Das neue Südafrika

  • Dangerous prisoners break out

    2008-6-3 08:00

    Johannesburg - Eleven dangerous alleged robbers and murderers escaped from Johannesburg central police station's cells for high-risk detainees, apparently with the help of two police officers.
    The escape became known on Monday only, after initially being kept secret. One of the 11 was arrested shortly afterwards in the charge office, but the other 10 escaped.
    Beeld was told by a reliable source that nine of the escapees faced more than 100 charges.
    A police officer apparently had gone to the cells, was overpowered and was threatened with a firearm.
    The firearm had to have been smuggled in earlier because no firearms were allowed in the high-risk section.
    The detainees then unlocked the rest of the cells before they overpowered other officers and forced them to unlock the door.
    Two cops arrested
    One suspect was caught shortly afterwards in the charge office, but the other 10 escaped.
    Two officers were arrested after the escape and the unit for organised crime is investigating charges that they might have helped the detainees to escape.
    According to Beeld's information, the escapees were linked to the infamous bank and casino robbers known as the Hammer Gang.
    Three other members of the gang escaped from Johannesburg Magistrate's Court on May 5.




    Please read carefully and realize what is going on here!!! Please tell the
    world what's happening by forwarding this email as widespread as possible.


    7th May, 2008.

    On the day of the 6th May, 2008 at approximately 1300 hours I was visited
    by three men at our farm, Chigwell Extension Farm.

    They told me that I had two minutes to vacate my property otherwise they
    will send the mob there and the house is not worth sacrificing my life
    for. Because we would lose our lives. They said they were like hungry

    My wife made a report to the Chegutu Police Station about this incident,
    naming the people involved. At that stage I asked them if they would react
    to any incident that my occur and they informed my wife that they would
    speak to the Assistant Inspector. My wife also saw him before making the
    report and informed him of the visit and he told her to go and make a
    report at the charge office.

    At about 1700 hours on the same day a vehicle - a white Datsun 1800 pickup
    arrived at the gate with approximately 10-12 people. They demanded that I
    opened the gate because they wanted to talk to me. I refused and went
    into the house together with my wife. We locked ourselves into the house.
    They came to the house and wanted me to go outside to speak to them which
    I refused to do. They started smashing windows and the front door was
    smashed open. One of them pointed a single barrel shotgun inside the
    house at us - we were by then upstairs. He fired a shot directly at us
    which went just over my head and close to my wifes' head. He obviously
    intended to kill us. After he fired the shot he went out and it went quiet
    for a while and then we heard three shots coming from the workers housing
    area. They returned with all the workers and fired another shot whilst

    I managed to get through to the Assistant Inspector and the Chegutu Police
    Station to ask for assistance before there were dead bodies in the house.
    He said that I must phone him back in half and hour. Throughout all of
    this my wife was on the phone to numerous friends who were at the Chegutu
    Police Station trying to get assistance from them with absolutely no
    result whatsoever. My wife and I also made many phone calls to the Member
    in Charge on his cell phone and he refused to answer.

    By this time it was dark and the power went off so we were left completely
    in darkness and unable to identify our own employees. They then used the
    workers as a shield so that they could all come inside the house and then
    were downstairs chanting and singing and making threats.

    They sent one of the workers upstairs to demand the shotgun from me to
    take back to them. I refused and this employee stayed upstairs with us.
    They then grabbed the son of this employee who was downstairs and from
    what I could gather they threatened to either kill or injure him if he
    didn't go back downstairs with the weapon. He went back downstairs
    without the weapon. After about five minutes they told all the singing
    workers to go upstairs using them as a shield once more. We tried to
    identify the workers one by one as they came up the stairs, as my wife was
    standing at the top of the stairs with a can of mace. After about 15
    workers came through, she could not identify a person and used the mace
    and sprayed them. After this they ran back downstairs and out of the

    This incensed the thugs who then proceeded to break down the back door and
    started a building a fire in the downstairs lounge directly below us. As
    we have a wooden floor upstairs this posed a great threat and we thought
    we would be burnt alive which is when I said that we would come out and
    asked if they would let us leave peacefully which they agreed to do. We
    asked the ring-leader to identify himself. We came downstairs and they
    demanded the shotgun from me which was loaded and off safety and I
    refused. They then insisted that I give it to them and I tried to start
    unloading it and they attacked me. They then grabbed my wife around the
    throat and she started screaming. While they were trying to take the
    shotgun from me three shots went off outside the house into the ground as
    it is a semi-automatic shotgun. They then took the shotgun from me and
    wrestled me to the ground and started beating me with what I assume was
    sticks, or pipes and kicking me with their boots. They dragged my wife
    outside and they were trying to strangle her. At this stage she managed
    to bite the hand of the man who was grabbing her round the throat.
    Whereupon he started to beat her. At one time there were at least four
    men beating and kicking her.

    They then tied me up with rope and threw me into the back of their pickup.
    At this stage my wife was still being beaten. When they had finished
    beating her, one of them grabbed her by her feet and dragged her over to
    the vehicle. They then demanded that she stand up and get into the back
    of the truck which she was unable to do. One of them grabbed her by the
    hair, pulled her into a standing position and pushed her up against the
    back of the truck and told her to get in. She did climb in. They searched
    my wife and found the car-keys in her pocket and demanded she show them
    what vehicle the keys were for. They couldn't find the keys to the other
    truck. They drove my vehicle onto the lawn, parked near the truck where I
    was tied up. The immobiliser for the vehicle went off. They demanded that
    my wife show them where the immobiliser switch was situated which she did
    do. One of them drove off with the vehicle which we never saw again. They
    still had all the employees on the lawn around a fire that had been lit by
    the front door and they were still forced to sing.

    There were about four or five of them around the vehicle watching the two
    of us, all the time they were shouting verbal abuse and racist comments
    and threatening to kill either one or both of us and also stating the
    manner in which they should kill us. This must have gone on for almost an
    hour. They were burning my feet with cigarettes and then we saw vehicle
    lights shining towards us and then my wife was told to get out of the
    vehicle and was dragged towards the headlights of the vehicle that had
    arrived. When she got to the vehicle she saw there were four armed
    policeman from Kadoma Police Station who asked what had happened. She
    told them briefly what had happened and demanded that they fetch me
    immediately from the vehicle as she feared for my life. One of the thugs
    came and untied me and told me to get out of the vehicle and made me walk
    towards the headlights of the parked vehicle. I noticed that they were
    armed policeman. The incident was described in more detail to them and
    they accompanied us into the house to get some warm clothing. Once we
    were in the house we saw that the gun cabinet had been opened and
    ransacked and that my weapons were missing. I informed the police that
    the weapons were missing. They then took us out of the house and told us
    to get in their vehicle as we were going to Chegutu Police Station to make
    a report.

    We got to Chegutu Police Station and they had to call some superior
    officer to take a statement and he only arrived as were were leaving to go
    to Harare to get urgent medical attention. No police personal of any
    authority seemed to show any interest in taking our statement.

    We were attended to by medical staff at the Avenues Clinic where numerous
    x-rays and CT scans were taken. My injuries are two cracked verterbrae in
    my lower back. Fractured cheekbone, fractured nose there was copious
    bleeding into my sinuses and extensive lacerations and deep-tissue
    bruising to my face and back and a bite to my right earlobe.

    My wifes injuries are fractured cheekbones, fractures around her orbital
    socket round her eye, perforated eardrum, cracked ribs and extensive
    bruising to her face and back and throat.

    W.B. ROGERS .................

    A.M. ROGERS.........

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldo, ich meine, man hatte als weisser Farmer viele Jahre (so ungefähr 20 !!) Zeit, den Laden in Zimbabwe dicht zu machen und abzuhauen. Wer jetzt noch als weisser Farmer dort geblieben ist, ist ein Hasardeur und suizidal oder schlicht geistig unterbelichtet.


  • Es gibt viele weisse in Afrika die koennen oder wollen nicht mehr weg aus diesen Kontinent.
    Wenn die in Europa mit dem Rucksack ankommen, sterben die genauso, nur langsamer.
    Man sieht was passiert wenn man die Macht den schwarzen gibt, dann sieht man gleich seinen Character.
    Ja, die armen Schwarzen, sagen die beiden Farmer bestimmt nicht.

  • Du Eldo,

    wie ist das in SA und Simbabwe eigentlich, wenn man über die Kriminalität und das Unvermögen, die nicht vorhandene Bildung der schwarzen spricht?

    Ist man dann ein Nazi und Rassist?

    Gibt es bei euch auch Gutmenschen?

    Kann man sich als weisser überhaupt noch unbewaffnet und frei bewegen oder ist ein Leben nur noch in den bewachten und umzäunten Wohngebieten möglich?

    Der israelische Botschafter in Bonn, Asher ben Nathan, antwortete in einem Interview auf die Frage, wer 1967 den 6-Tage-Krieg begonnen und die ersten Schüsse abgegeben habe: „Das ist gänzlich belanglos. Entscheidend ist, was den ersten Schüssen vorausgegangen ist.“

  • Hi Echtsilber,

    Ja das hoert man immer wieder das die fehlende Bildung und Unterdrueckung die Ursache war besonders in Europa die von nichts eine Ahnung haben.
    So in 300 Jahren vielleicht haben die sich genetisch soweit entwickelt das sie es vielleicht kapieren was man ihnen beibringen will.
    Man kann viele aus dem Bush holen aber nicht den Bush aus ihren Kopf und Verhalten auf dauer.
    Unter uns hellhaeutigen incl. coloureds sagen wir immer noch frei unsere Gedanken ueber die Schwarzen, jedoch nicht mehr so laut.
    Gutmenschen, bzw.Weicheier gbt es auch hier, nur werden die eines Tages im Kochtopf landen wie bei Euch wo sie von den "geholfenen" reingesetzt werden als Dankbarkeit.
    Wer hier weich und fair ist verliert sofort an Respekt, man muss hart und fair sein sonst ist es aus.
    Sicher kann man unbewaffnet sich bewegen, ist so aehnlich wenn du als Deutscher in Kreuzberg/ Berlin oder anderen heissen Gegend in Frankfurt spazieren gehen willst.
    Ansonsten wird das Heim mt allen moeglichen abgesichert und die Gegend die kriminell ist vermieden.
    Auf die hauptsaechlich schwarze Polizei und Justiz ist kein Verlass mehr, da hat man die falsche Hautfarbe als weisser und kommt am besten gar nicht in Beruehrung.

    Frueher mussten die schwarzen alle Sir oder Madam zu den weissen sagen heute ist es schon zum grossteil umgekehrt damit sie etwas von den Gorilla in Uniform etwas bekommen.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi echtsilber,

    Wenn man es genau wissen will, ist es, wie fast überall, komplizierter.

    Ein paar Hinweise aus meiner beschränkten Weltsicht:

    1. Die RSA hat schon jahrzehntelang die reichste und am besten ausgebildete schwarze Bevölkerung in ganz Schwarzafrika, eine Tatsache, welche die Apartheidgegner geflissentlich immer verschwiegen hatten. Weiss aber nicht, wie es sich in den letzten 15 Jahren geändert hat; sicher einiges, aber nicht total.

    2. Schwarze sind nicht von Natur aus weniger intelligent als Weisse oder Asiaten oder Eskimos oder was weiss ich. Was sehr verschieden ist, ist die Früherziehung und auch die Schulbildung, wenn man von Scharzafrika spricht. Was Eldo oben schrieb, halte ich doch, Verzeihung Eldo, für recht rassistisch. Ich hatte hochintelligente Schülerinnen in RSA, habe einen Mathematiker kennen gelernt, Lehrer, Verwaltungsbeamte, alles Schwarze (bin selber nicht Lehrer, obwohl ich mal u. a. unterrichtete).

    2a. Was die weissen Südafrikaner nie wahrhaben wollten, nämlich dass die Schwarzen schon vor Jahrtausenden eine hochentwickelte Metallurgie erfunden hatten, ist heute nachgewiesen. Ich habe Überreste historischer Schmelzöfen im Gelände (Gazankulu, Vendaland) und im Museum (JHB, Universität) mit eigenen Augen gesehen. Das Museum hat Versuche mit dieser historischen Technologie gemacht und nachgewiesen, dass es funktionieren konnte.

    3. An Freundlichkeit, Herzlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft nehmen es Schwarzafrikaner mit jedem Deutschen oder Schweizer auf! Ich würde sagen, ein Schwarzer wiegt da locker drei Europäer auf! Die heutige Situation ist zum grossen Teil eine Ausgeburt des Kolonialismus durch Europäer inkl. deren Militärakademien, deren Überlegenheitsdünkel.

    3b. Die Situation ist gründlich sauer geworden, nachdem die Buren die Apartheit in die Verfassung geschrieben hatten. Nimm zum Vergleich Botswana!

    4. Ich lese immer wieder Reisebrichte von Europäern, die begeistert aus RSA zurückkommen, ohne dass ihnen ein Häärchen gekrümmt worden war und die eine weitere Reise planen. Gerade gestern wieder , in einer Fachzeitschrift, eine Fachgruppe hatte RSA zum wiederholten Mal besucht.

    5. Was mir fehlt, sind relative Zahlen und deren Vergleich mit andern Ländern , wie ich hier auch schon moniert hatte. RSA ist gross, die Bevölkerungszahl auch. Wenn man da von so und sovielen Morden pro Tag spricht, ist das gleichviel wie und der Schweiz, mehr oder weniger im Verhältnis zur Grösse und Bevölkerungszahl der Länder? Im Verlauf des letzten Jahres gab es in meiner Nähe in der Schweiz (sagen wir, Umkreis von 50 km) auch mehrere Morde.

    6. Die Grosstädte waren schon unter Apartheit-Zeiten gefährliche Orte des Nachts, bei unumgänglichen Besuchen in JHB zog ich es vor, abends eine Dose Bier und ein paar Chips zu inhalieren anstatt auswärts Essen zu gehen. Und in den Townships war die Kriminalität schon damals sehr extrem, von Schwarzen gegen Schwarze.

    7. Schweiz, meine Vaterstadt Zürich. Soll aktuell nach neuester Erhebung weltweit die absolut beste Lebensqualität bieten. Aber seit vielen Jahren gehe ich nur noch an einem Samstag morgen im Niederdorf einkaufen, wenn der Pöbel den Rausch ausschläft...nie mehr nach 17. 00 Uhr abends, weil das Risiko, rüde angepöbelt zu werden, zu gross ist.

    Alle Dinge haben nicht nur zwei, sondern sehr viele Seiten....


  • Hallo Lucky Friday,

    1. Richtig, trotz Arpartheit versuchten die Weißen die Schwarzen zu bilden und aus ihr eine westliche Bevölkerung zu machen. Das die Kolonialzeit und die Apartheit viel kaputt gemacht haben, müssen wir nicht diskutieren. Meiner Einstellung nach, kann man unsere Gesellschaft und unser Wissen nicht einfach nach Afrika bringen. Wie ich oft genug schon an anderen Stellen geschrieben habem braucht Afrika Bildung aus Afrika, für Afrika. Von Afrikanern für Afrikaner. Afrika braucht keinen Traktor, es braucht Pferde und Esel, um es auf den Punkt zu bringen.

    2. Ja und nein, wenn du es an unseren heutigen europäischen IQ Tests messen möchtest, schneiden sie schlechter ab. Selbst ein durchschnittliches schwarzes Baby, kann nur mit mehr Willen und mehr Leistung das Niveau eines durchschnittlichen Europäers erreichen. Daher... keinen Traktor, ein Pferd. Sicher gibt es auch da Mathemathiker, Ingeneure etc. Das erinnert mich immer daran, wie hochgelobt die russischen Ingeneure waren, als sie als Spätaussiedler kamen. Mit Mühe und Not und viel gutem Willen hätte man denen hier nen Gesellenbrief gegeben.

    3. Lass sie freundlich sein... Freundlichkeit bringt aber keinen Weizen zum wachsen...

    3b. Kolonialzeit und Apartheit haben natürlich viel vernichtet.

    4. Es gab sogar Mitglieder in der NSDAP, welche niemals jemanden was zu leide getan haben... es gab auch viele Juden in Wehrmacht und SS... war deshalb die NSDAP und das 3. Reich gut?

    5. Ja... ich weiß nur das in SA bei 48 Mio Einwohnern pro Jahr ca. 1.000 Vergewaltigungen pro Woche passieren, 40% der Opfer sind Kinder.

    6. & 7. Ja, SA ist die Zukunft Europas... Die Schweiz gibt ja an das 52% aller Verbrechen von Ausländern verübt werden. Eine Untergruppe sind Vergewaltigungen. Hier sind es 80% Ausländer... Das alles sind nicht die Deutschen die euch Schokki klauen oder Nachts übern Bodensee schwimmen um arme Schweizerinnn zu vergewaltigen.

    Der israelische Botschafter in Bonn, Asher ben Nathan, antwortete in einem Interview auf die Frage, wer 1967 den 6-Tage-Krieg begonnen und die ersten Schüsse abgegeben habe: „Das ist gänzlich belanglos. Entscheidend ist, was den ersten Schüssen vorausgegangen ist.“

  • Lucky, Ausnahmen bestaetigen die Regel aber die breite Masse von schwarzen bleibt noch lange dumm und geht eher in die Steinzeit mit der Intelligenz die du genetisch den zutraust.

    Das faengt schon an das ein schwarzer einen Kopf wie eine Kokusnuss hat so viel haltet der aus.. :D

    Hoert sich rassistisch an, eine Professorin in Kairo sagte dazu die mehrheit ist "genetic retarded".

    SA die Zukunft Europas.....passt nur auf wer hier mehr intelligenz hat. :D

  • "Die Welt ist selten so intensiv belogen worden wie über den Zustand Südafrikas.
    ....In Wirklichkeit ist die Situation in Südafrika viel explosiver als in Simbabwe....Viel Spaß bei der WM in SA .."
    in:Junge Freiheit. 13.Juni. Seite 1



    Mugabe 'ready to go to war

    '2008-6-14 14:51


    Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe said on Saturday the opposition would never govern in his lifetime and he was ready to go to war to ensure it does not oust him from office in a June 27 run-off election.
    "Should this country be taken by traitors... it is impossible," Mugabe said, referring to the opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in a speech at the burial of a former independence fighter.
    "It shall never happen... as long as we are alive and those who fought for the country are alive," he added. "We are prepared to fight for our country and to go to war for it."
    Mugabe also raised the spectre of war on Friday if MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who fell just short of an outright majority in a March first round, wins the run-off poll in just under a fortnight's time.
    The veteran president, who has ruled since independence in 1980, has frequently portrayed Tsvangirai as a puppet of former colonial power Britain and wealthy whites, thousands of whom lost their land when he launched a controversial programme of farm expropriations at the turn of the decade.
    "Once again we want to make it clear to the British and Americans that we are no one's subjects and will never be," said Mugabe.
    "This country shall not again come under the rule and control of the white man, direct or indirect. Never, ever.
    "The British rule has gone, gone for ever. The white man is gone, never, ever will this country be ruled by a white man again."
    Criticism of Britain
    Mugabe also launched a new diatribe at British Prime Minister Gordon Brown who called on Friday for "an end to violence, an end to repression ... and for free and fair elections in Zimbabwe."
    "Brown, prime minister of Britain, continues to interfere in our internal affairs, making us a subject matter of British policy as if we remain a permanent colony of Britain," said Mugabe.
    The MDC has accused Mugabe and his security forces of trying to cripple Tsvangirai's campaign, with the opposition leader detained on numerous occasions.
    The opposition also says more than 60 of its supporters have been killed by pro-Mugabe militias since the first round of voting while thousands more have been hospitalised.

  • ...opposition would never govern in his lifetime...

    Da wird er wohl recht behalten, denn bevor sie anfangen zu regieren, werden sie ihn wohl als erstes an die Wand stellen oder eine Halskrause verpassen.

    Demokratie ist die Diktatur der Dummen (Friedrich von Schiller)
    Das Grundprinzip der Parteien-Demokratie ist, die Bürger von der Macht fernzuhalten (Michael Winkler)
    Wer die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkennt, wird von ihr überrollt werden. 8o
    Wer Banken sein Geld überlässt, macht sich mitschuldig :!:

  • Der Despot von Diktator bleibt mit Gewalt solange er kann, die Waffen aus China hat er ja erhalten und die Welt hat dabei zugeschaut.
    Jeder der bei der Army oder Police Force ist muss ihn waehlen sonst droht Entlassung.
    Amerika hat bereits harte Massnahmen getroffen und hat ihn seinen Ehrendoktor Titel entzogen. :D


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX_tF1Ltawo&feature=related :thumbup: :thumbup:

    Vote Telefon... :D



    Get rid of sell-outs - Mugabe

    2008-6-15 17:26 Harare

    - Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe was quoted on Sunday as saying he would be willing to hand power to a ruling party ally when he was sure the country was safe from "sell-outs" and from British interference.
    But the state-run Sunday Mail newspaper said he gave no time-frame and again vowed to stop the opposition taking power.
    Mugabe is fighting for re-election in a June 27 run-off against Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). The opposition leader won the first round in March, but not with enough votes to take the presidency.
    The veteran Zimbabwean leader, who has ruled Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980, has threatened to go to war to stop a Tsvangirai victory.
    The Mail said Mugabe had told a campaign rally late on Saturday that his "leadership was prepared to relinquish power to those (Zanu-PF officials) that uphold the country's (independence) legacy".
    "This country cannot be sold at the stroke of a pen," he said, repeating a vow not to let the MDC, whom he has branded as British puppets, rule the country.
    The Mail said Mugabe urged supporters to concentrate on defending his government's land nationalisation and black economic empowerment policies, and not on complaints by what he called "sell-outs" that Zanu-PF has been in power for too long.
    Mugabe said "the country's leaders would pass on the baton to individuals that are known to be committed to Zimbabwe's independence ideals", the newspaper quoted him as saying.
    "We are the custodians of Zimbabwe's legacy. We will pass this on to those we know are fully aware of the party's ideology, those who value the country's legacy.
    "We will pass on leadership to them, telling them to move forward."
    Mugabe has previously said he did not want to name an heir over fears he or she would become a target of other officials nursing ambitions to succeed him as Zanu-PF leader.


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