Das neue Südafrika

  • Ein Ueberaschung oder ein taktisches Manoever ?.


    Ich nehme deine Entschuldigung an und hoffe du meinst es ehrlich.

    Mal schaun wie du dich weiter verhaelts.

    Denke mal nach, ich schreibe auch nichts ueber deine privaten Probleme wie deine Scheidung/Trennung oder Unterhaltsansprueche deines Ex-Partners z.B.

    Das gehoert auch in kein Board, meine Sache bezieht sich auf RSA und die Probleme die man hier bekommen kann als Weisser.

    Salz in die Wunden zu reiben ist kein menschlich guter Zug.

    Falls du frustriert bist, bitte lasse deine Frust nicht an andern aus.

    Ich kann auch nichts dafuer das bei Dir einiges schief gelaufen ist.

    Komm zur Sache und Thema von diesen Board mit lesbaren Stoff.



  • Klar daß die Währung und die Wirtschaft angesichts dieser Probleme kaputt geht. Klar auch, daß die Politik das verschweigt und sich um so mehr gegen die Restlebensgrundlage der Menschen wendet, je arger die Probleme werden.

    Die 3 Prozent Umsatzsteuererhöhung hier in D sind dagegen zwar "niedlich" werden aber ausreichen um so manche kleine Firma endgültig plattzumachen. Das Prinzip ist allerorts dasselbe:

    Zuviel Einmischung von außen. Aber auch das wird irgendwann noch endgültig geregelt werden. Die Menschen werden sich wehren. Und viel Blut wird fließen. Wie bereits so oft in der Geschichte. Wahrscheinlich werden zuerst Sündenböcke geopfert, bevor es einigen hauptverantwortlichen VERBRECHERN selber an den Kragen geht.

    Siehe Jugoslavien. Und Rumänien. Beide Ex-Staatschefs haben genau das gekriegt, was sie verdienten. Und der dumme Serbe hat es sich auch noch selber besorgt - welche köstliche Ironie :)
    Und Sadam beisst hoffentlich als nächster ins Gras. Fehlt nur noch, daß es Ussama auch erwischt. Und vielleicht wird nach dem 7. November auch endlich mal in den USA kräftig auf den Bush gehauen :d.d:d

    Ich würde mir wünschen, daß letztgenannter angeklagt und wegen Hochverrates hingerichtet werden würde, hat er doch einen Krieg begonnen, ohne daß die von ihm angegebenen Gründe (Terrorunterstützung, Massenvernichtungswaffen) existent waren.

    Und zurück zu Süd-Afrikas Nachbarschaft: HIV-Mugabe ist auch längst überfällig. Also ihr Rhodesier: rann an die Buschmesser!

  • Nigeria: Past Leaders Stole $500 Billion

    [Not surprising at all. Nigeria is proof positive, that in Africa, NOT EVEN A WEALTHY COUNTRY can help uplift its own blacks.

    Nigeria is the proof that S.Africa won't ever work

    Hello Jan and others:

    Man, reading this one, I can only think of the countless million's falling over as Bob Gono was clapping and children are dying....

    Quote:(involvement in corrupt practices since independence, declaring that the nation lost over $500 billion to their financial profligacy.)

    Take that to the bank, your own leaders are putting the screws to you, but I am sure they will either die in the police car, get amnesty and/or escape the country to somewhere like Sweden with that Large bank account that they now have "Money"?

    Enjoy the the article as much as they enjoyed the cash and the 40 years putting it together, can ya sa BEE, AA, BAE and all the plans of enrichment, because thats what they are - get rich schemes!!!!


    That is to say that the money that past Nigerian leaders have stolen in a 40-year time could have recreated the beauty and glory of western Europe six times all over in this country - NOTE: SIX TIMES OVER they could have REBUILT AFRICA even SIX TIMES OVER... Can ya think about the new houses for everyone the past 40 years????

    I wonder how many CHILDREN would be starving if that would have been used to FEED them BONO the Clown????

    I don't hear anyone clapping?????

    That's a lot of corruption in anyone's land can someone say "ENRON"

    Yea it happens here too! Even in The USA...


    Without seeking to befog you with statistics, corruption has cost us 220 billion pounds ($500 billion) of development assistance that has been stolen from this country since independence by our past leaders - NOTE: That's why you don't see people jumping on the feed Africa band wagon anymore like they use too... People have became smart to the Nigerian and african scam games we just ain't as naive as we used to be..

    The downfall is the people who really need the assistance really are there.. and what about them... the deal is it's hard to tell the snakes from the Cobra's!
    Mr D

    Nigeria: Past Leaders Stole $500 Billion - Ribadu
    Daily Champion (Lagos)
    October 18, 2006
    Posted to the web October 18, 2006

    Malachy Uzendu

    ECONOMIC and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) chairman, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu Monday appraised past leaders' involvement in corrupt practices since independence, declaring that the nation lost over $500 billion to their financial profligacy.

    Mallam Ribadu who specifically flayed corruption in public offices, lamented that so far only one per cent (about $5 billion) of the loot has been recovered.

    This revelation is coming even as Human Rights bodies have advised the EFCC to always follow due process and observe human rights in the discharge of its duties.

    Ribadu who spoke in Abuja at the launch of Fix Nigeria Initiative, added that through the 1998 Central Bank computations, "N200 billion was lost in one of the most spectacular elites plundering of citizen's resources via the failed bank phenomenon."

    Appraising EFCC activities in the past three years, Mallam Ribadu said the commission so far received about 8,610 petitions out of which 2,103 cases are still under investigation.

    He disclosed that more than 2,000 persons have been arrested while 306 cases involving other suspects are being prosecuted by the commission.

    Of the $5 billion so far recovered, Mallam Ribadu noted that several houses, land, luxury cars, airplanes and oil tankers have been confiscated in 90 convicted cases.

    "Corruption in Nigeria takes on the complexion and reality of a systematic and endemic nature and it can dissolve and rupture an otherwise thriving state.

    "Without seeking to befog you with statistics, corruption has cost us 220 billion pounds ($500 billion) of development assistance that has been stolen from this country since independence by our past leaders.

    "That is to say that the money that past Nigerian leaders have stolen in a 40-year time could have recreated the beauty and glory of western Europe six times all over in this country.

    "By 1998, the Central Bank had computed that N200 billion was lost in the failed bank phenomenon," he stated.

    The EFCC boss who gave insight into what commission achieved said that it had recovered N18 billion from unnamed former head of law enforcement agency and another N50 billion from a state governor.

    "The Fix Nigeria Initiative is therefore conceived to address this reality that the EFCC and other anti-corruption agencies can only effectively fight and eliminate corruption through the active participation of the community and the broad sections of the civil society organisations (CSOs), the private sector, the faith community and all of you to become active agents in the fight against corruption," he added.

    The director, Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), Dr. Jubril Ibrahim, even though he applauded the fight against corruption, warned that rule of law and human rights must prevail.

    Drawing inferences from happenings in Ekiti and Plateau states, he accused EFCC of adopting extra-legal procedure in the pursuit of its agenda.

    He noted that in order to fix the ills of the country, the commission should follow due process in clandestinely sponsoring impeachment of governors.

    All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) member in the National Assembly, Mr. Uche Onyeagocha called for the publication of assets declaration forms of all public officers.

    He also advocated the swearing of affidavit of waiver of immunity by president, governors and other persons covered by Section 3 of the constitution.

    He also said the EFCC should investigate the bribery of National Assembly members with N50 million to support the failed third term agenda.

    Source: Daily Champion
    URL: http://allafrica.com/stories/200610180014.html

  • Nigeria ist der bevoelkerungsreichste Afrikanische Staat.

    Was aber fast noch wichtiger ist, er setzt sich

    aus 50 voellig verschiedenen Ethnien zusammen.

    Im Niger_Delta, dort wo das Oil gefoerdert wird,

    lebt ein Stamm da tragen die Wuerdentraeger

    einen Hut, der wie bei einem Englischen Lord

    aussieht (in D nennt man die Form Bibi).

    Ein Literat von internationalem Format aus

    diesem Stamm hatte von einer grossen Oil_Company

    in einem Essay Teilhabe fuer den Stamm eingefordert.

    Die Oil_Company gab der Nigerianischen Regierung

    den Tip, man moege den Lyriker einschuechtern.

    Der wurde dann von einem Kollegialgericht,

    -alle mit Bibi- zum Tode verurteilt.

    Der Oil_Company genuegte der Spruch

    und lobte die Weisheit der Richter.

    Da sich die "Lordrichter" gebauchpinselt fuehlten,

    liessen sie den Lyriker anderntags hinrichten.

    Darueber beklagte sich die Oil_Company,

    weil das durch die Weltpresse ging.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://au.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geul3FMDtFctwAptkW5gt./SIG=11sdrum7a/EXP=1161593413/**http%3a//www.zyama.com/ogoni/B449ogoni.jpg]

  • Mom dies in suspected robbery


    Johannesburg - A woman was shot dead, and her partner wounded in what may have been a robbery in Craighaven, Johannesburg, Netcare 911 said on Sunday.

    Paramedic Mark Stoker said a security guard at the gate of a townhouse complex was tied up, as was the couple's domestic worker.

    Two children - one belonging to the domestic worker, and one to the couple - were also in the house during the shooting.

    It was not known whether the couple were married or engaged.

    The man was taken to hospital after being shot in the chest and was in a stable condition. The woman was shot in the upper body and died on the scene.

    According to Stoker, the shooting happened at about 21:30 on Saturday night.

    Police spokesperson Sefako Xaba said he had attempted to get information after hearing the story, but "police didn't know anything about the incident". :rolleyes:

    The nearby Sandton and Douglasdale police station's phones just rang and rang but no answer.


  • S.Africa:

    Shocking latest news on Army HIV rate

    I have heard from many sources over the years, at our two major military hospitals that the number of troops with AIDS in their care is extremely high. I heard one estimate from a psychologist at No 2 Military Hospital in Cape Town, that some years back, 90% of the troops in hospital were HIV+.

    So there is no question that MOST of the illnesses suffered by our military people is the result of being HIV+.

    I need to remind people that just because 90% of those in hospital are HIV+ does not mean that 90% of the population is HIV+. What it really means is that 90% of the illnesses suffered by that group are HIV related. Nevertheless there must be a very high actual infection rate.

    I heard from an old and trusted source of mine that the HIV rate in the SANDF is shocking. Apparently when the ANC had to send two companies of troops on peace-keeping missions, they struggled to find even 80 non-HIV+ combat-ready soldiers!!

    I was told that 2 years ago, they did a study and estimated that our army is 76% HIV+. But, the latest figures are a shocking: 83.6%. Jan

  • Amazing S.African Economic Fact

    I spotted the following fact on a bank statement from my bank. It reads: "Did you know that S.Africa accounts for almost 45% of the GDP of the entire African continent, with an economy three times the size of the second biggest (Egypt)."

    The above does not surprise me. It shows once more the key to Africa is, as I have said many times, S.Africa. I am quite sure the Western world knows this and that's why so many foreign powers play in S.Africa

  • South Africa:

    Important: ANC's funds drying up.
    To plunder R310 million from Taxpayers!!

    [This story is extremely important.

    There are many issues herein. I remember, before the 1999 elections that I saw an article saying that the ANC had a "war chest" with a staggering R1.2 billion for the coming election!!

    I remember too, that the ANC was receiving money from foreign countries directly into its war chest. The ANC was rolling in the money.

    So why is the ANC now bankrupt? My guess is that the Western world and the ANC's business allies, etc might be dumping the ANC!
    If this is indeed the case then its EXCELLENT. It means the world is starting to turn their backs on the ANC. The ANC's flirtation with the West may be ending. The West may already have dropped the ANC. So this could add to the impetus to drive the ANC to a more radical approach.

    Now, if the Democratic Alliance had any true balls, then it and others would stand up to this ANC move and would railroad it - because by doing so, the ANC would be the one which is left the most in the lurch.

    But, what's the bet that the ANC will get other parties to go along with this, just like it did with the scumbag floor-crossing legislation? It will promise everyone money (even though the ANC will be the biggest beneficiary)... In effect, the ANC could lead us towards the wholesale plundering of taxpayer money to fund our useless political parties!

    Let me point out that what the ANC doing is exactly the same as what Mugabe has done in Zimbabwe. He's been plundering in the same manner and the same basis, by using state funds to actually fund his evil little communist regime!

    So you can see where this country is heading now! If this legislation is passed, and they start plundering the coffers to fund themselves, then it will be just one more step closer to us being a Mugabe-like state! Jan]


    THE MERCURY (Fri. 20/10/06) Angela Quintal – Political Editor.

    The cash-strapped ANC has its sights set on parliament and the taxpayer effectively bankrolling its party work, and helping it secure another election victory. The proposal has already been described by one minority party MP as “wholesale plunder.” The estimated cost would be at least R310-million.

    Included in this figure is R3-million to provide drivers and security for MP’s over the age of 70, and R8.56-million for the security of women MP’s.

    Other political parties in parliament would also benefit, should the ANC proposal – tabled at Wednesday’s multiparty chief whip forum – be accepted. However, the decision on how much would be allocated in next year’s parliamentary budget is ultimately that of the Treasury.

    The official line on the need for more funds is that it is necessary to beef up the capacity of MP’s to do constituency work and conduct oversight of the executive.

    ANC officials in parliament could not be reached for comment yesterday, while the party’s national spokesperson, Smuts Ngonyama, said he did not know anything about the proposal. The Institute for Democracy in South Africa’s Judith February said last night that the ANC’s proposal was a wish list and should be viewed as such.

    “The (parliamentary) budget has not been spent adequately over the past years, and so the parties will have to prove that they can spend the money in the allocated time. Of course, constituencies need to be funded adequately, but again it’s about using the resources optimally,” she said.

    Parliament’s annual budget already tops R1-billion, but the proposal for more money, if accepted, would see it expanded by another estimated third just for the ANC alone. Given the ANC’s huge majority in both houses of parliament, the ruling party would benefit the most from the proposed deal. It has 279 MP’s in the 400 Member National Assembly and 36 of the 54 permanent delegates in the National Council of Provinces.

    This funding request would be in addition to the Independent Electoral Commission funding political parties receive.

    The Represented Political Parties Fund stood at R74.1-million last year, with the ANC getting R49.3–million and the balance divided among 16 smaller parties.

    The largest chunk of funding the ANC wants is for constituency work, which an opposition MP said gave it the funds to effectively employ “party organisers.”

    R180-million for constituency allowances.
    R27-million for 27 parliamentary co-ordinating offices.
    R12.6-million for security in constituency and co-ordinating offices.
    R2.2-million for a parliamentary constituency head office.
    R64.4-million for support staff and operational costs.
    R10.6-million for strategic planning workshops.
    R3-million for security and drivers for members of parliament older than 70.
    R8.5-million for security for women MP’s.
    R1.9-million for party leadership support.

  • Summary:

    Africans and coloured people consider the areas where they live to be the most unsafe places in Cape Town.

    Whites living in Cape Town feel particularly unsafe in the city centre.

    Forty one per cent of people feel very unsafe in their area of residence after dark.

    Seventy seven per cent of respondents believe crime in Cape Town has increased compared to previous years.

    Burglary is considered to be the most frequent crime type occurring in people's areas (48 per cent), followed by gang-related crimes (19,2 per cent).

    Of male assault victims, 42,6 per cent believe their assaults were gang-related.

    Loss of life is the most feared aspect of crime in Cape Town.


    100 - 1.31 - 50.0 - 524,000 - 2,000,000
    105 - 0.48 - 36.9 - 192,000 1,476,000
    110 - 0.15 - 25.2 - 60,000 1,008,000
    115 - 0.043 - 15.9 - 17,200 636,000
    120 0.011 9.1 4,400 364,000
    125 0.0023 4.8 920 192,000
    130 0.00044 2.3 176 92,000

    Scary Stuff about Black IQ: Blacks & Whites with IQ > 130

    Only 1.31% of Blacks have an IQ of 100

    [Here is another in a series of emails, all of which I will put on the site about black IQ. The source appears to be someone in France!! I've not been able to check the website out myself, but I'll go there to take a peek. It is a series of emails and exchanges and it brings us back to how many blacks in S.Africa have an IQ comparable to that of the upper echelons of the Whites who already live here. It reinforces my own experiences that it is whites who are creative and who really should be leading this society. Even though we make up 1/10th of the population, we are actually the foremost thinkers in this society - and practical experience in most parts of this society confirm that.

    Hence Mbeki can take his Native Club and smoke it... they can't match the raw intellectual talent which exists among the "native white Africans" who already live here. Without us... he's not going anywhere... and nor will his CIA and MI6 buddies get anywhere either because they're backing a dead horse. They can pretend all they like that they can live without us whites... but we are a real and valid force, and if we're ignored, then they will fail. But... because we have our own inate talent... *WE* can live on without them, and prosper without them. We don't need them. They need us.

    There are lots of Indians in the ANC. From my previous readings, the IQ of Coloureds is 1/2 between that of blacks and whites - since IQ is largely inherited. So there will be many more Coloured intellectuals than blacks. I would love to see exchanges and thoughts on this. I'll bet the Coloureds and Indians who number less than the blacks still have more people among their groups with IQ 130+. My guess is, that though the blacks may be the largest in sheer numbers, that on IQ, they will score the lowest of all the races. That's my guess.

    The ANC does lean on Muslims and Indians to a degree.


    An adult black man is seven times as likely to be found housed behind bars as is his white counterpart.

    Paradoxically, the largest disparities are found in political domains controlled by liberals -- the leaders in the struggle for racial justice. By examining how criminal behavior is distributed within the races, the paradox is resolved showing it to be an unintended consequence of liberal benevolence and goodwill..

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    deine Hassliebe zu dem Land kann ich verstehen. Aber sei realistisch: nächstes Frühjahr Abreise.

    Ein Kollege von mir, der eine afrikanische Frau geheiratet hat, und vor wenigen Jahren aus Zimbabwe in die Schweiz kam, weil seine Frau dort als nicht-Regierungspartei-Mitglied übel angegriffen worden war, ist vor kurzem wieder mit Familie nach Afrika zurückgegangen, weil er und seine Familie in der Schweiz rassistischen Belästigungen übelster Sorte ausgesetzt waren. Wohin? Nach RSA! Na ich wünsche ihm viel Glück.

    Ich hätte ihm viel eher Botswana oder Namibia empfohlen.

    Die AIDS-Problematik wird in Afrika nicht in den Griff zu bekommen sein, so plan- und hemmungslos wie die Afrikaner herumvögeln. Sorry, kann nicht anständiger gesagt werden. Damals im Nord-Transvaal (schwarzes Gebiet), wo ich gearbeitet hatte, war jedes dritte oder vierte Schulmädchen der High School schwanger.

    Als Arbeitende fand ich einen bedeutenden Unterschied zwischen (schwarzen) Frauen und Männern: in der Regel Frauen bescheiden, gut und fleissig, Männer eingebildet, mangelhaft kompetent und faul. Zahltag war jeweils schlimm: Besäufnisse und Schlägereien unter den Männern.

    Und da wird unser Justizminister in der Schweiz von den Linken und den linkslastigen Medien schwer angegriffen wegen einer Bemerkung über Afrika, die er in einer Kommission offenbar fallen liess, und die von einem linken Kommissionsmitglied an die Medien weitergereicht wurde, wo sie in unerhörtem Mass aufgebauscht wird, mit Worten, die im in den Mund gelegt wurden, die er nie gesagt hatte. Original war in etwa, er wisse nicht, ob offizielle Entwicklungshilfe in Afrika überhaupt Sinn mache. Verdreht: die Afrikaner seine faul und nichtsnützig.
    Es gab dann am Samstag eine Demonstration von etwa 30 (!) Afrikanern auf dem Bundesplatz in Bern, mit Plakaten 'Wir sind nicht faul!'

    Was gibst du der Democratic Alliance in RSA für Chancen (if any)?


  • Hi Lucky

    Ich muss erstmal noch hier bleiben,will aber baldmoeglichst raus und eventuell in Vancouver leben da in Deutschland mehr Neger rumlaufen.
    Ihr kriegt das selbe multi-rassen chaos das wir seit 1994 haben.

    Auch die Leute aus dem Osten und Muslims werden Euch einheizen, in der Schweiz sind die Politiker schlauer als in Deutschland.
    Diese liberalen Idioten sehen alles zu rosig in Europa und wissen nicht wen sie ueberhaupt einladen.
    Die fressen Euch die Haare vom Kopf und brechen dann bei Euch ein.
    Sicher es gibt auch anstaendige, wenn wir was machen sind wir die Rassisten und ihr die Nazis.

    Gestern hat es den Bruder meiner Freundin erwischt, seine ganze Wohnung wurde ausgeraubt trotz Security Mann und Gates im Block.
    Ich habe bald eine high- tech Alarmanlage und Armed Response der viel Geld kostet. Mehr kann ich bis zur Abreise nicht tun,ich komme mir vor wie in Fort Knox und schaue nun durch Gitter aufs Meer, Pfefferspray in jeden Raum oben drauf.
    Sobald man sein Auto wo parkt kommt gleich ein Neger und will 5 Rand sonst verkratzt er das Auto, Intimidation ueberall.

    Botswana ist besser als Namibia, dort gibt es auch den Zoff.
    Unser neuer Buergermeister von Cape Town ist von der DA aber im grossen und ganzen haben die Landesweit nicht viel mitzureden, wenn sie was sagen dann werden sie gleich als Rassisten bezeichnet und der Fall ist gegessen. Die DA ist ein Wunschtraum der weissen, IMO.

    Heute sah ich in Hout Bay Beach 7 southern right wale, das ist ein besseres bild als der staendige aerger hier.

    Am 16 Februar ist mein Prozess, kann sein das der mehrmals verschoben wird und ich rechne mit 10 - 15.000 Euro Rechtsanwaltkosten.

    Besser zahlen als nochmals in den Knast, wer dort ist bekommt HIV gratis.
    Die Gefaengnisse sind 136% voll und man lasst Moerder nach 3-5 Jahren wieder raus die gleich wieder zuschlagen.
    Dafuer gibt man 240 millionen Rand fuer den upgrade der waterfront in CT aus und 3.2B Rand fuer Strassen/Transport fuer den Soccer Worldcup der meiner Meinung nie stattfinden wird.

    Es ist zu Kotzen was hier abgeht, seit dem die Todesstrafe abgschafft wurde in 1996 haben die Neger keinen Respekt und Angst mehr.
    Die haben alle gruenes Licht fuer ihre Verbrechertaten bekommen von der Regierung kommt mir vor.

    Ich habe die falsche Hautfarbe hier, die weissen werden nur abgezockt und die speed cameras stehen ueberall, bloss keine Polizei wenn man sie braucht.

    Und wenn man sich wehrt dann wird man gleich bestraft.
    Ich habe nun Pfefferspray und die haben bald meine Schusswaffen.
    Toller Vergleich....man muss hier erstmal ein Messer im Koerper haben das man schiessen darf.
    Ich bereue meinen Schuss nicht, frueher gab es einen Orden dafuer,heute eine Mordanklage wegen einen toten bekannten Gang Member der selber schon einer Mordanklage am Hals hatte aber nicht bewiesen werden konnte.



  • @ Eldorado

    soeben erfahre ich, dass sich ein Verwandter in Richtung SA auf den Weg machen möchte. Dort soll dann ein freies soziales Jahr angetreten werden...

    ... ich habe deine lebhaften Schilderungen gut in Erinnerung und versuche dieses Vorhaben noch zu stoppen. Komm du da mal heile raus, die Berichterstattung über SA kann hier gewiss auch ohne deine unmittelbare Gegenwart dort erfolgen.



  • Weisst du HW, mir ist es eigentlich Leid diese News zu berichten.
    Ich haette gerne was anderes geschrieben.
    Es geht darum das ihr mit den Berichten in Deutschland ueber RSA eigentlich verarscht werdet und ueber die Gefahr nichts berichtet wird.
    Es ist hier alles sehr teuer geworden und die Arbeitslosen werden dadurch noch mehr kriminell. Fast schon deutsche Preise aber mit einen drittel Lohn als in Deutschland.

    Es gibt noch ein paar schoene Seiten hier ,die troesten ein wenig.
    Das schlimme ist das die Kriminalitaet sehr eskaliert ist und es fast jeden Bekannten nun ebenso erwischt.
    Im noblen Constantia vekaufen sie ihre Haeuser wegen der vielen Einbrueche,die gute und Leute mit Geld sind eh schon fast alle weg aus dem Land. Der Rest geht vor die Hunde wie in Zimbabwe wenn es so weiter geht.

    Im Reisebus zu sitzen und von Hotel zu Hotel zu fahren ist eine andere Sache als hier zu leben.
    Sozialarbeit ?.... ein Fass ohne Boden in Afrika.
    Ich kannte eine Deutsche die hatte sich HIV geholt als sie ein Kind verarztet hat in Natal.
    Laut ihren Bericht war das ganze Unternehmen sinnlos,die lernten nicht viel dabei. Wer aber Missionar spielen will weil er sich besser fuehlt der soll es machen.

    Ich fliege am Mittwoch in eine Game Lodge und bleibe drei Wochen im Bush,die Tiere beobachten ist wunderbar.
    Ich kenne die Ranger sehr gut und arbeite dort mit,das macht Sinn.
    Das wird wahrscheinlich mein Abschied von den Big 5.

    Also ab Mittwoch drei Wochen Pause mit keinen Internet, ich wuensche Euch alles Gute.



    • Offizieller Beitrag


    nein, doch nicht Abschied von den big 5. Es gibt ja noch Okovango (ein Traum von mir, noch nicht verwirklicht)! . Dafür sah ich die Vic-Falls in Flut (der Rauch, der donnert). Ein überwältigendes, unvergessliches Erlebnis. Vier Tage lang hatte ich sie von allen Seiten angesehen und fotografiert.

    All the best!

    (Schaue auch die Bäume an!! 1000 Spezies in RSA /südlichem Afrika. Alle meine Baobabs sind wegen Umzug eingegangen; muss wieder neue aufziehen in der Backröhre, nach Beizen in Schwefelsäure. Schade um den Zeitverlust... Wenn du über 'leadwood' -Samen (combretum imberbe) stolperst, sammelst du sie auf für mich?)

  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado

    Sobald man sein Auto wo parkt kommt gleich ein Neger und will 5 Rand sonst verkratzt er das Auto, Intimidation ueberall.

    Das ist doch doch mal ein down-to-earth Beweis für die Inflation in SA! Als ich 1998 Kapstadt verlassen habe, war der "Standardtarif" für die "Parkwächter" ein Rand. Heute sinds R5.... :D :D :D

    Übrigens, wenn die Armed Response so gut ist wie manche Firmen in JNB, dann kannst Du dich erstmal ein wenig entspannen. Wir hatten einen Armed Response Firma in JNB. 2 mal sind die gekommen (beides Mal wegen Fehlalarm...) und zwar bis unter die Zähne bewaffnet (H&K MP5) innerhalb von 5 Minuten nach Auslösen des Alarms....über eine Mauer mit e-Zaun obendrauf standen die dann auf der Stoep und haben meine Eltern zu Tode erschrocken :D
    Super effizient - aber: "you get what you pay for" also lieber ein paar Rand mehr ausgeben...

  • 24. Oktober 2006

    In Südafrika ist jeder Sechste ein Vergewaltiger

    6-7 Frauen in der Stunde in Kapstadt alleine !

    ...und diese Verbrecher und Bastards erhalten volle Menschenrechte in einem demokratischen System das eher eine Diktatur sein sollte um die Gangster im Griff zu bekommen. Eine demokratische Diktatur ist das einzige was in Afrika funktioniert. IMO Arabische Gesetze,Todesstrafe, dann ist Ruhe.

    Liberale Scheisse, ihr habt die auch schon und geht einen aehnlichen Weg bei Euren Politiker die Grenzen aufmachen anstatt zu.

    Hoert sich Rassistisch an ??.... man wird das automatisch bei so einen System das einen das Wasser abdreht.

    1.4% der Neger hat einen IQ von 100, da kann man noch hunderte von Jahren denen eine Ausbildung geben. :D

    Man kann einen Neger aus dem Bush holen aber niemals den Bush aus den Neger.

    Danke schoen USA und die Laender die Sanktionen ausfuehrten um das nun zu erreichen was sich heute abspielt.

    Besonderen Dank- Herrn De Klerk der alle Weissen verraten und an den ANC auf dem Tablet serviert hat.


    Armenviertel..... selbstgebaut,selbst bevorzugt sowie ausgesucht, frei Strom und Wasser das die Weissen zahlen..bitte nicht vergessen wenn ihr den Artikel liest.

    Die Staedte sind bereits umzingelt, man wartet auf den Startschuss um endgueltig zuschlagen zu koennen um die letzten Weissen zu vertreiben.

    Die grinsen jetzt schon..... :D...ich weiss warum.

    Back in 3 weeks, take care guys and good luck ;).
    Wenn ihr ein paar Neger braucht ich schicke sie Euch gerne zur Umerziehung....viel Spass !!



  • Kebble 'gunman' disappears

    The man who allegedly pulled the trigger of the gun used to kill mining magnate Brett Kebble has disappeared. :rolleyes:

    The revelation comes after National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi, in an exclusive interview, confirmed that four men, including the gunman and Kebble's former security head, Clinton Nassif, had struck a deal with the Scorpions.

    The deal is believed to have resulted in the men turning State witness against multi-millionaire businessman Glenn Agliotti, who was arrested on Thursday in connection with Kebble's murder late last year.

    Agliotti, who was arrested at his luxury Bryanston home in a pre-dawn raid, appeared in the Johannesburg magistrate's court on Thursday on charges of murder and conspiracy to commit murder.
    He is due to appear again on December 8 for a formal bail application.

    It is believed that the suspected triggerman is a bouncer well known on the Pretoria and Johannesburg nightclub circuit.

    In exchange for immunity from prosecution, he and the others gave detailed statements to the Scorpions on the key role Agliotti allegedly played in an international narcotics and contraband smuggling syndicate.

    Scorpions spokesperson Lucinda Moonieya refused to comment on any such deal or "the suspected triggerman's disappearance".

    Moonieya said several high-level meetings between the Scorpions and SAPS detectives the past two days had shed light on Kebble's murder.
    "The SAPS have given their full co-operation to us and have dedicated two investigators to the Scorpions so that the two agencies can ensure a dedicated approach in the ongoing murder investigation.

    "There will be more arrests," said Moonieya.

    Police and Scorpion investigators said they had arranged to meet the bouncer after he made his statement, but he did not turn up.

    They also said a senior Johannesburg police officer was arrested on Thursday night in connection with the Kebble investigation.

    It is believed the Agliotti state witnesses are part of one of South Africa's biggest mafias, which incorporates syndicates smuggling narcotics, counterfeit cigarettes and bootleg liquor into and out of the country.

    "We are talking about hundreds of millions of rands worth of drugs that are being brought into South Africa every month," a source close to Agliotti's lawyer Laurance Hodes said.

    "These drugs are distributed to nightclubs and other social scenes where they are sold in vast quantities, bringing the syndicate millions in revenue every month."

    Selebi, whose friendship with Agliotti has been in the spotlight in recent weeks, said he had adopted a "wait-and-investigate" attitude.

    Agliotti called the police commissioner several times from near Kebble's murder scene moments after Kebble was killed.

    On why the arrests were made by the Scorpions and not the police, he said: "Two days ago, Divisional Commissioner Johann de Beer, along with his team of specialised investigators, were meant to arrest four people, but they had already submitted themselves to the Scorpions," Selebi told the Pretoria News on Thursday, adding that the men had been questioned by Scorpions investigators at the weekend and granted immunity.

    Selebi said the four people police were hoping to arrest would have been charged with murder.

    Agliotti was recently fingered as "The Landlord" of an international drug smuggling syndicate following the arrest of five men in an undercover Scorpions operation earlier this year.

    The operation saw the recovery of R250-million worth of hashish and dagga from a factory hidden in a storage facility in Alberton. The facility is allegedly owned by Agliotti.

    Information given to the Pretoria News shows that at least three of the four State witnesses in Agliotti's case were allegedly distributing the smuggled contraband and narcotics for him to nightclubs throughout South Africa and several southern African countries.

    Impeccable sources revealed to the Pretoria News on Thursday that the price on Kebble's head was R1.5-million and his death was allegedly part of a bizarre assisted suicide pact with Agliotti.

    The sources disclosed that Kebble had asked his close friend, Agliotti, to assist him with the suicide. Agliotti then, according to our sources, approached Nassif, who in turn contracted the gunman, a former Hell's Angels biker whose identity is known to the Pretoria News.

    Explaining why Kebble had approached Agliotti for help, a source said Kebble was in debt, which would only be resolved with a big payout such as life insurance.

    "If he committed suicide, the money would not be paid out. Kebble knew that Agliotti was being investigated for fraud and promised to make that investigation disappear in turn for help with his 'suicide'.

    "It is as simple as that," he said, adding that the four killers were now turning on Agliotti because of "bad blood".

    The "bad blood" is believed to be around a failed deal over narcotics and counterfeit cigarettes.

    The four have allegedly given the National Prosecuting Authority information on Agliotti's involvement in international crime syndicates.

    They will allegedly be allowed to go free in exchange for Agliotti.

    The source said police were following up on information that the weapons used in the "hit" had been ground up and scattered in several fields around Johannesburg and Pretoria.

    "I can confirm that police have been searching these areas and other areas for several months with metal detectors for these weapons, which are not guns that you can buy from any gunsmith," he said.

    He said police were following up on a number of leads and more people, a number of them prominent South African businessmen linked to mafia organisations, were about to be arrested.

    The tensions and lack of co-operation between the SAPS and the Scorpions were recently the subject of a judicial Commission of Inquiry, headed by Judge Sisi Khampempe, which recommended that the Scorpions must report to the Minister of Safety and Security and the National Commissioner of Police.

    The Democratic Alliance on Thursday called for Selebi to stand down because of his links to Agliotti, but Selebi dismissed this.

    "Give me one reason why I must resign. I've never denied my relationship with Glenn. Never. It has never been a secret. I don't know of his alleged criminality. He did not tell me about it," said Selebi.

    This article was originally published on page 1 of Pretoria News on November 17, 2006

    Source: Pretoria News
    URL: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php…n20061117111138768C168409

  • South Africa R810m stolen in SA heists

    2006-11-21 10:30

    Durban - More than R810m has been stolen in about 3 400 cash-in-transit robberies in South Africa since 2000, it was reported on Tuesday.
    The Mercury said these figures emerged on Monday in Durban regional court in response to bail applications by 26 men charged with two robberies in the Umfolozi area.

    The State used an affidavit from Anton Widd, general manager of the violent crime office of the SA Banking Risk Information Centre, to oppose the bail bid.

    In the document, Widd said this year alone - up until October - saw 468 incidents involving more than R86m.

    Last year, there had been 520 reported incidents with a cash loss of almost R200m.

    Going back to the year 2000, there had been between 400 and 560 heists each year with between R88m and R140m stolen.

    Widd said: "It stands to reason that any threat, trauma or losses for the industry will have a direct influence on the economy. The ripple effect goes without saying."

    The 26 accused were travelling in four vehicles when they were arrested last month at the Mvoti Toll Plaza.

    It emerged in that 21 of them had previous convictions or cases pending against them.


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