Juniors aus Kanada

  • Wie gesagt, Ride bis 5.
    Ist ja sehr kurzfristig. Max. 8 Tage.

    Vielleicht müsstest du die lady über die AMEX drapieren.
    Bei dem Blick kommt sogar Apollo hoch. :D


  • American Biotech Labs (ABL), a private company in which Clifton Mining Company is the largest individual shareholder, has received its largest single order to date of 70,000 bottles of product. To date, ABL's orders are substantially ahead of last year's. ABL is also continuing its efforts on Malaria as reported in its April 26, 2005 Congressional Testimony to Chairman Smith's Committee on International Relations located at (http://wwwc.house.gov/internat…lations/109/moe042605.pdf).

  • @eldo
    Nicht schlecht,
    noch so ein großauftrag und Clifton ist bei.....
    Ja, wie weit läuft die?

    Da ärger ich mich noch immer.
    Man braucht ja eine engelsgeduld bei den Mistviechern.
    Hast du oder nicht bei 0,98?


  • Hi

    Ich bin auf ein paar neue Titel gestossen die ich fuer interessant finde.
    Erstmal am Radar, haette gerne mal gewusst was ihr darueber denkt.
    Mich juckt es dort einzusteigen habe jedoch nicht tiefer in diese Firmen reingeschaut. Vielleicht gibt es da ein Teamwork im Forum. :P

    GSM. V AMM.TO BZA.TO TWG.TO ?( ?( ?(

    Ich habe am Donnerstag und Freitag noch folgende zugekauft:


    Weil kein Cash da war flog ein drittel von zwei Seniors raus (PAAS und die haelfte von GFI) die Ladenhueter waren und auf minimum Gleichstand waren in der Hoffnung das die neuen bzw.alten Juniors mehr zulegen in den naechsten Monaten/Jahren.

    Ich kann Euch nur sagen das die IMA.V und NPG.V ausgebluted sind. Ohne eine Limit eingabe die nur teilweise kaufen konnte weil fast keine Verkaeufer von Mittwoch bis Freitag auf den Markt waren fuer IMA und NPG.V. Mal schaun ob am Montag wieder Verkaeufer da sind in Vancouver.
    Die meisten Juniors sind auf Rock Bottom. IMHO.
    Ich erwarte eine starke Erholung bei denen, kann mich aber auch irren. Mal schaun ob der Wechsel gut war.
    Falls der Dollar schwaecher wird dann kommt wieder eine kurze Randstaerke die auf die RSA aktien druecken kann bei schwachen POG.
    Schade das ich nicht HMY loswerden konnte, bin dort schwer im Keller mit dem Gangster Swanepoel & Co. X(
    Mein Anteil in RSA GM ist nur mehr 8 % vom Portfolio. Da ist nur mehr GFI HMY DRD Rangy zum geringen Anteil da.

    Ich gratuliere hiermit Tschonko fuer seine Prediction vom Freitag die eingetroffen ist. Well done !! ;)


    Eldorado 8)

  • Viele reden oder befuerchten einen gewaltigen Rueckschlag bei GM und POG unter die 400 USD. 8o

    Nothing ventured,nothing gained they say.... :rolleyes:

    Da habe ich vor lauter Angst :D heute mutig zugelangt bei den neuen Entdeckungen und Stockpicks der letzten Woche.


    und endlich habe ich nach drei Tagen den grossteil von IMA und NPG bekommen. :P

    Hopp oder Tropp, I take a chance on it , irgend etwas passt schon :D

  • Hatte gedacht, Kanada hat auch zu. Tut sich nicht viel.

    Schade, dass du mit NPG schon fertig bist. Die sind so gut gestiegen durch deine Käufe.

    Du hast ja mächtig zugelangt.

    Die laufen auch gut die letzten Tage. Seit Feb. dabei so knapp unter0,6.

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://chart.finance.yahoo.com/c/3m/w/wml.v.gif]


  • Tschonko

    Wollte Euch nur eine Freude machen mit Nevada und IMA :D
    Ist aber gern geschehen ! ;)
    Interessant das da keine Verkaeufer gross da sind.
    Dann kann ich mit meinen Stock ja einen Crash verursachen in Vancouver und Toronto bei ohne limit Verkauf so wie es ausschaut.
    Spinni meine Farm wird immer groesser mit den Juniors. 8o

    Mal schaun wie die weiter laufen... ?(



  • eldo, jetzt war ich noch gut fischen.
    Hab IMA in Frankfurt um 2€ abgestaubt.
    Umgerechnet kanada: Kurs 3,33 sind 2,12€.
    Ich krieg immer mehr IMA.

    So, da zieht ein gewaltiges Gewitter auf, muss abschalten.

    Good Luck

    PS: der fandango vom Bonner ist schon ein feiner text.

  • so heißt ein Artikel von Eric Hommelberg, der absolut lesenswert ist:


    Ein Auszug:
    So is this a time to buy junior stocks ?

    That's a very difficult question, but I would like to make a few remarks on that :

    First of all I think you shouldn't buy juniors just for short-term speculation, that's a dangerous game. Just let your company do their exploration, that's imo the reason why you should have bought them in the first place. If their exploration efforts are successful , you'll be rewarded. Needless to say this requires patience from the investors side.

    Again be aware that only a very few juniors will ever be successful at all. (see discovery-chart). Only one out of every 1000 projects will make it to a mine. That's why it's so important to track juniors with high qualified geologists with proven track records and to diversify into several juniors. Just listen again what Ian Cockerill of Goldfields said :

    We invest in 10 juniors in the hope that one or two of them come up trumps, and the value you get off the table there will pay for the other eight that do not. But you are spreading your exploration dollars, It increases your chance of success.END.

    3.Juniors & volatility. How to approach ?

    To junior investors I would say :

    Get used to the high volatility surrounding the junior sector. Just hold your shares and let them do their Exploration. That's why you should have bought them in the first place, not for short term speculation. Give them the time needed to complete their exploration programs. Yes, your shares will be subject to sudden panic sell offs every now and then, that's all in the game but they'll recover just as they recovered from previous panic sell offs. Why ? Because we're in a bull market in gold. The big move in junior mining stocks is still ahead of us.

    Highlights :

    Due to lack of Exploration during the 1997 - 2002 period (Exploration budgets were cut by 67%) major Gold producers are facing declining Gold reserves.
    The Industry is not replacing the reserves it is mining every year
    High grade Mines are running out of ore.
    If Gold were $1000 / oz , it still takes four to seven years to open a mine.
    The industry isn't going to be able to respond immediately to higher gold prices .
    Reserves will be depleted in 10 years at current annual production rates
    Mine Supply already down 5% in 2004.
    The industry needs some major new finds desperately. According to Alex Davidson (VP Exploration Barrick Gold) such discoveries are rare.
    Industry consultant R. Bullis fears that the very large Gold producers won't survive at current production rates over the next five … ten years
    75% of all discoveries are made by Juniors
    Majors are forced to acquire juniors because of the need for more reserves
    Newmont, Barrick, AngloGold and Goldfileds already showed some interest in Juniors.
    Juniors making discoveries are phenomenally profitable.


  • Eine Liste mit der diesjährigen Performance von ca. 300 Juniorfirmen - anscheinend von Hommelberg:


    Allerdings auch mit Nicht-Goldfirmen, klarere Definition von Juniors wäre wünschenswert (die 100jährige Droopy würde ich nicht als Junior ansehen :D )

    Eldo´s neue Erwerbung VIT mit minus 65% immerhin fünftschlechtester Wert. Strategie "Lowest X"? :D Oder wieso?

    Das ausgerechnet Crew Gold fehlt , mußte ich gleich reklamieren.

  • Ulfur

    Victoria Resources, gestern frisch gekauft ist im Cortez Trend Nevada und ich liebe dieses interessante Gebiet. Habe heute noch Bravo Gold gekauft BVG.V und neben XCL.TO,heute nachgekauft, und Nevada Pacific sowie QRL.TO bin ich nun gut vertreten in diesen Gebiet..... I take a chance on it ! ;)
    Ein drittel Droopy flog dafuer raus mit Gewinn,den Rest lasse ich nun liegen bis ich in der Rente bin.
    QGX.TO da hat sich Sprott mit 4m CAD eingekauft bei 1.75 CAD, die habe ich schon gestern gekauft aber teurer bei 2.04 CAD.
    Ich habe gut zugehoert beim Interview mit John Embry und habe diese durchleuchted.

    SWG.TO ist eine solide Firma und total unterbewertet, naja man kann nicht alles nachkaufen oder neu kaufen. Man wartet auf die Boka Ergebnisse und die sollten die Ueberaschung bringen. Selbst die tote Tumi wacht auf mit guten Bohrergebnissen bei El Trina.
    Wie der eine Bericht sagt zwei oder drei von 10 Juniors koennen fuer die anderen bezahlen. Ich bin jetzt nun mit allen Aktien bei -3% als waere ich gestern erst eingestiegen. Ueber ein Jahr habe ich die Juniors gesammelt und lasse mich nun ueberaschen. Der PPT und FED hat nun alles abgefeuert, ich aber auch als Die Hard. :D

    Hommelsberg Liste kannte ich vorher nicht, egal bei 62 Juniors im Depo :)) Bargain Hunting aber erst ab -21% auf der Liste die ich erst jetzt gesehen habe.

    Mit VIT habe ich schon 11% in der Tasche trotz einen hektischen Tag.
    Meine Vorhersage stimmt soweit das Gold die 414 haelt, ok war kurz bei 413.30, aber wen juckt es wenn der Tag nicht vorbei ist.

    Interessant das meine Aktien 2.25% im Durchschnitt heute im Plus liegen,trotz starken Dollar. 8o
    Es zeigt ich habe richtig gewaehlt. Habe ganz schwer EDR.V bekommen, der Junior Markt ist am Boden und keiner mag gross verkaufen. Hatte Dusel mit Nevada, IMA,CBE.V, CSG.TO die uberhaupt zu bekommen. Zum Glueck hatte ich einen guten Haendler der mein Geld nicht verbraten hat und zu teuer eingekauft hat ohne meiner Limit eingabe.

    Ich bin mit den Einkaufen fast fertig und innerhalb von 10 Tagen sehe ich ob ich richtig gehandelt habe. Zwei habe ich noch dann ist aber Feierabend mit einkaufen. Verkaufe nur mit Pistole auf der Brust oder mit Gewinn.

    Dann ab in den 7 wochigen Urlaub und alles andere ist dann Schicksal.
    Mexico, vielleicht steht da gar keine Mine die ich gekauft habe ?? :D

    Be brave when others are scared, and run when others are brave :))

    Let's Google !!! :D :D The early bird is catching the worm !

    Or listen to Nostradamus or Rick Santelli at CNBC if you like and believe his nonsense that America is going strong and Gold is dead ;(

    I'm tired guys, feels like a huge hangover, I need a long break from all the Tsunamis lately.

    Herzlichen Gruss und viel Glueck bei Euren Investments.

    Lasst Euch nicht unterkriegen, haltet durch, der Dollar wird wieder schwaecher und Gold und Silber geht zum Mond in den naechsten Jahren. :))


  • @eldo,
    was Silber heute aufführte, war heroisch.

    Die großen laufen wie immer in solchen Phasen am besten.

    Da freut mich mein Abstauber gestern bei IMA umso mehr.
    Mit MGN hab ich sowieso auf das bisher schnellste Pferd gesetzt.

    Desert war auch stark heute.

    Deine frisch zusammengefangene herde hat sich ja auch bestens geschlagen.

    Die 8 könnte ja Silber jetzt packen, der nächste Rückschlag wird aber auch nicht schlecht werden. Ist mir aber im Moment noch wurscht.

    Der Artikel vom Hommelberg ist ziemlich gut.

    Ulfur, mir ist egal, ob er die juniors definiert.
    Wir wissen das eh.


  • Tschonko

    Ich habe noch ein paar 8 USD Silber Calls bis 11/05 und 3/06.
    Moechte gerne mal wieder die Crimex Bande zur Kasse bieten zur Abwechslung.Immer heiss mit Optionen ?(
    Koennte damit verdoppeln wenn es so weiter geht, kaufte die bei ca. 6.50 USD. Bin zu 70% in Silbermines, wechsel spaeter dann in mehr Gold und GM's ;)
    Die koennten den Schaden gut machen von Swanepoel, X(.. der Sack hat mich ein Vermoegen gekostet, ebenso der starke Rand der nicht vorher runter ging.

    Aja, bevor ich es vergesse, die MAG.V und MMM.TO ist auch ein Schnaeppchen aber ich habe schon genug im Depo. Just watch this ones too on your Radar.



    Goldrea habe ich Euch schon mal vorgestellt.


  • Porphyry Deposits Winning Even Precious Metal Respect

    By Craig Stanley
    20 May 2005 at 09:43 AM EDT

    TORONTO (ResourceInvestor.com) -- The rise in metal prices since the lows of 2001 has renewed interest among producers, explorers and investors in the largest copper deposits on Earth - porphyry copper deposits. Yet the interest is not limited to just copper as these deposits can potentially host significant concentrations of gold, silver and molybdenum, an element used in hardening steel.

    Moly prices doubled in 2004, whilst copper recently reached a 16-year high in New York, and gold and silver prices have averaged more than we've seen in a decade. Consequently, the imputed value per tonne of porphyry deposits has rocketed making them the target of cash flow and growth hungry companies.

    The interest is not just limited to base metal companies since gold companies with some natural hedging exposure have been some of the best investments in this cycle.

    Ivanhoe Mines’s [IVN] Oyu Tolgoi deposit is perhaps, from a resource investor perspective, the most important copper and gold porphyry presently being developed anywhere in the world. It is well above average grade for deposits of this type, and investors now wait to see if it can become the cash dispensing machine that the world’s greatest mine, Grasberg, is. Grasberg is owned by Freeport McMoRan [FCX] and Rio Tinto [RTP].


    Porphyry copper deposits can be boiled down to the economics of bulk mining. They are the quintessential low-grade, large-tonnage deposits, containing hundreds of million tonnes of ore generally grading 0.5% copper and up.

    Most are Mesozoic to Cenozoic in age and located at convergent plate boundaries in the Canadian Cordillera, the southwest United States, the Andes Mountains in South America, and in the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

    Their occurrence is linked to the intrusion of subduction-related magmas at shallow levels in the crust, generally forming stocks with large, well-formed minerals crystals set in a groundmass of finer-grained crystals, hence the name porphyry. These intrusive rocks are generally felsic to intermediate in composition, ranging from granite to diorite. Virtually any type of country rock can be mineralized and both the intrusion and the country rock typically exhibit pervasive fracturing and brecciation. Copper generally occurs in chalcopyrite in stockworks of veins and disseminated throughout the host rocks.

    Porphyry deposits are known for the development of immense (up to 10 km2), convective hydrothermal systems in and around the intrusions. The concentric alteration shells in porphyry copper systems was documented by Lowell and Gilbert in 1970 and has since become required knowledge for a generation of geologists. Their model consists of an inner potassic zone with biotite and potassium feldpar, grading outwards into the phyllic zone (quartz and sericite), passing into the propylitic zone (chlorite, epidote, calcite) and finally an outer argillic zone (clay minerals). Though the Lowell-Gilbert hydrothermal model has proved itself to be an aid in exploration efforts, not all zones are present in every deposit, nor are they always concentric.

    Low-temperature processes that are not related to the primary magmatic-hydrothermal system have made many porphyry deposits economical by further concentrating copper. These 'supergene' deposits form from ground water leaching copper from chalcopyrite and re-depositing it as higher-grade chalcocite and bornite below the water table. An oxidized or ‘leached’ cap is left at the surface, consisting of clay minerals, iron oxides and residual quartz.


    Due to their low grades, porphyry deposits must be amenable to bulk mining methods (open pit and, rarely, underground block caving). In very general terms, sulphide ore is concentrated via traditional flotation processes and shipped to smelters, whereas oxide ore is leached to produce a solution that is then subjected to a solvent extraction and electrowinning process (SX/EW), producing copper cathode on site.

    Sulphide ores may also undergo bioleaching and/or bioxidiation processes that use iron and sulphur oxidizing bacteria to make ores amenable to SX/EW or to directly produce copper.

    A joint venture between BHP Billiton [BHP] and Codelco, the Chilean state copper mining firm and the world number one producer of the metal, is seeking environmental approval for its proposed $328 million copper bioleaching project that is expected to produce about 153,000 tonnes of the red metal a year.

    Though SX/EW is less costly, the electrowinning process is power intensive, an issue in remote locations where power has to be generated at site. High natural gas prices caused Argentina to curb exports to Chile in 2004, forcing miners there to switch to more expensive energy sources.

    Companies and their deposits

    The two largest copper porphyry deposits on Earth – El Teniente, which also holds the title of the largest underground mine, and Chuquicamata – belong to Codelco.

    The state-owned company produced 1.84 billion short tons in 2004 at a cash cost of $0.37 a pound, making it one of the lowest cost producers. Codelco plans to increase output to meet growing Chinese demand and has added about 73% to its debt since 2001, though its local currency debt outlook was lowered on May 4 by Standard & Poor's to negative from stable.

    Title of the world’s largest copper producing mine goes to Chile’s Escondida mine, a joint venture between BHP Billiton (57.5%), Rio Tinto (30%), a consortium of Japanese companies (10%) and the World Bank’s International Finance Corp. (2.5%). Almost 1.25 billion tones were produced from the mine in 2004.

    BHP Billiton also owns the Tintaya mine in Peru, while Rio Tinto operates the historic Bingham mine, 20 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, through its Kennecott Utah Copper subsidiary.

    Title of the most gold-rich porphyry copper deposit goes to the Grasberg mine on the south side of Papua (formerly Irian Jaya), Indonesia.

    Freeport owns 85.9% of the mine, with the remaining held by the Indonesian government and a private company; Rio Tinto has a claim of 40% of production in excess of 125,000 tonnes per day.

    In 2003, 1.5 billion pounds of copper and 2.3 million ounces of gold were produced. The net cash production cost for the copper was negative $0.02 per pound thanks to the sale of gold as a byproduct credit. Production was down in 2004 due to two pit wall failures: one in October 2003, the other in January 2004. Over 335 million pounds of copper and 600,000 ounces of gold were recovered in this year’s first quarter at a cash cost of only US$0.07 per pound. Freeport McMoRan’s share of estimated recoverable reserves at Grasberg as of December 31, 2004 totaled 40.7 billion pounds of copper and 46.6 million ounces of gold.

    Another gold-rich porphyry is Ok Tedi, situated in the Star Mountains region of Papua New Guinea. In 2004, 173,400 tonnes of copper and 524,500 ounces of gold were produced at the mine at total costs of US$0.60 per pound of copper. Inmet Mining [TSX: IMN] has an 18% stake in Ok Tedi, with the rest held by the federal and provincial governments.

    Ivanhoe Mines currently produces copper at its Monywa project in Myanmar. However, Robert Friedland’s company is far better known for its wholly owned Oyu Tolgoi, or Turquoise Hill, project in southern Mongolia, 550 km due south of the capital, Ulaanbaatar, and 80 km north of the Chinese border. As of the beginning of May, the porphyry deposit has a measured and indicated resource of 32.9 billion pounds of copper and 17.3 million ounces of gold.

    Other Producers

    Phelps Dodge [PD] produced over a million tons of copper and 57 million pounds of molybdenum in 2004 from a number of porphyry deposits, including Morenci (Arizona), Cerro Verde (Peru), El Abra, and Candelaria (Chile).

    Collahuasi, a joint venture between NorandaFalconbridge [NRD] (44%), Anglo American [AAUK] (44%) and a Japanese consortium (12%), produced over 200,000 tonnes of copper concentrates and cathode in 2004. The mine, located in northern Chile, is the fourth-largest worldwide.

    Southern Peru Corp. [PCU], one of the ten largest copper producers worldwide, counts the Toquepala and Cuajone porphyry deposits among its assets. The company’s largest shareholders include Grupo Mexico and Phelps Dodge.

    Over 370 million pounds of copper and 600,000 ounces of gold were produced from the Alumbrera mine in 2004 at a cash cost of negative $0.04 per pound of copper. Located in the northwest of Argentina, the project is owned by Xstrata [LSE: XTA] (50%), Goldcorp [GG] (37.5%) and Northern Orion Resources [TSX:NNO] (12.5%).

    Placer Dome [PDG] owns 100% of the Zaldívar mine in northern Chile. In 2004, the mine produced 325 million pounds of copper at an average cash of $0.51 per pound.

    The bulk of Aur Resources’ [TSX: AUR] production comes from two Chilean deposits: Quebrada Blanca, in which it has a 76.5% interest, and a 63% stake in the Andacollo deposit, which originally was thought to be a porphyry but has since been classified as a manto-type deposit.

    Quadra Mining’s [TSX: QUA] main asset is the Robinson Mine in eastern Nevada, which produced 27.6 million pounds of copper and 14,081 ounces of gold in the first quarter.

    Amerigo Resources [TSX: ARG] produces copper and molybdenum from the tailings of Codelco's El Teniente mine.

    A number of companies are mining porphyry deposits in British Columbia. Teck Cominco [TSX: TEK.SV.B] more than doubled its first quarter profit on increased sales of copper and molybdenum from its Highland Valley mine, 60 km southwest of Kamloops. Northgate Minerals [NXG] is currently mining the Kemess deposit in the north-central area of the province and is contemplating the development of the Kemess North deposit. Taseko Mines [TGB] recently restarted the high cost Gibraltar mine in south-central British Columbia, while Imperial Metals [TSX: III] owns the Mount Polley porphyry copper-gold deposit and has a 50% stake in the Huckleberry mine.


    One of the largest undeveloped porphyry deposits is Cerro Casale in northern Chile, with 23 million ounces of gold and 6 billion pounds of copper. The deposit is jointly owned by Placer Dome (51%), Arizona Star Resources [TSX-V: AZS] (25%) and Bema Gold [BGO] (24%). The Vancouver-based major funded a feasibility study on the project but must make a production decision before the end of 2005 to earn its interest, or else its stake will revert back to Bema. The project has been through some drama because of its high start-up cost - $1.65 billion .

    Lumina Copper completed its transformation into four separately traded companies this week. One of the spin-offs, Regalito Copper [TSX: RLO], contains Lumina’s former prize asset – the fully owned Regalito deposit in central Chile, currently estimated to host over 7 billion pounds of copper.

    Entrée Gold [TSX-V: ETG] is focused on the Lookout Hill prospect, immediately north end of Ivanhoe’s Oyu Tolgoi property. Ivanhoe owns 18% of Entrée and is earning a stake in the Lookout property.

    Other juniors looking to develop porphyry copper deposits include Almaden Minerals [TSX: AMM], Corriente Resources [TSX: CTQ], Frontera Copper [TSX: FCC], Peru Copper [TSX: PCR], Ross River Minerals [TSX-V: RRM], Cascadero Copper [TSX-V: CCD], Climax Mining [ASE: CMX], Sur America Gold Corp. [TSX-V: SUR] and Monterrico Metals [AIM: MNA].

  • Dear reader,

    I herewith send you the link to an Introduction Report on two Canadian companies that are exploring in Papua New Guinea, i.e.

    New Guinea Gold Corporation (TSXV-NGG) and South Pacific Minerals Corp. (TSXV-SPZ):


    Papua New Guinea has a long mining and exploration history with several major international mining companies involved. At present, four gold mines are in production in the country, but over the next two or three years, that number is about to double. New Guinea Gold Corporation will be one of the companies that will join the ranks of the producers.Although it will initially be a small producer with approximately 40,000 ounces of gold per year, it will bring three mines to production in 2005, 2006 and 2007, which could lead to an annual production rate of well over 100,000 ounces of gold.Besides this, the company focus for the next few years will be on finding and proving up additional resources for continuation of the production process.

    South Pacific Minerals Corp. is the result of a reverse take-over and re-designed to become a major contender in the exploration scene of Papua New Guinea. Through the acquisition of an extensive portfolio of properties,which is currently being completed, the company can be considered as one of the largest diversified land holders in the country. The principal project will be the Mount Bini property, which has an inferred resource of a contained 1.6 million ounces of gold and 750 million pounds of copper.

    Both companies have excellent prospects and are facing highly fascinating times.The current market valuation gives an opportunity to get into these situations at ground level, which does not happen too often.

    As always, your interest is appreciated!


    Henk J. Krasenberg

    European Gold Centre

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