Simmer and Jack Mines Ltd. WKN ZAE000006722 SIM

  • Ein Faden über SIM fehlt hier doch noch.

    Waren im letzten Jahr der Renner in SA. Da sie von ganz unten kamen, allerdings auf keine soo große Leistung.

    Herzstück sind DRD`S ehemalige Northwest-Operationen (Buffels und Harties) , denen Tambok nachtrauert. Gold/Uran. Produzieren noch Verluste.


    Noch nicht in Deutschland gehandelt.

    Das Hippo hat sich leider (?) von Simmers verabschiedet.

    Der freundliche Herr verläßt SIM: Roger Kebble, chairman, Simmer and Jack Mines

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Erstaunlich,daß es so relativ kleine Werte noch in RSA gibt.

    An die Buffelsfontein und Hartebeestfontein denke ich auch gern zurück.
    Das war "Vor Olims Zeiten",als die noch deftige Dividenden abwarfen.


    "Die Märkte haben nie unrecht, die Menschen oft." Jesse Livermore, 20.Jh.

    "Die Demokratie ist das Paradies der Schreier und Schwätzer, Phraseure, Schmeichler und Schmarotzer, die jedem sachlichen Talent weit mehr den Weg verlegen, als dies in einer anderen Verfassungsform vorkommt." E.von Hartmann

    Dieser Beitrag ist eine persönliche Meinung gem. Art.5 Abs.1 GG und Urteil des BVG 1 BvR 1384/16

  • New SA uranium play formed
    David McKay
    Posted: Tue, 17 Jan 2006

    [Blockierte Grafik:…ent/1540-0-0-0_199811.jpg]
    Gordon Miller, CEO, Simmer & Jack Mines

    [] -- SIMMER & Jack Mines (Simmers), the junior South African gold miner, has established First Uranium Pty Ltd, a company that wants to complete a feasibility study in June ahead of capital raising. The uranium company, South Africa’s second since 2004, is backed by private Canadian firm, First Uranium Corp. (FUC).

    Simmers CEO, Gordon Miller, said in an interview with Miningmx that First Uranium would begin evaluating uranium prospects at gold mines it rescued from liquidation last year.
    "Our preliminary assumptions of 68 million pounds have been confirmed.” A revised estimate is likely to confirm this figure. A pre-feasibility study into extracting the uranium is underway and should be completed before the end of March

  • Interessant, daß Nick Goodwin Simmers für unterbewertet hält. Sonst tritt er doch, meiner Erinnerung nach, mit der These auf, daß die SA-Goldminen wie GFI und HAR überbewertet seien.

    Simmers worth R5 a share?
    By: Gareth Tredway
    Posted: '17-JAN-06 15:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    JOHANNESBURG ( -- If you think Simmer & Jack looks expensive with a market capitalisation of R1.5 billion, hold on. According to Nick Goodwin, gold analyst at T-Sec in Johannesburg, the share price could just be getting started.

    According to Goodwin, the company’s gold business alone is valued at R2.50 per share, with its uranium prospects valued at another R2.50 per share. Which would give Simmers a value of R4.25 billion.

    “All these things have got to come to pass, they have actually to produce the gold and produce the uranium, but they have got a very good management team there,” Goodwin told the Moneyweb Power Hour, “I think Gordon [Miller] is one of the best managers in the country, and I think they are going to do it.”

    Not worth much last year, Simmers entered the spotlight when, early last year, it bid for and later won the right to purchase for R49 million the DRDGold North West operations that had been liquidated a few months before.
    On the gold side, Simmers has set itself targets for the middle of this year. They include cash costs at R79,000/kg and production of 230,000oz of gold per year.

  • Bachalex , das Hippo hat halt ein [Blockierte Grafik:…foro/caritas/11_1_207.gif] für uns Lemminge

    Simmers könnte Jahresproduktion bis auf 600.000 Unzen steigern, bräuchte allerdings noch ein bißchen Knete:

    Simmers could move above 600,000oz with more funding
    By: Gareth Tredway
    Posted: '25-JAN-06 17:00' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    JOHANNESBURG ( -- While Simmer & Gold’s Gordon Miller says the gold junior is for now done with buying up new mines, the company could be a 600 000oz-a-year producer in the not too distant future, according to the CEO.
    By mid-year, the Buffelsfontein mine, acquired after it was put into liquidation last year by DRDGold, will produce 240,000oz per year according to Miller, at cash costs of about R79,000/kg.

    So far the mine is still on track to achieve this. “You can see the production build-up is tracking nicely, and we’ve got a good handle of underground grades, so moving in that direction very nicely.”

    Miller says that while the mine is still not making money, it is very close.
    December’s production was 12,000oz compared to the 20,000oz-per-month target. “December is not normally a great month, nor is January, and although January is not finished yet we will do better than that,” says Miller.

    At Ezilwini, a Randfontein Estates shaft bought from Harmony last year, Miller says work on obtaining a mining right and a technical feasibility study by SRK Consulting are under way.
    The mine should produce between 200,000oz and 300,000oz of gold per annum, according to Miller, with production peaking at a little over 300,000oz per year.

    Ezilwini also has a mothballed uranium mine that was closed in the early ’90s. Miller says this is also being looked at seeing as Simmers is already considering processing the dumps at Buffelsfontein to extract the uranium and gold inside.

    The final boost of production will come from the company’s Mpumalanga greenstone mine, which is being boosted from just over 10,000oz per annum to 50,000oz.

  • Wieder eine tolle Hippo Geschichte in Mineweb.

    Yet another Kebble scam

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Die Simmers Direktoren Hippo, CEO Gordan Miller, Berry und Wanblad haben je eine 9,8%ige Beteiligung an Jaganda, die 42% der Simmers Anteile hält.
    Das Pfiffige ist, daß die Leutz ohne eigenes Geld zu riskieren, jetzt indirekt an Simmers beteiligt sind, deren Wert von quasi 0 ordentlich gestiegen sind.

    Und ich hatte mir schon Sorgen um Miller gemacht, der bislang noch keine Aktien an Simmers erwerben konnte: In fact, the problem I have is we’ve been in such an extended closed period with all the activity around, I haven’t been able to buy any shares for my own account.

    Mineweb befürchtet ein Überschwemmen mit Simmersaktien, falls die Herren Kasse machen wollen:
    A major obstacle is that the Jaganda structure is locked up for a further four years. However, there is one technicality that could be deployed to trample the lock-up clause and that, simply, is by pushing Jaganda into liquidation. That would no doubt mean that the market would be hit by hundreds of millions of Simmers shares, as individuals, who never invested a cent, cash in to the tune of R571 million on one of Brett Kebble’s unsavoury (zwielichtig) creations. What a disgusting story. 8o

  • Das Thema Jaganda schüttelt die Aktie gehörig durch. Mehrheitseigentümer von Jaganda hat Aussetzung der J&S Aktie beantragt.

    Simmers fights share suspension call
    [] -- SIMMER & JACK’S shares took a thrashing on Thursday on news that its empowerment partner Vulisango Holdings had applied to the Johannesburg bourse to have the gold miner’s shares suspended, but Simmer says there is little chance of that happening.

    Vulisango holds 51% of Jaganda, which in turn holds 44% of Simmer & Jack. Managers, both past and present of Simmer, hold the rest of Jaganda.

    Relations between the two groups in Jaganda have soured to the point where the management component has applied to the courts to dissolve Jaganda, a process that could take up to eight months.

    At the heart of the dispute lies Vulisango’s unhappiness about Jaganda’s stake in Simmer being diluted to 44% from 51% by a rights issue in October to raise R22m.

  • zwischen Jack & Simmer und Vulisango, dem Mehrheitsaktionär bei Jaganda, die 44% an Simmers hält.

    CEO Miller und Roger Kebble u.andere Direktoren beschuldigen in Erklärungen, die beim High Court eingereicht wurden, „unvernünftiges Verhalten und ausgesprochene Habsucht“ bei den BEE Partnern.

    Miller beschuldigt Vulisango und Watson den Status als BEE Partner zu benutzen, um den Anteil an Simmers zu erhöhen, natürlich „at no cost“ oder um Simmers zu bewegen, auf beantragte Minenlizenzen zu verzichten, damit Vulisango sich darum bewerben kann.

    „ Es ist erstaunlich zu sehen, daß Vulisango, der mehr oder weniger nichts zu Simmers beigetragen hat, der keine Zahlung oder Subscription gemacht hat, und der überhaupt kein Risiko getragen hat, heute ansteht 200 Mio Rand durch absolutes Nichtstun zu erhalten, tatsächlich trotz seiner Bemühungen, die besten Interessen von Simmers zu obstruieren.“

    “Unmitigated greed” in Jaganda: Miller

    "We'll turn off the pumps"

    Falls Vulisango erfolgreich die beantragten Minenlizenzen hintertreiben kann, will Miller das Goldprospekt Ezulwini absaufen lassen :

    „Wir werden die Pumpen abstellen und das Ding fluten .. und ein nationales Vermögen wird verloren sein und 3000 potentielle Arbeitsplätze werden verlorengehen“

    Ezulwini hat zwischen 5 und 24 Mio Unzen, Entwässerungskosten von 3-5 Mio Rand pro Monat.

  • Nogxina negative on Simmers’ BEE

    [] -- SIMMER & Jack Mines (Simmers) would have to restructure a mining license application before it could mine a gold shaft located on South Africa’s West Rand, said Sandile Nogxina, director-general of the minerals and energy department (DME). The application “had problems”, he said.

    [Blockierte Grafik:…fin/1533-0-0-0_195414.jpg]
    Sandile Nogxina, DME Director General

    Nogxina said that Simmers was applying for an exploration license which requires 51% empowerment. But Miller said that Ezulwini was “an unused , old order mining right” that did not require conversion as laid down by the mining charter. Instead, Ezulwini was governed by the MRPDA which was not specific on empowerment loadings.

    However, Simmers would secure 26% empowerment, and without the participation of Vulisango as a shareholder, Miller said.

    “We have already had three approaches by empowerment firms wanting to buy the share at current market value and which, therefore, would not dilute Simmers shareholders.”

  • Interview mit Miller:
    Ende 2004 stand Simmers vor dem Aus – Umstrukturierung – 86%iger Anteilseiger JCI gab seine Forderung von 94 Mio Rand gegen Simmers an Jaganda ab und erhielt Vorzugsaktien – Jaganda erhielt für die 94 Mios von Simmers 377 Mio Aktien. Bedauerlicherweise wurde als BEE Partner Vulisango ausgesucht. Der wollte vom ersten Tag mehr haben. Zentraler Punkt der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Management und Vulisango: Vulisango wollte, daß Simmers den Antrag auf Schacht 4 zurückzieht, damit Vulisango seinerseits die Rechte bekäme, um sie dann wieder an Simmers gegen zusätzliche Aktien zu verschachern.

    Das verspricht wieder eine interessante Geschichte zu werden, auch wenn das Hippo nur am Rande mitmischt.

    Kurs von SIM heute um knapp 11% auf 130 Randcent gefallen.

    Gemüter erhitzen sich bei SIM
    Tempers Flare at Simmer & Jack

  • Black males at Simmers
    By: Barry Sergeant
    Posted: '16-MAR-06 06:07' GMT © Mineweb 1997-2004

    JOHANNESBURG ( -- Simmer & Jack, the junior gold and uranium stock, has become the victim of an ongoing dirty tricks campaign from what may be broadly defined as its black economic empowerment (BEE) partner. This BEE partner, most easily described as Vulisango, wants Simmers suspended from the JSE and certain, if not all, of its executive directors, who are all white, to walk the plank.

    In the past week or so, Vulisango has leaked selected documents to certain journalists, who have published without interrogating the basic facts. Simon Koch, apparently a director and CEO at Sovereignty, an advisor to Vulisango, has declined requests to supply such original documents to Mineweb. On Monday, Johannesburg public relations company Meropa published a non-selective release on behalf of Vulisango, signed by Valence Watson, an alternate director of Simmers. Watson has often described himself as a “farmer.” Ironically, Vulisango appears to be led by whites.

    Mineweb asked Max Gebhardt of Meropa, a not inexpensive communications outfit, to procure the documents previously released selectively by Vulisango. Gebhardt replied: “Will try and fulfil your request...I have enough documents to sink the Titanic at the moment.” The documents have yet to arrive.

    On February 3 Mineweb published articles under the heading “Simmers boils over,” detailing the internecine warfare that had broken out over the loot that had suddenly accumulated in Jaganda, which holds 44% of Simmers. At a Simmers share price of R2.25 a share (prevailing at the time), Jaganda was worth R606 million, net, free of debt, to its shareholders.

    A year prior, Jaganda was worth nearly 90% less, at R76 million, with Simmers at 50 cents a share. Jaganda has two main sets of shareholders: the Vulisango grouping, which hold 51%, and management, as originally constituted, holding 49%. The latter grouping comprises five individuals with 9,8% each of Jaganda: Gordon Miller, Roger Kebble, John Berry and Graham Wanblad along with Ronnie Watson, brother to Valance. Ronnie Watson is also a director of Sovereignty.

    The recent high value of Jaganda appears to have triggered the chaos around Simmers. While Vulisango wants Simmers to be suspended, the management grouping, led by Miller, recently applied to the High Court to have Jaganda liquidated. Jaganda is effectively locked up for another four years; liquidation offers the only escape clause.

    In his affidavit, Miller alleged “irretrievable breakdown” between the two sets of Jaganda shareholders. He berated Vulisango for “unreasonable behaviour and downright greediness.” Unlike management, which put R5 million into Jaganda, Vulisango is along for a free ride.

    It appears that money is very much at the core of the breakdown. Vulisango wants Simmers to withdraw its application for the new order mining rights for the Randfontein Number Four shaft. Vulisango wants to apply for the rights, and then “sell” the rights back to Simmers for 100 million new Simmers shares (currently worth R128 million at Wednesday’s close of R1.28 per Simmers share).

    Miller said the Simmers board declined this as a “preposterous request,” triggering an apparently fatal breakdown between the two sets of shareholders. Simmers has 852 million shares in issue at this stage. ...

    linar :)

    Es ist besser auf den Füssen zu sterben, als auf den Knien zu leben.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von linar ()

  • Zitat

    Original von Ulfur

    .....has become the victim of an ongoing dirty tricks campaign from what may be broadly defined as its black economic empowerment (BEE) partner. This BEE partner, most easily described as Vulisango, wants Simmers suspended from the JSE and certain, if not all, of its executive directors, who are all white, to walk the plank.

    .... vielleicht im doppelten Sinn gemeint :rolleyes:

    linar :)

  • nachdem der alte Kebble sich von Simmers zurückzog,

    reiner Negeraufstand ohne Folklore.

    Die Musik spielt woanders:

    JCI, WAR, HAR und Insovenzkandidat DRD.

    Das sind aber schwierig zu spielende Melodien

    Nur die Hippoes Brett und Roger konnten das

    doppelt gestrichene Fis als pas de deux auf Spitze tanzen.


  • Vulisango
    [] -- THE JSE Securities Exchange would decide whether to suspend the shares of Simmer & Jack Mines (Simmers) after the mining company had formally responded to calls for its CEO, Gordon Miller, to resign.
    Miller has called for calm. "We are already trading at a huge discount - to Simmers' net present value even without Ezulwini (a gold shaft it wants to mine) and this is partly due to the uncertainty caused by the vicious attack on the company due to a shareholder dispute," he told Business Day.

    Miller told the newspaper, he had no intention of resigning. "I will absolutely not resign. I've been put here by shareholders to do a job, which I will do," he said.
    According to Business Report, Vulisango has alleged fraud, conflicts of interest, poor corporate governance and irregularities in the handling of raising capital for Simmers.

  • Interview mit dem Vertreter der Vulisango-Partei scheint mir zu bestätigen, daß Millers Vorwürfe gerechtfertigt sind.

    Wenn der Vulisangovertreter ausführt, daß das JCI-Darlehen 7 Jahre nicht performt hätte, somit wertlos gewesen sei, erwähnt er nicht, daß durch dieses "wertlose" Darlehen Jaganda eben in den Besitz der Simmersaktien gekommen ist, die nun einen erheblichen Wert haben. Von deren Rückgabe spricht er nicht, wenn die Verpflichtungen an JCI bestreitet.

    Tensions Still Simmering in Simmers' Saga

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