Adriatic Metals / ADT, ADT1 (ASX, LSE)

  • Liebe Community!

    Aus meiner Sicht ist es an der Zeit einen eigenen Faden für Adriatic Metals hier anzulegen. Im Faden Developer -- die Suche nach Alpha machen die Kollegen @Sorgenfrei und zuletzt auch @Centurion regelmäßig auf diesen spannenden Wert aufmerksam.

    Adriatic Metals Plc (ASX:ADT, LSE:ADT1, OTCQX:ADMLF) ist ein Edel- und Basismetallexplorer und -entwickler, der das Weltklasse-Silberprojekt Vares in Bosnien & Herzegowina und die Zinklagerstätte Raska in Serbien besitzt.

    Zuletzt hat Peter Arendas auf Seeking Alpha den Artikel "Top 5 Mining Stocks To Watch In 2023" verfasst und Adriatic Metals als seine Nummer 1 für 2023 geranked.

    "Adriatic Metals ist meine Nr. 1 für 2023. Das Jahr 2022 war das Jahr der großen Bauaktivitäten beim bosnischen Vares-Projekt, das nun zu mehr als 50 % abgeschlossen ist. Erst am 30. Dezember gab Adriatic den ersten Schuldenabzug bekannt. Darüber hinaus bestätigte das Unternehmen, dass das Projekt weiterhin vollständig finanziert ist und die erste Produktion im dritten Quartal 2023 anlaufen wird. Das ist eine gute Nachricht, denn Vares dürfte sich für Adriatic zu einer Cash-Maschine entwickeln."

    Hier noch der Link zur letzten Corporate Presentation vom 28.11.2022.

    Liebe Grüße


  • Manche Investoren hält aber das politische Risiko scheinbar ab.

    Zum Beispiel meint Jordan Roy-Byrne: "Rupice ist bereits ein großartiges Vorkommen, und es sieht so aus, als hätte es noch mehr Potenzial. Aber wir müssen das politische Risiko in Bosnien bewerten. Wenn es nicht zu schlimm ist, ist das ein Top-10-Unternehmen."

    Und Lobo Tiggre: "Ich bin nach wie vor der Meinung, dass ich diese unterschätzte PPSS-Aktie mag. Meiner Meinung nach wird es mit einem übermäßigen Abschlag für politische Risiken versehen, der mit dem Bau der Mine verschwinden wird."

    Wie schätzt Ihr das politische Risiko in Bosnien-Herzegowina ein?

    Lt. Allianz ist Bosnien-Herzegowina auf einem Risk Level mit Länder wie z.B. Brasilien, Ägypten, Fiji, Ungarn, Marokko oder Nigeria.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    Paul Cronin, Adriatic’s Managing Director and CEO, commented:“I am delighted at the drilling success at Rupice NW which demonstrates that the mineralised system continues to expand and remains open along strike, up and down-dip. The ongoing success of the Rupice NW drilling campaign affirms Adriatic’s growth strategy to achieve at least a 20 year mine life at Rupice. “The sheer size of Rupice NW has meant that further drilling will be required to define the mineralized system. Drilling will therefore continue into 2023, to attempt to close-out mineralisation and connect Rupice NW to Rupice. A maiden resource for Rupice NW will be released once existing areas of defined mineralisation are closed-off and the scale of the mineralised system within Adriatic’s tenement holdings has been fully realised.”

    Danke @Gerald [smilie_blume]

  • Trading at an ATH, can Bosnian developer Adriatic Metals walk the walk when its Vares silver mine becomes a producer…-mine-becomes-a-producer/

    • Adriatic Metals shares hit an all time high of $3.51 yesterday
    • The developer’s stock has risen as momentum builds to the start of production at the Vares silver project in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • MD Paul Cronin says elevated commodity prices for energy transition metals will balance inflationary pressures…ar-presentation-final.pdf

  • Adriatic lands more silver success at Euro project

    Exploration drilling at Rupice Northwest(“Rupice NW”)in 2022 was successful with the trend of thick, high-grade massive sulphide mineralisation continuing.
    •In 2023 Rupice NW drilling continues to infill mineralisation to an Indicated resource level of confidence and to close-out mineralisation currently open up-dip and down-dip on every section.
    •In February 2023 the ‘Gap’,separating Rupice and Rupice NW, was drilled, with the first hole intersecting massive sulphide mineralisation and an extensive mineralised footwall zone. Assay results from the first Gaphole are still pending.
    •Rupice NW and Gap drilling will continue until an updated 2023 Rupice Mineral Resource (“RMR”),inclusive of Rupice NW,can be released.
    •Exploration in 2023 will also focus on drill testing multiple Vares regional targets, including Droskovac, Rupice West, Semizova Ponikva and Vares East.
    •A total of 23,700m of diamond drilling from 86 holes, using four drill rigs,is planned for Rupice NW and regional targets in 2023, together with geophysical surveys, surface sampling and detailed mapping

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Paul Cronin, Adriatic’s Managing Director and CEO, commented:“These latest high-grade assay results confirm that 2022 was a highly successful year for exploration at our Vares Project. Rupice NW is delivering outstanding results that will continue to grow the Rupice mineralisation inventory and life of mine. Today’s new exploration results validate the continuity, grade and thickness of Rupice NW,with the added bonus of multiple expanding mineralised horizons. In 2023 the enlarged exploration team will focus on closing-off mineralisation at Rupice and Rupice NW, with atotal of 23,700m of drilling planned from four diamond drill rigs. New geological and mineralisation models have provided powerful tools in visualising new opportunities and a detailed roadmap of drilling targets. I am delighted that the mineralisation gap between Rupice and Rupice NW has now decreased to just 50m with the recent completion of the first hole into this area. We are looking ahead to future where Vares is the hub for multiple Adriatic mines. In 2023, we will drill test the Droskovac, Semizova Ponikva and Rupice West prospects and commence systematic grassroots exploration of Vares East. With the quality of targets available, a dynamic exploration team and already being in a region of exceptional mineralisation endowment, Adriatic is well placed to supplement Rupice production with new regional ore sources


    Adriatic Metals PLC (ASX:ADT, LSE:ADT1, OTCQX:ADMLF) is pleased to

    announce that on 5 March 2024, the company marked the Grand

    Opening of the Vares Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The official

    opening event took place at the Vares Processing Plant and was attended

    by Nermin Nikšić, Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and

    Herzegovina, Zdravko Marošević, Mayor of Vares and other key

    dignitaries. This follows the production of first concentrate at the Vares

    Project on 27 February 2024.

    Following official proceedings, a celebratory event ‘Vares Fest’ was held

    in the local town square to mark the momentous occasion in the region.

    Adriatic management and employees, key suppliers and the local

    community came together to enjoy an afternoon of traditional music,

    culture and other festivities.

    Following an exploration and development investment of US$250m,

    Adriatic Metals produced the first silver/lead concentrate and zinc

    concentrate from the newly constructed Vares Processing Plant on 27

    February 2024. The Rupice Mine, from which the ore is sourced,

    commenced mining in July 2023. The Company will now focus on plant

    optimisation and ramp up to consistent production and is scheduled to

    reach nameplate capacity of 800,000 tonnes per annum in Q4 2024.

    The Vares Project was designed and constructed using the latest

    technology from the leading suppliers and manufacturers in the industry,

    such as Glencore Technologies, Metso-Outotec and Weir. The silver-

    lead-zinc mine was completed using local employees, Bosnian suppliers

    and operates to the highest ESG standards. The Project demonstrates

    that mining operations can be constructed and operated in a sustainable

    way in Europe, while supporting the economy and improve living

    standards both locally and nationally

  • Adriatic Metals PLC (LSE:ADT1, ASX:ADT, OTCQX:ADMLF) chief executive Paul Cronin tells Proactive's Stephen Gunnion the company has commenced the transition process to take over as the mining operator as it boosts productivity and sustainability at the Rupice Mine in Bosnia & and Herzegovina.

    Following an Accelerated Development Action Plan (ADAP), Cronin said is taking operational control over the mine from Nova Mining and Construction, after acquiring equipment and inventory worth approximately $11 million. This strategic shift allows Adriatic Metals to directly manage and develop its local workforce and optimise cost by integrating local suppliers into its supply chain.

    Additionally, the company has implemented new technologies and enhanced health and safety measures under the ADAP, aiming at reducing operational incidents and environmental impacts.
    To support these changes, Adriatic Metals has secured a $25 million short-term loan facility from Orion Mining Fund for additional working capital. These steps are part of a broader effort to improve efficiency and position the mine as a catalyst for local economic development.

    Adriatic Metals discusses transition to mining operator of Rupice Mine at Vares project
    Adriatic Metals PLC (LSE:ADT1, ASX:ADT, OTCQX:ADMLF) chief executive Paul Cronin tells Proactive's Stephen Gunnion the company has commenced the transition p...

  • 'There's quite a bit of stockpiling' - Adriatic Metals kicks off production into zinc, silver rally

    'There's quite a bit of stockpiling' - Adriatic Metals kicks off production into zinc, silver rally
    There's a reason why Chinese industrial companies are stockpiling copper, said Paul Cronin, managing director and CEO of Adriatic Metals.On Monday Cronin spo...

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