Das neue Südafrika

  • Zuma slams 'Americanisation'

    2007-9-9 12:38


    ANC deputy president Jacob Zuma questioned the "Americanisation" of culture in South Africa, criticising television images of sex and violence during a speech in Johannesburg on Sunday.

    "Why are we Americanising ourselves, why?" he asked the official launch of the Creative Workers Union of SA.

    "There's more violence on the TV... there's more open sex on TV. What education are you giving to us? Is that part of our culture?"

  • Child killed in police chase

    2007-09-09 16:11:58


    A 13-year-old boy was shot dead near Witbank on Sunday morning when Mpumalanga police opened fire on a car they suspected was stolen.

    Superintendent Abie Khoabane said police spotted the Isuzu double cab bakkie driving without licence plates in Witbank in the early hours of the morning.

    Earlier in the evening the police had received an alert about a stolen Colt bakkie. They mistook the Isuzu for the Colt bakkie and set off in pursuit," said Hall.

    "They tried to pull it over and the driver did not stop. He accelerated out of Witbank.

    "Police opened fire and a 13-year-old on the back seat was shot in the neck. He died on the scene."

    His 21-year-old brother had been driving.

    Police were trying to determine whether the car had in fact been stolen. :rolleyes:

    The police officer would face charges of murder and attempted murder, Khoabane said.


  • 3 000 guards for KZN schools

    2007-9-11 12:28

    Pietermaritzburg - The KwaZulu-Natal Education Department on Tuesday announced that it would be employing nearly 3 000 security guards at its poorest schools as well as an additional 5 000 more teachers.

    Addressing the media in Pietermaritzburg, Education MEC Ina Cronje said that all the province's poorest schools would have at least one security guard by the end of the 2008/2009 financial year.

    This means there would be a total of 3 342 security guards employed at schools.

    "We would want them (the security guards) to be there when the children are at school." she said.

    The security guards would not be armed. :D

    She also said that the province had managed to fence 90% of its schools and was hoping in the coming years to have all its schools fenced.

    The total number of teaching posts in the province would increase from 84 432 in the previous financial year to 89 437 at the end of the 2008/2009 financial year - an increase of 5 005 teaching posts. This includes 2005 teachers absorbed from the Eastern Cape education department after the area of Umzimkhulu was incorporated into the province.

    KwaZulu-Natal's teaching ratio would improve to 31.18 pupils per class from the 31.36 pupils in the 2007/2008 financial year.

    In 2004 the pupil/teacher ratio was 34.9.

    Cronje said she believed the department would be able to recruit the teachers but, like the rest of the country, there would be shortages in maths, science and information technology teachers.

    The number of pupils at the KwaZulu-Natal education department schools was expected to increase by 140 000 to 2.682 million.


  • SA customers are wimps :D

    2007-9-11 13:21

    Chris Moerdyk

    There is nothing South Africans enjoy more than to bitch to each other about high prices and rotten service. But, when they are treated like morons and criminals in the shops they meekly roll over and let big business walk all over them without even a whimper.

    I bumped into someone outside Makro in Woodmead some time back doing a customer service survey - now that's the place where the exit doors are all locked and customers only get to be allowed out when they have proved to the security guards that they are not criminals.

    As they came out of the store after having to stand in q queue to get their purchases checked against their till slips, he asked customers whether they were happy to have to go through that rigmarole.

    Not one person had any problem with it - some of them saying; "Well there's a lot of crime in this country so we have to help and play our part."

    What utter nonsense. If you look at the statistics the vast majority of losses in a big store - they call it shrinkage - is not caused by customers shoplifting but by crooked employees either at the tills or in the goods receiving department.

    What's happening is that in order to catch their own people on the take, these big stores are inconveniencing ALL their customers. And what is completely beyond me is that the vast majority of South Africans just accept being treated as criminals.

    Contrary to the constitution they are being assumed guilty until they can prove themselves innocent.

    But, being treated as criminals is only one side of the coin. We also treated like morons most of the time - especially women. Particularly by the motor industry. Just ask any woman who has taken a car in for a service and she'll tell you that the service manager will treat her like a brain dead bimbo. They treat most men that way as well.

    Over-priced cars

    It starts even before that when you try and buy one of the country's hideously over-priced cars and more often than not you have to deal with a salesman who can't be bothered to get his arse out of his chair and his feet off the his desk as he does you the huge favour of accepting your quarter-million bucks for a car that won't be ready when its promised and has the number plate stuck on crooked with mirror tape.

    Which is the reason why people like Jeep, Volkswagen and other European manufacturers are getting their backsides kicked by the Koreans who are taking over the car market by huge leaps and bounds simply by providing a halfway decent service. And keeping promises.

    The attitude of most businesses and especially those people who work at the coal face and come into direct contact with the customer, are that loyalty to the firm is paramount. And that under no circumstances should the company lose face by admitting to any customer that a mistake has been made.

    This is really dumb when you think about it. As I try to point out in the customer service training sessions that I do, by simply digging in their heels and telling customers to get stuffed you are actually achieving nothing.

    That customer goes away really annoyed and tells a whole bunch of mates how bad your service is and the whole lot of them go somewhere else. So you have to rely on getting new customers all the time and that's ten times more expensive than just keeping the old ones.

    Just say sorry

    How much better than to just say sorry and fix the problem without worrying too much whether the customer is actually right or wrong. The argument is over within seconds, the customer is happy and keeps coming back. Whatever it may have cost you to keep that customer happy will be repaid a dozen times over.

    But, the problem in South Africa is that customers don't complain in the first place. Oh, they do to each other in no uncertain terms, but never to the people who cause them all that grief.

    They just accept bad service as the norm and let all sorts of people walk all over them - builders, electricians, plumbers, car dealers, airlines, taxi drivers, chain stores like Makro, Game, and Dions, music stores like Look & Listen and heaven knows how many others that treat us like dirt and will keep treating us like dirt until we eventually wake up and stop taking all this unnecessary crap from them.

    Of course, they'll argue till they're blue in the face that it's all about security for their customers and keeping prices down. Like hell it is because if that was the case why doesn't Woolworths do it, why doesn't Pick 'n Pay do it and why can you shop in New York, London and Paris and walk in and out of the big stores there without being asked to show your till slip to prove you are not a criminal.

    Frankly it is all about being spoilt rotten. And South African business is spoilt rotten. Putting in those inconvenient security measures is pure laziness and the easy way out. And the cheapest. Can't blame them in a way - why not mess customers about if they never complain?

    The level of customer service in South Africa is pathetic because that's exactly what most customers are. And we are paying a big price for it.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    d.h. nicht ihr eigenes, sondern dasjenige zum essen, bis zur Konsistenz einer zarten Schuhsohle und bis zur Farbe eines Leichentuches? :D

    Habe dies in einigen Jahren Aufenthalt im Lande nicht herausfinden können, allerdings empfahl es sich aus Gründen der Höflichkeit, der Sache nicht auf den Grund zu gehen... :D

    Angst vor Bandwürmern? Trichinen? oder sonst was?

    Sachdienliches zu dieser Merkwürdigkeit sei verdankt!


  • Eldo,

    hast gut gearbeitet, in Hamburg werden es immer mehr und täglich werden sie frecher.
    Der einzige der ein Land gut aufgebaut hat ist doch Mugabe,? X(

    Gruß Blaubronco

  • @Bronco

    Du muss hart aber fair mit ihnen umgehen, wenn du weich bist dann verlieren die sofort jeden Respekt.

    Sage danke zu deiner Regierung fuer die Einladung.

    Uns soll es recht sein, jeder soll einige in der Nachbarschaft haben.

    Vielleicht versteht man mich dann besser.



  • Eldo, das ist ja gemein - würde sofort ausziehen.

    Gruß Blaubronco

  • ""..Eldo, das ist ja gemein - würde sofort ausziehen."""

    Kann ich durchaus verstehen bei dem Ruuus. :D

    Merkel Multi - Kulti, ... so manchen Waehler taugt das.

    Besonders im Schnee.... :D..nur nicht in der Nacht.

    Vorsicht bei Nigerians, die habe es in sich und sind eiskalt.

    Die ersten die sich eine Mafia aufbauen, die funkeln nicht lange.

    Die ersten Gangs bilden sich schon in D.

    Familenzusammenfuehrung das muessen noch mehr nach D. :D

    Ihr Kinderlein kommet ......neue Staatsbuerger Harz4.

  • Zim govt 'offered chiefs new cars :P

    '2007-9-12 08:52


    Zimbabwe's main opposition party on Tuesday accused President Robert Mugabe's government of bribing traditional chiefs by giving them brand new vehicles ahead of elections due next year.
    Thirty-eight chiefs were given the open-backed vans on Monday at a ceremony in the capital.

    The handouts were part of a programme to equip the country's 266 chiefs with vehicles before year-end, the official Herald newspaper reported. The programme began four years ago, the paper said.

    But the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) described the gesture as bribery meant to coerce the traditional leaders into doing the ruling Zanu-PF's bidding ahead of joint presidential and parliamentary elections due in March.

    It was by no coincidence that the vehicles were being handed over now, the Morgan Tsvangirai-led MDC party said in a statement.

    Chiefs held massive sway over the rural electorate and were seen as key ruling party allies in its political strongholds in the countryside.

    Earlier this year, the chiefs reportedly endorsed Mugabe, who would be seeking his fourth term in office at the age of 84, as their candidate of choice in the 2008 polls.

    But the MDC on Tuesday accused Mugabe's party of abusing a respected institution.

    The party said: "No government should abuse civic institutions and our respected elders for selfish political ends that are inimical to their traditional roles."


  • Calm after Cape Town protests

    2007-09-11 17:23:55

    Cape Town

    Police say they have restored calm at the scene of a housing protest that led to the closure of the N2 on Monday morning.

    SA Police spokesperson Capt Elliot Sinyangana said the protesters had dispersed by the mid-afternoon, after police fired rubber bullets and a stun grenade.

    Traffic was flowing, there had been no-re-occurrence of the morning's violence, and police were monitoring the situation.

    He could not immediately comment on a claim that dozens of protesters were arrested, but did say he understood one protester had sustained minor injuries.

    Earlier, the protesters set up a burning barricade just off the N2, threw stones at passing motorists and police, broke up dwellings under construction in the N2 Gateway project, and set a bakery delivery van alight.

    Police closed both lanes of the highway for a period over the morning traffic peak.

    The protesters, apparently mostly residents of the Joe Slovo shack settlement next to the Gateway project, were protesting against a move to temporary housing at Delft, some distance away on the Cape Flats, to make room for further Gateway construction.

    Violence 'completely unjustified'

    National Housing Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, whose department is punting the Gateway as a flagship project, said in a statement that Joe Slovo residents had to decide whether they wanted to co-operate with government and qualify for housing.

    "If they choose not to co-operate, they will be removed completely from all housing waiting lists," she said.

    Government would not tolerate violence and vandalism.

    She said Gateway project management had been interacting with residents, and the violence was "completely unjustified".

    According to the police, she said, some of the protesters had identified themselves as members of the Pan Africanist Congress.

    "If indeed this was a PAC protest, it would confirm our worst suspicion that opportunistic individuals and/or parties are using Cape Town's housing crisis to their advantage," Sisulu said.

    The Anti-Eviction Campaign said police had opened fire on the protesters at close range with rubber bullets.

    "They shot women and children and people are seriously injured... Dozens of residents have been arrested and the police are refusing to say where they have taken these residents even though some are injured."


  • Someone Finally Said It

    (And it's long over-due.)

    Proud To Be White

    Someone finally said it

    How many are actually paying attention to this?

    There are African Americans,

    Mexican Americans,

    Asian Americans,

    Arab Americans,

    Native Americans, etc.

    ...And then there are just -


    You pass me on the street

    and sneer in my direction.

    You Call me "White boy,"

    "Cracker," "Honkey,"

    "Whitey," "Caveman,"

    ... And that's OK.

    But when I call you Nigger,

    Kike, Towel head,

    Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey,

    Beaner, Gook, or Chink

    ... You call me a racist.

    You say that whites commit a lot

    of violence against you,

    so why are the ghettos the most

    dangerous places to live?

    You have the United Negro College Fund.

    You have Martin Luther King Day.

    You have Black History Month.

    You have Cesar Chavez Day.

    You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi.

    You Have Yom Hashoah.

    You have the NAACP.

    And you have BET.

    If we had WET

    (White Entertainment Television)

    ... We'd be racists.

    If we had a White Pride Day

    ... You would call us racists.

    If we had White History Month

    ... We'd be racists.

    If we had any organization for only whites

    to "advance" OUR lives

    ... We'd be racists.

    We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,

    a Black Chamber of Commerce,

    and then we just have the plain

    Chamber of Commerce.

    Wonder who pays for that?

    If we had a college fund that only gave

    white students scholarships

    ... You know we'd be racists.

    There are over 60 openly-proclaimed

    Black-only Colleges in the US ,

    yet if there were "White-only Colleges"

    ... THAT would be a racist college.

    In the Million Man March,

    you believed that you were

    marching for your race and rights.

    If we marched for our race and rights,

    ... You would call us racists.

    You are proud to be black,

    brown, yellow and orange,

    and you're not afraid to announce it.

    But when we announce our white pride

    ... You call us racists.

    You rob us,

    carjack us,

    and shoot at us.

    But, when a white police officer

    shoots a black gang member

    or beats up a black drug-dealer

    who is running from the LAW and

    posing a threat to ALL of society

    ... You call him a racist.

    I am proud.

    ... But, you call me a racist.

    Why is it that only


    can be racists?

  • South Africa

    Kids killed while mom at church

    2007-9-17 11:32

    Durban - A Kokstad mother returned home from a church service to find her two youngest children shot dead in her bedroom, police reported on Monday

    Spokesperson Superintendent Zandra Hechter said the woman had returned home from an evening service on Friday to find the bullet-riddled bodies of 11-year-old Vuyisa Nodada and eight-year old Tando Nodado lying on her bedroom floor.

    The two had been shot in head and upper body.

    The motive for the shooting was not immediately known - but the youngsters' 15-year old brother told police that, while the three boys were sleeping, an unknown man had forced his way into the house and began shooting.

    The teen told police that the man had two firearms. Bullet casings recovered at the scene indicated a 9mm pistol and a shotgun were used.

    The 15-year-old managed to escape the attack.

  • 3 tourists hijacked in Durban

    2007-9-18 11:45


    Three tourists were hijacked in Durban's Chatsworth suburb on Tuesday morning as their meter taxi stopped at an intersection, police said.
    Police spokesperson Superintendent Danelia Veldhuizen said the three were in a taxi near the Mobeni Heights area of Chatsworth when three armed men approached the three tourists and ordered them and the taxi driver out of the car.

    Veldhuizen said the taxi driver and the three medical students from Canada, the United States and Spain were robbed of their cell phones and all their belongings.

    She said it was not immediately clear where the three were going, but that they were unharmed.

    The three students had been apparently been in South Africa for a month-long holiday.

    The taxi was later found abandoned in Durban's Lamontville area.

    The three students are 21-year-old Susan Gassiotiru from Spain, 24-year-old Connie Lieu from the US and 24-year-old Faah Xalsadi from Canada.


  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    3 tourists hijacked in Durban

    the Mobeni Heights area of Chatsworth

    Chatsworth...??? Was zum Teufel wollten die da ?( Da sind wir schon in den 80ern nicht hingefahren ;)....

    Trotzdem eine Scheißsituation! Man sollte evtl. mal einen realistischen Reiseführer für Südafrika rausbringen....

    The Pragmatic Guide to South Africa


    The Realists Guide to South Africa

    ...telling you what not to do, where not to go and how to keep safe! :D


  • Fs-Fra

    Die Schlauberger von Touristen glauben das schoene Land und die netten Schwarzen begruessen sie alle.. bis sie an die falschen kommen.
    Vorhin brachten sie im Radio das RSA nun das gefaehrlichste Land ist aber noch einige Stellen unter Irak und Afganistan entfernt ist.
    In der Zwischenzeit sitzen viele Deutsche im Reisebuero und schaun sich den Reisekatalog von RSA an und buchen ihre ""Traumreise"".
    Viele davon im Mietwagen ohne Schutz und Ahnung bis etwas schreckliches passiert. :(
    Durch die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe sowie milden Strafen fuer Schwerverbrecher und kein Platz im Knast bei einer Witzpolizei wird die Kriminalitaet noch schlimmer als jetzt. Bei Euch in D sickert kaum was durch was hier ablaeuft, im Gegenteil das Land wird als Reiseziel empfohlen. :D

    Crime could kill SA skills

    2007-9-18 13:47


    Escalating violent crime could reduce an already weak skills base in the country, an economic consultancy company said on Tuesday.

    "Every effort should be made to contain negative influences like crime, especially since the South African economy is currently experiencing its most exciting growth phase since the 1960s," director and chief economist at Econometrix, Dr Azar Jammine said.

    Jammine warned that if the crime rate was not curbed, it had the potential of slowly killing South Africa's long-term future by forcing large scale emigration of skilled South Africans.

    "A shortage of skills will stunt our growth, maybe not in the next five years, but over the long-term. In the longer run South Africa will not be able to fulfil its full potential if there is a critical lack of skills," he said.

    The economy was increasingly being supported by its tertiary sector, which included industries like finance, property and business services, transport, storage, and communications.

    However, these industries relied on skilled labour, which was already in short supply.

    "For now the South African economy keeps on growing despite a number of serious factors close to home that could have the potential to derail current growth," said Jammine.

    This showed that South Africa was relying heavily on foreign factors to keep the fires burning.

    He added that the country's economy remained highly dependent on foreign inflows, promoting growth through imports rather than local production.

    - Sapa

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