Shoshone Silver - ehemaliger Silberproduzent

  • Shoshone hat sehr interessante Projekte und ein gutes Management.
    Glaube seit 1969 am Markt.
    Hoch war mal 2,25 $ !!
    Spaeter mehr.


    Carol Stephan, director, 208-666-4070
    18 million outstanding shares
    @ $.18 US
    $3 mil MC
    Lakeview Mine and Mill: 24,190 tons of mineralized material delineated at Lakeview, grading an average of 11.8 oz/t silver.
    = 285,000 oz. silver. But is a narrow (high grade) vein mine, like Cour d'Alene and Hecla, with few reserves.
    Historic estimate: "Conjecture (in Lakeview) mineral reserves of 706,000 tons grading 11.8 ounces per ton (oz/t) silver"
    -- the Conjecture Mine, with a lease-option agreement signed with Shoshone Silver Mining Company
    =8.3 mil oz. silver.

    "Terms of the 25-year lease [of the conjecture] include payment of a $3000 per year advance royalty, issuance of one million shares of Shoshone common stock to Chester, and a sliding scale net smelter return based on the spot price of silver." At .$60/share, that's $.6 mil MC more for the lease.
    Blende project in Yukon, Canada: 21.4 million tons grading 1.63 ounces per ton (oz/t) silver. (low grade) 35 mil oz. silver; + 1.3 billion pounds zinc, 1.2 billion pounds lead.
    Now, 43-101 compliant! Resource Estimate Completed on Shoshone Silver/ Eagle Plains' ''Blende'' Silver-Lead-Zinc Project
    Wednesday October 6
    Shoshone must issue 1 million shares, and spend $5 million on exploration by December 31, 2008 to complete its 60 percent earn-in on the blende project. How to count that? ...???... 60% of 35 mil oz. silver is 20.9 mil oz. that will cost an additional $5 million, plus a million shares. At $.60/share, that's $5.6 million for 20.9 mil oz. resource. That's $.34/oz. acquisition cost to Shoshone for blende, which they don't own yet, just an option.
    Total: 8 mil oz. silver, plus an option on 20.9 mil oz. silver at blende.
    $3 mil MC (plus $6.2 mil they need to raise to maintain leases) / 8 mil oz, plus 20.9 mil oz. (29 mil oz.) = $.32/oz.
    You get options and leases that, if they raise money at the current share price, may give "approx" 21.3 ounces in the ground for 1 oz. silver's worth of stock.

  • Hier ein paar Infos um Shoshone besser kennenzulernen:

    The Shoshone Advantage

    Shoshone has Superior Location
    The Sterling Mining lease on the Sunshine Mine has sparked a resurgence of activity in north Idaho’s “Silver Valley” and surrounding mining districts, igniting what is currently among the hottest “area plays” on the planet. Shoshone's collection of area mines and mill allow put us right in the middle of this action.

    Shoshone has Past Production
    Shoshone has produced before and can do so again. Its flagship Lakeview Mine & Mill are now supplemented by six historic mines in the Lakeview District and surrounding areas. The prospect of a rapid return to production may provide substantial leverage to higher metal prices. Shoshone has Potential for Exploration
    Shoshone continues to assemble an excellent portfolio of exploration projects, including:
    The Western Gold Prospect, adjacent to and along strike with past producing mines.

    Shoshone is Aggressive
    Shoshone has been on an acquisition binge recently, assuming most of its current projects within the last year, with more expected to follow. Shoshone continues to pursue acquisitions while the precious metal bull market is still young and projects can still be negotiated at reasonable cost.

    Shoshone Offers Superior Leverage
    Shoshone has less than 20 million shares outstanding, but only about 5 million in its public float, providing shareholders with substantial leverage to both precious metal price increases and exploration success.

  • Projekte sind:

    - Silver Valley:
    1.Lakeview Mine and Mill . Hier ist die Mine und der Crusher und Infrastruktur schon vorhanden. Zwischen 1970 und 1990 wurde hier produziert.
    2.Conjecture Mine
    3.The Weber Mine
    4.The Keep Cool Mine

    - Western Gold

    - Bilbao. Mit diesem Property ist Shoshone in Mexico involviert. Sieht sehr aussichtsreich aus.

    - Norther Idaho

    1. Regal Mine
    2. Auxer Gold Prospect and Mine
    3.Lucky Joe Property

    Fuer das geringe Marketcap. koennte das Teil interessant sein.

  • Bei Shoshone ist mir aufgefallen, das die eine Menge Minen im Portfolio haben. Neun um genau zu sein. Stellt sich nur die Frage, wieviel Silber und Gold da im Boden liegt. Manche Minen haben ja schon mal produziert. Wie soll man das bewerten. ?(
    Marketcap ist jedoch sehr niedrig, was ein Plus ist. ;)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Wie meinen?

    Valley oder ausländische assets?

    Alle 'Optionen auf Silber' sind im Moment 'back'. Als eine solche ist Shoshone anzusehen.

    "Das einzige Geld, auf das ich mich verlassen kann, ist das Gold, das ich besitze" J.Sinclair
    "Omikron ist die Impfung, die herzustellen man verpasst hat" Lungenfacharzt in Uganda
    "The whole game is rigged" Gerald Celente

  • KELLOGG, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 16, 2006--Shoshone Silver Mining Company (OTC:SHSH - News) announced today a three part option and joint venture agreement with Minco, Plc, to advance Shoshone's Bilbao silver-copper-zinc project located in the Panfilo Natera mining district, 56 kilometers southeast of the city of Zacatecas, Mexico.

    Under the terms of the first option of the agreement, Minco, upon payment of $100,000 and the issue of 1.2 million Minco shares, will have the exclusive right to carry out exploration and development of Shoshone's Bilbao properties at an initial cost to Minco of $500,000 during the first 6 months of the agreement. The first option also includes the preparation of an updated feasibility study of the properties by Minco. After 6 months, the second option of the agreement calls for an additional payment of $300,000 to Shoshone and a further expenditure by Minco of $500,000 during the following 12 months. Under the third option, by meeting the above commitments, Minco will earn a 75 percent interest in the Bilbao properties. Additionally, under the terms of the option agreement, Minco will be the sole operator during the exploration and development phase. After the exploration and development period, if Minco elects to complete a bankable feasibility study, a new company will be formed by Shoshone and Minco to mine the Bibao properties and operate a joint venture agreement. When the new company is formed, Shoshone will retain a 25 percent interest in that company.

    "This option and joint venture agreement with Minco is an excellent step in Shoshone Silver Mining Company's drive to move from being an exploration company to being a company with producing mining projects in the United States and in Mexico," said Shoshone president Lex Smith. "Minco, Pls. is a strong and dynamic mining company, and this joint venture with them to develop and mine Shoshone's Bilbao properties bodes well for the overall future success of the company."

    Shoshone Silver Mining Company was founded in 1969 as a silver exploration, development and production company centered on its Lakeview Mine and Mill, south of Lake Pend d'Oreille in northern Idaho. Shoshone has acquired several formerly producing precious and base metal properties in northern Idaho in preparation for a return to production at Lakeview. Shoshone also maintains a diverse portfolio of mineral exploration projects across the western United States, as well as the Bilbao properties in Mexico. Shoshone stock trades on the OTC Market under the symbol "SHSH".

    Certain statements contained in this press release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on beliefs of management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to management. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results.

  • KELLOGG, Idaho -- Shoshone Silver Mining Company (OTC:SHSH) announced today it has completed an initial three-month analysis of its Bilbao project in the State of Zacatecas, Mexico. The property lies about 350 miles northwest of Mexico City and 35 miles east-southeast of the city of Zacatecas.

    The Bilbao project consists of five mining concessions covering an area of 3,305 acres and contains zinc, copper, silver and lead deposits. An estimated 500,000 to one million metric tons of direct shipping ore were mined from the project prior to Shoshone's acquisition in 2004.

    Part of the analysis reviewed a prefeasibility study done by Kilborn Engineering which considered various cut off grades to mine the resources by open pit. The study was conducted on the oxide portion of the Bilbao deposit in the mid 1990's. Resources were estimated by Watts Griffis and McQuat using assays from 1200 samples taken from the underground workings and glory holes. The total inferred resource used in this study was 3.2 million metric tons grading 3.9% zinc equivalent. This resource also contains additional silver and lead credits.

    Several economic scenarios from the prefeasibility study produced positive cash flows and rate of return as high as 42.1%.

    The exploration work carried out so far consisted of reviewing and improving the geological data generated by previous exploration done, primarily, by Phelps Dodge. The objective was to thoroughly examine the Bilbao underground and surface workings to determine if the resource used in the prefeasibility study can be converted to proven reserves and to see if additional potential exists to increase the resource. Paul Dircksen, Shoshone's General Manager stated "After our analysis of the project, we feel positive that this goal can be achieved through limited drilling programs".

    Plans are currently being prepared for drilling operations to further explore the deeper underground workings of the mine, possible feeder channels and an anomaly discovered to the northwest of the project.

    Shoshone Silver Mining Company was founded in 1969 as a silver exploration, development and production company centered on its Lakeview Mine and Mill, south of Lake Pend d'Oreille in northern Idaho. Shoshone has acquired several formerly producing precious and base metal properties in northern Idaho in preparation for a return to production at Lakeview. Shoshone also maintains a diverse portfolio of mineral exploration projects across the western United States and Mexico. Shoshone stock trades on the OTC Market under the symbol "SHSH".

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hallo newtechxl,

    Der braucht cash, um die Exploration zu bezahlen, aber er sollte schon Erzkörper gefunden, also erfolgreich exploriert haben, um überhaupt erst cash bekommen zu können. Und wenn sich die Katze noch nicht den Schwanz abgebissen hat, dann lebt sie heute noch...

    Der Deal ist sicher zu begrüssen, obwohl die den wohl nur unter Zwang eingegangen sind, denn also rasend gut erscheint er nicht. Spart mindestens Flugreisen für teures Personal nach Mexiko.

    Hatte mal die Gelegenheit gehabt, durch einen günstigen Zufall und liebe Leute, ein paar Shoshone-properties im Silver-Valley anschauen zu können. Also da scheint einiges herumzuliegen (wenn es nicht gestohlen wird), Erzhaufen z.B. mit 30 - 40 Unzen Silber pro Tonne, aus einer momentan stillgelegten, längst nicht erschöpften Mine. U.a.m. Kannst ein paar Handstücke davon haben, wenn du willst! Vielleicht hast du schon welche, dann kennen wir uns, und du wärst ein ganz lieber Kerl ;)


  • KELLOGG, Idaho -- (Business Wire) -- June 14, 2006

    Shoshone Silver Mining Co. (OTC:SHSH) is pleased to
    announce that its joint venture partner, Minco, Plc, has discovered a
    new zone of sulfide mineralization on Shoshone's Bilbao property. The
    property lies within the Panfilo Natera Mining district located
    approximately 35 miles southeast of the city of Zacatecas.
    Minco began a 10,000 foot drill program in late May with the
    second hole, B-6A, intersecting three zones of oxide and sulfide
    mineralization. The lowermost zone comprises 128 ft (estimated 115 ft.
    true width) of massive to semi-massive sulfide mineralization,
    including pyrite, galena and sphalerite mineralization. Preliminary
    assay results for the lower mineralized intersection prepared by SGS
    Laboratories have yielded a 50 ft intersection averaging 2.43% zinc,
    0.56 ppm gold, 69.0 ppm silver, 0.29% lead and 0.37% copper. Within
    this mineralized zone a 30 ft intersection averages 3.45% zinc; and a
    10 ft intersection averages 2.14 ppm gold and 81.0 ppm silver.

    Au Ag Pb Zn Cu
    From (ft) To (ft) feet ppm ppm % % %
    734.90 739.82 4.92 0.12 120 1.04 6.41 0.16
    739.82 744.91 5.09 0.06 26 0.33 3.10 0.08
    744.91 749.99 5.09 0.04 24 0.19 2.61 0.27
    749.99 754.91 4.92 0.03 2 0.06 3.04 0.30
    754.91 759.83 4.92 0.01 2 0.04 2.79 0.28
    759.83 764.92 5.09 0.05 20 0.06 2.83 0.23
    764.92 770.00 5.09 2.65 24 0.08 1.89 0.28
    770.00 774.92 4.92 1.61 141 0.27 0.17 0.72
    774.92 779.85 4.92 0.54 156 0.55 0.95 0.41
    779.85 784.93 5.09 0.48 182 0.38 0.50 0.99
    Table of preliminary assay results Hole B6A - SGS de Mexico, Durango,

    A third hole, B-6B drilled vertically from the same collar
    position as hole B-6A has intersected two zones of mineralization,
    including a 13.22 metre intersection comprising veins and skarnified
    tremolitic limestone containing sulfides -- pyrite, chalcopyrite and
    galena. The core from these holes is currently being logged and
    sampled. Complete assay results for these holes will be reported when
    available. The drill programme is ongoing.
    As announced on March 16, 2006, Shoshone Mining entered into an
    Option and Joint Venture Agreement on the Bilbao Project with Minco
    PLC. Minco is currently carrying out the $500,000 first-stage due
    diligence program, which in addition to the present drilling to
    investigate the potential for sulfide mineralization beneath the
    existing oxide resources, includes an evaluation of the oxide
    resources as well as the completion of a preliminary update of an
    earlier pre-feasibility study.
    Shoshone's Bilbao property is approximately 5 square miles in
    size. The existing Bilbao oxide deposit comprises a limestone-hosted
    replacement deposit as well as exo-skarn mineralization hosted within
    and along the contact of the nearby La Blanca granitic pluton. The
    deposit is polymetallic with iron, lead, zinc, copper, silver and tin
    as the major metallic components. Above a depth of approximately 260
    feet the deposit is oxidised. Approximately one million tons of oxide
    ore was mined from the property prior to 1945.
    The new sulfide intersection does not appear to be the down dip
    extension of any of the known zones of oxide mineralization. The new
    zone also appears to be stratabound and replaces the limestone along
    bedding. It is likely the down dip continuation of an as yet
    undiscovered zone of oxide mineralization. Minco believes that there
    may be at least four zones of potential oxide and sulfide
    mineralization present at Bilbao within the immediate area of the old
    The Bilbao property was the subject of a pre-feasibility study
    prepared by Kilborn Inc. in 1995 and subsequently updated in 1997. The
    Kilborn study was based on an inferred resource estimate prepared by
    Watts, Griffis and McOuat to JORC standards and metallurgical test
    work completed by Lakefield Research. The historical calculations of
    2.44 million tonnes of oxide ore at an average grade of 92.3 ppm
    silver, 0.39% copper, 3.73% zinc, 3.3% lead together with cadmium
    by-product are in the inferred category of resources. As such they are
    considered speculative and cannot have economic considerations applied
    to them.
    "Shoshone is very pleased with the excellent early results
    obtained by Minco during this first phase of our joint venture," said
    Shoshone President Lex Smith. "We believe the sulfide intersection
    found in hole B6A indicates the potential for economic resources below
    the already know oxide resources. We will continue to monitor and
    evaluate results from Minco's ongoing drilling program. These findings
    are another significant step in advancing Shoshone's goal of becoming
    a producing mining company."
    Shoshone Silver Mining Company was founded in 1969 as a silver
    exploration, development and production company centered on its
    Lakeview Mine and Mill, south of Lake Pend d'Oreille in northern
    Idaho. Shoshone has acquired several formerly producing precious and
    base metal properties in northern Idaho in preparation for a return to
    production at Lakeview. Shoshone also maintains a diverse portfolio of
    mineral exploration projects across the western United States, in
    addition to the Bilbao properties in Mexico. Shoshone stock trades on
    the OTC Market under the symbol "SHSH".
    Certain statements contained in this press release are
    "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private
    Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are based on
    beliefs of management as well as assumptions made by and information
    currently available to management. Forward-looking statements are
    subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause
    actual results to differ materially from expected results.

  • KELLOGG, Idaho -- (Business Wire) -- June 27, 2006
    Company Website:

    Shoshone (OTC:SHSH) has placed a high priority on
    getting its 100 ton per day Lakeview mill back into production. When
    operational, the mill will begin processing existing stockpiles of ore
    produced during past mining efforts on Shoshone's Lakeview District
    properties. The facility will be available for the custom milling of
    ores produced by other companies in and around the Lakeview district
    as it was in the past. Shoshone plans to aggressively market this
    service to regional mining companies.
    An upgrade plan for the mill's electrical system has been
    developed based on a June 8th assessment by a professional electrician
    with extensive mill experience that found only minor repairs are
    required. Work on necessary electrical upgrades will begin immediately
    and is expected to be completed within four weeks. These upgrades will
    be followed by restoration and refurbishment of the mill's machinery.
    Shoshone's goal is to have the mill back online and producing
    concentrate by late summer, 2007.
    Shoshone president, Lex Smith, said, "Our objective is to move the
    Lakeview mill rehabilitation along as quickly as possible so Shoshone
    can take advantage of the prices for silver, gold and lead in today's
    metals market. We have stockpiled mined ore close at hand, ready to be
    processed in our mill, and are eager to get into production as rapidly
    as we can. We also look forward to offering milling services to other
    companies in the region."
    Shoshone estimates the size of its stockpiles of mined ore
    available for processing at approximately 15,000 tons or a 150-day
    supply of feedstock for the mill. Previous sampling of these Shoshone
    owned stockpiles have returned silver assays ranging from 1 to 44
    ounces per ton with accompanying values in lead and minor
    concentrations of gold. Recent, more extensive sampling of the
    stockpiles was performed by Shoshone's consulting geologist Richard
    Morris. These fresh samples were delivered to Dawson Metallurgical
    Laboratory in Salt Lake City, Utah for analysis on June 13, 2006.
    Shoshone will use assay, grindability test, and reagent test
    results obtained from Dawson to fine tune the mill's crushing,
    grading, and flotation circuit to produce the highest quality
    concentrates. Shoshone plans to send the mill concentrates to the
    Cominco smelter in Trail, British Columbia for smelting and refining.
    Shoshone Silver Mining Company was founded in 1969 as a silver
    exploration, development and production company centered on its
    Lakeview Mine and Mill, south of Lake Pend d'Oreille in northern
    Idaho. Shoshone has acquired several formerly producing precious and
    base metal properties in northern Idaho in preparation for a return to
    production at Lakeview. Shoshone also maintains a diverse portfolio of
    mineral exploration projects across the western United States, in
    addition to the Bilbao properties in Mexico. Shoshone stock trades on
    the OTC Market under the symbol "SHSH".

  • SHSH ....

    ... ist nach wie vor gut, sie stehen mit den (sehr spekulativen) East-Silver-Valley-Interessen von SRLM & HL in Verbindung ... .

    Insofern keine Frage dass die SHSH steigt!

    HTRC z.B. ja auch und die gilt als "unabhängig".
    Was sie nicht ist, klar. ;)


  • Hi!

    Shoshone Silver Mining's Bilbao, Mexico Project: Pre-feasibility Study Supports Economic Production
    Monday March 26, 9:15 am ET


  • Hallo newtechxl,

    ist halt ganz schwer einzuschätzen, sie laufen relativ unabhängig vom Hecla Hype ab.
    Selbst die auch von ihrem Management kontrollierte Lucky Friday Extension Mining (LFEX) läuft besser, - wegen der unmittelbaren Hecla Fantasie in dem Fall.

    Da aber nun das Valley mit der Bunker Hill Story (hast das vermutlich gemerkt, der Hopper macht da was mit Azteca Gold Corp. (CA:AZG), Nasenbohren wurde beendet! :D ) wohl endgültig in die Gänge kommt, dürfte es auch bei denen los gehen.

    Erinnert mich ein wenig an Silver Buckle Mines (SBUM), keine Sau interessiert sich für die im Augenblick, dabei liegen die Gebiete um die Galena & den Calady Shaft herum - die sind mir da ein Rätsel.

    Und SHSH ist ja zudem eigentlich auch noch in Mexiko aktiv.
    Lucky hat das mit den Erzhalden in Idaho ja oben schon schön beschrieben.
    Sie könnten also auch in Idaho bereits mehr machen ... . :rolleyes:

    Wenn ich mich entscheiden müsste, zwischen den Silver Valley Werten, weil ich viel Geld anzulegen hätte, würde ich SHSH nur als Beimengung nehmen. Weil einfach unklar ist, wann sie aufwacht.
    Und stattdessen drüben auf der anderen Seite, bei der Mascot Mines inc. (MSLM) zulangen, die liegen direkt an der Superfund Site und leben vom Holzeinschlag.


    Auch da wird es Dilution geben (50 Mio authorized shares). Aber ... sie sitzen ausser in Idaho noch in Montana & werden vom Brackebush Clan geleitet (NJMC), der mit Mitteln bekanntlich geschickt umzugehen versteht.

    In meinem Fall ist die Geldmenge, die es anzulegen gilt, nicht so riesig, deshalb bin ich mehr in den Minen drin, die ich von der Geologie und strategischen Lage als 100%ige Treffer ansehen würde.
    Da gehören solche Werte wie HSCM, ASLM, MERG, und SBUM für mich dazu.
    Vindicator Silver Lead Mining Co.(VINS) wäre es auch gewesen, hab ich aber nicht.
    Und Independence Lead Mines (ILDM) natürlich, seit die U.S. Silver Corp. (USA.V / CA:USA) da rein ist.
    Die ILDM hattest Du ja so früh entdeckt, hoffe Du konntest davon profitieren.

    Also bei mir: Begrenzung auf ca. 12 Silver Valley Idaho Minen in der permanenten engeren Auswahl, 7-8 habe ich so ca. immer im Portfolio liegen.
    Die SHSH liegt bei mir nicht in der engeren Auswahl oder im Portfolio, sie erscheint mir einfach als schwerfälliger, da sie ihr eigenes Ding machen, - deshalb ist ja auch ihre weitere Entwicklung so schwer abschätzbar.
    Sie sind unabhängiger, ein wenig träge, - als Streuung aber wohl geeignet.


  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Shoshone ist nicht mehr Pink Sheets! Das ist ein Anfang. Ich hatte gehoert, dass die bald ihre Mill wieder aufmachen. Kann das jemand bestaetigen?

    Shoshone Silver Mining Listed on the OTCBB
    Thursday August 23, 7:22 pm ET

    WALLACE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Shoshone Silver Mining (OTC:SHSH - News) is pleased to announce that quotations for its common stock appear as of today on the National Association of Securities Dealers' OTC Bulletin Board. Shoshone trades on the OTCBB under the symbol "SHSH."

    About Shoshone Silver Mining

    Founded in 1969 as a silver exploration, development and production company, Shoshone maintains a diverse portfolio of mineral exploration projects across the western United States and Mexico. Shoshone's core holdings are 920 acres of Lakeview District property in Northern Idaho. The company's Bilbao silver and base project in the Zacatecas Mining District is in late exploration stage with a JV partner.

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