Thai Guru's Gold und Silber ... (Informationen und Vermutungen)

  • The Daily Reckoning

    St. Michael's, Maryland

    Friday, May 19, 2006


    *** Nothing is born under the sun that doesn't die in the shade...the
    wildest profits are made from the weirdest investments during a bubble...

    *** In gold we trust...continue executing the Trade of the Decade as we've instructed since 2001...

    *** The three stages of a bull market...the poor Brits flounder in
    absurdity along with their American cousins...and more!

    "High prices beget low prices," said our old friend Rick Rule, speaking in
    St. Michaels earlier this week. "High risk begets low risk. High
    confidence begets low confidence. High stability begets low stability."

    Nothing is born under the sun that doesn't die in the shade - including
    bubbles, booms and bull markets. We read in today's news that the "Housing Boom has Gone Bust."

    What begat this particular bust was, of course, the boom that preceded it.
    Boom begets demand, which begets supply, which begets glut, which begets bust. Before you know it, the whole misbegotten property market is falling apart.

    That seems to be what is happening in some parts of America now, according to Canada's National Post.

    A few months ago, "pre-construction" was a powerful compound word. The prefix was pure magic - at least in South Florida. It tipped you off that
    buyers didn't really want to own another condominium apartment. They
    didn't even want to see it under construction, and they certainly didn't
    want to pay for it. What they wanted was something without a roof or a
    mortgage that they could unload to someone without a dollar or a clue.

    That is what you get at bubble peaks. During the great tech stock bubble,
    too, the wildest profits were made in the weirdest investments - the equivalents of un-built condos - Internet companies with no
    revenues, no business plans and not a prayer of success.

    But that is just the great glory of our free-market system; it allows
    people to make fools of themselves and lose their money on their very own with a flourish. (See the essay below for a current example.)

    Thus, it is that in the south of the balmy state of Florida, the party is
    coming to an end. Gone is the razzle when a new development is launched.

    Gone are the acrobats, the clowns, and the bubbly. Gone are the lines of
    people waiting to buy pre-construction or post-construction. Gone, too,
    are the sales. According to the National Post, buyers are walking away
    from $80,000 deposits rather than close on new apartments.

    As many as 29% of the people who took out a mortgage last year have zero
    equity in their houses, reports the Wall Street Journal. And there are 3.5
    million units waiting to be sold - 30% more than a year ago. Delinquency
    rates are "soaring," says the Journal.

    Sic transit gloria bubbli. :D

  • Mal sehen, ob es wirklich die "big Kahuna" war. Auf jeden Fall müssen noch viele, die von den Top-Callers aus dem Markt "beraten" wurden, wieder einsteigen. Von allen anderen ganz zu schweigen...

    Grüsse vom Simpel

    Edit: RS


    Metals and Mining Shares – What A Difference A Week Makes!

    The Grandich Letter, Grandich Publications, LLC


    By Peter Grandich

    On Thursday May 11, 2006, at 1:00 p.m., I issued a special Alert that said, “An overbought/oversold indicator of mine that I’ve used since before the 1987 stock market crash, has given the most overbought reading ever for both copper and gold… I’m going to suggest that risk in gold, silver and copper is now equal to, or much higher, than reward in these markets for the near term. The long awaited sharp correction is within hours or days away at the most.”

    I appeared on Canada’s “Report on Business Television” (by far, North America’s best financial network) on Friday, May 12th and stated that I believed the day before began a correction that could see us drop 10% to 15% in just days or weeks (go to about the 56 minute mark in the interview).

    I gave my thoughts to several media outlets, but my comments to the Daily Telegraph –U.K., created the most “fan” reaction. I guess that was due in part that the reporter used this headline “Unsustainable gold on the brink of crash, says US metals guru.” Never do I recall using the word crash to describe my outlook, but I assume he took it upon himself to assume that was my theme after I told him. He quotes me in the article:

    “I think there will be a very short, sharp correction of 10 to 15pc, in the worst case reaching a floor of around $575 an ounce.” I hardly think that’s a crash.

    It’s been an interesting week or so, to say the least!

    Good News – Bad News

    Lets get the bad news out of the way first. Many of the “Johnny-come-latelys” to the metals and mining share markets have been beaten up pretty badly. While we’re all accountable only to ourselves and have no one else to blame for our investments (unless we have given someone complete discretion over our portfolio), I do have some sympathy for these folks because they were led to the slaughter in part thanks to some “big name” so-called experts. These “experts” had missed most of the run but scrambled to get themselves in front of the pack by issuing big new upgraded bullish opinions at or near the top. What bothers me about many of these folks was the belief they “changed” their opinion not because they wanted to, but because they had to in fear of looking like complete fools. This is harsh of me and may come across as arrogance but I’m disgusted to see some in the media beat a path to the door of someone who was basically on the wrong side for years, but almost ignore someone who hit a near bulls-eye for 5+ years. I’m not referring to myself but to Bill Murphy of

    I won’t name them, but there are several folks who were basically bearish or indifferent to the metals for many years, then “suddenly” began to urge folks to jump in with both feet. The media would issue a headline that such and such raised their outlook for gold to now average around the current price or even higher for next 12 months. What you don’t know is this group’s last call was so far surpassed they had no choice but to raise their forecast (kind of hard to have a $450, 2006 forecast when gold is $650). Yet, a man like Bill Murphy, even if you don’t believe any of his reasons for believing gold would do what it did, who nevertheless had the correct forecast versus these others that didn’t, was basically ignored by most media outlets. I found it ironic and a little sad that the Wall Street Journal would finally give him some print, albeit not in the most favorable light, at the exact top for gold as of now. I’ve heard many within my own industry knock Bill and GATA and tell me how all their claims are hogwash. Here’s what I have to say to them – I would rather end up on the right side of a market for all the wrong reasons then on the wrong side of a market for all the right reasons.

    Forgive me for my little tirade but it has bugged me. I may lose some media exposure for this but I needed to say it.

    The good news is: there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. While we can still see another 10% or so down from here (especially in copper- if not more), I do think by stepping aside last Thursday, the majority of the correction I foresaw is now behind us – especially in the mining and exploration shares. We can still move sideways to down through June, but I now think real further weakness is strictly a buying opportunity (except in copper- where I see another 20% down).

    Gold –

    I believe it’s wise for you to separate gold from other commodities going forward because while supply versus demand factors remain bullish, geopolitical and economic events evolving and surrounding the United States should have the biggest positive impact on gold’s direction.

    In case you didn’t read this alert, , let me just say:

    The only party that doesn’t know the U.S. Dollar is dead, is the U.S. Dollar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In case you ever wondered what it must have been like when the Roman Empire fell apart, let it be known you’re at the beginning of the end for the United States as the world’s biggest economic power. America is on the cusp of economic and political upheaval, unlike anything it has experience in its entire history!!! The days of robbing Peter to pay Paul are coming home to roost. The Hatfield’s and McCoy’s will have nothing over the Democrats versus Republicans going forward. The aging crisis in America is going to make the energy and terrorism crisis “second-fiddle.” Most Americans still have no idea how many parts of the world no longer welcome their “Uncle Sam” with open arms. This is going to be a critical blunder of theirs as they continue to live way beyond their means. The ramifications of becoming debt junkies hasn’t even crossed their minds yet, but when they realize their “pushers” (foreigners who fund our deficits) will demand much higher interest rates and political clout in exchange for their capital, America will have a wake up call like nothing they’ve ever experienced- including the Great Depression.

    Gold is the best alternative currency and the ultimate safe-haven investment. It’s going to take a major breakdown below 80 basis the U.S. Dollar Index to cause gold to hit four digits, but in my heart of hearts, that’s only a question of when, not if. I hope my friends in Vancouver won’t hold my bad Canucks joke against me when America falls and I need a place to stay.

    Silver –

    The “kissing cousin” of gold is likely to ride the coattail of gold but I do think gold must be the bigger of the two in most holdings. ?(

    Platinum and Palladium –

    I’ve stated that they should hold up better due to the best supply versus demand scenario besides Uranium and they have for the most part. If there’s such a thing as blue-chip metal, Platinum is it.

    Copper –

    I believe it has been ignoring real fundamentals since above $2.50. I think it ends up there, if not lower, before too long. I was far too early in my bearish sentiment but I do believe it’s better to be a year too early than a day too late. We will learn to live and prosper in mining shares with a $2-$2.50 copper price.

    Uranium –

    Same old story – the no-brainer metal on its way to $75.

    U.S. Dollar –

    D.E.A.D. – R.I.P.

    Oil –

    This oil bear is once again popping up his head in believing $75 is the top for the cycle. But knowing hurricane season is around the corner and Iraq was just the opening act for Iran, I’ll just return to my hole and await further development. I do believe Natural Gas could be very interesting in the next month or two.

    Mining and Exploration Shares –

    I said in my May 11th issue, “…the second half of 2006, and especially 2007, is setting up to be the speculative frenzy most have been patiently waiting for.”

    While shares in general can decline another 10%-15%, the bulk of the froth has been removed, especially in the junior resource market. In fact, I do believe the next 60-90 days could offer one of the best entry points into the junior market since the bottom in 2001-2002. I’m highly prejudiced since part of my livelihood is made within that industry, but it’s my most humble opinion.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Maund mit seiner Sicht ,und einigen Charts.

    Über die Eingangsfrage mache jeder sein eigenes Bild! 8)

    "..... An intermediate uptrend in the dollar is believed to be beginning that can be expected to synchronize with an ongoing Precious Metals correction, although it is considered likely that the dollar will retest recent lows over the next week or two as the Precious Metals rally."

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Chapman mit zwiespältigen Aussichten über den breiten Markt.

    Beim XAU/ Gold jedoch nicht .Zwischenerholung wahrscheinlich wegen extrem überverkaufter Situation.…n_d/chapman_d_052206.html

    We continue to see $850, $1000 and higher for gold coming ;). As for the XAU how deep could this correction go? We appear to have moved into a phase for this bull market once we moved above the 2004 lows. The 2004 highs came in around 120. The parallel line that corresponds best with those highs currently comes in around 125. At current levels of around 140 that is roughly another 15-20 points to test the 2004 highs. Right now though we are extremely oversold and a rebound could occur at any moment.

  • Gmorning Edel Man ;)

    ""Right now though we are extremely oversold and a rebound could occur at any moment. ""

    ....das sagen viele, trotzdem geht es erstmal weiter runter,es trifft alle Maerkte, besonders heute morgen.

    Ist das der Anfang vom Ende oder das Ende vom Anfang ?

    Das ist hier die Frage die sich jeder selber beantworten muss.

    Good luck to you all



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    ...will not happen! ;)

    Moin Eldo :)

    Etwas nervig für Superbullen im Moment,wie Dich,die voll investiert sind.
    Hatte gestern noch hpoth gesagt,daß wir hinterher immer schlauer sind.

    Hab mehr instinktiv zeitig einiges vor einer guten Woche abgeräumt.
    Warte ab,bis die Unruhe vorbei ist....

    Hatte dies ua. gestern im anderen Thread "Wie geht es...." 18:07 gepostet:

    "..........Über Spekulationen über die nächste Zeit möchte ich mich zurückhalten.
    Es gibt immer noch viel Unruhe, Ängstliche,auch Gewinnmitnahmen,im Markt.

    Erste Anzeichen von Erholung sahen wir bei einigen Werten am Freitag.
    Mal sehen,ob dies bestätigt wird.Dann bin ich wieder voll dabei! :]

    Es gibt so viele Schnäppchen,die bis rd. 50% verloren haben,
    daß es unverzeihlich wäre,deren Erholung zu verschlafen........" :D


    Meine Frau, die den Börsenhickhack natürlich mitbekommt,meinte vorhin:
    "Das dauert 2 Jahre,bis die Edelmetalle wieder hochkommen."

    Mein Kommentar:
    "Einige Wochen bis Monate.
    Ende des Jahres stehen wir höher als bei den letzten Zwischenhochs" :]

    Wir werden sehen,wer recht behält.

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Was noch erwähnt werden sollte:

    Bin selbst auch zu rd.90% investiert .
    Der Großteil mittel-bis langfristig.

    Hochgradig in den PM und seh diese Konsolidierung,bei Minen
    allerdings schon richtige Korrekturen, derzeit relativ gelassen.

    Wie vorerwähnt, wird bei erkennbarer Trendwende Bestand erhöht.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Edel, selbst wenn viele lachen ueber ihn, Mahendra sagte am 13. Mai den Crash bei commodities vorraus und redete vo 10 Tagen negativen Planetenstellung die am 23.Mai dann ""theoretisch"" beendet sein sollte.

    A new planetary combination will occur in the next ten days, and that is not a good sign, as it could affect each and every area of the financial market.

    There will be negative news for some financial firms and it looks like a few financial scandals will break out

    Gold should trade twenty percent down from $710 and thirty percent down for platinum, palladium and silver. THERE WILL ALSO BE A GREAT BUYING OPPORTUNITY FROM SEP 2006 IF THEY FALL AS IN THE LONG TERM, GOLD IS GOING TO HIT $1600 AND SILVER $50.

    Somit nehme ich an, bzw. vermute/hoffe das am 24 Mai es wieder aufwaerts gehen wird.

    Ob es nun Planeten sind die nicht untereinander harmonieren oder die Cabale die dahinter stecken ist eine andere Frage. :D

    Mal schaun, ich halte meine Aktien und verkaufe nichts freiwillig. :rolleyes:

    Ich bin gespannt was heute Abend in New York passiert.

    Es bleibt spannend wie ein ""Cliffhanger""... bei fast allen Aktien.



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Eldo, er hat aber auch dies gesagt:

    "....Gold should trade twenty percent down from $710 and thirty percent down for platinum, palladium and silver. THERE WILL ALSO BE A GREAT BUYING OPPORTUNITY FROM SEP 2006 IF THEY FALL AS IN THE LONG TERM, GOLD IS GOING TO HIT $1600 AND SILVER $50.....".

    Er ist schon vorsichtiger ,aber Gold 560$ glaube ich nicht.
    Vor kurzem sah er sogar Gold bei 490$ :D

    Seine "Prophecies" stützt er garantiert nicht auf Planetenstellungen--möcht da allen Astrologen aber ihren Überzeugungen nicht widersprechen ---eher auf Charts und die Cabal im Umfeld.

    Die Charts sind eh unsicher,und die Cabal hat zwar Einfluß,aber keinen unbegrenzten..

    Meine Hoffnung liegt bei den viel schlaueren Asiaten und den wahnwitzigen Bedingungen,die die FED kreiert hat,auch wenn derlei manchmal langes Leben haben kann.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Edel Man, ich glaube auch nicht das Gold unter 600 faellt .
    Moeglich ist jedoch kurzfristig alles im Moment......

    The Inflation Boogey Monster

    The Daily Reckoning - Weekend Edition
    May 20-21, 2006
    Baltimore, Maryland
    by Dan Denning


    Stocks and bonds all over the world fell last week on the grim inflation
    news coming out of the American economy. Let us cut to the proverbial
    chase: Will inflation fears snuff out the rally in resource and energy
    stocks even as underlying resource and energy prices soar? Let's pile this
    question on, to Will commodity inflation smother returns in emerging
    markets and again favor U.S. assets?

    No stock - even a commodity stock - is immune from the inflation boogey
    . But it's not time to sell everything. The Dow and the S&P have
    been on a nice run. For its part, the Dow wasn't able to make a new high,
    and its failure to do so, coupled with the fear that the Federal Reserve
    will continue raising rates to fight inflation, put investors in selling
    mood. Yet none of the underlying bullish conditions in the energy and
    resource sector have suddenly evaporated.

    What Wall Street is now wondering is if persistently (and record) high
    resource prices will begin to slow down production and overall economic
    growth. Are things heating up so fast that both producers and consumers
    will have to cut back and retract? That's what the market is trying to
    figure out and discount at the moment.

    My biggest concern is that resource stocks are getting overheated,
    especially precious metals and energy stocks. Sure, political risk has not
    diminished, and may actually take energy prices higher. And yes, the
    managed fall of the dollar could quickly turn into a debacle. But it's
    also possible we're seeing a short-term blowoff in this commodity rally
    that will take gold near $1,000 and oil near $100 before losing momentum.

    What do I mean?

    A lot of money is chasing after commodities and commodity stocks right
    now. I wouldn't call it a bubble. But the constant mention of price
    targets for gold and oil is starting to become a self-fulfilling
    phenomenon. It might not seem like it, because the fundamental drivers of
    the precious metals and energy bull markets are still there. The dollar is
    backed by mountains of debt and oil demand is growing faster than oil
    supply. Those trends haven't changed.

    But when everyone is on the bullish side of the oil and gold trade, the
    trade has run its course. Notice I said "the trade." The trend is still on
    the side of oil and gold. But the smart speculative money right now is
    looking at out-of-the-money put options on gold stocks.

    Once gold busted out over $500, it's been nothing but new multidecade
    highs. I know gold is making up for lost time with its latest run. But
    even gold bulls shouldn't expect more of the same without correction or

    It wouldn't surprise me to see gold correct back down to around $550 by
    the end of the summer. ?( This would come in the context of a deep sell-off
    in bonds and stocks as well. How could that be, you may be wondering?
    Wouldn't gold go up on inflation fears? Wouldn't gold go up on DE-flation

    If and when global liquidity begins to tighten in earnest, it will be bad
    for all asset classes. Gold will do relatively better. But from its
    current perch, it is not, relatively speaking, a screaming buy. Be
    prepared for a dip. And if you haven't bought yet, that will be your
    chance to make amends. :rolleyes:


    Dan Denning
    for The Daily Reckoning

  • Posted On: Sunday, May 21, 2006, 9:04:00 PM EST

    In the News: Sunday, May 21st

    Author: Jim Sinclair

    Jim Sinclair’s Commentary

    Do you get the feeling that the US is losing its grip on the other Americas?

    Venezuela Says It Will Pull Out of G-3

    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - President Hugo Chavez said Sunday Venezuela will pull out of a trade bloc with Colombia and Mexico, its latest move to abandon trade deals with countries that have free-trade pacts with the United States.

    Chavez said he was withdrawing from the so-called G-3 bloc to "safeguard the national interest" as Venezuela joins another trade group, Mercosur, with other left-leaning governments including Argentina and Uruguay.

    "We have already decided to leave the so-called G-3," Chavez said in his weekly TV and radio program, broadcast from the eastern state of Bolivar.

    Chavez, along with his close friend Cuban President Fidel Castro, has proposed a decidedly anti-capitalist trade bloc for the region, which Bolivia also has joined under newly elected President Evo Morales


  • Saturday, May 20th

    Show Highlights:

    Congressman Tom Udall discusses the energy dilemma and outlines where domestic gas prices are headed.

    Gary Stroik, the author of All About Dividend Investing, shares his market experiences and why he is so bullish on gold and silver.

    Trading Wizards: Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum and Jack Chan return to explain the current weakness in precious metals and the stock market as well as their market forecasts

  • Zitat

    Original von Eldorado
    Edel Man, ich glaube auch nicht das Gold unter 600 faellt .
    Moeglich ist jedoch kurzfristig alles im Moment......

    Ich glaube es auch nicht und bleibe Guten Mutes...

    Bill Cara schreibt heute:

    Overnight trading in the precious metals has resulted in a continuation of the sell-off.

    Experienced traders will be looking to move back into this market after the selling has been exhausted.

    Nur wann das ist, weiss er natürlich auch nicht :D


    Es ist noch kein Verschwörungstheoretiker vom Himmel gefallen.
    - Altes Sprichwort, neu übersetzt

  • @Edel

    Bezueglich Mahendra nochmal, der sieht das in seinen Fernrohr oder mit super Intuition.

    Oder er weiss es von den Cabals wie lange der Druck gemacht wird auf den Markt.

    Da bin ich mir nicht so sicher bei ihm.

    Mir kommts immer noch so vor so vor er hat zwei Damen im Arm. :D

    Prognosen mache ich ab jetzt auch keine mehr ausser das diese Attacke bald aufhoert und die Investoren realistischer denken werden was sie gekauft oder verkauft haben.

    ;)Vanescent so ist es.....ich vermute jedoch es spielt sich in diese Woche ab.. oder es kommt wirklich zum grossen Crash X(, .. aber ueberall !

    Experienced traders will be looking to move back into this market after the selling has been exhausted.

  • Ich glaube es kommt zum großen Crash. Schon wieder ALLES im Minus. Meine Anleihen steigen, Rendite bald unter 5%. Nur der Euro hält sich?? Seltsam. Entweder da kriegen die Devisenheinis mal so richtig ein auf die Mütze, oder ???

    Überlegt mal wie schnell die Minen gefallen sind. Das geht nicht einfach so ohne Folgen am Markt vorbei.

    Was für Auswirkungen hätte ein Börsencrash in Indien auf den Goldmarkt?


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Habe heute Vormittag je einen hochhebeligen,langlaufenden Gold-und Silbercall um jeweils 1/3 aufgestockt. :]

    Da ich mehr konservativer Anleger bin,verrät dies etwas über meine "Visionen" :D

    Selbst wenn noch Unruhe da ist,auch das sitze ich glatt aus!! 8)

    Edel Man

    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Edel Man

    Danke für die Aufmunterung :]
    Habe ich heute auch gemacht, sogar um 50%, auch hochhebelig..
    Können bald einen Zockerverein gründen.... :D


    Es ist noch kein Verschwörungstheoretiker vom Himmel gefallen.
    - Altes Sprichwort, neu übersetzt

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