K92 Mining / KNT (CVE)

  • K92 Receives More High-Grade Kora Drill Results From Kora North Extension
    25.02.2019 | GlobeNewswire
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.goldseiten.de/bilder/minen/logos/3040.png]

    • Drill Hole KMDD0124 records multiple intersections including 7.45 m at 116.49 g/t Au, 17 g/t Ag and 0.96% Cu (118.19 g/t Au Eq) plus 13.52 m at 7.64 g/t Au, 18 g/t Ag and 0.31% Cu (8.35 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0118 records multiple intersections including 4.18 m at 28.15 g/t Au, 10 g/t Ag and 0.10% Cu (28.43 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0122 records 18.6 m at 10.38 g/t Au, 3 g/t Ag and 0.74% Cu (11.56 g/t AuEq) plus 4.60 m at 3.72 g/t Au, 38 g/t Ag and 1.62% Cu (6,67 g/t AuEq) plus 2.00 m at 0.91 g/t Au, 39 g/t Ag and 3.42% Cu (6.64 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0126 records 7.42 m at 17.05 g/t Au, 2 g/t Ag and 0.24% Cu (17.44 g/t AuEq) plus 3.10 m at 8.43 g/t Au, 2 g/t Ag and 0.02% Cu (8.49 g/t AuEq)

    VANCOUVER, Feb. 25, 2019 - K92 Mining Inc. (TSX-V: KNT; OTCQX: KNTNF) (“K92” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce results from the continuing diamond drilling of the Kora North Extension of the Kainantu gold mine in Papua New Guinea.
    The results for the latest 7 diamond drill holes completed from diamond drill cuddies 3 and 4 (DDC3 and DDC4) into the Kora North deposit are summarized in Table 1 below. These results continue to delineate and extend both the K1, K2 lodes as well as the KL structure between the lodes. Long sections showing all holes drilled to date in both K1 and K2 are provided below. Table 2 provides details of collar location and hole orientation.
    John Lewins, K92 Chief Executive Officer and Director, stated, “These latest results have once again confirmed the remarkable continuity of the high-grade K1 and K2 vein systems within the Kora deposit. The holes are primarily intended to upgrade the known resource and provide grade control information for mine planning. The results include two exceptional holes: KMDD0126 with a K1 intersection of 7.45 metres at over 118 g/t AuEq (one of the highest grades recorded), and KMDD0122 with a K1 intersection of 18.6 metres at 11.56 g/t AuEq (one of the widest intersections recorded to date).
    It has also been extremely pleasing to see the rate of underground diamond drilling accelerate in the last weeks as the first of the new more powerful underground diamond rigs has been commissioned. With another new larger rig due to commence in the coming month, the rate of drilling will accelerate further, with a focus on exploration drilling of extensions to the existing resources between Kora, Kora North and Eutompi.”

  • neue präsentation zur pdac 2019


    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

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    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • K92 Mining to Expand Kainantu Gold Mine, PNG

    K92 Mining announces formal decision to double capacity at its Kainantu Gold Mine to 400,000 tonnes per annum, increasing production an average of 120,000 ozs AuEq per annum.
    The key aspects of the expansion include:

    • Production is projected to be 68-75,000 ozs AuEq in 2019 and 115-125,000 ozs AuEq in 2020;

    • Plant processing capacity is expected to be increased to 400,000 tonnes per annum (“tpa”) by end of Q4 2019;

    • Mine underground production increasing over an 18-month period to achieve the design capacity of 400,000 tpa by Q3 2020;

    • Capital Cost for the expansion is estimated to be US$15 million spent over a 12-month period;

    • The Preliminary Economic Assessment* (“PEA”) on the expansion estimated:


  • RSD Interview: K92 Mining (TSX-V: KNT) Advisor Bryan Slusarchuck - March 13, 2019

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    Dies irae | Money is made in the DELTA between PERCEPTION and REALITY

    Alle Mitteilungen in diesem Forum sind als
    reine private Meinungsäußerung zu sehen und keinesfalls als
    Tatsachenbehauptung. Hier gilt Artikel 5 GG und besonders Absatz 3
    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • Markus Bussler: Gold-Geheimtipp: 117 Prozent Potenzial

    Der Goldpreis konsolidiert und die Goldaktien präsentierten sich gestern uneinheitlich. Doch eine Aktie stach heraus: K92. Unser Gold-Geheimtipp kennt praktisch nur eine Richtung: die nach oben. Gestern konnte die Aktie auf ein neues Mehrjahreshoch steigen. Jetzt meldet sich David Medilek, Analyst bei der australischen Investment Bank Macquarie, zu Wort und rät zum Kauf des „Top Picks“, wie er K92 bezeichnet.



  • K92 Mining Exploration Update - Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect

    • Initial diamond drilling program underway, with the first of six planned 400- metre deep holes completed

    • First hole KTDD0001 intersects 175 metres at 0.28 g/t Au and 0.22% Cu from 259 metres to termination at 433.9 metres, with the hole ending in mineralization

    • A grid soil sampling program over an area of approximately 2 km2 identifies a large coincident gold and copper anomaly


  • Q1 2019 Production highlights include:

    • Q1 production of 19,125 oz of gold, 264,114 lbs copper and 5,564 oz silver for a total of 19,778 gold equivalent (“AuEq”) oz
    • Record tonnage of 26,846 tonnes treated in process plant, at average grade of 23.6 g/t gold and 0.48% copper, achieving recoveries of 93.7% for gold and 93.9% for copper
    • No lost time injuries (LTI’s) recorded

    23,6g/t AU.....wer hat das schon.....die Entwicklung hier die letzten Monate ist fulminant....seit Dezember 100% und aktuell meine größte Position im Depot.....Absicherung über stopp loss.....diesen Gewinn gebe ich nicht mehr her :thumbup:

  • ich machs mal auf deutsch :thumbup:
    K92 meldet Rekordproduktion in Q1 2019
    08:34 Uhr | Minenportal.de
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://www.goldseiten.de/bilder/minen/logos/3040.png]
    K92 Mining Inc.
    veröffentlichte gestern die operativen Ergebnisse für das erste Quartal
    2019. Aus diesen Daten geht hervor, dass das Unternehmen eine
    Rekordproduktion an seiner Kainantu-Goldmine in Papua Neuguinea

    Insgesamt produzierte man dort 19.125 Unzen Gold,
    264.114 Pfund Kupfer und 5.564 Unzen Silber für insgesamt 19.778 Unzen
    Goldäquivalent. Somit fiel die Fördermenge fast 20% höher aus als im
    vierten Quartal 2018.

    Insgesamt sollen 2019 insgesamt 68.000 bis 75.000 Unzen Goldäquivalent produziert werden.

  • K92 Mining Announces Year-End Financial Results

    • For the year ended December 31, 2018, K92 produced 45,810 gold oz, or 47,237 gold equivalent (AuEq) oz, at a cost of $594/gold oz or $601/AuEq oz and an all-in sustaining cost (AISC) of $795/gold oz or $796/AuEq oz

    • For the quarter ended December 31, 2018, K92 produced 16,451 gold oz, or 16,844 AuEq oz, at a cost of $572/gold oz or $579/AuEq oz and an AISC of $718/gold oz or $722/AuEq oz
    • Revenue less Cost of Sales for the year ended December 31, 2018 was US$23,401,518


  • K92 Receives More High-Grade Kora Drill Results From Kora North Extension

    • Drill Hole KMDD0128 records multiple intersections including 2.05 m at 363.91 g/t Au, 17 g/t Ag and 0.08% Cu (364.25 g/t AuEq) plus 11.45 m at 7.61 g/t Au, 22 g/t Ag and 1.26% Cu (9.83 g/t AuEq)

    • Drill Hole KMDD0142 records multiple intersections including 10.25 m at 26.02 g/t Au, 30 g/t Ag and 0.80% Cu (27.63.19 g/t Au Eq) plus 7.96 m at 49.82 g/t Au, 4 g/t Ag and 0.34% Cu (50.38 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0140 records 3.55 m at 14.71 g/t Au, 6 g/t Ag and 0.61% Cu (15.72 g/t AuEq) plus 16.80 m at 7.65 g/t Au, 32 g/t Ag and 1.74% Cu (10.72 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0115A records a K2 intersection of 7.20 m at 2.57 g/t Au, 27 g/t Ag and 0.40% Cu (3.51 g/t AuEq) over 300 metres vertically below the current operating level, extending the known depth extent of the K2 Lode 200 metres below the current resource
    • Drill rigs at Kora/Kora North increased to four to further accelerate expansion and exploration drilling


  • K92 Mining Releases 2019 Q1 Financial Results

    • For the three months ended March 31, K92 produced 19,125 gold ozs or 19,778 gold equivalent (AuEq) oz for the year at a cost of US$377/gold oz or US$395/gold equivalent oz and an all-in sustaining cost of US$533/gold oz or US$545/AuEq oz1
    • Head grade of 23.6 g/t AuEq
    • Revenue less Cost of Sales for the three months ended March 31, 2019, was US$14,672,640
    • Initial production guidance for 2019 expected to be between 68,000 and 75,000 AuEq oz


  • Latest High-Grade Kora Drill Results

    • Drill Hole KMDD0119, with a K2 intersection approximately 100 metres above the existing Kora North Resource and 100 metres below the existing Kora Resource, records multiple intersections including 49.46 m at 4.58 g/t Au, 33 g/t Ag and 1.09% Cu (6.80 g/t AuEq) plus 3.66 m at 39.88 g/t Au, 280 g/t Ag and 0.25% Cu (43.94 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0146 records multiple intersections including 5.28 m at 53.85 g/t Au, 8 g/t Ag and 0.76% Cu (55.10 g/t AuEq) plus 11.00 m at 6.33 g/t Au, 8 g/t Ag and 0.40% Cu (7.05 g/t AuEq) plus 3.82 m at 8.81 g/t Au, 43 g/t Ag and 1.94% Cu (12.32 g/t AuEq)
    • Drill Hole KMDD0148 records multiple intersections including 5.81 m at 8.36 g/t Au, 12 g/t Ag and 0.63% Cu (9.49 g/t Au Eq) plus 5.61 m at 19.22 g/t Au, 23g/t Ag and 1.58% Cu (21.92 g/t AuEq)

    • Drill Hole KMDD0150 records multiple intersections including 6.72 m at 6.00 g/t Au, 12 g/t Ag and 0.79% Cu (7.36 g/t AuEq) plus 22.37 m at 2.51 g/t Au, 10 g/t Ag and 0.71% Cu (3.72 g/t AuEq) plus 7.26 m at 8.39 g/t Au, 17 g/t Ag and 0.40% Cu (9.22 g/t AuEq)

    • Drill Hole KMDD0152 records multiple intersections including 7.45 m at 30.95 g/t Au, 5 g/t Ag and 0.44% Cu (31.69 g/t AuEq) plus 3.80 m at 2.80 g/t Au, 11 g/t Ag and 0.23% Cu (3.29 g/t AuEq)


  • K92 drills 303.3 m of 0.22 g/t Au, 0.14% Cu at Blue Lake

    K92 has now completed three of the six planned holes of depth 400 to 600 metres as well as three shallow holes of depth 50 metres. Each of the three deep holes, KTDD0001/6/7, has intercepted extensive gold and copper mineralization in porphyry-style propylitic chlorite-epidote-albite-magnetite alteration as shown in images on the company's website. The results are considered particularly encouraging given the distance between intercepts, indicating appreciable size potential. Hole KTDD0005 was abandoned at 106 metres due to bogging of rods and redrilled as KTDD0006.


  • K92 Mining Announces Exploration Update At Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect

    K92 Mining Inc announced an update on exploration at the Blue Lake Porphyry Prospect located approximately 4 kilometers southwest of the Company’s Kora deposit at the Kainantu gold mine in Papua New Guinea. K92 has now completed three of the 6 planned holes of depth 400 to 600 metres as well as three shallow holes of depth 50 metres. Each of the three deep holes, KTDD0001/6/7, has intercepted extensive gold and copper mineralization in porphyry style propylitic chlorite-epidote-albite-magnetite alteration. The results are considered particularly encouraging given the distance between intercepts, indicating appreciable size potential. Hole KTDD0005 was abandoned at 106 metres due to bogging of rods and re-drilled as KTDD0006. The three shallow holes, KTDD0002/3/4, were designed to test the thickness, geometry and tenor of the mineralized lithocap. Significant gold intercepts were encountered in each of these short holes, associated with leached, silicified intrusives and hydrothermal breccias.


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