Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • der USD gibt dann doch nach!!!

    aber dies is keine seltenheit: Zuerst macht GOLD die erste Bewegung und der USD folgt!!!

    Eigentlich müsste es andersrum sein, da ja der USD bekanntlich die Welt-LEIT-Währung par exellence ist bzw. sein sollte !!!

    Aber nur wie lange????

    The tide is turning....

    anbei noch ein 3eck:

  • [Blockierte Grafik:…img/head/h2_logo_desk.gif]

    Spannende Entwicklungen im Rohstoffsektor

    18. März 2004 Es bleibt anscheinend dabei: Die Konjunkturdaten können ausfallen wie sie wollen und die Renditen an den Rentenmärkten noch so sehr fallen. Der Trend hin zu steigenden Rohstoffpreisen bleibt abgesehen von zwischenzeitlichen Korrekturen trotzdem intakt.

    Wirklich erstaunlich dabei ist die Tatsache, daß die Rohstoffpreise auch vom zuletzt deutlich gesunkenen spekulativen Interesse nicht entscheidend in die Knie gezwungen werden. Dabei war es bisher gängige These, daß bei Nachlassen der spekulativen Käufe von Investoren wie Hedge Fonds die Preise schnell in sich zusammenbrechen würden.

    Doch obwohl es zuletzt zum Abbau von spekulativen Positionen gekommen ist, halten sich die Rohstoffpreise erstaunlich gut. Das spricht dafür, daß mehr und mehr „echte“ Käufer, wie die verarbeitende Industrie, für die Spekulanten in die Bresche springen. Für die Analysten beim australischen Broker Macquarie Research ist dies ein ausgesprochen bullisches Zeichen. Hält die Wachablösung an, könnte dies aus ihrer Sicht bedeuten, daß das jetzige Preisniveau nur der Ausgangspunkt für weitere Avancen ist.

    Viele Faktoren treiben die Preise

    Wie optimistisch diese Vorhersage im Grunde genommen ist, zeigt sich daran, daß viele Rohstoffe bereits massive Preissteigerungen hinter sich haben und schon jetzt auf Mehrjahreshochs notieren. So wird Öl auf einem Dreizehnjahreshoch, Zinn auf einem Vierzehnjahreshoch, Kupfer auf einem Neunjahreshoch und Gold auf einem Achtjahreshoch gehandelt.

    Doch diese Preisentwicklungen haben in der Regel einen realen Hintergrund. Denn vielfach ist die Nachfrage, getrieben von dem konjunkturellen Boom in China, nachhaltig gestiegen und gleichzeitig sind die Lägerbestände oft auf bedenkliche Niveaus zusammengeschrumpft. Zusammen mit logistischen Knappheiten wie fehlenden Frachträumen bei Schiffen schürt das inzwischen sogar die Angst vor ernsthaften Lieferengpässen. Denn das Angebot kann nicht von heute auf morgen ausgeweitet werden, nachdem sich die Branche in den vergangenen mit dem Ausbau ihrer Kapazitäten außergewöhnlich stark zurückgehalten hatte.

    Rohstoff-Zertifikate eine geeignete Alternative

    Wer angesichts dieser Ausgangslage auf weiter feste Rohstoffpreise setzt, der stellt sich als Anleger die Frage, wie sich davon am besten profitieren läßt. Als einfachste Alternative fallen einem dabei natürlich Rohstoff-Aktien ein. Doch wer sich daran erinnert, daß in den 70er Jahren bei der bisher letzten Rohstoff-Hausse nur die physischen Rohstoffe stiegen, der wird vielleicht lieber auf Rohstoff-Zertikate ausweichen. Aber auch in dieser Hinsicht gibt es inzwischen bekanntlich genügend Alternativen, so daß zugeschnitten auf die Präferenzen eines jeden Anlegers etwas dabei sein müßte. Wobei es selbstverständlich sein dürfte, daß man Positionen in einem schwer zu durchschauenden Segment wie den Rohstoffen ständig unter Beobachtung halten muß.

  • ich würde auch jegliche Dollarspekulationen derzeit bleiben lassen.
    Einerseits befindet sich der Dollar in einem sauberen Breakout nach oben aus einem 9monatigem Dreieck, andererseits traue ich diesem Breakout überhaupt nicht, und denke dass dies ein FAKE-Breakout werden könnte. doch wann der USD wieder runter kommt sei dahingestellt und weiss ich auch beim besten willen nicht. doch was wir wissen hat Wasserzeichen gerade gesagt: Gold steigt gegen alle Schlüsselwährungen an! Die Abkoppelung könnte bald vollbracht sein. Beim Ausbruch in Richtung 480 vielleicht irgendwo "dazwischen"....

  • Zitat

    man beachte, dass nur noch 0,60USD bis zur $6 fehlen lieber Thaiguru! Ob die heute noch ihre "Marke" halten können, sei bei dieser Dynamik nur zu bezweifeln. Ausser es setzt einen...

    Offensichtlich haben sie es wieder einmal geschafft...!
    Aber morgen wird schon das nächste Kapitel in dieser spannenden Phase geschrieben!

  • Interessante Nachrichten über Silber von Bloomberg


    Mining Companies

    ``We have definitely seen people view silver as a monetary investment'' and a ``hedge against the depreciating dollar,'' said Dennis Wheeler, chief executive of the mining company based in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

    Shares of Coeur d'Alene Mines are up sixfold the past year and Wheeler said the company will be profitable this year for the first time since 1996.

    Silver's rally probably will top $8 and last another few years, Wheeler said. Prices would have to reach $10 before industrial demand starts to ease because silver accounts for a small portion of the total costs of most products it is used for, he said. About 5,000 color photographs can be taken using one ounce of silver, or 0.14 cent each at current prices.

    ``A weaker dollar, economic recovery, and growing uses of silver, with a limited growth in supply, all convince me this silver market is going to remain strong,'' Wheeler said during an interview in Chicago.

    Rest zu lesen:
    Silver Rally Boosts Fuji Costs, Coeur D'Alene Profit (Update5)…vider.aspx?NewsID=6711542

  • Betreff: This week financial prediction.........
    Gesendet: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 13:02:13 -0500

    Dear Friends,
    I am very happy to receive many emails from key people of world financial market on my work and thanks for my contributions and guidance investores. I am happy to paste my this week newsletter which confirm that how astrology can pay such a important and accurate role in invetsment in unpredictable world financial market in well advance.

    Dear Members,

    Last week Silver finally crossed dollar 7 mark and stayed above important level for 3 Days. For gold and silver I was expecting weak trend on Friday, it did happened but good-news is that that silver closed above $7.00 in New York after touching $6.90 low. Yes Moon was in bad mood and played a negative role more on Gold compare to silver. Finally world stock market showed a sign of weakness from 8th March which is there in my book and also I mentioned in last week newsletter.
    According to my astrological calculation on metal and market I see.......

    Prediction from 15 March to 19 March 2004.

    This week gold prices will remain stable and I won't recommend to sell any because from next week I see strong rise in gold prices[/B[B]]. Monday gold will trade quite stable but positive trend will start for gold from Tuesday but again Thursday gold will remain volatile. I see gold stocks will make surprise up move any time after Monday and compare to gold prices gold stocks will gain handsomely during this week.

    As I said previously in the month of February as well as last week that mid March would be the best time to invest in metal stock if they come down and they did quite fast (more then my expectations). Those who bought can hold and those who wanted to invest can go ahead even at this stage.

    I know many are confuse on my prediction of metal stocks rising because same time I am predicting downward trend of USA stock market and many expert believes that if USA market goes down then metal stocks would also suffer but once again I am confirming very strongly on rising of metal stocks in 2004. So go ahead and invest in most safe place, you won't regret.

    Good news that silver closed above $7 on Friday after touching $6.90. Hold your silver investment. Once again I am strongly recommending to buy silver stocks. From 18th March I see major upward trend for silver. I am waiting for my next target $7.45 to 7.95.


    Both made strong gain during last week as I predicted. Hold your investment in both of this metal. They will rise very strongly during this week again from Tuesday.

    I hold weak USA Dollar prediction but now my favourite currencies is Japanese Yen. since last 24 months I predicting strong Euro and pound and both reached my astrological calculated prices of (1.30 and 1.90), once again they might reach that level but not safe. Watch YEN and invest against all major world currencies.

    USA stock market will test 10000 level and might bounce back but don't get trapped. Remain in sell position. If you recall my prediction last month when I finally announced that around 10700 is most safe index to short for short term as well as long term period.

    Thanks & God Bless

    On 17th March I send "alert" email to buy metal stocks one hour before when they were in big time lossing and gold/silver were trading at $401.70 and $7.11. That email also I am presting here. Yesterday same time I did on my website.

    Dear Friends,

    This week I recommended Buy YEN but not Euro and Pound. Yen is doing well and will do well.

    From today or tomorrow I am expecting great turn around in metal stocks and many will rise up to 25% with in March 2004 from today morning level. ALSO METAL WILL START RISING FROM TOMORROW SP. GOLD AND SILVER.

    Those who want to invest go ahead and those how are holding just can wait. Jupiter is saying - this is time to buy not selling.

    Many predictions are fulfilling:

    Oil toward to new high.

    Silver trading above $7.00.

    Palladium and platinum rise.

    Stock market down,

    Thanks & God Bless


  • Thom

    Was glaubst Du wie viel Gold (Papier+physisch) und Geld (Fiat) diejenigen schon eingesetzt (verloren) haben, um die Gold, und Silberpreise zu manipulieren, und damit zu unterdrücken.

    Die 6 Dollar Regel konnten sie heute gerade nochmals aufrecht erhalten. Aber es ist genau wie Du sagst, wohl schon bald das letzte mal so gewesen. Danach wird alles nicht mehr so sein wie bis anhin, und selbst einige Gold Bugs werden sich noch wundern, zu was Gold fähig ist.

    20.- ++ Dollar Anstieg an einem Gold Handelstag, sehe ich bereits in greifbarer Nähe gerückt!

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    March 18 - Gold $410.70 up $4.20 - Silver $7.43 up 19 cents

    Massive Chinese Buying Spurs Gold And Silver


    In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists... Eric Hoffer (philosopher and author 1902-1983)

    GO GATA!!!

    What a day! We were really knocking ‘em dead when word spread Osama bin Laden’s donkey was surrounded in Afghanistan. The rumor hit just as The Gold Cartel was losing control of gold as it was breaking through their $6 rule stranglehold. Gold was $414 bid, up $7.50, and taking off when it suddenly dropped $3 in minutes.

    The way the gold bashing news hits just at the right time over and over for Wall Street wouldn’t even cut it for a lousy B movie. It is just too ridiculous. The stock market was cratering at the same time gold was taking off.

    Gold spent most of the day up $6 and change. Must have received 15 emails about the $6 rule again. Finally, it looked like gold was saying goodbye to that rule when the miraculous news was announced.

    The Café Sentiment Indicator worked again.

    April gold, one fine looking chart:

    Meanwhile, I heard from my best sources today:

    *The STALKER has been in action since Tuesday and has been buying gold aggressively. My guess last night why gold was moving swiftly higher was right on the money. My STALKER source also tells me the word is the Chinese are all over the silver market too. This is NOT the same source who told us months ago the Chinese were going after silver.

    *My Mid East silver source checked in for the first time in a couple of months. The essence of what he said was the big silver buyers in Europe still have not been able to accumulate all the silver they want. Therefore, they have gone even more deeply to the derivatives market to secure future supply this coming fall. This is very consistent with what MIDAS has brought to your attention for months, not only from this valuable source, but others as well.

    I can’t stress enough how positive this is for the future price of silver. As mentioned in last evening’s commentary, almost no one out there understands what is going on behind the scenes in the silver market, which is why there are so few bulls out there, which is why the price keeps going up.

    Remember to keep in mind my Mid East/European silver source has told us these massive silver buyers are looking for $30 to $40 silver within two years. YUMMY!

    What was most impressive today about silver is that when gold sold off, silver barely budged. It only down ticked a few cents and then came right back to close on its highs. May would have blown through $7.50 had it not been for the al-Qaeda rumors swirling around.

    Incredibly there are no gaps to fill in either silver or gold. We still have our breakaway gaps ahead of us.

    The gold open interest rose 3943 contracts to 249,438. The funds and our immensely powerful physical market buyers are taking on The Gold Cartel. The silver open interest only rose 954 contracts to 118,539. It should have really jumped today. Seems to me the cabal silver shorts are going to get their butts handed to them. There just isn’t enough physical silver around to stop the price from soaring. It will take a sharply higher silver price from here to ration what supply is left.

    The March open interest stayed the same at 415.

    There were 100 silver deliveries and Deutsche Bank took 16 more of them. I am still waiting for my silver delivery.

    13,563 silver ounces were taken out of the Comex warehouses today.

    Once silver busts through $7.50, it should shoot for $10. The floor is looking at $8.31 as a first stop.

    May silver

    Those outside day key reversals in silver and the HUI yesterday were very useful to note from a technical standpoint. Some follow through today in both.

    May soybeans closed at $10.18 cents per bushel, up another 24 cents today. This is the first time beans have crossed the $10 mark in 15 years. Nice call Greg Pickup!

    The CRB rose again, finishing the day at 282.98, up 1.75. But, there is no inflation! How long are Wall Street and Washington going to feed the no inflation garbage to the American public?

    Gold broke higher FIRST. Then the dollar fell, contrary to what you will read in most recaps of the gold action today. The dollar ended down .90 to 88.15. The euro rose 1.48 to 123.60.

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    The John Brimelow Report

    Gold inflection? Refco bullish!

    Thursday, March 18, 2004

    Indian ex-duty premiums: AM 94c, PM $1.41, with world gold at $407.75 and $407. Well below legal import point. India was not amused by the sudden jump in world gold. In China too, domestic gold has lagged, with the Shanghai Gold Exchange showing slight (20-50c) discounts on the various grades of gold, on rather heavy volume.

    TOCOM had a volatile day, with the active contract ranging 24 yen, before settling down 6 yen. The late NY jump in gold had to contend with the contrary influence of a surging yen. Volume was up 134% to the equivalent of 47,939 Comex contacts, but open interest fell slightly, by the equivalent of 503 Comex. World gold went out 25c below NY, at 406.25, having at one point been pressing on $409. In Mitsui-London’s words, "physical selling capped the market". (NY yesterday is said to have traded 48,224 contracts – a questionable 32% less than the estimate – open interest is said to have risen another 3,943 lots.)

    Yesterday’s crucial news was the powerful charge staged by buyers towards the NY close. In the last half hour, Gold rose $5 on a 60% increase in volume (133% if one credits the estimate) . Clearly this was fund buying. Large specs, of course, have been notably reluctant to re enter the gold market since they were blasted out of it in January. Merely building back to the peak positions of the middle of that month would imply c.50,000 contracts of open interest increase. The Bears would have a problem.

    UBS points out today that the Euro price of gold is virtually back to its year high, and therefore might generate technical enthusiasm. Refco Research, with commendable flexibility, is trying a long trade again:

    "Buy 1 April gold at market. Risk close $5 under entry. Expect 419."


  • [Blockierte Grafik:]


    The US economic news continues to disappoint:
    U.S. March Philadelphia Fed Factory Index Falls

    March 18 (Bloomberg) -- Manufacturing in the Philadelphia region expanded for a tenth month in March, a Federal Reserve report showed. The Fed Bank of Philadelphia's general economic index this month registered a reading of 24.2 compared with 31.4 in February. A number greater than zero signals a higher percentage of the manufacturers surveyed reported an improvement in business than deterioration. The index reached a 10-year high of 38.8 in January and has been positive since June.


    The DOW and DOG roared back after it looked like they were headed back down to oblivion. Eventually, they drifted off after the donkey rumor broke to finish at 10,296, down 4 and 1962, down 14. Stock market volatility is back. Wall Street rah-rahs the market up and reality pulls it down.

    Thought you might like to know Kelly O’ Meara’s Insight Magazine story is making the rounds in the investment world. It is a bonanza of a story for us silver bulls. Thanks again Kelly!

    Spoke with a veteran Café member who has contact with some mainstream precious metals reporters. He presented the Kelly's silver scandal story to them. Because the price is rising so much, they are going to do a story on silver. Casually I mentioned that MIDAS has nailed this move so far for many months and asked if they would like to talk to me about silver. He laughed and came back with, "No Way." If they mention my name or GATA, their editors will take both out of the story.

    Great free press we have here in the United States. What a joke!

    From The King Report last night:

    PPI to be released It should be a whopper; but look at yesterday’s CPI. The CRB Index is at its highest level since 1984. Another 4 point rally and it will be at its highest level since the 1980 record. 1980 marked the worst US inflation since the Civil War. BLS has food prices +0.2% in Feb, +3.3% y/y. Energy rose a ridiculous 1.7% in Feb, +3.8% y/y – with record gasoline prices and oil above $38! They let medical care rise at the highest rate in 6 years +0.6%, but the 4.2% y/y change is bogus. How did they massage CPI lower? Education, communications & computers fell sharply, -1.2% in Feb, -16.2% y/y. Of course the fraudulently adjusted computer prices obfuscate the rise in tuition. And the bulk of the CPI, housing, (which is most rents) is +0.2% in Feb, +2.1% y/y.

    In yesterday’s WSJ Jesse Eisinger writes, "Ignore the price our your house, your gasoline, your health care, your food, your business’s raw materials, your insurance and whatever else is rising. The government says there is no inflation here. Move on, folks. Nothing to see." Each passing day, more people recognize the invalidity of government economic statistics.


    The PPI WAS a whopper. U.S. producer prices surged 0.6 percent in January. Wonder what the real number was?

    GATA’s Mike Bolser:

    Hi Bill:

    The Fed added today, March 18th 2004, $15.5 Billion in temporary repurchase agreements, an action that dropped the repo pool a bit to $31.25 Billion. However, the pool's 30-day moving average is definitely tracking back upwards and this is a clue that the Fed wants the DOW's 30-day ma to do the same.


    The established linear trend from June 2003 to Dec 2003 has been firmly recaptured by the DOW itself if not yet its 30-day ma. While many TA disciples wait and bet for a DOW crash, it will follow the Fed Master's wishes and track level for a time as its ma moves over to the 10,600 mark around the end of April. Then it will move up.

    The latest phase of DOW and repo action is more solid evidence of the interventional power of the Fed and most importantly it is mounting evidence that the Fed cannot tolerate a free market.

    Billions are being made by the Fed's primary dealers on this rig job since they know ahead of time where the DOW will be well into the future. With the "magic" of this financial time machine, the dealers such as Merrill, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan Chase can place massive call option bets and know they will be right. Doubtless many will write books about their investment prowess...emulating the notorious Ivan Boesky, the original inside trader.

    Trouble in paradise

    But all is not well in the rigged Wall Street casino. The OCC has just released the latest derivative data and it shows JP Morgan Chase with over $27 Trillion [NOT a misprint] in interest rate derivatives. The more stress they are under, the higher the derivatives value rises. The stress emanates from their attempts to rig the long end of the interest rate curve and the rate of derivatives rise is geometric since the 3rd quarter 2002.

    There are limits however, to the risks any Fed bank can assume before its powerful credit committees step in and demand a solution...usually a merger with another bank that has less derivatives exposure. Thus, we hear of yet another rumored merger at JPM.

    That these "mergers" are being forced in ever shorter intervals is an alarming clue to the nearness of a real banking crisis that will be unlike any other.

    DIVG update

    The DIVG 200-day ma (yellow trace) is still in a linear up move and this remains very positive as example #1 of the gold cartel's retreat-in-progress.


    Chuck checked in this afternoon:

    The contrast in the two markets today is so obvious. Here you have gold up sharply, then capped, then the XAU ends soft because of the imminent capture of the Egyptian. The those who think this is going to change the fundamentals and technicals can't panic enough to buy stocks. Catch the killer, and let the market do what it must do. I am still amazed by this market.

    How about that MAHENDRA!!! The guy is GOOD! Would somebody please take his gold and silver predictions over the past three years and compare them with the precious metals analysts at Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley. He puts them to shame. To think there are people out there who think these Wall Streeters have any credibility when it comes to gold and silver. My oh my!

    First copper, then silver:

    Copper Rises on Increased Demand in Japan, Dwindling Stockpiles

    March 18 (Bloomberg) -- Copper futures in New York rose to a two-week high on speculation of increased demand in Japan, the world's third-biggest consumer, at a time of dwindling global supplies.

    The dollar's decline to a one-month low against the yen will make copper, which is priced in dollars, cheaper for buyers in Japan. Copper prices have climbed 31 percent this year as accelerating economies in China and the U.S. boosted demand for homes and appliances, forcing manufacturers to tap inventories because mine production and recycled scrap couldn't keep pace.

    ``There's not enough copper in the world at these prices to satisfy everybody's demands,'' said Tony Nappi, a trader at Triland USA Inc. in New York. ``We had Far East buying'' today that was probably prompted by the decline in the dollar against the yen, Nappi said……

    Inventories at warehouses approved by the London Metal Exchange, the world's largest metals market, have plunged 47 percent this year, falling 6,000 tons today to a six-year low of 229,050 tons.


    First oil, then gold and silver:

    Thursday, March 18

    Shell Cuts Reserves as U.S. Probe Widens

    LONDON (Reuters) - Royal Dutch/Shell cut its oil and gas reserves for the second time this year on Thursday in a fresh blow to investor confidence, as U.S. regulators stepped up legal probes into the debacle

    Shell's decision to slash its proved reserves by 20 percent in January has already sent shockwaves through the industry, cost its two top bosses their jobs, and wiped billions of dollars off its stock market value.

    Thursday's reserves cut was much smaller, at just 220 million barrels for 2003, and 250 million for 2002, compared with the original restatement of 3.9 billion barrels.


    From George Ure and

    PPI Numbers: Inflation at a 7.2% Annual Rate!

    Here's the long awaited lowdown on the PPI. From the government figures out this morning, ask yourself if these make sense:

    (Chart not available)

    First things first. The total. 0.6% for the month is only about half of our predicted annual inflation rate for 2004 of 13% (based on a lot of hard work) but in an election year, we don't expect to see total honesty and transparency in numerical data controlled from the top. Notwithstanding the political point, the PPI is up in this reporting period at a 7.2% annual rate. Now let's ask some honest test questions:

    Food: Did you see food prices go down 1.4% in the month of January? I did - but only because we moved from Boca Raton to rural Texas. No one I know saw anything they eat go down.

    Energy: Did it go up 4.7%? That's way low. Has anyone told these good old boys that the price of oil is at record highs and it started up that path in December?

    Except food and energy, you're expected to believe the finished goods were up year on year (YOY) 3.3%. Pass me the crack pipe, wouldja?

    How do you make the stats look good when you don't like them? You change the reporting methodology:

    Effective with this release, the Producer Price Index (PPI) includes data for 65 resampled and 21 newly introduced industries classified according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Bureau of Labor Statistics periodically updates the sample of producers providing data for the PPI to reflect current conditions more accurately when the structure, membership, technology, or product mix of an industry shifts. The first results of this systematic process were published in July 1986. Subsequent efforts have been completed at 6-month intervals. For information on specific index additions, deletions, and recodes that are effective with this semiannual update, see the January 2004 issue of the PPI Detailed Report or contact the Division of Industrial Prices and Price Indexes, Section of Index Analysis and Public Information at ppi- or (202) 691-7705.

    "Resample" means you can start over again in statistics - which may be what's going on here. On the other hand, we all know that steel prices were uyp 20-30% in January alone, based on numerous reports we have published previously including increases in rebar, piping for the fire equipment (sprinkler) business, and bulk steel. So, do you think they showed up in this report after resampling? From Table 2 at we note that construction equipment was up at a 9.6% annual rate (0.8% for the month). Things like that.

    But where's the BIG HOLE in this report? Take the biggest increases and watch the weighting (see the Relative Importance column). Looking at Table 1 for this report at

    versus table 1 from December (2003) at

    we find that in the December report, when Finished Consumer Foods were up 7.7% from the previous year, their weighting was 20.672 but in the current report and with just one month the finished consumer foods up 4.1% from year ago numbers was weighted 21.479.; Beginning to see how this weighting stuff works?

    Looking at Table 2 from this January

    versus last January

    we can work out why our house rebuilding is costing more than expected. Plywood, for example is up 19.2% for the year-on-year report. Gee, yah think this might have some impact on housing starts? (Duhhh...) Steel mill products up only 4.9% YOY?

    No thanks, I can't buy that one.

    One that will really ripple through the economy - and the fast food business in particular is the 52.1% YOY rise in soybean prices. Then there's the 72.2% increase in Iron and scrap steel prices - those I can buy.

    The bottom line to this report is that inflation is back - and the 7.2% annual rate of increase in the PPI numbers this month is only the tip of the iceberg. Just wait till next month.


    On Japan and the yen:

    Bill Murphy,

    I suppose many people are speculating on why Japan says after March 31 they will no longer buy dollars and sell yen to hold down the yen vs. dollar rate.

    While it is true Japanese warn of their actions obliquely, they do warn. If you don't hear, that is your problem, as you will be reminded should you complain. These statements have to be taken seriously.

    To be sure, the reasons are likely many-faceted, but there is one overwhelming reason why March 31st is Bye-bye dollar day. For decades, the Japanese government has always bid up the dollar in the months leading up to March 31st because that is the end of their fiscal year. By bidding up the dollar vs. the yen the repatriated US dollar profits are significantly enhanced in yen terms - the terms that show up in profit and loss statements, and which determine their corporate taxes. Some FX speculators in the know have made fortunes piggy-backing on this trade.

    Even worse for the dollar, after the profits have been repatriated, after March 31st the government usually sells some of the dollars they bought to drive down the dollar vs. the yen briefly to make the annual export of Japanese corporation's investment capital in the US larger in dollar terms for a given yen amount - favoring the balance of payments both ways.

    The cessation of support for the dollar followed shortly after the 31st by supporting the yen vs. the dollar could whipsaw the dollar severely – but they can always say, it isn't as if they didn't warn us.

    Golden Star Resources is my largest share holding. Good news today:

    Golden Star shares rise on results, gold price

    Thursday March 18, 12:56 pm ET

    TORONTO, March 18 (Reuters) - Golden Star Resources Ltd. (Toronto:GSC.TO - News) shares jumped 9 percent on Thursday, boosted by a strong gold price and encouraging sample results from its joint-venture Yirisen gold project in Sierra Leone.

    As Chuck mentioned, gold shareholders couldn’t wait to unload their holdings late as we approached the 4 o’clock bell. Been this way all year. The XAU closed at 101.09, up 2.05 and the HUI finished at 228.63, up 6.69. Still, the HUI is one good looking chart. This rounded bottom formation is a strong one technically. Gold/silver shares should rocket higher in the weeks and months ahead as they come out of a strong base.



    Golden Star Resources led the HUI higher, climbing 47 cents to $6.34, up 8.01%.




    The Rumor Mill News Reading Room


    Posted By: Rosalinda

    Date: Wednesday, 17 March 2004, 4:49 p.m.

    In Response To: Snow Requests Meeting With Fed (Fiat_Lux)

    Source: FDIC, combined wires

    In its annual report filed on March 15, US mortgage giant Fannie Mae said that its losses stemming from derivatives contracts closed during the years 2001-2003, amounted to almost $15 billion.

    Its reported losses on closed derivatives contracts were $1.7 billion for 2001, $5.8 billion for 2002, and $6.9 billion for 2003.

    Last week, London`s Financial Times presented a study by an independent research institute claiming that Fannie Mae`s derivatives losses had been in the range of $24 billion, and were estimated at a little over $15 billion, after tax.

    Today's FT says that Fannie Mae also reported losses on open hedge positions of $5.3 billion for 2003; these can potentially be recouped if held tomaturity.

    In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the same day, Fannie Mae further announced that due to "volatility in the market last year", its derivatives holdings surged by an incredible 59% (last year) to above $1 trillion.

    Furthermore, Fannie`s short-term debt (coming due within 12 months) increased by 27%, to $484.1 billion, while longer-term debt went up by 1.7%, to $477.1 billion.

    In a special report put out on March 1, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), issued a strong warning concerning the exposure of US commercial banks and S&L`s in debt titles issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the so-called Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE).
    Not only in the case of a liquidity crisis at one of the GSEs, but already as a consequence of a formal withdrawal of their implicit public guarantees, the debt titles issued by Fannie and Freddie could plunge in value, thereby causing massive losses at commercial banks and S&Ls.
    Total unsecured GSE debt held by FDIC-insured banks and savings
    associations amounted to $296 billion at the end of the third quarter 2003.

    On top of this, the same banks and savings associations held $763 billion of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) issued by Fannie and Freddie.
    For the average US commercial bank, these holdings add up to 151% of their core capital; in the case of the savings associations, it's even 181%.

    There are actually a number of FDIC-insured institutions which "have very high concentrations of GSE-related securities that amount to more than 500 percent of their TIER 1 Capital."

    This means that a 20% plunge of Fannie and Freddie debt title could wipe out the entire core capital of such banks.

    [Sources: Fannie Mae 10K filing, March 15, 2004; FDIC]

    TRILLION-DOLLAR DERIVATIVES PORTFOLIO, Fannie Mae revealed in its annual 10K filing with the S.E.C. Fannie Mae has 23 derivatives
    counterparties, and seven of those institutions, each holding between 6% and 16% of the total, account for 74% of Fannie's $1.04 trillion derivatives portfolio; with the remaining 16 counterparties each holding 5% or less.

    Those "counterparties consist of large banks, broker-dealers and other financial institutions that have a significant presence in the derivatives market, most of which are based in the United States," Fannie Mae said.

    The counterparties were not named, but they are likely led by the usual suspects, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup, and perhaps investment banks such as Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.

    U.S. commercial banks also held $982 billion in mortgage- backed securities at the end of 2003, up from $912 billion at the end of 2002, according to the FDIC's latest quarterly banking profile.

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    Freitag, 19. März 2004

    * Pflichttermin: Der GOLD Kongress 2004 *

    Rohstoffe geben vielen Anlegern Rätsel auf. Mal scheinen ihre Preise unaufhörlich zu fallen, so dass man am Ende fast den Eindruck gewinnt, die Volkswirtschaft komme ganz gut ohne sie aus. Mal schießen ihre Notierungen ohne Vorwarnung in die Höhe, und alle Welt schreit, man müsse unbedingt in Gold, Silber oder sogar Kupfer investiert sein. In den vergangenen beiden Jahren war eher Letzteres der Fall. Doch in den letzten Wochen ist die Rohstoffpreis-Rallye ins Stocken geraten. Viele Highflyer des Vorjahres mussten bereits kräftige Kurseinbußen einstecken. Doch für die Experten ist das nichts beunruhigendes - "eine gesunde Korrektur" heißt es bei den meisten Fondsmanagern. Und diese sehen den Goldpreis weiterhin im Aufwind.

    Was hinter solchen Angaben wirklich steckt, warum Gold in Zukunft weiter steigen muss und warum es für jeden risikobewussten Anleger unabdingbar ist in Gold zu investieren diskutieren zahlreiche Experten auf dem eintägigen Kongress zum Thema "Gold und andere Edelmetalle" am 17. April 2004 in München.

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