Another brick in the wall, or crack !
7. Januar 2025, 05:49
Another brick in the wall, or crack !
aber ich nehme die letzten zwei Tage ernst.
Ab jetzt bin ich - zum ersten Male seit Nov . 2003 wieder zu 100%
investiert. Wenn ich es irgendwann in den nächsten Monaten bereuen sollte,
ich kann meinen Benutzernamen immer noch von germoney in stupidmoney ändern.
GMY (transient)
wie wäre es mit "sensa-d'oro" ?
(simply kidding)
Gold and oil:
Next week somebody else has to do the job as a platoon leader !
I'm tired, and switch off for a while.There is other things in life as just gold and silber to take care of.
The oil level in my car ?
America May Never Be The Same For A Generation!
I wish that were an April Fool’s Day headline. It is not.
First, gold. For weeks MIDAS has pointed out The Gold Cartel’s unusually aggressive capping of the gold price (all documented). I attributed it to some sort of panic by the cabal crew in fear that a sharply rising gold price would further ignite the derivatives neutron bomb – one already in play. I have been pounding the table for weeks that the US financial system is a mess and that after years of market rigging and lies by the current administration (Clinton's was no better), it is all falling apart – about to spin out of control.
Oh yes, gold. Could there be one nincompoop left out there in the mainstream gold world who still doesn’t understand the gold market is the most controlled, managed and suppressed market in history? Forgetting the recent trading pattern for a moment, if you were told last night the US jobs number out this morning would be a disaster (half the jobs created expected by Wall Street) and oil would make all-time highs at $57.27, up $1.87 per barrel, what would you have said the gold price would do? Except for those in our camp alleging manic price suppression by The Gold Cartel (like Mike Bolser), I dare say not one person would have predicted an already oversold gold to be taken down over $2.
It was a strange day. When the jobs number hit, the dollar was trounced, yet gold assaulted, sending it low. Later on a confusing ISM number sent the dollar soaring, which once again makes no sense unless you understand the Working Group on Financial Markets was forcing the dollar up to change the perceptions of reality regarding a growing derivatives problem – to hide the sobering truth from the investing public.
10:08 Follow-up: ISM index 55.2% in March vs consensus 55.0%
The ISM apparently issued an incorrect press release, resulting in incorrect reports on all wires. The 55.2% index is still slightly better than consensus, but a disappointment relative to both the incorrect 63.1% headline and the strong Chicago PMI report yesterday. Stocks and the dollar have reversed after the corrected headlines.
* * * * *
The euro fell from 130.80 to 128.93 before rallying back to 129.25, down .57. The euro market action is absurd and will only lead to more financial market chaos down the road. It is obvious to me the dollar was jammed higher to avert a panic in the markets as the derivatives laden mega US corporations go into the tank. How clear can it be! The pundits X(said the dollar went up for fear of higher US interest rates, yet the 30-year bond rose 14/32 to 111 26/32. It is ludicrous to say the dollar went up due to fear of higher US rates. The economy is so weak, bonds rose sharply despite oil going berserk.
None of this matters to the gold price of course as it was slammed when the dollar went down and stayed down when the dollar went up. I have ranted day after day on this crap, week after week, month after month. We have a farce of a market. A joke of a government which trumpets democracy, free markets and a free financial press. As I have said for years, gold will never really rally until these bums are carried out. Can THAT be any more obvious too?
HOWEVER, this is NO time to be dismayed.
What is exciting, the way I see it, is we are about to head into a new era as far as gold is concerned, as expressed in a MIDAS headliner on March 18:
You Have To Be Out Of Your Mind To Be Short Gold – Either That Or Clueless
It really doesn’t matter anymore whether gold goes up or down $20 or $30. It is meaningless. Gold will rally $200 in weeks. Those undercapitalized folks who are short will be wiped out. Those long will make fortunes. The share prices of many of the quality junior golds/exploration companies will rally 500% to 1000% and do so in a very short period of time as THE WORLD runs into the tiny gold market as the GO TO investment of choice.Here is the good employment news which sparked the dollar rally later in the day:
08:30 March unemployment rate 5.2% vs. consensus 5.3%; non-farm payrolls +110K vs. consensus +213K
* * * * *
08:30 March average hourly earnings reported 0.3% vs. consensus 0.2%; average weekly hours 33.7 vs. consensus 33.7
* * * * *
08:30 February nonfarm payrolls revised to +243K from +262K
Feb. unemployment rate unrevised at 5.4%.
We had worse thunderstorms in the past then this few clouds so far.
The sun will shine again ! :)) Be patient !
???????? Sooner or later, there is one ! :))
Friday, April 01, 2005, 8:49:00 PM EST
Gold and Dollar Market Summary
Author: Jim Sinclair
Dear CIGA:
Wisdom cannot be dated as its character is eternal. No matter what the times, many people will still deny the existence of wisdom only to discover that denial runs directly in the face of stark reality.
One quote that applies directly to the US dollar comes from the Chinese philosopher, Mencius. When asked by a disciple, “Now the whole kingdom is drowning; how is it that you do not save it?” he replied: “A drowning kingdom must be rescued by right principles, not like a drowning person by the hand.”
Authoritarian Free Enterprise, our new economic system in the US, requires the powers of the Oval office to be near absolute. Near absolute power occurs when all functions of the government officially or unofficially answer to the Oval office. An example of this is the new Pentagon private intelligence unit with no oversight body. It has been established under the civil head of the Pentagon and answers only to the Oval office.
The argument regarding the necessity of this method, which takes its basis in a fight against terrorism, has logical merit but the end result is the same. A king need not be a singular person but can be in the form of an ideology run by third party motivators (behind the scenes king makers) functioning as the ultimate unseen hand.
New faces can appear in the same office but a kingdom has been established nonetheless. Such a political arrangement is required for the prosecution of the new system now in place which is Authoritarian Free Enterprise - not Capitalism or Free enterprise. Authoritarian Free Enterprise as an economic system eschews the economic theory of the “Unseen Hand” where each individual works for the good of the whole and adopts Federal intervention in market. It is argued that such a system is infinitely more predictable therefore infinitely more profitable.
I have explained to you why the decimation of the US dollar fits perfectly into the establishment of this new system. Since Authoritarian Free Enterprise totally lacks social consciousness, it cannot function when paying for it. In order to rid itself of all social obligations formed since Roosevelt came into office, a crisis in the dollar would serve to raise the level of fear in society and ease the passing of legislative action to cancel all entitlements.
It is by this method that the architects of the new system plan to reverse the dollar. They will also put gold back into the monetary system as a modernized revitalized Federal Reserve Gold Certificate Ratio but not as an antiquated formula tied to interest rates. This time the link will be to world liquidity starting at the level of liquidity then existing calling it 100 for a new scale of measure.
Those that deny this simply demonstrate their ignorance of what gold is all about. Convertibility will never come again. It is antiquated by the simple size of world trade and that is all there is to it. Then all those who are building the system of Authoritarian Free Enterprise will own most of the dollar and gold and will wish both to be quite strong.
If I had to point to a place of origine for Authoritarian Free Enterprise, I would wager that the BIS was its parent as it is a world phenomenon in which President Putin is deeply involved. Even the dismemberment of the CIA is required in order to fulfill the plan for a more orderly economy world wide benefiting the "haves."
The major flaw in this plan is that the ego mania of the architects of Authoritarian Free enterprise actually believe that they know exactly how to handle all markets and therefore all economic situations. This is the exact order of how the transition is to be accomplished: You have been told this by no less than the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Mr. Greenspan.
The other weakness of this approach is the fact that once the madness of the crowd is unleashed, it cannot be brought back into order with ease.
The last weakness of this approach is the outrageous size of the US dollar market trading internationally which if panicked will eat every central bank on the planet and may well not recover.
The US dollar is the symbolic banner of the new US Kingdom, underpinned by the ideology of Authoritarian Free Enterprise. Since a lower dollar is desired, you can be sure that no new policies will be adopted in order to reduce the triple deficits of US Budget, Trade and Current Account.
A modern day Mencius would say that "right principles are right economic policies that have a known history of reversing the triple deficits" as opposed to measured ¼ point rate increases trailing inflation. There are no such right actions contemplated now or in the near future. The hand that will not help the Kingdom is all the spin and interventions that take place by the Federal entities as coordinated statements such as Greenspan's now famous “Dollar Bottom.”
Because of this, the US dollar will again fail to meet the upside projections of the present short covering rally and break down below .8150, staring its trip to the low 70s and potentially to the low 50s as measured by the USDX. This will test the concepts of the economic planners behind the spinners. Either way it is good for gold.
So why buy the US dollar or short gold? The risk you take is not being there when out of the blue the dollar drops and gold's rise begins. If you must trade use the tool given you by buying gold on WEAKNESS when TA correct and selling it on STRENGTH when TA correct - never unloading more than 1/3 of your position.
Better still, buy what you can afford without credit of any kind and check in every few weeks to see where you are.
When the dollar breaks, the depreciation following that break will appear as if it is a straight line down. Gold will be a straight line up. I recall the trading days when gold would move up over $100 and it will again. No one knows that day but every square price of the gold puzzle is now in place. Therefore it could be tomorrow.
To see an example of the relationship in trading between the US dollar and gold take a look at chart #1 and chart #2. For a weekly review of the center of the investment universe, the US dollar - and therefore gold - click here.
Today took the newest market madness to a spiritual level as economic reports ran at 180 degree differences between concepts of inflation and a weakening economy. To add to the madness, other participants, namely equities, reacted manically to the strength of oil.
Dollar Gains After U.S. Factory Prices Rise, Services Expand
April 1 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar advanced against the euro and rose to a five-month high versus the yen after an industry report showed prices paid by U.S. manufacturers jumped last month and services industries expanded at a faster pace.
The figures, one of which was accidentally released early, sparked a rally in the U.S. currency after it initially declined following the Labor Department's monthly U.S. payrolls report. Employers added 110,000 workers in March, barely half the number economists expected. The euro fluctuated almost 2 cents against the dollar in less than two hours.
``A lot of players established short dollar positions at bad levels,'' said Tom Benfer, vice president of foreign exchange in New York at the Bank of Montreal. ``As the market turned stronger for the dollar, it turned into a blood bath.''
@ Hallo Eldorado,
nicht übel nehmen, aber mir fällt auf Du überflutest dieses Forum von Iformationen,wieviel Zeit mußt Du haben? Ist ja fast unglaublich?Wie gesagt nehme es mir nicht übel.
gruß hpoth
Lee sieht einen deutlichen Anstieg des Silberkurses auf 3-Monatsfrist:
@ All,
die Analysten von UBS, sind pesemistisch für den Silberpreis und sehen einen Kurs bei 6$, so ist es eben die einen Hüü die Andren Hott
gruß hpoth
Und hier die G A N Z J A H R E S-Prediction
S’Dirndl het g’sait
1. S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Jetzt kummt d' r Frühling
S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Mach mer kei Zwilling
Mit dim Dingeldangel do Dingeldangel do
Rutsch e bissel näher zue mer
Mit dim Dingeldangel do Dingeldangel do
Rutsch e bissel näher her.
Rutsch hi rutsch her
Rutsch zue d'r Magd ins Fedrebett
Rutsch hi rutsch her
Rutsch zue d' r Magd ins Bett.
2. S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Jetzt kummt d' r Summer
S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Mach mer kei Kummer
Met dim ...
3. S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Jetzt kummt d' r Herbscht
S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Mach mer kei Schmerz
Met dim ...
4. S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Jetzt kummt d' r Winter
S' Dirndl het g' sajt
Mach mer kei Kinder
Met dim ...
hpopth.... Everybody is tensed right now...
Ja ich hatte viel zeit, vielleicht mehr als jeder andere hier.
Wenn ihr nichts schreibt dann darf ich doch ?
Selbst wenn es eine flutwelle von infos ist.
Ich wollte euch nur einen gefallen tun selbst wenn es fluted von infos.
Ihr koennt ja alles ueberfliegen oder ignorieren was ich schreibe, oder nicht ?. Aber wenn es hier zu vielen stoeren sollte und belaestigend erscheint dann setzte ich mich zur ruhe was ich so und so vor habe.Ich will mich hier bestimmt nicht aufdraengen, shares pushen,etc und habe es nur gut gemeint. Wenn ihr euch jedoch dabei gestoert fuehlt in euren status,dann verlasse ich gerne jede art von vereinsmeierei die mir so und so nicht liegt. Ich gebe zu es war sehr viel aber entschuldigt ich bin eben ein zwilling und wenn ich aufdrehe dann aber richtig. Merkur dreht am schnellsten !
Ich will hier kein idol wie thai guru, etc, werden da ich lieber low profile bevorzuge. Die hoechsten baeume kriegen den meisten wind ab.
Verstehe mich nicht falsch, nichts gegen dich, aber das ist nun meine antwort auf deinen kommentar.
Ich habe nun genug gesagt und geschrieben aber wenn ich noch mehr kritik erhalte dann koennt ihr mich am tafelberg besuchen.
Ich habe mir hier die finger wund getippt und meinte es nur gut.
Ich kann auch alleine lesen oder nur saugen hier.
Wissen ist Macht, sagt man. Und wenn du nichts weisst dann weiss ich vielleicht etwas. Kollektives Wissen ist gut and two is better than one !
Nix fuer unguat !
Herzlichen Gruss
So, jetzt kriegst noch einen spritzer mit beitrag 689 seit 27.Januar.2005
Damit habe ich dich mit 4 beitraegen ueberholt und bin sogar ein jahr schneller gefahren als du.
Es gibt eben viele neider oder denunziaten in der welt, meine jedoch nicht dich damit.
Kannst jetzt drauf lachen oder kommentar abgeben dass deine wertvoller dafuer waren, etc. etc.. Alle sind irgendwie wertvoll oder bedenklich.
Erinnert euch an option 69 :D, der wollte ja eine begruendung von mir.
Er sagte es ist schrott was ich sage das gold und silber manipuliert ist.
Mittlerweile sollte er es kapiert haben, ebenso das es eine GATA Armee gibt zu der ich auch gehoere als treuer soldat Sweyk.
Darum hat es so viel geregnet in diesen thread. Der 69 soll auch wissen das alles manipuliert ist. Es sollte jedoch kein tsunami werden !.
Don't worry, I relax now und kuemmere mich um meine eigenen, you know what.
Nix fuer ungut Hpopth !
So here we go, ich hoffe du findest mehr zeit zum schreiben,damit ich von dir was lesen kann Hpopth.
Le Metropole Members,
Served at The Man Ray Table:
The Goldbug Variations III.
Antal E. Fekete
"So few economists indeed, that it is a statistical oddity.
It is all the more curious given the miserable record of
the fiat dollar for the past 35 years while it has been
trying to make do without a link to gold. What makes the
loser the winner, and the winner the loser? My explanation
is that the economists have been bribed."
And the bribe is only part of it.
Hallo Eldo,
schreib nur weiter! Am Tafelberg würde ich dich dennoch mal gern besuchen. 8)Kriechen da oben immer noch die Schlipp-Schliefer rum? Das sind doch so kleine pelzige Murmeltiere. Ich fand die goldig. Haben mittlerweile total ihre Scheu vor Menschen verloren.
Hey, wenn Du schon in Kapstadt bist, kannste vielleicht mal eine kleine Lageeinschätzung schreiben? Ich war vor 2 Jahren dort und hab es genossen. Wenn der Eindruck nicht täuscht, wird es aber für die Weißen jetzt härter. Gab damals schon Geschichten, die glaubt man nicht. Irgendwie scheint sich der ANC da unten selber ins Knie zu schießen.... Mugabe läßt grüßen.
@ Eldo,
Mir ist das doch egal wieviel Du hier schreibst,möchte Dich auch in keiner Weise angeriffen haben oder gar beleidigen.Mach nur weiter so ich habe Dich eigentlich nur bewundert für die Zeit die Du hier aufwendest .Selbstverständlich ist das ja so nicht.
gruß hpoth