Silver Summit 2005 in Idaho, USA

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    Hallo Silbrige unter den Goldigen,

    Besucht jemand den diesjährigen silver summit in Post Falls? Dann würde ich mich über eine pN freuen, da ich selber hinfahre (d.h. -fliege). Montag hin, Sonntag zurück mit KLM, underground tour gebucht.


    "Das einzige Geld, auf das ich mich verlassen kann, ist das Gold, das ich besitze" J.Sinclair
    "Omikron ist die Impfung, die herzustellen man verpasst hat" Lungenfacharzt in Uganda
    "The whole game is rigged" Gerald Celente

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    if the Mogambo is as boring when he speaks as when he writes!
    I'll certainly talk to the IDAHO General Mines people, who will be there. Moly...

    And I wonder, how bad the environmental pollution in the Silver Valley really is. I wont drink water from the Coeur d'Alene lake...maybe put my toes in.

    It's a pity Bunker Hill is not acessible any more. Exquisite mineral cristals have been removed from certain places underground.


  • Lucky :D, you know a lot about the Valley.
    Do me a favour and check out who is hot and who is getting cold there.
    I don't need another Indian Uprising and Environmental Court Case.

    I got the whole flipping valley now in my portfolio, Shoshone, Merger, Timberline, Metropolitan, New Jersey, and most of all Sterling.

    I would appreciate a feed back, have a good one and happy landings.

    The US Immigration sucks, you got to wait patiently and you find drinking water there. :D



  • @ Lucky

    Bob Hopper I listen many times on weekends.

    By David Bond
    Editor, Silver Valley Mining Journal
    September 10, 2005 We were chatting up Robert Hopper last Friday on his daily Mining and Money radio broadcast on KWAL-AM in Wallace – Silver Dollar Radio, they call it – albeit such claim is hollow in the midst of a silver country where paper Fednotes are still accepted as legal tender, the Constitution notwithstanding.

    Mr. Hopper, who owns the Bunker Hill silver, lead and zinc mine – biggest such mine on the planet, and historically its most productive, thank you very much – is the Neocon/Federal ReserveBank/Addle- Pated/Liberal/Greenie Conspiracy’s worst nightmare, their biggest danger, for the simple reason that he thinks and reasons clearly. Hopper gets us to thinking five days a week with his broadcast on 620 KWAL, but never so more than on Fridays, when we get to join his repartee.

    Mr. Hopper has the purest of intellects, but has not trifled himself to learn the effete part of it, which means he can set down his Shakespeare and work up a curse sufficient to make a piss-ditch blush and crawl up a raise faster than the rats can get out of his way. We know – thankfully not first-hand – that he is capable of picking up an EPA bureaucrat or a claim-jumper (which is worse, or is there a difference?) by the belt-loop and the scruff of the neck and air-mailing said offender from the porches of the Bunker Hill engineers’ office across the dump to the motor barn, said distance measuring an easy 200 yards.

    These attributes make him especially dangerous to the government of the United Snakes and its lackeys in the Kellogg, Idaho city government, the latter of whom would rather cut off his water than shake his hand.

    Needless to say, the friendship of a man the caliber of Robert Hopper is a singular pleasure, and though we live now 2,800 miles apart, he is as close to us as Wilson Wilson is to Tim Allen. And our Friday broadcasts cement the deal.

    We were ranting about the price of gasoline Friday last. Post-Katrina, gas had rolled over the $3 mark and we needed to pass a pair of double-sawbucks – $40 to you children – to make the Mercury tank’s vig. Whilst screeching about such outrageous prices, we were compelled to revisit a bit of our personal history, to wit:

    We escaped college in 1973 and by 1975 had secured a job, night-managing a bar in Salem, Oregon, or reporting-up as the rock and roll critic for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, either for the princely sum of $250 per week. Back then, playwright Neil Simon said that all wealth proceeded from that $250 per week; anything above this was gravy. Gasoline in Oregon was in 1974 a hefty $0.30 per gallon. Thirty cents – and if we recall correctly we bitched about how much it cost back then. When upon our arrival in Idaho in 1978 various Jimmy Carter-induced pressures had forced gasoline up to 0 cents a gallon, we sold our automobile, preferring to bicycle and walk until rational forces re-took the marketplace.

    Now, $3 per gallon divided by 30 cents makes for some easy math. Since 1975, gas has gone up 10- fold. But we were also paying a mere $95 per month to a splendid used-car dealer named Palmer (“Yep, yep you betcha, it’s a beautiful day!”)Williams for rent of a four-bedroom, three-storey house with a fine green front lawn, some car carcasses in the back, and an R2-D2 gas furnace in the basement.

    But it dawns on us that if we bought gas at 30 cents from a $250/week salary back then, and lived to bitch about it, then if you buy into the Fed Bank’s argument that all is relative during inflation, our salary should nowadays be $2,500 per week, $10,000 per month, or about $120,000 per year. Which it clearly is not. That handful of our cohort from the Willamette University Class of 1973 busting 6 figures of annual income are either physicians or barristers, still paying off their college loans (and paying down the credit tickets run up by their fat Nordstrom wives – which arguably isn’t a component of inflation, but amusing to view neverthless) .

    We have digressed. The nut of this rant is that our daily labour doesn’t buy nearly the cool stuff that it used to, whether we are talking fuel or cars or rent or shelter or Coca-Colas, milk, tuna, bread or digital clock-radios or even Bedini stereos. Not even close! Somewhere, somehow, and by some whom, we wuz robbed!

    Who robbed us of our ability to live as well at 50 as we did at 19, or 25? Who took away our dignity, our pride, our place in the pantheon of the progressive? Why are we and our friends scrambling in double- income families to furnish (Hollywood fantasies notwithstanding) the basics that Donna Reed’s husband single-handedly supplied in 1958?

    This is the pernicious consequence of fiat money, of Fednotes. The federal man gets to tell you what your labours are worth, and he pays you in company scrip, promissory IOUs, except you, not he, is the lender; he is the market’s only buyer and the market’s only seller. You plays and you pays and you pays, from the sweat of your brow and the pain of your bones until the organs finally give out.

    So don’t go whining to me about $3 gas. Thirty cents, fifty cents, two bucks, three bucks, at least the stuff works when I put it in the tank and gets me where I need to go.

    Value received.

    It’s the $20 an hour that I am giving up to Greenspan that pisses me off – especially when Alan and his greenie whore at the network use it to mess with guys like Bob Hopper, or discounted working stiffs like me.

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    .. but I do not know a lot...just fond of silver and underground tours. Could kick my own "Allerwertesten" for not visiting the gold mines in the 80ies in RSA, when I was working there...

    Wait for tuesday after the summit or longer, when my jet lag will have gone! Cant' remember what's worse, flying west or flying east.


  • Flying West and back is the problem Lucky.
    My advice is you set your watch to destination time already after take off and picture later it that late or early already. It works for me, I imagine I slept and now its that late.



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    force your system a bit with a prednisolon 20 mg tablet when it's morning locally and a with a tablet of a quick action sleeping pill (after going to the loo!) like midazolam 7.5 mg when it is evening locally. It works fine. Disadvantage: you need a doctors' prescription, but both tablets are cheap.

    But sorry to the audience and the admin, this is a bit offtopic! PM's anyhow are a global business, involving many air travels.

    My scotch is taking effect now, good night Aladin!

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    Ooohhh yea!! :D

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    werde ich gerne tun, Horstwalter; die Ami's haben ja die nette Eigenschaft, sehr informell zu sein, wenigstens bei solchen Gelegenheiten, wo offensichtlich alle die liebenswertesten Intentionen haben und vor Freundlichkeit überströmen (honey, how can I help you?)


  • Hey Lucky,

    Finde mal raus was mit den Indianern dort los ist bei Shoshone Silver Mining,die machen mir echt Sorgen.
    Ich bin schon kurz zuvor die abzuschiessen bei den Kurs den sie einschlagen.

    Thanks Buddy ;)



  • Hi Lucky

    There is a law suit in the pipeline of an investor for 3.2 Million Dollar plus interest against the CEO of Sterling Mining. According to the CEO the production is within 2 years but the investor claims that its only in 8 years and the CEO has lied to investors. Can you investigate what is going on at the summit ?



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    d.h. ich bin in Post Falls gelandet und das Hotel hat einen guest-compi, sodass ich alles bruehwarm rueberbringen kann:)

    Immigration: die waren sehr professionell, effizient und hilfreich!! in Seattle, darf LAUT gesagt sein. Habe sogar frueheren Flieger erreicht, aber der airline staff war unterste Schublade, sodass ich am Ende todmuede 2 Stunden auf Koffer wartete:( Im Flieger las ich dann i.d. Zeitung, dass die airline (NW) mit dem schlechten staff vor wenigen Tagen for bankruptcy eingegeben hat - na dann versteh' ichs wenigstens halb.

    Die Gegend ist riesig, wie fast alles in USA, die Gewaesser sind sicher vom CDE-water-pollution-case laengst wieder forellentauglich sauber.

    Also noch etwas Geduld; die Konferenz (der Summit) beginnt ja erst morgen abend mit dem Einrichten der Staende) Uhrzeit hier: minus 9 Stunden zu MEZ.

    Lucky (fuehle mich im Moment auch so, schade, dass es nur ein Woche geht)

  • Hallo lucky,
    best wishes.
    Voriges jahr hätt ich Zeit g´habt. Hab sogar die flüge schon rausg´sucht g´habt.
    Schau dir den De Motte mal genauer an, was das für ein Typ ist.

    An guaten

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    Hallo Valueman,

    I-net im Hotel war off, da Bauarbeiter wieder mal ein fiberoptisches Kabel...
    Der anhaengig gemachte Klage gegen RdM wird von insidern und outsidern absolut keine Chance gegeben. Sie sei einfach laestig und scheint ohne Grund zu sein, ein Ausfluss des 'crazy' legal systems in den US of A!


    (konnte leider nicht in die LF-Mine aus Transportgruenden, sah dafuer die Bunker Hill. Aber Hopper, der die Fuehrung selber leitete, raucht so viel, dass er es in seinem Alter bei seinem Uebergewicht nicht mehr lange macht, denke ich! Sein Vortrag einen Tag spaeter fiel prompt aus, da er sich krank gemeldet hatte)

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    für USA-Reisen: billigste Mietwagenfirma ist Enterprise (25$ / Tag). Alle rennen zu dem; gelegentlich Rückgabe an anderem Ort ohne Aufpreis möglich! Nicht über Reiseveranstalter buchen, welche einen so satten payback erhalten, dass das billigste Angebot im I-net, das ich auf die Schnelle fand, bei 63$ /Tag lag.

    Ohne Mietwagen geht es ja (fast) nicht.

    U.U. zu Hause anfragen, ob man mit seiner Kreditkarte ATM's benützen kann oder nicht, und welche (automatic teller machine). Es schien mir nämlich, dass wieder vermehrt cash gebraucht wird als früher, man könnte durchaus cash-knapp werden! Plastic-Gebühren sind halt für die kleineren Geschäfte recht happig, um 3 %.

    Einem Freund in den US kann man keine mitgebrache Flasche Wein schicken, jedenfalls nehmen weder das US postoffice noch UPS ein auch noch so bruchsicher verpacktes Stück an. FedEx hatte ich dann nicht mehr gefragt.

    Geld verschicken in USA: money orders vom Postbüro (oder von Walmart, wo Gebühr noch günstiger).

    Werde wohl nach einiger Verarbeitungszeit einen neuen thread öffnen, 'silver valley, Idaho' o.ä., und dort zu den gestellten Fragen Stellung nehmen.

    Nur ganz kurz schon hier: deMotte schien sehr umgänglich, ein business-Profi. Shoshone hat nix mit Indianern, aber auch sonst nicht so viel, und properties sind abgelegen. economies of scale??


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