Royalty- und Streamingfirmen für Carbon Credits
Centurion Reports Results of AGSM…orts-Results-of-AGSM.html -
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Wie im ein Chart von Carbon Streaming NETZ zu sehen, ist die Aktie ziemlich abgestürzt. In den letzten Tagen ist sie aber gut zurück
ekommen. Das weckt Hoffnung auf den angekündigten Börsengang in New York.Die Firma verfügt noch immer über mehr als 100 Mio USD Cash. Das ist fast der Börsenwert. Anbei die Bewertung im Vergleich mit anderen Assets wie Royalties für Edelmetalle.
Carbon Streaming Closes Community Carbon Stream
Streaming agreement (“Carbon Stream”) with Community Carbon and UpEnergy Group (“UpEnergy”)
to bring fuel-efficient cookstoves and safe water solutions to millions of households in eastern and southern Africa. These vital energy-saving devices are designed to reduce emissions, improve health outcomes, and preserve local environments by protecting forests from illegal andunsustainable charcoal and wood harvesting.
Investment Highlights:- The Company made an upfront deposit payment of US$6.5 million on closing, with anticipated additional payments of up to US$13.5 million as emissions reduction milestones are met and as cookstove and water purification units are distributed.
- Carbon credits will be generated from a diversified portfolio of three cookstove and four safe water projects across Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Malawi (individually a “Project” and collectively the “Portfolio”).
- The Portfolio aims to reduce approximately 50 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (“tCO2e”) emissions over the 15-year life of the Carbon Stream, or an average of 3.3 million tCO2e annually, and is expected to generate an equivalent number of carbon credits.
- Carbon Streaming expects payback in less than 5 years based on recent market price trends for cookstove credit
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Vida Carbon announces sales agreement with Shell
Vida arbeitet jetzt mit Shell zusammen.
Star Royalties Reports Q2 2022 Financial Results, Record Quarterly Revenues and $18.6M Gain on Deconsolidation of Green Star Royalties…n-of-Green-Star-Royalties
Q2 2022 Corporate and Financial Highlights- Record quarterly revenue, with a 26% increase over the prior-year quarter.
- Strategic investment by Agnico Eagle Mines Limited ("Agnico Eagle") (NYSE, TSX:AEM) into Green Star Royalties ("Green Star") was completed in May 2022, with Star Royalties now a 61.9% owner of Green Star.
- The Elk Gold mine became the Company's second producing royalty asset.
- Recognized an $18.6 million gain on the deconsolidation of Green Star.
Alex Pernin, Chief Executive Officer of Star Royalties, commented: "During the second quarter of 2022, Star Royalties took significant steps towards unlocking the value of both our green and precious metals royalty and streaming platforms. We crystallized the growing value of Green Star through the closing of a private placement by Agnico Eagle and expanded Green Star's flagship regenerative agriculture carbon royalty more than fourfold. We also achieved record quarterly royalty revenues as the Elk Gold mine became our second producing royalty asset and as Keysbrook continued to generate royalty cash flows greater than our internal expectations. We look forward to the remainder of 2022 as we continue to unlock further Green Star value by building out its pipeline and by enhancing our team with carbon project development expertise."
Carbon Streaming Announces Term Sheet and Royalty Agreement With Future Carbon Group
Investment Highlights:- The Company made a payment of US$3.0 million on signing the Term Sheet in exchange for a 5% royalty on carbon credit revenues generated by Future Carbon from the Projects.
- Carbon credits will be generated from four REDD+ projects located throughout the Brazilian Amazon and registered with Verra, with SocialCARBON as the co-benefit standard.
- The Projects are in advanced stages of registration and verification with Verra, with first credits on some projects having been issued in the third quarter of 2022. Given the Projects’ locations and co-benefits, the credits are expected to command premium pricing. The Company expects to receive revenue from the FC Amazon Portfolio Royalty in 2023.
- As part of the long-term partnership with Future Carbon, Carbon Streaming expects the FCG Amazon Portfolio Royalty to be foundational for a stream agreement on the Projects in the near future.
- Carbon Streaming and Future Carbon have also agreed to partner in advancing the development of the Sankuru Nature Reserve and the Kokolopori Reserve carbon projects of the Bonobo Peace Forest (the “Bonobo Peace Forest Projects”) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (the “DRC").
Carbon Strategy ETF Launches on the NYSE with Ticker KARB to Provide Exposure to Global Compliance Carbon Markets, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Carbon Fund Advisors Inc. (“Carbon Fund Advisors”) is pleased to announce the launch of the Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSE: KARB), an actively managed thematic ETF that will provide investors with exposure to the global compliance carbon markets, which have grown from 186 billion euros ($220 billion) in 2018 to 760 billion euros ($899 billion) in 2021 according to Refinitiv.
Carbon Strategy ETF Launches on the NYSE with Ticker KARB to Provide Exposure to Global Compliance Carbon Markets, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Carbon Fund Advisors Inc. (“Carbon Fund Advisors”) is pleased to announce the launch of the Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSE: KARB), an actively managed thematic ETF that will provide investors with exposure to the global compliance carbon markets, which have grown from 186 billion euros ($220 billion) in 2018 to 760 billion euros ($899 billion) in 2021 according to Refinitiv.
Thanks a lot, very interesting!
Carbon Streaming Announces Year-End Financial Results
Carbon Streaming Announces Sustainable Rice Farming Stream With Core Carbonx
Streaming Agreement Highlights:- The Project is expected to generate approximately 2.5 million VCUs over seven years, in a range of approximately 300,000 to 400,000 VCUs annually, and is expected to be independently verified and registered through Verra.
- Carbon Streaming will receive 100% of the VCUs generated by the Project, with ongoing payments to Core CarbonX for each VCU sold.
- Core CarbonX is expected to make its first delivery under the Carbon Stream in the second half of calendar year 2023.
- Carbon Streaming has made an initial upfront deposit of US$1.55 million on closing, with an additional payment of US$1.78 million as the Project achieves registration and credit issuance milestones.
- With the Project focused on methane avoidance and strong co-benefits, the Company expects VCUs generated to be sold at a premium to market pricing, which has ranged from approximately US$6.50/VCU to US$9/VCU year to date.
- Carbon Streaming expects payback in less than four years assuming current market pricing for agricultural methane avoidance credits.
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LONDON, 12. Oktober 2022 /CNW/ - Carbon Neutral Royalty Ltd. ("CNR" oder das "Unternehmen"), ein Finanzierungsanbieter für kohlenstoffintensive Projekte mit hoher Integrität, gibt heute die Gründung eines Joint Ventures mit BURN Manufacturing ("BURN") bekannt. CNR hat die Rechte erhalten, die globalen Produktions- und Vertriebsaktivitäten von BURN für Kochherde im Gegenzug für einen Anteil an Emissionsgutschriften aus produzierten Kochherden zu finanzieren.
BURN ist ein führendes internationales Kochherdunternehmen, das die kraftstoffeffizientesten und langlebigsten Kochherde der Welt entwickelt, herstellt und vertreibt. In den letzten 12 Jahren hat BURN ein erfolgreiches Geschäft aufgebaut und gleichzeitig bewiesen, dass Kochherde transformative soziale, finanzielle und ökologische Auswirkungen haben können. Die solarbetriebene Anlage von BURN in Nairobi, Kenia, verfügt über eine bestehende Kochherdproduktionskapazität von 3.000.000 pro Jahr und erwartet, die Produktionskapazität bis 2025 auf 12.000.000 pro Jahr zu erweitern. Das Joint Venture wird die Expansionspläne von BURN weltweit finanzieren, wobei BURN 2022 in Tansania, Uganda, Sambia, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo, Nigeria und Ghana einsteigen wird.
Luke Leslie, Mitbegründer und CEO von Carbon Neutral Royalty, sagte: "Wir freuen uns, mit BURN zusammenzuarbeiten, dem branchenführenden globalen Hersteller und Entwickler von Kochherden, der bereits das Leben von Millionen von Menschen in ganz Afrika verbessert hat. Carbon Neutral Royalty konzentriert sich auf die Kohlenstoffkategorien mit dem höchsten Potenzial und versucht, führende Unternehmen in diesen Kategorien zu unterstützen. BURN verfügt über eine konkurrenzlose Kochherdtechnologie und Erfolgsbilanz und wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit ihnen, wenn sie ihre erstklassigen Fertigungs- und Vertriebskapazitäten in ganz Afrika einführen. "
Peter Scott, CEO von Burn Manufacturing, sagte: Peter Scott, CEO von BURN Manufacturing, sagte: "Wir freuen uns, mit CNR als unserem globalen Kohlenstofffinanzierungspartner zusammenzuarbeiten. CNR ist ein anerkannter Spezialist für Emissionsfinanzierungen und konnte flexible Finanzierungskonditionen anbieten, um die ehrgeizigen Expansionspläne von BURN zu beschleunigen. Die Mission von CNR, die Welt durch die Beseitigung und Vermeidung von Emissionen wiederherzustellen, steht in engem Einklang mit unseren Grundwerten."Heute haben weltweit schätzungsweise 2,6 Milliarden Menschen immer noch keinen Zugang zu sauberen Kochlösungen.1. 1 Milliarde dieser armen und verletzlichen Menschen befinden sich allein in Afrika, was 80% der Gesamtbevölkerung Afrikas ausmacht.2. Diese 180 Millionen Haushalte sind weiterhin auf die ineffiziente Nutzung von Biomassebrennstoffen wie Holzkohle, Holz und Tierdung zum Kochen angewiesen, die häufig in schlecht belüfteten Räumen verwendet werden. Infolgedessen ist das Kochen sowohl ein kostspieliger als auch ein gefährlicher Prozess, der in Afrika jährlich mehr als 500.000 Todesfälle verursacht.3. Millionen weitere leiden an chronischen Krankheiten, die durch Luftverschmutzung durch ineffiziente und gefährliche Kochbrennstoffe und Öfen verursacht werden. Die Kochherde von BURN tragen dazu bei, die Prävalenz solcher Gesundheitsprobleme zu reduzieren und die Kohlenstoffemissionen herkömmlicher Kochmethoden erheblich zu reduzieren, wodurch die Emissionen auf nur ein Zehntel der traditionellen Kochmethoden reduziert werden.
Die Produkte von BURN wurden unabhängig als die kraftstoffeffizientesten Biomasseöfen mit natürlichem Luftzug der Welt verifiziert. Eine unabhängige Studie der UC Berkeley und der University of Chicago mit Beiträgen der Nobelpreisträger Abhijit Bhanerjee und Esther Duflo bestätigte die Effizienz und die Einsparungen der BURN-Produkte und bestätigte ihre Fähigkeit, den Haushalten kraftstoffeffizientes und saubereres Kochen zu ermöglichen. Nach Angaben der Weltbank leben 85% der Afrikaner von weniger als 2.000 US-Dollar pro Jahr, und im Durchschnitt würde eine Familie mit einem BURN Jikokoa-Kochherd 119 US-Dollar pro Jahr sparen.4. BURN verfügt über ein 35-köpfiges Produktentwicklungsteam, das die Effizienz des Kochherds kontinuierlich verbessert und fünf neue Produkte auf den Markt bringt, darunter einen bahnbrechenden Elektroherd, der im 4. Quartal 2022 eingeführt werden soll.
Abgesehen von den Gesundheits- und Kostenvorteilen der BURN-Kochherde reduziert jeder Jikokoa-Kochherd im Durchschnitt 5 Tonnen CO2-Emissionen pro Jahr. Die Forschung berechnete, dass die vermiedenen Umweltschäden in Bezug auf die Treibhausgasemissionen 147 USD / Herd / Jahr betragen5. Es wird geschätzt, dass die 2,1 Millionen Kochherde, die bisher von BURN verkauft wurden, bereits 11 Millionen Tonnen CO₂ reduziert und 6 Millionen Tonnen Holz aus einheimischen Wäldern eingespart haben.
BURN ist die einzige vertikal integrierte moderne Kochherdanlage in Afrika, von der Produktkonzeption bis zur Auslieferung, und hat Anerkennung für ihre hochmoderne Innovation und ihre ökologischen und sozialen Auswirkungen erhalten, indem sie mehrere Auszeichnungen erhalten hat, darunter einen Bloomberg New Energy Finance Award, einen Swiss Energy and Climate Summit Award, einen Ashden Clean Energy for Women and Girls Award und einen Global LEAP Affordability Award. BURN wurde kürzlich auch auf der Nasdaq Market-Website am Times Square, New York, als eines der 2022 Impact100-Listen der Norrsken Foundation der vielversprechendsten Impact-Start-ups der Welt vorgestellt. -
Carbon Streaming Announces Enfield Biochar Stream Agreement With Standard Biocarbon
US$1.3 Million U.S. Biochar Carbon Removals Project and Royalty on Biochar Revenue
Transaction Highlights:- The Project will convert waste biomass into biochar, preventing the release of approximately 90,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (“tCo2e”) emissions and generate an equivalent number of CO2 removal certificates (“CORCs”) over 30 years.
- The CORCs are expected to be independently verified and registered through, a leading standard for carbon removal projects.
- Carbon Streaming will receive 100% of the CORCs generated by the Project, with ongoing payments to Standard Biocarbon for each CORC sold.
- Carbon Streaming will also receive a revenue royalty on volume of biochar sold. The Company expects the Project to produce approximately 250,000 cubic yards (“yd3”) of biochar over 30 years.
- First biochar production and delivery of CORCs are expected in the second half of calendar year 2023.
- The Company has made an initial upfront deposit of US$0.5 million on closing, with additional payments of US$0.8 million as the Project achieves registration and production milestones.
Carbon Streaming Announces First Quarter 2023 Financial Results
First Quarter 2023- Ended the quarter with $72.7 million in cash and no corporate debt.
- Recognized net loss of $2.4 million for the quarter. After adjusting for a $2.9 million non-cash revaluation related to warrant liabilities, adjusted net loss was $5.3 million. See “Advisories – Non-IFRS Measures” for a reconciliation of adjusted net income (loss) to its most comparable IFRS measure.
- Paid $13.3 million and committed to pay $1.8 million in upfront deposits for new carbon credit streaming and royalty agreements, early deposit interests and other assets during the quarter.
- Closed the Community Carbon streaming agreement and made an initial upfront deposit payment of $6.5 million. This portfolio of fuel-efficient cookstoves and water filtration devices projects is targeting reduction of approximately 50 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (“tCO2e”) emissions and generation of an equivalent amount of carbon credits over the 15 to 21 year lives of the projects.
- Announced a binding term sheet and royalty agreement with Future Carbon International LLC covering four projects located in the Amazon rainforest (the “FCG Amazon Portfolio Royalty”) in Brazil. These projects are expected to generate approximately 68 million carbon credits over the 30-year lives of the projects, from which the Company will receive 5% of revenues.
- Announced an amended and restated term sheet with Bonobo Conservation Initiative (“BCI”), advanced an additional $0.6 million to BCI to advance the Bonobo Peace Forest projects and entered into a royalty agreement with BCI (the “Bonobo Peace Forest Royalty”). The Company will receive 5% of revenue from carbon credit sales generated by projects for 30 years starting from the date of the first royalty payment.
- Announced a sustainable rice farming stream with Core CarbonX Solutions Pvt Ltd. (the “Nalgonda Rice Farming Stream”) to develop its methane avoidance grouped project in Nalgonda District, Telangana State, India. This project is expected to generate approximately 2.5 million carbon credits over seven years.
- Increased the Company’s equity interest in Carbon Fund Advisors Inc. to 50% for an additional $1.35 million. Carbon Fund Advisors Inc. is the sub-advisor of the Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSE: KARB), an actively managed thematic exchange traded fund providing investors exposure to compliance carbon markets.
- Joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative, a voluntary leadership platform for organizations to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take action in support of UN goals and issues embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Subsequent to September 30, 2022
- Announced a carbon credit stream and associated royalty (collectively, the “Enfield Biochar Stream”) with Standard Biocarbon Corporation to support the construction of a pilot biochar production facility in Enfield, Maine, USA. This project is expected to remove approximately 90,000 tCO2e of emissions and generate an equivalent number of CO2 Removal Certificates (“CORCs”) over the 30-year project life. The project is also expected to produce approximately 250,000 cubic yards of biochar over the project life, on which the Company will receive a royalty on volume sold.
Carbon Streaming Corporation (OFSTF) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript…-earnings-call-transcript
Unidentified Analyst
And lastly, could you update us on where the stock is trading relative to cash and NAV. When I guessed, just finally, what do you think the principal reason is that the stock is so undervalued here?
Justin Cochrane
Yes. Thanks Christopher. It’s a great question. We are trading just slightly above our cash position right now. The stock is trading just above CAD2,55. And I think we have about CAD2,10 in cash.
From a net asset value perspective, we see that’s at about third of our net asset value. So, why is that, I think for us, obviously, we have seen a lot of market volatility. And we haven’t yet seen significant deliveries of credits from the 21 projects that we have in the portfolio.
So, that’s why we are saying in 2023, we expect it to be a transformational year for us because we will finally start to get credits delivered from our big projects. We will have revenue. We will have cash flow. And we will be able to prove that the model works. And when you see these royalty and streaming companies, they do tend to go through a period of sort of show me that it works, prove to me that it works. And I believe 2023 is going to be a great year for that. So, certainly, we are very focused at the management level to telling the story, getting investors to understand where the value is and that’s going to be a big focus for us throughout the balance of this year and into next year. -
Carbon Streaming Provides Update on Rimba Raya Project
Green Star Royalties Joins International Emissions Trading Association…sions-trading-association -
Carbon Streaming Announces Financial Results for the Six Month Period Ended December 31, 2022
Carbon Streaming Founder and CEO Justin Cochrane stated: “As we build our high-quality, diverse portfolio, we are also excited to see several of our projects contributing positive sustainable impacts and advancing toward delivering carbon credits in 2023. We are particularly encouraged by Rimba Raya’s validation on the SRN under Reg 21 in December 2022 and look forward to the project meeting the milestones required to achieve verification. We expect 2023 to be a transformative year for Carbon Streaming as we anticipate receiving carbon credits or royalties from 10 or more projects with cash flow growth potential to follow.”
Mr. Cochrane added: “This year is also expected to bring improved transparency to the voluntary carbon markets through several key industry initiatives, such as the publication of the Core Carbon Principles and the ISSB’s Climate-related Disclosures standards. Finally, we expect the number of companies with climate commitments to continue to rise. With these developing catalysts in the voluntary carbon market as our backdrop, we believe that demand for the carbon credits in our portfolio will only strengthen.”Company Highlights
Three months ended December 31, 2022- Ended the quarter with $70.3 million in cash and no corporate debt.
- Revenue of $1.1 million from the sale of 122,995 carbon credits, for an average realized price per carbon credit sold of $8.61 for the three months ended December 31, 2022 (three months ended June 30, 2022 – 162 carbon credits sold for an average realized price per carbon credit sold of $12.35). Please see the “Non-IFRS Measures and Performance Measures” section of this news release for further information.
- Recognized net income of $4.8 million for the three months ended December 31, 2022 (three months ended June 30, 2022 – net income of $29.2 million). After adjusting for the revaluation of warrant liabilities, the revaluation of carbon credit streaming and royalty agreements, and the revaluation of derivative liabilities, adjusted net loss was $5.7 million for the three months ended December 31, 2022 (three months ended June 30, 2022 – adjusted net loss of $3.5 million). Please see the “Non-IFRS Measures and Performance Measures” section of this news release.
- Paid $0.5 million and committed to pay $0.8 million in upfront deposits for one new carbon credit streaming and royalty agreement, early deposit interests and other assets during the quarter.
- Announced the validation of the Rimba Raya project under the new Indonesian carbon regulation, Regulation No. 21 of 2022 (“Reg 21”) and with the carbon registry, Sistem Registri Nasional Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim (“SRN”). Emission reductions from the initial validation area are expected to average approximately 2.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (“tCO2e”) per year and generate an equivalent number of carbon credits over the remaining 50-year life of the project which is now expected to run until 2073.
- Announced a carbon credit stream and associated royalty (collectively, the “Enfield Biochar Stream”) with Standard Biocarbon Corporation to support the construction of a pilot biochar production facility in Enfield, Maine, USA. This project is expected to remove approximately 90,000 tCO2e of emissions and generate an equivalent number of CO2 Removal Certificates (“CORCs”) over the 30-year project life. The project is also expected to produce approximately 250,000 cubic yards of biochar over the project life, on which the Company will receive a royalty on volume sold.
- Published the Company’s inaugural Sustainability Report, which describes Carbon Streaming’s business model, approach to climate action and impact investing, due diligence and governance practices, guiding principles as well as the Company’s environmental and social impacts.
- Offset five times the Company’s calendar year 2021 emissions through the retirement of 125 carbon credits from our portfolio.
Six month period ended December 31, 2022
- Revenue of $1.1 million from the sale of 125,159 carbon credits for an average realized price per carbon credit sold of $8.68 for the six month period ended December 31, 2022 (year ended June 30, 2022 – 25,162 carbon credits sold at an average realized price per carbon credit sold of $5.84). Please see “Non-IFRS Measures and Performance Measures” section of this news release for further information.
- Recognized net income of $2.4 million for the six month period ended December 31, 2022 (year ended June 30, 2022 – net loss of $12.9 million). After adjusting for the revaluation of warrant liabilities, the revaluation of carbon credit streaming and royalty agreements and the revaluation of derivative liabilities, adjusted net loss was $11.1 million for the six month period ended December 31, 2022 (year ended June 30, 2022 – adjusted net loss of $17.6 million). Please see “Non-IFRS Measures and Performance Measures” section of this news release for further information.
- Paid $13.8 million and committed to pay $2.6 million in upfront deposits for new carbon credit streaming and royalty agreements, early deposit interests and other assets during the period.
- Grew the Company’s portfolio to 10 streams and royalties covering 21 carbon credit projects in 12 countries.
Subsequent to December 31, 2022
- Received first issuance of carbon credits from the Company’s portfolio of streams and royalties. The Company received 316,781 carbon credits from vintage years 2017 to 2021 under the Cerrado Biome Stream.
- Received International Carbon Reduction & Offset Alliance (“ICROA”) accreditation. ICROA’s Accreditation Programme defines and promotes best practice in the financing of high-quality emissions reductions and use of carbon credits as an effective carbon management tool.