Clifton Mining

  • Da es noch keinen Thread zu Clifton gibt.........

    ASAP Solution Kolloid Silver:

    Clifton hält einen 28% Anteil an Merican Biotech (Erzeuger von ASAP)
    und haben eine menge Gebiete, die zum Teil vom Partner Dumont Nickel exploriert werden.
    Ständiges Cash Flow durch Anteil an ASAP:

    Ein Artikel von Siebholz, der die bedeutung von Silber in medizinischen anwendungen hervorhebt.

    Samstag, 06. August 2005 | 14:13 Uhr

    Dietmar Siebholz
    Beruf: Bankkaufmann

    Medizinischer Einsatz von Silber
    Meine Meinung zum ......MM 0995..."weiteren medizinischen Einsatz von Silber im Kampf gegen Malaria und Viren…“

    Dass ich zu den Investoren gehöre, die dem Silberpreis eine äußerst interessante Zukunft zurechnen, dürfte bekannt sein; was ich aber heute (als Aktionär von CLIFTON MINING – CFTN.PK) las, hat mir neue Argumente für die Chancen von Silber gegeben.

    In meinen vergangenen Essays habe ich schon über den Einsatz von Silber bei Wundheilungen, bei der Bekämpfung von Bakterien z.B. bei der Lebensmittelproduktion, bei deren Verteilung und bei der Wasserentkeimung berichtet. Ferner konnte ich über einen wissenschaftlichen Versuch aus einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen einer schwedischen Forschungsgesellschaft mit der Universität in Peking berichten, nach dem in Peking der direkte Einsatz von Silberkolloid gegen die SARS-Viren (die Viren konnten innerhalb von 48 Stunden beseitigt werden) die Wirkung von Silberkolloiden auch gegen
    Viren zumindest als hochwahrscheinlich angesehen werden konnte. Die Universität in Peking wird sich in den nächsten Monaten mit umfangreicheren Versuchen beschäftigen.

    Was aber die CLIFTON-Mining-Tochtergesellschaft American Biotech Laboratory Ende April veröffentlichte, geht ein wesentliches Stück weiter: Vor einem Fachausschuss des Repräsentanten-hauses der USA trug William D. Moeller – Vorstandsvorsitzender von CLIFTON Mining – die Erkenntnisse von American Biotech Labs vor, die sie in Ruanda auf einer medizinischen Station zur Bekämpfung der Malaria gewonnen haben.

    William Moeller erläutert in seinem Bericht vor dem Fachausschuss, das Silber schon seit Jahrhunderten als antibakterielles Mittel und als Unterstützung für den menscheneigenen Immunhaushalt kenne, aber deren Anwendung noch nicht ausgetestet sind. ABL produziert nach eigenen Patenten ein unter hoher elektrischer Spannung erzeugtes Silberkolloid mit verschieden hoher Silbergehalten (beginnend mit 10 ppm – Teilen per Millionen Einheiten).

    Im Jahre 2001 erhielt ein Arzt in Ruanda (Dr. Ewabuhihl Ezechias) einige Flaschen des von ABL hergestellten Silber-Kolloid-Wassers. Er hat dieses Wasser nach einem Telefonat mit ABL seinen in seiner Krankenstation lebenden Kleinkinder verabreicht. Nach den dort bisher gemachten Erfahrungen war von den unter hohem Fieber-Malaria-Anfällen leidenden Kleinkindern eine Sterbequote von mehr als 90 % eingetreten. Alle 11 behandelten Kinder konnten sich innerhalb einer Woche von der Malaria erholen.

    Danach folgten weitere Anwendungen des Silber-Kolloid-Wassers, und zwar mit einer größeren Anzahl von Probanten. Auch hier konnte ein nahezu 100 %-iger Heilungsprozess konstatiert werden.
    Weiterführende Studien bestätigten die Wirkung des Kolloids.

    Zur Zeit laufen unter der Mitwirkung des WHO (Weltgesundheitsorganisation – Unterorganisation der UNO) weitere Feldversuche im Kampf gegen die Malaria und neuerdings auch gegen Tuberkulose; hier erwartet man baldige Ergebnisse. Die Forscher bei ABL sagten aber aus, dass „sie von dem, was sie im Versuch sahen, äußerst ermutigt seien..:“

    In den nächsten Monaten werden sich die Informationen verdichten, die den Einsatz von Silber (in Kolloid-Form, d.h. in Wasser schwebende Kleinstteile an Silber) in der Medizin belegen. „Silber-Wasser“ also kolloides Silber könnte von den Ländern, in denen es für die medizinische Versorgung der Einwohner gegen Malaria, Tuberkulose und/oder auch gegen SARS selbst hergestellt und sogar in vielen Fällen aus den eigenen Edelmetall-Abbaugebieten versorgt werden.

    Bitte lesen Sie das „Written Testimony“ des Herrn Moeller vor dem Komitee des Repräsentanten-Hauses vom 26.04.2005. ( und
    dann dort unter Hearings auf dem 26. April 2005 gehen und den Namen Mr. William Moeller anklicken. Sie erhalten dann den vollen Report über die Versuche, Silberkolloid gegen Malaria und Tuberkulose einzusetzen.

    Diese Rede vor dem Ausschuss des Repräsentantenhauses zeigt die Möglichkeiten auf, die Silber in der medizinischen Anwendungen nehmen kann; unabhängig von den Einwirkungen auf den Kurs der Aktie CLIFTON, die ich aber wegen dieser Grundlagen in mein Silber-Favoriten-Depot aufnehme.

    Silber ist – neben den vielen industriellen und fotografischen Anwendungen auch in der Medizin wichtiges Metall, dessen Möglichkeiten noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft sind. Meine Meinung, dass Silber ein Zukunftsmetall ist, verstärken sich durch diese Erkenntnisse. Ich halte Kontakt zu den Forschern der ABL/CLIFTON, um die Fortschritte in der Medizin-Anwendung verfolgen zu können.

  • Clifton Mining Company (CFTN) - ABL new patents filed
    Thursday August 18, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UT, Aug. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -


    Two new patent applications have been filed in the last month and several more over the last eight months to further protect the intellectual property rights of American Biotech Labs (ABL), its partners and shareholders, including Clifton Mining Company (Clifton Mining Company owns over 24% of ABL). These new applications provide further intellectual property protection for the advanced nature of the ABL's engineered silver nano particle technology.


    Said Keith Moeller, V.P., "ABL is already moving forward with its unique technology. With the help of a number of partners, ABL has already created multiple new generation products. Patent applications have already been filed on these new products".

    Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).

  • Ein Jahr vergangen, die Aktie notiert bei 0,52$.

    Irgendwie seltsam, weil Clifton ja Cash generiert, was für so einen Explorer eher die Ausnahme ist.

    Alleine heuer konnten vom Aktienanteil an ABL 8 Mille kassiert werden,
    was höher ist als der Betrag, um den der Anteil gekauft wurde.
    Tendenz steigend.
    Bei einer MC um die 28 Mille ist das ein Viertel der MC an Cash, was ja wahrlich nicht schlecht ist. Und wie gesagt, Tendenz steigend, da ABL immer mehr Kollodial Silber verkauft.
    Aktuelle Zahlen auf der Homepage:

    JV Partner Dumont Nickel, der die gebiete von Clifton exploriert, hatte in den letzten Wochen einen Lauf, der inzwischen gestoppt wurde.

    Hier noch der Letter vom Juni:

    Clifton Mining Company Inc. (OTC : CFTN) - Management Letter June 20th 2006
    Tuesday June 20, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UT, June 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - All aspects of the Company's business have been moving forward. Clifton continues to progress in numerous areas, at little or no cost to shareholders and with virtually no debt. Twelve announcements have been released by Clifton's management so far in 2006 to keep shareholders updated on current events.

    The Dumont Joint Venture

    The joint venture with Dumont continues to advance with thousands of feet of drilling completed in the last three months on three different parts of the property. Core holes were drilled on the Kiewit Gold Zone with the intent of continuing to expand its resources. At the same time, the departments of metallurgy at Penn State University and the University of Utah have been employed to assay and characterize the Kiewit gold-bearing rock.

    Seven new core holes were completed on the Cane Springs historic gold area, where additional multi-ounce gold bearing rock had been discovered in 2005. Three holes have now been drilled into an area believed to hold a large porphyry gold, silver, copper target. A warehouse has been rented to hold the thousands of feet of core drilled in the last few months. Geologists have logged the core and a crew has been hired to split the core and prepare half for shipment to the independent certified assay company. We expect to receive initial assays by the end of July. Clifton Management also announced in mid-February that Dumont had raised an additional $1.3 million for work on the joint venture properties.

    American Biotech Labs

    In January we announced that American Biotech Labs' (ABL) annual sales had grown by 47% in 2005 and that expectations were high for continued growth in 2006. Shortly after that announcement we announced that the company had just received the largest single order in the company's history, a single order of 150,000 bottles from an international company. We also announced that an independent antibiotic comparison study had been released in a peer reviewed article written and co-authored by world-renowned scientist Dr. Rustum Roy and other esteemed scientists from three universities.

    In March we announced that ABL was making its first earnings disbursement to shareholders, including Clifton. In the first earnings issued to shareholders, Clifton received more money than its total investment in ABL. ABL's private stock is currently trading for $5.00/share, several hundred thousand dollars of ABL stock have been bought and sold at this price. Bases on its current trading price, Clifton's total investment in ABL stock is now worth $8 million dollars. Clifton has not sold any of its ABL position, but can only book its original investment as an asset. We expect that shareholder disbursements from ABL will grow significantly in the next year as product sales and ABL's Value continue to grow. In April it was announced that out of thousands of health related products, ABL's Silver Biotics product was now ranked as the number 11th best selling product by one of the top health product distributors in the United States. With little advertising, the product is quickly gaining market share and can now be found in thousands of health food stores and doctors' offices across the country.

    The company recently announced that ABL had received an approval from the US EPA as a dental water line disinfectant. The Product is effective at a level of just 0.50 parts per million, proving its efficacy, even at very low levels of silver. This approval opens a new and potentially highly profitable product market for the company. In independent testing, this new ABL product, when compared directly with other dental water line disinfectant products, was found to be one of best (top 4 of 42 products for closed water line systems) products and the least expensive product on the market. Last month it was announced that ABL was just issued its first Japanese patent, so the company now holds three issued patents, with additional patents currently pending.

    Management is continuing to move the Company forward. Management expects that the new audited financials will be released within the next few weeks. The date of the annual shareholder meeting (anticipated in August) will be announced at that time.

    Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).

    Note: Any statements released by Clifton Mining Company that are forward looking are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Editors and investors are cautioned that forward looking statements invoke risk and uncertainties that may affect the company's business prospects and performance.
    Source: Clifton Mining Company

  • Bohrmeldung gibt´s auch eine aktuelle:

    Clifton Mining Company - Cane Springs Drill Results
    Tuesday August 8, 7:00 am ET

    ALPINE, UT, Aug. 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Clifton Mining Company's joint venture partner, Dumont Nickel, has just released the results of the current drilling and assaying program at the historic Cane Springs Mine in western Utah.
    Most significantly,

    "Results from this work are consistent with previous drill results and other information from the Historic Mine, suggesting that the new gold zones discovered in 2005 are shoots similar to the "pay" zone of the Historic Mine, and that they are hosted in an adjacent nearby parallel structure. The second gold zone, located approximately 20 meters away from the first zone, has not yet been tested with off-set drilling. The 2005-2006 drilling results suggest that the gold shoots typically measure approximately 15 meters x 40 meters in cross section with a geometry resembling flattened 200 - 300 meters long cylinders paralleling to the Historic Mine."

    If each cylinder's dimensions remained consistent, each could contain 250,000 - 380,000 tons of material. Additional drilling will have to be done to determine grade (which reportedly exceeded one ounce per ton at the historic mine) and actual shape and volume of the new zone.

    Tabelle besser im link ansonsten Zahlensalat:


  • "Written Testimony of William D. Moeller"
    (Präsident american biolab und clifton mining)

    Ein Auszug: (siehe Fettgedrucktes, Ideen muss man haben!

    All my life I have been involved with the mining and processing of silver in Utah. I am Chairman of the Board of Clifton Mining, a Utah mining company holding several million ounces of silver reserves.
    My family and I are large stockholders in Clifton Mining. I have spent most of my life in Utah where my wife Jeneane and I raised our seven children together.
    In the late 1990s, the price of silver reached a point where its mining and production costs were above its selling price. At that time, we needed to find an alternative use for silver that at least paid for removing the silver from the rock ore. We decided to devote some the resources of Clifton mining to try to create a new water-based product containing silver.
    Since ancient times it has been known that silver inherently possesses desirable antimicrobial and immune boosting properties. We planned to be the first to maximize those desirable effects of silver. We did our homework and found a plethora of colloidal silver products and devices littering the marketplace, most of which did not seem very
    sophisticated to us. Our analyses of various colloidal silver products (mainly dietary supplements) led us to the conclusion that these manufacturers lacked stature in the marketplace and the products
    produced were, at best, anecdotally effective.
    In 1998 we created ABL with the idea of manufacturing high quality, standardized colloidal silver products. I talked all five of my sons into joining ABL in what we thought might be a nice family business. We worked hard inventing new methods to purify and standardize our silver products and, frankly, got a little lucky along the way because we ended up inventing and manufacturing something else all altogether.

    Die ganze lesenswerte geschichte:

    ür die kolloid Interessierten noch der link zu den produkten von ABL:


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Wie schon im Silver C -Sräd angemerkt,gefällt mir das Konzept auch.

    Einige heute geordert.
    Da indirekt,spätestens morgen früh Info,ob adabei. :)


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Yepp.Bin gestern mit 0,56 $ dabei.


  • hi,
    kann mir jemand sagen warum ich sie nicht ordern kann
    " Ein Handel an der Heimatbörse dieses Wertpapiers ist nicht möglich "
    wer spricht denn von Heimatbörse wenn man ein US Order ausfüllt ???

    Danke schonmal


  • Hallo Fabian,
    dein beitrag wurde nicht angezeigt, darum erst jetzt gesehen.

    Was hast du für einen broker? Manche handeln einfach keine pink sheets, also Endung .PK.
    Möglicherweise musst du auch nur dort anrufen und sie freischalten lassen.

    Clifton hat eine gute story, ist aber wie alle pink sheets mit hohem Risiko verbunden.
    Siehe heute, bei nur 30000 Aktien Umsatz ging es gleich 11% hoch.
    Das Ding ist sehr markteng. Bei einem push geht es dann mal gut hoch, so er kommen wird und er wird.
    Aber nicht von mir. :D :D

    Ich hab sie zu 0,53 anscheinend gut erwischt vor einer Woche ebenso wie edel.


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Hallo eldo,
    du kannst ja nichts auslassen :D :D
    Du hast da a bisserl Volumen reingebracht und hefe gespielt. :D
    Und ich hab mir gedacht, der Hommel war´s :D :D

    Über den CEO haben wir schon gelästert...., stimmt.
    Aber siehe so 2. od. 3. beitrag, das ist echt eine nette g´schicht, wie er ABL gegründet hat, weil er das tailing Silber nicht mehr herschenken wollte so um 1992.

    Hoffe, es ist alles paletti. Du kommst, ich geh bis 9.11..... :D :D


    "Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not understood." Henry Miller

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Tschonko ()

  • Shareholdertreffen bei Clifton:

    Wer Augen hat, der lese! Ein Schmankerl von Bericht!
    Alles suuuper! Vor allem ABL

    Share Holder Meeting 2006 Summary

    Meeting Time And Place

    The shareholder meeting was held at 12:30 pm on Friday, August 25, 2006. The meeting was held at the Alpine Arts Center, Alpine Utah.

    General Business

    The general business of the meeting was conducted by William Moeller, Chairman of Clifton Mining Company (Clifton). Mr. Moeller called the meeting to order and announced that all those wishing to vote should do so. Eighty-two percent of shareholders voted. Two members of the Clifton Board of directors were up for re-election as board members. Mr. Moeller announced that a quorum had been reached and that voting for both Keith W. Moeller and Mr. Harold (Mike) Gunsinger had each received approval by over 99% of votes rendered, and both will remain as directors of the Company.

    President’s Speech

    Dr. Ken Friedman gave an update to the gold and silver markets, as well as stock markets in general. Dr. Friedman also talked about what he expected those markets would do in both the short and long term. He also answered some general questions on the Company.

    Vice President’s Speech

    Mr. Keith Moeller gave some further information on specific areas in relation to the mining property, and also American Biotech Labs (a private company in which Clifton holds approximately 24% ownership).

    Information By Subject

    Clifton Mining Company Property

    As announced in 2005, the joint venture work has been focused on five basic principal project areas. Mineral discoveries have already been announced at both the Keiwit Gold Property and also at the Cane Springs Historic high-grade gold mine property. As of March of this year, approximately $3.8 million dollars (U.S.) has now been spent by Dumont (Clifton’s partner) on the exploration of the venture properties. Since the discoveries have been made, drill programs have been planned and completed over sections of both the Kiewit Gold and Cane Springs properties.

    The Kiewit Gold Property

    The Kiewit Gold property is located on the south-east side of the property block held by the joint venture (see the property map located on the Clifton web site). Since the discovery of the potential gold deposit several years ago, an intense drill program has been underway in both the historic Kiewit area and those areas adjacent to the historic gold find. Hundreds-of-thousands of dollars have been spent outlining gold values on this piece of property. Independent evaluations are now underway to determine if enough ore-grade material has been developed by the exploration programs to move the deposit into the production planning stage while the drilling continues. If it is determined that commercial viability has been reached, then that part of the Kiewit Gold property could be put into production, while ore the certification drilling continues on the adjacent parts of the Kiewit property. With independent evaluations now underway, more information should be released within the next few months. Independent gold leaching tests on the Kiewit gold bearing rock are also underway, including analysis for determining rock grinding sizes, anticipated gold recoveries, and production cost analysis, so that project planning can move forward.

    The Cane Springs Property

    Owned by Woodman Mining Company (Clifton has acquired 58% of Woodman) The Cane Springs Mine is a historic, high-grade gold producing mine dating back to the late 1800's and into the early 1900's. The mine is located on the north-east side of the joint venture property block, close to the town of Gold Hill. The mine reportedly produced thousands of ounces of gold. The original deposit started right at the surface, so the early miners were in pay dirt (gold bearing rock) from the very start of their mining operations. The gold can be seen in the rock with the naked eye, and reportedly was 93% pure (as stated in the historical records). The mine averaged a half ounce of gold per ton of rock, and reportedly had high-grade areas that ran as high as nine ounces of gold per ton. Nine ounces of gold, for example, at current prices, would have a value of $5,400 per ton of rock. A ton of rock is about a foot high by three feet wide (three foot square) which is not much to dig out a fifty-four hundred dollar return. The possibility of significant cost savings for processing material from the Cane Springs mine is enhanced by the fact that Clifton owns an operational gold-recovery mill less than 1000 feet downhill from the historic mine.

    From the diligent work completed by Dumont geologists, to date, a new deposit was discovered adjacent to the original workings. The new discovery was announced to Clifton shareholders in 2005. Like the original mine, the newly discovered deposit was found to come right to the surface. Additional drilling completed this spring has added more length to the known area of the new find. The additional drilling may also of found a second, and previously unknown, parallel gold structure. What it means is that it looks like Clifton, with its joint venture partner, may have found at least two new gold-bearing structures on the historic gold property. Based on preliminary estimates to date, these structures could hold potentially several hundred thousand ounces of gold. More drilling is now being planned to further define these gold structures. So far, the drilled and assayed gold values in these new gold structures are similar to the reported values in the original mine. Multi-ounce gold-bearing rock has also been found in some of the drill sections. Management is very excited about the potential value of the new gold finds on the Cane Springs property and believes that these finds could add significant value to the Company within the next few years.

    In the joint venture agreement on the Cane Springs property, Dumont was required to expend $ 400,000 dollars (U.S.) on the Cane Springs property to earn a 50% interest. After that initial investment, both Clifton and Dumont would share in the continued development costs on a 50/50 basis. With the initial investment, Dumont discovered and partially drilled the new find at the Cane Springs property. Clifton will now pay 50% of the continued development costs on the Cane Springs property.

    Who is Woodman Mining Company?

    A number of people have asked questions about Woodman Mining Company. Woodman Mining Company (Woodman) is the original owner of the Cane Springs mining claims, as well as a number of other patented mining claims in the same area. Woodman is a private company that is almost a hundred years old. Most of the stock in the company was tightly held by a number of families who are descendants of Col. Woodman the Founder of the company. The management of Clifton started negotiating with the original families over twenty years ago to acquire ownership of the claims. After a number of years, Clifton’s management had acquired the majority interest in the Woodman, giving control of the Cane Springs mining claims to Clifton. With ownership of Woodman, Clifton not only acquired the Cane Springs mine and property, but also acquired thousands of original antique and gold-leafed stock certificates, hundreds of which have never been issued. These 1800’s vintage stock certificates may at some time in the future be issued, or made available at some price, to Clifton shareholders. These original Woodman stock certificates could easily be worth thousands of dollars each, and are an added bonus to the ownership and value of the Woodman company. In short, Clifton controls Woodman and Woodman owns the Cane Springs mining property. That is the reason that both Clifton and Woodman are mentioned in connection with the legal work of the Cane Springs mine property.

    American Biotech Labs

    Clifton owns approximately 24% American Biotech Labs (ABL). ABL is a private company. ABL is a fast-growing biotech company that has created and patented a very unique silver technology. That silver technology has many applications in numerous markets world-wide.

    Annual Sales

    ABL increased sales in 2005 by 47% as announced in early 2006. It was announced in the meeting that sales continue to increase at double-digit rates. The first half of the year is typically the slowest part of the year for ABL, but sales of products in the first half of 2006 were 35% higher than in the same period for 2005. Store sales of the supplement product have also increased by double digit numbers in the first half of 2006. Numerous new contracts including volume purchase customers have purchased product in just the last four months. The company is also seeing an increased number in international volume purchase.

    Largest Individual Order

    The largest individual order in 2005 was an order for 75,000 bottles of product. As announced earlier this year, ABL received and fulfilled a new record of 150,000 bottles in a single order from an international company. The amount and size of orders the company is receiving from companies all over the world is increasing, as news of ABL’s technology continues to spread worldwide. ABL has now sold a total of over two million bottles from product worldwide, and sales are continuing to increase.

    New Testing Completed

    Over sixty studies and reports have now been completed on the ABL SilverSol Technology™. More are currently underway, including test work with the U.S. Military, domestic, government groups and also international labs and other government groups. Thousands of individual tests have been completed. Seven safety studies have been completed, showing that the product is non-toxic at the levels at which it is being used, for internal, external, and even disinfectant uses. Test work has been completed against many of the most deadly pathogens that plague mankind. Test tube tests have been completed against such pathogens as Anthrax, MRSA (a multi-drug resistant form of staph), SARS, E. coli, Salmonella, Tuberculosis (the #1 human killing pathogen on the planet), Hepatitis, Candida yeast, black mold, bird flu virus, and numerous other pathogens. There is no pathogen that has been tested to date that the ABL nano technology has not been able to kill in the test tube. ABL currently makes no claims about whether or not the product will cure a person who has any of the diseases caused by these pathogens, but positive testing continues.

    New Products

    ABL currently has five products on the market. Three new products will be released within the next 60 days and another two new products are anticipated to be released within 120 days. So by the end of the first quarter of 2007, ABL expects to have 10 products on the market.

    First Gel Product Released

    Most investors know that ABL has been working on a number of gel products that are designed with ABL’s engineered SilverSol Technology™. ABL will release their first gel product to the market within the next three weeks. The first product will be called ASAP Pet Shield® and will have claims for the treatment of minor cuts, burns, and wounds on animals. Several more versions of the ABL gel should be released within the next four to six months, to target different markets.

    Government Contracts And Sales

    The company already has in place purchase contracts for both the federal government (GSA) and also the VA hospital system. The company has worked hard to get these purchase contracts in place so that sales could be made to the different military and government groups. ABL has been working with a number of U.S. military groups, which have been doing testing on ABL products. The testing has gone well, and is continuing. A number of both military and government groups have been buying small lots of the ABL products, mostly for testing and personal use. ABL anticipates that the volume of these purchases will increase, hopefully substantially, within the next year.

    Added Asset Value

    The stock of ABL is privately held, and as such does not trade on any public market. In 2006, ABL made its first distribution to its shareholders from its 2005 profitable earnings. Few people who own ABL shares are willing to sell any of their shares. Some private placement of ABL shares has been occurring amongst shareholders of the company. Hundreds-of-thousands of dollars of ABL stock has traded hands. The latest price ABL shares have been trading for, is $5.00/share. A number of people have asked to be put on a waiting list, should any of the current shareholders decide to sell any of their shares. Clifton has never sold any of its ABL shares, and currently has no plans to do so. With the latest selling price of $5.00/share, Clifton’s holdings of ABL stock would have an estimated value of about $7.7 million dollars in U.S. funds. Clifton received more money in its first cash disbursement from ABL than its entire investment. While the actual or true value of Clifton’s ABL stock holdings may be debatable, the facts remain that it is a viable investment of the Company, the Company has begun to receive earnings from that asset, and its continued growth and increased value costs Clifton shareholders nothing. Clifton’s management anticipates that ABL will continue to grow and add value and diversity to the company’s asset base.

    End of 2006 shareholder meeting report.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Danke Tschonko

    CFTN konnte sich dennoch leider dem Trend zuletzt nicht entziehen

    Die ABL ist nicht börsennotiert,oder ?

    Eldo, wirkt wie ? :D

    Cash täte uns allen derzeit gut.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Kann es sein, dass noch jemand den Hommel liest ?

    Sind bestimmt alles ausschliesslich gute Christen, die es gelesen haben. ...



    PPS: Clifton ---> Watchlist. Mehr aber nicht.
    War auch schon ganz gespannt, auf den "Hommel-Effekt".
    Kann man nicht wegreden, das sitzt. ... - Nur, für wie lange? 8)

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