Ivanhoe Mines, mediocre Copper Deposit (low Grade) / IVN (TSX)

  • Wie wäre den Deine Absicht damit -kurz-, mittel-, oder langfristig ??

  • Wenn es stimmt mit der Kupfervorhersage und es in 2-3 Jahren sich wirklich bemerkbar macht, dann bin ich sicher bis dann dabei und auch länger, aber möchte mich nun positionieren.

    Natürlich auch dort wo ich das grösste Potenzial sehe. Ist wohl nicht schlecht einen jungen Producer, ein near therm Producer und ein explorer, im Portfolio zu haben.
    Was schlägst du mir vor?
    Vielen dank

  • Hätte Die Meldung gern komplett, mit Bilder, Allem drum+dran reingestellt,
    aber mit 10.000 Zeilen kann man Das sowas von vergessen.

    Bei Ivahoe sind Die Meldungen "meisten etwas länger".

    Weil Sie einfach Viel zu erzählen, berichten haben.

    Bei Interesse an Ivanhoe würde mir Die Meldung mal GUT durchlesen.

    Kamoa-Kakula Phase 1 concentrator plant achieved commercial production on July 1, 2021

    - Kamoa-Kakula Phase 1 concentrator plant achieved commercial production on July 1, 2021
    - Copper production exceeded 500 tonnes per daytowards the end of July
    - Phase 1 concentrator copper recoveries averaged approximately 81% during July as commissioning advances
    - Phase 2 concentrator expansion to 7.6 Mtpa more than 35% complete; well on track to begin operations in Q3 2022
    - Mining crews set a new record for underground development in July, at 3,876 metres, and deliver a record 414,000 tonnes of ore grading 5.16% copper, including 85,000 tonnes grading 7.70% copper from the centre of the Kakula Mine
    - Surface ore stockpiles continue to grow; now hold 3.54 million tonnes grading 4.77% copper, containing more than 168,000tonnes of copper
    - Study work to accelerate Phase 3 mine and concentrator expansion progressing

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://ivanhoemines.com/site/assets/files/5332/image023.600x0-is.jpg]

  • fehlt wieder bisschen Was, wegen "10.000"

    Southern Africa part of Germany’s platinum-boosting green hydrogen strategy



    "JOHANNESBURG (miningweekly.com) – Green hydrogen, which can be generated and then used with the help of Southern Africa’s platinum group metals (PGMs), is a topic that has gained a lot of importance in recent months in the context of limiting global warming and meeting the world’s decarbonisation goals.

    In Germany, the increased level of ambition in climate policy has made it necessary to re-estimate electricity consumption.

    German Economics Minister Peter Altmaier presented this on July 13. Instead of 590 terawatt hours (TWh), Germany will consume, for example, owing to more electric cars and heat pumps, an estimated 645 TWh to 665 TWh of electricity in 2030.

    In order to meet these requirements, green hydrogen will probably play an increasing role, not only to achieve Germany’s climate and energy targets by 2030 but also those of the European Union.

    But the quantities of green hydrogen needed to meet production targets cannot be produced locally in Germany.

    “The German government’s national hydrogen strategy, therefore, explicitly includes the development of training and logistics systems for green hydrogen and cooperation with developing and newly industrialised countries in establishing a global hydrogen economy,” German Ambassador to Namibia Herbert Beck told the Hydrogen Atlas Africa Southern Africa regional data validation workshop on Monday.

    The Go Green Go Africa data validation workshop was organised by the Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (Sasscal) executive director Dr Jane Olwoch, who also moderated Monday’s virtual event, which continues until Thursday.

    Beck said Germany’s national hydrogen strategy also includes a hydrogen partnership with Africa to import green hydrogen to Germany .

    Following the development of a hydrogen atlas for West Africa being drafted within the framework of Sasscal’s West African sister organisation, the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (Wascal), this week’s Southern African workshop serves to compile and process the data for Southern Africa within the framework of Sasscal.

    “There are two things that I want to emphasise. First, the German national hydrogen strategy is not a standalone project but explicitly links to existing energy partnerships and cooperations. However, the topic of hydrogen is to be given greater consideration in these.

    “Second, Germany’s national hydrogen strategy is not only about its own security of supply and promoting the German economy due to our technological competence in the field of green hydrogen production.

    “The German government is also concerned with supporting economic development in partner countries by supporting the build-up of a hydrogen industry both for export and to develop its own industries, while reducing dependence on fossil fuels,” Beck told the workshop covered by Mining Weekly.

    In addition, in the medium term, Germany is aiming at creating an international market for green hydrogen and its derived products, which include platinum-catalysed fuel cells and platinum group metals- (PGMs-) using electrolysers.

    “The more efficient this international market is, the more cost-effectively green hydrogen and its downstream products can be produced,” added Beck. Fuel-cell downstream development is already taking shape at the OR Tambo Special Economic Zone, in Gauteng, where fuel cell components manufacturer Isondo Precious Metals is installing PGMs beneficiation capability.

    Asked by Mining Weekly when the atlas and the hot spots would be available for all to see, Olwoch replied that the data that had been collected from the 12 national team members would be validated that in the next four days.

    “They have already done their initial validation. The regional technical committee will look at it more critically…and from there we will have more engagements,” she added

    In response to the same question, H2Atlas Project Coordinator Dr Solomon Agbo said: “What we are doing now in terms of the data validation is the first step in implementing the data for the atlas to be generated. After this phase, we will receive the data within our research centre here in Julich (Germany) and then we will have to implement within our algorithm and then generate the relevant information in the form of the atlas,”Agbo said.

    Agbo explained that land issues, water assessment, energy assessment and socio-economic factors were being studied by different groups and that the plan was to have the first atlas results for Southern Africa by the end of the year.

    South african government urged to take bold decisions

    In an article in the latest edition of the Sunday Times, Germany’s willingness to partner with South Africa in the production of green hydrogen is mentioned by former German Ambassador to South Africa Martin Schäfer, who has just finished his second stint in the country.

    The writer Caiphus Kgasana quotes Schäfer as urging that the South African government take bold decisions towards energy transition, which could even make South Africa a net exporter of energy, while also creating a significant number of jobs.

    Southern Africa’s hydrogen atlas project, which began in August last year, involves the 12 Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries of Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe ........................"

  • Kamoa-Kakula Phase 1 concentrator plant achieved commercial production on July 1, 2021


    weil News da nicht reingepasst hat, nochmal Kurzzusammenfassung

    Kamoa Copper’s phase 1 concentrator plant: commercial production

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://d3gvybjp3zjp3i.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/kamoa-copper--640x480.jpg]
    - A convoy of transport trucks loaded with Kamoa Copper’s concentrate departing the Kamoa-Kakula Mine on their way to the port of Durban, South Africa -

    "Kamoa Copper’s Phase 1, 3.8 Mtpa concentrator plant reached commercial production on 1st July 2021 after achieving a milling rate in excess of 80% of design capacity and recoveries very close to 70% for a continuous, seven-day period.

    Copper production has steadily increased since first production began at the end of May. Towards the end of July, copper production exceeded 500 tonnes per day, nearing the Phase 1 steady-state design capacity of an estimated 550 tonnes per day, equivalent to 200 000 tonnes per year.

    Importantly, copper recoveries have increased from an average of 70% in June to 81% in July. Approaching the end of July, the concentrator averaged copper recoveries close to 82%, with operations progressively increasing towards Phase 1 steady-state design copper recoveries of approximately 86%.

    Additionally, the underground mining crews at Kamoa have achieved a new record for metres of advancement in July, with 3,876 metres, breaking the previous record of 3,625 metres achieved in April. The progress made in July brings the total underground development to almost 52.8 kilometres, which is more than 18.1 kilometres ahead of schedule.

    Kamoa Copper’s CEO, Mark Farren was pleased with the performance at the mining complex and said: “Our mining and concentrator teams have delivered yet another strong performance, and we continue to add to the surface stockpiles even as Phase 1 copper production ramps up. We intend to maintain these ore production levels over the next months as we prepare for the commissioning of the Phase 2 concentrator plant, and possible strategic stockpiling for Phase 3 expansion.”

    To date, approximately 32,700 tonnes of copper concentrate have been loaded at the mine site for delivery to either the Lualaba Copper Smelter near Kolwezi, or to international markets. In July, a total of 414,000 tonnes grading 5.16% copper was extracted from the Kakula Mine, including 85 000 tonnes grading 7.70% copper from the mine’s high-grade centre, and 47,000 tonnes grading 4.13% copper from the Kansoko Mine. Kamoa’s pre-production surface stockpiles currently contain approximately 3.54 million tonnes of medium-grade and high-grade ore with an average of 4.77% copper.

    Looking forward, Kamoa is pleased to report that the Phase 2 concentrator of the expansion to 7.6 Mtpa is more than 35% complete and well on track to begin operations in Q3 2022.

    Watch a new video showcasing the ramp up of copper production at Kamoa-Kakula and the production of blister copper at the local Lualaba Copper Smelter."

  • Kamoa Copper’s phase 1 concentrator plant: commercial production

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://d3gvybjp3zjp3i.cloudfr…kamoa-copper--640x480.jpg]
    - A convoy of transport trucks loaded with Kamoa Copper’s concentrate departing the Kamoa-Kakula Mine on their way to the port of Durban, South Africa -

    Video, zum Start

    "ESG Focus"

    Kamoa direkt, visual, ÄLTER schon

  • Wenn es stimmt mit der Kupfervorhersage und es in 2-3 Jahren sich wirklich bemerkbar macht, dann bin ich sicher bis dann dabei und auch länger, aber möchte mich nun positionieren.

    Natürlich auch dort wo ich das grösste Potenzial sehe. Ist wohl nicht schlecht einen jungen Producer, ein near therm Producer und ein explorer, im Portfolio zu haben.
    Was schlägst du mir vor?
    Vielen dank

    Ich gebe äussserst ungern Kaufempfehlungen.
    Indikativ kann man Einiges drüber reden, Konkret aber nahezu Null.

    Das ist nicht Das Einzige, aber Eine Der Hauptsachen, TEILS etwas überspitzt, dabei ist:

    Wenn ich Eine Kaufempfehlung gebe, und Das wird Ein Gewinn, vielleicht Ein Toller, Grosser,
    dann ist es oft(nicht immer) so, dass es Die "Eigene Idee vom Kaufenden" war.
    Wird es aber Ein Verlust, daaaaann war es, auf einmal, Die Idee, Empfehlung "von mir".

    Dabei KANN man nur verlieren.
    Und Das sind "Deals" DIe mich nicht interessieren.

    Ich sage nicht dass Du Das so machen würdest,
    aber "so oder in Ähnlicher" Art habe Das schon ziiiiig mal erlebt.

    Also Was "Börsen/Virtual"psychologie angeht habe mittlerweile äusserst, äusserst, äusserst Viel gelernt, über Die Jahre, da braucht man mir "nicht mehr zwingend Alles" erklären.

    Aber doch nochmal zu IVANHOE, KONKRET:

    In Einem Post auf Stockhouse hat Einer gesagt dass Ivanhoe für Ihn Eine Aktie "zum vererben" ist.
    Von Dieser Kategorie halte "auch Einige"(Was nicht, zwingend, heisst dass Das passiert -WO es aber, m.E., SINNVOLL DENKBAR ist).
    Abgesehen davon dass ich nicht weiss wie alt Der ist:
    Ich will jetzt nicht "von vererben" sprechen,
    aber weeeeenn Die, Deine ABsicht LONG bis VERY LONG ist, daaaaann würde ich Ivanhoe ABSOLUT, WEITERHIN, KAUFEN.

    Solltest Dir vielleicht mal ansehen wie sich Die NÄCHSTEN QUARTALS EARNINGS entwickeln.
    Davon werden voraussichtlich noch Viele, Viele Weitere kommen.
    Aber, bis, jetzt sind Wir nur in "Phase 1".
    Künftig wird es auch in PHASE2 und PHASE3 gehen.
    Die grösser bis weit grösser sind/werden.

    Vergessen darf man allerdings nicht dass Ivanhoe auch noch 2 WEITERE GROSSPROJEKTE hat.
    Die noch nicht in Produktion sind.
    Also von Der Seite dürfte Der Kapitalmarkt voraussichtlich noch benötigt werden, und sind Sie noch nicht "durch" mit Ihrem Finanzierungsbedarf.

  • Vergessen darf man allerdings nicht dass Ivanhoe auch noch 2 WEITERE GROSSPROJEKTE hat.

    Die noch nicht in Produktion sind.
    Also von Der Seite dürfte Der Kapitalmarkt voraussichtlich noch benötigt werden, und sind Sie noch nicht "durch" mit Ihrem Finanzierungsbedarf.

    Wie gesagt, Ivanhoe hat "meistens ein bisschen mehr zu erzählen"

    Ivanhoe Mines issues Q2 financial results and reviewof operations, mine construction and exploration progress

    - Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine achieved Phase 1 commercial production on July 1, 2021; first phase projected to produce approximately 200,000 tonnes of copper per year
    - Kamoa-Kakula’s Phase 2 expansion, scheduled for Q3 2022, will double annual copper output to approximately 400,000 tonnes
    - Ivanhoe Mines pledges net-zero greenhouse gas emissions at the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine
    - Good progress being made on Ivanhoe’s Western Foreland exploration program, searching for DRC’s next tier-one copper discovery
    - Development of the world-scale Platreef palladium, rhodium, platinum, nickel, copper and gold project in South Africa MAKING EXCELLENT PROGRESS

    - Kamoa-Kakula’s Phase 1 concentrator plant achieved commercial production on July 1, 2021. Kamoa-Kakula’s initial production guidance, on a 100%-project basis, is between 80,000 and 95,000 tonnes of copper in concentrate for 2021.

    - Kamoa-Kakula’s Phase 2 construction is progressing slightly ahead of plan and remains on track for start-up in Q3 2022, which will see a doubling of mill throughput to 7.6 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). Phases 1 and 2 combined are forecast to produce approximately 400,000 tonnes of copper per year.

    - Study work to accelerate Phase 3 mine and concentrator expansion to at least 11.4 Mtpa is ongoing. Based on independent benchmarking, the project’s phased expansion scenario to 19 Mtpa would position Kamoa-Kakula as the world’s second-largest copper mining complex, with peak annual copper production of more than 800,000 tonnes.

    - At the end of July 2021, Kamoa-Kakula’s surface ore stockpiles held approximately 3.54 million tonnes grading 4.77% copper, containing more than 168,000 tonnes of copper.

    - Ivanhoe, together with its partner Zijin, is exploring the acceleration of the Kamoa-Kakula Phase 3 concentrator expansion, which includes optimization work to determine mining production capacity and costs at the various mining areas on the Kamoa-Kakula complex, including expanded facilities at the Kansoko Mine, Kamoa North (including the Bonanza Zone) and Kakula West. Kamoa Copper also is refining its longer-term downstream processing strategy, including the potential construction of a smelter or hydrometallurgical processing facility.

    - In April 2021, Ivanhoe Mines Energy DRC entered into an agreement with the DRC’s state-owned power company Société Nationale d'Électricité (SNEL) to upgrade a major turbine at the Inga II hydropower facility. The upgraded turbine is expected to produce 162 megawatts (MW) of clean, renewable hydropower, providing the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine with sufficient, sustainable electricity for future expansions, including a copper smelter.

    - In May 2021, Ivanhoe pledged to achieve net-zero operational greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) at the industry-leading Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine. Since the mine already is powered by clean, renewable hydro-generated electricity, the focus of the company’s net-zero commitment will be on electrifying the project’s mining fleet with new, state-of-the-art equipment powered by electric batteries or hydrogen fuel cells. Emissions-free underground mining equipment, at the size and scale required for Kamoa-Kakula’s bulk-scale operations, is at an advanced stage of development by several of the world’s leading equipment manufacturers.

    - During Q2, Ivanhoe continued its 2021 copper exploration program on its Western Foreland licences that cover a combined area of approximately 2,550 square kilometres in close proximity to Kamoa-Kakula. Drilling in the quarter was focused on the western and eastern extensions of the Makoko Discovery, as well as the northern and western extensions of the Kiala Discovery. Good progress was made on construction of critical infrastructure to access high-priority, newly-acquired westerly exploration permits, including construction of a 60-kilometre spine road across the Western Foreland and a new bridge across the Lubudi River.

    - In February 2021, Ivanhoe announced that its South African subsidiary, Ivanplats, is arranging project-level financing of up to $420 million to advance development of the world-scale Platreef palladium, rhodium, platinum, nickel, copper and gold project in South Africa.

    - Ivanplats has signed a non-binding term sheet with Orion Mine Finance, a leading international provider of production-linked stream financing to base and precious metals mining companies, for a $300-million gold, palladium and platinum streaming facility. Ivanplats also has appointed two prominent, international commercial banks – Societe Generale and Nedbank – as mandated lead arrangers for a senior project debt facility of up to $120 million.

    - Ivanplats’ proposed financings follow the November 30, 2020 issuance of the outstanding findings of an independent Platreef Integrated Development Plan 2020 (Platreef IDP20), which consists of an updated feasibility study (Platreef 2020 FS) and a preliminary economic assessment (Platreef 2020 PEA). The initial capital cost for the phased development plan under the Platreef 2020 PEA, starting at a mining rate of 700,000 tonnes per annum (700 ktpa), is estimated at $390 million.

    - Detailed engineering is progressing on Platreef’s 700-ktpa initial mine design, 770-ktpa concentrator and associated infrastructure for the phased development plan, which is scheduled to be incorporated into an updated feasibility study by year end or early 2022. The Shaft 1 changeover is progressing well in preparation for permanent hoisting in early 2022. Construction activities on the Shaft 2 headframe also are advancing. In July 2021, Ivanplats ordered emissions-free, battery electric drill rigs and underground loaders from leading Swedish manufacturer Epiroc, for use in the mine’s underground development.

    - Construction activities on Platreef’s Shaft 2 headframe also are advancing.

    - At the Kipushi Mine redevelopment project in the DRC, the Kipushi Project’s draft feasibility study, and development and financing plan are being reviewed by Ivanhoe Mines together with its joint-venture partner and state-owned mining company, Gécamines. The project is maintaining a reduced workforce to conduct maintenance activities and pumping operations.

    - Ivanhoe has made excellent progress in upgrading Kipushi’s underground infrastructure to allow for mining to quickly begin at the ultra-high-grade Big Zinc orebody. Resumption of production at the mine now requires the construction of a surface processing plant and other related production facilities. Discussions are continuing with Gécamines to advance a new era of production at Kipushi and it is anticipated that these discussions will be concluded with the finalization of the feasibility study and the agreement on the development and financing plan.

    - At the end of Q2 2021, Kamoa-Kakula had reached 1.49 million work hours free of a lost-time injury, Kipushi had reached 3.44 million work hours free of a lost-time injury, and Platreef had reached 57,000 work hours free of a lost-time injury.

  • Popeye82 schrieb:

    Wie gesagt, Ivanhoe hat "meistens ein bisschen mehr zu erzählen"

    Ivanhoe Mines issues Q2 financial results and reviewof operations, mine construction and exploration progress

    - Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine achieved Phase 1 commercial production on July 1, 2021; first phase projected to produce approximately 200,000 tonnes of copper per year
    - Kamoa-Kakula’s Phase 2 expansion, scheduled for Q3 2022, will double annual copper output to approximately 400,000 tonnes
    - Ivanhoe Mines pledges net-zero greenhouse gas emissions at the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine
    - Good progress being made on Ivanhoe’s Western Foreland exploration program, searching for DRC’s next tier-one copper discovery
    - Development of the world-scale Platreef palladium, rhodium, platinum, nickel, copper and gold project in South Africa MAKING EXCELLENT PROGRESS

    - Kamoa-Kakula’s Phase 1 concentrator plant achieved commercial production on July 1, 2021. Kamoa-Kakula’s initial production guidance, on a 100%-project basis, is between 80,000 and 95,000 tonnes of copper in concentrate for 2021.

    - Kamoa-Kakula’s Phase 2 construction is progressing slightly ahead of plan and remains on track for start-up in Q3 2022, which will see a doubling of mill throughput to 7.6 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). Phases 1 and 2 combined are forecast to produce approximately 400,000 tonnes of copper per year.

    - Study work to accelerate Phase 3 mine and concentrator expansion to at least 11.4 Mtpa is ongoing. Based on independent benchmarking, the project’s phased expansion scenario to 19 Mtpa would position Kamoa-Kakula as the world’s second-largest copper mining complex, with peak annual copper production of more than 800,000 tonnes.

    - At the end of July 2021, Kamoa-Kakula’s surface ore stockpiles held approximately 3.54 million tonnes grading 4.77% copper, containing more than 168,000 tonnes of copper.

    - Ivanhoe, together with its partner Zijin, is exploring the acceleration of the Kamoa-Kakula Phase 3 concentrator expansion, which includes optimization work to determine mining production capacity and costs at the various mining areas on the Kamoa-Kakula complex, including expanded facilities at the Kansoko Mine, Kamoa North (including the Bonanza Zone) and Kakula West. Kamoa Copper also is refining its longer-term downstream processing strategy, including the potential construction of a smelter or hydrometallurgical processing facility.

    - In April 2021, Ivanhoe Mines Energy DRC entered into an agreement with the DRC’s state-owned power company Société Nationale d'Électricité (SNEL) to upgrade a major turbine at the Inga II hydropower facility. The upgraded turbine is expected to produce 162 megawatts (MW) of clean, renewable hydropower, providing the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine with sufficient, sustainable electricity for future expansions, including a copper smelter.

    - In May 2021, Ivanhoe pledged to achieve net-zero operational greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) at the industry-leading Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine. Since the mine already is powered by clean, renewable hydro-generated electricity, the focus of the company’s net-zero commitment will be on electrifying the project’s mining fleet with new, state-of-the-art equipment powered by electric batteries or hydrogen fuel cells. Emissions-free underground mining equipment, at the size and scale required for Kamoa-Kakula’s bulk-scale operations, is at an advanced stage of development by several of the world’s leading equipment manufacturers.

    - During Q2, Ivanhoe continued its 2021 copper exploration program on its Western Foreland licences that cover a combined area of approximately 2,550 square kilometres in close proximity to Kamoa-Kakula. Drilling in the quarter was focused on the western and eastern extensions of the Makoko Discovery, as well as the northern and western extensions of the Kiala Discovery. Good progress was made on construction of critical infrastructure to access high-priority, newly-acquired westerly exploration permits, including construction of a 60-kilometre spine road across the Western Foreland and a new bridge across the Lubudi River.

    - In February 2021, Ivanhoe announced that its South African subsidiary, Ivanplats, is arranging project-level financing of up to $420 million to advance development of the world-scale Platreef palladium, rhodium, platinum, nickel, copper and gold project in South Africa.

    - Ivanplats has signed a non-binding term sheet with Orion Mine Finance, a leading international provider of production-linked stream financing to base and precious metals mining companies, for a $300-million gold, palladium and platinum streaming facility. Ivanplats also has appointed two prominent, international commercial banks – Societe Generale and Nedbank – as mandated lead arrangers for a senior project debt facility of up to $120 million.

    - Ivanplats’ proposed financings follow the November 30, 2020 issuance of the outstanding findings of an independent Platreef Integrated Development Plan 2020 (Platreef IDP20), which consists of an updated feasibility study (Platreef 2020 FS) and a preliminary economic assessment (Platreef 2020 PEA). The initial capital cost for the phased development plan under the Platreef 2020 PEA, starting at a mining rate of 700,000 tonnes per annum (700 ktpa), is estimated at $390 million.

    - Detailed engineering is progressing on Platreef’s 700-ktpa initial mine design, 770-ktpa concentrator and associated infrastructure for the phased development plan, which is scheduled to be incorporated into an updated feasibility study by year end or early 2022. The Shaft 1 changeover is progressing well in preparation for permanent hoisting in early 2022. Construction activities on the Shaft 2 headframe also are advancing. In July 2021, Ivanplats ordered emissions-free, battery electric drill rigs and underground loaders from leading Swedish manufacturer Epiroc, for use in the mine’s underground development.

    - Construction activities on Platreef’s Shaft 2 headframe also are advancing.

    - At the Kipushi Mine redevelopment project in the DRC, the Kipushi Project’s draft feasibility study, and development and financing plan are being reviewed by Ivanhoe Mines together with its joint-venture partner and state-owned mining company, Gécamines. The project is maintaining a reduced workforce to conduct maintenance activities and pumping operations.

    - Ivanhoe has made excellent progress in upgrading Kipushi’s underground infrastructure to allow for mining to quickly begin at the ultra-high-grade Big Zinc orebody. Resumption of production at the mine now requires the construction of a surface processing plant and other related production facilities. Discussions are continuing with Gécamines to advance a new era of production at Kipushi and it is anticipated that these discussions will be concluded with the finalization of the feasibility study and the agreement on the development and financing plan.

    - At the end of Q2 2021, Kamoa-Kakula had reached 1.49 million work hours free of a lost-time injury, Kipushi had reached 3.44 million work hours free of a lost-time injury, and Platreef had reached 57,000 work hours free of a lost-time injury.

    Quartal Aktivitäten report


  • Kamoa Copper extends existing financing agreement with DRC’s state-owned power company to facilitate the upgrade of turbine 5 at the Inga II hydropower complex; Mr. Friedland commented: “The Kamoa Copper management team continues to execute on our strategic plan to systematically expand Kamoa-Kakula into one of the world’s largest and greenest copper producers. The timely refurbishment of turbine 5 at the Inga II hydropower complex is instrumental in ensuring we meet the aggressive expansion goals we’ve set out to accomplish in the next few years.” SNEL CEO Jean-Bosco Kayombo Kayan added: “SNEL and Ivanhoe Mines Energy are confident that the Inga II project will enjoy the same success as our joint rehabilitation of the Mwadingusha hydroelectric power station. We all are keen on fast-tracking the return to service of unit 5 at Inga II to provide access to electricity to more people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and to meet the power demands of the world-scale Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine”

    - Turbine 5 to produce 162 MW of renewable hydropower, providing the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex and associated smelter with sustainable electricity for Phase 3 and future expansions
    - Combined 240 MW output from the Mwadingusha and Inga II hydropower plants also will benefit local communities
    [Blockierte Grafik: https://ivanhoemines.com/site/…files/5344/1.650x0-is.jpg]

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://d3gvybjp3zjp3i.cloudfr…08/kamoa-inga-640x480.jpg]

    [Blockierte Grafik: https://ivanhoemines.com/site/…344/picture1.650x0-is.jpg]


  • "VIDEO — Joe Mazumdar: Summer Doldrums Weighing on Gold; How to Position in Copper"



    - This interview was filmed on August 13, 2021.

    After hitting an all-time high last summer, this summer has been less fruitful for gold.

    The yellow metal has dropped fairly steeply in August, falling from above the US$1,800 per ounce mark to trade near the US$1,700 level for a brief period of time.

    Joe Mazumdar, editor of Exploration Insights, shared his thoughts on what's happening with the yellow metal and how its price movement is impacting gold stocks. He also discussed supply and demand drivers in the copper space. -

  • The Market Herald:

    Ivanhoe Mines (TSX:IVN) progresses Kamoa-Kakula Phase 1 concentrator plant

    • Ivanhoe Mines (IVN) is approaching steady-state-design performance at its Phase 1 concentrator plant at Kamoa-Kakula
    • Construction of a second plant is underway and is expected to be completed by Q3 2022
    • In August, the Phase 1 plant achieved an average milling rate of more than 9,000 tonnes per day
    • Ivanhoe Mines is a mineral exploration and development company
    • Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (IVN) is currently up 1.0 per cent, trading at $10.13 per share

    Ivanhoe Mines (IVN) is approaching steady-state-design performance at its Phase 1 concentrator plant at Kamoa-Kakula.The 3.8 million-tonne-per-year concentrator plant is the first to be constructed on the property, with construction of a second (Phase 2) plant underway and progressing well.
    During August, the plant achieved an average milling rate of more than 9,000 tonnes per day at an average feed grade of more than 6 per cent copper.
    As of August 31, a total of 36,712 tonnes of copper had been produced year-to-date for delivery.
    Steve Amos, Kamoa Copper's Head of Projects, commented on the plant’s progress.
    “The hot commissioning and ramp-up of the Phase 1 concentrator plant is going very well,” he said, “with no significant issues encountered to date.”
    Kamoa-Kakula is fast-tracking the installation of an additional concentrate filter, which already has been delivered to the mine site.
    “Fast tracking of an additional concentrate filter will enable us to produce more concentrate and take advantage of the exceptional ore grades coming from the Kakula Mine,” added Mr. Amos.
    Kakula is projected to be the world's highest-grade major copper mine. The project's surface stockpiles now contain approximately 3.59 million tonnes of high-grade and medium-grade ore.
    As the plant ramps up to full Phase 1 design capacity and the mine toward Phase 2 production capacity, the surface stockpiles are expected to continue to build at a reduced rate.
    The Phase 2 concentrator remains on track for completion in the third quarter of 2022.
    Ivanhoe Mines is a mineral exploration and development company that explores, develops, and recovers minerals and precious gems from its property interests in Africa.
    The Kamoa-Kakula Copper Project is a joint venture between Ivanhoe Mines, Zijin Mining Group, Crystal River Global Limited, and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
    Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (IVN) is currently up 1.0 per cent, trading at $10.13 per share as of 10:05 am


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