viel Spass unf gute Erholung.
Spass haben wir den GM-Aktien auch; aber nur Sonne im Herzen.
13. Dezember 2024, 01:24
viel Spass unf gute Erholung.
Spass haben wir den GM-Aktien auch; aber nur Sonne im Herzen.
hallo eldo,
alter Sattler.
Waren schon gute Polsterungen ab Oktober.
Bei mir auch, weil ich unten öfter mit bis zu 200% der bisherigen Stücke reingegangen bin.
Hab da nur mehr Cabo als Hänger, aber die kommen auch noch.
Dein Grinsen bis zu beiden ohrläppchen kann ich mir vorstellen. pass nur auf, dass es dir nicht bleibt.
Aber du kommst ja rechtzeitig zur Konsi wieder zurück.
Startet am 3.2, oder wenn vorgezogen schon am 18.1.
Wird aber halb so wild.
Mach´s gut
"Hab da nur mehr Cabo als Hänger, aber die kommen auch noch."
Seh ich genauso. Hab´gerade die ersten CABO gekauft.
Schmäh ohne, CBE?
Dann kriegst schätze mal im Laufe des Frühjahrs noch was eingebucht im Verhältnis 4:1.
Du weisst doch, dass ich immer erst die homepage und Geschäftsberichte lese.
@ Eldo::: ab jetzt bleibst bei dene Nutten in Pattaya bis der die Anaconda abfault.
Jedesmal wenn du weg warst ist der POG gehupft...wir sammeln und zahlen dir den ewigen Urlaub......das Depot lauft über.
Schau dass keine Trojaner vögelst!!!
cu DL
Hallo ihr Zocker und Minenhunde,
Erstmal Danke fuer eure gruesse und wuensche.
Ich habe hier nicht viel zeit zum lesen wie ihr euch vorstellen koennt.
Phuket, Pattya, Bangkok brummt, so viele Leute sah ich noch nie n den letzten Jahren. Hier gehts zu wie beim Oktoberfest,der Tsunami ist in vergessenheit geraten so wie die hier rumlaufen.
In Pattaya am Flughafen in Utapajo waren 45 Russische DC 10 und andere Flugzeuge geparkt, man spricht dort bald Russisch wenn es so weiter geht. Dier kaufen viele Gogo Bars auf und es gibt eine menge russen weiber die dort tanzen. Wo kommt die Kohle her frage ich mich
Mir gehts jedenfalls sauguat in Phuket und sehe gerade wie Gold von 564 auf 545 abgeschmiert ist. Mein Depo stieg allgemein um 15% seit meiner Abreise, wir sollten somit alle im plus sein.
Bin gespannt wie es heute weiter geht, mir ist es eigentlich egal wie die korrektur ausfaellt da ich mein Depot gegen Sturm abgesichert habe.
Herzlichen Gruss, die Nacht ist lang, es gibt viel zu tun, ich packe es gleich an.
Alles Gute an Euch, bin wieder adabei am 3 Februar, aber nur ein Monat lang da es hier sehr viel zu tun gibt.
Hallo Eldo
Schön zu hören,daß es Dir gut geht.
Wie richtig vermutet,sind die Depots in bester Verfassung. :))
Hab vorgestern einige Gewinne mitgenommen,aber besonders,
um für das nächste Gefecht Munition zu haben.
Der HUI und XAU haben die Korrektur fast unbeschadet überstanden.
Ein gutes Zeichen.
Grüsse zurück und weiterhin schönen Urlaub und Spaß!
Edel Man
Capstone Gold meldet positive Bohrergebnisse:
Heute Bestand aufgestockt.
Hatten nach starkem Kursanstieg konsolidiert.
Impact Silver hat den Kauf der Silbermine abgeschlossen und betreibt sie selber, während sie die Produktion hochfahren:
NDM,ein feiner kleiner Wert,mit Press Release über
Weltklassevorkommen Kupfer-Gold-Molybdän.
Hat sich zügig auf Jahreshoch hochgearbeitet.
ich hab die unter NAK laufen.
Ich hab sie und sie sind mir beim Arsch lieber als hommels Idaho general.
Du hast ja bei Golden phoenix zugeschlagen?
Good Golly, Miss molly oder so ähnlich hieß es mal bei CCR.
PS: gehört zwar nicht hierher: Aber die verschissenen Russen von Lukoil haben mir heute CHAR.OB zurückgebombt. Installieren da einen Chef, weil sie über die Übernahme Nelson einen hohen Anteil an CHAR mitgekauft haben. Das sind vielleicht gangster!
Was tun? Die wollen die billig einsacken.
Will eh ein jeder!
Die NDM/NAK hab ich Nov.2004 für 6,8C$, entspricht heute etwa 6C$ gekauft.
Sie gefiel mir immer mit exzellentem Management und dem anderen drumrum.
Also nicht nur PM.
Den Goldenen Phoenix hab ich, vielleicht was spät,aber für gute gilt J.L.:
"Remember that stocks are never to high to begin buying..."
CHAR ist ärgerlich für Dich,klar.Das hatten die schon mal im Herbst.
Würde selbst den Pulverdampf erstmal verziehen lassen.
Die 200 EMA soll halten.
Edel Man
bei NAK hab ich 4,5€. Damit kann ich leben.
CHAR ist ärgerlich, aber im Prinzip nicht überraschend.
Ohne Lukoil bzw. die Russen läuft nichts mehr in der Gegend.
Wie schaut SRLM charttechnisch aus? Die könnte jetzt drehen.
Gestern kam die Meldung, dass sie bei der Sunshine weitertun.
Was mich da immer freut, dass Atlas Faulsett wieder einen Auftrag kriegte. Die gehören zu ALMI.OB, meinem ältesten Freispiel.
Hier noch der Hommel von heute.
Mad Money, IGMI & MMGG
Silver Stock Report
by Jason Hommel
January 24th, 2006
Last night, I saw Jim Cramer on "Mad Money" on CNBC and he said that we have to use creative thinking when making investment decisions. He was saying that oil pipeline demand will increase, and thus increase steel demand; and in fact, Jim recommended a steel company, Oregon Steel--see how creative that is? It's almost as good as recognizing that inflation will be good for gold and silver, and thus, silver and gold companies! But it's also amazing how more pipelines will be bullish for molybdenum prices, since 75% of moly is used in steel, and pipelines use a special kind of steel that is extra high in molybdenum! Well, I decided Jim might be open to hear the moly story, so I emailed him (madmoney@cnbc.com) the following:
If pipelines will drive demand for steel, then won't molybdenum prices remain high, because pipelines need steel with molybdenum--the moly prevents corrosion.
Moly prices are up about ten times, from below $2/pound, to up to $40/pound, and this means big profits for old, pre-drilled moly projects.
The world's top molybdenum mining project is IGMI, Idaho General Mines.
Idaho General Mines (IGMI.OB)
36.8 million shares fully diluted (Jan 17th, 2006)-- after recent $3.8 million financing at $1.10/unit
@ $2.62/share
$96 million Market Cap
--needs to raise $415 million capital to build the mine
Grade: .11%-.09% moly/tonne, starting with .118% for first 5 years.
--Production Cost per pound = $3.15/lb. for first 5 years.
Ore Reserves: 1.3 billion pounds moly.
Expected Annual production: 35 million pounds moly, for first 5 years.
raising $400 million should not be difficult if the company can earn over $400 million per year as follows:
35 million pounds x $11.85/pound profit (at $15/pound moly) = $415 million dollars annual profit.
35 million pounds x $16.85/pound profit (at $20/pound moly) = $590 million dollars annual profit.
35 million pounds x $26.85/pound profit (at $30/pound moly) = $940 million dollars annual profit.
35 million pounds x $31.85/pound profit (at $35/pound moly) = $1115 million dollars annual profit.
If the moly price is high, at $35/lb., profits could be $1115 million dollars.
At a P/E ratio of 10, the company would have a $11 billion market cap.
With 90 million shares (after raising capital to build the mine at $10/share), each share would be worth $124/share.
IGMI is $2.62/share, today.
Jason Hommel
Correction: Production costs are estimated at $3.15/lb. over the first 5 years, not $3.50/lb., as I had been reporting.
The News link here verifies that: Idaho General Announces Exercising Mount Hope Molybdenum Property Option to Lease
To my surprise, today I noticed that Jim wrote the following only yesterday, which goes to show that those in the mainstream, (Jim Cramer) are catching up to what we've known for years, that this is the beginning of a major metals bull market--one that could last a generation
Mine the Surprising Mineral Shortage
By Jim Cramer
RealMoney.com Columnist
1/24/2006 9:59 AM EST
This column was originally published on RealMoney on Jan. 23 at 10:54 a.m. EST. It's being republished as a bonus for TheStreet.com readers.
Mineral shortage?
I sit here and peruse the downgrades and worries and handwringing about Newmont (NEM:NYSE) and Freeport-McMoRan (FCX:NYSE) and Phelps Dodge (PD:NYSE), and it gets pretty darned obvious to me that we don't have enough minerals to go around.
This is a new problem, everybody. I always figured that when copper kicked in, we would simply flood the market worldwide with production. I also believed that Newmont had unlimited supplies. Now I wonder if all the consolidation activity in minerals is because companies are tapped out.
This is amazing.
Despite the runs in Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (RIO:NYSE ADR), BHP Billiton (BHP:NYSE) and Anglo American (AAUK:Nasdaq ADR), I would continue to buy these if only because we know they all have more. They can meet demand.
But these other companies are running short.
If it weren't for the pro-Che man next door, I also would buy Southern Copper (PCU:NYSE) right here, right now. Only Anaconda fears -- anyone old enough besides me to remember that mining concern? -- and nationalization, ahem, keeps me from bulling that one right here right now.
Mineral shortage. Who woulda thunk it?
Jim's former attitude is exactly what many thought. They thought that higher prices for copper would stimulate plenty of copper production to cool off copper prices. But copper is up from $.75/lb. a few years ago to over $2.16/lb., with no signs of stopping. So, people are waking up to the "mineral shortage", and copper inventories remain at about 2 day's worth of world demand, due to several factors. First, "just in time" inventory practices. Second, copper investors have been vilified as "speculators" and "manipulators" and driven from the paper futures markets. This means that paper shorts dominate, but in the end, they ended up shorting copper they didn't have. That means they promised to deliver copper they don't have! The same thing has happened in silver and gold--too many paper promises, and not enough investment in the real things.
There were similar thoughts about moly--that higher prices would simply encourage enough production as it was thought to be very simple to add a "moly circuit" to many copper mines. But, apparently, not even the copper/moly mines can keep up with copper--perhaps due to being diverted into focusing on producing more moly!
Important news article, confirming we are in the right sector:
Earth's Limited Supply of Metals Raises Concern --Jan 20th
Getting back to news regarding IGMI, which is the "lowest cost moly project" that I think exists:
From: http://www.rocamines.com/i/pdf/nminer-jun242005.pdf
"As a steel additive, moly is used mostly in pipelines. For a standard pipeline 30 inches wide by 1 inch thick, about half a tonne of molybdenum is required for every [kilometer]."
Annual moly demand is about 370 million pounds, or about 168,000 tonnes.
A few days ago, I found this article "PetroChina to build two oil pipelines" (bullish on moly, as moly is used in pipelines). Remember, IGMI's moly project was drilled by EXXON! The article actually discusses 4 pipelines to be built in China, two more at the end of the article.
PetroChina to build two oil pipelines
By Wang Ying (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-01-19 06:45
The nation's biggest oil producer, PetroChina, yesterday said it has obtained the government's final approval to build two cross-China pipelines.
These will pump refined oil, such as gasoline and diesel, from northeastern and northwestern areas to Central China.
The two pipelines will start from Lanzhou, in Northwest China's Gansu Province, and Jinzhou, in Northeast China's Liaoning Province, and converge in Zhengzhou, in the central province of Henan.
A further extension will reach Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province, south of Henan, PetroChina sources yesterday said.
"We received final approval from the State Council a couple of weeks ago to start building the two pipelines," said a senior PetroChina official, who did not want to be identified.
Industry sources said Central China is expected to suffer from severe oil shortages, which could see it short of about 10 million tons of refined oil products in 2010.
Beijing-based PetroChina will be the only builder and will invest about 12 billion yuan (US$1.5 billion) in the construction, Zhu Shihou, an official overseeing energy projects at the Henan Development and Reform Commission, said.
The PetroChina official said it would take one or two years to build the pipelines. "So we expect, as originally planned, to put the two lines into operation by next year or in 2008," he said.
The pipeline from Lanzhou is expected to carry 8 million tons of refined oil a year; the Jinzhou route is designed to have an annual capacity of up to 4 million tons, local media reports said.
The pipelines will pump oil from refineries in north-eastern and north-western regions, which will process crude oil imported from Russia and Kazakhstan. This will arrive in China through cross-border oil pipelines, the PetroChina official said.
China and Kazakhstan in December jointly announced the formal opening of their first cross-border crude oil pipeline, which pumps crude oil from the Central Asian country to Alashankou, in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
The Chinese-Kazakh pipeline will initially carry 10 million tons of crude oil a year.
Another pipeline project is also under discussion between China and Russia, which could transport about 30 million tons of crude oil a year.
And even zinc prices are screaming upwards, nearly doubling in the last 6 months from about $.50 to a new high of $1.01/pound!
This is highly inflationary! It's not just copper, or moly, or zinc, or lead, or steel, it's all of them. One of my friends who was a "best man" at my wedding called me this week. He works with metal, and is required to memorize all the different prices of the different kinds of steel used in installing air conditioners. With prices rising so fast in the metals, he certainly recognizes inflation, even if our government is in denial. He just wishes he could convince his parents, but feels rather helpless, since he does not have a strong investment background. That's how I felt, about 6 years ago, in 1999 when I began to convince my father. After all my Bible studies, I realized it was more important to help my family, than to try and trust the government.
(Tip: my favorite silver/zinc stock right now is Metalline Mining, MMGG (OTC) , with a market cap of about $30 million, and has 4.9 billion pounds of zinc resources, with potentially the lowest cost of production in the zinc industry, and needs to raise about $300 million to build the mine, but plans to produce just under 400 million pounds of zinc annually.)
Zinc 101: The Future of Metalline Mining Company -- by David Zurbuchen, Jan 2006
Metalline Mining (MMGG) for the long term Jan, 2006
Silver, Zinc, & Metalline Mining -- Hommel & Duncan Hsia, March 19th, 2005
--one correction for the article. The word "reserves" should be "resources".
Jason Hommel
Bei manchen Zwergen lohnt Sitzfleisch.NDM sollte so einer sein.
Hab mir mal die SRLM angeguckt,die hatte ich ja kürzlich reduziert.
Die haben mit Verlaub ein besch..... Chartbild.Warten auf Godot?
Die Hochjubelei von Hommel bei IGMI und MMGG
läßt schon wieder an Wirkung,chartmässig ,nach.
Da fällt mir ein,daß Eldo mal nach MMGG fragte,die er hat.
Früher hab ich auch öfter nach Hommel gepeilt,
der ist sicher gut mit allerlei neueren Informationen,
vertraue aber effektiver auf mein eigenes Urteil.
Edel Man
Wer das Risiko--aber auch die grossen Chancen- mag:
Einige gute alte Bekannte dabei
Hi Forentitanen und -götter,
ich suche einen Nickelproduzenten, der seit August 2005 in Voisey´s Bay Nickel abbaut und verarbeitet. Außerdem soll er in Neu-Kaledonien ein weiteres fortgeschrittenes Nickelprojekt in der Entwicklung haben. Auch in Indonesien habe er vielversprechende Explorationsgebiete. Im März 2005 sei er bei dem führenden Nickelverarbeiter Chinas eingestiegen.
Ist das Falconbridge oder gibt es da noch eine kleinere Firma?
Dieser Nickelproduzent ist der Favorit in einer WB des Valueinvestors.
Wer kennt diesen Nickelproduzenten? Liege ich richtig mit meiner Vermutung?
Grüße GW
Könnte Highlands Pacific sein.
Oder der Profiteur Noranda,eben Noranda - Falconbridge..