Juniors aus Kanada

  • Mal was anderes zwischendurch als gold.

    Ich sah mal einem bericht von einer jungen frau die in Papua New Guine
    da wo Lihir und DRD butteln,, aufgewachsen ist als missionars tochter.

    Die lebt jetzt in Europa und hat sogar einige Selbstmordversuche hinter sich, sie hat auch ein buch darueber geschrieben.
    Die lernte von den Indianer im jungle zu ueberleben.
    Sie war sehr happy dort als kind.

    Sie hatte nun ein paar probleme in der Zivilisation,so wie wir sagen.

    Eines war es gibt keinen unterschied zwischen gut und schlecht sowie recht oder unrecht im Jungle,.natuerlich Stammesgesetze hat sie gelernt.

    Dazwischen ist nichts, sozusagen keine mitte.

    Entweder ist man gut oder schlecht, eines der beiden konnte sie nur akzeptieren.

    In unserer Welt gibt es eine Mitte !

    Aber im endeffekt ist es so wie im Jungle.



  • Yeah, sogar der skorpion und der golden star sticht wieder. :D

    SPM.V GSS ..I guess ?( Keep an eye on ECU.V

    In das silbertal von Idaho scheint die sonne. 8)

    ABI ist shopping time und Esperanza ist beim Tanzen. :P

    SSRI fuer Senioren ... oder eine auf die ohren.

    Hey, ich bin jetzt ein haudegen mit give me 5 , habe ich so zugehaut ? ?(

    ;) XEX

  • Cumberland hat letztes Jahr schon eine Durchführbarkeitsstudie gemacht, die schlecht ausgefallen ist wg. überraschend hoher Kapitalkosten.

    Nun wurde anscheinend eine neue erstellt. Auch diese scheint nicht robust zu sein.

    Goldpreis 400 USD
    Nachsteuer-NPV 0% 115 Mio USD
    Nachsteuer-NPV 5% 46 Mio USD.

    Bei dem üblichen Zinssatz von 10% ist der Barwert des Projekts sicherlich negativ.

    Natürlich könnte ein hoher Goldpreis von z.B. über 450 USD das Projekt retten, aber Vorsicht ist angebracht.

  • @ juergen

    Give me five bezieht sich auf 5 mal draufgehaut auf gold, und bald hauen die goldbugs drauf, nachdem wir den fuenften schlag verdaut haben.
    Mir ist es wurst wie viel strerndel man mir gibt, ich habe meinen spass hier und kann von einigen hier im forum auch etwas lernen.

    That's all !

    Cheers ;)


  • A mixed market in the near-term for the junior mines
    Clif Droke JMSR snippet
    Mar 31, 2005

    Below is an extract from Clif Droke's latest Junior Mining Stock Report

    We're switching our focus from the 30/60/90-day moving averages (which are subject to volatility whipsaws) to the more reliable 10/20/30-week moving averages for trend-smoothing and analytical purposes.

    There is still a lot of overhead supply to contend with in many of the stocks (noted for each stock) which means the consolidation process isn't quite over. However, some stocks are showing signs of technical improvement and the prospects for the cyclical spring rally are good for these stocks in question (noted in the stock section below).

    As the headline indicates for this newsletter, it's a mixed market out there with the net effect being a trading range for the overall sector. This is due in part to the recent short-term bottom in the U.S. Dollar index (which was underscored by a recent front-cover edition of Newsweek magazine with its bearish cover story on the dollar -- a contrarian bottom signal for the near-term). The range-bound market looks to continue for the foreseeable future for the stocks noted below, although there are still a few upward trending stocks in the sector and a growing list of potential turnarounds.

    I note with interest quite a few junior mining stocks that show positive divergences in their MACD indicators relative to price. This shows an improvement in internal strength and sets the stage for a possible turnaround this spring for these stocks in question.

  • Canadian Zinc Reports 2004 Financial Results

    Canadian Zinc Corporation ("TSX-CZN") announced today that it has filed its audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2004 and related Management's Discussion and Analysis with Canadian security regulatory authorities. Copies of the documents are available on SEDAR at http://www.sedar.com and on the Company's website at http://www.canadianzinc.com

    For the year ended December 31, 2004 Canadian Zinc reported a net loss of $679,127 ($0.01 per share) compared to a loss of $904,860 ($0.02 per share) in 2003. The lower loss in 2004 was principally the result of higher interest income earned in 2004.

    The Company is in the exploration and development stage and does not generate any cash flow. Interest income in 2004 was $330,076 compared to $28,318 in 2003, the increase being attributed to higher cash balances invested throughout the full year. Administrative expenses for 2004 were $1,005,409 compared to $928,121 in 2003, the increase being attributable to increased corporate activity.

    Canadian Zinc's cash position, including term deposits, at December 31, 2004 was $12,907,997, compared to $13,339,442 at December 31, 2003. The Company generated $2,444,625 during 2004 from the exercise of share purchase warrants and employee stock options. The Company is in a strong debt free financial condition and in position to carry on its planned exploration, development and permitting activities.

    During 2004 the Company carried out a major program at the Prairie Creek property investing a total of $2.1 million on exploration and development. A total of 27 holes were drilled comprising 5,936 meters directed at three different targets with very encouraging results, especially downdip to the north outside the immediate mine development area. At the same time the underground workings were rehabilitated in preparation for the planned decline and underground drilling program, whilst important site maintenance and environmental work was also carried out.

    Plans for 2005 include continuing the Company's exploration program at the Prairie Creek property, outside the immediate currently known resource area, and initiating the planned underground decline and development and underground drilling program. At the same time ongoing technical and metallurgical studies will be carried out to advance the project towards commercial production. The Company will also continue with its permitting activities and expects during the year to file an application for the Land Use Permits and Water Licence for commercial operation for the Prairie Creek mine.

    The Company is also undertaking the review of a number of other new mining investment opportunities and this activity will continue in 2005.

    This press release should be read in conjunction with the Audited Financial Statements and the Notes thereto, and Management's Discussion and Analysis, of Canadian Zinc Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2004.

    About Canadian Zinc

    Canadian Zinc's 100% owned Prairie Creek Mine Project located in the Northwest Territories includes a near complete mine, mill and surrounding infrastructure with a large mineral resource base totaling 11.8 million tonnes, grading an average12.5% zinc, 10.1% lead, 0.4% copper and 161 grammes of silver per tonne. The resource contains an estimated 70 million ounces of silver, approximately 3 billion pounds of zinc and approximately 2.2 billions pounds of lead.

  • If you like tango argentina, let me intruduce : Minera Andes

    Minera Andes is a gold, silver and copper exploration company working in Argentina. The corporation is funded with working capital of about US$7.6 million and a pending credit facility of up to US$2 million for feasibility study completion and underground construction at its advanced-stage silver/gold project in Santa Cruz province. Minera Andes holds about 500,000 acres of mineral exploration land in Argentina, including the co-owned Huevos Verdes/San Jose silver/gold project now under construction and feasibility consideration for possible mine production. Minera Andes has also discovered an enriched copper zone at its Los Azules property and is acquiring other exploration targets in southern Argentina. The Corporation presently has 90,079,504 issued and outstanding shares.

  • XCL @ .29 is OK. Sehe auch NWS wieder besser. Die beiden müssen sich zusammenraufen und an einem Strick ziehen; Was geschehen wird. Die Sleeper property ist viel zu gross für einen allein und die bisherigen Ergebnisse machen Sinn für ein Mega Open Pit! Was noch fehlt sind die PLUMS, highgrade plums a la Sleeper itself.

    Scheint mir dass wir eine Verschnaufpause bekommen. HUI up and most of my AU and AG stocks up today. Einige Titel scheinen den Talboden gesehen zu haben, wenn auch noch mit weiteren möglichen dips über die nächsten Wochen gerechnet werden muss.

    The Grand Canyon Experience may be near its conclusion.

    AG: IMR wird, IMHO, alle Titel wie PAAS, SRI, CDE et al bei weitem übertreffen. Die Story wird täglich grösser und wie ich erfahre ist Li'l Joe
    Grosso in die 2. Phase der AQI Kasperliade eingetreten. Ohne diese Idiotie wäre IMR bereits ein Triple. But who cares, when my l. t. objective is way over C$ 100 anyway!!!

    Have a great weekend - all

  • A new report from Jason Hommel/Lou Passi :



    If you want to capitalize on this silver price explosion, by all means start accumulating silver bullion bars and coins (if you can find them) at today's relatively low, low prices. More aggressive investors will desire to own shares in a variety of mining companies highly leveraged to the price of silver.

    Sterling Mining (SRLM - Pink Sheets) is one such company. The share price March 31 was $3.60/share. With 15 million shares outstanding, the market cap is $54 million. With 15.8 million shares fully diluted, the market cap is $57 million.

    Sterling now controls the legendary Sunshine Mine, the richest silver mine in American history with more than 360 million ounces of production over the past century. Mine reserves stand at 26 million ounces of silver, as well as an additional resource of 160 million ounces of silver, for a total of 186 million oz. of silver. The mine is leased for 15 years, and can be bought for an additional $5 million.

    Sterling acquired the Sunshine Mine after the Sunshine mining company went bankrupt. In 1993, the famous Sunshine mining company had a market cap of $500 million, while they were $100 million in debt. The debt caught up with them as silver prices dropped in 1999-2002.

    Today, lean Sterling Mining has a market cap of about $70 million, and is debt free. Thus, Sterling Mining may have an upside potential to increase their market cap by about 7 times to return to the former valuation.

    Oddly, the Sunshine Mine was profitable when it closed in 2001. It was producing at a rate of over three million ounces of silver per year at an average grade of approximately 20 ounces per ton and a cash cost of just $4.49/ounce. The property includes offices, a 1,100-ton-per-day mill, more than 100 miles of underground workings, and 2,300 acres of mineral rights.

    In 2003-04 Sterling completed a surface geophysical program on the property to explore for the potential upward continuation of silver-bearing structures. The program identified five target areas, and in September 2004 an initial surface drill program was conducted. Sterling is following a methodical approach preparing the mine for a return to long-term sustainable production.

    Sterling Mining's share price has suffered recently, down to just below $4/share from a high of about $14/share, perhaps partly due to rumors on the internet about mine flooding. Olav Svela, Vice President, has firmly stated:

    "There is no water problem at the Sunshine mine. We are currently finishing up our Phase II development plan for the mine and hope to be in production within a couple of years, if not sooner."

    Many silver stocks, in general, have also been hit by two problems in the last year. First, silver prices stalled in April 2004, when silver hit a high price of $8.40, and then crashed back to $5.50, thus discouraging many silver stock investors. Second, many private placement shares have come free trading, and that puts downward pressure on share prices as initial investors with large blocks of shares cash out to lock in gains. Sterling Mining gained from a low of about $.25/share in early 2003 prior to the acquisition of the Sunshine mine.

    Sterling is now the 7th largest primary silver company in the world with 231 million ounces of silver resources or 19 ounces of silver per share. Silver accounts for 91 percent of the company's total resources, making it a high-leveraged silver stock.

    Other Company Projects: (many leased, not all 100% owned)

    Coeur D'Alene Mining District - In addition to the Sunshine Mine, Sterling controls more than 15,000 acres of mineral rights in the Silver Valley. This is one of the richest silver districts on earth, yet there's been relatively little surface exploration conducted by modern techniques. Recent discoveries indicate that significant silver mineralization is just waiting to be found.

    Mexico Projects. In 2003 and 2004 Sterling acquired a number of properties in Zacatecas State, Mexico, with rapid production and exploration potential for 100+ million ounces of near-surface silver resources.

    Baroness Tailing Project - an advanced stage project located in the Zacatecas Mining District, Mexico. Production is expected to begin in 2005. It is estimated that the project contains 5 million metric tons of finely ground tailings that average 3.0 ounces per ton silver and 0.02 ounces per ton gold, which is a resource of 15 million ounces of silver and 100,000 ounces of gold. Processing costs are expected to be $3.50 per ton or less.

    Milagros Property - Sterling Mining holds an option on the Tesorito and Tabasquena claims near the prolific Milagros property in Zacatecas State, Mexico. The claims comprise two shallow shafts (about 65 feet and 280 feet deep, respectively) approximately half a mile apart, sunk onto a major silver-bearing epithermal vein structure. The reported thickness of the vein averages about 10 feet, widening to nearly 20 feet. The structure is believed to be open along strike on both ends, as well as at depth. Earlier reports have estimated that between the two shafts lies an estimated one million tons of mineralization, which, based on past smelter returns, has historically produced ore at 17 ounces per ton silver, implying a 17 million oz. silver resource.

    San Acacio - The San Acacio Silver Project, located four miles from the City of Zacatecas, Mexico, comprises the old San Acacio Mine within the famous Veta Grande Mining District that has produced 180 million ounces of silver. The San Acacio claims cover roughly four miles of the Veta Grande quartz-carbonate vein system. Historical reports indicate a drill-inferred resource of 14.4 million ounces of silver. Previous operators have used this drill data to estimate an additional 3.1 million tons at a grade of 5 ounces per ton silver, yielding another 15.5 million ounces. Sterling management anticipates that surface drilling will be conducted on the property in early 2005.

    JE Project - 700 acres of property located in the 'Persian Gulf of Silver', a NW Montana region of several low-grade 100+ million ounce deposits. Stratabound silver/copper mineralization was defined in this area by eight diamond drill holes adjacent to the NNW-trending Snake Creek Fault. Sterling aims to conduct an initial exploration program in 2005 to test the zone of mineralization between the discovery hole and the Snake Creek Fault, where grades are expected to increase. Management believes this property has the potential for 50+ million ounces of silver resources.

    Montana Silver-Copper Sulfide Belt - covers a 1,600 square mile area in Sanders County, northwest Montana. In this area three world-class silver/copper deposits have recently been identified: The Troy, Rock Creek and Montanore deposits. These three deposits contain roughly 350 million tons averaging 0.75 copper and 1.75 ounces per ton silver. In 2003-04, Sterling Mining acquired a number of properties in this area.

    Other silver companies in Montana are Mines Management (MGN - Amex) and O.T. Mining (OTMN - pink sheets). Montana's Governor has recently stated his strong support of mining interests in the state.

    Company Objectives

    Begin producing silver in Mexico in 2005
    Grow annual production in Mexico to 2+ million ounces within 24 months
    Restart production at the Sunshine Mine within 36 months
    Increase silver resources to 400+ million ounces within 3 years
    Hold outstanding shares under 25 million to maximize shareholder value
    Seek listing on AMEX within 12 months
    Sterling is as close to a pure leveraged play on silver as you will find among mid-tier mining companies. The company's share price should also benefit from a solid "producer bonus" as production begins in Mexico this year and from additional silver discoveries. Furthermore, the company's silver ounces in the ground are also among the cheapest you can buy, if you buy stock at current prices, which is priced at about $.29/oz. in the ground. :P :P

    March 31, 2005

  • Juergen

    Just be patient,its just a junior,....yet !
    Pick the up before the production starts.
    It all takes time.
    Your idea is good, slowly, slowly.

    The Argentina Boom ?? :

    With this region shaping up as one of the world’s most interesting new area plays, it’s no wonder that some of the industry's most successful explorers are moving in, ahead of the crowd. Keep watching for more news from this exploration hotspot. ?( ?( :D :D 8o 8o




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