Das neue Südafrika

  • Softer rand eyes rates decision

    Apr 14 2005 09:11:16:950AM
    By: Helmo Preuss

    Johannesburg - The rand was softer against major currencies in early trade on Thursday on the back of importer demand ahead of the decision of the South African Reserve Bank's (SARB) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting due to be announced shortly after 15:00.
    At 08:45, the rand was quoted at R6.1726/US$ from an overnight close of R6.1188. It was quoted at R7.9369/€ from a previous R7.8915 and at R11.6500/£ from R11.5910.

    The euro was quoted at $1.2871 from $1.2919 late on Wednesday and $1.2918 late on Tuesday, while gold was quoted at $427.50 a troy ounce from a previous $429.10/oz.

    "There was some importer demand early this morning, but otherwise the market is quiet with players waiting for the MPC decision.

    "A no change outcome is expected, but the SARB has caught the market by surprise previously, so most people have squared their positions.

    "What has surprised me is that Wall Street's fall has had no impact on the currency market," a currency trader said.

    n August 2004 the SARB caught the market by surprise by cutting by 50 basis points when no change was expected. The subsequent three MPC meetings have seen no change and that is the unanimous view of economists for this MPC meeting.

    The no-change forecast is despite the fact that CPIX inflation (headline inflation excluding mortgage costs) has been below the midpoint of the SARB's inflation target range of 3% to 6% y/y for 14 out of the past 17 releases.

    AFX reports that The Dow Jones Industrial Average finished down 104.04 points or 1% at 10 403.93. It was the first triple-digit decline for the blue chip gauge since March 16 and its lowest close since January 24.

    The US commerce department reported that US retail sales increased a seasonally adjusted 0.3% in March, and excluding auto sales, total sales advanced just 0.1%, the slowest gain in a year.

    Economists were expecting increases of about 0.7% for total sales.

  • Tip of the iceberg

    Social Development Minister Zola Skweyiya has revealed that tens of thousands of public servants are under investigation for fraudulent and illegal receipt of government grants. He has also revealed that, apart from individuals, various syndicates are also involved.

    It was relatively easy to identify public servants who received government grants as it was only necessary to compare the identity numbers of those on government's payroll with the identity numbers of grant recipients. But it is not quite so easy to compare the identity numbers of the privately
    employed with those of grant recipients.

    I was recently approached by a domestic servant who said that she had been advised during a recent clinic visit that she should apply for a pension.

    She is more than 60 years old. I advised her that she does not yet qualify for a pension, because she is still in regular full time employment and earns over R1,000 a month.

    It now becomes clear that officials in the welfare department have also been grossly negligent. There are (still) many individuals who might be unaware that they are not entitled to the additional grant.

    There are those who might well be aware that they were not entitled to the grant, but took a chance, because of the laxity of the department. Then there are the syndicates.

    What is clear is that there are many more than the 37,000 referred to by the minister. Will the department now actively follow this up and rectify the matter or will they let things be?

    14 April 2005 07:22:00 AM

  • Peter Silie

    Schreib mal was konstruktives und nicht immer nur Nonsens. Und mit der Börse kannst Du so lange noch nichts am Hut haben, denn gerade an der Börse werden Hoffnungen und Phantasien gehandelt und keine Fakten denn dann könnten wir alle nichts mehr verdienen. Oder willst Du mir erzählen, dass die Techno-Hype und die Neuer Markt Hysterie auf harten Fakten beruht hat ?( ?( ?(

    Da hab ich mit den gierigen Idioten die meinten noch zu jedem Kurs einsteigen zu können einen Weltklasse-Schnitt gemacht.
    Ich investiere jetzt bis zu 50% meiner Mittel in Rohstoffe/Edelmetalle, weil hier in den nächsten Jahren am meisten zu verdienen ist.

  • S.Africa c.bank cuts repo rate unexpectedly
    Thu April 14, 2005 3:42 PM GMT+02:00

    PRETORIA (Reuters) - South Africa's central bank said on Thursday it was cutting its repo rate by half a percentage point to 7.0 percent, taking markets by surprise and saying the step took account of lower inflation expectations.

    Central bank governor Tito Mboweni also highlighted what he described as the need for a "competitive but stable exchange rate" as he unveiled the step in a televised address.

    "At current levels, the exchange rate seems to be creating some problems in the economy -- we need a competitive exchange rate which does not bring about imbalances in the economy," he told reporters.

    All 19 analysts polled by Reuters last week had predicted monetary policy would remain on hold, with all but one seeing interest rates held steady until early next year. Fifteen said the next move would be upwards.

    Interest rates were lowered by 6 percentage points between June 2003 and August 2004, driving commercial lending rates to a 24-year low of 11 percent.

  • Hallo Ulfur,

    also endlich haben sie gesenkt. Die Begründung finde ich witzig. "Some problems........"????????? Dort scheinen ja auch echte Kapazitäten das Ruder zu führen. Die hätten längst senken müssen, war doch absehbar, daß die Minen in die Knie gehen. Sieht wirklich so aus, als wären die bestochen worden, um "dunklen Kanälen" die Minen billig in die Hände zu spielen. Auf unsere Knochen natürlich. X(



  • schön dass die Zinsen gesenkt wurden. Und wenn die Zinsen wie im Euroraum bei 2% sind und der Rand steigt trotzdem, wie der Euro ?

    Sie sind erst am Anfang des Weges wo Europa und Japan jetzt stehen.

    Und dann wird die SAZB Stützungskäufe für den Dollar ? Wow, klasse Theorie !!!

    Komme ich jetzt ins Fernsehen ???

  • leute wenn der dollar schwächer wird (handelsbilanzdefizit) dann können die in SA senken wie sie wollen dann bleibt der rand stark.

    war das jetzt konstruktiv genung? manchmal hab ich das gefühl das ihr die mienen hoch reden möchtet und manche mich blöde anmachen nur weil ich mal sag das es bei nem metall nen abwärtstrend gibt.

    laut der intermarketanalyse steigt gold wenn der dollar fällt und momentan ist aber der dollar in einem aufwärtstrend woher soll da gold kommen?

    und fällt gold dann steigen auch keine goldmienen egal wo sie sind.

    ich überleg gerade, höhere zinsen bedeutet doch das der dollar stärker wird (zinserhöhungen in usa), also sind höhere zinsen auch schlecht für gold und goldaktien!!!

    also habt ihr so ziemlich alles gegen euch was nur geht. und was noch dazu kommt ist die reine technik eurer mienenaktien seit ich hier im forum bin habe ich noch keine mienenaktie gesehen die hier besprochen wurde und welche in einem indakten aufwärtstrend war.

    in diesem sinne


    @ eldo sprichst du nichmehr mit mir ich hab so viele fragen an dich :P :P :P

  • Peter Silie

    ja, mit dem was Du sagst hast Du schon recht. Aber der Dollar wird nicht weiter steigen, da es sich die FED nicht erlauben kann die Zinsen schnell und stark nach oben zu fahren, da sonst die US-Konjunktur abgewürgt wird und die US-Immobilienblase platz...das wird Alan nicht riskieren. Es bleibt das riesige Aussenhandes- und Leistungsbilanzdefizit und das wird weginflationiert werden müssen.

    Was auch gegen einen stärkeren Dollar spricht, ist die Tatsache, dass schon wieder alle dies erwarten. Wohin das führt sieht man seit Jahren beim Rand. Kaum haben sich alle (sogenannten Analysten)damit abgefunden, dass die SA-Zinsen nicht sinken, wurden Sie schon ausgetrickst.

    Ich finde den Vergleich von Patrone mit den Lemmingen echt gut. An der Börse verdient nie die Masse viel sondern nur wenige.

    Im übrigen fand ich diesen Beitrag von Dir wirklich konstruktiv :D

  • Lancelot

    Du hast vollkommen recht mit dem was du geschrieben hast.
    Alles manipuliert !

    yoyo & Peter

    Ich schlage euch vor fuer die position als Bundesbank Chef und Finanzminister von Suedafrika. Schlimmer kann es dann auch nicht mehr werden als es schon ist. Ihr bekommt auch eine schwarze sekretaerin die euch cafe bringt. Und ins Fernsehen kommt ihr dann selbsverstaendlich auch.



  • Gester konnte man ganz klar sehen wie der markt manipuliert wurde vom PPT und dem IMF. Meistens hilft da keine logik und dinge die nach physikalischen gesetzen nach unten fallen sollten, fallen ploetzlich nach oben. ?(
    Es ist schwer diesen manipulierten markt noch einzuschaetzen,ich weiss nur das gewisse dunkle maechte sich billigst die wichtigsten Industriezweige in RSA sich in die haende reissen wollen, auf unsere kosten natuerlich !. Alle sind bestochen von den Zionisten bzw. (Illuminati) , alle !! 8o
    Suedafrika wird regiert von New York, nicht von Pretoria, dieses seit 20 Jahren. Die Politiker, weltweit, sind alle ihre paid puppets on a string. Und das soll nun Freiheit und Demokratie sein ?? :D

    Diese Saubande sage ich nur !!! X( X(

    Manipulierter Markt

    Die Schere zwischen Armut und Reichtum klafft immer weiter auseinander. Das führt zu einem wachsenden sozialen Konfliktherd. Die Menschheit, vor allem die besitzenden Klasse, ist inzwischen außer Rand und Band. 90% des Weltkapitals befindet sich in den Händen der Reichen, und das sind nur 5% der Weltbevölkerung. Ein weiterer Indikator, der auf den Zerfall des Kapitals hinweist, ist die rasch ansteigende Inflation. Sie ist weiter gediehen als man es uns von Staats wegen glauben macht. Noch wird sie versteckt. Der viel zitierte Warenkorb ist ein wahres Lügensammelsurium. Wichtige Güter des Lebens, die im Preis stark gestiegen sind, befinden sich außerhalb des fiktiven Korbs oder sie werden durch statistische Tricks günstiger ausgewiesen. Über die Trickserei hinaus hat sich ein amoralisches Verhalten wie eine Seuche ausgeweitet. Ähnlich könnten die letzten Tage des dekadenten Roms ausgesehen haben. Weltweit ist die Korruption bis in die obersten Firmenetagen, in Parteien und Ämtern wie eine harmlose Selbstverständlichkeit zu Gast. Unglaubliche Betrugsmanöver riesigen Ausmaßes waren und sind die Markenzeichen gewisser renommierter Firmen. Scharenweise werden nach wie vor die Aktionäre über den Tisch gezogen. So habe ich die Befürchtung, dass sich ein Skandal bei der ehemaligen südafrikanischen Goldmine Durban 2005 anbahnen könnte wie damals bei der Sunshine Mining.


    Beispiel :

    WB, IMF pressured SA to cut rates

    Apr 15 2005 08:08:14:797AM

    By: Jan de Lange

    Johannesburg - Delegations of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) convinced,$$ :D government and the Reserve Bank during secret negotiations 8o two weeks ago, that the rand is too strong and that interest rates should be reduced as a matter of urgency.

    This is apparently one of the reasons why Tito Mboweni, governor of the Reserve Bank, and the bank's Monetary Policy Committee decided on Thursday to cut the repo rate - the rate the SARB lends to aother banks - by 0.5 percentage points or 50 basis points.

    This decision will probably speed up the economic growth rate, which was already above 4% last year.

    The visit of the World Bank and the IMF was part of the two institutions' regular visits to the country, 8o at which time they analyse the economy :D and make presentations to the National Treasury and the Reserve Bank. (Tell them what to do !)

    Their presence is normally announced, but this time, the visit was kept secret because of the sensitivity of the message they were carrying. :D :D

    Tito Mboweni told a news conference shortly after the interest rate cut announcement that inflation targets were still the main driver behind interest rate decisions, "but the Reserve Bank is not isolated from the rest of the country and its needs".

    The strong rand and job losses were also taken into account before the announcement was made on Thursday.

    The announcement had the desired effect. The rand immediately weakened from R6.18 against the US dollar to R6.23 and 30 minutes later to R6.32.

    By Thursday night, the currency had firmed slightly to R6.23.

    Serious arguments

    It is the first time since the introduction of inflation targets that Mboweni admitted that other economic drivers, such as the exchange rate and unemployment, are also taken into account when monetary police is made.

    The delegation of the World Bank and IMF included top economists from both organisations.

    "The economists all presented serious arguments that the rand is too strong and that South Africa is causing irreparable damage to its economy," a source, who was invited to the meeting, said on Thursday.

    Government has been criticised a lot recently for its indifference to job losses in the mining industry and the manufacturing sector because of the strong rand.

    The trade union Solidarity recently calculated that up to 20 000 jobs could be lost before the end of May because of the strength of the currency.

    Thursday's interest rate cut is too late to save these jobs, the trade federation Cosatu said after the rate cut announcement.

    Thoraya Phandy, spokesperson for Finance Minister Trevor Manuel, confirmed on Thursday evening that the delegation visited the country and made presentations to a group "of which Trevor Manuel was part" in Pretoria.
    Here you have it again, its all manipulated, all the way ! 8o

    Please read:




    Eldorado 8)

  • So preiswert wie gestern habe ich seit langen nicht die RSA GM aktien gesehen. Ich glaube wenn man jetzt einkaufen geht kann man nicht mehr viel falsch machen. The trend can be your friend or enemy ! 8o

    Good Luck und happy shopping ! ;)

    Langsam jedoch ! :))


    XEX 8)

  • Mandela fighting fake jail art


    A row between Nelson Mandela and a former lawyer is rocking South Africa and the art world as the anti-apartheid icon prepares to file lawuits for flogging forgeries.
    Johannesburg - A row between Nelson Mandela and a former lawyer is rocking South Africa and the art world as the anti-apartheid icon prepares to file lawuits concerning forgeries of his paintings recalling his long years in prison.
    Mandela's lawyer George Bizos, who had represented the world's most-famous political prisoner decades ago, said action would be brought against the elder statesman's ex-lawyer Ismail Ayob and his business associate, Ross Calder, in the coming days.

    "We were thinking of next week but more information is coming in from all around the world, from art galleries and art buyers and it may take a little more time," said Bizos on Friday.

    Mandela decided to collaborate with "an artist to produce limited edition paintings which he signed," Bizos said.

    The works have been snapped up overseas by such celebrity buyers like United States television talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey, who forked out $200 000 (about R1.26m) for a set, according to press reports.

  • Absa sees more rate cuts

    Apr 14 2005 07:37:15:227PM
    By: Ray Faure

    Johannesburg - Another 50 basis point cut could be in the offing later in 2005, according to Absa chief economist Christo Luus.
    He then expects rates to remain stable with prime at 10% until the second quarter of 2006 when a rise can be expected.

    The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the South African Reserve Bank surprised with a 50 basis point cut in the repo rate to 7% at the end of its two-day meeting.

    Most economists had expected rates to remain steady.

    Luus says it would appear that the major factor which swayed MPC opinion to effect a rate cut, was their "concern (with) evidence of some slackening in activity in some sectors of the economy as a result of the move by the rand to a higher trading range over the past six months".

    "This," he points out, "would indicate that with inflation seemingly under control, some emphasis in terms of monetary policy conduct will now be shifting towards promoting growth."

    The surprise move does make the future course of interest rates in 2005 and 2006 much more uncertain, he believes.

    "The rand has reacted fairly negatively to the cut, while any further demand stimulus will possibly cause the current account deficit to rise to more than 5% of GDP in 2006.

    "Depending on the extent of capital flows by then, such a deficit could imply pressure on the rand and eventually higher inflation.

    "Therefore, the more aggressive the Reserve Bank now becomes with regard to interest rates cuts, the more certain the eventuality of rate increases in 2006.

    "For now, we would take the view that another 50 basis point cut may be in the offing later in 2005, and for rates to remain stable (prime at 10%) until the second quarter of 2006 when a rise can be expected," Luus says.

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