Crystallex International Corp. WKN 890 729 CA22942F1018 KRY

  • Danke Ulfur, von dir habe ich lange nichts mehr gelesen, wo steckts denn ? :D

    Sag mal ist die Crew zu dem Preis ein Schaeppchen und eine wertvolle Anlage ?

    Ich hab einige, aber kenne mich nicht so aus wie du alter Fuchs. :rolleyes:

    Das Bild von dem Berg im Crew Thread hat mir zumindest schon mal gefallen. :D

    Eine Crew braucht jedes Flugzeug, oder ???



  • Neu Deals werden ausgemacht,so schauts aus !


    Chavez: Gov't Will Nix Mining Concessions
    Thursday September 22, 12:06 pm ET

    Venezuela's Chavez Says Government Will Cancel All Mining Concessions

    CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said his government has decided to cancel all mining concessions and stop issuing new ones to foreign companies.
    Chavez's remark in a speech late Wednesday expanded on his past statements that the government would eliminate concessions on stalled mining projects or those that violate the law.

    "I want to tell the country I've decided, after looking at this and that, to cancel all mining concessions. We're not giving more concessions to transnationals," the president said.

    Foreign companies, he said, tend to gain access to mines and leave them idle, while Venezuelans in nearby areas need jobs.

    Chavez also spoke in general terms about the Las Cristinas gold mine, which Toronto-based Crystallex International Corp. has an operating contract to develop, without specifically addressing the government's plans for that mine. ?(

    "(Las Cristinas) is the eighth (largest) gold mine in the world, right here. And, well, that's a mess if a company from who-knows-where has the concession, :D then sold it to another. They sell it," Chavez said. "They go around the world saying they have this much in gold reserves, but they are never going to exploit it." 8o

    Chavez said the aim "is to recover the national power, sovereignty to manage our own resources."

    Chavez did not directly mention Crystallex in his comments. The company's president had issued a statement hours earlier saying plans were on track for the firm to develop the gold mine in eastern Venezuela.

    Chavez said earlier this week the government is seeking to create a national mining company at Las Cristinas, and Crystallex president and CEO Todd Bruce said that does not change the status of the project.

    The company has said previously it does not fall under a government review of concessions because it has an operating contract -- not a concession -- from state mining conglomerate Corporacion Venezolana de Guyana.

    Chavez, an ally of Cuban President Fidel Castro, says he is leading Venezuela away from capitalism toward a new socialist system. :D

    His government also has sought to create joint ventures with foreign oil companies to obtain a majority stake in managing oil fields where private oil firms used to pump oil independently under contract.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Original von Aladin
    Neu Deals werden ausgemacht,so schauts aus !

    Soweit hatten wir das auch gestern zusammen mal angedacht.
    Die Frage ist,was am Ende für die Aktionäre,
    so es welche dann noch gibt, übrig bleibt. ?(


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Bis jetzt nur 1.46 USD aber immer eine Erinnerung an den Salsa mit Hugo Chaves bleibt zumindest uebrig Edel Man.
    Die Musik bezahlen solche Leute wie ich und du.
    Chaves uebt jetzt Druck aus. auch auf KRY,die muessen was produzieren sonst muessen die sich schleichen von Las Cristinas.
    Wo sie die Kohle herbekommen ist nun die grosse Frage, das ist eher bedenklich. Von mir haben sie nun genug bekommen. :D

    Mal schaun :rolleyes:

  • Zweifel hat man immer irgendwo Juergen, die duerfen nur nicht ueberhand nehmen, think positiv !
    Bis jetzt ist die Musik nicht gut, aber !
    Wahrscheinlich sind es auch diese Typen die nun die Tanzflaeche verlassen.
    Da gehen einige Stop Loss trigger los im Moment.
    Christina gefaellt mir noch, ich bleibe noch da bald sollte die Band wechseln . :D
    Ich habe jetzt einen Schnitt oder Eintritt von 1.93 US bezahlt, die tanze ich ab.
    In San Margarita und Caracas war ich schon mal, WOW da sind super Hasen. :P

    Alter Press Release Source: Crystallex International Corporation

    Crystallex announces C$60 million equity draw down facility and sale of C$10 million units
    Wednesday September 14, 4:30 pm ET

    TORONTO, Sept. 14 /CNW/ - Crystallex International Corporation (TSX/AMEX: KRY) announced today that it has established a C$60 million equity draw down facility with Azimuth Opportunity, Ltd. and has also issued and sold to Azimuth for gross proceeds of C$10 million (received on closing) units comprising C$10 million aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured notes (Series 2) due March 13, 2006 bearing interest at the rate of 5% per annum, 200,000 common shares and warrants to acquire 450,000 common shares exerciseable on or before 5:00 p.m. (Toronto time) on September 13, 2006 at a price of C$3.19 per share (representing a 10% premium to the closing price of the Crystallex common shares on September 13, 2005). The securities comprising the units separated immediately upon issue. The net proceeds from the sale of the units will be used for working capital and general corporate purposes.

  • Sorry Guys, das ist eine scheiss Party, KRY nun bei 1.06 USD
    Ich kanns nicht fassen im Moment. :( :( :(
    Wieder was gelernt, so nun von 80-100 mit Schnitt 1.80 USD.
    Das wars aber dann....bis jetzt ! :D

    Gnight, dafuer habe ich jetzt eine Satellitenueberwachung, siehe Thai Guru Thread.

    Bald wissen sie wenn wir einen Pfurz machen. :D

    Big Brother watching me too !


  • Hi Aladin

    Kaum zu glauben was so ein Fuzzy mit seinen blöden Sprüchen alles bewirken kann.

    Habe so etwas in dieser Art auch noch nicht erlebt. Ebenfalls dazugelernt. Gemeinsames Leid lindert, aber das ist schon mehr als nur Krass. Ein guter Grappa ist das einzige was jetzt noch hilft. Wollen wir hoffen das so etwas nicht ansteckend ist auf andere Länder. Da kann der noch so den starken markieren, das Gold holt er nicht aus den Boden, dazu fehlt ihm so fast alles was dazu notwendig ist. Wenn solche Länder die Power hätten um solch eine Mine auszubeuten, dann wären Firmen wie KRY erst garnicht da. Aber danach frägt im Augenblick niemand. Wenn KRY Pleite geht, ist noch lange nicht sicher das andere die Arbeit fortsetzen können, ganz zu schweigen von gebrochenen Verträgen. aber wie gesagt, momentan hilft nur Grappa

    Gruß Jürgen

  • UPDATE 1

    -Crystallex insists its Las Cristinas contract safe

    Thu Sep 22, 2005 02:08 PM ET

    By Nicole Mordant

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept 22 (Reuters) - Crystallex International Corp. (KRY.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) insisted for a third consecutive day on Thursday that its contract to mine the Las Cristinas gold deposit in Venezuela is safe even though comments overnight by President Hugo Chavez again unsettled investors. :D

    "There is absolutely no evidence, no advice, anything to the contrary," Crystallex chief executive Todd Bruce told Reuters when asked if there was any chance of his company's contract to operate the rich Las Cristinas mine being revoked by the Venezuelan government.

    Bruce was speaking from Caracas, where he is on a business trip.

    Chavez said late on Wednesday that his government was canceling all mining concessions and would not award any new deals to transnational companies as the government moves to restructure Venezuela's mining industry.

    The comments, the second this week by Chavez on plans for the mining industry, lopped nearly a third off Crystallex's stock market value on Thursday, and also walloped stocks of other miners active in the oil-and-mineral-endowed country.

    Bruce said that Chavez's comments were consistent with the government's plan to restructure the country's mining-title regulations to move from a system of concessions to one of operating contracts that will mirror those in the oil sector.

    "The common theme is that anyone who has existing valid title will be honored," Bruce said. "That title may be transferred from a concession to a mining contract. We already have a mining contract for Las Cristinas so there is nothing to change in our case."

    Left-winger Chavez has launched a broad campaign to review energy and mineral contracts signed by Venezuela before he first won office in 1998. He says some of the deals are robbing the world's No. 5 oil exporter of its natural resources.

    Government officials have said they would revoke some inactive gold- and diamond-mining concessions and would not issue new ones.

    With 12.5 million ounces of gold reserves, Las Cristinas is one of the world's largest undeveloped gold deposits and Crystallex's prime asset. The project has been delayed for years because of ownership battles and delays in issuing permits.

    The Toronto-based company is waiting for a final environmental permit that will allow it to start building a mine at the site in Bolivar state.

    Crystallex's stock was down 60 Canadian cents at C$1.26 on Thursday afternoon. It has fallen 50 percent this week. 8o

    Shares in Gold Reserve (GRZ.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) , which owns the Brisas gold and copper project in Venezuela, slumped 25 percent to C$2.43, while stock of Bolivar Gold (BGC.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) , which owns several gold properties, fell 14 percent to C$2.23.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Gucke mal soeben herein: 1,26$, 8,5 Mio Stück.
    Jetzt brauchte man ne gute Fee mit dem Zauberstab :))
    Vielleicht hilft auch Aladins Wunderlampe! ;)

    Gönn Dir, daß der Mut belohnt wird,
    auch der Mitgehangenen. :D


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

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