Juniors aus Kanada

  • Tschonko

    Heute wieder ein Disaster, es (ist) wird eng. :(
    Clifton laeuft super, kein wunder nach neuen hommel bericht :D
    Sogar die olle Apollo steigt heute, war wohl spottbillig gestern.
    Keine Ahnung wer ueber BM.V und BVG.V berichtet hat, aber es funktioniert auch dort. Nur einer in China der geht auch super ab heute im Blutbad, Entree Gold (ETG.V), sonst mag ich nicht hinschauen, meine Freunde riefen wieder an, ausgleichen heisst es wieder.
    Na ja,blutiger Freitag der 13........ vielleicht liegt es daran ?(

    Cést la vie


  • @eldo,
    ja, ab heute beginnt eine Woche der Preisausschläge, (Mars, Uranus)

    Ich hab mir CBE.V nachgekauft, ist jetzt eine meiner größeren Positionen.
    Fällt natürlich gleich. Bei der bin ich stur, da würd ich noch mal reingehen, weil langfristig passt alles.
    Außerdem müssen die Mitarbeiter 0,8 bezahlen, wenn sie ausüben wollen. Aber es ist noch Druck da von denen, die PP zu 0,2 gemacht haben. Die sichern jetzt Gewinne ab. Seh ich so, kann mich auch täuschen

    NPG ist auch ärgerlich.

    Bei BVB: gestern von 0,29 auf 0,23, heute wieder rauf. Was soll´s.

    SSRI ist auch schon 11,5. Ein gewinn, wennst das so siehst.

    DSM erwischt es auch kräftig. Grr
    Dafür WML.V + 20%

    Durch sind wir da noch nicht. Frag mich nur, wie weit es noch geht.
    Gibt aber auch einen schönen Abprall nach oben als Gegenphase.

    MGN ist auch wieder unter 4,5. Da bin ich auch am Trigger.
    ber heute nicht mehr. Weil die reagieren sehr scharf auf Silber und da könnte es auch noch runter gehen. Na ja...

    Ja, BGO wird auch wieder interessant unter 2.


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Tschonko

    Woll ma hoffn das Uranus und Mars kraeftig ausschlagen lassen, momentan kann man sich auf gar nichts verlassen. Denke mal wenns zu tief geht dan stehen irgendwelche mit schubkarren da und wollen gold zu den spottpreisen. Ja, wo ist nun der boden?
    Glueckwunsch zu Cabo, ich bin in der zwickmuehle und kann eh nicht viel machen.
    Hoffe naechste woche siehts besser aus mit der luft sonst muss ich auftauchen und ein paar gewichte abgeben.
    Ansonsten ist es so wie planspieler schreibt bei traders, die sollen nun alles abfeuern weil es zu lange schon dauert und man nicht weiss wo man nun steht oder liegt.
    Timing wieder verpasst, erwarte das unerwartene, immer wieder das selbe. :(

    Steh vor allen anderen auf, sonst bist der Pfingst Ochse. :D

    Die Politiker und Banker wie Greenspan die koennen einen schon aergern mit ihren Gedusel das die Wirtschaft und Dollar stark bleibt..

  • Und was sagt Dr. Appel ?

    As poorly as investments in the gold producing companies have fared during the past year and a half, those who invested in the junior companies have suffered far worse. The exploration and development companies by their nature are very thinly traded. This exposes them to both wide upward and downward price swings. It is currently not unusual for many of these nascent companies to be trading below 50% of their Bull Market highs. In fact, a large number of these companies have fallen to levels at which they traded when gold sold below $300 an ounce. Investors in these shares truly rode an excited up escalator numerous times during their Bull Market, only to suffer despair each time their stocks spiraled lower. :(

    For those who invest in the major and junior gold stocks, a different future should be expected. The brief Bull Market explosions in price will be followed by similar long extended corrective periods such as described above :(. This is when a long vacation should be contemplated using some of the money that was taken off of the table near each intermediate peak.

    After all, the action of the gold complex Bull Market is not yet conducive to satisfying the expectations of our instant gratification society. Rest assured, they will ultimately enter gold and its related investments en masse. When they do, it will be time to prepare to sell them your holdings, but at a substantial premium to your cost basis. ;)

    Dr Richard Appel

    Lets have a vacation.....

  • Ein Artikel von Doug Casey.
    Sein Wort..........
    Beim fettgedruckten Satz hör ich Patrone Lupo schon mit der Zunge schnalzen :D


    If you are going to be successful as an investor in this phase of the market, you are going to have to suppress your fight-or-flight response and take the time to identify those companies with the goods: adequate financing, great management, realistic market capitalization, and solid properties in the right locations.

    How long will you have to wait for your payoff? Not long. The typical exploration cycle lasts about two years, which means that 2005 and 2006 should see a stream of news as a result of all that money raised in 2003 and 2004. As far as the Mania stage, that will begin once people get over the Wall of Worry, likely triggered by a resumption of the downward trajectory of the U.S. dollar. I'd be surprised if it didn't start materializing within the next year or so.

    In the final analysis, it is the worrisome aspects of the current market - when you and everyone else are feeling on edge about the risk - that makes this such a good time to invest. People do dumb things when they are scared. Like sell great companies. Or sit on the sidelines, keeping their powder dry for a brighter day. And when the brighter day comes, they will do even dumber things, like spend twice, or ten times, the current ask for the same shares. They'll be buying those shares from me. The key, if you agree with me that the long bear market of 1980-2000 is over and the new bull market has only gone through its first stage, is to buy when everyone is afraid (like now, while the market climbs the Wall of Worry), and sell when everyone is confident (in the coming Mania).

    Finally, for the record, let me emphasize that if you don't have a tolerance for risk, or a willingness to do enough homework to reduce the risk of falling for a good story without substance, you really shouldn't be investing in this sector - any more than you should invest with money you can't afford to lose. By definition, any investment that can turn dimes into dollars can also turn dollars into dimes if you aren't attentive. This isn't an arena for amateurs. Although I expect millions of complete amateurs will be in it over the next few years.

    But if you can handle the risk, there is a very serious opportunity - and maybe the last in this cycle - for you to get well positioned in this "Wall of Worry" stage. Don't miss it.

    Doug Casey
    The International Speculator

  • Tumi Resources Limited - Tumi Abandons the Cinco Minas Project, Jalisco, Mexico

    Wednesday May 18, 7:33 pm ET
    TSXv - TM Frankfurt - TUY OTCBB - TUMIF

    VANCOUVER, May 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Tumi Resources Limited (TSXv-TM; OCTBB-TUMIF; Frankfurt-TUY) (the "Company"). After a thorough technical evaluation, including three separate drill programs and a comprehensive economic review of the Cinco Minas property, the Company has decided to withdraw from the option agreement with Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V. As stated repeatedly, the Company's management is focused on enhancing shareholder value by identifying silvergold projects of high merit with significant mine potential and it has been determined that the Cinco Minas property does not meet the Company's criteria.
    Although a resource was established for Cinco Minas, the results of a scoping study previously undertaken by Behre Dolbear (see press release dated June 4, 2004) indicated a very high strip ratio for an open pit mining operation, such indication having been confirmed by in-house studies performed by the Company's technical consultants. Additionally, a review of an underground high-grade mining option gave resource numbers too low to be of interest to the Company, particularly when having to deal with a large number of historic open stopes. In summary, a combination of a very high strip ratio for an open pit, underground open stopes, and an option to earn only a 60% interest with high underlying holdings costs, make the Cinco Minas property unattractive to the Company from an economic prospective. To meet the Company's exploration goals, a project must also be able to reach "advanced project status" quickly and cost effectively. Neither the open pit nor the underground options meet the standard for operational size and economic potential.

    The Company, however, is pleased that it can now concentrate its efforts on the La Trini silver-gold project, located within the Hostotipaquillo mining district, underlain by the Tertiary Sierra Madre Occidental volcanic province and younger intrusive rocks. The La Trini silver-gold project is currently evaluated as an open-pit mining target.

    The Company remains focused on silver and gold exploration in Mexico and will move ahead with current exploration activities while it also aggressively identifies and evaluates additional exploration projects of high merit that meet the Company's corporate and technical objectives.

  • @hpoth

    Rennen oder stehen bleiben, ueber zwei drittel sind schon weg, was meint ihr dazu. Alles oder nichts ?? Hop oder Tropp ??
    Die kann nur mehr eine Finanzspritze retten oder eine Uebernahme. Nachkaufen werde ich nichts mehr. Eine schwere entscheidung, kommt mir vor wie eine option die kurz vor dem auslaufen ist und das target nicht erreicht hat.



  • Da hat sich wieder die Richtigkeit des starken Kursrückgangs bestätigt. Mit Cinco Minas wird das Hauptprojekt aufgegeben.

    Jason Hommel hatte so gerechnet (25.02.05):
    9 Mill Uz Anteil aus Cinco Minas, daneben Explorationspotential sowie zwei weitere Projekte

    "$15 mil MC / 9 mil oz. = $1.66/oz. ***I'm using this number***
    $15 mil MC / 50 mil oz. = $.30/oz. (exploration potential)
    You get "approx" 4.37 ounces in the ground for 1 oz. silver's worth of stock.
    Exploration Potential: 24 (likely plus more after bonanza silver discovery late November, 2003.)"

    Die Bonanzagrade betrafen leider auch Cinco Minas, ist also auch weggefallen. Die 1,66 USD pro Unze sind also vermutlich auf 0 USD zu reduzieren.

  • Esperanza: Quartermain, Prochnau, Bartos Join Advisory Committee

    Thursday May 19, 8:46 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 19, 2005) - Esperanza Silver Corporation (TSX VENTURE:EPZ - News) is pleased to announce the formation of a new Executive Advisory Committee to provide counsel and assistance to its top management. The committee will consist of Robert Quartermain, John Prochnau and Paul Bartos.

    Mr. Quartermain is the President and CEO of Silver Standard Resources Inc. He is respected within the exploration industry for having overseen the emergence of Silver Standard as a major player in the silver industry. Mr. Quartermain has been involved as a director and/or officer of a number of public resource companies including currently Iamgold Corporation and Western Silver Corporation. He recently resigned as a Director of Esperanza.

    Mr. Prochnau is well-known in the industry as an explorationist and businessman. He has, over the years, had considerable success as a mine finder including playing a major role in the discovery of Alligator Ridge in Nevada, Choquelimpie in Chile and Esquel in Argentina. He serves as a Director of Hidefield Gold Plc. and in other advisory positions within the mineral exploration industry. Mr. Prochnau was recently named to its "Explorers League" by Casey Research.

    Mr. Bartos is currently director of the new Geology Museum at the Colorado School of Mines. Much of his career was spent with Asarco exploring in South America. Among his achievements he is credited with the discovery of the San Bartolome silver deposit in Bolivia which is now being developed by Coeur d'Alene Mines. He has been working as a consultant to the company helping design and drive its Peruvian exploration program.

    Bill Pincus, Esperanza's President and CEO reported, "We are thrilled to have been able to attract such successful and experienced members to our new Executive Advisory Committee. The ability to call upon them and engage in a free and frank exchange of ideas can only help us better manage the implementation of Esperanza's business plan."

    Esperanza Silver is a company focusing on early-stage exploration and development of silver and other resource properties. It is active in Peru, Bolivia and Mexico where it is developing the newly discovered La Esperanza gold project.

  • Soeben, sieht recht erfreulich aus. Nachdem so ziemlich alles abgekackt ist, muß ja mal die Trendwende kommen. Kursverluste bei Gold und Silber sind ja genug da. Irgendwann ist nach oben bzw. nach unten Schluß. 50 % Verluste
    bzw. noch mehr bei gesunden Aktien waren schon immer beste Kauf oder vorsichtige Einstiegsgelegenheiten. Im Jahr 2004 April/ Mai war das die Möglichkeiten zum Einstieg. Es wiederholt sich scheinbar auch dieses Jahr. Wenn nicht jetzt Kaufkurse wann dann:evil: :evil: :evil:

    Gruß Jürgen

  • @eldo,
    aber die Amex hat offen.

    Meine astrol. Voraussage vom Freitag läuft auch gut:
    "Auf Grund dieser Ebenen sage ich:
    Ab Montag kräftige Erholung bei GM (also nicht POG) und SM
    (stelle mir vor, dass Silber besser läuft.)
    Habe heute schon MGN gekauft wegen des Hebels.
    Guter Hebel auch bei IMA, Silber Wheaton und den großen wie CDE etc."

    MGN immerhin auf 4,43. Tumi und IMA haben auch kräftig zugelegt.
    SSRI auch.
    Leider nicht von langer dauer, aber ich hoffe auf die 5 bei MGN.
    Will see

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