive fraud INSIDE the U.S. which is nearly as large (or perhaps larger) than the Wall Street “Ponzi-scheme”.

    U.S. pension-fund criminals fight to protect crime-empire

    In the Corrupt States of America, scamming pension funds is BIG business. However, a large fraud investigation, which started in New York and has already spread to Connecticut, has the pension-fund criminals worried.

    For years, life has been wonderful. The “lobbyists” (i.e. the “bag-men” who deliver the kick-backs) pay pension-fund administrators to buy whatever they tell them to buy, and everyone is happy – except the beneficiaries of those plans.

    Years of rampant corruption in U.S. pension-funds, combined with the meltdown in equity markets has left pension-funds across the U.S. teetering on insolvency. Finally, with a nation-wide crisis looming in the near future, U.S. authorities are beginning to crack-down on yet another crime syndicate...


    Wahrscheinlich wäre es eine Überraschung für die meisten Menschen außerhalb der USA (ich weiß, es hat mich überrascht) zu erfahren, dass es einem anderen massiven Betrug innerhalb der USA, die fast so groß (oder vielleicht größer) als die Wall Street "Ponzi-Schema" .

    US-Renten-Fonds Kampf gegen Verbrecher zu schützen Kriminalität-Imperium

    In der korrupten Staaten von Amerika, scamming Pensionsfonds ist ein großes Geschäft. Allerdings wird ein großer Betrug Untersuchung, die im New York und hat sich bereits zu Connecticut, hat der Pensionsfonds Kriminelle besorgt...

  • http://goldseitenforum.de/inde…&postID=388001#post388001
    Gilt das für Alle?

    [smilie_happy] Humor ist, wenn man's trotzdem macht - sagte der Eunuch! [smilie_happy]

    :D :thumbup: :D Wer anderen eine Grube gräbt ist entweder Totengräber oder baut eine Künette :!: :D :thumbup: :D

  • The extreme level of corruption in the United States should surprise no one. The U.S. political SYSTEM is severely flawed – and guarantees corruption.

    Thus, there is no possibility of reform for corrupt, U.S. markets unless and until the corrupt political system is completely replaced.

    “Checks and balances” in a free-market economy

    "The United States (along with many of its people) has long proclaimed it has “the best democracy” in the world. One of the premises which would undoubtedly be included in stating that case is that the U.S. political system has “checks and balances” which ensure both accountability – and the blending of the best ideas from both of its two parties.

    In reality, it is the flaws which are inherent in this system which guarantee that Americans receive no accountability, and the watered-down compromises which pass for “legislation” generally do little more than satisfy the “pork quotas” of various Congressional districts.

    With politicians and political parties (in any country), there is only one “check”: throwing them out of power. Similarly, there is only one “balance”: ensuring that no single party (or politician) remains in power too long..."


    Das extreme Ausmaß der Korruption in den Vereinigten Staaten sollte daher niemanden in Erstaunen versetzen. Die US-politische System ist stark fehlerhaft - und garantiert die Korruption.

    So gibt es keine Möglichkeit der Reform für korrupt, US-Märkte, sofern und solange das korrupte politische System wird komplett ersetzt.
    "Checks and balances" in einer freien Marktwirtschaft

    "Die Vereinigten Staaten (zusammen mit vielen seiner Personen) Seit langem hat es "die beste Demokratie" in der Welt. Eines der Gebäude, die, wäre zweifellos, dass im Fall, dass die US-politische System "checks and balances", die sicherstellen, beide Rechenschaftspflicht - und die Mischung der besten Ideen aus beiden der beiden Parteien.

    In Wirklichkeit ist es die Fehler, die sich in diesem System, die sicherstellen, dass die Amerikaner keine Rechenschaftspflicht..."

  • Die US-politische System ist stark fehlerhaft - und garantiert die Korruption.

    Warum? Weil wir Beamte haben!!!
    Die dürfen nichts annehmen!!!
    Nicht mal Vernunft!

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca
    End corruption or at least let me participate in it!

  • Just when you thought the blatant corruption of the U.S. government could not be more obvious, Tim-the-tax-cheat has come up with an even more obvious example of stealing from taxpayers (and giving the stolen money to the banksters).

    Banksters buying back TARP-warrants at 20% of market value

    "Where are the members of the U.S. financial crime syndicate finding the money to “repay” TARP loans? Maybe some of it is from the 400% profit they stand to make on the government's “equity investments” in these fraud-factories? Naturally, this corresponds with a loss to U.S. taxpayers of 80%.

    A Bloomberg article provided details on this latest outrage, as the bankster-servants in the U.S. government refuse to undertake any “good faith” negotiations on behalf of the taxpayers they supposedly represent..."


    Gerade als Sie dachten, die offenkundigen Korruption der US-Regierung konnte nicht mehr klar, Tim-the-Steuer-Cheat hat sich mit einem noch deutlich Beispiel Diebstahl von Steuerpflichtigen (und mit dem gestohlenen Geld an die banksters).

    Banksters Kauf zurück TARP-Optionsscheine auf 20% des Marktwerts

    "Wo sind die Mitglieder des US-Finanz-Kriminalität Syndicate finden das Geld zur "Rückzahlung" TARP Darlehen? Vielleicht ist es einigen der von der 400% Gewinn, um sie über die Regierung "Beteiligungen" in diesen Betrug-Fabriken? Natürlich entspricht dies mit einem Verlust an US-Steuerzahler von 80%.

    Ein Bloomberg Artikel Angaben auf dieser neuesten Empörung, wie die bankster-Bediensteten in der US-Regierung ablehnen, um alle "guten Glaubens" die Verhandlungen im Namen der Steuerzahler sie angeblich vertritt..."

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