Juniors aus Kanada


    Du sagst ja selber:....

    Finger weg von Rohstoffen und Aktien.
    Minenaktien zumindest untergewichten.
    Finger weg von Silberminen.
    Gold und Silber physisch weiter halten.
    Anleihen kurzfristig absichern oder verkaufen.

    So würde ich z.Z. handeln.

  • Die BAA schauen gar nicht so schlecht aus, jedenfalls von den Resourcen her ist das einiges im Keller gelagert.

    2007 sollen die Projekte in die Feasibility gehen, also ist die Produktion noch etwas weiter weg.

    ... und das Länderrisko ...

    bleiben auf der Watchlist.


  • Ja, Finger weg vom Kauf.. was aber wenn man das als kostenlose Dreingabe bekommt?

    Ich stelle mir das so vor: 8 mio blechen. Dafür Royalties im Wert von ca. 20 mio erhalten und schwupps ein kleines Bauxit Vorkommen in Sierra Leone (Port Loko) dazu. Bei solchen Werten ist mir der Goldpreis egal.

    Aber Vorsicht, kaufen kann man eh nicht viele, 15% spread und praktisch kein Handel.


  • Gestern etwas

    OZN Orezone Resources Inc



    kein ganz billiger Explorer
    1,5 USD; fully diluted 124 Mio Shares

    Haben fortgeschrittenes Open Pit AU_Projekt

    Joint Venture mit GOLDFIELDS in Burkina Faso.

    Burkina Faso liegt zwischen Ghana und Mali.

    Ausserdem 2 Gebiete gedrillt mit
    guten oberflächigen Grades.


  • Drilling Intersects High Grade Gold Within 1,200-Metre Long Structure at Pele Mountain's Highland Project
    Thursday September 7, 10:53 am ET

    trotzdem....erfreulich an diesem down-day :]

    linar :)

    ooops - eben gesehen, aus lauter Freude übersehen :rolleyes:

    ----> http://www.goldseitenforum.de/thread.php?threadid=4057&sid=

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Explodiert geradezu:
    Gestern +15 %,heute zzt.+23 %bei 0,84C$
    Mit großem Umsatz bislang schon.

    Hat die noch ein anderer hier ? Mein Kellerkind. :D

    Ist einer der schrillsten Werte der letzten Zeit:
    JT =0,135, JH = 3,54.!!

    Hab einen ziemlichen Bestand mit genau 1,3 C$ Schnitt.

    Wenn die fündig wird,was vielleicht einige bereits wissen,geht die wieder durch die Decke.
    Denk ich jedenfalls. :]


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • September 12, 2006


    BEIJING, CHINA -- Jinshan Gold Mines Inc. (TSX-V: JIN) is pleased to announce that it has received the Mining Permit for its CSH (217) gold mine in China. The permit was granted by the Ministry of Land and Resources in Beijing.

    "Our team has been working very closely with the regulatory authorities and multiple levels of government towards this day," said Jinshan's Vice President, XiangDong Jiang. "It is an extensive process to obtain the mining permit, but the various governments have shown their support for our project."

    To view the entire release, click on the attached file...

  • Gold and how to buy lottery tickets

    Bob Moriarty
    September 13, 2006

    Buying Canadian juniors is a lot like buying lottery tickets. I didn't invent the term, several well-respected newsletter writers also call juniors lottery tickets. It's a good description and good way to think. Obviously not all lottery tickets pay off but when they do, there is a lot of money to be made. And you really increase your probability of success by buying a lot of lottery tickets. I can't tell you how many companies I like (and own) that often take years to get traction and start moving.

    If you add to the concept of juniors being lottery tickets, the concept of buy-cheap, sell-dear, you really increase your chance of success. $.50 stocks double faster than $5 stocks. As companies grow in market capitalization (and price) they get harder to move. I was buying Newmont in the late 1990s in the $20 area. We had a major lifetime low in gold combined with a chance to buy one of the largest and best run companies in the business at a low price. So what's Newmont today? $48 bucks and change. I've got juniors that go up the same 150% in a month.

    Look carefully at the range in price of juniors. It's common to have a yearly high some 400% higher than yearly lows. I see way too much attention paid to specifics, everyone wants to compare drill results. Screw drill results, if you do nothing but buy juniors when they hit a new yearly low and sell when they hit yearly highs, you will make a lot more money than the guys using rulers and mumbo jumbo. Don't take this as being some kind of rocket science, it's not. It's investing based on human foibles.

  • Hallo Edel

    Ja habe die auch noch, EP 0,98 habe damals
    nur eine kleine portion gekauft

  • Paramount News, auf die habe ich gewartet. :]
    Ebenso sehr preiswert IMO.

    About Paramount Gold

    Paramount Gold Mining Corp. is a precious metals exploration and development company. It is management's objective to grow Paramount into a significant gold and precious metals producer by developing the San Miguel and Linda projects in Mexico and Peru, and the Andean Gold Alliance with TeckCominco in South America and by acquiring other advanced-stage projects and/or producing mines in the most prolific precious metal districts in the world. The Company trades on the OTC market under the symbol "PGDP" and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol "P6G". For more information, please visit the Company's web site at: http://www.paramountgold.com (now available in the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Mandarin).


  • Le Metropole Members,

    Eric Hommelberg has served commentary at The Hemingway
    Table titled, "Selling Juniors? - You Must Be Kidding!"

    "It sure has been a quite a week for gold and HUI.. Both
    seemed to be plunging into a deep black hole thereby
    scaring the hell out of many gold investors . Sure
    enough many inquiries came my way again from readers
    asking it's time to sell since so many analysts turned
    bearish lately."

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