Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Did Kebble outmanoeuvre Alan Gray?

    By: Pitcher
    Posted: '13-JUN-04 18:13' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004


    Award-winning investment house Alan Gray, has found itself between a rock and a hard place at Western Areas. The new shareholding structure at the company, which sees Anglo American head for the door and JCI and its associates take up more than 40 percent of the shares (53 percent if the Kebble-nominated empowerment company Inkwenkwezi is factored in), leaves it without any allies on the board. Although Kebble claims that control was never on the agenda, the fact is that he now has free rein to do much as he pleases at the company.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Gold sector excited over options and futures trading - UAE

    Khaleej Times - 13/06/2004

    DUBAI - Gold industry is currently abuzz with future gold spot trading options available in UAE. The possible trading platforms which would be available in the future for gold spot trading could either be Dubai Metals and Commodities Centre (DMCC) or Dubai Mercantile Exchange(DME). Investors believe with more trading options available, it will only benefit trade at large as both the trading platforms would woo potential investments which are currently done out of UAE.

    Senior reliable source from gold industry said:


    "With both these upcoming trading platforms evolving they have a task ahead of themselves to prove to investors that they have something to offer on international trading level."

    Currently the spot trading in gold is done through foreign banks. Development of these trading platforms will only help them retain the outflow of investments from UAE. No matter how futuristic trade perspective that may be, expertise in gold had to come to UAE as the country trades in gold on large scale. Market sources say that the annual gold imports in the country is in the region of 300 tonnes.

    Currently futures trading in gold is done only in USA.

    Sources also reveal, DMCC is currently sitting on proposal of futures trading in gold, which is under consideration in the long run. Colin Griffith, Executive Director (Gold), DMCC in an interview to Khaleej Times in April had commented that DMCC had received a proposal on starting the futures trading in gold and are actively considering the possibility of working towards it, provided the country offers necessary ingredients to start such a futures contract in gold. Worldwide you have success as well as failure stories on futures contract. While you see US having a successful gold futures contract, Japan has witnessed that gold contract is not very active. So we need to establish the balance and see if the Middle East could provide us necessary elements for trading in Gold contract.

    Sources also reveal, that both DMCC and DME had sought expertise from World Gold Council (WGC) to arrive at consensus if the trading would be done on both the bodies or would it be restricted to one of them.

    It may be noted that Dubai Development and Investment Authority (DDIA) had announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), to jointly explore, in the coming months, the development of the Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME), the region's first commodity futures exchange.

    The joint study is to focus on the creation of new and differentiated products, primarily revolving around commodities such as crude oil, natural gas, electricity futures and metals such as aluminium and precious metals.

    A cross view from gold traders who invest in gold internationally reveal that they would be only happy to trade within UAE rather than trading out of UAE.

    Firoz Merchant, Chairman Pure Gold, said:" Government-owned enterprises are professionally managed. Historically it is proved they can compete with international firms providing local expertise. This is specifically due to guidance and vision of the rulers of Dubai. Therefore we believe to get same in future from all the government backed enterprises."

    Majid Karim, Partner and Manager, Swiss Gold Jewellers, said: "Both trading platforms are going to be fine, as for the investors they have to decide which trading platform would prove beneficial. Dubai government gets professionals from world over to offer the best to its people. Currently, rules and regulations of spot trading are being carved out. To set up huge trading platforms such as DMCC or DME, initially, challenges such as infrastructure, legal policy frame work, banking and finance aspect, will have to be worked out."

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    By Dr. Richard S. Appel

    June 11, 2004

    With each passing day the likelihood increases that gold and the stocks of the companies that explore for it have posted their ultimate low-points for this corrective phase. After earlier briefly exceeding $430 an ounce, gold touched its recent nadir at about $371 on May 7. Similarly, as seen in the action of the HUI, the gold producers as a group struck their low on May 10, at about 164. As most long-term readers know I do not possess a crystal ball. Nor do I have the ability to either read Tarot Cards or discern the future by looking at the stars. However, what I do have is a certain amount of experience, from my decades long participation in the precious metals arena, that I want to share with you.

    As do most actively traded items, gold and gold stocks move in a series of defined ebbs and flows. They travel from areas where they are overvalued to zones when they are relatively undervalued. First, I will attempt to describe the market action that occurs within an ongoing Bear or Bull Market, and their causes.

    During a Bear Market, price movements tend to thrust in a declining direction until they reach a condition which is termed, “oversold”. This is the culmination of the build up of panic and fear that engulfs and effuses from the remaining bullish participants, after they suffered from mounting losses. It becomes oversold because the item has declined too far in too short a period of time, and ends in a formation that is called a “temporary bottom”. The Bear Market then relieves the oversold condition by reversing course. It temporarily moves higher in price driven to a large degree by bargain hunters. The market rises until it reaches an area where it has alleviated sufficient pressure to reverse some of the distortions that were created by the earlier excessive downward movement. In essence the market runs out of steam, the short sellers step in, and the primary downtrend reasserts itself. You can picture a Bear Market as a zigzagged line that begins at its highest point, the point where the Bull Market ended, and gradually works its way to lower and lower levels.

    A Bull Market loosely travels in the opposite direction to a Bear Market. A primary difference is that Bull Markets typically take longer to unfold than Bear Markets. Thus, Bull Markets tend to have long, shallow advances while Bear Market declines tend to be sharp and comparatively shorter in duration.

    Within a Bull Market, first a wave of investor emotion and enthusiasm drives the stock, commodity or whatever to a high level where it too has gotten ahead of itself. This is called a “temporary top”. It has been driven too far to the upside in too short a period, and it becomes what is termed “overbought”. The fundamentals have not adequately expressed themselves to justify the current lofty prices and a secondary correction then sets in. Then, the market falls or drifts downward, until the excitement that had carried it to its recent high is all but forgotten. It is as if the market must first fall back to purge itself of the earlier excessive expression of emotions, before it can attack and surpass its recent temporary top. A Bull Market can be viewed as a zigzagged line which begins at a low level and gradually works to higher and higher price ranges.

    There is much confusion by the average part-time investor, which encompasses +99% of all market players, surrounding an accurate explanation of what is a Bull or Bear Market. It is extremely difficult to define these terms! In fact, I believe that this is the reason why their definitions are among the most abused and misunderstood in the field of markets! I have attempted to describe above the fashion in which Bull and Bear Markets unfold as they are developing. They work in a series of pulses that over time carry the markets either to higher and higher levels, in the case of a Bull Market, or to lower and lower ones when the bear is in control.

    My concept of a true primary Bull or Bear Market is best expressed by the emotional state of it investors, the values offered by the item involved, and by money flow and trading volume changes. Further, rarely does a true Bull Market last less than a year or two, and they often live far longer. Bear Markets on the other hand typically require between one-third and two-thirds of the timeframe of its earlier Bull Market to complete themselves.

    Bull Markets are conceived after a Bear Market has essentially financially decimated the earlier bullish players. Further, the mood surrounding the terminal phase of a Bear Market is so bleak that most of the earlier bulls loathe the day that they ever invested in the market. Additionally, at Bear Market bottoms, trading volumes are far lower than those that accompanied the earlier Bull Market peaks that they followed. They could be as little as 10% to 15% of their former highest volumes. Finally, when the bear has breathed his last, the item in question has been driven to such a depressed level that it offers unquestionable value; they are dirt cheap! Also, their prices have become so depressed and have caused so much pain that most pundits believe that a new Bull Market can never again occur, and that prices will continue far lower. Unfortunately, by this time the earlier bullish investors have either little remaining capital available with which to invest, or they are literally terrified of making purchases for fear of further losses. This was the state of the gold market in February 2001, when gold had posted its double bottom low at $255, and when the HUI in November, 2000, had approached its final bottom near 35.

    Conversely, the emotional state of Bull Market participants during its final stage is one of near universal joy, excitement and avarice. Future projections are proffered which state that prices are essentially “going to the moon”. The book stating that the Dow would go to 35,000 is a good example of the mentality held by the bulls during such times. Further, “this time it’s different” or some similar phrase becomes the new bullish mantra.

    This mind-set and the sharply rising prices attract an incredible amount of capital which adds fuel the fire. The influx of money moves the general stock price level to such incredible heights that overvaluation is the rule of the day. This is accompanied by swelling trading volume levels. Few care how overpriced are their purchases because they are certain that they will become even more overvalued in the future. Reason is thrown to the wind and the typical mind-set personifies “the greater fool theory”; that some greater fool will step up and buy their stocks at a higher price when they are ready to sell.

    The most confusing concept that I believe the overwhelming majority of experts and novices alike have difficulty grasping, is that both Bull and Bear Markets ONLY END FROM EXHAUSTION. They terminate after the last bull in the case of a Bull Market, and the last bear in a Bear Market has been satisfied. The final bulls had invested their remaining capital and the last bears had sold their leftover shares of stock. Whereas immeasurable optimism and excitement attend Bull Market tops, Bear Market lows are permeated by depression, fear and gloom as the last bears panic, and sell their shares for whatever the market will give them.

    As you can see, I have digressed from discussing my topic. Further, I oversimplified my descriptions in order to help less sophisticated investors better understand these frequently used phrases. I felt that a better understanding of the concepts of Bull and Bear Markets are lacking by most market players and may help readers in the future. Additionally, this information may prove helpful in perusing the balance of this missive.

    We have all suffered from the present price reversals in gold and gold shares. This commentary can also be extended to include silver and silver stocks. The secondary correction began several months ago when gold had briefly traveled above $430 an ounce and the HUI had approached 260. At these levels gold had so extended itself that it was trading well over 10% above its 200 day moving average, and the HUI had traveled a huge 25% above its similar average. The junior companies on the other hand had posted their peaks between the end of November 2003, and February 2004, and had been bid to levels that approached their deemed values if they had discovered what they had hoped to find.
    In effect, all of these markets had become overpriced. The stage was surely set for a correction. Yet, all but the most hardened traders were too excited, emotionally involved, or were too busy counting their profits to recognize that fact.

    This period of overvaluation and extreme optimism gave birth to the present reversal. This is different than the beginning of a Bear Market. It is true that the markets had become overvalued and investor excitement and sentiment had reached peaks. However, when the final days of the precious metals Bull Market arrives, the lofty levels of enthusiasm, greed, trading volumes and over-valuations will pale those that occurred earlier this year.

    To date, the correction has taken prices to ranges where they again offer good value. Further, the excitement and elation that attended the gold market earlier this year has been replaced by fear, doubts, confusion and depression. All but the “strongest hands” have jettisoned their market positions. Additionally, just as the stage was set for a correction when investor excitement caused investors to battle one another to purchase more and more gold or gold shares, today few desire to be involved in their purchase. This is the reason for the reduced trading volumes in all of these markets.

    During its great Bull Market that began in 1972, and ended in early 1980, an annual trading pattern appeared that tended to repeat itself throughout its duration. In this era gold and the gold stocks often crested during February or March. From that peak they tended to decline into the summer months and often bottomed in July or August. After those lows, they rose sharply into the October to mid-November period, only to again enter a corrective phase which lasted several weeks. The markets then ascended until a temporary peak was struck early in the new year. This cycle was not perfectly adhered to but segments of it did appear during the majority of years in that timeframe.

    The most rapidly rising period was typically from the summer lows until the mid-late autumn highs. This corresponded with the time of greatest seasonal demand which was created by the need for gold by the jewelry trade, as they geared up for the approaching Christmas Season. The surge in gold and gold shares that occurred during the early part of the year appeared to coincide with the Indian wedding season. It is customary in India for a bride’s family to give the newlyweds presents in the form of gold, and the annual amount of the noble metal taken from the market for this purpose is quite substantial. It followed that after the periods of demand generated by the jewelry trade and the Indian wedding seasons was filled, prices typically fell off. I would not be surprised if a similar trading pattern will tend to repeat itself as the present secular gold Bull Market unfolds. In any event, it is something to watch for and be prepared.

    Given the above, I am becoming increasingly convinced that gold, silver and the majority of major gold and silver stocks have or will shortly post their lows for this correction. This does not mean that we will soon be rewarded with sharply higher prices! I would not be surprised if further base building occurs before gold and the primary gold producers again advance and exceed their recent highs.

    The junior gold and silver shares are a different story. Their annual price patterns differ in a few ways from those of the major golds and gold itself. They tend to mirror gold’s price movement early in the year and into the summer. However, they normally languish during the summer months and may not perform well even if gold moves higher at times. This is likely due to the fact that many of the players take turns vacationing during this period. Additionally, historically it is a time when little good exploration news enters the market to excite it. This will occur later during the late summer or autumn months when field results begin to flow. Further, when gold consolidates in price, as I believe it is in the process of doing, the juniors tend to drift lower. I feel that many of these companies may have posted their lows. Yet, barring an important rise in gold and silver or a major discovery, if history is to repeat, this is the fashion in which I expect them to trade in the near term.

    Musing on other junior cycles, the best annual buying opportunity for these small companies often occurs during the first or second week of December, after they have sold off from the highs of a month or two earlier. Also, the junior sector is often severely affected by tax-loss selling. This begins during the mid-end of October and extends well into November and often into December. They tend to be worse during down market years.

    The annual gold cycle of the 1970's occurred within the context of its great secular Bull Market. However, while it did not unfold in a textbook fashion in each year, it did generally follow the price pattern that I have described. I believe that we may be presented with a similar pattern in a number of future years, or at minimum experience annual tops and bottoms which roughly conform to this sequence, as gold’s present Bull Market matures.


  • 15.06.2004 13:55:02 TECHNICALS - COMEX/NYMEX metals technical indicators


    Close June 14 $384.20 $5.658 $790.90 $220.30 115.25
    High 386.90 5.785 794.00 221.00 116.20
    Low 383.50 5.630 790.20 212.20 113.90

    5-DAY M.A. 386.30 5.690 812.30 228.67 119.86
    20-DAY M.A. 387.90 5.858 819.40 243.02 121.71
    50-DAY M.A. 393.70 6.310 838.20 267.55 124.13

    9-DAY R.S.I. 31.00 35.42 20.14 14.37 24.78
    14-DAY R.S.I. 37.73 38.26 29.62 20.56 30.99

    Note: Data calculated from previous close. Previous high and low include
    ACCESS trading from previous session. Indicators are based on the time
    periods recommended by their developers or commonly used by technical
    analysts. Moving averages are simple moving averages. RSI formulas include
    a smoothing factor utilizing an exponential moving average (EMA),
    determined to be the industry standard. All calculations can be made using
    Reuter Graphics or Reuter Technical Analysis products.

    Contract High 433.00 8.490 938.00 342.00 138.20
    Contract Low 324.70 4.360 756.00 229.00 70.90
    First Notice Day Jul 30 Jun 30 Jul 01 Sep 01 Jun 30
    Expiry Date Aug 27 Jul 28 Jul 27 Sep 27 Jul 28

    BULLISH CONSENSUS ON June 08: 24 Month Range
    Low Hi
    Gold 66 from 68 on June 01 13 - 91
    Silver 38 from 44 on June 01 13 - 89
    Platinum 64 from 66 on June 01 14 - 95
    Copper 67 from 73 on June 01 08 - 88

    * Bullish Consensus, Copyrighted, Market Vane Corporation, P.O. Box 90490,
    Pasadena, CA 91109-0490. Phone +1 626 395 7436. The survey expresses a
    percentage of bullish sentiment among analysts and advisors. The company
    said 50 percent is considered support in a bull market and resistance in a
    bear market. Data are most recent available.

    For prices, double click on:

    For related news, double click on:
    [GOL] [MTL] [MET] [MIN] [GOL/X] [PLA/] [COP/X] [MINT] ["DLA"]

    For updated CFTC Commitment of Traders report, double click on <1CFTC00>
    for the latest week's data and <2CFTC00> for the previous week's data.
    Futures/options data is on <3CFTC00> and <4CFTC00>.
    ((New York Commodity Desk, 646-223-6040,

    © Reuters 2004

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    June 14 - Gold $383.10 down $2.50 - Silver $5.64 down 8 cents

    The Charade!

    I've been there before
    And I'll try it again
    But any fool knows
    That there's no way to win
    Here we go again
    She'll break my heart again
    I'll play the part again
    One more time
    ... "Here We Go Again" by Ray Charles (musician, 1930-2004)

    Ray Charles could have written this tune for our gold market these days. It could not be clearer that The Gold Cartel is going all out to keep gold under wraps. With all the talk turning to inflation and higher interest rates in the US, the gold price is being suppressed to give a signal to the marketplace these growing concerns are not overly worrisome. Same drill. PRICE ACTION MAKES MARKET COMMENTARY!

    What probably has the Orwellians most concerned is what rising interest rates could do to various US financial institutions and to the trillions of interest rate derivatives on their books. A rising gold price, which gets out of hand volatility-wise on the upside, could set off a derivatives neutron bomb. We are in uncharted waters here as far as derivatives are concerned. Therefore, the Working Group on Financial Markets is not taking any chances and has mobilized enough gold to keep the price under pressure.

    Throw the fundamentals out the window when it comes to gold these days. For example:

    DJ. US Stocks Remain Down On Concerns About Inflation

    ODJ REPEAT:DATA SNAP: US Trade Shortfall Widens To New Record Level

    Stocks go down on this news, but so does gold. In a free market, gold would have jumped a few dollars, at least. This sort of news has been hitting the tape for weeks. A fellow Café member sums up the situation quite well:

    “Gold? Forget it! Doesn't matter. Looks like our "friends" have decided that it ain't gonna budge until they are ready to let it move. I could not agree with Mike Bolser more - tech analysis, fundamental analysis, is useless when dealing with a managed market. I am willing to bet that outside the GATA camp - the vast majority of investors who are looking at gold are completely and utterly befuddled.”

    The Gold Cartel has done their thing again. Their selling last April eventually turned the large specs into big sellers, getting them most short between $370 and $380. The collusive ones covered their shorts down at those levels. The specs, trapped short, covered from $390 to $398 where the crooks went short again. Now the funds, “with new sell signals” are going short again. Maybe we should call the cabal troops the “PICKPOCKETS!”

    The gold open interest fell 1450 contracts to 224,142.

    The cash silver market remains very firm. There has been a large buyer of silver calls recently. An unsubstantiated rumor has Goldman Sachs as the buyer. Will do what I can to keep on that case. Remember what happened the last time MIDAS reported GS as a large silver call buyer.

    The silver open interest rose 571 contracts to 84,196.

    It is amazing how The Gold Cartel is able to maneuver investment opinion by moving gold around at their beck and call. The more bullish the gold news becomes, the more they sit on it, thereby inducing spec selling. There is almost panic out there in the gold share world that the CPI will be so bad, US interest rates will go way up and the dollar will soar. Therefore, investors can’t get out of the shares fast enough.

    This is nuts. Our key interest rate is a piddly 1%. Britain’s is 4.5%. Our employment situation (see below) is way overstated for political reasons, our trade deficit is horrendous (see below), our budget deficits continue to worsen, Iraq is a mess, etc. Yet, the gold investing world is in a panic because US inflation may be far worse than previously reported, something which has been divulged in this column all year long and surprises no one in the Café camp.

    Thus, in spite of all the growing reasons for gold and the shares to go up, they go down because of inflation concerns. Black is white and white is black. You have to wonder how long The Gold Cartel can continue to pull off this charade!

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report
    What is the state of the physical market?

    Monday, June 14, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums:

    Friday: AM $6.52, PM $5.97, with world gold at $384.30 and $383.90. Ample for legal imports.

    Monday: AM $6.60, PM $ 5.80, with world gold at $383.40 and $383.10 Ample, and adequate for legal imports.

    The new leftish government in India is continuing to do a good job of upsetting the Commercial community. The rupee fell to a one month low on the close today and the stock market has fallen 5% in the past two sessions. Prosperity is the optimal condition for Indian gold consumption, but at least at present the argument that securities will tempt the upper echelon from gold is in abeyance.

    Reuters carries a story today claiming that Asian physical demand has fallen "sharply", pointing to lower premiums in the Far East, and anecdotes from Indian dealers hoping for lower prices. However, India is clearly still in import mode based on the current premiums. The region where the season is positive, the Near and Middle East, does not readily supply the data needed to calculate premiums. News reports from the Gulf suggest strong buying, for instance…e=data/theuae/2004/June/t heuae_June339.xml §ion=theuae

    ""Within the last two weeks itself, we have had a good 32 to 35 per cent increase in the sales. We are expecting a further increase in the coming months too, as more and more people will be leaving," remarked Varghese C. A, Shop Manager of Alukkas Jewellery in Abu Dhabi..According to C. J. Sunny, Joint Secretary, Gold and Jewellery Group, Dubai.the Dubai shops - that has lend the emirate its name 'The City of Gold' - are also enjoying a proliferating business marking 25 to 30 per cent increase in sales for the last few weeks."

    This morning Mitsui made available their interesting monthly refinery survey, reporting that refineries were indeed slightly less busy and optimistic at month end compared to April, but commenting:

    "Physical markets generally do not like volatility. There were other factors at work against physical - the Turkish banks had some difficulties in importing, and the wedding season in India came to an end. (For India month on month demand was lower, whereas year on year it was up).. The feeling is that in general many of the physical gold buyers had overbought the previous month. Expectations for June are for a weaker demand for gold, although it has been interesting to note in the first week of June that physical silver has been in much demand, exhausting supplies at vaults and refineries. 9999 gold kilo bars have also been in good demand."

    (JB emphasis. World gold around the end of May, of course, appeared to be reliably rising through the mid $390s)

    Last week's curious spike in TOCOM activity is passing into history. On Friday volume fell 41% to equal 22,689 Comex lots. The active contract was up 7 yen, and open interest edged up the equivalent of 448 Comex. Today it fell another 26% to equal only 16,869 Comex lots, despite a sharper weaker yen. The active contract was up 5 yen, but open interest was static (up 28 Comex lots to the equivalent of 111,297 Comex.) (Thursday in NY saw 36,186 contracts trade; open interest fell 1,450 lots to 224,142 contracts.)

    Gold, and more particularly gold shares, appear demoralized by the powerful resistance displayed to efforts to get above the 200-day moving average in the mid-390s. The technical situation this has created is, of course bearish. Short term, a good deal depends on how much shorting was enticed in as a result. Thursday's open interest fall, and the price jump following the trade data this morning, imply this has been material. To the extent this has been predicated of stories of weak demand, it will prove ill-judged.

    In general, superficially gold appears far more willing to accept that the Fed is omniscient and all-powerful on the question of inflation than the stock, bond and even the foreign exchange markets. This is anomalous given its' tradition as a refuge of skeptics and dissidents.



    The DOW dropped 75 to 10,334 with the DOG sinking 30 to 1990.

    The dollar only rose .09 to 90.28, while the euro lost .36 to 120.49.

    The 30-year bond was hit pretty hard, falling 29/32 to 103, basis the Sep contract.

    What is happening to the US trade deficit is some kind of eye opener. The dollar has been in decline for more than two years now and the trade deficit continues to widen:

    8:30 April Trade deficit reported $48.3B, a record, vs. consensus $45B March deficit revised to $46.6B from $46B. **

    Trivial items like US budget deficits, trade deficits used to be important to the financial markets. Now, they are numbers to be ignored, just like the real US employment numbers, the disappearing PPI, etc. Why? The Orwellians and Working Group on Financial Markets, the PPT, say it should be that way for the good of America.

    The fact that our interest rate structure in the US is determined more and more by foreigners also doesn't seem to faze too many people either:

    Most Treasury bonds in foreign hands
    By Päivi Munter in London
    Published: June 13 2004 20:23

    Demand for US government bonds at foreign central banks has for the first time lifted overseas holdings to more than half the paper in circulation.

    Figures from the Federal Reserve reveal that $1,653bn, or 50.6 per cent of liquid Treasuries, were held by foreign investors at the end of the first quarter.

    Foreign ownership of the bonds rose by $170bn between January and March, with central banks - mainly in Asia - estimated to account for about $96bn of this.

    The appetite for Treasuries has been fuelled by attempts to slow the appreciation of national currencies by buying dollars and investing the cash in Treasury bonds. The Bank of Japan, the biggest foreign investor in US Treasuries, spent Y15,200bn ($138bn) on currency interventions in the first quarter.

    The surge in foreign central bank holdings has defied a sharp fall in Treasury prices, and a concomitant rise in yields, raising fears the market could fall if buying by the small number of official sector buyers slows.


    Word IS gradually seeping out about the real US employment picture, but in a subdued manner:

    REUTERS U.S. jobless rate misses "hidden" unemployed

    NEW YORK, June 14 (Reuters) - Buried inside the official U.S. employment report each month is a little-known figure that gives a much less rosy picture of the labor market than the headlines.

    The government agency that produces the data also publishes an alternative measure that tries to capture the hidden unemployed, those who are not included in the official unemployment rate for various statistical reasons.

    That broader measure is dramatically higher, at 9.7 percent in May, compared with the official level of 5.6 percent.

    That's an extra 5.96 million people, in addition to the 8.2 million "officially" unemployed, who are waiting on the sidelines and may at some point step back into the labor force.

    Although it receives little notice, the adjusted jobless rate has important implications for Federal Reserve policy-makers because it suggests the job market will not tighten as quickly as some in the financial markets believe….


    GATA’s Mike Bolser over the weekend:

    Hi Bill:
    After some thought about the current furious onslaught by the Fed and interpreting unpublished data, the Fed may be in the beginning of its end game for gold and interest rates. They are at least setting up a new defense position but aren't doing it with any finesse and that's a worry.

    The Fed's end game must force rates higher, deliver some sort of rescue for the trillions in interest rate derivatives (IRD) while ceasing or at least thwarting gold speculation in the US and UK.

    Parmalat's interest rate derivatives explosion still resonates across Europe and there may be many more like them waiting for grim announcements. How these IRDs will be resolved is anybody's guess but they must be resolved if rates go higher, as they must. Perhaps by a new class of government bond, take your pick from a basket of new government colored paper.

    We know that seismic events have recently occurred through the departure of Rothschild's and AIG from the LBMA PM Fix mechanism. Suppose those things happened because they knew there would no longer BE a PM Fix after a specific date? Instead, the PM Fix would be replaced by a government fixing at $ at $ at...take your pick.

    Should the LBMA stop trading gold and silver as they have been, the COMEX and probably the Australian and TOCOM markets in addition, would necessarily follow suit, effectively bailing out all shorts and trapping all gold and silver longs with zero gain when the rest of the world (ROW) later restarted free gold and silver trading (At far higher prices) in Shanghai, Dubai and Ankara. It is this default risk that so many in our field have ignored for too long.

    It is therefore my recommendation that your readers take appropriate steps to guard against such an occurrence. Entities such as the Central Fund of Canada [CEF], its counter part in Australia at the Perth Mint, small exploration gold equities such as J Pacific Gold and Samex Gold plus many others such as Golden Star Resources are relatively immune to shorting intervention and would survive any cataclysmic COMEX closure. Any qualtity debt-free gold exploration firm with a good portfolio will be a haven. And of course the price of physical is getting better and better each day as the off-take rises. Getting physical metal later, simply won't be an option at these prices. As Professor Fekete warns, "Zero supply, infinite demand". We must heed his warning.

    It is the COMEX contracts themselves that seem the most vulnerable to such an unthinkable event. There will be no warning, only an announcement after the fact and a return of paper equity with no opportunity to move to another vehicle before trading restarts.

    The above opinion may seem alarmist and to the mainstream gold community it is clear heresy but this is what I think may happen if not now then later. The glum faces at the G-8 only reinforced my feeling on this point. Surely the US asked for more central bank gold as they did from Spain and Portugal going into the Iraq War, putting their leaders on a public dais as a perk for their all around cooperation. Portugal later announced their gold sales. It didn¹t appear that the US got much of anything from the G-8 on Sea Island except perhaps some gold jawboning from the French Central Bank.

    If there is to be such an extreme action, it may come around the Fed meeting which begins on June 29th or the following weekend (July 4th).

    Chuck checked in over the weekend too:

    Have you ever seen so many bearish chart driven predictions on gold as have come out over the past couple of weeks? I'm not surprised that Russell has turned very cautious. He is a trend follower. His most bullish predictions were at gold and silver tops.

    Everyone is scared to death of being in another 20% drop while everyone in the regular stock market couldn't care less about a 20% drop. I would be surprised if the sentiment indicators don't drop very sharply again here. The facts remain that the HUI to gold and silver to gold are at historically bullish levels. I read the drop in the open interest as very bullish and the COTS shift must regarded as such also.

    We are sitting on a financial time bomb here, and many gold bulls are out of the market believing that they will know when the trumpet sounds to announce the very bottom. That is why I like Hoye's stuff. He gives you reasons for why he is bullish on gold and bearish on the markets. There are far too many advisors who turn 180 degrees when the lines drop a little.

    The problem is that everyone is either totally bullish or totally bearish and most can't allow for base building. I am very comfortable in my positions concentrated in the exploration companies. For instance, IMA continues to announce unreal numbers. That property will be the largest silver find in history when it is drilled a little more. The stock is behaving very well. It will prove why we won't be able to fine tune this market…..

    One more thing - I think that this means something, but the puts are piling up not only in the bullion but also in the XAU and Newmont. I suspect that there is a massive building of pessimism here as many are looking for the next break down. I don't think the precious metals are going to accommodate these people.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Chuck



    You know the story about the elephant in the room? It was a very large elephant, so you could hardly miss it, but because people didn't want to talk about it, they pretended it wasn't there.

    This week thousands of copies of an estimable and long-awaited book by the ECB have thudded onto the desks of central banks around the world. "Risk Management for Central Bank Foreign Reserves" is jam-packed with excellent articles. Just to pick out a few of the best. There is Pierre Cardon and Joachim Coche, of the BIS and ECB respectively, on strategic asset allocation; Roberts Grava of the Latvian central bank on corporate bonds; Mark Dwyer and John Nugee (DST International and State Street Global Advisors) on risk systems; and interesting case studies by central bankers from the Czech republic, Hong Kong, Slovakia, Brazil, Venezuela and Israel. There are contributions from investment bankers from JP Morgan Fleming and others. All this plus a thoughtful introduction by Carlos Bernadell of the ECB and colleagues.

    This book can even stand comparison with the volume produced by Central Banking Publications called "How Countries Manage Reserve Assets".

    Yet there is one big thing missing. Something nobody wants to talk about. It's a four letter word. G-o-l-d. Now, don't all groan!

    At the last count gold valued at current prices accounted for $166 billion (44%) of the euro area's massive external reserves of some $376 billion; it was 59% of France's reserves, 53% of Italy's, 52% of the Netherlands and so on. It is part of the ECB's pooled reserves. Movements in the gold price can have big effects on the balance sheets, reserves and profits of central banks. Historically, gold has always been the quintessential official reserve.

    Yet there is not a single article on gold reserves in this book. Can there really be nothing to say about it? Or nothing the ECB wants said? It is mentioned casually, en passant, in three of the articles but the only discussion of any depth that "Newsmakers" can find from a quick read is in the article by Bert Boertje and Han van der Hoorn of the Netherlands Bank, who say that "gold can be seen as the ultimate war chest". The result of their interesting "balance sheet" approach is to predict a move away from gold and other so-called "high risk" assets towards domestic assets, which is in fact happening.

    One can't help thinking that the editors took one look at this elephant and decided to talk about something else - anything else. I wonder why?

    This is how the poem goes for those who don't know it (the author is unknown):

    There's an elephant in the room.
    It is large and squatting, so it is hard to get around it.
    Yet we squeeze by with, "How are you?" and "I'm fine," and a thousand other
    forms of trivial chatter. We talk about the weather. We talk about work.
    We talk about everything else, except the elephant in the room.


    Telling it like it is:

    Good Morning Bill

    Hope you had a pleasant weekend.

    I'm watching our favorite metals with continuing amazement, as the markets stubbornly refuse to reflect the unsustainable and unpleasant reality of the US and global economic situation pressing in from all directions, aided by the lack of disclosure by the dishonest Trojan Horse mass media.

    I attribute this to the unrelenting, heavy-handed "full court press" manipulation of the ESF, FED, PTB, etc. Their primary desperate mission seems to be to perpetually deceive all as to the nature and origin of the consequences of THEIR irresponsible and unconstitutional meddling in all things monetary. They unremittingly continue to lie to confuse, mislead and mask the problems, and, when the damage they've caused becomes undeniably apparent to most, they will lie to avoid shouldering the blame for their actions, which imo are the main and perhaps sole cause of our imposed debt-based dilemma. The ongoing gold and silver price-fixing betrays the ulterior motives of these antisocial tyrants. All that remains, in my mind, is to speculate upon the "solution" these career criminals have prepared to obscure the origin of the unfolding consequences of their betrayal of the real interests of this country and our people.

    I'm resiliently sticking with what I know to be REAL, despite the persistence of ongoing manipulated market relationships. I do not believe the looking-glass world created from behind the curtain by the money power wizards, no matter how temporally powerful, is sustainable beyond the short-term. Perception of the precarious US economy, as it changes from denial to realization and the attendant shock and despair, will produce changes unpredictable even to the jaded perpetrators of monetary fraud.

    Regardless of the vicissitudes of the markets, gold and silver in hand continue to provide their owners with a tangible assurance that no matter how bad the fallout, there will be an "other side" to what appears to me to be an inevitable crisis.
    Regards, Tom K

    Another scandal brewing on the horizon?

    Jim Currie gave me your name as someone who might assist the small companies and investors who have been robbed blind by short sellers. I have been reporting on this issue for several months now, and the scope of the scandal has floored me. The response we have gotten from readers has been amazing. We are motivated entirely by passion, not profit, and have no hidden agenda in this issue, other than trying to be a voice for the small investor. If there is anything I can do to assist you in your efforts, please let me know. I believe that this is the single most important issue facing America today, bar none. I am enclosing a couple of links to articles we have written on the subject, I usually try to write them so that the average reader can understand the issues, even though they are incredibly complex. If I have a talent that will help expose this scandal, that is it. Thanks again for your efforts.

    "Is Dateline Losing Credibility Over StockGate Story Delays?"

    "Financial Terrorism In America"

    "The Berlin Connection?"

    "StockGate: A Call To Arms"

    Mark Faulk


    Aucklund Ed:

    The other day someone wrote on a chat board that everyone wants to get into Gold at the LAST MINUTE. I've been thinking about this over the weekend. I think he's right.

    I've also thought for a long time that the Fed would NEVER again raise interest rates. They're trapped. The consequences of raising rates to those holding the wrong interest rate derivative contracts, to the housing market and construction industry, to those who swapped long term debt for short term debt would be too dire for the Fed to move.

    Well EVERYONE now thinks the Fed will raise rates in 2 weeks by at least 25 basis points, many are now calling for 50 points.

    This may happen but IF it does raise rates the Fed will not be moving voluntarily. The Fed will NOT be moving to prevent future inflation nor to slow down the economy. No, the Fed will only move because it has NO CHOICE. The market will be FORCING the Fed's hand.

    Today the US trade deficit came in at a shocking $48 Billion. Did the Dollar move on this horrendous news? No.

    Last week US Debt hit $7,214,624,032,891.61. The Congressional debt limit is $7.384 Trillion. At the rate Government is spending money it won't take long (some say mid summer) to hit this Debt limit which either has to be raised JUST before an election or the US goes into default. Bankrupt! Did this news move the Dollar? Well yes, perversely it went up last week!

    Today US 5 yr TSY hit a new yearly low of 40.81 and currently as I write is sitting at 40.70 which is still a new low. 10 yr and 30 yr TSY are just above their lows. Japanese 10 yr bonds have now fallen for 13 days straight.

    On the commodity front Copper inventories in London and NY are now at 238,000 tonnes after falling 2900 tonnes today. Lead is down to stocks of 53,300 tonnes having falling 575 tonnes today. Nickel is down to 9354 tonnes after falling 378 tonnes today. The drawdown on these and other stockpiles has been relentless and point to a mid summer ZERO inventory level. Either the world economy slows down dramatically or we will see metal rationed by higher prices before labor day.

    Meanwhile Gold and Silver and precious metal shares have no friends. The Gold charts all indicate things will only get much worse.

    How can this be? Why do investors prefer to hold Dollars and Yen over Gold? Why? Because they're afraid of higher US interest rates? The argument is that this is bad for Gold. What they're not looking at YET is the growth in the US money supply which is up at an annualized rate of 10%+ so far this year and this rate is accelerating.

    So they sell their Gold. And what do these investors now hold?

    Perhaps US Dollars which are being inflated at the rate of 10 to 20% this year! Or US Bonds which on top of the above inflation of the money supply are dropping to new lows. Or maybe Japanese bonds which have fallen 13 days in a row.

    But the day will soon come when those who have sold their Gold will want back in. They will soon realize that NOTHING has been done to reduce the US trade deficit or Reduce the US budget deficit. More importantly, the market will realize that despite high price inflation, despite the crazy money printing, the tiny 25 or 50 basis point hike of June 30th has sent the US economy reeling. They will realize that everyone is on the wrong side of the trade and they will all try to get in to gold at the LAST MIINUTE. And they will come to understand the true meaning of that old saying:
    There's no rush like a Gold Rush.

    Be right, sit tight. Don't try to time it. The CRISIS is now!
    Got gold?

    Cheers from Auckland. Ed

    Seems most of us in our camp think the same way:

    Hi Bill,
    Another discouraging day for gold bulls after the largest trade deficit ($48.3 billion) in history! With import prices running at an annual 8.4% pace this year and CPI at an annual 4.5% a rational investor would expect the dollar to be tanking and gold to be trading north of $450. I guess the FED and their agents are doing a great job of convincing people that a fast growing CPI, a record trade balance and a fast growing public debt don't matter anymore as long as the printing presses keep running and Mr Greenspan keeps telling people everything is alright.

    I guess our patiences are being tested to the limit but we have got to hang in there.

    Mario Innecco

    Had the pleasure of meeting Willem Middelkoop and Eric Hommelberg last evening at a dinner party thrown by Samex’s Jeff Dahl. Both flew in from The Netherlands. Fun guys and very bright. Willem is a financial market journalist who is not afraid to speak his mind. He sends us this missive:

    Teil I

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Hi Bill,

    thanks again for last night....great evening

    The BIS (Bank for International Settlements) in Basel just released a few new interesting papers.

    In the tables of the BIS Quarterly Review, June 2004 you can find the latest numbers of year-end 2003 on commodity derivatives. Total amount of contracts outstanding rose by more then 50 % to 1406 billion dollars (1,4 trillion).

    Gold contracts rose, despite the decrease of hedging activities from goldmines, by almost 10 % to 344 billion dollars from 315 billion in december 2002. More interesting is the rise in the "other"-commodity category. This position almost doubled from 608 billion tot 1062 billion dollars. This could be the result of a large rise in outstanding silver derivative contracts.

    You can find all numbers on page 11 of the "Table of contents of 'International banking and financial market developments" (BIS Quarterly Review), June 2004.

    Also interesting are the new BIS-publication on the recent initiatives by the Financial Stability Forum of the BIS bankers

    Willem Middelkoop

    From Sarge:

    “Hey, at exactly 11:14 an entity stepped in and halted the DOW decline with a purchase of 150,000 DIAmonds. Then 2 minutes later 1,000,000 QQQs were bought. At the same time the DIAs were purchased, the opening salvo of a heinous attack on the HUI started. 181 needed to be broken to violate a "Wave 1" high of the most recent small rally. Once that was broken the next target to the downside became 172.49, the low on 13 MAY. They will try to take the market below that point now.”

    Samex Mining is my second largest holding. On Friday CEO Jeff Dahl put out two press releases which can be read at What they have come across in Chile is nothing less than astounding and no one seems to give a crud. This is the deal:

    *Phelps Dodge owned a portion of a 42 square kilometer piece of property assembled by Samex in the middle of copper/precious metal elephant country in Chile and pretty much gave up on it, selling their portion to Samex and retaining a back-in right on any size vcopper deposits. Many geologists will tell you a mining property only becomes credible when first given up on by a major mining company.

    *Over the past months Samex has done extensive trenching/sampling and identified 6 to 7 targets all of which have shown considerable mineralization.

    *Major discoveries require targets of this size and then need “the juice” in those bodies to make them economic to mine. This will be ascertained by drilling to commence this summer.

    *In essence investing in Samex, as a result of recent developments, is like investing in 6 to 7 exploration companies. The risk of the investment has decreased as a result of finding so many mineralized targets. If one of these size targets proves to be economic, we have a BIG winner. If more than one is economic, and a good portion of this property includes a number of economic ore deposits (to include gold, silver and copper), we have a BONANZA – which now has the potential to become one of the major discoveries in Chile.

    *The Samex property, Los Zoros, is on trend with major copper, gold and silver mines, run by some of the world’s most prestigious mining companies such as Phelps Dodge and AUR Resources. BHP and RTZ have their own exploration concessions adjacent and are also on trend next to Samex’s property.

    *Samex is only a few drill holes away from having its share price be a moon shot.

    *Like I said though, nobody seems to care. Samex traded below 50 cents last time I checked. I keep buying.

    The Vancouver conference has been wonderful. Great to see Chris Powell, Ed Steer and Mike Bolser. Our GATA Board meeting was very productive.

    Had lunch with Bob Hoye, a veteran market commentator who has a substantial institutional market following in Canada and in the US, and spoke at some length with John Mauldin, who also has a very large following in the US. We spoke briefly about our differences on the PPT and agreed to get together in Dallas, as he lives fairly close by me.

    The gold shares were tagged with the HUI falling 7.73 to 177.78 and the XAU sinking 3.04 to 80.79.

    Will be in Vancouver until tomorrow mid-day.




    From Mahendra this past weekend:

    Final letter - Good bye till 4th September

    Dear Members/Bill,
    As I present the likely trends for this week, today I have resolved to delve into more details in regard to metals. This is in recognition of the essential need for planning in your short, medium and long term investment decisions. It is intended to assist you adequately grasp the scenario as it is likely to unfold, and consequently be guided to make the appropriate decisions. I therefore urge you to be particularly attentive as you read this newsletter.

    Last week, my expectation of a weak trend besetting metals was only confined to occur on Tuesday and not on Wednesday. Contrary to this expectation however, we are all painfully aware of how bad Wednesday turned out to be. This is something which I never saw in my calculations and it is indeed the second instance in which this kind of miscalculation has occurred to me for the last three years. The first time, this happened last year when gold fell from $360 to $320, which was way beyond my expectation of a downward trend of up to $338. A similar thing happened for the second time during this week when I did not perceive the downslide of the price to below $387. This can only mean that I am either missing some thing in my calculations or that there is a short term presence of powerful external forces.

    Since the influence of external forces can only be temporary, it should merely last for a maximum two to three days. Therefore, this means that gold and silver should steadily move up during the next week. If this however fails to occur and the metals are unsuccessful in embarking onto an upper side movement within the next week, then I am a little bit scared of the possible implications. If this is what occurs, then my recommendation is that you sell 50% of your position in metals because they could further go down or remain 5% weak for another 32 days.

    As you are all aware, I am anticipating better tidings from the month of August. This is because I am predicting a period of great rise in metal prices to commence from that time. Why don't we therefore maintain some money in our safes till the start of this very strong period.

    In the last quarter of 2004 I expect metal prices to attain unprecedented levels, with gold hitting $525, Silver at $12 to $14 and $390 for Palladium. If you take these prices into account, one sure thing is that metal prices will have a great run towards the end of this year. If you keep on losing money in the short term by engaging in uncertain trading, then you might not be in a position to take full advantage of the great rise when it finally occurs. My counsel is that you should be prudent in your dealings and be poised to grab the moment when the right time comes.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Astrological movements reveal that if metals fail to rise on Monday and Tuesday, then I recommend that you sell 40% to 60% of your holdings in metals and remain with cash in anticipation of the big last quarter kill. This will be a momentous phase because for the first time in history, people around the world and players in the financial market including you shall truly appreciate the contribution of astrology to world events. You shall be witness to how astrological advice can change one's life path and launch it onto a beautiful road that is devoid of pain, uncertainty and losses. All this is however dependent upon acting appropriately and doing so at the right timing. Indeed, I believe in the right timing and the role of luck in world and human affairs.

    There are specific times within a specific sector when astrological cycles reward positive results to everybody that is involved in the sector during that particular period. A case in point is the technology boom of 1997-1999 and the metal rise witnessed in the 2003 and first quarter of 2004. It is however also a fact that when times are uncertain, only a few people gain because they enter at the opportune moment and exit at the right time while, the vast majority (75%) incur losses. During a phase when the astrological cycles are emphatically negative, the majority of players lose out because 90% of them get stuck.

    FINAL NOTE: My counsel to those who are experiencing sleepless nights and are unhappy for being stuck in metal within the current uncertain trend, is that they should exit on Tuesday after confirmation that metals are not performing well. I will send out my opinion for the future outlook on a daily basis during this week because the reality from last Wednesday's trend has also shaken me up considerably.

    POSITIVE POINT: According to astrological calculations, Metal prices should strongly rise on Monday in New York and on Tuesday in Asia, Europe and USA (I know metals experts are negative on net week). If this does not happen, then it will be a very ominous sign indeed. As I mentioned earlier, this may herald the commencement of a very bad phase. On the other hand, a rise will be a sign of great things to come, though I still recommend that you remain 50% in cash. As I have indicated in my book 2004 WORLD & FINANCIAL PROPHECIES, "2 April to 7 May will be a bad period for metals. It will also be a bad period for metal from mid of June, till the second week of July".

    It is my hope that the analysis I have given above will help you in planning. Let us now see what is indicating for this week and why it is important.

    Predictions (newsletter) from 14 June to 18 June:


    If the situation does not unfold as predicted on a positive day of planetary movements, then it means that there are also other negative forces that are exerting an opposing influence, but which I am however not able to discern. For this week, MONDAY and TUESDAY are the best days for metal and the Moon should eradicate the uncertainty prevailing in investors' minds. Wednesday appears directionless while astrological indicators mark Thursday to be a bad day for metal and the world in general. Metals should go down on Thursday but stabilize thereafter on Friday.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: I shall send you a small note on Tuesday concerning your next course of action and whether to remain invested in the market with 20% or 50% to 80%.


    The same prediction for gold as stated above is also applicable and valid for silver. I shall similarly give you further guidance concerning silver on Tuesday. Don't forget that I am predicting great rise in silver prices in last quarter in next year.


    In previous newsletter I recommended buying Palladium on Friday but the Friday market was closed. You can buy a small quantity at the $210 level. The same applies to Platinum.

    Note: I see indications that any time around Thursday, there will be a bad period for the world. We should pray for a smooth period for the world since we wouldn't want to make money from the rise of gold while other people are dying. We simply don't want that kind of money which is tainted by such a connection to blood or death. We therefore pray that the week ends without any evil being suffered.


    Last quarter of 2002, I launched my third book "2003 World Prophecies" many people bought and I started receiving emails saying, Mahendra how this is possible because you saying Metals rise and same time Technology and stock market great bull-run in the year 2003? And currently we are in full grip of bear market. I said no arguments lets wait till 2003 end. Astrological calculation came true and metal as well as technology stocks performed well in the year 2003. Many investors missed the entire technology rally of 2003 because at the end of 2002 they been misguided by many experts bearish view when market was at bottom and I saw that bottom and I predicted "buy".

    At present many might be thinking that, I write too much on metal and may have special love for metal that is why recommending to get-out from US Dollar and stock market. Here I must illuminate that my prediction are not based on love and hate. I just predict what I see. Like in 1996 I recommended my clients to buy technology and toward the end of 1999 advised them to get out.

    After waiting for a long time for this date, 21 June 2004 is approaching nearer with the passing of each day. I think that I have adequately warned investment communities and the common investors on second half of 2004. If they insist on staying there and decide not to heed my repeated calls for caution, then that will now be entirely upon them. The impending stock market crash and the August metal rise predictions will finally help bestow credibility and respect to astrology as a subject. I know that many people are skeptical but the truth is that my experience with astrology to this day has been incredible. I can hardly believe it myself when I look back on my track record.

    I still distinctly remember a day at the age of 19 in May of 1987 at summer time in India (Bombay). It was very hot and I was walking and sweating (I didn't have a car) with my first official predictions on the world written with my own handwriting in the Hindi language. I arrived at the local newspaper office and presented my story and I was thrown out of the premises. In the same week, similar incidents happened with other media houses who declared that I was not sane. They openly wondered how a person with no previous public track record could strut into a media house and claim to have a warning about important future occurrences of the world. At all events, they did not take me seriously.

    The three predictions that I held in my hand that day in 1987 were my first official prophecies on paper. I expected these events to come to pass by 1991. They were:

    1. Disintegration and final collapse of the USSR, fall of communism, collapse of the soviet economy and currency. I also foresaw the resultant widespread poverty and the downfall of Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev.

    2. USA-IRAQ war. I foresaw the termination of the Iraq and Iran conflict.

    3. The rise of OIL.

    My persistence finally paid off when my predictions were published in a small Hindi magazine in July 1987. This was after making a deal with the magazine owner in which I agreed to read his astrological chart in exchange for the coverage. It was after all not a bad deal.

    Please do not mistake me though. I merely try to present my vision to the world with no more intention than pass on information to key persons in world affairs so that they can in turn make the world a better place. I try to give direction to players in the financial market so that they can also share part of their proceeds with the needy in our society.

    It is indeed sad that even when gold went from $255 to $433, I received very few emails from people who did something to support the needy. I think people were very busy in making money. However, it is apt to realize that if you do not share what has been granted unto you, it usually will go away through other means.

    Anyhow, to cut the whole story short I am now waiting for the fulfillment of three important predictions. The first is a great rise in Metal prices, then a great stock market crash and finally the revelation of a mind-boggling scam involving the production and circulation of counterfeit currency.


    The Japanese Yen will soon become the leader in world currencies. This week the US Dollar will once again start declining from Wednesday. South African Rand will start losing its value more against Yen, Pound, Euro, Franc compare to US Dollar but still I hold the prediction on Rand to reach around $8.50 by end of this year.


    Prices will catch fire. Therefore buy oil on Wednesday.


    Coffee, Orange Juice and cotton are ready to move up.


    The world is on the threshold of entering into a terrible 42 DAYS cycle. The Iraq handover will take place peacefully during the reign of the blood and war planet, MARS.



    There are also indications that some natural disaster is imminent. I shall however soon announce the dates for the fulfillment of these predictions.

    Let us all pray together for the peace and harmony of this planet. Let us pray that our leaders (especially extremist politicians and religious leaders) will embark onto the right path and steer the world towards peace. It is only through love and peace that we can transform the current discord in the world to tranquillity and harmony for the good of everyone. A HAPPY NATURE CAN PROVIDE US WITH EVERY THING THAT WE NEED. We should therefore believe in nature because we are creations of nature and shall all end up in it. Religion and politics have only served to divide the world.

    Finally, let me state that compared to Iraq, the African continent is undergoing much more pain. The agony of the suffering millions in Africa is clear in their eyes and I wish that the world could send more assistance to rescue the people enduring the most distress instead of focusing on WAR and bloodshed. IT IS AFRICA THAT NEEDS ALL THE SUPPORT AND REBUILDING IT CAN BE GIVEN, NOT IRAQ (Iraq has enough oil for the purpose).

    Bill, you found me and got me on your site first, till than you have supported me and my work though few time on short term prediction I came off track but you had a great faith in me. I came to know that one of your subscriber doesn't want to read my view and you know my nature that I don't want anybody to feel angry or upset because of me; I don't want to heart any human soul, So for time being I am quitting from Le-metro.

    Thanks & God Bless
    Mahendra Sharma

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…50072197&col=969048863851

    Jun. 15, 2004. 01:00 AM

    China fuels worldwide mining boom
    Earnings double with big jump in commodity prices

    Big winners include Canadian firms, report says


    China's roaring economy is helping to fuel a worldwide mining boom, and Canadian firms are among the winners, a new industry survey suggests.

    Thanks to a sharp rise in commodity prices since the beginning of 2003, spurred by strong demand in Asia for raw materials, the world's 30 largest publicly traded mining companies doubled their net profits last year, according to a study released by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

    The group of firms, including seven from Canada, posted earnings of $11.5 billion (U.S.), compared with $5.8 billion the prior year. Revenues increased 18 per cent, to $110.3 billion.


    "The industry has had a hard ride over the last decade," said Paul Murphy, a partner in PWC's Canadian mining practice. "That seems to have completely reversed itself in the last 12 to 18 months."

    Buoyed by high prices for metals, mining companies are again in expansion mode, Murphy said, noting that the average return on equity increased to 10.5 per cent last year, up from 6.7 per cent in 2002.

    Total market capitalization, the value of all outstanding stock, in the mining industry stood at $390 billion as of March 2004, nearly double the level 18 months earlier, the study said.

    Canada accounts for roughly 15 per cent of that total, behind only the United Kingdom and Australia.

    The biggest risk ahead is a downturn in the global economy, in particular China's ability to smoothly cool its economic expansion to more sustainable levels.


    "If they can land China softly, and you see the Indian economy surge and the American economy move along, you are going to see tremendous prices for copper and nickel, and I'd guess gold as well," Murphy predicted.

    That said, the report cautions "history has shown us that bringing too much new production on stream in response to such a favourable environment has exacerbated the start of the decline of the global cycle."

    In other words, prices will fall if too much product is brought to market.

    The Canadian dollar, which soared 21 per cent in 2003, did hurt profits at Canadian firms. While revenues are collected in U.S. dollars, a significant portion of costs, including labour, must be paid in Canadian dollars.

    But the increase in commodity prices has more than offset the impact of a higher Canadian exchange rate, Murphy said.

    Miners in South Africa, on the other hand, are struggling with their beefed up currency, the rand, which gained even more than the loonie against the greenback, he added.


    "It is hurting the industry in South Africa right now," he said. "That may have some long-term effects on the supply of gold."

    The study also looked at safety records. China was by far the deadliest place to be a miner. More than 6,000 workers lost their lives there in 2003.

    Other countries were examined using 2002 data. In South Africa, one miner died on the job for every 2.9 million man-hours worked.

    In Canada, one person died for every 4.8 million hours worked.

    Australia is the safest place for miners, with one person dying for every 33 million hours worked.

  • Wenn Du geschwiegen hättest...

    Ein kanadisches Berufungsgericht musste sich ein zweites Mal mit einem Fall von Verleumdung beschäftigen. Die in 1. Instanz beschlossene Geldstrafe war nach Ansicht des Beklagten zu hoch. Das Berufungsgericht berücksichtigte bei seiner Entscheidung nun aber den Umstand, dass die Verleumdung im Internet erfolgte und kommt zu einem viel härteren Urteil.

    Geklagt hatte die Barrick Gold Corporation, einer der weltweit größten Goldproduzenten. Das Unternehmen betreibt unter anderem die Goldmine Pascua Lama in Chile, die etwa 25 Prozent der gesamten Goldvorräte des Unternehmens enthalten soll.

    Bereits im Januar 2001 schickte der Beklagte Jorge Lopehandia einen Drohbrief an Barrick, der unter anderem vom Besitzer eines benachbarten Claims unterschrieben war. In diesem Schreiben hieß es, das Unternehmen habe sich unrechtmäßig in den Besitz der Mine versetzt. Sollte die Forderung des Absenders nach 3 Millionen US-Dollar nicht innerhalb von 10 Tagen erfüllt werden, so werde das Ansehen Barricks in Chile und vielleicht sogar weltweit ernsthaften Schaden nehmen.

    Das Unternehmen antwortete, es habe sich kein unrechtmäßiges Handeln vorzuwerfen. Daraufhin startete der Beklagte eine umfangreiche Kampagne gegen den Beklagten. Hauptsächlich in öffentlichen Internet-Foren der Finanzwelt publizierte er Aussagen, die das Ansehen Barricks schädigen sollten. Insgesamt sollen seine Postings "neun dicke Ordner" füllen.

    Seine Aussagen wurden dabei von der Richterin in erster Instanz als eindeutig unwahr bezeichnet. Er wurde daher - in Abwesenheit - zu 15.000 kanadischen Dollar (ca. 9.150 Euro) Schadensersatz verurteilt. Gegen das Urteil legte er Berufung ein. Seine Postings veröffentlichte er aber weiterhin.

    Dieses fehlende Unrechtsbewusstsein wird dazu beigetragen haben, dass das Berufungsgericht zu einer neuen Einschätzung der Tatschwere kommt. Aber auch das Internet als Kommunikationskanal wurde bei der aktuellen Entscheidung stärker berücksichtigt. Und das betrifft nicht nur den Umstand, dass die im Internet veröffentlichten Informationen weltweit verfügbar sind.

    Die Richter haben auch die spezielle Art und Weise berücksichtigt, wie Informationen im Internet wahrgenommen werden. Die 1. Instanz hatte beispielsweise noch einen mildernden Umstand darin gesehen, dass viele der Behauptungen für "jeden vernünftigen Menschen" augenscheinlich unwahr waren.

    Doch das gilt im Internet offenbar nicht. Dort werden Informationen nach Meinung der Richter schneller für bare Münze genommen als im normalen Leben. Das zumindest erkennen sie anhand der Mails von Foren-Lesern und Aktieninhabern der Goldmine, in denen um Klärung gebeten wird.

    Daher wurde das Urteil aus 1. Instanz aufgehoben und durch ein wesentlich härteres ersetzt. Nach dieser Entscheidung muss der Beklagte nun insgesamt 125.000 kanadische Dollar (ca. 76.300 Euro) an Schadensersatz zahlen. Alleine 50.000 erhält der Kläger als Schadensersatz mit Strafcharakter (punitive damages).

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Iraq Pipeline Explosions Cut Oil Exports
    Two Explosions on Pipelines in Southern Iraq Cut Oil Exports by Half in South, Oil Company Says

    The Associated Press

    [Blockierte Grafik:…ry/AP/BAG10506151320.jpeg]

    BAGHDAD, Iraq June 15, 2004 — Explosions ripped through two pipelines Tuesday in southern Iraq, cutting oil exports from the south by half, the Iraqi South Oil Co. said. Officials blamed Saddam Hussein loyalists and al-Qaida for the attacks.
    Firefighters were able to control the fire that broke out on pipelines in the Hamdan area just north of Faw, but the damage was so extensive that pumphing had to be halted, said South Oil official Samir Jassim.


    "We hold Saddam followers and al-Qaida responsible for the two attacks," Jassim said.

    The first explosion early Tuesday set the pipeline on fire and was followed later by another blast. The two pipelines export crude oil from a pumping station called Zubeir 1 to a crude oil depot in Faw, 40 miles southeast of Basra.

    The blasts cut exports from the south by one half, Jassim said.

    Contracts of U.S. light crude for July delivery are up 49 cents at $38.08 per barrel in New York. July contracts of Brent crude are up 8 cents at $35.57 in London.

    The Iraqi attack has been responsible for "all of the movement off the bottom" by oil prices in Tuesday's trading, said Paul Horsnell, the head of energy research at Barclays Capital in London.


    "If oil flows to Gulf export terminals have been interrupted, there's not mush storage space out there for tankers to continue loading for long," Horsnell said. "The Iraqi Oil Ministry had aimed at exporting 2 million barrels a day in June. This looks unlikely now."

    Horsnell said the Iraqis would be lucky to average 1.5 million-1.6 million barrels per day in exports from the south in light of this attack.

    Coalition officials fear that insurgents will step up attacks on infrastructure targets prior to the June 30 transfer of sovereignty to an interim government to undermine public confidence both in the U.S. occupation authority and the new regime.

    Iraq's oil pipelines are frequently attacked.

    In May, a main southern export pipeline was set ablaze in the Faw peninsula, stopping the flow of crude oil through one of the lines feeding the Basra oil terminal, a key export point.

    That attack forced Iraq to reduce exports to 1.1 million barrels a day from the south at a time when oil markets are highly concerned about tight supplies.

    photo credit and caption: Iraq's Interim President Ghazi al-Yawer walks with an unidentified foreign bodyguard after addressing a news conference in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad June 15, 2004. Yawer told journalists that the United States is "very keen" in handing over the ousted leader Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi government for trial. (AP Photo/Ceerwan Aziz/POOL)

    Copyright 2004 The Associated Press.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Greenspan will lockere Geldpolitik beenden

    Alan Greenspan hat die Märkte in einer Rede vor dem Bankenausschuss auf ein Ende der Niedrigzinsphase vorbereitet. Die Zinserhöhung werde aber maßvoll sein, kündigte der US-Notenbankchef an.

    Washington - "Unsere generelle Ansicht ist, dass Inflationsdruck höchstwahrscheinlich keine ernste Besorgnis in der nächsten Zukunft darstellt", sagte Greenspan bei der Anhörung vor dem Bankenausschuss des Senats. Allerdings könnten die zuletzt rasant gestiegenen Energiepreise noch zu einem Problem werden. Die US-Notenbank werde dies weiter genau beobachten.

    Der Dollar baute nach den Äußerungen seine Verluste zum Euro aus, die Aktienmärkte legten zu. Viele Anleger hatten zuletzt auf eine baldige kräftige Zinserhöhung spekuliert und entsprechende Signale erwartet


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Fundamentale Argumente sprechen gegen den Dollar

    14. Juni 2004 Kurzfristige Kursgewinne gegen den Euro und Meldungen wie „Zinsspekulationen stützen den Dollar“ zeigen die Kurzatmigkeit vieler Marktteilnehmer im Devisenbereich. Oft werden Kursbewegungen nur eindimensional erklärt. Aktuell sprechen Gerüchte über frühe und starke Zinserhöhungen in Amerika angeblich für den Dollar.

    Denn sollten die Zinsen in Amerika rasch und deutlich steigen, während sie in anderen Teilen der Welt auf tieferem Niveau verharren oder auch nur langsam steigen, dann spräche die zunehmende Zinsdifferenz für den Dollar. So oder so ähnlich lauten oft die Überlegungen. Sie dürften allerdings relativ naiv sein. Denn entscheidend - wenn überhaupt - ist der Realzins. Damit kommt es darauf an, was schneller steigt: der Leitzins oder die Inflation. Die Zinsdifferenz würde sich folglich nur zugunsten des Dollars verändern, wenn die Leitzinsen schneller als die Preise zunehmen würden. Sonst wäre die Entwicklung negativ für den Dollar.

    Wirkung steigender Zinsen nicht eindeutig

    Und selbst, wenn das der Fall sein sollte, können die Effekte für die Währung recht unterschiedlich sein. Steigende Zinsen können den Dollar erstens aufwerten lassen, wenn sie ausländische Anleger anlocken, die dann verstärkt in amerikanische Rentenpapiere investieren wollen. Sie können den Dollar aber auch fallen lassen, weil ausländische Anleger, die schon längst in amerikanische Anleihen investiert sind, aussteigen wollen, um sich vor weiteren Kursverlusten zu schützen.

    Höhere Zinsen beeinflussen nicht nur den Wert von Anleihen, sondern auch den von Aktien, Immobilien und anderen Wertgegenständen. Sie werden auf Grund der „Diskontierungsmechanismus“ bei steigenden Zinsen immer weniger wert und könnten ausländische Anleger ebenfalls zum Verkauf verleiten. Auch das spräche gegen den Dollar. Damit ist die Wirkung von Zinserhöhungen auf den Dollar zunächst keineswegs eindeutig.

    Sie dürfte es dann werden, wenn man andere Faktoren einbezieht. Beispielsweise das bisher immer weiter zunehmende Leistungsbilanzdefizit, das allein im April bei einem Minus von 48,3 Milliarden Dollar lag. Es zeigt die zunehmende Verschuldung Amerikas gegenüber dem Ausland an. Bisher wurde die Leistungsbilanz vor allem von der Handelsbilanz - also dem realen Waren- und Güterverkehr - bestimmt, da die Kapitalverkehrsbilanz auf Grund der gigantischen Währungsinterventionen der asiatischen Staaten „frisiert“ wurde. Sollte sich das ändern, könnte das Leistungsbilanzdefizit noch schneller als bisher zunehmen.

    Zahlungs- und Leistungsbilanz als wichtig Größen

    In diesem Zusammenhang dürften Meldungen interessant sein, nach denen China in den vergangenen Monaten signifikante Mittel aus dem Dollarbereich abgezogen und in asiatische Währungen getauscht hat. Sollte sich dieser Trend fortsetzen - und mit Blick auf eine mögliche Aufwertung der chinesischen Währung gegen den Dollar wäre das nur konsequent - dann könnten deutlich höhere Zinsen in Amerika notwendig werden, um das Defizit überhaupt noch finanzieren zu können. Dramatisch könnte es dann werden, wenn auch Japan seine im Dollarraum investierten Mittel reduzieren sollte.

    Steigende Zinsen könnten in Amerika gleichzeitig „die Mutter aller Carry-Trades“ zum Absturz bringen. Auf Grund extrem tiefer Zinsen haben sich die amerikanischen Konsumenten über alle Ohren verschuldet, um Autos, Häuser, schöne Einrichtungsgegenstände et cetera zu kaufen. Sie ließen sich dabei von ihrem auf Grund steigender Preise scheinbar zunehmenden Vermögen blenden. Preise - und damit das Vermögen - können aber bei steigenden Zinsen auch wieder fallen. Gleichzeitig wird die Bedienung der Kredite, die oft variabel sind, immer weniger machbar.

    Was kein gutes Vorzeichen für den Konsum insgesamt wäre. Insgesamt steht damit nicht nur die amerikanische Wirtschaft, sondern vor allem auch der Dollar längerfristig auf schwachen Fundamenten. Die fundamentalen Argumente sprechen - trotz aller denkbaren Intermezzi - weiterhin gegen den Dollar.

  • Hallo Thai...

    Ja... ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Urlaub....hoffe das du dich gut erholst und uns dann im September bei einem Goldpreis von hoffentlich 430 $ wieder so umfangreich informierst...

    Viel spaß beim Tauchen und Schnorcheln !

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Ja... einfach deiner Palmenhütte gibts kein Internet....

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    ...dafür aber Goldene Sonnenuntergänge....

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Grüße von Goldbugs500

  • Hallo Thai,

    auch ich wünsche Dir einen tollen und vor allem erholsamen Urlaub!
    Ich werde dich auf jeden Fall vermissen. Pass bitte auf, wenn Du unter
    Palmen liegst. Rein statistisch gesehen ist die Chance, von einer herab-
    fallenden Kokosnuss getötet zu werden höher, als durch einen Haian-
    griff ums Leben zu kommen.

    Eine kleine Bitte habe ich noch: Bring mir bitte was schönes mit!!!



  • Golden Bull Serves Correction Time!

    Contributed by Olaf Sztaba
    June 15, 2004

    INTRODUCTORY SUMMARY: That's enough! The golden bull went too far, too fast with prices rallying to 16-year highs of just above $430 per ounce. As a result, correction forces overcame the excited bulls and a correction has begun. There is no point worrying now. The secular bull market is right on target. The ongoing correction is just one of those readjustment stops that allow market forces to address the excesses of the last up-leg.

    GOLD NOW: In our last Market Comment we argued that: "The latest mini-run could be a reaction to a dramatic decline and should not be viewed as the beginning of the next major up-leg, not just yet. There is a strong possibility that what we saw was just the test of the averages and the corrective move will continue." Indeed, gold's mini-run stalled at its 50- and 200-day moving averages and the metal currently trades below those two trend indicators. While the shorter one (the 50-day MA) is trading downwards, the longer one (the 200-day MA) is still shaping to the upside.

    Gold's latest manoeuvres don't seem to be well received by the growing army of goldbugs. Disappointment is in the air. Again, there is no reason to be angry. This bull is strong and well. The correction is a process of adjustment to higher prices and preparation for another up-leg. The current corrective move is the most significant since the bull market in gold started. It will last as long as it takes to eliminate the greatest number of players. It will bite long enough to disappoint and hurt the most patient and passionate. Finally it will end when most give up.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Having said that, here is the technical DNA of the end of the correction. Watch for the following:

    An oversold condition
    The completion of an "a-b-c" move, when "c" is lower than "a"
    A positive divergence by the MACD (a condition when a lower reading by gold is accompanied by a higher reading on the MACD)
    A negative sentiment towards gold and gold stocks
    A rally that lifts gold and the gold averages above both the 50- and the 200-day moving averages

    Finally, the bull market in gold is usually asleep during the February-August period and it is not until September-February that the yellow metal acts again.

    In sum, gold, as projected, hit the 50- and 200-day MAs and turned down. The next leg of the correction is now underway. It should provide another buying opportunity for all latecomers.
    A SECULAR (multi-year) PICTURE: In the long haul, gold should lead the pack. All conditions are set for the yellow metal to continue its advance towards an all-time high. The underlying conditions that feed the ongoing bull market in gold may change over time but the golden multi-year rally will continue until it reaches all previous set records and beyond. It is here to shock the investment community. It is here to take only the most loyal and disciplined along for the ride.

    Gold and gold stocks continue the adjustment process. The excesses of the last rally are being eliminated. The ongoing correction offers another opportunity to pick the best stocks one-by-one as they become attractive. This correction may stretch a little bit longer than anticipated but the up-leg that follows should provide adequate reward for those who hang in there.

    For individual gold stocks recommendations, sign in for a free trial at

  • [Blockierte Grafik:], Mi, 16.6.2004, 10:55
    Rebellen legen irakischen Ölexport lahm

    Eine Serie von Attentaten und Sabotageakten beeinträchtigt die irakischen Ölexporte. Bewaffnete töteten einen hochrangigen Berater der North Oil Company im nordirakischen Kirkuk.
    Wegen mehrerer Sabotageakte in den vergangenen Tagen ist zudem der Ölexport von den südlichen Feldern vollständig zum Erliegen gekommen. Mit Anschlägen auf Pipelines haben irakische Rebellen die Ölexporte im Hafen von Basra vollständig gestoppt. Nach Angriffen auf zwei Leitungen der südirakischen Halbinsel Fau wurden auch die beiden Pipelines der benachbarten Wirtschaftsmetropole angegriffen. Im Norden sind Pipelines nach Anschlägen geschlossen.

    Die Gewalt hat am Ölmarkt die Sorgen verstärkt, Extremisten griffen zunehmend die Ölindustrie im Nahen Osten an und beeinträchtigten damit die Ölversorgung. Nach den jüngsten Anschlägen legte der Preis für ein Barrel (rund 159 Liter) an den internationalen Märkten weiter zu. Am Mittwoch wurde ein Barrel der führenden Nordsee-Sorte Brent um 29 Cent teurer mit 35,32 $ gehandelt.

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