Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • Frr hat einen link reingelegt,der geht aber nur als member von LMC.
    Ich erlaube mir diesen reinzulegen wen es nicht interessiert der kann ihn ja ueberfliegen. In einen anderen Interview mit Dr.Marc Faber sagte dieser Mann man sollte nicht Goldmuenzen und Barren in den USA horten sondern er empfehlt eher die Schweiz,Singapore, und speziell in Indien weil man dort Gold am wenigsten beschlagnahmt im Fall einer Krise. Also seid vorsichtig wo ihr Euer Gold lagert, man weiss nie was der Staat damit machen will.
    Laut Faber's Meinung erreicht der Goldpreis mit Dow Jones Index und S&P 500 einen Gleichstand innerhalb von 10 Jahren,momentan sollte man auf Cash sitzen fuer einen Zeitraum von ca. 6 Monaten und erst dann in Gold einsteigen fuer die naechsten 5-7 Jahre.

    Professor von Braun
    The Rocket School of Economics.
    May 21, 2005

    Since 1932 the US dollar, currently the pre-eminent reserve currency of nearly all central banks, has been losing purchasing power, estimated by some as being as much as 95%, or put another way what cost a $1.00 in 1932 now needs $19.00 to acquire. From a purchasing power point of view it has already collapsed. During that 73 year period much has happened when it comes to financial markets, currencies, debt, taxes and the concept of wealth.

    The actuality of a currency that was redeemable in gold and or silver by the issuer of the paper notes is of course, long gone. Ownership of gold by U.S. citizens was outlawed on April 5, 1933 when President Roosevelt issued an executive order "forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates." This made it a felony to own the metal punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 or 10 years imprisonment. Gold was handed in and the holders received $20.67 per ounce. President Roosevelt issued a proclamation under the Gold Reserve Act on January 31, 1934 permanently ‘fixing’ the price of gold at $35 per ounce, a substantial increase on the price paid to ‘citizens’ who had, several months earlier been forced to return their gold for a lesser price.

    President Nixon’s decision to activate the right given earlier by Congress and remove the US off an international gold standard on August 15, 1971 ended the convertibility of the dollar by foreign holders into gold and set free US central bankers to essentially issue as much paper as they thought necessary

    What is often overlooked is that, as of January 1, 1975, when private ownership by US citizens of gold was allowed, the U.S. dollar indirectly went back onto a gold standard, though that return was only partial due to legal tender laws. Nonetheless, the option for individual U.S. citizens to convert paper currency to physical metal and take delivery had, after 42 years, been restored. Obviously, as gold is priced in US dollars the holders of these dollars now had the ability to convert them into a gold instrument, either coin or bullion and once again become "hoarders" if they so wished.

    For several years after that date the ‘price’ of gold increased dramatically as commodity inflation ruled the day, culminating in January of 1980 in the mid $800’s.

    Since that time we have witnessed the expansion of financial markets to a degree never seen before. Asset inflation has been taking place at a very rapid rate, with the Federal Reserve printing ‘money’ – essentially swapping paper for paper, IOU’s for IOU’s, creating the appearance of ‘value’ merely by inflating prices by creating more IOU’s.

    The perceived value of an individual’s assets has of course risen dramatically during this period with hardly a market being missed out. Stock prices, house prices, gas prices, new car prices, art prices, meal prices, education prices, medical costs, etc, all have risen in either value or cost.

    In fact the ‘value’ of these increased assets is not dissimilar from the decline in the purchasing power of the instrument used to denominate them. In other words, as the quoted price of something goes up it appears to be nearly the exact opposite of the decrease in the purchasing power of the instrument used to transact business. While the individual may have more of the ‘units’, effectively the purchasing power has decreased to the same degree that the value of the asset has increased.

    After August 15, 1971, when, as previously mentioned, the US dollar was no longer convertible into gold, a decision that followed the ongoing redemption of large amounts of US $’s (IOU’s) for bullion by the French, Italian, Dutch and German banking systems (from 1950 through to 1973 official US gold reserves decreased by 11000 tonnes, most of which ended up in Europe) the US was now able to run what President de Gaulle’s economic advisor, Jacques Rueff had called the ‘deficit without tears."

    In other words, a deficit could be maintained with no accountability since there no longer was anything to convert the dollars into other than to deposit them with US banks, which is where they came from. The recipients of these dollars were basically stuck with them and that is the situation today. The only way to maintain this rather neat trick is to continue to inflate assets via the creation of more paper ad infinitum. As long as the illusion of wealth in the form of rising asset prices is maintained via the process of re-inflation and every major central bank agrees to play the game, then obviously given the rise in value in recent years of assets denominated in dollars, it works very well.

    It should come as no surprise that the gold market has been manipulated during this period, as the entire asset inflation game is a manipulation in its own right, designed to maintain the illusion of wealth, while producing little of value and gold can not be excluded.

    What is worthy of note is that the gold price today has also increased from 1932 by a factor similar to the decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar, about 20 fold actually, which suggests a constant at work here, albeit an often unrecognized one. When it comes to gold and currencies one could well ask the question, "which came first, the chicken or the egg?’ Or perhaps, more precisely, it might be useful to ask "Which is the chicken and which is the egg?"

    The convertibility ratio of the dollar into gold remains similar to what it was in the early 1930’s from a purchasing power perspective, in spite of obvious attempts to remove it from the role as the benchmark by which all currencies are measured. Obviously there have been fluctuations in both the value of the dollar and the quoted price of gold but gold, unlike paper currencies, can’t become other than what it is.

    The one big advantage it has is this simple fact, that gold is gold and it never will be anything else. Gold is not a promise to pay a promise to pay. The value, when compared to the purchasing power of the dollar has remained relatively constant for 72 years (since 1933 when gold ownership by an individual was illegal) and during the 34 years (since 1971 when the US went off the gold standard) that the now unconstrained US $ has been the financial world’s pre-eminent reserve currency. Indeed gold’s value has been constant over millennia; a well known example being today’s cost of a serviceable man’s suit compared to a Roman outfitting expense; an ounce of gold.

    Today citizens of the U.S., along of course with the rest of the world, have the ability to go neutral on the dollar and hold gold as a hedge against a collapsing or depreciating currency.

    Recently there has been much chatter about the imminent collapse of the US dollar, as well as talk of other Central Banks diversifying there reserves into something other than US dollars. Warren Buffet has been short the dollar, as have other notable holders of US dollar denominated assets. These assets are of course the same ones that have risen in value as a result of the aggressive asset inflation scheme led by the Federal Reserve and now adopted by most Western nations. It should not be surprising that rising real estate prices are common to the countries involved, while stocks are, since 2000 a tad more subdued and not as volatile to the upside.

    Real estate is of course the deadlier manipulation as there are more participants, home owners and would be home owners than there are participants in the stock market and they all need a roof over their heads after all. It should not be a surprise that the current real estate boom follows the heady days of Nasdaq at 5000+, as the bankers needed something to keep the asset inflation game going and homeowners generally have reliable cashflow from income, although that too is getting pushed to the limit.

    What is surprising is the idea that other Central Bank’s can diversify into something other than the US dollar as a reserve, when the dollar already constitutes 70% of the reserves of all other Central Banks. What would they diversify into? By holding dollars they can’t redeem they too have been locked into the asset inflation game which has to continue for it to continue. The concept of going neutral on the dollar is not an alternative they have.

    Could the Bank of Japan diversify? Could the ECB diversify? Diversify into what one has to ask, since they are all holding US dollars as a large percentage of their reserves, who would buy them?

    One answer I have heard from a well known dollar bear is that they would buy gold. From whom I asked? How could a Central Bank convert $100 Billion of reserves into gold, which even at today’s prices equates to approximately 8000 tonnes of physical metal? It is an impossibility, since a) the metal is not available and b) who would be the buyers for the US $. If the US still has its reported 8000 tonnes of gold reserves, how could it, with gold at $420 an ounce, go back to redeeming dollars for gold, given the trillion dollar numbers of debt instruments out there?

  • Sunday, May 22, 2005, 11:27:00 PM EST

    Jim’s Mail Box

    Hi Jim:

    I thought I would turn the tables on the “expert pundits” who never seem to weary of extolling the wisdom and supposed superiority of the commercial category of traders when it comes to being on the correct side of the market.

    Time after time these past few years, we have been treated to the comments of those who should know better, that when it comes to the gold market, the “smart” commercials, who continue to amass huge net short positions on each leg upward in the gold price, are always right and the speculators who are long are always overloaded on the long side and are wrong. Of course such punditry is a lot like so much of modern-day technical analysis in that it is self fulfilling prophecy which increasingly is becoming disconnected from fundamental reality.

    Take a look at the following chart I put together from the COT data on the dollar index beginning in 2001 and including the most recent data through Tuesday of this past week.

    You will notice that the “savvy” and always correct commercial category (I am of course being facetious here) have used this most recent bear market rally in the U.S. Dollar to build the largest net short position they have held for at least 4 years. The speculators on the other hand have managed to build the largest combined net long position for the same period. In other words, we have a classic setup of commercials entirely on one side of the market against the speculators who are entirely on the opposite side of the market - and both camps with sizeable positions at that.

    If we follow conventional wisdom, we can predict that the dollar is being set up for a hard fall as the entire spec community is overwhelming bullish and has become so in a matter of less than 2 months. Well, here’s a chance for the “experts” to take a dose of their own medicine. Let’s see whether or not we hear the same clarion calls for a top in the dollar and talk about the overextended spec long position as we inevitably hear about gold.

    This also calls for a comment. I am still reading punditry from “experts” who continue to talk about the overwhelmingly bearish attitude towards the dollar that exists out there as reason for the continuance of the dollar rally from a contrarian standpoint. I am not sure what these whiz kids are smoking, but any claim that global dollar sentiment is bearish is completely and utterly preposterous based on the data detailed in this chart.

    Let me change gears a moment and get a bit less sarcastic and simply state what is obvious from looking at this chart – dollar sentiment has shifted to an almost overwhelming bullishness among speculators who continue to run after the dollar and chase it higher and higher as we now observe the effects of today’s generation of pure momentum trading. Meanwhile, the commercial camp is meeting every bit of spec buying with increased sales at subsequently higher and higher levels.

    Eventually the spec buying is going to wane and upward momentum will slow. At that point, somewhere, somehow, from some quarter, something is going to precipitate a barrage of selling as specs look to book profits before the next guy does and they begin to trip over each other in an attempt to find the exit sign. When that occurs, the selling will begin to feed on itself and seeing that it is coming from such high levels and huge position sizes, we will see a swift and hard fall in the dollar.

    Gold will take its cue from the dollar cascade lower and will rip violently upward forcing the new spec shorts that have been put on at these low levels in that market to run for cover and in the process giving them a painful lesson in selling weakness in gold.

    Very best


  • Le Metropole Members,

    ( BW)(TX-GATA) Intervention against Gold Rising Sharply,
    GATA Says, Citing New Derivatives Report

    Business Editors

    DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 23, 2005-

    Government intervention against the gold price has risen sharply since
    the middle of last year,
    the Gold Anti-Trust Action
    Committee reported today.
    The increase in intervention, GATA said, was disclosed
    last week in the Bank for International Settlements'
    semi-annual report on the issuance of derivatives by major
    banks and dealers in G-10 countries. The report was studied
    by GATA's consultants -- James Turk, founder of GoldMoney
    and editor of the Freemarket Gold & Money Report; Michael
    Bolser, editor of the Interventional Analysis newsletter;
    and Reginald H. Howe, gold market analyst and principal of Golden Sextant Advisers.
    The new derivatives numbers from the BIS are "stunning"
    in regard to gold,
    Turk said, summarizing GATA's research.
    "In major banks and dealers in the G-10 countries, the total notional value of gold derivatives rose from $318 billion
    at mid-year 2004 to $369 billion at year-end.

    "That $51 billion increase -- a 32-percent annual rate
    of growth
    -- occurred while gold miners were reducing their hedge positions.

    "The reduction in hedge positions by mining companies
    should have resulted in a decrease in the aggregate position
    in the BIS report. That it didn't happen suggests that the international economist Frank Veneroso is right. Here's what Veneroso had to say in the March issue of Gold Newsletter:

    There is only one possible explanation for why purchases
    of thousands of tonnes of gold in the futures and forwards markets do not blow the price of gold sky-high: The official sector must step in on gold price rallies as an offsetting forward seller.

    How much more gold can governments dishoard to throw at
    the gold market to keep the price down? ?(

    "The answer," Turk says, "is of course unknowable, both
    to us as well as to the governments intervening in the gold market. At some point the banks executing the government positions are going to reach the tipping point, when the
    free-market demand for gold overwhelms government price
    capping. I think that moment is near for one important

    "Price capping in gold can be prolonged only by
    continually supplying the market with physical metal. Right
    now the demand for physical metal is strong. So governments
    can sell all the paper derivatives they want, but it isn't
    going to stop people from buying metal. In fact, the low
    price of gold resulting from government price capping is
    causing the demand for physical gold to increase."
    GATA's findings on the latest BIS gold derivatives
    report can be found on the Internet here:

  • [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Gold Trades Near Three-Month Low on Speculation Dollar to Gain
    May 24

    Gold traded near a three-month closing low on speculation government reports this week will signal U.S. economic growth is accelerating, reducing the precious metal's appeal as an alternative investment to the dollar.

    Reports tomorrow and May 26 are expected to show durable goods orders rose last month and the U.S. economy accelerated in the three months to March 31, according to the median forecasts in separate Bloomberg News surveys. Gold has fallen 8.6 percent from a 16-year high of $456.89 on Dec. 2 as the dollar gained.

    ``Unless the dollar trend is clearly reversed, we see little prospect that the gold market is going to be suddenly lifted,'' Nell Sloane, a commodities broker with in Chicago, said in a report.

    Gold for immediate delivery rose 5 cents to $417.60 an ounce at 9:37 a.m. Sydney time, compared with $417.55 late yesterday in New York. Yesterday, gold fell 10 cents to its lowest close since Feb. 9.

    The dollar traded at $1.2572 against the euro at 9:26 a.m. Sydney time, from $1.2578 late yesterday in New York according to EBS, an electronic currency dealing system. The dollar fell 0.2 percent yesterday.

    Durable goods orders probably rose 1.3 percent last month, after falling 2.8 percent in March, based on the median estimate of 51 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. The Commerce Department will release the report tomorrow.
    The U.S. economy probably expanded at a 3.6 percent annual rate from January through March, faster than the 3.1 percent pace reported last month, according to a different poll before of the department's May 26 release.

    Gold for June delivery rose 60 cents, or 0.1 percent, to $417.50 an ounce in after-hours trading on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange at 9:21 a.m. Sydney time.

    To contact the reporter on this story:
    Matt Chambers in Melbourne at

    „Die Menschen sind so einfältig und hängen so sehr vom Eindruck des Augenblickes ab, dass einer, der sie täuschen will, stets jemanden findet, der sich täuschen lässt.“ (Niccolò Machiavelli)

  • ""The US will signal growth is accelerating"".
    Sure,.. with fake figures as usual. There is nothing new that they pull out numbers out of the hat. But if the markey will buy it, is another question. ?(
    The Gold Spotprice will show this week if they bought those latest news.

  • Bullish factors:

    - Seasonality is positive

    - Important technical support levels are being held

    - Oil prices are easing which reduces mining costs

    - Gold price trend is still positive

    - The Commitment of Traders is currently positive based on historical norms

    - Gold is strengthening against commodities

    - Sentiment is at historic lows

    - Higher US dollar may help foreign mining operations

    - Gold price may be decoupling from the US dollar as the dollar rises

    Bearish factors:

    - Mining costs are still rising

    - Dollar remains in a short-term uptrend putting pressure on gold

    - Commodities are in a near term decline, gold usually moves with commodities

    - Breakdown of nearby support levels could spell additional weakness ahead

    - Gold stocks trends often lead gold price trends, but not always. :D :(

    The prevailing force of bullish factors currently outweigh bearish, which makes this an appropriate time to start accumulating quality gold mining stocks. It is important at this time to concentrate on strength. Many mining stocks that were top performers during the last rally have been real stinkers on the way down. The best bets are those that have held up during this downturn. There are still negative factors that will affect different companies in different ways. Only the strongest companies are positioned to benefit from further gold price rises under current conditions. In other words, avoid junk. If there is a genuine turnaround in the gold mining industry, there will be plenty of time to play the high-risk stocks that usually outperform in the later stages of a bull market.

    Gold itself is at an interesting juncture. Many analysts are predicting that gold will decouple from the US dollar, allowing both to rise simultaneously. This would mean that gold is rising in all currencies and increasing in real purchasing power worldwide. Although history says that a decoupling is unlikely, such a situation would be the highly bullish for mining stocks of all kinds. Some evidence is forming that a decoupling could be taking place, but it is still too early to say definitively. Stay tuned.

    George J. Paulos is Editor/Publisher of,

    Are the Stars Finally Aligned for Gold Stocks?:

  • Nach dem Motto traue keiner Statistik die Du nicht selbst gefälscht hast... ;)
    Whatever, ich denke der Goldpreis bleibt noch einige Tage unter Druck.

    GATA meldet sich auch wieder lauter zu Wort (auf W ;( gefunden):

    Rohstoff Express: Unglaublich! GATA Report enthüllt riesige Goldmanipulation

    Laut einem neuesten Bericht der GATA (Gold Anti Trust Action), haben gezielte Interventionen am Goldmarkt durch Regierungen und andere große Spekulanten massiv zugenommen. In der letzten Woche, wurde von der Bank for International Settlements' (BIS) ein neuer Halbjahresbericht veröffentlicht. Mehrere GATA Berater, unter anderem James Turk, Gründer von Gold Money und Herausgeber des Freemarket Gold & Money Report, Michael Bolser, Herausgeber des Interventional Analysis Newsletter und Reginald H. Howe, ein Goldmarktanalyst, haben diesen Bericht studiert. Sie kamen zu dem Schluss, dass die Finanzderivate im Vergleich zu Gold in schwindelerregende Höhen gestiegen sind. Mittlerweile belaufen sich die gesamten derivativen Positionen auf 369 Milliarden Dollar zum Jahresende 2004, dies entspricht einem Zuwachs von 51 Milliarden, in sechs Monaten, da zum Halbjahr 2004 die Höhe der Positionen bei " nur" 318 Milliarden Dollar lag. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Dehedging Programm der Goldminen, zeigt dieser Zuwachs, dass hier ausschließlich Großbanken und Spekulanten am Werk sind.

    In seinem Gold Newsletter, schreibt Frank Veneroso, dass es eigentlich nur eine Erklärung gäbe, weswegen die immer weiter steigende Nachfrage aus allen Bereichen nicht zu einer starken und nachhaltigen Goldpreisrallye führe. Laut Veneroso, sind die anhaltenden Verkäufe der Bullion Banks verantwortlich für dieses " Price Capping" . Allerdings geht er davon aus, dass die Banken nicht mehr genügend Gold zur Verfügung haben, um noch viel länger den Preis zu " deckeln" . Um einen nachhaltigen Preisanstieg des Goldes zu verhindern, müsste der Markt mit physischem Metall überschüttet werden. Dies ist allerdings nicht möglich und so können die Banken nur Gold in Form von Papierkontrakten an der COMEX verkaufen. Hintergrund dieser ganzen Sache ist, dass die Regierungen, allen voran die amerikanische , einen Anstieg des Goldpreises verhindern wollen. Ein steigender Goldpreis weist normalerweise auf steigende Inflationsgefahren und wirtschaftliche Probleme hin.[IMG]


    „Die Menschen sind so einfältig und hängen so sehr vom Eindruck des Augenblickes ab, dass einer, der sie täuschen will, stets jemanden findet, der sich täuschen lässt.“ (Niccolò Machiavelli)

  • May 23 – Gold $416.30 down $1 - Silver $6.94 unchanged

    Universal Gold Bearishness Is Very Bullish/Gold Shares Continue To Forge Higher

    "Only two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe" ...Albert Einstein

    Markets were jumping all over the place, except gold of course, which seems in a continuous lockdown these days.
    The most significant seller was The World Gold Council’s ETF, as reported to me by two sources. X(

    Here is one:

    "Just in case you're interested, there are multiple 7-figure lots for sale this morning in GLD with June gold at 418."

    Once again gold sold off after the Fixes in London which came in at $417.60 and then $418.00.

    The gold open interest rose 554 contracts to 278,940, while the silver open interest gained 441 contracts to 104,737.

    Silver was firmer than gold right off the bat and stayed that way. The good news here was the silver spreads narrowed again, after widening late last week.

    UBS believes Gold could rally soon:

    Congress and the Federal Reserve Erode Your Dollars
    By: Dr. Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman

    Clif Droke: Finally, The Gold Stocks Get Their Chance!

    The chart suggests that the XAU gold/silver index will rally in the days ahead with the first nearby test at the 85.00-86.00 pivotal area, and then possibly to the 90.00 level. The MACD indicator is oversold and has traced out a potentially bullish divergence relative to price in this indicator and the 9-day trend line (as shown below) has been tested enough times in the past two months to suggest a breakout attempt to the 85.00-86.00 area and possibly to as high as 90.00 before strong resistance is encountered. The action of the past few days strongly suggests that last week’s low will stand for the immediate-term.

  • Gestern war für mich der esrte typische "Reversal Day" im Goldminenbereich.
    Die eklatante Unterbewertung von Goldminen vis a vis Bullion kann einighe Zeit weiter gehen ohne dass Gold selbst sich gross bewegt. Mittelfristig ich jedoch dass Gold die eingeleitete Performance seiner Minen nachvollzieht.

    Es war beinahe klassisch, wie z.B. Canaccord bids weit über dem letzten offer in einigen Werten, die sie bisher shortete, stellten. Shortcovering? No-Na!

    Wenn auch niemand sagen kann - Ja das war der Boden - so sind wir IMHO in seiner Nähe.

    Sometimes the risk is greater not not be in und wie GATA sagt - you've GATA be in to win.


    PS: Hatte ein Privatissimum mit IMA's President, Joe Grosso gestern in Zürich. This thing again is worth your consideration - der grösste Silberfund der letzten Dezennien mit weiter enormen Potential. Bisher wurden etwa 300Moz an Resourcen (ex Blei) erbohrt und der jüngste Jahresbericht stellt die Frage nach dem ultimate potential:
    ... We believe the exploration potential at Navidad is still in its infancy ... and pheraps the best is yet to come ...

    - and that's a fact - denk ich!

  • frr,
    hoff ich auch, dass das ein fact ist.
    IMA ist zur Zeit meine größte Position.

    Predige ich auch schon seit 14 Tagen, dass man zur Zeit nur af die Minen schauen muss.
    Gefällt mir auch, dass es heute wieder etwas zurückgeht.
    IMHO haben wir morgen od. freitag noch einen größeren schub zu erwarten.

    Was sagst du zu GG?
    Der Telfer beginnt schon wieder das selbe Spielchen wie bei WHT. Irgendwie war mir Mc Ewan lieber.
    Wen schnappt sich GG als nächsten, soll so um die 240000 oz. jährlich fördern.
    Ich komm auf nichts Gscheit´s :(


  • Hab grad meine untere Wiese zu Heu gemacht. Nun wird's Zeit, dass IMA Heu für uns macht!

    Bedenkt man dass die bisherige Resource Unze Silber CDN $ 0.175 an Explorarationskosten betrug, kann man sich leicht vorstellen dass bei dieser hochgradigen Lagerstätte auch die Produktionskosten nicht ins uferlose anwachsen.

    IMA hat nun knapp 50 Mio. Aktien (fully diluted) emittiert. Das sind knapp 150 Mio Marktkapital. Nun sagen wir 300Moz AG a' 7 US$/oz ergibt einen Bruttowert von 2.1 Mrd. US$!!!

    OK, wir haben noch die AQI, wie ich meine Erpressung anhängig - doch auch dann scheint mir der Börsenkurs ein echter Witz, zumal das beinahe greifbare weitere Potential immens erscheint.

    Alles Gute und keep the faith - frr

  • Hab vergessen - re Rob McEwen vs Telfer!

    Du sprichst mir aus der Seele - Scheint dass T. alles umdreht was Rob begonnen hat. Mir auch, aber nur der Magen - insbesondere wenn ich seine aufgeblasene Silber Wheaton als ungenieesbar empfinde. T. scheint einem gewissen Grössenwahn zu unterliegen und unterstreicht dies mit dem total aufgeblasenen Aktienkapital seiner Silver Venture.

    Im Übrigen, have a look at the other member co's of the Grosso Group -
    Amera, Golden Arrows und Golden Point. Die sind auch nicht von schlechten Eltern!

    Ciao frr

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