Luca Mining (Luca.V), vorher: Altaley Mining / ATLY (CVE), alter Name: Telson Mining / TSN (CVE)

  • Altaley Mining Corporation Announces Results of Annual General Meeting, Management Changes, Effective Date for Name Change and Provides Update on Review of Contingent Liabilities…nounces-results-of-annual

    ...Following theCompany’s news release on 2nd March 2023, the Company isalso pleased to announce that effective at the open of trading onTuesday March 21, 2023, it will change its name to Luca Mining Corp.and trade under the symbol “LUCA” on both the TSX Venture andOTCQX exchanges...

  • Altaley Mining Corporation Announces Results of Annual General Meeting, Management Changes, Effective Date for Name Change and Provides Update on Review of Contingent Liabilities…nounces-results-of-annual

    ...Following theCompany’s news release on 2nd March 2023, the Company isalso pleased to announce that effective at the open of trading onTuesday March 21, 2023, it will change its name to Luca Mining Corp.and trade under the symbol “LUCA” on both the TSX Venture andOTCQX exchanges...

    Moin @vatapitta

    könntest Du bitte wieder mal den Faden umbenennen: Luca Mining (Luca.V)

    Danke! [smilie_blume]

    Grüße, S.

  • Moin Sorgenfrei,

    schon erledigt. Ich hoffe, alle bekommen die Änderung mit und suchen jetzt nicht vergeblich nach Ataley.

    In Ataley war ich nie investiert und Telson hatte ich vor langer Zeit wegen Überschuldung auf Grund von Dummheit des Managements zu ca. 0,20 C$ mit hohem Verlust verkauft. :pinch:

    Der Kurs von Luca steht 88% unter dem Hoch und 6% über dem Tief von 52 Wochen und das bei einem Goldpreis nahe 2000 $. - Da gibt es sehr viel Besseres, sowohl im Bereich der Nebenmetalle Zink und Blei, als auch bei Silber.
    Wer legt sich denn so etwas ins Depot? :hae:

    LG Vatapitta

  • Luca Mining Corp. Announces an All-In $33M Financing Package…s-an-all-in-33m-financing

    Luca Mining Corp. (the “Company” or“Luca”, formerly Altaley Mining Corporation) is pleased toannounce an overall financing package of up to CAD $33,200,000 (the“Financing Package”) in place of the previously proposedrights offering (the “Rights Offering”) (see theCompany’s news release dated December 6, 2022). The FinancingPackage is comprised of a private placement and two strategic debtsettlements, as described below.

    • Strengthening the Company’s balance sheetthrough a strategic debt conversion of approximately CAD$8,000,000with its offtake partner Trafigura and CAD$4,900,000 with its leadinvestor Calu Opportunity Fund LP.
    • Private placement, toraise gross proceeds of up to approximately CAD $20.3 million
    • Net proceeds will allow the Company to complete constructionof its Tahuehueto phase 1 goal of 500 tonnes per day by Q2 2023 andanticipates construction of the 1,000 tpd project before the end of2023.

    Financing Package
    The Company will not be proceeding with itspreviously announced Rights Offering due to significant interest inan equity raise by way of private placement at a higher price than itwould have been able to conduct the Rights Offering. Accordingly, theCompany has arranged a strategic debt conversion with its offtakepartner Trafigura De Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (“Trafigura”)inthe amount of US$5,800,000 (approximately CAD $8,000,000) andconcurrently has arranged an additional financing (the“Financing”), comprised of a private placement and debtsettlement, to raise gross proceeds of up to approximately CAD $25.2million (of which $4.9M (the “Initial Advance”) hasbeen advanced and deployed by the Company), for its 100% ownedTahuehueto Gold project and for working capital purposes.
    Net proceedswill allow the Company to complete construction of its Tahuehuetophase 1 goal of 500 tonnes per day (“tpd”) and makesubstantial progress on construction towards completion of phase 2, at1000 tpd. The Company anticipates that the additional capital achievedfrom Tahuehueto preproduction revenues will allow the Company tocomplete construction of the 1,000 tpd project before the end of2023.

    Messages from CEO
    Mike Struthers, CEO of Luca Mining, stated:“This is a transformational period for the Company. The FinancingPackage is a major step in the Company’s restructuring, combiningthe conversion of significant debt and infusion of substantial newcapital, which on closing will result in a major improvement to theCompany’s balance sheet. Strong financial backing, taking furthersteps to restructure the balance sheet, the name change and addingadditional strength to the board over the coming months, are allimportant elements towards making 2023 a very successful year for LucaMining.

    Weare particularly grateful to Calu and Trafigura for continuing to workwith us to progress the completion of the Tahuehueto Mine. We believe their decision to convert a sizeable portion of their loans intoequity, which will result in Calu and Trafigura becoming the twolargest shareholders, demonstrates their confidence in management andLuca Mining’s development and growth plans. The Company has offtakeagreements in place with Trafigura for concentrate from both the CampoMorado and Tahuehueto mines. Tahuehueto will achieve crucialmilestones this year, and we also expect our existing operation atCampo Morado to have a strong performance in 2023. The support ofexisting and new investors is vital to making all thishappen.”

  • Luca Mining Corp. announces Tahuehueto Construction on Schedule and Digital Marketing Agreements

    Construction Update
    The Company defined two steps towards achieving commercial production of 1,000 tonnes per day (“tpd”), with an initial stage of 500 tpd scheduled to complete by June 30th, 2023. The final stage of 1,000 tpd is expected to be achieved by the end of 2023.
    The Company is pleased to report that the first stage of 500 tpd is nearing completion. The remaining key elements are installation of the final components of the comminution circuit (cyclones, pumps etc.); construction of the first stage of the tailings dam; installation of a second tailings filter press; and completion of the definitive plant water supply.
    Completion of the comminution circuit is expected by 31st May, in parallel with other final items such as the crusher building roof in advance of the rainy season.
    Construction of Stage 1A of the dry-stack tailings dam is advancing well, on both day and night shifts. The underdrain is installed, and construction of the initial embankment is well underway. This phase of the dam is planned to be completed before the end of June. The mine also has additional temporary storage capacity which is being used to support current pre-production.
    The first tailings filter press is fully operational, and it is expected that with further optimizations this filter will have a capacity of almost 500 tpd alone. The second (backup) filter press has been acquired and arrangements are underway to transport the unit to site. Meanwhile construction of the second filter press foundation is advancing to plan.
    [*] Company on track to deliver the initial 500 tonnes per day project by 30th June 2023
    [*] Key elements advancing well, including tailings filtration and dry-stack tailings dam construction.
    [*] Second mill, for 1,000 tonnes per day, also being advanced.
    [*][Blockierte Grafik:]

  • Luca Mining Announces Closing of CAD $20.76 Million Private Placement and Debt Settlements…osing-of-cad-2076-million
    As previously disclosed,the net proceeds from the Second Tranche will be used by the Companyto complete construction of its phase one 500 tonnes per day(“tpd”) project at the Tahuehueto Gold Mine; to make substantialprogress towards completing its nameplate 1,000 tpd project; and forgeneral working capital.
    “We are very pleased to announce this closing of thePrivate Placement, building on our first tranche announced on April26th. Securing this level of support from existing and new investors,at a very challenging time in the markets generally, is testament tothe confidence investors have in our turnaround plans and the newteam,” commented Mike Struthers, CEO. “I’m alsovery pleased to say we are on track to achieve our first key milestoneof 500 tonnes per day at Tahuehueto by the end of the month, aspreviously announced. I look forward to providing more updates in thenear future”.

  • Luca Mining Hits 500 TPD Milestone at Tahuehueto Gold Project, and Successfully Closes Over-Subscribed Private Placement at CAD$24.9 million…-9-million-301865349.html
    VANCOUVER, BC, June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: TSGA) is thrilled to announce two significant milestones. Firstly, the Tahuehueto Gold Project in Durango, Mexico, has achieved a major milestone with a production capacity of 500 tonnes per day ("tpd"), on time and budget. Secondly, Luca has successfully closed an oversubscribed non-brokered private placement (the "Private Placement"), for a total of CAD$24,896,551.42 (see the Company's news release dated March 31, 2023).
    [Blockierte Grafik:]Aerial view of tailings dam construction at Tahuehueto (CNW Group/Luca Mining Corp.)[Blockierte Grafik:]
    Underground development at the Tahuehueto Mine (CNW Group/Luca Mining Corp.)

    • Tahuehueto Gold Project achieves 500 tpd production milestone, on schedule and budget
    • Funded to achieve commercial production of 1,000 tpd, scheduled for year-end 2023

    Mike Struthers, CEO, commented, "We are delighted to have accomplished our goal of reaching 500 tpd at Tahuehueto. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and collaborative efforts of our site teams, contractors, management, and staff. But our focus on delivering Tahuehueto for all our stakeholders continues, as we push towards the ultimate goal of commercial production at 1,000 tpd by year-end. This underpins our strategy of operating two profitable mines and laying a solid foundation for growth, ultimately leading to an exceptional performance in 2024."
    "In addition to this significant operational milestone, Luca is proud to announce the successful completion of its funding round, raising an impressive CAD$24.9 million. This accomplishment, particularly under current market conditions, is the result of tremendous efforts by our core team and key stakeholders."
    "These significant accomplishments underline the trust and confidence investors have placed in the Company, our new team, and our ambitions for growth. The strong support received from new and existing shareholders is a testament to the dedication of the Luca Mining team."

  • Luca Mining Announces 1,000 tpd Construction Project Advancing to Plan at Tahuehueto Gold Mine in Mexico

    Luca Mining Announces 1,000 tpd Construction Project Advancing to Plan at Tahuehueto Gold Mine in Mexico
    /PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) is pleased to announce that its expansion project to...

  • Luca Mining Announces Final Commissioning Phase at the Tahuehueto Gold Mine, and the Appointment of New Director
    /PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) is pleased to provide an update on progress at its...

    Testing of the final equipment to complete construction of the 1,000 tpd operation is almost complete. In the crushing circuit, a new vibrating screen is also currently being installed, to further improve crusher system availability.

    Final alignment and testing of the second 750 tpd ball mill will complete mid-February, providing an installed grinding capacity of 1,250 tpd. With routine planned maintenance downtime each month, this will ensure an actual production rate of 1,000 tpd. The other key element of this project was the second tailings press filter, which is already in operation and working in parallel with the first press filter. As a result, daily production is increasing. With the second mill commissioned, production will then progressively ramp-up to 35,000-40,000 oz gold equivalent per year.

  • Luca Mining Reports Record Production at Tahuehueto, Consistent Positive Operating Cash Flow Achieved at Campo Morado, Management Updates and Retention of Market Maker
    /PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) reports the following updates on its operations in...

  • Bei einer MC von knapp 70 Mio CAD erhält man hier 2 Underground Minen mit 60 - 70 Toz AuEq pro Jahr. Die Resourcen liegen bei gut 2 Moz AuEq. Luca strebt eine Produktion von 100 Toz pro Jahr an.

    In 2023 haben sie grosse Verluste eingefahren, sie sind stark verschuldet. Aber die Mine Tahuehueoto musste fertig gebaut werden. Das Ergebnis für Q4 2023 liegt noch nicht vor. Die AISC habe ich nirgends gefunden. Diese Daten sind aber wohl auch nicht aussagekräftig zurzeit.

    Wenn das Hochfahren von Tahuehueto nach Plan gelingt, ist Luca Mining bei diesen Gold-/Silberpreisen m. E. ein Turnaround-Kandidat mit hohem Hebel und viel Potential nach oben. Ich denke, ich muss hier einsteigen.

    Luca Mining im M1 Chart

    Und die jüngste Bewegung im W1 Chart

  • Aus der Mitteilung vom 4. März:

    Press Release – Luca Mining Corp.


    Der Bau der Gold- und Silbermine Tahuehueto in Durango, Mexiko, steht kurz vor dem Abschluss, wobei die letzten Komponenten Anfang des zweiten Quartals 2024 installiert werden sollen. Die Inbetriebnahme ist in vollem Gange und wird abgeschlossen, sobald die letzten Komponenten des Kreislaufs installiert sind. Der Minenplan sieht vor, dass die Mine in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2024 auf einen Betrieb mit einer Kapazität von etwa 1.000 Tonnen pro Tag hochgefahren wird, was auch schnell erreicht wird. Die Durchsatzleistung beträgt im Durchschnitt etwa 65 % der Nennkapazität und wird mit fortschreitendem Hochfahren schrittweise gesteigert, was zu einer höheren Konzentratproduktion führt und dem Unternehmen zusätzliche Einnahmen beschert.

    Die Mine hat in dieser Woche einen neuen Tagesproduktionsrekord von 655 Tonnen erreicht.

    Campo Morado

    In der Kupfer-, Zink- und Bleimine Campo Morado im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Guerrero hat das Optimierungsprogramm bisher zu grundlegenden Verbesserungen bei der Produktivität, der betrieblichen Effizienz und dem Cashflow geführt. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen des Programms gehören eine effektive Planung von der Mine bis zur Mühle, neue Verfahren für die Erzmischung, verstärkte metallurgische Tests, eine optimierte Mahlung und Reagenzdosierung zur Verbesserung der Ausbeute sowie eine schrittweise Aufrüstung der Ausrüstung von Mine und Mühle.

    Das Ergebnis war eine höhere metallurgische Ausbeute, höhere Konzentratgehalte und steigende Erträge. Wir freuen uns, bekannt geben zu können, dass Campo Morado nun durchgehend einen positiven operativen Cashflow erwirtschaftet. Mit der für Mitte des Jahres geplanten Produktion von drei separaten, höherwertigen Konzentraten (Kupfer, Zink und Blei), die jeweils mit Edelmetallgutschriften versehen sind, werden die Einnahmen wieder steigen.

  • LUCA REPORTS STRONG Q1 2024 WITH C$7.3M OF NET INCOME, by @newswire
    VANCOUVER, BC, May 30, 2024 /CNW/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) is…


    • Production of 14,148 troy oz of gold equivalent up 20% from Q4 2023, being comprised of 4,297 ounces of gold, 207,505 ounces of silver, 3,068 tonnes of zinc, 791 tons of copper and 661 tonnes of lead.
    • Total Net Revenue of C$22.04 million, an increase 21% from Q4 2023
    • A milestone achievement of Positive Operating Earnings: generated C$4.8 million in operating income and C$7.3 million in net income.
    • Cash Flow: C$4.04 million in positive operating cash flow before working capital changes.
    • Operating Costs: All-in Sustaining costs per AuEq oz produced ("AISC") was US$1,325 at Campo Morado and US$1,690 at Tahuehueto for consolidated AISC of US$1,549. We note that AISC is expected to decrease at Tahuehueto and at Campo Morado as both mines continue to ramp up production in 2H 2024.
    • Construction at Tahuehueto nearing completion: The third filter press, being the last major component to complete construction at Tahuehueto is currently being installed with commissioning upon completion of installation and expected to be operational in Q2 2024.
    • Campo Morado Improvement Project ("CMIP") moving forward: The two major steps we are focused on going forward are to increase throughput at the Campo Morado mine, which is well underway and to implement the copper lead separation process to produce three separate concentrates (copper, zinc and lead).

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