Das neue Südafrika

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldorado und Kuddel

    Hab Euren Disput mal überflogen.
    Das mit der Punktesammelei hatte ich selbst auch nicht verstanden als Neuer im Forum und den Herausgeber angemailt.

    Mehr als das im FAQ bekam ich auch nicht.

    Neben der Zahl der Beiträge zählt auch die Zeit nach irgendwelchen Computerdaten.
    Kann man leicht überprüfen durch den Vergleich Abend/Morgen.

    Edel Man

    Hier die FAQ - Definition:
    Was sind Benutzerlevel?

    Ein Mitglied des Forum sammelt mit jedem Tag nach seiner Registrierung und mit jedem geschriebenen Beitrag Erfahrungspunkte. Aus diesen Punkten errechnet sich dann sein Benutzerlevel.

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Will einer meine Punkte, egal welche, und meinen Titel hier haben ?
    Ich schenke sie ihm !
    Und wenn ich als Gruenschnabel anfange,hauptsache die top leute hier mit den ich mich seit langen bestens unterhalten habe erkennen mich wieder.
    Mir ist das so scheiss egal, ist mal wieder typisch Deutsch mich als Punktesammler zu bezeichnen. Aus und Basta !
    Diese dummen Neider und Denunziaten sollen mal was besseres liefern als an mir rumzuhacken.
    Go and f you yourself sage ich denen, sorry mir platzt jetzt die Hutschnur. Da macht man sich die Arbeit und das ist der Lob den man bekommt.
    Jetzt reichts wohl, von mir aus soll man mich fuer diese Aussage sperren, I give a damn !



  • @ alle

    regt Euch doch nicht wegen ein paar Quertreibern auf.

    Das Goldseiten-Forum ist (und bleibt) hoffentlich, was es ist. Ein Meinungsbild von vielen zu noch mehr Themen rund um Rohstoffe.

    Mir persönlich haben viele von Euch geholfen, meinen Horizont zu erweitern und mir meine eigene Meinung zu bilden.

    Ab und zu traue ich mich ja mal aus der Deckung und gebe auch meinen "Senf" dazu. Wenn ich mir dann auch ab und zu ein paa Watschen abhole - was solls.

    Danke an alle, die hier konstruktiv mithelfen.


  • Südafrika hat keinen Zinserhöhungsbedarf – der Druck auf den Rand wächst

    Im Gegensatz zu den USA besteht in Südafrika derzeit kein inflationsbedingter Zinserhöhungsdruck. So lassen sich in Südafrika keine Zinserhöhungen durchsetzen, da die Hochzinspolitik für die negative Entwicklung in der Exportindustrie, zu denen auch die Minen zählen, verantwortlich gemacht wird. Schrumpft die Zinsdifferenz zwischen Südafrika und den USA weiter zusammen, wird dies den Rand unter Druck
    Der südafrikanische Rand macht ohnehin einen technisch angeschlagenen Eindruck.
    Fällt dieser unter die Marke von 0,14 US$, wäre dies ein langfristiges Verkaufssignal für die südafrikanische Währung. Diametral dazu würde ein großer Hebel für die südafrikanischen Gold-Aktien entstehen. Hauptprofiteure wären in diesem Fall die Hochkostenproduzenten Harmony sowie DRDGold. Letztere sind unverändert bis 1,50 € kaufenswert. Berücksichtigen Sie aber bitte das hohe Risiko für diese Aktie.
    Dieser Hebel vergrößert sich zusätzlich durch einen steigenden Goldpreis. Es wäre daher keine Überraschung, wenn der südafrikanische Goldminen-Sektor in den kommenden Monaten mit der besten Performance unter den länderbezogenen Gold-Aktien-Sektoren aufwarten würde.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ist nicht Südafrika,paßt aber woanders noch weniger rein. ;)

    Westafrikas Gold

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Seit drei Tagen wird die gesamte Vorderseite der Zeitung Cape Times in Deutsch geschrieben, das gibt es nirgendwo in der Welt.

    Schlagzeile 29.11.2005
    Suedafrika ist zum Zweiten mal Top Destination
    (Ganze Seite wunderbar und so schoen hier etc.) :))

    Schlagzeile 20.11.2005
    Begeisterung fuer das Reiseziel Suedafrika waechst
    700 Journalisten aus Deutschland und Tour Operators sind begeistert bei ihren Besuch.etc. etc. :))

    Schlagzeile 01.12.2005
    Townships profitieren vom Touristenboom
    Auszug: Der lange weisse Strand entlang des Tafelbergs war schon von Weiten sichtbar.
    Hoch ueber der Stadt sollten die Delegierten ein Abendessen bei Kerzenlicht die Stadt bewundern...etc.etc. :D
    Man besucht morgen die Townships die von den neuen Touristenboom profitieren. :D

    Und am Nachmittag waren sie dann dort, danach reisten 15% der Leute gleich ab und fuhren zum Flughafen. 8o........

    German travel agents 'traumatised'' after robbery

    City tourist bus held up

    December 1, 2005

    By Aziz Hartley

    Robbers brandishing firearms boarded one of two luxury buses that stopped while on a tour through Khayelitsha and robbed a number of German tourists and the bus driver of their possessions.

    The tourists, who were on the third day of a visit to Cape Town to experience the city and promote the province among their countrymen, have been left shocked by yesterday's experience.

    They were among 700 travel agents from Germany who are part of that country's annual Der-tour Reisakedemie.

    A witness who spoke on condition that his name not be published, said two buses were transporting the tourists through the township and that one had stopped in Makhaza in Khayelitsha. Later, when the passengers started boarding, a group of armed men entered the bus and began robbing passengers, he said.

    "People were left shocked and bewildered and were later taken back the Arabella Sheraton Hotel in the city," he said.

    Police confirmed :Dthat a case of armed robbery is being investigated.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wahn und Wirklichkeit.......

    Wenn schon die Minen durch den starken Rand leiden, soll es wohl der Tourismus bringen.

    So ist schwer begegreifbar,daß nicht mal Busse vor Überfällen sicher sind.

    Hinterher sind alle immer klüger.Mannomann.......

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • In Kolumbien ist der Urlaub preiswerter und wahrscheinlich sicherer als hier.
    Man wird hier geblendet durch die Schoenheit, die Realitaet ist brutal.
    Die hatten noch Glueck das sie am Leben sind.
    Soweit zu dem Alptraumland RSA.
    Wer hier etwas gegenteiliges schreiben will, ich lasse ihn in der naehe der Schwarzen aussteigen und dort rumlaufen, dann vergeht es ihm sicherlich.
    Bitte glaubt der Propaganga nicht die sie fuer RSA machen.
    It's hot here, fuc... hot !



  • Hallo Eldo,

    meine Lebensgefährtin ist ebenfalls (in Deutschland/Bonn) ca. eine Stunde lang mehrfach vergewaltigt(in der Art und Weise wie ein tier), körperlich schwer misshandelt, gewürgt, mit dem Tode bedroht und durch Messerstiche verletzt worden.
    Da es sich um einen Afrikaner handelte, war die HIV-Angst ebenfalls riesig. Der Täter ist bis heute nicht gefasst. Seine 2 Kumpel, die vor der Tür Wache standen, laufen immer noch frei rum. Sie geht heute kaum noch abends allein vor die Tür.

    Gelesen davon wirst du hier nichts haben. Ich denke jetzt ist es gut mit dieser/deiner Geschichte. Es handelt sich hier um ein Goldboard. Nicht um ein Forum "Menschen in Not".

  • Police arrest suspect in German tour bus robbery

    By Leanne Raymond

    While police arrested a 20-year old man yesterday in connection with Wednesday's armed robbery of a tour bus carrying German travel agents in Khayelitsha, a group of tourism roleplayers met in the city to condemn the incident.

    The Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA) brought together stakeholders from Cape Town and Khayelitsha to express their outrage - saying the incident displayed how a few bad apples can damage Cape Town's image as an excellent tourism destination.

    "When you steal from a tourist you are stealing from the economy.

    This sector has the potential to make a positive difference in the lives of all South Africans. The responsibility lies in all our hands to ensure tourists have a good and safe time," TBCSA executive director Tanya Abrahamse said.

    TBCSA's views were echoed by SA Tourism, local tourism MEC Lynne Brown, and tourism minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk.

    "Crimes against tourists affect not only the victims but every community in South Africa. When a tourist is robbed it is a crime against our own future," said Van Schalkwyk.

    Police spokesman Captain Billy Jones said information from the public had led to the arrest; 14 people were brought in for questioning. Dirk Vosloo, of Khayelitsha police station, said he was sure it was an opportunistic crime.

    The incident made headline news in Germany - the country that sends the second largest number of visitors to SA.

    The agents attacked were part of a promotional tour sponsored by SA Tourism, Cape Town Routes Unlimited and German tour operator Dertour.

    Dertour representative, Erwin Dreiser, said police arrived within minutes and Cape Town's Safety and Security Support Unit supplied counsellors for the victims.

    All the tourists were offered tickets home, but only two left yesterday morning.

    "A small group (of criminals) destroy the positive work done by many of the township's people whom we will keep supporting," said Dreiser.

    Dertour has been organising township tours for 15 years and this is the first bad incident.

    Yesterday Dertour took 650 Chinese tourists on the same township tour.

    Annemarie Ferns, who works for SA Tourism in Germany, said they had been visiting Rosie's Soup Kitchen. On returning to the bus, they noticed men running away with one of them carrying her bag.

    Heiko Brix, a Lufthansa representative said three young men got on the bus, one with a gun. "They were saying nervously 'telephones, camera'. The whole bus was very calm, we didn't panic."

    Brix said that, before boarding the bus, they put the gun against the driver's head. Four women, sitting in the front of the bus, were in a state of shock.

    Published on the web by Cape Times on December 2, 2005.
    © Cape Times 2005. All rights reserved.

  • SA motor industry expects 2005 to end on high note

    After yet another exceptional month for vehicles sales, South African motor manufacturers expect 2005 to finish on a high note

    After yet another exceptional month for vehicles sales, South African motor manufacturers expect 2005 to finish on a high note.

    The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (Naamsa) has released vehicles sales figures for November - sales for the first eleven months of the calendar year rose by 25.5% y/y to 519 267 units.

    McCarthy Motor Holdings (MCC) chairman Brand Pretorius said in a statement that it was clear that motor industry was heading for an exceptionally strong finish for what had been a remarkable year.

    "2005 was unique in the sense that all four major segments of the market experienced extremely favourable trading conditions."

    Pretorius noted that November proved to be yet another exceptionally strong sales month for the South African motor industry, with record total vehicle sales of 55,553 units achieved by Naamsa and non-reporters, Associated Motor Holdings (AMH).

    For the year-to-date, Naamsa reported growth of 25.5% when compared to the same period in 2004, recording 519 267 sales.

    "Vehicle purchases by government departments were also high due to the renewal of ageing fleets and increased spending on infrastructural projects," said Pretorius. "No wonder then that new vehicle sales exceeded even the most optimistic expectations this year."

    He added that all indications were that the year would finish on a high note and that the industry would achieve unit sales exceeding 605 000 units (non reporters included).

    "On the back of several months of unprecedented market buoyancy, predictions that the industry will break through the 500,000 unit barrier have been borne out. With one trading month still remaining, the final total retail figure for 2005 looks very promising for the industry in general," said General Motors South Africa (GMSA) Director of Sales and Marketing Malcolm Gauld.

    "With GMSA producing satisfactory results for the November retail month, and with good economic fundamentals still driving the industry forward, GMSA also looks forward to ending 2005 with record annual sales," said Gauld.

    He added that the successes and gains the company had made to date served as a solid platform for increased growth and a fresh assault on the local market in 2006 with products such as the recently launched range of Opel van-bodied commercial vehicles.

    "Demand for new vehicles remains high and is driven by the continued strength of the economy, low interest rates, static prices and aggressive trading conditions that favour the consumer," Nissan South Africa director of marketing and sales Roel de Vries said. "A shortage of supply of locally manufactured vehicles to our dealers prevented Nissan from capitalising fully on the buoyant trading conditions."

    However, good sales of imported vehicles ensured that the Nissan 350Z remains SA's most popular sports car and the Nissan X-TRAIL maintains its position as the country's best-selling SUV."

    Volkswagen (VW) of SA Sales and Marketing GM Mike Glendinning said: "VW's November 2005 sales were 24% up on November 2004."

    "2005 year-to-date sales for the VW brand now show growth of 32% when compared to the 2004 January to November period.

    "The Audi brand has also showed significant improvement. Year-to-date 2005 sales have shown growth of 20% in comparison to the same period in 2004," he added.

    Glendinning said that the all-time record performance of new car sales during 2005 could certainly be associated with buoyant economic conditions in circumstances where new car pricing has been declining in both real and nominal terms and where competitive circumstances in the market had been driving steady improvements in new car affordability.

    He said: "The demand side of the economy is still being driven by a low inflation and interest rate environment, growth-orientated fiscal policy, continuous gains in real income and net employment, high levels of both business and consumer confidence, steadily escalating wealth as house prices continue growing, and the JSE continues testing new highs on a regular basis.

    "Given these circumstances, therefore, while growth rates may slow somewhat, in the absence of any unexpected negative developments, 2006 looks set to deliver another year of buoyant economic circumstances and increasing prosperity for the country, an environment that is likely to promote the continuation of strong demand for new passenger cars during the coming year, after a record breaking 2005," he concluded.- I-Net Bridge

    Published on the web by Business Report on December 2, 2005.
    © Business Report 2005. All rights reserved.

  • Dertour representative, Erwin Dreiser, said police arrived within minutes. :D
    Cape Town's Safety and Security Support Unit supplied counsellors for the victims. :D

    All the tourists were offered tickets home :D, but only two left yesterday morning. :rolleyes:

    "A small group (of criminals) :D destroy the positive work done by many of the township's people whom we will keep supporting," said Dreiser.

    Dertour has been organising township :rolleyes:tours for 15 years and this is the first bad incident. :D :D

    Yesterday Dertour took 650 Chinese tourists on the same township tour. :P :P :P :] :] :] ?( Fuji Fuji like in Zoo.

    Hey, lets go to the Township, see the shit, take some pictures and feel a little guilty but drop some sweets and money for the poor kids.
    .... YEAH I feel good now , back to the clean Hotel.

    And the kaffers have a laugh und welcome them with open arms and hands. :P :P

    Never give money for nothing, at least for a genuine smile.

  • Posted to the web on: 02 December 2005

    Reserve Bank expected to hold interest rates


    THE Reserve Bank will leave interest rates steady at its policy meeting next week, and may keep monetary policy on hold to the end of 2006 as inflation pressures abate, a Reuters poll showed on Friday.

    All 18 economists predicted the Reserve Bank would keep its key repo rate steady at 7% when its December 7-8 meeting ends, with retreating oil prices and a rallying rand currency taking the lid off price pressures.

    Eight respondents believe that interest rates will remain unchanged at near historic lows until the end of next year, as concerns that inflation may breach the upper end of its 3%-6% target rapidly subside.

    Eight others think that interest rates will rise, although some see a clear risk to their scenario given a raft of data suggesting the anticipated first quarter peak in the targeted CPIX inflation rate will not be as high as earlier thought.

    Two dissenters even see another cut in interest rates in the middle of 2006, given that favourable base effects which reduce the annual increase for CPIX will come into play.

    "It is very difficult to predict what will happen at the moment. It doesn’t look like inflation will break the target any time soon which means they might hold interest rates steady through 2006," said Nedbank chief economist Dennis Dykes.

    "We still think the bank will hike rates by 50 basis points in February to head off things like asset price growth .. but you could even paint a scenario where interest rates are cut next year, particularly if the rand goes to 6/dollar."

    Figures released two weeks ago showed that the annual rise in CPIX, which excludes volatile home loan costs, slowed to 4.4% in October from 4.7% in September - the second consecutive month it had abated.

    Prices of factory goods as measured by the PPI index also subsided during the month.

    But more importantly for the outlook, oil prices have retreated well off record peaks just above $70 a barrel, although they are nudging back up towards $59 as the northern hemisphere winter bites.

    At the same time, the rand has appreciated strongly against the dollar, euro and pound in a trend which will keep imported price pressures at bay, even if crude prices remain steep.

    All of this means that comments by central bank governor Tito Mboweni in late October warning that the next move in interest rates was likely to be upwards - and possibly imminent - had been overtaken by events, analysts said.

    "It was an exercise in curbing inflation expectations. He did it effectively but that is the sum of it and there’s no reason to raise interest rates," said Efficient Research economist Nico Kelder.

    Kelder sees interest rates falling by half a percentage point in August next year. The Bank has already lowered its repo rate by 6.50 percentage points between June 2003 and April 2005, driving commercial lending rates to 25-year lows.

    More economists are subscribing to the view that interest rates will be kept unchanged for at least a year longer, as the central bank tries to keep its policy in line with government efforts to boost growth, without jeopardising inflation.

    Sanlam group economist Jac Laubscher, who was previously expecting a rate hike next year, is one of them.

    "What I am looking for from the MPC next week is communication rather than the decision. I want to know if they are aiming for the midpoint of the inflation target or if they are happy with 5.5%-6%," he said.

    "If I take the view they are happy with this then there is no reason to hike rates." The central bank has said it expects CPIX to peak just above 5.5% in the first half of 2006.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Eldorado
    Es kommt meistens anders als man denkt, der Rand wird noch staerker.

    So ist es.
    Zu dem ganzen Trouble in RSA dann das,was den Minen wieder schadet.

  • Rand, commodities and global markets likely to set the tone

    December 5, 2005

    Johannesburg - Stocks are likely to track the movement of the rand, rampant gold and platinum prices and the direction of global markets in the week ahead, due to an absence of scheduled corporate events.

    The FTSE/JSE Top40 index of blue chips rose 0.89 percent to 15 391.08 points, while the FTSE/ JSE Africa all share index added 0.83 percent to 16 940.83.

    The bourse is less likely to be moved by the outcome of a monetary policy committee meeting this week, which analysts expect to leave interest rates intact. A rate hike would curb spending and hurt earnings prospects among retail and bank stocks.

    Banks were upbeat on Friday after weakening during the week on profit taking, with FirstRand up 2.18 percent at R15.95. Retailers were also perky, with fashion outlet Edgars Consolidated up 2.18 percent at R31.35.

    A more likely effect on stocks is expected from the rand, which hit an eight-week peak against the dollar on Friday, buoyed by rocketing prices of gold and other commodities along with anticipation of further capital inflows.

    "With no results or much corporate news [this week], the rand will probably have a strong hand on the market," said Craig Pheiffer, a strategist as Sasfin Frankel Pollak Securities.

    "The link [with global markets] is our large cap stocks that have their primary listings elsewhere, and as those markets benefit, provided the rand doesn't gain too much, our shares are re-priced higher," Pheiffer said.

    "We are also likely to take a cue from metal prices," he said, in reference to the rising prices of gold and platinum."

    Shares in global mining giants soared on Friday after gold and silver reached 23-year and 18-year peaks, respectively. BHP Billiton closed up 2.98 percent at R99.95 and Anglo American added 0.4 percent to end at R203.11.


    The market expects no change in interest rates, but if a surprise change was announced it would move the market.

    - Abri du Plessis, chief investment officer at Gryphon Asset Management, on the rate decision expected on Thursday

  • SAA to pay R45m fine

    South African Airways has 30 days to pay a R45m fine for contravening the Competition Act, after it withdrew its appeal. Johannesburg - South African Airways (SAA) has 30 days to pay a R45 million fine for contravening the Competition Act.

    This after the airline on Monday withdrew an appeal against a July 28 Competition Commission ruling that it had abused its dominant position in the domestic airline market.

    The commission then withdrew its cross-appeal, said commission spokesperson Liziwe Konyana.

    Konyana said: "The withdrawal of the appeal and cross-appeal effectively means that the Competition Tribunal's order in this matter stands and that SAA will be required to pay the R45m penalty imposed by the Competition Tribunal."

    The fine - the largest in the history of the Competition Act - was imposed on the national carrier after the tribunal found it had broken the law by operating incentive schemes for travel agents which were in breach of the Competition Act.

    It found that the Explorer scheme :D - a system of rewarding travel agency staff with SAA tickets on the basis of the number of SAA tickets they sold - helped reinforce the carrier's position.

    The case followed a complaint lodged by Nationwide Airlines in 2001.

    The airline said it withdrew the appeal to avoid incurring further legal costs.

    Louisa Zondo, a lawyer for SAA said: "SAA seeks to avoid the inconvenience and cost of protracted litigation. As we focus on turning the airline around and on meeting the challenges of growing our business, it is important that the airline is not encumbered by this legacy."



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