Idaho Silver Valley

  • Hallo Eldo!

    Klar ist das interessant, die Sache mit dem Silber im letzten Teil, gebe ich zu habe ich aber noch nicht ganz verstanden!? Sollen das Anteile an physischem Silber sein, wenn ja, an Silber, das die Sunshine dereinst fördern will?
    Entweder drückt er sich so insidermässig aus, oder es steht noch gar nicht genau fest, was es sein wird, am Ende ... .


  • German in red, English in Blue ...

    Hallo Leute,

    die letzten Tage habe ich einmal hergenommen, um zusammenzufassen, was mir bisher an Infos über die Managementstrukturen der Minen im Silver Valley vorliegt.

    Da ich dieses Posting in einer englischen Mail verlinken möchte, bitte ich um Verständnis, dass ich in meinem dilettantischen Englisch weiter fortfahre.

    OK, this was my german excuse, why the following text will be in English, so now I can go on in my (bavarian) English. ;)

    In the last 8 days, I tried to understand more, concerning the management structures in the Silver Valley Idaho.
    The aim of my 4 Grafics was to plot in a most effectful way, how the "rulers" of the Valley possibly influence each other and what are the main headlines and pictures, that could describe their quite different ways of playing their cards of influence in the Silver Valley

    I tried out several ways to describe the management situation there.

    The method, I decided to use, at last:
    The best way in my eyes seemed to be a semi-quantitative tabularly and grafically description, where people, belonging to one of the identifiable management groups, - and who are working in other managements of the valley, - do get one count / point for each participation.
    And where, on the other hand, e.g., lease-contracts of one company of the management groups with another company of the valley will reach three points, --- as the importance of such property lease contracts may be possibly higher, than having one of the directors chairs.

    The results are astonishing for me, as I didn't know, that De Motte seems to rule more by lease-contracts and buying shares - and, that, e.g., Magnuson influences more by collecting chairs in the different managements in the valley.

    Hecla Minings influence pattern in the East Silver Valley for me at the moment is not transparent enough, so there are still a lot of problems lurking, down in the veins of data, that should be solved, to get a total view on the valley. Also Shoshone Silver Minings claim-positions in the East Silver valley are not sure to me, at the moment, and I don't know, if Magnuson is involved in the Placer Creek Mining management (company not listed, as far, as I know).
    So here are still a few questionmarks. ... Infos will follow, if awailable ... .

    My below standing results can only be a snapshot of my knowledge on the management structures at the moment.

    But interesting enough, some of the dormant mines seem not to be totally dormant, and there is still much rumour and strategy behind the scenery (as ist is, e.g. for New Era, Silver Star and Silver Bowl, and a lot of unnamed claimes, where De Motte from Sterling Mining is already involved, although not all of these are still listed at the stock market).

    And, furthermore, there are a few astonishing results:

    What was astonishing to me, e.g., is the fact, that American Silver Mining, although they are mostly independent, is linked with the Magnuson / Lavigne group of managers, as H.F. Magnuson is one of the directors himself.

    And Lucky Friday Extension Mining Company is Part of the Smith Group of Shoshone Silver Mining, as he is Director and President of each of the two companies.

    In addition, the Brackebush Clan rules New Jersey Mining and also Mascott Silver Mining, wich could be a play with some dilution-risks, but with an enourmus base metals fantasy, if until 2009 the Superfund Site of the Bunker Hill will be mostly cleaned up by the EPA.

    As I said, more Info will follow, and the below grafics are just a first statement, research had been done by referring to two main sources, at first, the Book of David Bond "The Silver Pennies" from the end of the year 2004, and the second main source had been the internet pages of the so nickenamed user "Blanketpower", his site is now totally offline, and I hope this guy is well and feeling fine, - he wrote a lot of things on the Silver Valley stocks in the beginning of 2004, during the initial first hype in the valley.
    Not everything was right, what he wrote, but that should be also the possibility within my "facts"-collection.

    Have fun, while you read that stuff!

  • Hi Gutso

    Ray arbeitet daran, es handelt sich um ein Backing mit physischen Silber das er irgendwo herzaubert.
    In dem Sinn wie ein ETF so verstehe ich das.
    Das einzige was ich nicht verstehe ist das er 1.5m USD hernimmt und dann Silber kauft das er lagert. Dann hat er wieder kein Geld fuer weitere Gelder fuer Sterling Expansion die er sucht.
    Momentan habe ich kein Interesse, wer es hat, der sollte sich mit Sterling in Verbindung setzen...ebenso was die PP's angeht.
    Ich muss erstmal abwarten was mit mir am 16.Februar passiert.
    Du weisst, um was es geht .... Freispruch, sage ich nur.
    Meine Idaho Investments sind bereits abgeschlossen, ich investiere z.Zt, in andere Gebiete/Laender die ebenfalls gut laufen koennen.
    Ich wuensche Dir jedenfalls viel Glueck als wahrhafter Idaho Cowboy. :D



  • Hallo Gutso,
    gratuliere, eine Spitzenarbeit.

    Stammt Magnuson aus den valley?
    Irgendwie erinnert mich das an die geschichte eines klassischen westerns!
    Nur wer macht den Bösen? Immer der Eindringling, also US Silver?
    De Motte ist schon assimiliert.


    PS: Lancelot müsste über die ungefähren Bedingungen der Anleihe Bescheid wissen. (Es gibt Silber und Aktien, nicht vergessen dass SRLM auch schon eine Kleinigkeit produziert in Mexico. Also da gibt´s kein Problem.)

  • Zitat

    Original von auratico

    Hello auratico,

    thank you for your friendly & intelligent comment and for the link to the present of problems.

    Every one connected to the mining business waited for first implications of the new elected US congress, and how its tendency could develop, indeed.
    Now, the US elections are past, since 4 weeks. That means, the most important implications should be already included in the prices at the stock market.

    Furthermore, let me cite parts of your linked text (for in 9 months - at last - the link will be dead, but not so the Silver Valley Idaho :D :(

    I think the falling Dollar, stagnation of the US-Economy and the rising US-Ecology-Market (Solar Energy, Fuel Cell Energy) will have a strong influence on US located Oil and Gas Exploration, and perhaps, the connected raffineries, but US located Silver and Base Metals Mining Industry (with the main themes like "arsenic, cadmium and lead as a poison", e.g.) are not the main problem in the USA at the moment.
    It had been a problem in the eighties and nineties of the last century, but now the problem - and its a world-wide image problem meanwhile - will be the extreme US - CO2-Emmission and its influence on the Global Warming.


    But do you already draw some conclusions out of this almost incestous mining family business that takes such a long time to come to grips?

    A few of the possible conclusions i have mentioned in the text, I think when permitting starts, first FCO-TSX and SRLM will boost.

    Also the Aura Silver Resources Drillings in the West Silver Valley are an important factor.

    Who wants to be (relatively) sure should take a mixture of stocks that have no cash burn and some of them, that have cash burn, but diplomatically well scilled and EPA-friendly management (SRLM, MSLM in the central and Western Silver Valley, and MERG, ASLM, SBUM and VINS - perhaps also SHSH - of the Central and Eastern Silver Valley).

    But the nowerdays very cheap Magnuson / Lavigne Group and Onstine / Titus Group Stocks will be the real winners, if re-permittings in that area will become reality.
    Greetings out of lederhosen & via laptop. :D
    only the snow could be more, here. (No Blizzards, only traffic jams.)

  • Zitat

    Original von Tschonko
    Hallo Gutso,
    gratuliere, eine Spitzenarbeit.

    d'Ehre. :D

    Deine Cowboy-Constellation ist aber echt ebenso überlegenswert. :D

    Magnuson selbst ist mit Heimat & Firmensitz in Wallace und Kellogg Idaho angegeben, seine tiefere Vergangenheit kenne ich noch nicht, - aber: alle seiner Directors, Treasurers und Secretarys, egal wo auch immer sie mit drin verwickelt sind, haben lokale Wohnsitze (Wallace, Osburn, Kellogg).


    PS: Lancelot müsste über die ungefähren Bedingungen der Anleihe Bescheid wissen. (Es gibt Silber und Aktien, nicht vergessen dass SRLM auch schon eine Kleinigkeit produziert in Mexico. Also da gibt´s kein Problem.)

    Hast recht, hab auch schon gedacht, ob sie das nicht selber vom aktuellen Output abziehen, - wenns nicht schon längst geschehen ist, ohne Schmerzen (wäre ja typisch De Motte, schmerzfrei = investorenfreundlich).


    Lancelot, ja der könnte da was zu sagen, aber Eldos Zusammenfassung war auch schon recht griffig!

  • HiHo Silver!

    Danke für Deine Interpretation zu dem Angebot, Tschonko hat das auch noch gut ergänzt, mit dem Hinweis auf die Zapateca Production der Sterling Mining.

    Der 16. Februar ist nicht mehr weit, ich drück Dir die Daumen, hoffentlich sind Entscheidenden nicht nur korrupt. Ein wenig Sorgen mache ich mir schon.


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo gutso,

    wieder eine Spitzenarbeit zum Valley, sicher das Destillat einer Woche Arbeit!!

    Ich verneige mich.

    Englisch auch Spitze, jetzt noch an der Aussprache arbeiten :D :D

    Ich suche mal in meinen Idaho-Akten (wenn ich dann die Steuererklärung 2005 fertig habe 8) ), denn da gibt's two German boys, die wollten einen Fonds für Idaho -Aktien auflegen....die nehmen dich glatt ins Managment, wenn die vorwärts gekommen sind. Käme als PN. Wäre ja keine schlechte Idee, bei den mickrigen Umsätzen, wenn da ein Institutioneller etwa Kurspflege und einen sicheren Hort für die Aktien verstorbener Omi's und Opi's, deren Erben nichts mit den Papieren anfangen können, bilden könnte. Und ein Gegengewicht für den bauernschlauen deMotte. Und eine einfache Art für uns Leute, die knapp an Zeit sind, in die Zwerge zu investieren. Den einzelnen Haltern von Zwergenaktien könnte das ja auch nur recht sein!

    So long,

  • Zitat

    Original von LuckyFriday
    Hallo gutso,

    wieder eine Spitzenarbeit zum Valley, sicher das Destillat einer Woche Arbeit!!

    hallo Lucky,

    danke Dir, das stimmt ungefähr mit der Woche, vor allem hat es lange gedauert, die Gewichtungen auszuprobieren, bezüglich, Direktors usw. / Leasings of Properties, so dass man es grafisch darstellen kann.
    Alles mehr "Physik" anstatt "Mathe", - also mehr experimental, da muss man dann mehrere Möglichkeiten abwägen, was recht anstrengend ist. :D


    Ich verneige mich.

    Vorsicht, - bei den Zwergenliebhabern gibt das recht schnell einen Hexenschuss! :P


    Englisch auch Spitze, jetzt noch an der Aussprache arbeiten :D :D

    OK, Du hast es gemerkt & ich hab mich doch so bemüht! :D


    Ich suche mal in meinen Idaho-Akten (wenn ich dann die Steuererklärung 2005 fertig habe 8) ), denn da gibt's two German boys, die wollten einen Fonds für Idaho -Aktien auflegen....die nehmen dich glatt ins Managment, wenn die vorwärts gekommen sind. Käme als PN. Wäre ja keine schlechte Idee, bei den mickrigen Umsätzen, wenn da ein Institutioneller etwa Kurspflege und einen sicheren Hort für die Aktien verstorbener Omi's und Opi's, deren Erben nichts mit den Papieren anfangen können, bilden könnte. Und ein Gegengewicht für den bauernschlauen deMotte. Und eine einfache Art für uns Leute, die knapp an Zeit sind, in die Zwerge zu investieren. Den einzelnen Haltern von Zwergenaktien könnte das ja auch nur recht sein!
    So long,

    Die Idee eines Fonds ist wirklich gut. Schon allein weil ansonsten beim Silver Valley momentan Einzelinvestments fast unmöglich zu timen sind, in einem vorgegebenen Zeitfenster, bei vorgegebenem Volumen.

    Als "Black Box" Silver Valley Idaho liesse sich sowas bestimmt leichter organisieren.


  • Die Fondidee gefällt mir auch.....

    Der nächste Schritt bei Formation:
    Den 15.1. muss man sich merken!!

    Formation's DEIS Prepared and Submitted to Agencies for ReviewFriday December 15, 8:30 am ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 15, 2006) - Formation Capital Corporation (Formation) (TSX:FCO - News) announced today its wholly owned subsidiary, Formation Capital Corporation, U.S. ("the Company") located in Salmon, Idaho has reported that the United States Department of Agriculture, Salmon-Challis National Forest (FS) has prepared and submitted on December 11, 2006, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Formation's 100% owned Idaho Cobalt Project (ICP) to cooperating federal and state Agencies for review.

    The Agencies' review is a necessary step before the DEIS is made available for public review and comments, which is expected in the new year towards the end of January. The public review period is 45 days, noting that an additional 15 days could be granted by the FS if requested, after which the FS will review all comments and make the necessary revisions to the document. The Company expects that the Final EIS will be issued this coming summer and will be accompanied by a Record of Decision that will approve the Mine Plan of Operations with any modifications deemed appropriate by the FS.
    As discussed in the Company news release dated November 6, 2006, the Company and the Agencies have been working closely for several years to develop a mining operation that will have a minimal effect on the surrounding area. The proposed operation calls for a disturbance of less than 125 acres, an underground mining operation with all openings above the water table, dry stacked tailings and waste rock, lined and covered, with approximately 60% placed back underground, advanced water treatment meeting applicable water quality standards, and a post mining contingency plan including pump back wells and water treatment.

    The Idaho Cobalt Project is a unique high-grade, primary cobalt deposit that is metallurgically favorable for the production of high purity cobalt products. The U.S.A. is one of the largest world consumers of this environmental and strategic metal but currently has no primary cobalt production and is dependent on imported sources.

    Formation Capital Corporation is dedicated to the principles of environmentally sound mining and refining practices, and believes that environmental stewardship and mining can co-exist. The Company trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCO.

    Formation Capital Corporation

    Mari-Ann Green, C.E.O.

  • Formation Closes Financing for Saskatchewan Uranium Projects
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Dec 20, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --
    Formation Capital Corporation (TSX:FCO) (the Company) announces that, through its 100% owned Canadian subsidiary, Coronation Mines Limited (Coronation), it has closed a $150,000 flow-through private placement (the Offering) for the purpose of further developing its Virgin River and Kernaghan Lake northern Saskatchewan Athabasca Basin Uranium projects. These projects are joint ventured with Cameco & Areva, the details of which are more fully described below.

    The Company has completed the Offering of 375,000 Units of the Company at a price of $0.40 per Unit. Each Unit is comprised of one flow-through common share and one-half of one non-transferable common share purchase warrant, each whole common share purchase warrant entitling the purchase of one non-flow-through common share of the Company at a price of $0.40 per share for a period of eighteen months from the date of closing of the private placement. The Company has paid cash fees totaling $9,010 in relation to the Offering.

    The Virgin River Project totals over 29,000 hectares and lies in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan approximately 60 km west of Cree Lake and is under a joint venture agreement with Coronation and UEM Inc., a corporation jointly owned by Cameco Corporation and Areva, formerly Cogema of France. The Athabasca Basin hosts several of the worlds' largest and richest uranium deposits. Coronation currently has a two percent interest in the Virgin River project with a right of first offer to increase its ownership to 10%. Coronation is carried by its J.V. Partners for the first $10 million in exploration expenditures. Cameco Corporation is the operator. More than $8.4 million has been spent to date, including diamond drilling, in the exploration for a large unconformity-type deposit with very significant results being returned to date. Cameco is very encouraged with the exploration results to date and has proposed a budget of $3.3 million for 2007 to continue exploration and development of the project that includes a diamond drill program. Results from the 2006 diamond drill program are expected early in the New Year.

    The Kernaghan Lake Project (20% Coronation, 80% UEM) lies west of Wollaston Lake in the north-eastern portion of the Athabasca Basin where Middle Proterozoic, large scale, high grade unconformity uranium deposits occur at the base of the clastic sedimentary sequence and can attain gross metal values in excess of ten billion dollars. The property, located approximately 400 km north of La Ronge, is also joint ventured with Coronation and UEM Inc. with Areva the operator. The target is a Key Lake type uranium deposit, which contained reported reserves of approximately 195 million pounds of uranium oxide. This project lies approximately 15 km northeast along trend of the La Rocque Lake discovery, part of the Dawn Lake Project belonging to Cameco, AREVA and JCU (Canada) Exploration Company Ltd., where a drill intercept of 0.7 m @ 31.9% U3O8 at a depth of 276 meters was reported by operator Cameco. UEM has been drilling the Kernaghan Lake Project and intends to continue drilling with a proposed budget of $430,000 for 2007.

  • Formation Capital's Final Feasibility on Cobalt Project Nearing Completion

    08:30 EST Thursday, December 21, 2006

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 21, 2006) - Formation Capital Corporation (Formation) (TSX:FCO) is pleased to provide its shareholders and interested parties an update on the progress of its final feasibility study on its 100% owned Idaho Cobalt Project.

    In early December, 2006, Formation met with its feasibility study consultants in the Samuel Engineering, Inc. offices located in Denver, Colorado. The purpose of the meeting was to review the recently completed hydrometallurgical test work and process design of the hydrometallurgical facility located in northern Idaho, slated to process the Idaho Cobalt Project concentrate upon commencement of production. Final review of the feasibility study consultants' design packages for mine design, geotechnical design, mine backfill system, and waste water treatment was conducted as well as review of Samuel Engineering's progress to date on the concentrator and ancillary services design.

    Samuel Engineering's review of previous specialty consultants' work packages for environmental, geotechnical, mine design, mine backfill, waste water treatment, and tailings and waste storage found them to be progressing in a direction suitable for incorporation in the overall Feasibility Study without the need to commission additional studies. A value engineering analysis of the site and concentrator design and layout has resulted in a reduction of the overall footprint and reduction in the number of buildings required. The result is a more compact and cost efficient arrangement.

    Review of the recently revised mine production plan and the potential for extended production from high grade zones (open to the north, south and at depth) has resulted in the scale-up of refinery design production rates to 3.4 million pounds of cobalt and 5.0 million pounds of copper per annum.

    In addition, review of recently completed hydrometallurgical test work conducted at Mintek in South Africa under the direction of Grenvil Dunn of Hydromet (Pty), Ltd. and Formation with input from Samuel Engineering's process engineers, has resulted in a simplified process scheme for the refinery that is more efficient, easier to operate and less costly. Preparation of the detailed project schedule is currently underway. The Company expects the final feasibility study to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2007.
    The Idaho Cobalt Project is a unique high-grade, primary cobalt deposit that is metallurgically favorable for the production of high purity cobalt metal. The U.S.A. is one of the largest world consumers of this environmental and strategic metal but currently has no primary cobalt production and is dependent on imported sources.

    Formation Capital Corporation is dedicated to the principles of environmentally sound mining and refining practices, and believes that environmental stewardship and mining can co-exist. The Company trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol FCO.

    Formation Capital Corporation

    Mari-Ann Green, C.E.O.

  • Kaum zu glauben, liegt sie doch direkt neben der Sunshine Mine von Sterling Mining (SRLM).

    Das ist nach dem verpassten Zuschlag zum Kauf der Galena Mine, die an U.S. Silver Corp. (unlisted) ging, - dieses Jahr nun schon der zweite Fall, wo ein strategisch wichtiges Filetstück im Silver Valley Idaho Ray De Motte vor der Nase weggeschnappt wurde.

    Oder sehe ich das falsch?


    Grüsse & frohes Fest,

    PPS: zu Strategic Nevada Resources (TSX-V: SNS) gibt es einen eigenen Thread von newtechxl. Hier der Link. ...

    Leider kann ich keine Bilder anhängen, aus irgendeinem Grund, sonst hätte ich ein Bild der beiden Minen (Sunshine, Crescent) reingestellt, das ich gerade aufbereitet habe.
    Ich kann aktuell keine Bilder posten (wie neulich schon mal der Fall).

    HAAA!! Es geht wieder! Hier also das Bild! =)

  • Hardrock and Phosphate Mining in Idaho - A Report by the Idaho Conservation League And Boulder-White Clouds Council

    [Page 27 to Page 30]


    Dazu als Ergänzung eine neue Veröffentlichung des U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Idaho:

    Home Page for the proposed Coeur d'Alene Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement
    Release 10/2006


    Man sieht: Nicht nur auf Seiten der "Federal Organisation" EPA wird versucht, einen Strich unter die letzten Jahrzehnte der umweltverschmutzenden Minentätigkeiten zu ziehen, indem sie ihren Einfluss ausbauen!
    Auf Seiten der "staatlichen Regulatoren", wie dem "U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management Idaho" wird derzeit ebenfalls wieder verstärkt versucht, die weitere wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region insbesondere Nord Idaho's mit zu bestimmen. Und die Minen sind - auch nach weniger einseitiger wirtschaftlicher Ausrichtung in der regionalen Politik - immer noch ein anerkannter Bestandteileil der wirtschaftlichen Perspektive dort. Einer unter mehreren relevanten eben. ...


  • Danke für die Info & den Link, auratico!

    Ich häng den Grossteil des Textes mal mit an.
    Wenn man die älteren Teile der Threads aufschlägt, ärgert man sich häufig, dass die alten Links nicht mehr funktionieren.
    (Beispiel sind die Silverpages von "Blanketpower" deren Links auf der ersten Seite in diesem Thread stehen, sie sind mittlerweilen nicht mehr im Netz zu finden.)

    Dann ist es gut, wenn der Text hier noch als Zitat nachzulesen ist.


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