60%...? ich bin 70% in Silber.
Das wird verbraucht und nicht verschoben.

Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)
- ThaiGuru
- Geschlossen
Bei 60 % sind zB. CDU,CZN und IMR - NICHT- mit drin.
Die miterfaßt käme ich etwa auf Deinen Wert,Aladin.Na gottlob wird Silber auch in Barren etc.gehortet,was den Preis nicht verringert.
Edel Man
Hast wohl den selben Riecher.
Beides sieht gut aus, Kussfrisch wuerde ich sagen.
Le Metropole Members,
Served at The Toulouse-Lautrec Table:
Doctor, Why Am I So Depressed About My
Gold Mining Share Investments?by Adrian Douglas
"How many of you mining share investors are contemplating visiting your psychiatrist to ask why you are so depressed
about your gold mining share investments?"I can save you the expense of the consultation with
your shrink. It's because they have been going nowhere
or even worse have been going down for the last two years.
It is even more depressing because gold has gone up over
the same time frame. The key to controlling your emotions
and not throwing in the towel, or jumping out of a window
is to understand what drives the performance of your
investment. You can then rationalize the past performance
and make informed predictions of future performance. Once
you do this you will feel a lot better about your
investment and I guarantee if you read on you will be
feeling a lot better about the outlook for the future of
your investments."Adrian is on a roll.
Member's auto-logon:
<a href="http://www.LeMetropoleCafe.com/entrance.cfm"> Le Metropole Cafe</a>
http://www.lemetropolecafe.com/entrance.cfmAll the best,
Bill Murphy
Le Patron -
Dr. Roffey ist ein Spinner und nur das macht seine "Analysen" vieleicht lesenswert.
"Even Durban Deep has a very bullish chart. It is interesting to listen to the deafening silence of all the DROOY critics since the market low."
Roffeys erstes Kursziel für Droopy waren 10 Dollar.
""Roffeys erstes Kursziel für Droopy waren 10 Dollar.""
Hallo, Edel Man, bin jetzt seit Donnerstang wieder zu 93% drin.
Die Kauf-Absichten:
waren in den letzen 5-6 Tagen oft sehr "Blau"
Ich achte jedoch mehr auf das "price-relative-to-Gold" und die "
accumulation/distribution" -Entwicklung.Hier als Beispiel einige Aktien aufgeführt:
alphabetische Reihenfolge, keine Preferenzen.http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/SC.web?c=AU,uu[w,a]dallyyay[dd][pb50!b200!f][vc60][iut!Lj[$gold]!Lf]&pref=G
http://stockcharts.com/def/servlet/SC.web?c=PDG,uu[w,a]dallyyay[dd][pb50!b200!f][vc60][iut!Lj[$gold]!Lf]&pref=GIch lasse jetzt einfach mal laufen.
Schätze, dass ich - von unerwarteten Ereignissen einmal abgesehen - bis
Anfang Januar einfach garnichts tue.Gruss
Ich wünsch dir im Weiteren einen guten und erholsamen Urlaub.
Der ist nun eben ein unverbesserlicher DROOY - Fan.
Die jubelt er schon seit Jahren hoch,da hatte er noch abenteuerlichere Kursziele.Mit den anderen RSA`S liegt er garnicht so falsch.
Aber: Euro auf 1,08 ist auch mehr als gewagt.
Danke Germoney, viel Glueck mit deinen Kaeufen.
Ich mache jetzt auch nichts fuer lange Zeit und lasse nun alles laufen.
Die Kugel rollt wie beim Roulette.Mfg
Danke für die Infos.
Interessant der relativ hohe Anteil von RSA`s und der beiden Fusionskandidaten.
Mal gucken, inwieweit die "Buy Super Messages" stimmten.Da ich,wie vorerwähnt,praktisch vollinvestiert bin,mache ich wenig ,halt die eine oder anderen Korrektur,soweit sinnvoll.
Verlier Silber dabei nicht aus den Augen.
Viel Erfolg!
Werde ich gewiss nicht tun, versprochen, "grosses Pfandfinder-Ehrenwort".
Habe bis jetzt nicht einmal das - leicht versilberte - Kupfer aus den Augen verloren, FCX, war - alles in allem - meine beste Entscheidung in 2001.
Gold haelt sich gut zum starken Dollar, Hey der steigt und steigt.
Eure neue Koalition ???By Peter Brimelow
Monday, November 14, 2005
NEW YORK -- Even gold's friends seemed surprised by its
strength last week, rallying by 2.5% on the New York
Mercantile Exchange. The gold game may not be over yet.Australia's Privateer, which bills itself as "the private
market letter for the individual capitalist," summarized the recent action:
"This was a 'recovery' week for the ... gold correction. ...
On the daily chart, last week's $16.90 gold fall pushed gold well below both its 10- and 20-day moving averages. The $11.50 rise this week has reversed the process."
The previous week's pummeling was severe. And this last week
saw a rampage by the dollar. Oil -- which many presume sets
the tone for gold -- was soft, world equities were strong.
If that were not enough, Germany's fledgling government has started talking about selling part of the country's gold reserves.
Yet gold did well -- better, in fact, than the simple dollar-denominated price suggests.As The Privateer says in its omniscient way:
"By November 11, gold was at new bull market highs in terms
of almost every other major currency in the world. And this time, that includes at least one of the 'commodity
currencies,' the Aussie dollar ... all in the face of a
U.S. dollar index which has set new 2005 highs almost every
day this week."
Gold in euros was particularly impressive. It closed on
Friday at an all-time high -- actually above 400 euros per ounce, based on the Nymex close.
This is important, because on both occasions this year when
euro gold has broken into new high ground, considerable
follow-through buying appeared.
Equally impressive was that fact that the gold shares noticed. They've rudely ignored gold's strength this year, but maybe
not this time.
Chartist Martin Pring, a believer in the predictive powers of the sector's equities, assessed the Amex Gold Bugs Index on Thursday in his InterMarket Update as follows:
"The shares typically lead the metal at bottoms, and the Chart shows that they have diverged positively with it in recent weeks. ... If the shares can now rally above the 230 level
on a daily close basis, the odds would favor a successful assault on September's high. In that event, we would expect
the metal to be close on its heels."
(Pring's price point was pinged -- Friday's close was 234.26!)
Gold's friends have dark theories about why gold went down
the previous week. As Bob Bishop of Gold Mining Stock Report
put it:
"Q: What's the best time to rob a house? A: When nobody's
home. This was the same rationale behind last week's short
raid on the gold market, timed to coincide with the holiday closure of the Indian markets."
Why gold went back up, though, divides the letters.
The Gartman Letter, for one, has suggested there's been
some purchasing by smaller central banks. And Bill Murphy (LeMetropoleCafe.com) has a correspondent identifying South Korea's central bank.
Those who incline to a macro view, however, had an arresting fact to consider. It was well put by gold veteran James
Turk of the Free Market Gold & Money Report. Turk wants to "berate the Fed for an unbelievable announcement made
this past week. Without explanation, the Fed disclosed:
'On March 23, 2006, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System will cease publication of the M3 monetary aggregate.' "
Not unreasonably, Turk concludes:
"Why does the Fed no longer want to report the total quantity
of dollars in circulation? They know what's coming --
massive amounts of dollar creation to fund the worsening
trade and federal government budget deficits. The Fed is
just doing what other government agencies already do when
they don't like the result of their statistical calculations. Like children, they play 'make believe.' "
The Fed might have been more discreet. But is gold watching?
-END- -
Original von Aladin
Gold haelt sich gut zum starken Dollar, Hey der steigt und steigt.
Eure neue Koalition ???
Dunkel war der Rede Sinn.
Definiere. -
Welche Richtung meinst Du,Aladin? ;).
Sowieso alles Momentaufnahmen. -
Edel Man, das war so auf die schnelle gesagt, Gold in anderen Waehrungen muss man auch beachten.
Hoffentlich geht dem Tollar bald die Luft aus, wie heisst es so schoen:
The higher you climb , the deeper you fall.
After or around 11th. December 2005. ?
Nochmals, ....der gefaellt mir so gut.
Glaube nicht das es so ausgeht...
We'll see Edelmetall Freunde.
Noch funktioniert das alte Strickmuster der FED und Cabal:
--Greenspin brabbelt wieder von Gefahren..........
--Aha: Zinsen müssen rauf............
--Klar: Dollar stärker............
--Gold schwächer..........
--Logo: mehr Dollar drucken........
--Dollar schwächer............Und alles geht wieder von vorne los
Ohne die Asiaten funktionierte das eh nicht.
Aber nicht endlos,denn irgendwann würden Blasen platzen.
Besser,man läßt die Luft allmählich raus.Das kommt.Grüsse