Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • GO GATA!

    For the second day in a row the silver Fix was impressive … this time 13 cents higher than the prior Comex close and in breakout territory at $12.58.

    For the second day in a row, gold shot up early ($3) with the euro on the move up due to a lousy US durable goods report, only to be nailed again by the same thugs that stopped gold cold yesterday. Gold quickly fell $5 off its highs, going down on the day in the early going.

    This was followed by another gold friendly, lousy housing number at 10PM EDT, with The Gold Cartel calling in needing reserves to keep the price from rising too much a second time. This has now gone way beyond "farce" status, with the real farce being the silence of the dopes in the gold industry who just let this price suppression scheme go on and on and on without saying a word. "Silence of the Lambs" it is!

    The message to traders has been, and is clear: Don’t expect to make money on the long side for the moment … sell rallies. Traders are there to make money, so they sell, figuring there is little risk if a Gestapo won’t let the price rise … which is just what happened today. Gold was hit as the day wore on with the locals making easy money.

    It should be noted that the physical market was so firm the PM Fix came in at $623.75. The Gold Cartel waited, as they do so often, for that pricing to be concluded, which had taken the price back up on the day. Then they pounced all over gold.

    Meanwhile, silver held its own once again in the early going as gold was taken down, rallying 12 cents at one point. Yet, in the end, the pressure on silver via the gold selling was just too much and silver gave up the ghost as nervous longs pitched their positions late in the trading day.

    The silver stocks:

    At the close of business on August 23 the warehouse stocks of silver on the COMEX decreased by a paltry 198,666 ozs to 103.4 Mozs. This drawdown was in the client owned inventory (eligible category). The silver available to traders (registered category) remained unchanged at 43.22 million ozs.

    The gold open interest rose 1198 contracts, while the silver open interest shot up another 2555 contracts to 117,432.

    It is clear what is transpiring here. Some big players want in on silver. At the same time The Gold Cartel has called on the silver price managers to hold the line the best they can while the cabal caps the price of gold. The gold manipulation is blatant enough as is. Can you imagine silver taking out $15 per ounce and gold doing what it is at the moment?

    The bad guys have their hands full as silver has been moving up on expanding open interest and IS only as low as it is today because of the continued gold price suppression. If these players are as significant as I suspect, they are ready to take on the bums … perhaps in a fashion like those who took on the copper and nickel shorts!!! That is for another day. In quiet, end of summer trading, the market manipulators got their way this trading session.

    This afternoon, and after my silver commentary was written, I heard from our STALKER source. His London contact (silver dealer) is extremely bullish on silver for the following reasons:

    *Silver has become very scarce in London again, which is probably why we are seeing such strength in the London silver Fix.

    *His awaited move, brought to your attention months ago, is UNDERWAY. We will see $14+ silver by the end of October, according to this silver dealer.

    *The anticipated SAUDI BUYING is underway.

  • Guter Artikel,

    deshalb , mal hier im Ausschnitt.
    Und natürlich die Quelle.


  • Schon wieder ein ganz schlauer. :rolleyes:

    guckst Du

    Demokratie ist die Diktatur der Dummen (Friedrich von Schiller)
    Das Grundprinzip der Parteien-Demokratie ist, die Bürger von der Macht fernzuhalten (Michael Winkler)
    Wer die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkennt, wird von ihr überrollt werden. 8o
    Wer Banken sein Geld überlässt, macht sich mitschuldig :!:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Eldorado
    Kennt ihr schon diese Webseite ?

    Hatte mal ein Probeheft erhalten.
    Das Wichtigste :

    "5 Gründe für Ihr Rohstoff-Trader-Abonnement..." :D uswusw


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    Abonnieren tue ich die bestimmt nicht, Edel. ;)
    Die Infos auf den GS Forum sind besser.
    Taheth, nichts neues,Pessimisten sind immer da, ich folge eher meinen Instinkt.



    Zumindest hat er mit seinem Fazit recht, obwohl er ganz sicher ganz was anderes meint. :D

    Demokratie ist die Diktatur der Dummen (Friedrich von Schiller)
    Das Grundprinzip der Parteien-Demokratie ist, die Bürger von der Macht fernzuhalten (Michael Winkler)
    Wer die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkennt, wird von ihr überrollt werden. 8o
    Wer Banken sein Geld überlässt, macht sich mitschuldig :!:

  • Guten Morgen,das Silber Kolloids eine Heilwirkung hat wissen wir.
    Dafuer gibt es auch einen sehr wissenswerten thread bei dies und das.
    Glaubt mir da ist was dran und es funktioniert auch.

    Aber was ist nun mit Gold,hat das etwa auch eine Heilwirkung.
    Also mir persoenlich hilft es wenn ich es in der Tasche habe. :D

    Scherz beiseite, der Artikel ist vielleicht interessant fuer Euch.

    Gold to treat HIV/Aids?


    Johannesburg - Scientists in South Africa are exploring whether one of the country's most precious commodities, gold, could hold the key in the battle against diseases such as Aids, malaria and cancer.

    As the country struggles to bring down the world's highest Aids tally after India and treat thousands of malaria and cancer cases, scientists are looking at developing gold-based drugs to include in the ever-growing array of medicines to combat the illnesses.

    "This year is probably our most exciting, because in the beginning of the year we identified a series of gold-based drugs that are very active in the fight against cancer," said Judy Caddy, who heads medical research at the national mineral researcher Mintek's Project AuTEK.

    Joint venture

    A joint venture between Mintek and the country's largest mining houses, AngloGold Ashanti, Goldfields and Harmony, Project AuTEK looks at the research and development of novel industrial applications for gold.

    "Various researchers said: 'We have got all these cancer drugs and we really need a cure for HIV, what about testing these compounds in relation to HIV?'," said Caddy in an interview with AFP.

    The drugs tried out on cancer also showed promising results in treating malaria and HIV, she said.

    Inhibit HIV replication

    "What they found was that these drugs indeed have therapeutic value for HIV."

    A key HIV researcher at the AuTEK biomed team, Raymond Hewer, told The Star that gold-based drugs had demonstrated the ability to inhibit HIV replication in test tube experiments.

    Once fully developed, the drugs could be considered as a potential choice of therapy for individuals infected with HIV, he said.

    Research still at early stages

    Scientists still needed to test their findings on live specimens - which could take time and yield unexpected results.

    Caddy stressed that HIV gold-based drug research, which involved taking an HIV infected cell and subject it to treatment to a drug to see if it inhibited HIV, only started in the middle of last year.

    "We still have a way to go," she added, saying it can take as long as 20 years for drugs to move from initial tests to commercialisation.

    Cancer, malaria research

    Of research into the three diseases, cancer treatment was the most developed and scientists have already identified a series of gold-based drugs that were active - which means that the disease was being inhibited - and selective, meaning that just the disease and not healthy cells was being targeted.

    Research into drugs preventing malaria, a disease which affected more than 5 300 South Africans last year, was progressing quickly, Caddy said.

    Still not quite sure how they work

    And although researchers are getting results from their tests, they do not quite know how gold-based drugs work, Caddy said.

    "The mechanism of action is something that's still a long way from known. There is still debate on exactly how it works," she said, adding her team's research would prioritise finding out exactly how the drugs worked.

    Medicinal effects of gold

    Even so, the medicinal effects of gold have been known for thousands of years in places like ancient Egypt and China, where it was used to treat ailments such as smallpox, skin ulcers and measles. In the Middle Ages, gold was often a key ingredient in "magic potions".

    "From its early historical use in ancient cultures, gold is becoming increasingly important in many modern medical treatments, ranging from drugs to precision implants," the London-based World Gold Council said on its website.

    Gold 'therapeutic'

    Added Caddy: "The difference between platinum-based drugs or other precious metal drugs is that it is seen as the carrier of a therapeutic entity to a target."

    "Gold metal itself is therapeutic - and that's what is important."

    That may be exactly what South Africa's 5.5 million people with HIV/Aids would like to hear.


  • Gold in kleiner Dosis über längere Zeit angewendet hilft gegen Illquidität und Insolvenz auch in schwierigen Fällen.
    Zu Nebenwirkungen fragen Sie ihren Finanzminister besser nicht. :D

    Demokratie ist die Diktatur der Dummen (Friedrich von Schiller)
    Das Grundprinzip der Parteien-Demokratie ist, die Bürger von der Macht fernzuhalten (Michael Winkler)
    Wer die Zeichen der Zeit nicht erkennt, wird von ihr überrollt werden. 8o
    Wer Banken sein Geld überlässt, macht sich mitschuldig :!:

  • Powered by Goldseiten,demnaechst kommt:
    Mal schaun was die drauf haben :rolleyes:

    Ich nehme an es geht Bergauf, der Sommer ist vorbei.
    In wenigen Wochen kommt die Zeit wo die Edelmetalle und Aktien anziehen sollten.
    Wer sich noch nicht eingedeckt hat der sollte es bald tun, IMO.
    Tipps gibt es genug in den threads, jetzt braucht man nur mehr die Kohle dafuer. :D.

    ...Enjoy the rest of the day ;)



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Starkes Plädoyer von Hamilton für Silber :)

    "....It is no coincidence that the current bull market in silver started in 2003, the original intention to keep silver prices high during a glut of silver had to have the exact opposite effect while it was being distributed back to the public. This factor is still intact, and is one of the great reasons to own silver...."

    "...We export about six hundred dollar of wealth a month to other countries for every person in America Our dollar is just a promise to pay, not backed by silver or gold, but of future tax revenues, which are of course payable in dollars. So the value of the dollar is all psychological, and eventually the factors which are at work against the dollar have to bring its value down. What do investors do when the dollar is falling? They invest in precious metals, like silver. I think silver will be a great investment...." ;)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Dr Richard Appel
    Aug 25, 2006

    August 24, 2006 - I believe that the vast majority of exploration shares have posted their correction lows. They are now in the process of building important bases before resuming their Bull Market. After staging a major price rise between the summer of 2005 and May, 2006, the wind was abruptly let out of their sails as they followed gold sharply lower. Now, I am confident that the tide has begun to change in their favor.

  • Oh,so positiv :D

    Get ready and fasten your seatbelts as a great rise is starting in metals after a few months. Silver won’t stop at $18.80 but will surprise everyone by reaching $28.80, which is great news. And for gold, my price target is not only $875 but it could go as high as a four-digit figure. Yes indeed; gold will reach a historic high next year and it is therefore time for the metal community to arise and make ready for celebrations. A message to Bill Murphy: you should host a party my friend when gold hits $1000- and don’t forget to invite me. :P

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Mannomann,was ist nun in den gefahren?? :]

    Wurde auch Zeit,daß er auf die richtige Seite wechselt.

    Aber hoffentlich nicht--wie so oft-- ein Kontraindikator. ;)

    "...Energy money will flow into metals, and soon the dollar and gold will once again walk hand-in-hand. This will be the most amazing and exciting period for the metal community as gold could move up to $1600 in the next year...." :D


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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