Shoshone hat sehr interessante Projekte und ein gutes Management.
Glaube seit 1969 am Markt.
Hoch war mal 2,25 $ !!
Spaeter mehr.
Carol Stephan, director, 208-666-4070
18 million outstanding shares
@ $.18 US
$3 mil MC
Lakeview Mine and Mill: 24,190 tons of mineralized material delineated at Lakeview, grading an average of 11.8 oz/t silver.
= 285,000 oz. silver. But is a narrow (high grade) vein mine, like Cour d'Alene and Hecla, with few reserves.
Historic estimate: "Conjecture (in Lakeview) mineral reserves of 706,000 tons grading 11.8 ounces per ton (oz/t) silver"
-- the Conjecture Mine, with a lease-option agreement signed with Shoshone Silver Mining Company
=8.3 mil oz. silver.
"Terms of the 25-year lease [of the conjecture] include payment of a $3000 per year advance royalty, issuance of one million shares of Shoshone common stock to Chester, and a sliding scale net smelter return based on the spot price of silver." At .$60/share, that's $.6 mil MC more for the lease.
Blende project in Yukon, Canada: 21.4 million tons grading 1.63 ounces per ton (oz/t) silver. (low grade) 35 mil oz. silver; + 1.3 billion pounds zinc, 1.2 billion pounds lead.
Now, 43-101 compliant! Resource Estimate Completed on Shoshone Silver/ Eagle Plains' ''Blende'' Silver-Lead-Zinc Project
Wednesday October 6
Shoshone must issue 1 million shares, and spend $5 million on exploration by December 31, 2008 to complete its 60 percent earn-in on the blende project. How to count that? ...???... 60% of 35 mil oz. silver is 20.9 mil oz. that will cost an additional $5 million, plus a million shares. At $.60/share, that's $5.6 million for 20.9 mil oz. resource. That's $.34/oz. acquisition cost to Shoshone for blende, which they don't own yet, just an option.
Total: 8 mil oz. silver, plus an option on 20.9 mil oz. silver at blende.
$3 mil MC (plus $6.2 mil they need to raise to maintain leases) / 8 mil oz, plus 20.9 mil oz. (29 mil oz.) = $.32/oz.
You get options and leases that, if they raise money at the current share price, may give "approx" 21.3 ounces in the ground for 1 oz. silver's worth of stock.