Eine weitere Gold bullische Meldung!
Ob da wohl endlich Gold Bullion Banken gemerkt haben, dass die Nachfrage nach physischem Gold wahrscheinlich schon sehr bald nicht mehr befriedigt werden kann, wenn Gold weiterhin so begeehrt ist, und immer weiger davon neu gefördert werden kann?
Oder ist es nur ein erster Schritt, die Menschen darauf vorzubereiten, was da in Sachen Goldversorgung auf uns in riesen Schritten zukommen wird.
Diese für Gold Bugs so bullische Meldung stammt von ABC News, doch wer der Verfasser dieser Meldung ist, danach sucht man leider bei ABC News Online vergeblich.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://abc.net.au/news/img/newsbanner_left.gif]
Last Update: Thursday, September 16, 2004. 10:37am (AEST)
Gold investment hits $8billion
A new survey has found gold industry investment has reached $8 billion for the first time in the survey's history.
The Australian Gold Council conducted the survey and says it is a 5 per cent increase on last year's figures.
The survey also shows regional areas will benefit from most of the investment.
The Gold Council's Tamara Gorrie says the rise reflects a sharp increase in operational activities, with only a small portion of investment going into exploration.
Ms Gorrie says although the outlook for gold is positive, the lack of investment in exploration is very concerning.
"Exploration is the industry's future. Without exploration it doesn't have a future," she said.
Zitat"It's the randd [research and development] of the industry and we must simply devote more resources to exploration. More money must go into the ground to find the mines that will sustain the gold sector into the future."