Das neue Südafrika


    Mal eine neue Variante !!!

    Report speculates on motives for Kebble's killing
    September 28, 2005

    Johannesburg - Mining magnate Brett Kebble was murdered on Tuesday night amid a billion rand scandal that has his name written all over it, Moneyweb reported.

    "Hundreds upon hundreds of millions of rands are missing and while some auditors scurry for the details, and some others resign, some of the beneficiaries may have taken fright," the financial website said on Wednesday.

    "For weeks, there has been the overwhelming sense of a cover-up. Kebble, however, had no end of plain old-fashioned enemies, of the kind that would not hesitate to exact revenge."

    Kebble, who had become known as the "new Barney Barnato", was on the way to house of his partner, Sello Rasethaba, when he was shot five times at around 9.00pm.

    He found by a passerby on a bridge over Johannesburg’s M1 freeway less than a kilometre from his home in Illovo.

    One of the last people to see Kebble alive was his communications strategist, Dominic Ntsele. Ntsele arrived at Kebble's home at 7.00pm.

    Moneyweb said according to a regulatory filing by Randgold Resources with the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington on June 30 this year it was made clear that 14.4 million shares that Randgold & Exploration (R&E) claimed to hold in Randgold Resources had gone missing.

    The claim was repeated last Friday.

    The "missing" shares - currently worth $225 million - were sold under the direction of Kebble, mostly, according to certain investors who have studied the action in great detail, during and around the third quarter of 2004.

    Kebble, who was forced out as the chief executive of R&E (and also JCI Limited and Western Areas) on August 30, had sold the shares without the permission of either his board of directors or shareholders in R&E.

    There appears to be a fair chance that at least some of the money went to Anglo American, for a bunch of Western Areas shares that Kebble had band-aided into an empowerment entity, Inkwenkwezi, via Bookmark, a shadowy financial entity, Moneyweb said.

    R&E’s audited financial statements for the year to December 31, 2004 are yet to be published.

    R&E was suspended from the JSE on August 1, and delisted from the Nasdaq in the US last Wednesday night because it had failed to post its results.

    "It is becoming increasingly apparent that Kebble had little, if any, intention of ever publishing R&E’s audited 2004 figures," Moneyweb said.

    R&E’s new chief executive officer, Peter Gray, on the Thursday of the past week announced the withdrawal of R&E’s preliminary (unaudited) 2004 results, published on April 29.

    On the same day, R&E’s auditors, Charles Orbach & Co., resigned.
    Kebble insisted that the stock had been "lent" and would be returned to R&E in mid-2006.

    The website said Kebble was known to give special and detailed attention to ensuring that people important to him were paid plenty of money.

    In the year to March 31, 2004, the directors of JCI were paid R12 million, double the amount paid the year before.

    "Consulting and management fees," which are nowhere explained, rose to R54 million from R23 million. - Sapa

  • Das tote Hippo brennt jetzt dafuer in wenigen Stunden.
    Den Heiligenschein kriegt er nicht, eher eine Mafiaboss Bestattung.
    Ausser seiner Asche bleibt nicht viel fuer Randgold Exploration Investoren uebrig, die RR's sind verliehen und kommen vielleicht wieder in 2006.
    Mensch Meier hat der alle gelinkt, ich bedauer das ich noch mit RE investiert bin und sage ""good luck"" fuer die Mitglieder hier die noch bei JCI und Western Area investiert sind. Da lege ich lieber bei Fidel Castro an als nochmals bei den Verein von Kebbles und Swanepoel Typen.
    Kein Wunder das JCI nur mehr 16 cents wert sind so wie die sich die ""Direktoren"" die Taschen vollgemacht haben.
    Ist so und so fast nur ein Kafferladen mit ein paar weissen Mohikanern ala Swanepoel bei dem nicht mehr viel rauskommt ausser noch mehr Betrug und Geldschieberei in der naechsten Zeit. Die Neger werden immer streiken, erst Recht in 3000 m tiefe, zu tief !!
    Dann noch starker Rand, und ich verschwand.
    Der Drang zum Auswandern auch bei Goldfield und Harmony z.B.

    Die schwarzen Mafia Brueder haben natuerlich jetzt Gedaechnissschwund und schieben alles auf Brett Kebble,der sich nun verabschieded hat mit ""so long guys"" ! :D

    Gottes Muehlen malen langsam aber sicher, nichts konnte er mitnehmen.

    Schwupp, und schon ist der Brett weg, auf zum naechsten deal als Mr Barney Barnato Corleone.


  • Hier ein interessanter Artikel über die Situation Südafrikas.
    Quelle: Deka Bank, Oktober 2005, Ausgabe 4

    Südafrika: Konjunkturbelebung am Kap

    Emerging Markets Outlook Oktober 2005


    ‡ Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz hat sich die Politik des Black Economic Empowerment bisher ohne ernsthafte Zerrüttungen der
    südafrikanischen Volkswirtschaft vollzogen.
    Im Gegenteil: Die Bewegung verspricht, zur Entwicklung einer schwarzen Mittelschicht beigetragen.

    ‡ Im Bereich der Arbeitsmarktliberalisierung und der Förderung von Aus- und Weiterbildung kommt die Regierung von Präsident
    Thabo Mbeki nur schleppend voran. Die Arbeitslosenquote liegt über 25%.


    ‡ Mit dem Ende des Rand-Höhenflugs in der ersten Jahreshälfte hat sich die Konjunktur zuletzt wieder etwas belebt: Nach 3,5% im ersten Quartal legte das BIP im zweiten Quartal real um 4,8% zu.

    ‡ Wir rechnen mit einem Leistungsbilanzdefizit, das deutlich unter der Marke von 4% des BIP bleiben sollte. Die teuren Rohstoffe begünstigen die südafrikanischen Exporterlöse.

    ‡ Zuletzt steigender Inflationsdruck, begünstigt durch die hohen Energiepreise – im Juli stieg der CPIX um 4,2% yoy an
    (Inflationsziel: 3 bis 6 %) –, schließt aus unserer Sicht für absehbare Zeit Zinssenkungen von Seiten der Notenbank aus.
    Entsprechend hatte sich auch SARB-Präsident Tito Mboweni geäußert.


    ‡ Südafrikas Ratings befinden sich weiter im Aufwind: Zuletzt erhöhten Fitch und S&P ihre Südafrika-Ratings von BBB auf BBB+. Moody’s liegt mit Baa1 auf gleichem Niveau.


    ‡ Bezüglich des Rand erwarten wir auf Sicht von sechs Monaten einen Kurs von EUR-ZAR 7,88 bzw. auf Sicht von zwölf Monaten EUR-ZAR 8,45.

    ‡ Südafrika ist ein klassischer investment grade-Kredit. Wir erwarten für den südafrikanischen Teilindex eine Bewegung parallel zum BBB-Segment des EMBIG.

  • Konjunkturbelebung am Kap :D

    Südafrika ist ein klassischer investment grade-Kredit :D

    Arbeitslosigkeit ueber 25 % :D, sicher ueber aber bei 40% !

    Sehr gute Promotion ist das ja, bitte investiert nun alle ganz schnell in den ANC regierten Land das so kriminell geworden ist weil es hier so ein Aufwind herrscht. :D



  • South African Airline hatte einen schwarzen Piloten den sie jahrelang trainierten wie einen Affen, er stuerzte ab vor wenigen Wochen in einer kleinen Maschine und nun haben wir keinen mehr. Ist ja besser so, bekannterweise koennen schwarze nicht so einfach dreidimensional denken und ich steige in kein Flugzeug wo ein schwarzer der Piliot ist.

    Africa air travel 'dangerous'

    05/10/2005 18:23

    Johannesburg - Air travel in Western-built planes in Africa is more than six times riskier than in the rest of the world, the head of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said on Wednesday.
    "Safety is our number one priority and the most urgent issue for Africa," IATA chief executive Giovanni Bisignani said.

    "Africa has made some progress on safety," he added, saying the continent had 10.8 accidents per one million flights a decade ago compared to 5.2 crashes per million flights last year.

    "This is progress, but it is still 6.6 times worse than the global average. Twenty-five percent of accidents involving Western-built aircraft in 2004 occurred in Africa," Bisignani said.

    "If we add Eastern-built aircraft the figures for Africa are worse," he said but did not give exact figures.

    According to IATA statistics, 23 out of the world's 103 accidents in Western-built jets happened in Africa last year.

    A total of 36 plane crash deaths occurred in Africa last year out of 428 deaths worldwide in Western-built aircraft.

    "And remember that Africa only accounts for 4.5% global traffic," added Bisignani.

    He said another major issue of concern in Africa was a lack of infrastructure which could become a major obstacle in 2007 when airlines are to stop issuing tickets on paper, but only through the internet.

    "It is most important to have by 2007, one hundred percent e-ticketing worldwide," Bisignani said, adding that the IATA would "share resources" with African countries to assist them with this.

    The "no-paper" system would save airlines some $3bn (€2.5bn) annually.

    This is much needed in a bleeding industry which is expected to suffer losses of up to $7.4bn (€6.1bn) this year as a result of skyrocketing oil prices.

    Based in Geneva, the IATA represents 94% of international scheduled traffic and some 265 airlines of which 39 are based in Africa.


  • Tambok, hast du schon mal bei irgendend einer Sportveranstaltung einen Neger als Schwimmer gesehen ?
    Da haben sie auch Probleme, beim tanzen, boxen und klettern sind sie aber wieder an erster Stelle. :D (No brain, no pain)
    Denen auf den Kopf hauen bringt nichts,hart wie Kokusnuss.
    Ich sah mal als ein Ziegel am Bau von 4 meter hoehe einen auf den Saffer Kopf traf, der machte nach kurzen Kopfschuetteln gleich wieder weiter.Mit der hohlen Handflaeche auf die Ohren hauen,das wirkt,der Luftdruck macht die fast ohnmaechtig sagt man.

    Selbst wenn es sich sehr rassistisch anhoert, ich sprach mal in Kairo mit einen Medizin Professor von der University dort. Er sagte das langjaehrige Untersuchungen gemacht wurden und festgestellt worden ist das Schwarze ein drittel weniger Gehirnmasse haben als Europaer z.B.
    Kurz gesagt, er deutete darauf hin das die Schwarzen "mentally retarded" sind und gewisse Funktionen nicht so leicht ausfuehren koennen.
    Sie hinken auch intelligenzmaessig ein drittel dem Alter hinterher und ein 30 jaehriger denkt wie ein 20 jaehriger als Beispiel.
    Die haben einfach eine andere Genetik das steht fest.

    Der Rand sieht heute schwaecher aus mit 6.54 R/USD.
    Ewig darauf gewartet, aber die Geduld verloren so dass es mir nichts mehr ausmacht ohne RSA Aktien. Bei R 6.70/USD sollte sich dann der Fall beschleunigen.

    In London nennt man nun die Suedafrikaner Saffers, da Kaffer ja verboten ist.



  • Gunmen mow down surgeon, wife

    06/10/2005 09:41

    Johannesburg - A top plastic surgeon and his 49-year-old wife were murdered in their bed shortly before midnight on Wednesday, Johannesburg police said.
    Spokesperson Sanku Tsunke said on Thursday two armed men entered the house in Crown North, Mayfair, and fired several shots at Dr Mahomed Anwar Kadwa, 50, and his wife, killing both. The men then apparently fled.

    A preliminary investigation found nothing missing and the motive for the slaying is not yet known.

    Tsunke said the couple's son, daughter and daughter-in-law were in the house at the time.

    They were not harmed.

    Kadwa graduated as a doctor in 1976 and was acting head of the division of plastic surgery at Wits university between 1987 and 1990.

    Since then, and up to the time of his death, he was been in private practice at the Park Lane Clinic in Parktown.

    Apart from being a keen fisherman, he was also a collector of cycads.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Lustig, lustig,so hat jeder seine"Helden"

    Posted to the web on: 06 October 2005
    ‘Kebble a hero’ debate suggests SA has lost its moral compass
    Xolela Mangcu
    GERMAN playwright Bertolt Brecht once said: “Pity the country that needs heroes.” Brecht was no doubt critical of the overreliance we sometimes have on our leaders.

    But he may have swung the pendulum to the other extreme in dismissing the place of heroes in national life.

    I would not so much pity the country that needs heroes as I would the one that has come not to know the difference between its heroes and its villains. Such a country has probably lost its moral and ethical bearings.

    The brouhaha over the late Brett Kebble as a latter-day national hero is a sorry commentary on our ethical and moral condition.

    In reaching this conclusion, I make three distinctions in analysing our response to Kebble’s death. Let us start with the distinction I make between religious morality and political morality.

    Religious morality may indeed inform political morality, but they are not the same — except in theocratic states. I shall therefore leave religious morality to the clergy and concern myself with the domain of political morality.

    Having made that distinction, I shall then, still within the secular realm of political morality, make a further distinction between ethics and morality.

    Ethics speak to what is the good life for the individual to pursue in any given society, and morals speak to what principles govern that individual’s relations with others in pursuing that good life. In other words, who we are ultimately leads to a discussion of what we are.

    Put differently, my individual identity is inextricably linked to my social identity. My social identity is always making claims and imposing expectations on my individual identity.

    My individual identity is always responding by conforming, resisting, evading and ultimately adapting to those claims and expectations. This process of everyday negotiation and interaction between the ethical and the moral yields our political culture.

    On the ethical dimension, Kebble most probably saw the good life as a relentless pursuit of wealth. On the moral dimension, he would do whatever it took to achieve those ethical pursuits, which is arguably what earned him so many enemies along the way. By all accounts, he was also a ruthless, manipulative, cunning and even corrupt businessman.

    So how does a person with such ethical and moral values come to be our national hero, eulogised by ministers of state?

    There are two possible answers to such a question — both of which rest on the final distinction between moral relativism and moral pluralism.

    The moral relativists will most probably respond to my question by saying: who are you to question Kebble’s ethical right to pursue wealth in whatever moral manner he saw fit?

    In such a free-for-all scenario there would indeed be no common ethical and moral compass.

    This is what makes it impossible to distinguish heroes from villains. The national slogan in such an ethical and moral desert would be a cynical play on Brecht: “Pity the nation that needs to make distinctions between heroes and villains.”

    I fear we are slouching dangerously towards this moral relativism when we get young, gifted writers comparing Kebble to Winston Churchill during the Second World War. It would be funny if it were not so grotesque.

    The second possible explanation for Kebble being hailed as a national hero could be moral pluralism. Moral pluralism is an improvement on relativism to the extent that it assumes that we have some shared overarching goals, albeit different ways of achieving them.

    In this scenario you could argue that Kebble saw black economic empowerment as just one of many ways of achieving the shared overarching goal of black upliftment.

    But even in such a pluralistic conception you would still have to convince Hasani Sydwell Mabasa, and people like him, about what you mean by black upliftment.

    In a brilliant letter to Business Day yesterday, Mabasa asks how it is that the material interests of a few individuals came to be the interests of the youth of South Africa: “Is this praising chorus also enjoying popularity among the poor youth in rural areas or the unemployed?”

    But even the most generous explanation of Kebble as charitable does not satisfy Mabasa: “Charity cannot be used to measure the good or bad of a person — morality is the true measure.”

    He proceeds to suggest that “materialism should not be used to guide how history should be written in SA”.

    Mabasa is in a sense posing a profound, existential question that Kebble’s death poses to all of us, individually and collectively: does Kebble ethically and morally represent who we are, and what we are as a country, which is what the eulogies seem to suggest?

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • 3 SA children vanish every day

    06/10/2005 14:24

    Cape Town - Between 1 400 and 1 700 children are reported missing in South Africa each year and only 11% are found, DA MP Mike Waters said on Thursday.
    "This country faces a child abduction crisis. There is a desperate need for some constructive measures to put back the power into the hands of caring South Africans to stop this scourge," he said, addressing reporters at Parliament.

    He said an astounding 293 children were murdered during the first three months of last year.

    "This represents about three children per day or one every 7.5 hours," he said.

    The plight of missing and abducted children was again brought to light following a spate of abductions and murders in the Western Cape in September.

    Last week saw the funerals of three-year-old Joey Joseph, who was abducted outside her home in Delft and seven-year-old Veronique Solomons, who was kidnapped near her Steenberg home.

    No South African child is safe

    September also saw the kidnapping of East Rand schoolgirl Marissa Naidoo, 10, from Benoni Primary School by a business associate of her father. Her body was found in a suitcase.

    Waters on Thursday called for more community involvement and an aggressive search and rescue programme for missing children.

    "A spate of child murders over the past few weeks has made it clear that no South African child is safe," he said in announcing a seven point policy proposal to finding missing children.

    He proposed transmitting details of missing children via SMS to cellphone owners in the vicinity of an abduction. Waters said while service providers supported the plan in principle, details had to be thrashed out.

    He also proposed the immediate broadcasting of missing children's details over radios.

    "In the US Code Adam was created as a way of instantly galvanising people in the immediate vicinity of a reported abduction in a shopping centre to search for the child." He said the DA proposed a similar system for South African - Code Lerato.

    He said time was of the essence and for children abducted in shopping centres, this action tended to panic the kidnapper into leaving children behind.

    But he also suggested the creation of a children's database comprising fingerprints and birth certificate details.

    "When a child goes missing, it is important that information that would help to identify the child is available quickly," he said.

    For victims not immediately found he proposed photographs be posted on snack and cool drink packages and on street posters and for national Missing Children's Day to act as reminder of those still not found.


  • Trotz dass der US$ heute massiv gegen den EURO verliert, gewinnt er doch gegenüber dem ZAR. Ein gutes Zeichen für die SA Minen und ein klares Indiz, dass man die Kursentwicklung US$/EURO nicht 1:1 auf US$/ZAR übertragen kann. Ich werde meine Harmony weiter halten auch wenn ich Sie eigentlich inzwischen ungewollt übergewichtet habe (durch verbilligen und die gute Performance der letzten Wochen). Der Rand geht schon noch dahin wo wir Ihn alle sehen wollen nämlich gegen Süden (zumindest die die noch in SA Minen drin sind). :D


  • Robbers try to pull out tongue

    06/10/2005 22:49

    Port Elizabeth - A woman arrived in the nick of time at her 82-year-old mother's Summerstrand home to scare off two men who were sitting on her mom, trying to pull out her tongue.
    Ines Poggi said shortly after the attack on her mother, Carolina: "I'm sure they were trying to kill her. If I hadn't arrived, she would have been dead. They ran away when they saw me."

    The robbers apparently jumped over the garden wall about noon while the elderly woman was hanging her pyjamas on the washing line at their home in Ninth Avenue.

    Poggi, who usually visited her mother at lunchtime to see that she was all right, suspected something was wrong when she called at the door, but received no answer.

    The two women lived alone, and Poggi just happened to be five minutes earlier on Wednesday.

    She became hysterical when she saw the two robbers sitting on her mother.

    Pulled off her rings

    One of the men shouted to his accomplice: "Kill her, kill her!"

    The men apparently sat on the garden wall sneering at the elderly woman before attacking her.

    They snatched her wedding ring and her husband's wedding ring from her fingers, her watch and a locket, in which she carried a photo of her late husband. They didn't get a chance to take anything from the house.

    The elderly woman had several bruises and cuts to her body, but wanted to be treated at home by a doctor rather than go to hospital.

    The attackers smeared the garden wall with the woman's blood when they scrambled over it in their bid to get away. They apparently weren't carrying any weapons.

    Poggi said the men looked "like homeless people who laze around in front of the liquor stores in Summerstrand".

    She said their neighbour, Dennis Beneke, saw the suspects running down the street.

    Monty Montgomery, an operations manager at Atlas Security, said something had to be done to stop the cruel attacks on the elderly.

    "It is worrying that these robbers fearlessly enter homes. They hit soft targets such as the elderly and women who are alone at home," he said.

    He said people who were alone at home should always keep the doors and security gates locked and make sure they had panic buttons handy.

    Two others cruelly assaulted

    He said it seemed as if the same men were involved in the other attacks on the elderly in Summerstrand, since they used the same cruel modus operandi. Nobody has been arrested in connection with the two other cases.

    In August, Martin Haring, 90, was seriously assaulted, tied up and bundled upside down into a cupboard in his house in Summerstrand.

    The burglars struck while Haring's wife, Mary, 78, was out shopping.

    Lenie Nelson, 82, was overpowered by two robbers in her kitchen in September. She was cruelly assaulted and ended up with a broken arm and a skull fracture.

    News24/Die Burger

  • Angry commuters ignite trains

    07/10/2005 08:11

    Johannesburg - Commuters angry about train delays caused damage estimated at R30m on Thursday night when they set fire to several coaches and two offices at Germiston Station.
    East Rand police spokesperson superintendent Andy Pieke said the fire appeared to have started at 20:00.

    "The information that has been received is that the fire was caused by commuters who had been on the train which was travelling from Katlehong to Germiston and had been delayed earlier due to technical problems," Pieke said.

    "Several coaches on the train were destroyed by the fire."

    Pieke said it was not known how the fire started. A case of arson would be opened. No arrests had been made.

    Estimating damage at R30m, a Metrorail spokesperson told SABC radio news eight coaches of three trains had been destroyed in the blaze.

    Delays were expected on Friday morning, she said.


  • HIV/Aids rate in Gauteng at 30%

    Yasheera Rampersadh | Johannesburg, South Africa

    06 October 2005 12:17

    There is a steady increase in HIV prevalence in South Africa, a professor from the University of KwaZulu-Natal said at the opening of the Gauteng Aids Council conference in Johannesburg on Thursday.

    The life expectancy in the country would soon plummet from 63 years to 46, Professor Alan Whiteside said.

    HIV prevalence among women and among people between 20 and 24 years continued to increase with 29% of South African women being infected.

    "HIV prevalence in Gauteng is well over 30% and provinces like KZN, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape and the Free State have the highest prevalence rates in the country," Whiteside said.

    He said there were nearly 6,3-million South Africans living with HIV/Aids and that most of them did not know about it.

    Acting Gauteng premier Gwen Ramokgopa added that while the prevalence was not increasing at the speed it was previously, it was still increasing.

    She said smaller businesses also needed to come on board and deal with the epidemic as small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) were key to Gauteng's economic growth.

    "The high prevalence and the fact that SMMEs are not yet fully on board is a concern to us and we hope that this can be tackled during the conference," she said.

    South Africa faced three key challenges regarding the HIV/Aids epidemic, the conference heard.

    These were prevention, treatment and dealing with the impact of the epidemic.

    Whiteside said the impact was not only felt at government level and in the health department but also in communities, municipalities, in the workplace and in schools.

    He said the impact of the virus would peak in about 20 years when more children were orphaned by the virus.

    "Impact on the demographic structure is going to be greatest. The population is going to be smaller and the structure is going to be different. We can't say how, but the population may not reach 50-million," he said.

    "Life expectancy will plummet. At the moment life expectancy is 63 years, but soon it will be 46 and falling."

    The national director general of health, Thami Mseleku, said one of the other challenges the department faced was with young people who thought they were not at risk of the virus.

    The conference, which began on Thursday morning, ends on Saturday afternoon. - Sapa

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    mit den ganzen Schreckensmeldungen kommt man kaum nach.
    Beware of You!


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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