Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)


    by John Calverley

    U.S. house prices rose 13% in the year to Q3, including an astonishing 42% leap in Nevada, 27% in California and 23% in Washington DC. Prices have risen a long way on the coasts over the last 7 years with gains of 134% in California, 103% in Massachusetts and 92% in New Jersey and 89% in New York. Inland regions have generally been more stable so the nationwide average gains since 1997 is a more moderate 65%. Nevertheless, with house price inflation accelerating, it looks as though the United States is in the early-to-middle stages of a bubble. In the U.K. and Australia more advanced bubbles are key factors in economic performance and monetary policy. The United States is likely to go the same way.

    One of the causes of the bubble is that people seem to have forgotten that house prices can fall as well as rise. And the risks of a significant fall are more acute now than for over 50 years because of the low rate of inflation in consumer prices and the threat of deflation. Between the 1950s and the mid 1990s falling consumer prices, deflation, was virtually unknown anywhere. The world's attention was focused entirely on battling rising prices, inflation, which had become the number one economic problem. But by the late 1990s the battle against inflation was won and deflation had emerged in several countries in Asia including Japan.

    Deflation is a new and troubling threat for all of us, brought up in an era of continuous inflation. Almost nobody alive today, even the venerable Mr. Greenspan, was an active market participant or policy-maker in the 1930s, the last time the United States suffered deflation. Yet, during the 19th century and right up to the 1930s, deflation was common, indeed even normal, while inflation was usually only seen at the height of economic booms and in wartime.

    In the U.S., deflation is still only a hypothetical possibility, but in Japan it is a painful reality. Japan's stock and property bubbles deflated rapidly in the early 1990s and a series of short-lived upswings were each soon ended by a new downturn. In this weak environment, inflation gradually dropped to zero and then deflation set in, starting in 1995. As of the end of 2004 Japan's price level has fallen a cumulative 10%.

    A world of very low inflation, and potentially deflation, makes the current house price bubbles more dangerous than in the past and, from an investor and homeowner point of view, means that houses are a more risky investment. After past price bubbles, house price adjustments were limited in nominal terms by the cushion of high underlying inflation. Indeed in the United States, the nationwide price index has never fallen in nominal terms. In fact, there was a 10% adjustment in real prices in the 1990s, but it was hidden by the high consumer price inflation of the time. In some regions, the real price adjustment was greater and so nominal prices fell too. For example, Californian home prices fell 10% in nominal terms in the early 1990s, with a 24% decline in real terms.

    How much effect would a fall in house prices have on the economy? The bursting of the 1990s stock market bubble wiped about $5 trillion off U.S. household wealth. It would take a 33% fall in home prices to have the same impact. A decline of this magnitude cannot be ruled out if valuation ratios for housing, such as the house price-earnings ratio or the house price-rents ratio returned to past cyclical lows, but it would only be likely in the context of a serious recession and a new rise in unemployment. However, wealth effects from declining house prices are usually found to be more virulent than those from falling stock markets, so a fall of "only" 10-20% in house prices could present Mr. Greenspan, or his successor, with a similar headache to the aftermath of the stock crash.

    But a housing crash would have other effects too. In past housing downturns residential investment fell sharply, by 40% in 1980-82 and by 24% in 1988-91. This is reflected in the monthly housing starts data, which typically halve during recessions. But starts only ticked down briefly during the 2001 recession and have since risen close to past peaks. Residential investment accounts for about 5% of GDP, so a severe house-building recession would be enough to cut GDP by 1-2% on its own.

    How likely is a U.S. housing bust? The economy enters 2005 with considerable momentum and with interest rates still low so it seems likely that house prices will continue to rise for a while, inflating the bubble further. Good news on the economic front will support house prices while rising mortgage rates (likely as bond yields move up) will threaten them. The outcome of these opposing forces will depend partly on how much mortgage rates do in fact rise. Continued good news on consumer price inflation would keep bond yields low and make higher home prices more likely. But house prices will also depend on whether the growing signs of a bubble mentality, now evident in some regions, extend further. When a bubble reaches the euphoric phase, rising interest rates may have little effect because
    people are entirely focused on the prospect of quick gains.

    The ideal outcome from here would be a period where house prices were broadly stable, allowing earnings and rents to catch up and valuations to moderate. A small fall in the market of 5-10% would help that process along, without causing too much hardship, though a nationwide 5-10% fall would almost certainly imply falls of 10-20% in parts of California and New England and other particularly high-priced areas. The most dangerous scenario is if house valuations are still extended when the next major shock hits the U.S. economy. Stock prices would likely be falling too, so that the economy would face a double dose of asset prices effects adding up to a much more lethal mixture than in the aftermath of the stock market bust.

    A large correction of house prices at some point, 20% for example, would be a painful process for homeowners as well as investors in housing. Moreover prices would likely only recover gradually since inflation and incomes growth would likely be very low at that point. Hence it is probable that prices would not return to their peak levels for 15 years or more. This might not worry some owner-occupiers. Many will have bought before the peak of the bubble so that, while they will see some erosion of their equity and perhaps suffer some disappointment, they may not be losing much, except on paper. Moreover, since mortgage rates would likely fall, people would be able to refinance at lower rates.

    However people relying on future appreciation to help fund their retirement could be very disappointed. Moreover some people would find the value of their house falling below the outstanding on their mortgage, i.e. negative equity, because of the greater decline in nominal house prices.

    For an investor in housing the scenario above would, to say the least, be a huge disappointment, because there is no capital gain for more than 15 years. Of course, provided he could find tenants and provided rents did not fall, his net rental yield should be positive so there would be some income after costs, though not much given the low level of rental yields, especially in the more bubbly areas. It is difficult to define exactly where the investor would end up, because a great deal depends on how big a loan he has and what rent he could obtain. But there is no doubt that this is what disappointed investors call "a very long term investment", or in other words a mistake! The choice is either sell and accept the loss or wait it out, but then miss the opportunity to make money elsewhere.

    A big adjustment like this is most likely when we see a sharp slowdown or recession and especially if house prices continue to rise rapidly in 2005, as seems likely unless mortgage rates rise very rapidly. The United States avoided a major recession in 2001, with the help of massive fiscal stimulus and rapid cuts in interest rates. But another downturn will come one day and, if house building and consumer spending crashes too, the recession will be more severe than in 2001. In a low inflation world, housing bubbles are a much more dangerous phenomenon.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwabenpfeil ()

  • December 23 – Gold $441.50 up $1.50 – Silver $6.87 up 9 cents

    All-Time High Euro, Gold Capping By Cabal Worsens - Won’t Last

    To all the supporters of GATA, wisdomwoman sends warmest wishes to you for the Holidays and the New Year:

    May you always walk in sunshine
    Slumber warm when night winds blow
    May you always live with laughter
    For a smile becomes you so

    May good fortune find your doorway
    May the bluebird sing your song
    May no trouble travel your way
    May no worry stay too long

    May your heartaches be forgotten
    May no tears be spilled
    May old acquaintance be remembered
    And your cup of kindness filled...Larry Markes and Dick Charles

    GO GATA!!!

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  • (And a hearty thanks and best wishes to Janice Dorn for her wonderful quotes this past year.)

    7:35 CST: Gold has become unwatchable for me. Constantly witnessing the blatant manipulation all day long is just not worth it these days. All I do is get angry at what is transpiring and furious at the dimwits in the mainstream gold world who always fail to whisper a peep about the obvious. Thus, I have taken to stepping away from viewing the market action not long after the opening.

    What is particularly disturbing is how the price of gold is falling further and further behind that of the euro. Most everyone commenting on gold makes the point gold trades as the inverse of the dollar action. If that were true, gold would have taken out $455 today, as the euro blew into all-time new high ground this morning.

    The floor traders will tell you daily gold trading is mostly aligned with the euro. The euro goes up and it influences gold to the upside. The reverse is true on the downside. The problem is the other element in the trading which the mainstream gold world refuses to address: The Gold Cartel’s using the dollar/euro action to CAP the gold price via their continuing price manipulation scheme.

    A picture is worth a thousand words:

    March euro

    February gold

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  • The euro is busting out of a well defined pennant formation to the upside into new high ground, while gold is stuck in a narrow uptrend channel, following its orchestrated collapse. Each time gold reaches the upper band of the channel, the cabal stops the price rise cold, regardless of what the euro does.

    While the euro made an all-time high today, gold fell to as low as 326 in euros before recovering to 327, WAY off its recent high of 344. The heinous Gold Cartel has gone into one of its most aggressive manipulation modes ever (in a relative sense to the action of the dollar) over the past couple of weeks. Of special note is gold’s failure to keep up with the euro which became pronounced right after the World Gold Council’s GLD sold 15 tonnes of gold the day before gold collapsed $20. Some coincidence, eh? Ever since then gold has struggled despite favorable world events along with the strong euro and weaker dollar in general.

    Which brings me to one of my gold pet peeves. There were many gold bulls out there jumping up and down about GLD and how it would stimulate gold demand. This was expected to be a substantial boon for the price. MIDAS argued it was immaterial compared to exposing The Gold Cartel and their rigging operation. If the World Gold Council would get off its fat duff and do the right thing, gold would have blown through $600 per ounce by now. Instead, it comes up with some flawed gold product, which just happens to appear to be instrumental in BURYING the gold price, not enhancing it.

    The proof is in the pudding. The price of gold is some $8 to $10 lower than when GLD kicked in, while the euro is a good deal higher. So what good did their new buying do? Squat, that’s what it did…or didn’t do!

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  • At some point next year this tedium of having to put up with the cabal’s daily insults will all change. Gold will not only keep up with any sort of euro advance, it will explode above $455 and outpace the euro's upside activity by a wide margin. This will be the sign the crooks are losing, or have lost control of their rig. Watching gold trade then will be a joy and bring smiles instead of infuriating frowns.

    Daily recap:

    *The London AM Fix was $442.40, the high of the day, made before The Gold Cartel went into concerted action.

    *$443 seems to be the latest capping level by the goon squad. Each time gold is about to take that level out, Hannibal and the cannibals show up.

    *Goldman "Hannibal Lecter" Sachs and Deutsche Bank were the price cappers today. It is almost ALWAYS Goldman Sachs on the sell side on price capping days. Bringing that bit of news to your attention is like reporting on a broken record. No wonder their quarterly profits were so handsome. They have the US Government and Fed as a partner.

    *Republic Bank was a substantial silver buyer today, as it was yesterday on the dip. They have not been seen on the buy side in some time.

    *Our Comex gold floor source has felt for some time that if the euro took out 135, gold would fly. Not if the corrupt Gold Cartel says no way.

    *Once the locals saw what the cabal was up to this holiday shortened session they began selling, realizing gold had no hope of making any serious advances to the upside on this day of massive intervention.

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  • *The following on Swiss gold sales might be important or immaterial:


    *If they are referring to further Swiss gold sales beyond the almost completed 1300 tonne sale, the postponement would be meaningful in light of the recent Bundesbank decision. The Swiss are renowned for their financial market acumen. Their short-sighted dumping of cheap gold is already a blight on this acumen. Further sales could be fatal. How will it look in the years ahead with gold at $1,000+ with the Germans owning all their gold and the Swiss having sold their stash at bargain basement prices?

    The euro closed at 135.08, up 1.21 and 30 points over its old all-time high. The pound gained .91 to 192.36, while the yen rose to 103.56. The dollar fell .46 to 81.55.

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  • The John Brimelow Report

    Looking more like C Bank capping.

    Thursday, December 23 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM N/A, PM $9.23, with world gold at $439.60 and $441.55. (Reuters garbled the AM Bombay price; Madras, which usually trades somewhat below Bombay, showed $7.99.) Very high; lavish for legal imports. The rupee resumed its import-facilitating rise today. A weak oil price, of course immediately improves rupee sentiment (and hence India’s gold-importing ability) because the country is such a heavy oil importer.

    Japan was closed. Shanghai Gold Exchange premiums rose again and now straddle $2. As mentioned before, probably the most meaningful inference which can be drawn from this is that the Chinese authorities have no intention of revaluing their currency.

    Yesterday, as Refco Research politely says

    "February gold opened 40 cents higher reflecting marginal overnight weakness in the dollar. From open on the COMEX, dealer selling and the absence of movement in the currencies quickly capped the February contract’s progress. Selling in gold then intensified with some fund long liquidation appearing…February gold settled down $1.5…"

    Volume yesterday was 25,003 but open interest only fell 492 lots to 319, 463. Any fund liquidation was apparently off set, possibly by short selling.

    Essentially the same thing is happening today, with the significant difference that the pronounced dollar weakness is destroying the reflexive analysis that gold mirrors the Euro, or tracks the dollar. Gold actually recovered yesterday’s losses very promptly around the Indian opening (about 11 PM NY time) and had a strong AM fix of $442.40, virtually the high of the day. (Rising into the fix is usually a sign that physical demand is comparatively influential) Downward pressure has been, once again, a New York phenomenon.

    A prominent Bullion dealer circulated a note this morning reporting rumors of Central Bank activity. Clearly, a determined seller of some kind is capping the market.

    The noted gold bear has published a 32 page precious metals 2005 forecast predicting a gold high of $465 and a low of $365, for an average of $390. Essentially it is dollar triumphalist and hopeful of steadily heavy Central Bank selling.

    Gold’s friends will find the included comment by Mitsui’s technical analyst more congenial:

    "The long-term profile of gold registers a significant change with the break, some twelve months in the making, of ten year resistance centred on $420-430. This has the potential to reverse to form the upper edge of a broad bed of support extending down to the 2004 low at $374. This broad support band will act like a sponge absorbing forthcoming corrections...Once any period of corrective churning is complete the prevailing uptrend…has good potential to support a further advance… The next upside target is to $480 while the best case scenario interprets a three year flag-type continuation formation which projects a target zone to $570-$600."

    I will probably publish once or twice next week when data is available. Best wishes for Christmas to those who care to accept them.


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  • MIDAS note:

    How interesting. The Mitsui technical analyst sees huge potential on the upside, while the noted bullion dealer bear sees dramatic downside potential. This noted bear is typical of the bullion dealer crowd. Their fundamental analysis as a group has been neutral to bearish all the way up the past few years. AND WRONG! That’s because it is based on obnoxious lies and disinformation. It is also based on their short side bullion books, as well as to placate the more significant departments (in terms of revenue) of these banking/investment firms, who abhor a rising price of gold.

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    Like it does almost every day, the US stock market went higher. The DOW gained 11 to 10,827, while the DOG rose another 4 to 2160.

    US Economic news:

    08:30 November durable goods orders +1.6% vs consensus +0.6%
    Ex-transportation orders (0.8%) vs consensus +0.8%. October orders revised to (0.9%) from (1.1%).
    * * * * *

    08:30 Nov. Personal Income reported 0.3% vs. consensus +0.2%; Spending 0.2% vs. consensus 0.3%
    Prior Income unrevised at 0.6%; prior Spending revised to 0.8% from 0.7%.
    * * * * *

    08:30 Jobless claims for w/e 12/18 reported 333K vs. consensus 335K
    Prior week revised to 316K from 317K.
    * * * * *

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwabenpfeil ()

  • Durable Goods Orders Up Strongly

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New orders for long-lasting U.S.-made goods rose a sharper-than-expected 1.6 percent in November, pointing to a healthy pace of activity in the nation's factory sector as the year headed to a close, the Commerce Department said on Thursday.

    Last month's orders increase was a bounce back from a revised 0.9 percent decline in October that was originally reported as a larger 1.1 percent drop. The November orders pickup was the strongest in four months, since a 1.9 percent increase in July and handily outstripped Wall Street economists' forecasts for a 0.6 percent gain.

    The biggest gain in November orders was for transportation goods, up 8.2 percent following a slim 0.3 percent rise a month earlier. It was the strongest rise in transportation orders since an 11 percent surge last February.

    Transportation accounts for more than a quarter of overall durable goods, so any pickup in these orders has a significant impact on the overall total.

    Excluding transportation, durables orders in November were down 0.8 percent after a 1.3 percent October decrease.


    09:47 Dec. Final Univ. of Michigan Sentiment reported 97.1 vs. consensus 95.7
    * * * * *

    10:00 Nov. New Home Sales reported 1.125M vs. consensus 1.2M
    Prior revised to 1.278M from 1.226M
    * * * * *

    10:30 EIA reports natural gas inventories (123)bcf vs. consensus (113)bcf
    For reference, year-ago data was (151)bcf. Prior week's data was (61)bcf. Jan. nat'l gas futures move higher in initial reaction.
    * * * * *

    10:28 Dollar/euro weakens to $1.35 for first time
    Trades up to the $1.3505 level before retreating back to current quote of $1.3495.
    * * * * *

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  • Some things never change, even when we think they are:

    "Remember all that outrage at Enron and other corporate executives suspected of fraudulent accounting? FNM’s board fired CEO Howell Raines, who made $20m last year in total compensation and was granted a guaranteed pension of $1m/year for life. And this is against the backdrop of an investigation into FNM’s accounting practices over the past few years. Where’s the outrage now?" King Report

    Goodies from Jesse:

    It is hard not to conclude that the current SP 500 rally is fueled by a reflationay effort from the Federal Reserve with sustained injections of repo 'hot money.' How long can they keep it up, and will the market revert to some 'mean' of value when they stop?

    This sort of monetary tinkering does not produce anything useful, but does serve to placate the public with panem et circenses, bread and circuses, the tool generally used by empires when they wish to distract the mob from something they do not wish it to observe too closely. Iraq? Fannie Mae? Iran? Housing bubble? Unemployment?

    So many disasters in the making, so many parties to attend.


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  • Here is what is presented for public consumption:

    Emily Church,
    Last Update: 7:42 AM ET Dec. 23, 2004

    ..The dollar, however, was seeing gains from Wednesday erode. Cautionary comments from European political figures on damage done by the dollar's recent declines continued to focus markets on the European predicament.

    French Finance Minister Herve Gaymard told reporters that the U.S. "absolutely" had to understand at a G-7 meeting of finance ministers in February that "coordinated" international management was needed, AFX News reported.

    "If we stay in the current situation, it's possible to imagine a catastrophic situation at world level, for the Europeans who have an over-valued currency, for the Asians who hold assets in dollars and for the Americans because long-term interest rates will rise," he said.


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  • Here is what is going on behind the scenes:

    What Paul Volker had to say regarding the rise in the gold price in 1980:

    "…..Joint intervention in gold sales to prevent a steep rise in the price of gold, however, was not undertaken. That was a mistake.

    "Through March, the price of gold rose rapidly, and that knocked the psychological props out from under the dollar."


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  • This continuing Russian development is rather staggering and could have major implications for the world geopolitical scene in the years to come:


    MOSCOW, December 23 (RIA Novosti) - President Vladimir Putin said at a press conference at the Kremlin that Russia's gold and currency reserves had reached the record figure of $120 billion.

    "The gold and foreign currency reserves have grown nearly 70% and are approaching the figure of $120 billion," said Mr. Putin.

    This is a record high figure in the history of the Russian Federation, as well as of the former Soviet Union.

    "This means Russia has become a net creditor nation," said the president.

    "GDP is expected to grow about 6.8%. This approximately corresponds to the average economic growth rate over the past five years," said the president.

    Per capita GDP rate is about $4,000, which is twice as much than in 2000 and nearly threefold more than in 1999, according to the president.

    Mr. Putin noted the country's record trade surplus in 2004, which reached almost $80 billion.

    "Russia's trade surplus has reached nearly $80 billion that is a record high indicator over the past few years, which is the result of exports exceeding imports almost two-fold," said the president.

    Mr. Putin said the cost, as well as the amount of exports, had increased.

    President Putin cited some other figures, among them investment in fixed capital, which had risen by 10% this years, while imports had risen by around 25%. Mr. Putin confirmed that the minimum pay would increase to 1,100 roubles by May 2006.

    "Thus, this sphere will grow by some 83% in the next 18 months," said the president.

    Beginning from January 1, 2005, the minimum pay will go up 20%, i.e. from 600 to 720 roubles, while beginning from October 1, 2005 - by another 11% (to 800 roubles).

    Thus, in nominal terms, public sector employee's pays will rise by one third within 2005, while inflation will be 8.5% and in real terms - by 22.9%.


    So, while the US goes deeper and deeper into debt, Russia strengthens its financial situation on a monthly basis. Watch out after the US financial markets are battered in the months and years ahead. Russia might flex its muscles and we won’t be able to do much about it, already stretched too thin militarily because of Iraq and greatly weakened as a nation because of US Government fiscal irresponsibility.

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    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwabenpfeil ()

  • There are those who know the gold market and those who are clueless. John Ing, who attended the GATA reception in Toronto this past spring, is one who gets it:

    Bullish Ing Calls $700/oz Gold for Late 2005

    By Tim Wood
    22 Dec 2004 at 01:18 PM EST

    NEW YORK ( -- John Ing, president and chief executive officer of Maison Placements Canada, has never been a shy gold bull, and confirmed his reputation with his latest call for the metal to strike $700 per ounce late next year.

    Before that, Ing is eyeing $510/oz as the next important step. He made the price calls in a note circulated to clients….


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  • Then there are the clueless and corrupt. As mentioned often, the bullion dealers in New York and around the world have been neutral to bearish all the way up and have completely ignored the true fundamentals of the market. Their clients have been shortchanged to a stunning extent. We will begin to see various 2005 price predictions for gold and silver from the establishment in the days ahead. Here is one of them:

    INDUSTRY: CIBC Ups '04 & '05 Gold and Silver Price Estimates.. 2004/12/22 09:03:58

    Ridgeland, MS, DEC 22, 2004 (EventX/ via COMTEX) -- CIBC noted that spot gold recently set a new 16-year high with its move above $450 per ounce. Firm expects continued strength looking out to 2005 as fundamentals remain positive, although currency-driven. The firm upped their 2004 and 2005 per ounce ests to $410 and $475 from $400 and $425, respectively. They also maintained their outlook for continued strength in silver and raised their 2004 and 2005 per ounce ests to $6.65 and $7.00 from $6.50 and $6.50, respectively…


    It’s hard to know from this report whether CIBC is talking about high prices, or an average price. However, you get the drift. Very uninspiring, as always, with calls for a modest rise in the price of gold and for silver to remain flat and modestly retreat. My guess is if we went back over the last four years of CIBC yearly price predictions, they would average neutral to bearish over the entire bull move so far.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Schwabenpfeil ()

  • My friend up north can’t be a happy camper today either. John Embry’s handle on the gold market is second to none in the world. This email from a fellow Café member last night:

    Hi Bill,
    If you missed this, sorry I didn't send this sooner. The "grapefruit' comment is classic.

    John Embry had a one hour interview on the Market Call segment with Jim O'Connell on ROB TV during lunch today. It was a dandy, talked about mining and precious metals companies in the U.S. and Canada. But the opening was the stunner, here is the opening question to the interview and a portion of John's reply.

    Jim O'Connell: You thought gold would be $500.

    John Embry: Yep

    Jim: By the end of the year, it's not, what happen?

    John: Well, I think the fundamentals probably would justify at least $500. But The guys on the other side are pretty effective and anybody that doesn't think there is manipulation in the gold price, probably hasn't got an IQ higher than a grapefruit, in my opinion. I mean, it is so blatant now. That it's..., it's laughable.


    John Embyr interviews at ROB Tv on Market Call, in two segments at this archive.

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  • select:
    Wednesday, December 22, 2004

    12:30 PM ET
    Market Call with Jim O'Connell
    Canadian and U.S. Mining companies and precious metals
    John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist, Sprott Asset Management

    1:25 PM ET
    Market Call with Jim O'Connell
    John Embry's top picks
    John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist, Sprott Asset Management

    Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Golden New Year,

    This email from a savvy European money manager expressed the mood and sentiments for many of us today:

    Dear Bill,
    Day after day I am reading your Midas comment with great interest. I have accommodated to the daily market rigging by the cartel pretty well. However, what is happening in the silver market over the last couple of days is absolutely sickening. Just look at the Euro today – again new highs – yet silver is capped, capped and capped at the 696 level in the March contract. Silver actually just lost 6 cps from its resistance high in a matter of seconds…..what a joke! I do hope that on the last trading day of December someone is asking for physical….and sends the silver price up through the roof during the first couple of trading days in 2005. I have been in business now for over 20 years and I haven’t witnessed anything like that so far. You need balls like an elephant! For sure, the inevitable is coming, but thinking about the close on dec. 31st…….if you were chairman of abx or any other cartel member and had the choice for $ 450 gold or $ 400….silver $ 10 or $6….which price would you like to have in your balance sheet based upon?.....i am long up to my eyeballs and continue to pull the position through over year-end….no matter what happens…..

    Bill I wish you and all other readers a merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. The battle hasn’t begun in earnest yet….


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    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

  • Just as the US stock market seems to go up every day, the gold shares sell off late. Today was no exception. With the euro screaming, the XAU could only tack on a pitiful .18 to 99.30. The HUI managed to rise early to 217.90, then fell off going into the close to 216.09, up 1.45. The HUI must take out 220 convingingly to come back to life.


    The recent gold price action is beyond frustrating. However, the good news is The Gold Cartel has a ticking time bomb on their hands. They just don’t have enough available physical gold to keep the price from exploding next year.
    What seems somewhat extraordinary to me is gold continues to go up year after year, yet so few people among the investing public are willing to do their homework to both understand and appreciate what is going on here….what the upside is and why. Participating in big moves such as these are rarely simplistic, which is the reason so few ever make the big money in them. The old adage that the biggest bulls (markets) shake off the most riders is so apropos. Take the gold shares for example. Last year was fabulous; this year was stinko with a few exceptions. As a result, many investors have lost focus and dropped by the wayside. Those who stay with the program will make fortunes.

    Gold, silver and the shares remain THE historic investment opportunity of a lifetime.

    GATA stretcher-bearers please stand by; be prepared to go into action in 2005:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    Die Börse ist wie ein Paternoster. Es ist ungefährlich,
    durch den Keller zu fahren.

    Man muss nur die Nerven bewahren !

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