Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Silber hat in den letzten Wochen einen tollen Alleingang hingelegt, ist gegenüber Gold um 20% gestiegen und hat sich vom Dollar abgekoppelt. Da darf man nicht meckern.

    Die nächste Stufe wird aber nach meiner Einschätzung nur mit Unterstützung von Gold oder Dollar gezündet werden. Gold in Euro ist tot, solange die Inflation tot ist. Bleibt also "nur" der Dollar, aber der wird es schon richten :))

  • "Gold in Euro ist tot, solange die Inflation tot ist"

    Mir leuchtet immer die Begründung, daß eine hohe Inflation für Gold gut sein soll, nicht ein. M.E. kommt es auf die Realzinsen an.

    Eine Inflationsrate von 10% ist schlecht für Gold, wenn der nominelle (Basis)-Zinssatz bei 15% liegt. Dann kostet einem die Haltung von Gold real 5% an entgangenem Zinsgewinn, m.E. schlecht für Gold.

    Das jetzige Szenario mit realen Minuszinsen in den USA bietet die besten Bedingungen für Gold.

  • " Rot-grüne Haushaltspolitiker: Bundesbank soll Gold verkaufen

    Haushaltspolitiker von SPD und Grünen wollen den Bundesetat durch Goldverkäufe der Bundesbank stabilisieren"

    Der Staatsbankrott scheint näher zu sein als ich dachte. Jetzt werden die Goldvorräte schon zur Deckung des laufenden Haushaltes benötigt.

  • Zitat

    Mir leuchtet immer die Begründung, daß eine hohe Inflation für Gold gut sein soll, nicht ein. M.E. kommt es auf die Realzinsen an.

    Da hast Du in der Theorie natürlich recht. Aber in der Praxis erliegen die meisten Anlieger nun mal der Geldillusion. Schau Dir doch das Geheule von Sparern und Verbraucherschützern wegen der gesunkenen Überschußbeteiligung bei Lebensversicherungen an. Aufgrund der langanhaltend niedrigen Inflation ist dort REAL gar nix passiert, es verringern sich nur die Nominalbeträge.

    Gold- und Ölpreise ziehen an von -tz-

    Dienstag 16. März 2004, 12:01 Uhr

    Der Goldpreis ist in der vergangenen Nacht gestiegen. Auch der Preis für Öl der Sorte Light Crude (leichtes US-Öl ) und für Heating Oil zog an.

    Ursache für den Ölpreisanstieg war die Diskussion um die strategischen US-Reserven in Verbindung mit einer Reihe bullischer Argumente. So will der US-Senat die Zuflüsse in die strategischen Lager reduzieren. Experten gehen davon aus, dass US-Präsident Bush vor der Wahl im November die hohen Öl- und Benzinpreise drücken will. Jedoch ist das DOE (Department of Energy) als Teil des Energieministeriums gegen diesen Plan und betont, dass ein Senatsbeschluss nicht bindend sei.

    Preistreiber waren neben dem Benzinproblem der USA und den Unruhen in Venezuela auch Meldungen über einem Kälteeinbruch im Nordosten der USA, eine Bestätigung der OPEC-Absicht hinsichtlich einer Fördermengendrosselung und die Verstrickung von El Kaida in die Terroranschläge von Madrid. Der Preisanstieg wurde zudem von Käufen seitens großer Fonds und durch den Trend unterstützt.

    Die OPEC hat sich in ihren Prognosen über die Ölnachfrage verspekuliert. Ein Nachfrageeinbruch, die Grundlage für die Entscheidung der Angebotsverknappung, blieb bisher aus. Hintergrund waren die Einkäufe der Chinesen.

    In Venezuela, dem wichtigsten Öllieferanten der USA, gehen die Unruhen weiter. Erneut wird der Rücktritt von Präsidenten Hugo Chavez, der sein Land tiefer in die wirtschaftliche Krise führte, gefordert. Durch die Proteste büßte die Ölindustrie einen Teil ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit ein. Nun droht der Ölindustrie in Venezuela auf Grund nicht getätigter Investitionen der Zusammenbruch. Zwar gibt es Investoren, die einen Neuaufbau der Industrie mittragen würden, aber derzeit fehlen die politischen Voraussetzungen für ein solches Engagement. Inzwischen drohte US-Präsident Bush offen mit einem Einmarsch. Chavez konterte mit der Androhung eines Ölboykotts. Der US-Energieminister Abraham kündigte seinem Volk inzwischen eine weitere Verteuerung des ohnehin teuren Benzins an.

    Der Ölbedarf der USA ist gewaltig. Der Schwefelgehalt im Benzin muss aber nach den neuen US-Umweltschutzvorschriften niedriger sein als früher. Viele Raffinerien in den USA und in Venezuela können diese Normen nicht erfüllen, somit fallen Produktionskapazitäten aus. Es lohnt sich nicht, die teilweise maroden Raffinerien mit ausreichender Entschwefelungstechnologie aufzurüsten, infolge dessen geraten die USA noch stärker in die Abhängigkeit von Öl- und nun auch von Benzinproduzenten in der Golfregion und in Fernost.

    Längerfristig besteht die Möglichkeit steigender Preise, da der Ölbedarf in den kommenden Jahren rasant wachsen wird. Insbesondere China benötigt für sein beeindruckendes Wirtschaftswachstum viel Öl. Zudem wächst im Reich der Mitte der Autoabsatz beträchtlich und dementsprechend auch der Benzinbedarf.

    Beim ihrem Treffen am 10. Februar in Agier beschlossen die Ölminister der elf OPEC-Staaten überraschend eine Drosselung der Fördermenge, da sie im Frühjahr einen saisonbedingten Preisverfall befürchten. Infolge der hohen Ölpreise ging man allgemein davon aus, dass die Quoten nicht verändert werden, sondern dass lediglich auf Einhaltung der bestehenden offiziellen Quoten gedrängt wird. Das hieße immerhin eine reale Reduktion der Ölströme um 1,5 bis 1,8 Mio. Barrel pro Tag. Doch die Tagenden gingen weiter. Auf Drängen Saudi Arabiens wurde eine Quotensenkung von 1 Mio. Barrel pro Tag ab dem 01. April beschlossen.

    Jedoch sind die Kartellmitglieder mit Blick auf die eigenen Kassen erfahrungsgemäß träge beim Drosseln der Ölhähne. Ob sich die beschlossene Reduktion von insgesamt 2,5 Mio. Barrel durchsetzen lässt, wird von einigen Analysten bereits angezweifelt. Sie sind der Meinung, dass das Kartell nicht in der Lage sein wird, seine Mitglieder an einer Überproduktion zu hindern. Bisher wurde nicht festgestellt, dass der OPEC-Beschlusses umgesetzt wird.

    Der Verdacht wächst, dass die OPEC kein Interesse mehr an ihrer Politik der moderaten Ölpreise hat. Der Ölpreis notiert bereits seit über 60 Tagen oberhalb des OPEC-Preiszielbands von 22 bis 28 Dollar, aber der Fördermengenmechanismus, der eine Erhöhung der Förderquote vorsieht wurde nicht in Gang gesetzt. Das Kartell will erst bei seiner nächsten Sitzung am 31. März über die weitere Fördermenge entscheiden.

    Preisentlastend wirkte bisher, dass die wichtigsten Nicht-OPEC-Länder Russland, Norwegen und Mexiko eine Reduzierung ihrer Liefermengen ablehnen. Zusammen mit den zunehmenden irakischen Exporten könnte die Kürzung der OPEC etwas kompensiert werden. Kürzt das Kartell die Fördermengen um die Preise stabil zu halten, droht ein Verlust von Marktanteilen an Nicht-OPEC- Mitglieder.

    Analysten konzentrieren sich jedoch wieder verstärkt auf die Fundamentaldaten. Der Empire State Manufacturing Index für März fiel deutlich auf plus 25,33 Zähler, das ist bereits der elfte Monat in Folge mit einem positiven Index-Wert. Volkswirte hatten lediglich einen Rückgang auf 38,00 Zähler geschätzt. Für den Vormonat Februar wurde das vorläufige Rekordhoch von 42,05 Zählern bestätigt. Die US-Industrieproduktion stieg im Februar um 0,7 Prozent. Für Januar wurde das vorläufig gemeldete Plus von 0,8 Prozent bestätigt. Auch die Kapazitätsauslastung der US-Industrie verbesserte sich und liegt nun bei 76,6 Prozent. Für den Vormonat wurde die Auslastung von vorläufig 76,2 auf nun 76,1 Prozent revidiert.

    Die Konjunkturdaten der vergangenen Monate zeigten mehrheitlich ein positives Bild, zudem wollen Analysten nun nach vorne schauen und hoffen auf eine wirtschaftliche Wende. Grund zum Optimismus sehen sie in den Steuersenkungen und im niedrigen Zinsniveau.

    Der Kurs des Euro stieg von 1,2266 Dollar am letzten Handelstag auf nun 1,2343 Dollar und liegt damit weiter auf hohem Niveau. Mitte Februar erreichte der Euro ein Rekordhoch von 1,2927 Dollar und liegt auch jetzt noch deutlich über seinem Kurs bei der Einführung der Gemeinschaftswährung am 04. Januar 1999 von 1,1886 Dollar. Ein schwächerer Dollar macht das in US-Dollar angeschriebene Gold und Öl für Anleger aus anderen Währungsräumen billiger und damit attraktiver. Allerdings führt er auch dazu, dass die OPEC nichts gegen die hohen Preise unternimmt, da die Einnahmen des Kartells an Wert verlieren.

    Feinunze Gold: 399,60 Dollar (+4,00 Dolllar)

    Feinunze Silber: 7,140 Dollar (+0,077 Dollar)

    Light Crude: 36,70 Dollar (+1,13 Dollar)

    Brent Crude: 32,52 Dollar (-0,29 Dollar)

    Heating Oil: 0,9115 Dollar (+0,0343 Dollar)

    Die unterschiedlichen Preise werden durch die Qualität des Öls gerechtfertigt. Je höherwertiger das Öl ist, um so kostengünstiger ist seine Weiterverarbeitung.

  • Dienstag, 16. März 2004
    Schlechte Stimmung
    ZEW-Indikator bricht ein

    Die ZEW-Konjunkturerwartungen sind im März unerwartet stark gefallen. Nach einer Umfrage des Zentrums für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) sanken sie von 69,9 Punkten im Februar auf 57,6 im März. Volkswirte hatten mit einem weniger starken Rückgang gerechnet.

    Die befragten Experten gehen zwar laut ZEW von einer weiteren Konjunkturerholung aus. "Zweifel kommen jedoch auf, ob die Dynamik der Erholung beibehalten werden kann", heißt es in der Mitteilung. Den größten Einfluss auf die Abschwächung hätten die Arbeitsmarktdaten in den USA. Sie bestärkten die Befürchtung, dass der US-Aufschwung nicht nachhaltig sein könnte.

    "Gerät die Weltkonjunktur mit der US-Konjunktur ins Stottern, könnte die deutsche Erholung abgewürgt werden", sagte ZEW-Präsident Wolfgang Franz. "Zudem hinterlassen nun die Bekundungen der Reformgegner und die beschäftigungsfeindliche Tariflohnpolitik deutliche Spuren." Die Anschläge in Madrid hätten hingegen kaum einen Einfluss gehabt.

    Oh weh, Schröder-Aufschwung schon wieder vorbei?

    Aber von welcher Dynamik ist hier die Rede. Habe ich was verpasst?

  • dat scheint abr schnell zu jehen:

    ist es aber nicht, denn es gab bereits 5 Wellen innerhalb des 3ecks!!!!

    welle 4 = gleichzeitig auch 5.Welle (5.=Impulsbewegung, die sich direkt an die 4. anschliesst, somit is dat 3eck beendet, break drüber, jetzt ausbruch bitte, dann vielleicht noch pullback zurück zur spitze, und dann dicker-fetter ausbruch...)

  • Kleine Silberanalyse aus dem Hause Hugo:

    Silver Leading the Way
    Daan Joubert for and
    Back in early May last year, I did an essay entitled "Will silver lead the way?". I discussed the large Comex open position in silver and speculated that silver would be leading gold in the strong and sustained bull market to come. The reasoning was based on the disparity between the size of the position and the amount of annual production and the fact that demand has exceeded supply for more than a decade.

    The essay reads ... "This means that if the silver price should show a sustained increase, there will be no slack in production that can be used to cover the short position. Should the shorts be squeezed, the price would skyrocket." It also referred to Ted Butler of and his view that a tenfold jump in the silver price is quite possible. At the time when the essay was written, silver was trading around $4.70, which implies a silver price of as much as $50/oz. Even from today's price of $7.20/oz a move to that level would still be a seven-fold increase.

    A good return on what surely has to be a near certainty, unless something very strange happens. Even if the price only makes it halfway to the $50 level.

    In May a year ago, gold was trading at $342. It had just started a recover again after the February sell-off when the price was bashed down from near $390 down to below $320. Silver also suffered in February, falling from over $4.90 to $4.41. However, its decline of just over 10% was proportionately much less than the 17% fall in the gold price. The gold recovery, from a deeper over-sold position, was doing better than silver and it was a bit of a "stick neck out" to express the view that silver would really lead the way higher.

    Subsequent to that essay, events favoured gold as the leader. At first gold slipped a little, moving back to $340 by mid-July, but then there was a well-sustained rising trend that took the gold price to over $425 early in January.

    Between May and July 2003 silver at first fell back to $4.48 -- then it too started a rising trend. However, the trend was very choppy; while the general move was higher, there were severe corrections or pull-backs that must have created much nervous tension for the silver bulls of the time. Despite this disorderly advance, silver managed to gain 20% by mid November from its post-May low, compared to the 25% improvement in the gold price over much the same period.

    When gold reached $425 early this year, many expected it to rise and test resistance around the $440 level; at that time few people would have bet on silver as the real leader of the two metals. Nor was it expected to catch attention with a steep and near-explosive rise in the price. This good move in gold also brought me to consider a new essay to say that the first one on silver in May last year had been proven incorrect.

    Yet it did not take long for the gold price to come under pressure and finally nose-dive to below $400 late in February. Since then it has failed to make a definitive break back into $400 territory. However, during this time when gold peaked and fell back below $400, the price of silver left the $5.20 level of November last year way behind, to gain almost 40% and reach its new highs of last week around $7.20. With these developments it turns out that silver has now finally grabbed the initiative and is leading the charge out of the tight stranglehold in which these two metals have been constrained for the past decade. Gold is sure to follow once silver has ignited wider interest in the precious metals.

    As increasing global tensions and growing distrust in the US economic recovery cause more investors to start thinking seriously about the safe havens of last resort - precious metals, gold and silver - "real" money.

    So much for the "Gold is dead" slogans since the 90's. So much for the demonetisation of gold -- and by implication silver as well.

    Two questions

    As always in the markets the two questions to which investors would most like accurate answers are, "When?" and "How far?"

    Let us see what kind of answer can in fact be obtained from technical analysis. There is a widespread belief that TA cannot work for gold or silver because these markets are being manipulated to a degree that makes analysis inaccurate, even invalid. This view may well be correct for some approaches to technical analysis, but pattern analysis by Chart Symmetry has had remarkably powerful results.

    Chart patterns have their origin in the complexity of markets. Research has shown that large adaptive systems - called complex systems - display emergent symmetry. Some features of the system repeat. A market is a large adaptive system and just like so many other complex systems, is based on a few simple rules. Underlying the complexity of markets is the decision process of buying and selling by a large number of market partcipants and their perceptions and expectations.

    People who manipulate the market are a part of this complex system; they too have to decide when to buy or when to sell, even if their purpose is manipulation; their decisions are made in the light of what is happening in the market, their interpretation of this and what they anticipate to happen in the future - just like any other market player. They focus strongly on certain levels that they intend to defend, but so do other market players who have decided on stop loss or profit- taking levels.

    Extensive and massive manipulation can steer or influence the market. Just as a large new buyer who enters a market has an effect on price behaviour, with no intention of manipulation. It simply happens that way. However, the manipulation is part of the complex system and the system adjusts to it -- and in the process, patterns develop differently from what they would have done were there no manipulation. But patterns still develop.

    The heavily manipulated gold market of the past few years still develops and displays well-known patterns such as channels and triangles and megaphones, on small and large scales. Without manipulation, the patterns would have been very different, but there are patterns -- and they can be used to help us find answers to "When?" and "How far?"

    How far?

    Long term spot silver charts have some answers. Parallel lines genrazated from patterns indicate where the price could find significant resistance.

    The monthly chart of the silver price below, does not show the very high price spike in 1980, when the Hunt brothers took on the global silver market. That spike went to over $39 on the monthly close, before the Hunts were finally squeezed for margin and had to capitulate.

    This reduced scale chart shows two sets of parallel lines. In both cases a single line was generated as the master line. Lines marked M and M1, and the other lines of the set were drawn as parallels to these master lines. The values next to the lines are what the lines will be at the end of March.

    The silver price is already over $7.00. Presuming that the price will not fall back to the end of February level to return below resistance - now becoming support - at $6.70 or $6.62, we should experience a significant break higher at the end of March. That should open up prospects for a fairly rapid move up to $8.65, say by the end of May.

    After that there is resistance at $10.72 and at $13.15, both at month- end values.

    Of course this is the top side of this analysis, because the parallels to lines M and M1 can be extended to the top of the 1980 spike. That would deliver two much higher values for the tops of the respective channels. For M1, defining the steep bear channel, the top of the channel system lies at $31/oz. For the set defined by line M, which has a slight rising trend, the top of the shallow bull channel lies at $41.

    It would therefore appear that the silver price has a very good chance to increase to about $13/oz, at least, even though this might take quite a long time. This analysis focuses on price levels, not the time frame to reach them.

    Beyond that, there is some indication that the price could reach as high as $30-40/oz and still remain in long- term channel patterns.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    A bear squeeze price jump may be indicated on a break of a key acceleration level. Have a look at the daily silver chart below.

    The master line is indicated as line M, with line P parallel to M. The gradient of channel A-B is derived from the gradient of line M, in terms of the principles of Chart Symmetry. This channel has held steady to contain the rising trend in silver since the low at $4.83 early in October last year. In principle, the price can reach any price level as long as it remains within this channel - without a price squeeze. That would be a scenario of merely an extension of a trend that has been constant for the past 6 months.

    Evidence of a developing bear squeeze has to be in the form a break higher from channel A-B, to reveal an acceleration in the rate of increase in the price. Line A has a value equal to $7.47 for Monday, 15th

    March, and it increases in value at close to 2 cents/day, or 10 cents per week.

    In other words, the price of silver has to exceed $7.57 on March 22nd and exceed $7.67 on March 29th to signal the commencement of a bear squeeze. Anything below these levels and other intermediate values that can be calculated pro rata, would merely be the result of the ruling trend in channel A-B.

    It should be noted that the analysis also provides for key support levels if the ruling trend is to remain intact. Line B has a value of $6.60 on Monday, 15th March. It increases at 2 cents/day or 10 cents/week, which implies the price of silver should not fall below $6.70 by March 22nd or below $6.80 by March 29th, and so on. If this should happen, the channel will be penetrated to the lower side and silver would either turn bearish or extend the bull trend at a shallower gradient that that of channel A-B.


    This essay provides some values on which to base decisions related to the When? and How far? of what seems to be a probable coming bear squeeze in silver. The answer to the When? question is answered by using a well-defined and quite accurate 6 month bull channel. This is a chart formation that has developed and is holding intact so far, despite the intervention.

    So far, silver is leading the way. Of course, Gold could explode first, dragging silver along and triggering the bear squeeze, but for now, the play is to buy silver.

    15 March 2004

    © March 2004 Daan Joubert
    All rights reserved to author, and


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    March 16 - Gold $401.90 up $2.60 - Silver $7.15 up 4 cents

    You Won’t Believe This One!


    A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done...Vincent Thomas "Vince" Lombardi (American football coach, led Green Bay Packers to 6 conference titles)

    GO GATA!!!!!

    No wonder GATA can’t get anywhere with the mainstream US financial press. If they aren’t going to get all over the following tidbit, there is little hope for us until the gold, and or, silver markets blow up. This may be one of the most pathetic and disingenuous explanations by any government in history. The US has lost all credibility:


    The Bureau of Labour Statistics is now blaming "aging computers" for them not releasing the PPI. Apparently, everyone is too drunk on cheap credit to recognize the ruse.

    "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Outdated computers are partly to blame for the delayed release of the U.S. producer price index and only "God knows when" the data will be ready, a top analyst at the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Monday."

    We should all pay close attention-it's not every day that you get to see mass fraud expressed with such imagination or so artistically.


    Can you believe that nonsense? Greenspan spouts off every week about the great productivity miracle in the US and our government can’t issue a very important report for months because of aging computers! Yep, we have become a banana republic, one with no free press and rigged markets. This country is in bad shape. As oft-said in this column, by the time the American public wakes up to how they have been conned they will be almost wiped out financially. What a tragedy it is going to be!

    The gold day was a weird one. Woke up and first saw the currencies flying with the euro up around 100 points. Thought gold would be much higher too. Nope! It came in only slightly higher, filled its opening gap, and then gradually ran up $5 as some quality funds poured in on the buy side. The Gold Cartel led the bullion dealer selling. When the euro turned down and the funds slowed their buying, the bullion dealers pounded gold right back down before it finally stabilized.

    The gold open interest rose 2671 contracts to 240,482. Short-covering propelled silver yesterday as its open interest fell 661 contracts to 118,191. March fell 21 contracts to 429. I still am waiting for my delivery on my March silver long. The Comex floor liked the open interest drop as they did not want to see too much of a spec build up with silver going sideways at these levels.

    Gold has built a solid little base right below $400 and appears poised to make a move higher again.

    April gold

    Gold made a new high for the recovery move in euros closing at 329. Good to see gold continuing to show a bit of independent strength from the dollar.

    Silver was extremely quiet and appears to be readying itself for a big move, one which I believe will be up. The trade sold the rally today and bought the dip around unchanged. Meanwhile, there are very few bulls on the silver floor. Most are looking for silver to washout on the downside. Nothing wrong with this fine looking chart:

    May silver

    There was only ONE silver delivery and 300,635 more ounces were taken out of the Comex warehouses.

    Beans in the teens could easily become a reality this summer, or sooner. May soybeans closed at $9.89, up another 10 ¾ cents per bushel. The CRB made a new 15-year high close at 279.67, up 1.31

    April CRB

    But there is no inflation!

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    Tuesday, March 16, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM $3.72, PM $3.48, with world gold at $399.25 and $399.75. Below legal import point. Reuters today carries a mildly upbeat story about Indian and other South Asia demand:


    "In India, the world's largest gold buyer, local dealers reported brisk … Some dealers said India would buy up to 70 tonnes of gold a month until May, versus around 55 tonnes a month last year. India's gold consumption was projected to reach 600 tonnes this year, up from 568.7 tonnes in 2003."

    "Dealers in Singapore offered gold bars at a premium of 20 U.S. cents an ounce because of limited stocks .The city state is the entrepot for much of the bullion trade in this region. "We have demand from Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia because gold prices have traded below $400 an ounce…" said one dealer."

    The premiums suggest, however, that this demand is particularly price sensitive at present. Somewhat surprisingly, with world silver up to $7.13 today, the Indian market was only a little below import point.

    Japan was not unreasonably preoccupied by the possibility of the BOJ ceasing to hold down the yen. A rallying yen is inimical to holding yen futures contracts. In the event, TOCOM gold futures fell far less proportionately than the other metals: the active contract was down 7 yen on aggregate volume equal to only 18,219 Comex lots, down 19% from Monday. This reflected the steady bullion price – up 50c on the MY close at the end of business. Open interest fell the equivalent of 1,282 Comex contracts. Leadership from Japan is improbable while key parameters are so confused. (NY traded 46,748 lots yesterday: open interest rose 2,976 contracts.)

    The mildly upbeat demand Reuters story noted above also observed


    "..ample gold bars in some trading centres are putting pressure on premiums…"

    and careful reading of the commentaries indicates that steady selling appears whenever gold attempts new highs. The Standard London account, for instance, is thick with these references:


    "Gold opened at the day’s low in TOCOM at 396.50 offer…Within moments, massive buying from Asian dealers at the opening…forced gold to scale above 397. Thereafter, volumes toned down as market participants had satisfied their appetite for gold…After the London market opened, safe haven demand fueled further purchases leading gold above 399 before profit takers, in sizeable chunks, put a damper on prices …COMEX opened at 398.40 bid before renewed trades liquidation weighed on the market and gold drifted lower back to 397…

    Gold…popped higher to the day’s high of 400.50 bid before profit taking brought gold to close at 399.30 bid." [JB emphasis]

    These sorts of remarks, combined with the ready availability of physical, suggest a Central Bank seller.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    As expected the Fed left US interest rates unchanged. The DOG (1943, up 4) was dragged up by the DOW (10,185, up 82). Wall Street keeps muttering how great the economy is. Then why are bonds at contract highs even with the Japanese talking about backing off of their propping the bonds up? The March bond closed at 117 8/32 up 27/32. The dollar closed slightly lower at 89.02, down .21. The euro was up a tad at 122.40, up .08. However, the yen soared to 108.77 and is now way off its recent lows.

    GATA congratulates Kelly O' Meara for this superbly written story in Insight Magazine. The heat is still on the regulators and the Comex silver shorts:

    Is Silver Scandal On the Horizon?

    Posted March 16, 2004

    By Kelly Patricia O' Meara

    One can only speculate, of course, about the outcome of the Enron debacle if investors and regulators had been clued by whistle-blowers into the enormity of the corporation's accounting shenanigans in the years before its implosion. Though it's too late for Enron employees and stockholders, thousands of investors believe a similar implosion is looming in the silver market with potentially catastrophic consequences. Rather than sit back and reap the financial benefits to be gained by what these investors believe will be a much higher price for the precious metal, this indignant army of investors and whistle-blowers has set out to alert federal regulators with the hope of averting another Enron-like disaster…***

    For the full story:…etail/storyid/632699.html


    More disappointing US economic news:

    March 16 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. housing starts fell for a second month in February, reflecting declines in the South and West. At last month's pace, more homes still would be built this year than in 2003.

    Home construction dropped 4 percent during the month to a 1.855 million annual pace, the slowest since August, from a revised 1.932 million rate, the Commerce Department said in Washington.


    Potential Disasterville:

    March 16 (Bloomberg) -- Fannie Mae's derivatives holdings surged 59 percent to more than $1 trillion by the end of last year as the biggest buyer of U.S. mortgages tried to cushion the effect of swings in interest rates on its earnings.

    The company posted a realized loss of $6.9 billion on one type of derivative as of Dec. 31, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Fannie Mae's net income rose to $7.9 billion in 2003.

    Derivatives are financial contracts whose value is derived from debt or equity securities, currencies and commodities. Lawmakers and regulators have scrutinized Fannie Mae's accounting for the contracts since smaller competitor Freddie Mac last year said it underreported profit by $5 billion over three years by using derivatives to reduce earnings volatility.

    The risk that Fannie Mae's use of derivatives may backfire or destabilize markets is remote, said analysts such as Dennis Gartman, editor of the Gartman Letter. Fannie Mae said its share of derivatives outstanding rose to 0.5 percent of the $208 trillion market, as measured by the Bank for International Settlements as of June 30.


    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:

    The Fed took no action in the repo market today March 16th 2004. This caused the repo pool to slip back a bit to $31.75 Billion and continued the rounding off of its 30-day ma. The all important ma shows us that the Fed is done with lowering the repo pool for now and we await a definitive up move in the repo issuance that will signal the Fed's intentions to more aggressively steer the DOW.

    Is the DOW finally headed down?

    Using only the repo metric we must conclude that the Fed has acted in these last weeks to mediate the DOWs exuberance and not to fully pull its support. In other words this little pull-back is a tiny correction in the Feds desired up trend so we can save our money attempting to short this DOW dip. By watching the repo pool's 30-day ma we see preparations for another up move that will surely reverse this temporary down move. I hope I'm wrong (and the DOW really falls) but the special repo metric window into the Fed's Plunge Protection Team say other wise.

    This position goes against all the TA gurus and our natural desire to see economic reality take hold of markets but the DOW has been and continues to be steered by the Federal Reserve's potent money printing repo machine.

    At this hour (Noon) the DOW has recovered a bit to around 10,200.

    Chuck checks in:

    It looks to me as though we have found some support here perhaps through the end of the week. The Fed statement on job creation problems was probably met with, guess what, free money for everyone. Sir Alan was showing that he still had a trick up his custom made shirt sleeve albeit the same old one-pump it!

    If you look at the short-term action you will find that the XAU is tracking the regular stock market pretty closely. That means to me that we could see shots down when the market does the same. I believe that they will recover even though the stock market may stay down in this process.

    Nonetheless, the financial condition of the world structure with all of its profound weaknesses and the continued technical disaster of the stock market, should prevent any real downside action as this drama is played out on the great world stage. We are being propelled toward an unthinkable disaster, in my opinion, fitting in the prophetic declaration of scripture. It is not a matter of if it will happen, but when and how.

    It is not a time to try to fine tune one's timing for buying or selling gold or its shares. The stakes are too great. Chuck

    Houston’s Dan Norcini and I were chatting about the gold market and what is going on these days:

    Like you say so often Bill, these guys are not going to go away until they are bleeding. It is that simple. They really do think that gold is their private playground and resent the fact that anyone would dare to challenge that. It is frustrating as all get out but you and I know Bill that al they are doing is forcing the lid down on top of a pressure cooker that continues to heat. The explosion will be that much more powerful and when the lid blows, they will blow with it.

    Same thing with the monkeying in the stock indexes. It isn't going to work.

    Tragic thing is these guys really did have a chance to do something about the disintegration of our economic system. Not one of them did - all of them, politicians from both parties, financial elites and Wall Street cronies simply took the easy way out. It just shows the lack of statesmen in our generation and the self-serving plunderers of the public stewardship committed to them that we have instead. It is the nature of men to postpone dealing with unpleasantries as long as possible. "Leave it to the next generation to deal with," is the motto of the sluggards and wise in their own eyes lackies that we now have in positions of authority in the land.

    The day that men discovered they could take money from the public trough and use it enrich themselves at the expense of that same public whose labors produced that money is the day that this nation began to lose its economic way. It is also the day that paved the way for the economic decline of this once great and powerful nation. I believe it was Lord Acton who wrote:


    "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    The pity is so many Americans simply have no idea that this sort of thing could happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Most do not want to think that those whom they trust to run the affairs of government could abuse that power and privilege to enrich themselves at their expense. They do not want to believe that things could possibly be that corrupt. Yes, most make jokes about so and so politician in it for the money, but the idea that the entire system is corrupt is unthinkable. It leads to cynicism and no one wants to become an old, bitter cynic. Still facts are stubborn things and the fact is the powers that be have taken control of the markets for their own purposes regardless of the flowery language and quaint aphorisms that they use to cloak their meddling in.

    By the way, I guess you noticed, beans are knocking on the door of $10.00/bushel. That is simply mind -boggling considering that we do not even have the slightest whiff of a crop problem here since ours aren't even in the ground yet! Imagine if we get any kind of drought scare this year where they are going to go. It is shades of '88 again.

    From Central Banking Publications Ltd:


    If Jean-Claude Trichet thinks that he has sorted out the gold market for the next five years with his new gold pact, he will probably have to think again. True, the gold market likes what it sees - the promise of sales by the European central banks being kept within 500 tonnes a year from next September for five years. That's within the kind of tonnage figures that were expected and already discounted, even though significantly higher than the 400 tonne annual rate under the current five-year agreement. But no indication has been made as to how the 500 tonnes to be sold will be divided between countries and this could give rise to serious wrangling in the future. Politicians around Europe are itching to get their grubby little fingers on the proceeds from all that lovely gold, but won't such a grab be frowned on by guardians of the currency? What about those Maastricht rules forbidding central banks financing government spending with asset sales? Or is it alright if it is used to finance educational foundations, as the Bundesbank's Ernst Welteke and France's prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, want?

    But the Bundesbank has already got its fingers burnt by the German parliamentarians who insist that the central bank hand over all the money to the government. The Bundesbank says it will have to think again about the whole proposal if the government insists it wants the money. All in all, it was a great mistake for Welteke to have raised this issue to start with. If gold sales become embroiled in political rows all over Europe, that will be yet another tiresome hassle for the ECB to sort out -and an unwelcome distraction from its main job.


    Christian Noyer, the new head of the Banque de France, is believed to be furious with fellow ECB governor Ernst Welteke for having raised this subject. Now the French politicians are on the trail. After Raffarin took up the idea, backing the sale of "gold surplus stocks to finance research" under the slogan "today's gold for tommorrow's gold" on March 4, Laurent Fabius, former Socialist Finance Minister, suggested that gold should be sold to finance social housing. But the central bank signalled its opposition to selling gold for research spending. An official at the Banque de France was quoted by Les Echos, a French business newspaper, as describing the idea as "crazy."

    According to Agence France Presse, Raffarin does not even have universal support in his party for the idea. [B]"I don't think it's a good idea," said Philippe Marini, head of the Senate Finance Commission, who belongs to Raffarin's centre right UMP party. Adding that "there's no miracle formula" for public spending, he voiced opposition to "selling the family jewels to round off researchers' monthly pay-cheques."


    The gold shares continue to trade in ho-hum fashion. The XAU gained 1.14 to 97.44, while the HUI struggled for a gain of 2.69 to 218.29. The rounded bottom formation remains intact.

    A significant move higher is in the cards for the gold/silver shares. We just are not there yet.


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Press Release Source: Atlas Mining Company

    Atlas Mining Announces Dragon Mine Operations Poised to Begin in April of 2004

    Tuesday March 16, 8:30 am ET

    OSBURN, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 16, 2004--Atlas Mining Company (OTCBB:ALMI - News), a natural resource and mining company, announced today that it has completed negotiations and secured a commitment for a $500,000 equipment line of credit to assist the company in the acquisition of mining and processing equipment for its Dragon Mine project in Juab County, Utah.

    In an earlier announcement Atlas disclosed the purchase of the primary processing equipment from a Canadian manufacturer, scheduled for delivery for the end of March. In preparation of completing the purchase agreement, a financing arrangement was negotiated with Keystone Capital of Costa Mesa, California. Atlas takes on equipment financing rather than issue shares and dilute shareholders.

    Atlas Mining President and CEO William Jacobson stated, "With this credit line, our previous sales from the SB2, and our recently announced strategic alliance with First American Scientific (OTCBB:FASC - News), we are in the best position we've ever been in to get the Dragon Mine into production this spring. We have been very methodical in our approach while trying to bring this very valuable commodity out of the ground. While taking debt can sometimes be a concern, our shares are too undervalued to issue at today's price, and we felt the prudent approach was to not dilute the shareholders."

    Although the snow level at the mine site still does not permit re-entry to the property, plans are being made to mobilize equipment and manpower. Company personnel will begin snow removal at the mine in the coming weeks in an effort to accelerate the necessary ground thaw and moisture evaporation. The company has ready buyers, so a clear path into the mine, as quickly as possible, is critical.

    Jacobson continued, "We are scheduled to start work at the Dragon Mine this spring. Delivery of the KDS processing plant is scheduled for March 31. Between now and then we will start our mining activities. Securing this credit line was critical for us to begin operations in Utah this spring."

    Keystone Capital, Inc. is a private equity investment advisory firm that, along with its affiliates, manages in excess of $50 million in committed capital. The company has been in the equipment financing business since 1994.

    About Atlas Mining Company: Atlas Mining Company is a diversified natural resource company with its primary focus on the development of the Dragon Mine in Juab County, Utah, the only known commercial source of halloysite clay outside of New Zealand. The unique purity and quality of the Dragon mine halloysite is unmatched anywhere in the world and has spawned considerable research into new and exciting applications for this product. Atlas also holds mining and timber interests in Northern Idaho, and operates an underground mining contracting business. Atlas stock trades on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol "ALMI". More information about Atlas Mining Company can be found at


    Als Langzeit Investment 1 bis 2 Jahre ++

    Strong buy!!!!

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…?.sequence=14673&.this=56

    Wednesday, March 17, 2004

    MoF cuts tariffs of gold import

    [Blockierte Grafik:…s/4435222004315001100.jpg]

    Under the latest Deputy Finance Ministerial Decision which amends import duty of some gold products in the list of preference tariff, six gold codes belonging to group 7180 will enjoy tariff cut ranging from 0.5% to 2%.

    Accordingly, five kinds of gold imports including platinum-coated gold or gold powder, bar or coin will be entitled to import duty cut from 1% to 0.5%. The remaining kind including gold leaf will be entitled to tariff cut from 3% to 1%.

    Previously, according to Deputy Head of Gold Association Nguyen Thanh Long, the tariffs set at 3% to gold bar and 1% to gold nugget are not suitable as prices of the two imports are comparatively equal. Meanwhile, import tax rate of gold products in Vietnam is rather high compared to below-1% rate applied in many countries and 0% in Thailand.

    Also, the Ministry of Finance has not yet announced any document relating value added tax cut applicable to gold trading to below-10% as petitioned by the Gold Association. (Source: VnExpress)

  • Magor

    Mit was hast Du denn soviel Glück verdient?



    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Press Release Source: Clifton Mining Company

    Clifton Mining Company - Discovery of Large Precious Metals Anomaly and Shareholder's Meeting Summary

    Wednesday March 17, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UTAH, March 17 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Clifton Mining Company (Clifton)(OTC:CFTN - News)

    Dumont has discovered a large precious metals anomaly on the northwest side of the joint venture property, and the claims have already been acquired that control that anomaly.

    New Gold/Silver Property

    In mid-December, Dumont took 300 samples on the northwest side of the joint venture property and discovered a large gold/silver anomaly. As a result, they have acquired an additional 98 mining claims (about three square miles) in the area. The survey grid is now being expanded to collect 2,500 additional samples in the area to expand/delineate the target. Dumont has completed a core hole drilled for delineation at the south end of this area. The hole was drilled to a depth of 530 feet and reached the intended target. The core has already been split sent to an assay lab. The name given to this new gold and silver anomaly is the IBA project area.

    Three New Major Gold/Silver Targets

    Since December 2002, when the joint venture was consummated, Dumont, Clifton's partner, has outlined and acquired for the joint venture three new large gold and silver targets. The total joint venture property area has grown to more than 33 square miles in one contiguous block. These newly-discovered targets are in addition to the projects previously owned by Clifton. More information on each of these potentially stand-alone projects will be released as it comes available.

    Shareholder Meeting

    The annual Clifton Mining Company shareholder's meeting was held on February 27th, 2004. After an introduction and the formal voting measures were completed, three presentations were made followed by a question and answer session. All measures, under vote, were passed with large margins. Mr. Shahe Sabag, President of Dumont Nickel Mining Company Inc., gave a presentation on the current status of the joint venture mining properties and the three new large scale potential gold and silver anomalies. Keith Moeller, Vice-President of American Biotech Labs, gave a presentation on ABL, including sales figures, new products, government information etc. Dr. Ken Friedman, President of Clifton Ming, followed with a presentation on the new Panama project. Keith Moeller fielded numerous questions from the audience. A summary report of the meeting can be found at under the "Shareholder Meeting Summary--2004" link.

    Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).

    Note: Any statements released by Clifton Mining Company that are forward looking are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Editors and investors are cautioned that forward looking statements invoke risk and uncertainties that may affect the company's business prospects and performance.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]…pl?/current/0316075n.html


    [Blockierte Grafik:]



    MARCH 16, 2004 - 11:24 ET

    Goldcorp Exercises Warrants of Planet Exploration Inc.

    TORONTO, ONTARIO--GOLDCORP INC. (GG:NYSE; G:TSX) has exercised 1,000,000 warrants of Planet Exploration Inc. ("Planet") (PXI:TSX Venture Exchange) to purchase 1,000,000 common shares of Planet at CDN$0.60 per share. These warrants were purchased by Goldcorp in March, 2003 as part of units issued under a non-brokered private placement. Goldcorp now owns 16.7% of the outstanding shares of Planet and, assuming Goldcorp exercises the balance of its warrants, Goldcorp will own 24.6% of Planet on a partially diluted basis. Planet securities are held for investment purposes.

    Goldcorp's Red Lake Mine is the richest gold mine in the world.
    The Company is in excellent financial condition: has NO DEBT, a
    Large Treasury and Strong Cash Flow and Earnings. GOLDCORP is
    completely UNHEDGED and pays a dividend twelve times a year.
    Goldcorp's shares are listed on the New York and Toronto Stock
    Exchanges under the trading symbols of GG and G, respectively and
    its options trade on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), the
    Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Pacific Stock
    Exchange (PCX) in the United States and on the Montreal Exchange
    (MX) in Canada.


    Goldcorp Inc.
    145 King Street West
    Suite 2700
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5H 1J8

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Press Release Source: Sunridge Gold Corp.

    Sunridge Gold Corp.: Debarwa Copper/Gold Project, Eritrea-Drilling

    Tuesday March 16, 9:49 pm ET

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--Sunridge Gold Corp. (SGC-TSX-V) is pleased to report on the ongoing drilling program (see NR 2004-01 and NR 2004-02) at the Debarwa Copper & Gold Project, part of the Asmara Project in Eritrea.

    To date eighteen (18) holes have been completed with the two drills on the property and results from the selected mineralised portions of the first 5 holes have recently been received. These show that the high-grade copper "supergene zone" was intersected in the first reverse-circulation hole DEBR-001 which returned an average copper value of 11.22% over a true width of 7.25 metres with 3.09 gram per tonne gold (g/t) and 53.56 g/t silver. These results are significant because they extend the known high-grade copper mineralisation approximately 100 metres north of the previous northern limits of this type of mineralisation and they confirm the ability of the reverse-circulation drill to successfully drill the supergene zone where it is above the water-table.


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