Eric Hommelberg with some valuable input on the HUI and the gold shares:
Hi Bill,
The disconnection between the PM shares and Gold is reaching an extreme again just as it did in March 2003 and May 2004. The chart which visualizes this is the Gold/HUI ratio. During a Gold Bull market the PM shares tend to rise faster than bullion itself. While Gold rose 80% over the last three years the HUI rose more than 600%. There it is. HUI rises faster than Gold in a Gold bull market. Sometimes Gold outperforms the HUI and vice versa but overall the HUI rises faster than Gold itself. Sometimes the temporary undervaluation of the PM shares goes to such extremes that it provides a perfect BUY opportunity. These BUY opportunities occurred over the last three years when the RSI of the Gold/HUI ratio crossed the 70 mark. (see chart below).
[Blockierte Grafik:]
In March of 2003 when the HUI hit a low of 112, it rallied all the way up to its peak of 252 in December of that year , an increase of more than 100%. In May of this year the HUI bottomed at 163 and rallied all the way up to 240 by the end of September, an increase of more than 50%. Since beginning of October the PM shares are anticipating an inevitable correction pushing themselves into an extreme undervaluation compared to Gold (pushing the Gold/HUI RSI into overbought area. But what happens if Gold does not correct from here but marches further towards the $480 area ? Well, the PM shares will have to catch up. We saw that PM shares could easily appreciate 50-100% from previous RSI tops. That would translate into a HUI exceeding the 300 mark easily.
Best, Eric
The gold shares continue act horribly with the XAU losing 1.40 to 102.40 and the HUI dropping 2.67 to 224.62. The only positive for the HUI was it bounced off 220 by support, making a low of 220.90 early on.
Many of the gold shares are trading at 50% of what they were a year ago with gold $30 lower. What a marvelous time to be stepping up to the plate on some of the quality golds which have been beaten up for no reason other than technical considerations.